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Created May 27, 2021 23:09

Steady (after 50 iterations)

Benchmark Name Min Geomean Median Mean Max Total (ms) Total (min)
Bounce 190 236 191.73 190 191.65 38346 0.64
DeltaBlue 261 403 374.12 376 373.8 74824 1.25
Havlak 1528 1666 1592.61 1605 1592.39 318522 5.31
Json 548 586 555.67 553 555.62 111135 1.85
List 913 969 923.07 923 923.03 184613 3.08
Mandelbrot 149 167 150.35 150 150.34 30071 0.5
NBody 279 321 285.32 281 285.2 57064 0.95
Permute 238 276 241.8 239 241.71 48360 0.81
Queens 252 288 256.51 253 256.34 51301 0.86
Richards 1130 1171 1135.04 1132 1135.01 227007 3.78
Sieve 214 250 215.69 215 215.65 43137 0.72
Storage 305 339 310.1 306 310.02 62020 1.03
Towers 381 424 384.16 382 384.11 76831 1.28
6388 7096 6616.16 6605 6614.87 1323231 22.05
Benchmarks ran on graalvm-ce-java11-21.1.0.
Runtime:   graalvm-ce-java11-21.1.0
System:    Host: swaarena Kernel: 4.9.0-14-amd64 x86_64 (64 bit) Console: tty 1
         Distro: Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)
Machine:   Device: server System: Dell product: PowerEdge 2950
         Mobo: Dell model: 0H603H v: A05 BIOS: Dell v: 2.5.0 date: 09/12/2008
CPU(s):    2 Quad core Intel Xeon E5410s (-HT-MCP-SMP-) cache: 12288 KB 
         clock speeds: max: 2333 MHz 1: 2333 MHz 2: 2333 MHz 3: 2333 MHz 4: 2333 MHz 5: 2333 MHz 6: 2333 MHz
         7: 2333 MHz 8: 2333 MHz
Memory:    Used/Total: 859.9/32174.3MB
         Array-1 capacity: 63.75 GB devices: 8 EC: Multi-bit ECC
         Device-1: DIMM1 size: 4 GB speed: 667 MHz type: DDR2 FB-DIMM
         Device-2: DIMM2 size: 4 GB speed: 667 MHz type: DDR2 FB-DIMM
         Device-3: DIMM3 size: 4 GB speed: 667 MHz type: DDR2 FB-DIMM
         Device-4: DIMM4 size: 4 GB speed: 667 MHz type: DDR2 FB-DIMM
         Device-5: DIMM5 size: 4 GB speed: 667 MHz type: DDR2 FB-DIMM
         Device-6: DIMM6 size: 4 GB speed: 667 MHz type: DDR2 FB-DIMM
         Device-7: DIMM7 size: 4 GB speed: 667 MHz type: DDR2 FB-DIMM
         Device-8: DIMM8 size: 4 GB speed: 667 MHz type: DDR2 FB-DIMM
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# Bounce (iterations: 250, problem size: 1500) on Thu May 27 22:41:58 UTC 2021
# `/home/fniephaus/bin/graalvm-ce-java11-21.1.0/bin/trufflesqueak --experimental-options --smalltalk.disable-startup --smalltalk.disable-interrupts --engine.Mode=default --engine.MultiTier=false --engine.TraceCompilation --engine.CompilationStatistics --log.file="/home/fniephaus/dev/are-we-fast-yet/traces/Bounce.trace.log" --quiet --code "FileStream startUp: true. Harness new run: #(nil 'Bounce' 250 1500)" /home/fniephaus/dev/are-we-fast-yet/benchmarks/Smalltalk/AWFY64-sista-fbc.image`
[engine] opt done Ball>>bounce |AST 207|Tier 2|Time 440( 390+49 )ms|Inlined 8Y 0N|IR 635/ 706|CodeSize 2156|Addr 0x7f52c9389190|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Bounce>>benchmark |AST 36|Tier 2|Time 468( 420+48 )ms|Inlined 9Y 0N|IR 770/ 956|CodeSize 3072|Addr 0x7f52c938e810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Number>>negated |AST 14|Tier 2|Time 39( 36+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 24/ 95|CodeSize 418|Addr 0x7f52c9397e90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Number>>abs |AST 29|Tier 2|Time 78( 73+5 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 61/ 172|CodeSize 606|Addr 0x7f52c939dd10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomRandom>>next |AST 39|Tier 2|Time 86( 80+6 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 83/ 165|CodeSize 562|Addr 0x7f52c93a8910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SequenceableCollection>>do: <split-4564e94b> |AST 73|Tier 2|Time 651( 481+171 )ms|Inlined 10Y 0N|IR 938/ 3212|CodeSize 11186|Addr 0x7f52c93a9f10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-1a1ed4e5> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 125( 119+5 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 34/ 199|CodeSize 758|Addr 0x7f52c93b8510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Ball class>>new: |AST 31|Tier 2|Time 354( 336+18 )ms|Inlined 6Y 0N|IR 391/ 400|CodeSize 1227|Addr 0x7f52c93c3110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomRandom>>initialize |AST 10|Tier 2|Time 50( 46+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 68/ 80|CodeSize 274|Addr 0x7f52c93c4690|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Bounce>>benchmark |AST 169|Tier 2|Time 1096( 797+298 )ms|Inlined 22Y 0N|IR 1939/ 5037|CodeSize 21123|Addr 0x7f52c93c8b90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-4fa5e6a7> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 161( 157+4 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 34/ 109|CodeSize 469|Addr 0x7f52c93d3a90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Bounce>>verifyResult: |AST 15|Tier 2|Time 40( 38+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 25/ 32|CodeSize 207|Addr 0x7f52c93d4490|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop: |AST 59|Tier 2|Time 966( 658+307 )ms|Inlined 24Y 0N|IR 2031/ 5141|CodeSize 21977|Addr 0x7f52c93d8a90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String class>>new: |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 164( 146+18 )ms|Inlined 2Y 1N|IR 213/ 509|CodeSize 1801|Addr 0x7f52c93ea310|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SmallInteger>>printString |AST 152|Tier 2|Time 307( 286+22 )ms|Inlined 4Y 1N|IR 361/ 481|CodeSize 1410|Addr 0x7f52c93ef110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with: |AST 177|Tier 2|Time 292( 244+48 )ms|Inlined 3Y 1N|IR 474/ 1088|CodeSize 5412|Addr 0x7f52c93f5b90|Src n/a
[engine] Truffle runtime statistics for engine 2
Compilations : 19
Success : 16
Temporary Bailouts : 0
Permanent Bailouts : 0
Failed : 0
Interrupted : 3
Invalidated : 0
Queues : 19
Dequeues : 2
Target inlined into only caller : 2
Splits : 194
Compilation Accuracy : 1.000000
Queue Accuracy : 0.894737
Compilation Utilization : 0.106322
Remaining Compilation Queue : 0
Time to queue : count= 19, sum= 164750, min= 46, average= 8671.08, max= 50395 (milliseconds), maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with:
Time waiting in queue : count= 19, sum= 1823, min= 1, average= 95.99, max= 394 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Number>>abs
Time for compilation : count= 16, sum= 5373, min= 40, average= 335.83, max= 1097 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Bounce>>benchmark
Truffle Tier : count= 16, sum= 4306, min= 36, average= 269.16, max= 797 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Bounce>>benchmark
Graal Tier : count= 16, sum= 658, min= 1, average= 41.14, max= 223 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Code Installation : count= 16, sum= 408, min= 1, average= 25.53, max= 131 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Bounce>>benchmark
Truffle node count : count= 16, sum= 7936, min= 18, average= 496.00, max= 1844, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Trivial : count= 16, sum= 3083, min= 8, average= 192.69, max= 704, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Non Trivial : count= 16, sum= 4853, min= 10, average= 303.31, max= 1140, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Monomorphic : count= 16, sum= 4820, min= 10, average= 301.25, max= 1138, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Polymorphic : count= 16, sum= 33, min= 0, average= 2.06, max= 11, maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with:
