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Forked from andrewharvey/
Created March 1, 2012 22:04
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Save nvkelso/1953554 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Given a WGS84 bounding box and an OSM tile zoom range calculates a total number of tiles and how much the Amazon Cloud will cost ya.
# This script is from:
# By Nathaniel Vaughn Kelso and Mike Migurski @ Stamen
# Based on script by andrewharvey:
# This script should be considered CC0 licensed
# the deg2num function is from
import math
def deg2num(lat_deg, lon_deg, zoom):
lat_rad = math.radians(lat_deg)
n = 2.0 ** zoom
xtile = int((lon_deg + 180.0) / 360.0 * n)
ytile = int((1.0 - math.log(math.tan(lat_rad) + (1 / math.cos(lat_rad))) / math.pi) / 2.0 * n)
return (xtile, ytile)
# x0 = left most Longitutde (minLong)
# y0 = bottom most Latitude (minLat)
# x1 = right most Longitude (maxLong)
# y1 = top most Latitude (maxLat)
def countTiles(minZoom, maxZoom, x0, y0, x1, y1):
tileCount = 0;
for z in range(minZoom, maxZoom + 1):
tiles_dx = ((deg2num(0, x1, z)[0] - deg2num(0, x0, z)[0]) + 1);
tiles_dy = ((deg2num(y0, 0, z)[1] - deg2num(y1, 0, z)[1]) + 1);
tileCount += tiles_dx * tiles_dy
#print z, ": ", tiles_dx, ", ", tiles_dy
reportTiles( minZoom, maxZoom, x0, y0, x1, y1, tileCount)
return tileCount;
def reportTiles(minZoom, maxZoom, x0, y0, x1, y1, totalTiles):
print "Geographic area:"
print "\t%f\tleft most Longitude (minLong)" % x0
print "\t%f\tbottom most Latitude (minLat)" % y0
print "\t%f\tright most Longitude (maxLong)" % x1
print "\t%f\ttop most Latitude (maxLat)" % y1
print "Zoom coverage:"
print "\t%.0f\tleast detailed zoom" % minZoom
print "\t%.0f\tmost detailed zoom" % maxZoom
print "Total tiles:"
print "\t%.0f" % totalTiles
def estimateAmazon( tiles ):
averageTileSizeKB = 20
totalSizeGB = tiles * averageTileSizeKB / (1024*1024)
# To store it, monthly
# US region
s3_pricingPerGB = 0.125 # $ / gb
s3_storageCost = totalSizeGB * s3_pricingPerGB
# to seed it, once
# $0.01 per 1,000 requests
s3_postingCostPerRequest = .01 / 1000
s3_postingCost = tiles * s3_postingCostPerRequest
print "\nSETUP cost: $%.2f" % (s3_storageCost + s3_postingCost)
print "(One time cost: $%.2f storage, $%.2f posting)" % (s3_storageCost, s3_postingCost)
print "(Note: If there is a data update, apply this setup cost again.)"
print "\nMONTHLY viewing costs:"
# For viewing costs (linear), monthly
# $0.01 per 10,000 requests
s3_viewingCostPerRequest = .01 / 10000
# For viewing costs (linear), monthly
# $0.12 per GB aftr first 1GB (free)
s3_viewingCostPerGB = 0.120
approxTilesPerVisior = 200
for visits in (10000, 250000, 1000000, 10000000):
requests = approxTilesPerVisior * visits
s3_viewingCost = requests * s3_viewingCostPerRequest
# subtract 1 because first 1GB looks to be free
tileSizeGB = averageTileSizeKB / float(1024 * 1024)
s3_viewingCost += max(tileSizeGB * requests - 1, 0) * s3_viewingCostPerGB
cf_viewingCost = s3_viewingCost * 2
print "%010s visits: $%.2f,\twith cloudfront: $%.2f" % (str(visits), s3_viewingCost, cf_viewingCost)
print "\n(Assumption: Each map visitor will request %.0f tiles (load map, pan pan pan pan pan)" % approxTilesPerVisior
print "(Note: CloudFront is a distributed content delivery network that makes viewing your tiles faster..."
print "\tAmazon charges once for getting it out of the S3 bucket and into CF again for the CF view..."
print "\tIf all the views are in the same spot, 1/2 the CF cost listed here. If viewing many random\n\tplaces,this value.)"
if __name__ == "__main__" :
import optparse
parser=optparse.OptionParser( usage='%prog "minZoom, maxZoom, x0, y0, x1, y1"' )
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if len( args ) == 0 :
# CONUS United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii)
estimateAmazon( countTiles(4, 14, -126.9, 22.2, -67.2, 50.0) )
else :
minZoom, maxZoom, x0, y0, x1, y1 = map(float, args[0].split(', '))
estimateAmazon( countTiles( int(minZoom), int(maxZoom), x0, y0, x1, y1 ) )
except Exception, e:
print "Couldn't parse arguments: %s" % e
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