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use MIME::Base64 ();
sub trim { my $s = shift; $s =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; return $s }; # remove white space
my $a = ""; # variable that gets appended
my $result = "";
print "You're doing a thing...\n";
my $input = <STDIN>;
$input = trim($input);
if ($input eq (chr(5156 - 5035) . chr(-4615 - -4716) . chr(3162 - 3047))) { # 121, 101, 115 yes
# coding: utf-8
#Testing printing out runes for Cicada 3301
message = """\u16cb\u16bb\u16d6\u16a9\u16b7\u16d7\u16e1\u16a0
table = [
# Used on Pyton 2.7.10
# You need Image from Python Image Library (PIL) and stepic packages
import stepic
from PIL import Image
img ="sample-graphic.jpg")
stegImg = stepic.encode(img, "Some super secret infoz")"steg.png", "PNG")
Write a Java program called SentenceBuilder that takes words from the user
at the command line and constructs a sentence. Concatenate the words and
insert spaces to build a sentence.
Use a do-while loop and a sentinel to allow the user to tell the program
when they have finished entering words.
Output the sentence to the command line. Don’t include the sentinel in the sentence!
Pig Latin Translator 1.0.2
User Enters a word after the prompt
and gets the "Pig Latin" version back at the
Example Compilation and Run
Apoh:Documents apoh$ cc pigLatinTranslator.c -o pigLatin
Apoh:Documents apoh$ ./pigLatin
Please enter a word.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Atm
public static void main(String[] args)
double balance = 100.00;
double withdrawalAmount;
double depositAmount;
boolean sentinelValue = true;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Atm
public static void main(String[] args)
double balance = 100.00;
double withdrawalAmount;
double depositAmount;
Pig Latin Translator 0.8.2
User Enters a word after the prompt
and gets the "Pig Latin" version back at the
Example Compilation and Run
Apoh:Documents apoh$ cc pigLatinTranslator.c -o pigLatin
Apoh:Documents apoh$ ./pigLatin
Please enter a word.
Pig Latin Translator 0.8
User Enters a word after the prompt
and gets the "Pig Latin" version back at the
Example Compilation and Run
Apoh:Documents apoh$ cc pigLatinTranslator.c -o pigLatin
Apoh:Documents apoh$ ./pigLatin
Pig Latin Translator 0.6
User Enters a word after the prompt
and gets the "Pig Latin" version back at the
Compilation: #cc pigLatin.c -o pigLatinProgram
Execution: #./pigLatinProgram