Megamorphic : count= 16, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Ball>>bounce
Truffle call count : count= 16, sum= 93, min= 0, average= 5.81, max= 24, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Indirect : count= 16, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Ball>>bounce
Direct : count= 16, sum= 93, min= 0, average= 5.81, max= 24, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Dispatched : count= 16, sum= 3, min= 0, average= 0.19, max= 1, maxTarget=String class>>new:
Inlined : count= 16, sum= 90, min= 0, average= 5.63, max= 24, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
---------- :
Cloned : count= 16, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Ball>>bounce
Not Cloned : count= 16, sum= 93, min= 0, average= 5.81, max= 24, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Truffle loops : count= 16, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Ball>>bounce
Graal node count :
After Truffle Tier : count= 16, sum= 8081, min= 24, average= 505.06, max= 2031, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
After Graal Tier : count= 16, sum= 18382, min= 32, average= 1148.88, max= 5141, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Graal compilation result :
Code size : count= 16, sum= 72658, min= 207, average= 4541.13, max= 21977, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Total frame size : count= 16, sum= 2128, min= 32, average= 133.00, max= 624, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Exception handlers : count= 16, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Ball>>bounce
Infopoints : count= 16, sum= 738, min= 4, average= 46.13, max= 188, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
CALL : count= 16, sum= 598, min= 4, average= 37.38, max= 152, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
IMPLICIT_EXCEPTION : count= 16, sum= 130, min= 0, average= 8.13, max= 32, maxTarget=Bounce>>benchmark
SAFEPOINT : count= 16, sum= 10, min= 0, average= 0.63, max= 4, maxTarget=Bounce>>benchmark
Marks : count= 16, sum= 124, min= 7, average= 7.75, max= 13, maxTarget=Bounce>>benchmark
Data references : count= 16, sum= 486, min= 2, average= 30.38, max= 124, maxTarget=Bounce>>benchmark
# DeltaBlue (iterations: 250, problem size: 12000) on Thu May 27 22:49:17 UTC 2021
# `/home/fniephaus/bin/graalvm-ce-java11-21.1.0/bin/trufflesqueak --experimental-options --smalltalk.disable-startup --smalltalk.disable-interrupts --engine.Mode=default --engine.MultiTier=false --engine.TraceCompilation --engine.CompilationStatistics --log.file="/home/fniephaus/dev/are-we-fast-yet/traces/DeltaBlue.trace.log" --quiet --code "FileStream startUp: true. Harness new run: #(nil 'DeltaBlue' 250 12000)" /home/fniephaus/dev/are-we-fast-yet/benchmarks/Smalltalk/AWFY64-sista-fbc.image`
[engine] opt done Vector>>initialize: |AST 30|Tier 2|Time 196( 183+13 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 139/ 346|CodeSize 1000|Addr 0x7f85002dd610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-712ca57b> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 185( 168+17 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 33/ 103|CodeSize 454|Addr 0x7f85002d9a10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector class>>new: |AST 29|Tier 2|Time 235( 227+9 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 57/ 304|CodeSize 1049|Addr 0x7f85002e2190|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Strength class>>absoluteWeakest |AST 10|Tier 2|Time 45( 43+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 21/ 27|CodeSize 230|Addr 0x7f85002e4610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>isEmpty |AST 18|Tier 2|Time 66( 62+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 31/ 52|CodeSize 270|Addr 0x7f8500307490|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BinaryConstraint>>output |AST 20|Tier 2|Time 74( 69+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 37/ 75|CodeSize 403|Addr 0x7f850030ab90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>append: |AST 60|Tier 2|Time 217( 197+20 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 223/ 790|CodeSize 2345|Addr 0x7f8500314690|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-7af1cd63> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 228( 206+21 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 201/ 953|CodeSize 3205|Addr 0x7f8500323590|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Strength>>weaker: |AST 27|Tier 2|Time 70( 67+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 39/ 68|CodeSize 305|Addr 0x7f8500329b10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Variable>>addConstraint: |AST 24|Tier 2|Time 173( 148+25 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 289/ 864|CodeSize 2657|Addr 0x7f850032d990|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Variable>>mark: |AST 11|Tier 2|Time 60( 57+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 73/ 91|CodeSize 290|Addr 0x7f8500334610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Integer>>>> |AST 31|Tier 2|Time 100( 96+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 39/ 119|CodeSize 490|Addr 0x7f850033b790|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomDictionary>>hash: |AST 60|Tier 2|Time 163( 159+4 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 33/ 110|CodeSize 451|Addr 0x7f850033e490|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomDictionary>>bucketIdx: |AST 40|Tier 2|Time 117( 110+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 91/ 240|CodeSize 849|Addr 0x7f8500345f90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomDictionary>>bucket: |AST 33|Tier 2|Time 117( 112+5 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 155/ 136|CodeSize 605|Addr 0x7f850034e090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomDictionary>>at: |AST 86|Tier 2|Time 258( 250+9 )ms|Inlined 5Y 0N|IR 238/ 229|CodeSize 889|Addr 0x7f850034ed90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>addPropagate:mark: |AST 131|Tier 2|Time 758( 709+49 )ms|Inlined 22Y 0N|IR 873/ 1029|CodeSize 3337|Addr 0x7f8500351210|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Strength class>>SymRequired |AST 10|Tier 2|Time 45( 42+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 21/ 27|CodeSize 230|Addr 0x7f8500355910|Src n/a
[engine] opt deopt Vector>>forEach: <split-7af1cd63> |AST 79|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. Planner>>addPropagate:mark: |AST 143|Calls/Thres 8828/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 17657/ 1000|Src n/a|Reason validRootAssumption Split call node
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-3c5a54b7> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 73( 65+8 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 92/ 201|CodeSize 765|Addr 0x7f8500358890|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. Vector>>forEach: <split-7af1cd63> |AST 79|Calls/Thres 2364/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 4729/ 1000|Src n/a|Reason validRootAssumption Split call node
