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3Samourai /
Last active February 19, 2021 16:53 — forked from bzerangue/
Mac OS X Utilities via Terminal: (Verify and Repair: Disk Permissions AND Disk / Software Update / TimeMachine)
mount -t /dev/disk3
mount force -t /dev/disk3
diskutil verifyDisk /dev/disk3
diskutil repairDisk /dev/disk3
diskutil repairDisk /dev/disk3


3Samourai /
Created October 19, 2024 02:44
A list of System sounds on iOS and iPad OS

A list of System sounds on iOS and iPad OS

Play sound using SystemSoundID

AudioServicesPlaySystemSound (1003); // SMSReceived (see SystemSoundID below)

List of SystemSoundIDs

# Unzip all .zip files in the current directory and its subdirectories
find . -type f -name "*.zip" | while read -r file; do
unzip "$file" -d "${file%.*}"
# Move all .zip files to the Trash
find . -type f -name "*.zip" | while read -r file; do
trash "$file"