[engine] opt done Strength class>>of: |AST 23|Tier 2|Time 290( 281+9 )ms|Inlined 6Y 0N|IR 285/ 245|CodeSize 960|Addr 0x7f850035f210|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector class>>with: |AST 43|Tier 2|Time 265( 256+9 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 147/ 319|CodeSize 1111|Addr 0x7f8500364210|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>removeFirst |AST 53|Tier 2|Time 122( 116+6 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 124/ 187|CodeSize 695|Addr 0x7f8500366d90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Variable>>walkStrength: |AST 11|Tier 2|Time 45( 41+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 60/ 168|CodeSize 464|Addr 0x7f8500367a90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Variable>>stay: |AST 11|Tier 2|Time 43( 40+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 76/ 94|CodeSize 292|Addr 0x7f8500369c10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>addConstraintsConsuming:to: |AST 57|Tier 2|Time 246( 222+24 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 310/ 588|CodeSize 2299|Addr 0x7f850036ce90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BinaryConstraint>>recalculate |AST 147|Tier 2|Time 279( 262+18 )ms|Inlined 9Y 0N|IR 604/ 635|CodeSize 1924|Addr 0x7f850036ed10|Src n/a
[engine] opt deopt BinaryConstraint>>recalculate |AST 147|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Symbol>>= <split-73eb8672> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 59( 56+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 58/ 83|CodeSize 316|Addr 0x7f8500370390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Strength>>weakest: |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 145( 143+3 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 41/ 63|CodeSize 287|Addr 0x7f8500374a10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done EqualityConstraint>>execute |AST 80|Tier 2|Time 126( 119+7 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 281/ 196|CodeSize 692|Addr 0x7f8500376590|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. BinaryConstraint>>recalculate |AST 147|Calls/Thres 29965/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 29967/ 1000|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BinaryConstraint>>recalculate |AST 147|Tier 2|Time 310( 291+19 )ms|Inlined 9Y 0N|IR 607/ 600|CodeSize 1852|Addr 0x7f8500377790|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Symbol>>= <split-14faa38c> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 60( 57+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 58/ 83|CodeSize 316|Addr 0x7f8500378910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Variable>>value: |AST 11|Tier 2|Time 43( 40+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 74/ 91|CodeSize 290|Addr 0x7f8500379a10|Src n/a
[engine] opt deopt Planner>>addConstraintsConsuming:to: |AST 57|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. Planner>>addConstraintsConsuming:to: |AST 57|Calls/Thres 19247/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 19247/ 1000|Src n/a|Reason validRootAssumption Split call node
[engine] opt inv. Vector class>>with: |AST 43|Calls/Thres 13918/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 13918/ 1000|Src n/a|Reason frame version
[engine] opt inv. Variable>>addConstraint: |AST 24|Calls/Thres 6396/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 6396/ 1000|Src n/a|Reason frame version
[engine] opt inv. Vector>>append: |AST 124|Calls/Thres 5029/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 5029/ 1000|Src n/a|Reason frame version
[engine] opt done Planner>>addConstraintsConsuming:to: |AST 45|Tier 2|Time 104( 96+8 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 136/ 208|CodeSize 796|Addr 0x7f850037ed10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done EqualityConstraint class>>var:var:strength:addTo: |AST 40|Tier 2|Time 1656(1650+6 )ms|Inlined 58Y 3N|IR 503/ 5|CodeSize 120|Addr 0x7f8500386890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>addConstraintsConsuming:to: |AST 57|Tier 2|Time 531( 386+145 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 986/ 2333|CodeSize 9936|Addr 0x7f8500387110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-7af1cd63> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 466( 339+127 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 940/ 2882|CodeSize 12103|Addr 0x7f850038e990|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BinaryConstraint>>isSatisfied <split-6b7d1df8> |AST 17|Tier 2|Time 54( 51+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 32/ 65|CodeSize 356|Addr 0x7f8500396490|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-5d05ef57> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 253( 189+64 )ms|Inlined 5Y 0N|IR 549/ 2122|CodeSize 8357|Addr 0x7f8500396a10|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. Vector>>isEmpty |AST 18|Calls/Thres 2052/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 2052/ 1000|Src n/a|Reason Profiled Argument Types
[engine] opt inv. Vector>>removeFirst |AST 53|Calls/Thres 14341/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 14341/ 1000|Src n/a|Reason Profiled Argument Types
[engine] opt done Planner>>addConstraintsConsuming:to: <split-35e478f> |AST 61|Tier 2|Time 403( 240+163 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 855/ 1891|CodeSize 8488|Addr 0x7f850039a590|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Plan>>execute |AST 20|Tier 2|Time 303( 291+11 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 364/ 314|CodeSize 1034|Addr 0x7f850039fb90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>append: |AST 124|Tier 2|Time 360( 280+80 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 638/ 2757|CodeSize 11531|Addr 0x7f85003a0910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>removeFirst |AST 53|Tier 2|Time 150( 134+16 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 123/ 187|CodeSize 695|Addr 0x7f85003a7710|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. Vector>>initialize: |AST 30|Calls/Thres 5546/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 5546/ 1000|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>initialize: |AST 30|Tier 2|Time 97( 86+11 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 139/ 346|CodeSize 1000|Addr 0x7f85003acf90|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. Vector class>>new: |AST 29|Calls/Thres 7464/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 7464/ 1000|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector class>>new: |AST 29|Tier 2|Time 159( 143+16 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 137/ 399|CodeSize 1203|Addr 0x7f85003adb90|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. BinaryConstraint>>output |AST 26|Calls/Thres 122855/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 122855/ 1000|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BinaryConstraint>>output |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 61( 54+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 64/ 108|CodeSize 474|Addr 0x7f85003b0590|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. Behavior>>new <split-712ca57b> |AST 27|Calls/Thres 5076/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 5076/ 1000|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-712ca57b> |AST 27|Tier 2|Time 79( 72+8 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 80/ 163|CodeSize 576|Addr 0x7f85003b0c90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>isEmpty |AST 18|Tier 2|Time 52( 49+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 31/ 52|CodeSize 270|Addr 0x7f85003b1490|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector class>>with: |AST 43|Tier 2|Time 312( 291+22 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 281/ 543|CodeSize 1321|Addr 0x7f85003b1910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-213deac2> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 456( 282+174 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 1002/ 2772|CodeSize 13298|Addr 0x7f85003b3d90|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. BinaryConstraint>>output |AST 26|Calls/Thres 126721/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 126721/ 1000|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BinaryConstraint>>output |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 56( 50+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 95/ 144|CodeSize 570|Addr 0x7f85003bbf90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Variable>>initialize |AST 56|Tier 2|Time 175( 157+18 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 310/ 725|CodeSize 1891|Addr 0x7f85003bd810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-23eee4b8> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 719( 502+218 )ms|Inlined 15Y 0N|IR 1799/ 4354|CodeSize 17879|Addr 0x7f85003bed90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Variable class>>new |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 380( 332+48 )ms|Inlined 11Y 0N|IR 551/ 1229|CodeSize 3347|Addr 0x7f85003cb510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>addPropagate:mark: <split-411291e5> |AST 131|Tier 2|Time 1199( 793+406 )ms|Inlined 25Y 0N|IR 2264/ 3824|CodeSize 14888|Addr 0x7f85003ce090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-27abb83e> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 181( 157+24 )ms|Inlined 5Y 0N|IR 265/ 597|CodeSize 1505|Addr 0x7f85003db890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BinaryConstraint>>initializeVar:var:strength:addTo: |AST 34|Tier 2|Time 267( 245+22 )ms|Inlined 8Y 0N|IR 505/ 1216|CodeSize 3639|Addr 0x7f85003dd990|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Variable>>addConstraint: |AST 24|Tier 2|Time 267( 199+68 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 738/ 1927|CodeSize 7795|Addr 0x7f85003df810|Src n/a
[engine] opt deopt Vector>>forEach: <split-5d05ef57> |AST 79|Src n/a
[engine] opt deopt Vector>>forEach: <split-213deac2> |AST 79|Src n/a
[engine] opt deopt Vector>>forEach: <split-23eee4b8> |AST 79|Src n/a
[engine] opt deopt BinaryConstraint>>output |AST 26|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>addPropagate:mark: <split-7e97551f> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 1257(1052+205 )ms|Inlined 34Y 0N|IR 2256/ 2761|CodeSize 9080|Addr 0x7f85003eaf10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>addPropagate:mark: <split-c3c4c1c> |AST 131|Tier 2|Time 1366( 972+394 )ms|Inlined 25Y 0N|IR 2298/ 3864|CodeSize 15194|Addr 0x7f85003f2f90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Symbol>>= <split-53667cbe> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 55( 52+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 58/ 83|CodeSize 319|Addr 0x7f8500400f90|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. BinaryConstraint>>output |AST 26|Calls/Thres 188688/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 188690/ 1000|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BinaryConstraint>>output |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 58( 52+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 100/ 148|CodeSize 577|Addr 0x7f8500401e10|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. Vector>>forEach: <split-213deac2> |AST 79|Calls/Thres 24005/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 72011/ 1000|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-213deac2> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 402( 263+139 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 1077/ 2830|CodeSize 13035|Addr 0x7f8500403410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Symbol>>= <split-e8fadb0> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 57( 54+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 58/ 83|CodeSize 319|Addr 0x7f850040c910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>incrementalAdd: <split-12477988> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 2952(1513+1440)ms|Inlined 47Y 10N|IR 6245/15584|CodeSize 62729|Addr 0x7f850040e290|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>removePropagateFrom: |AST 41|Tier 2|Time 358( 286+72 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 867/ 1941|CodeSize 9169|Addr 0x7f8500436790|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BinaryConstraint>>isSatisfied <split-5a9800f8> |AST 17|Tier 2|Time 52( 48+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 75/ 116|CodeSize 451|Addr 0x7f850043bc10|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. Vector>>forEach: <split-23eee4b8> |AST 79|Calls/Thres 24005/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 72011/ 1000|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-23eee4b8> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 987( 710+277 )ms|Inlined 25Y 0N|IR 2712/ 5365|CodeSize 21575|Addr 0x7f850043c390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-2e1792e7> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 299( 218+81 )ms|Inlined 5Y 0N|IR 657/ 2568|CodeSize 10387|Addr 0x7f850044a890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-3eb631b8> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 210( 155+56 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 396/ 1991|CodeSize 7989|Addr 0x7f850044f810|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. EqualityConstraint class>>var:var:strength:addTo: |AST 40|Calls/Thres 12000/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 12000/ 1000|Src n/a|Reason validRootAssumption Split call node
[engine] opt done Plan>>execute <split-3aefae67> |AST 20|Tier 2|Time 218( 163+55 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 473/ 553|CodeSize 1908|Addr 0x7f8500453910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Symbol>>= <split-7a26928a> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 65( 62+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 58/ 83|CodeSize 316|Addr 0x7f8500458210|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>constraintsConsuming:do: |AST 62|Tier 2|Time 805( 602+203 )ms|Inlined 24Y 0N|IR 2473/ 4255|CodeSize 17174|Addr 0x7f8500458810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-c68a5f8> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 448( 312+136 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 1054/ 2996|CodeSize 12705|Addr 0x7f8500464290|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-2234078> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 507( 373+134 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 1072/ 3018|CodeSize 12474|Addr 0x7f850046ca90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-4e558728> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 386( 260+125 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 941/ 2882|CodeSize 12143|Addr 0x7f8500474990|Src n/a
[engine] opt deopt Vector>>forEach: <split-c68a5f8> |AST 79|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>makePlan: |AST 212|Tier 2|Time 1369( 870+499 )ms|Inlined 24Y 0N|IR 2802/ 5559|CodeSize 27893|Addr 0x7f850047b890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>addConstraintsConsuming:to: <split-267bbe1a> |AST 61|Tier 2|Time 294( 225+69 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 856/ 1891|CodeSize 9098|Addr 0x7f8500490a90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>addConstraintsConsuming:to: <split-4642b71d> |AST 61|Tier 2|Time 298( 227+71 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 916/ 1950|CodeSize 8739|Addr 0x7f8500495d10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done AbstractConstraint>>inputsKnown: |AST 37|Tier 2|Time 245( 231+14 )ms|Inlined 5Y 0N|IR 350/ 461|CodeSize 1445|Addr 0x7f850049b090|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. Vector>>forEach: <split-c68a5f8> |AST 79|Calls/Thres 36006/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 108018/ 1000|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-c68a5f8> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 459( 319+140 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 1128/ 3054|CodeSize 12789|Addr 0x7f850049d010|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Symbol>>= <split-41d7b27f> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 56( 53+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 58/ 83|CodeSize 319|Addr 0x7f85004a4b90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BinaryConstraint>>inputsHasOne: |AST 59|Tier 2|Time 171( 138+33 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 397/ 1698|CodeSize 5609|Addr 0x7f85004a5190|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-45394b31> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 251( 187+64 )ms|Inlined 5Y 0N|IR 549/ 2122|CodeSize 8357|Addr 0x7f85004a7910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>removePropagateFrom: |AST 211|Tier 2|Time 2471(1481+991 )ms|Inlined 50Y 0N|IR 5815/12536|CodeSize 50869|Addr 0x7f85004ae510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Plan>>execute <split-6ecd665> |AST 20|Tier 2|Time 213( 202+11 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 364/ 314|CodeSize 1034|Addr 0x7f85004cdc90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>addConstraintsConsuming:to: <split-69c6161d> |AST 57|Tier 2|Time 544( 311+234 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 1174/ 2505|CodeSize 10670|Addr 0x7f85004cea10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BinaryConstraint>>isSatisfied <split-1450078a> |AST 17|Tier 2|Time 56( 52+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 75/ 116|CodeSize 451|Addr 0x7f85004d7d90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BinaryConstraint>>isSatisfied <split-4159e81b> |AST 17|Tier 2|Time 56( 52+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 75/ 116|CodeSize 451|Addr 0x7f85004d8d90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>removePropagateFrom: |AST 49|Tier 2|Time 792( 673+118 )ms|Inlined 22Y 0N|IR 2166/ 3491|CodeSize 12610|Addr 0x7f85004dbe10|Src n/a
[engine] opt deopt Vector>>forEach: <split-4e558728> |AST 79|Src n/a
[engine] opt done EqualityConstraint>>initializeVar:var:strength:addTo: |AST 45|Tier 2|Time 2232(1588+644 )ms|Inlined 57Y 0N|IR 4712/ 8064|CodeSize 30505|Addr 0x7f85004e8190|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. Vector>>forEach: <split-4e558728> |AST 79|Calls/Thres 12003/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 36010/ 1000|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-4e558728> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 496( 265+231 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 1121/ 3072|CodeSize 13465|Addr 0x7f8500503310|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>incrementalAdd: <split-757529a4> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 2825(1578+1246)ms|Inlined 51Y 12N|IR 6500/18332|CodeSize 69374|Addr 0x7f850050b410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>addConstraintsConsuming:to: <split-6bff19ff> |AST 61|Tier 2|Time 297( 226+71 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 923/ 1967|CodeSize 8640|Addr 0x7f8500530c10|Src n/a
[engine] opt deopt Planner>>makePlan: |AST 212|Src n/a
[engine] opt done StayConstraint class>>var:strength:addTo: |AST 37|Tier 2|Time 2825(1552+1273)ms|Inlined 45Y 8N|IR 4633/11685|CodeSize 42968|Addr 0x7f850053a710|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-a619c2> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 391( 265+126 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 941/ 2882|CodeSize 12143|Addr 0x7f850055be90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>addPropagate:mark: <split-67207d8a> |AST 143|Tier 2|Time 1414( 963+451 )ms|Inlined 28Y 0N|IR 2846/ 4804|CodeSize 19767|Addr 0x7f8500565710|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-28cb9120> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 469( 340+128 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 941/ 2882|CodeSize 12143|Addr 0x7f8500576f10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner class>>chainTest: |AST 461|Tier 2|Time 4150(1753+2396)ms|Inlined 51Y 20N|IR 5869/18546|CodeSize 76086|Addr 0x7f8500585c90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done EqualityConstraint class>>var:var:strength:addTo: |AST 40|Tier 2|Time 2404(1605+799 )ms|Inlined 59Y 0N|IR 4696/ 7823|CodeSize 30494|Addr 0x7f85005c7990|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BinaryConstraint>>isSatisfied <split-41e1455d> |AST 18|Tier 2|Time 55( 51+5 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 93/ 152|CodeSize 593|Addr 0x7f85005e6c10|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. Vector class>>new: |AST 29|Calls/Thres 7494/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 7494/ 1000|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector class>>new: |AST 29|Tier 2|Time 144( 121+23 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 290/ 582|CodeSize 1890|Addr 0x7f85005e7510|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. Planner>>makePlan: |AST 212|Calls/Thres 11/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 96027/ 1000|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>makePlan: |AST 212|Tier 2|Time 1402( 912+490 )ms|Inlined 24Y 0N|IR 2873/ 5614|CodeSize 27967|Addr 0x7f85005e9310|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>incrementalAdd: <split-25c5e994> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 2200(1496+704 )ms|Inlined 52Y 4N|IR 4590/ 9214|CodeSize 37570|Addr 0x7f85005feb10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Strength class>>SymDefault |AST 10|Tier 2|Time 34( 32+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 21/ 27|CodeSize 230|Addr 0x7f850061b810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>incrementalAdd: <split-378bd86d> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 2198(1682+516 )ms|Inlined 53Y 5N|IR 3936/ 8514|CodeSize 31366|Addr 0x7f850061bc90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-389562d6> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 66( 60+6 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 92/ 207|CodeSize 787|Addr 0x7f8500631610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>addPropagate:mark: <split-2189e7a7> |AST 143|Tier 2|Time 1370(1037+333 )ms|Inlined 28Y 0N|IR 2668/ 4617|CodeSize 18523|Addr 0x7f8500632090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner class>>projectionTest: |AST 527|Tier 2|Time 3455(1949+1506)ms|Inlined 50Y 22N|IR 4794/12133|CodeSize 44543|Addr 0x7f8500641290|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-6ef7623> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 141( 122+19 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 201/ 953|CodeSize 3205|Addr 0x7f8500666090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>addConstraintsConsuming:to: <split-66908383> |AST 22|Tier 2|Time 43( 41+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 27/ 27|CodeSize 221|Addr 0x7f8500667990|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. Vector>>initialize: |AST 30|Calls/Thres 5576/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 5576/ 1000|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>initialize: |AST 30|Tier 2|Time 96( 81+15 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 205/ 545|CodeSize 1722|Addr 0x7f8500667e10|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. Behavior>>new <split-712ca57b> |AST 27|Calls/Thres 5106/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 5106/ 1000|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-712ca57b> |AST 27|Tier 2|Time 72( 62+10 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 123/ 283|CodeSize 1109|Addr 0x7f8500668d10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>addPropagate:mark: <split-69b2f8e5> |AST 143|Tier 2|Time 1357( 886+471 )ms|Inlined 28Y 0N|IR 2668/ 4617|CodeSize 18265|Addr 0x7f850066a810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ScaleConstraint class>>var:var:var:var:strength:addTo: |AST 46|Tier 2|Time 3330(1607+1723)ms|Inlined 40Y 4N|IR 5745/16476|CodeSize 64679|Addr 0x7f8500679890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-34237b90> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 473( 260+212 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 1054/ 2810|CodeSize 13274|Addr 0x7f85006a8390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>addPropagate:mark: <split-73d69c0f> |AST 143|Tier 2|Time 1438( 981+457 )ms|Inlined 28Y 0N|IR 3029/ 4735|CodeSize 20383|Addr 0x7f85006b0110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>addPropagate:mark: <split-1d01dfa5> |AST 131|Tier 2|Time 869( 788+81 )ms|Inlined 23Y 0N|IR 1502/ 1929|CodeSize 5483|Addr 0x7f85006c2f10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ScaleConstraint>>addToGraph |AST 78|Tier 2|Time 985( 626+359 )ms|Inlined 8Y 0N|IR 2804/ 7550|CodeSize 32659|Addr 0x7f85006c7b10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>incrementalAdd: <split-3a60c416> |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 1625(1240+385 )ms|Inlined 49Y 0N|IR 3247/ 4176|CodeSize 12809|Addr 0x7f85006daa90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BinaryConstraint>>isSatisfied <split-469d003c> |AST 17|Tier 2|Time 50( 47+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 32/ 65|CodeSize 356|Addr 0x7f85006e9110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>addConstraintsConsuming:to: <split-1d3e6d34> |AST 57|Tier 2|Time 173( 161+12 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 229/ 397|CodeSize 1457|Addr 0x7f85006e9c90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done AbstractConstraint>>addConstraint: <split-2160e52a> |AST 35|Tier 2|Time 2955(1732+1224)ms|Inlined 44Y 5N|IR 6087/16427|CodeSize 62836|Addr 0x7f85006eae10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Symbol>>= <split-57bd2029> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 56( 53+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 58/ 83|CodeSize 319|Addr 0x7f8500712a90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done AbstractConstraint>>satisfy:propagate: <split-60f2e0bd> |AST 151|Tier 2|Time 1580(1407+174 )ms|Inlined 47Y 0N|IR 3185/ 4107|CodeSize 12194|Addr 0x7f8500713090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done AbstractConstraint>>initialize: |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 357( 234+122 )ms|Inlined 7Y 0N|IR 380/ 733|CodeSize 2249|Addr 0x7f850071f790|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>newMark |AST 19|Tier 2|Time 57( 52+5 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 76/ 158|CodeSize 531|Addr 0x7f8500720890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>addPropagate:mark: <split-6a933be2> |AST 131|Tier 2|Time 671( 609+62 )ms|Inlined 15Y 0N|IR 872/ 1353|CodeSize 3718|Addr 0x7f8500721310|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BinaryConstraint>>addToGraph |AST 44|Tier 2|Time 622( 443+179 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 1470/ 3892|CodeSize 16298|Addr 0x7f8500725010|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Strength>>stronger: |AST 27|Tier 2|Time 59( 56+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 39/ 68|CodeSize 305|Addr 0x7f850072ef10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BinaryConstraint>>isSatisfied |AST 18|Tier 2|Time 57( 52+5 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 93/ 152|CodeSize 593|Addr 0x7f850072f710|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BinaryConstraint>>chooseMethod: |AST 241|Tier 2|Time 238( 202+36 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 701/ 1425|CodeSize 5026|Addr 0x7f850072ff90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done AbstractConstraint>>satisfy:propagate: |AST 21|Tier 2|Time 72( 68+4 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 115/ 127|CodeSize 298|Addr 0x7f8500732a10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BinaryConstraint>>inputsDo: |AST 60|Tier 2|Time 171( 135+36 )ms|Inlined 5Y 0N|IR 410/ 1620|CodeSize 5444|Addr 0x7f8500733310|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Variable>>determinedBy: |AST 11|Tier 2|Time 36( 32+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 56/ 95|CodeSize 424|Addr 0x7f8500735910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BinaryConstraint>>markUnsatisfied |AST 10|Tier 2|Time 47( 41+6 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 77/ 276|CodeSize 856|Addr 0x7f8500736110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BinaryConstraint>>isSatisfied <split-72ab05ed> |AST 17|Tier 2|Time 58( 55+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 32/ 65|CodeSize 356|Addr 0x7f8500736a90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done AbstractConstraint>>inputsKnown: |AST 52|Tier 2|Time 161( 157+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 80/ 101|CodeSize 338|Addr 0x7f8500737010|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Variable class>>value: |AST 41|Tier 2|Time 357( 297+60 )ms|Inlined 13Y 0N|IR 655/ 1309|CodeSize 3383|Addr 0x7f8500737690|Src n/a
[engine] opt done UnaryConstraint>>chooseMethod: |AST 60|Tier 2|Time 116( 106+11 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 229/ 337|CodeSize 1118|Addr 0x7f850073ab10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done UnaryConstraint>>inputsDo: |AST 6|Tier 2|Time 22( 21+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 19/ 20|CodeSize 181|Addr 0x7f850073ba10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done AbstractConstraint>>satisfy:propagate: |AST 183|Tier 2|Time 1908(1270+638 )ms|Inlined 48Y 0N|IR 4609/ 7040|CodeSize 28212|Addr 0x7f850073c390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done UnaryConstraint>>addToGraph |AST 27|Tier 2|Time 402( 313+89 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 858/ 2036|CodeSize 8216|Addr 0x7f8500755b90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done AbstractConstraint>>satisfy:propagate: <split-19f040ba> |AST 165|Tier 2|Time 1825(1275+551 )ms|Inlined 42Y 0N|IR 3678/ 5815|CodeSize 22169|Addr 0x7f850075b510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ScaleConstraint>>inputsDo: |AST 136|Tier 2|Time 296( 211+85 )ms|Inlined 13Y 0N|IR 887/ 4274|CodeSize 13361|Addr 0x7f8500770190|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ScaleConstraint>>recalculate |AST 181|Tier 2|Time 420( 394+26 )ms|Inlined 9Y 0N|IR 757/ 995|CodeSize 3004|Addr 0x7f8500775310|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ScaleConstraint>>execute |AST 152|Tier 2|Time 159( 147+12 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 388/ 435|CodeSize 1528|Addr 0x7f8500776f90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>addConstraintsConsuming:to: <split-5ec77191> |AST 57|Tier 2|Time 573( 415+157 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 1118/ 2469|CodeSize 10351|Addr 0x7f8500778610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>at: |AST 39|Tier 2|Time 73( 68+5 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 74/ 130|CodeSize 565|Addr 0x7f8500780710|Src n/a
[engine] opt done UnaryConstraint>>initializeVar:strength:addTo: |AST 45|Tier 2|Time 3041(1688+1353)ms|Inlined 34Y 9N|IR 4743/11901|CodeSize 46950|Addr 0x7f8500781190|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SequenceableCollection>>first |AST 21|Tier 2|Time 76( 73+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 32/ 84|CodeSize 401|Addr 0x7f85007a7a90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SequenceableCollection>>last <split-11b5b407> |AST 24|Tier 2|Time 69( 66+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 46/ 73|CodeSize 388|Addr 0x7f85007a8010|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Plan>>execute <split-3b37ec76> |AST 23|Tier 2|Time 276( 217+59 )ms|Inlined 6Y 0N|IR 588/ 1087|CodeSize 3741|Addr 0x7f85007a8590|Src n/a
[engine] opt done AbstractConstraint>>satisfy:propagate: <split-3eba57a7> |AST 165|Tier 2|Time 851( 754+98 )ms|Inlined 22Y 0N|IR 1421/ 2066|CodeSize 6346|Addr 0x7f85007abd90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Integer>>timesRepeat: |AST 46|Tier 2|Time 403( 297+105 )ms|Inlined 9Y 0N|IR 901/ 1841|CodeSize 8188|Addr 0x7f85007b1b90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>remove: |AST 97|Tier 2|Time 422( 362+59 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 597/ 1313|CodeSize 5406|Addr 0x7f85007b9710|Src n/a
[engine] opt done UnaryConstraint>>removeFromGraph |AST 37|Tier 2|Time 483( 396+87 )ms|Inlined 5Y 0N|IR 734/ 1497|CodeSize 5877|Addr 0x7f85007be090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Variable>>removeConstraint: |AST 39|Tier 2|Time 493( 417+76 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 649/ 1438|CodeSize 5760|Addr 0x7f85007c3e90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-3d7fa3ae> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 355( 238+118 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 890/ 2773|CodeSize 11924|Addr 0x7f85007c9490|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String class>>new: |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 152( 134+17 )ms|Inlined 2Y 1N|IR 213/ 509|CodeSize 1801|Addr 0x7f85007d0090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done UnaryConstraint>>markUnsatisfied |AST 10|Tier 2|Time 40( 36+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 92/ 109|CodeSize 419|Addr 0x7f85007d1c90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SmallInteger>>printString |AST 152|Tier 2|Time 282( 260+22 )ms|Inlined 4Y 1N|IR 361/ 481|CodeSize 1410|Addr 0x7f85007d4290|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector class>>new |AST 20|Tier 2|Time 150( 126+24 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 317/ 541|CodeSize 1454|Addr 0x7f85007d5b90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-6ad11a56> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 389( 257+132 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 1054/ 2810|CodeSize 13105|Addr 0x7f85007d7a10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Strength class>>SymPreferred |AST 10|Tier 2|Time 45( 43+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 21/ 27|CodeSize 230|Addr 0x7f85007df690|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-7c8326a4> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 483( 362+121 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 941/ 2696|CodeSize 11716|Addr 0x7f85007dfb10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>extractPlanFromConstraints: |AST 59|Tier 2|Time 1743( 977+766 )ms|Inlined 32Y 0N|IR 3589/ 7728|CodeSize 36404|Addr 0x7f85007e6690|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Planner>>initialize |AST 10|Tier 2|Time 39( 36+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 68/ 80|CodeSize 274|Addr 0x7f8500806a90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with: |AST 177|Tier 2|Time 310( 263+47 )ms|Inlined 3Y 1N|IR 474/ 1088|CodeSize 5412|Addr 0x7f8500807110|Src n/a
[engine] Truffle runtime statistics for engine 2
Compilations : 176
Success : 168
Temporary Bailouts : 4
org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.CancellationBailoutException: Compilation cancelled.: 2
Permanent Bailouts : 0
Failed : 0
Interrupted : 4
Invalidated : 24
null : 15
validRootAssumption Split call node : 4
frame version : 3
Profiled Argument Types : 2
Queues : 295
Dequeues : 141
Target inlined into only caller : 116
null : 15
Split call node : 7
validRootAssumption Split call node : 2
frame version : 1
Splits : 482
Compilation Accuracy : 0.863636
Queue Accuracy : 0.522034
Compilation Utilization : 0.810944
Remaining Compilation Queue : 0
Time to queue : count= 295, sum= 2019033, min= 1, average= 6844.18, max= 119556 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Planner>>initialize
Time waiting in queue : count= 176, sum= 881833, min= 0, average= 5010.42, max= 26557 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Variable>>determinedBy:
Time for compilation : count= 172, sum= 97120, min= 22, average= 564.65, max= 4150 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Planner class>>chainTest:
Truffle Tier : count= 168, sum= 65347, min= 20, average= 388.97, max= 1948 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Planner class>>projectionTest:
Graal Tier : count= 168, sum= 21070, min= 1, average= 125.42, max= 1617 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Planner class>>chainTest:
Code Installation : count= 168, sum= 7990, min= 1, average= 47.56, max= 779 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Planner class>>chainTest:
Truffle node count : count= 172, sum= 143782, min= 7, average= 835.94, max= 4629, maxTarget=EqualityConstraint class>>var:var:strength:addTo:
Trivial : count= 172, sum= 56726, min= 1, average= 329.80, max= 1816, maxTarget=EqualityConstraint class>>var:var:strength:addTo:
Non Trivial : count= 172, sum= 87056, min= 6, average= 506.14, max= 2813, maxTarget=EqualityConstraint class>>var:var:strength:addTo:
Monomorphic : count= 172, sum= 84015, min= 6, average= 488.46, max= 2729, maxTarget=EqualityConstraint class>>var:var:strength:addTo:
Polymorphic : count= 172, sum= 3041, min= 0, average= 17.68, max= 109, maxTarget=AbstractConstraint>>satisfy:propagate:
Megamorphic : count= 172, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Behavior>>new
Truffle call count : count= 172, sum= 1788, min= 0, average= 10.40, max= 72, maxTarget=Planner class>>projectionTest:
Indirect : count= 172, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Behavior>>new
Direct : count= 172, sum= 1788, min= 0, average= 10.40, max= 72, maxTarget=Planner class>>projectionTest:
Dispatched : count= 172, sum= 122, min= 0, average= 0.71, max= 22, maxTarget=Planner class>>projectionTest:
Inlined : count= 172, sum= 1666, min= 0, average= 9.69, max= 59, maxTarget=EqualityConstraint class>>var:var:strength:addTo:
---------- :
Cloned : count= 172, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Behavior>>new
Not Cloned : count= 172, sum= 1744, min= 0, average= 10.14, max= 72, maxTarget=Planner class>>projectionTest:
Truffle loops : count= 172, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Behavior>>new
Graal node count :
After Truffle Tier : count= 172, sum= 183260, min= 5, average= 1065.47, max= 6500, maxTarget=Planner>>incrementalAdd:
After Graal Tier : count= 170, sum= 389228, min= 5, average= 2289.58, max= 18546, maxTarget=Planner class>>chainTest:
Graal compilation result :
Code size : count= 168, sum= 1538027, min= 120, average= 9154.92, max= 76086, maxTarget=Planner class>>chainTest:
Total frame size : count= 168, sum= 41568, min= 32, average= 247.43, max= 1232, maxTarget=Planner>>incrementalAdd:
Exception handlers : count= 168, sum= 205, min= 0, average= 1.22, max= 30, maxTarget=Planner class>>chainTest:
Infopoints : count= 168, sum= 12798, min= 4, average= 76.18, max= 682, maxTarget=Planner class>>chainTest:
CALL : count= 168, sum= 10812, min= 4, average= 64.36, max= 567, maxTarget=Planner class>>chainTest:
IMPLICIT_EXCEPTION : count= 168, sum= 1828, min= 0, average= 10.88, max= 112, maxTarget=Planner class>>chainTest:
SAFEPOINT : count= 168, sum= 158, min= 0, average= 0.94, max= 6, maxTarget=Planner>>extractPlanFromConstraints:
Marks : count= 168, sum= 1565, min= 5, average= 9.32, max= 40, maxTarget=Planner class>>chainTest:
Data references : count= 168, sum= 10571, min= 0, average= 62.92, max= 601, maxTarget=Planner class>>chainTest:
# Havlak (iterations: 250, problem size: 1500) on Thu May 27 23:01:06 UTC 2021
# `/home/fniephaus/bin/graalvm-ce-java11-21.1.0/bin/trufflesqueak --experimental-options --smalltalk.disable-startup --smalltalk.disable-interrupts --engine.Mode=default --engine.MultiTier=false --engine.TraceCompilation --engine.CompilationStatistics --log.file="/home/fniephaus/dev/are-we-fast-yet/traces/Havlak.trace.log" --quiet --code "FileStream startUp: true. Harness new run: #(nil 'Havlak' 250 1500)" /home/fniephaus/dev/are-we-fast-yet/benchmarks/Smalltalk/AWFY64-sista-fbc.image`
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-15135543> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 221( 196+25 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 33/ 103|CodeSize 454|Addr 0x7f103538e110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector class>>new: |AST 29|Tier 2|Time 282( 270+11 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 57/ 304|CodeSize 1049|Addr 0x7f1035393f90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>at: |AST 39|Tier 2|Time 92( 84+8 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 138/ 230|CodeSize 859|Addr 0x7f103539f610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done UnionFindNode>>findSet |AST 139|Tier 2|Time 381( 367+15 )ms|Inlined 9Y 0N|IR 363/ 292|CodeSize 993|Addr 0x7f10353c8290|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>append: |AST 163|Tier 2|Time 321( 271+49 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 452/ 1743|CodeSize 7347|Addr 0x7f10353d6390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-3c5a54b7> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 1573( 999+573 )ms|Inlined 22Y 0N|IR 2475/ 7195|CodeSize 31393|Addr 0x7f10353e5310|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>hasSome: <split-78c7f9b3> |AST 81|Tier 2|Time 216( 115+101 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 239/ 1105|CodeSize 3881|Addr 0x7f10353fc290|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomSet>>hasSome: <split-7180e701> |AST 23|Tier 2|Time 157( 127+30 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 290/ 1177|CodeSize 4058|Addr 0x7f10353ff090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder>>identifyEdges: |AST 128|Tier 2|Time 1492( 892+600 )ms|Inlined 22Y 0N|IR 2415/ 6145|CodeSize 26864|Addr 0x7f1035401a90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Integer>>>> |AST 31|Tier 2|Time 52( 49+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 39/ 119|CodeSize 490|Addr 0x7f1035419890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-757194dc> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 531( 330+201 )ms|Inlined 10Y 0N|IR 616/ 2041|CodeSize 7840|Addr 0x7f103541b390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomDictionary>>bucket: |AST 33|Tier 2|Time 286( 281+6 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 155/ 136|CodeSize 605|Addr 0x7f1035420910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>size |AST 18|Tier 2|Time 50( 46+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 32/ 114|CodeSize 466|Addr 0x7f1035421610|Src n/a
[engine] opt deopt Vector>>at: |AST 39|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomDictionary>>hash: |AST 60|Tier 2|Time 121( 116+4 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 33/ 110|CodeSize 451|Addr 0x7f1035425d90|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. Vector>>at: |AST 41|Calls/Thres 14490/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 14497/ 1000|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>at: |AST 41|Tier 2|Time 94( 79+15 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 149/ 292|CodeSize 1062|Addr 0x7f103542ad10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Integer>>timesRepeat: |AST 46|Tier 2|Time 105( 75+30 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 162/ 1175|CodeSize 4381|Addr 0x7f103542de90|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. Vector>>forEach: <split-757194dc> |AST 79|Calls/Thres 1339/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 16068/ 1000|Src n/a|Reason Latest layout assumption Layout no longer valid
[engine] opt inv. HavlakLoopFinder>>identifyEdges: |AST 128|Calls/Thres 1174/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 14088/ 1000|Src n/a|Reason Latest layout assumption Layout no longer valid
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder>>findLoops |AST 760|Tier 2|Time 3178(1693+1485)ms|Inlined 35Y 15N|IR 7519/28634|CodeSize 107376|Addr 0x7f1035433410|Src n/a
[engine] opt deopt Vector>>forEach: <split-757194dc> |AST 79|Src n/a
[engine] opt done DictIdEntry class>>new:key:value:next: |AST 40|Tier 2|Time 196( 192+5 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 50/ 122|CodeSize 496|Addr 0x7f1035470910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>at:put: |AST 201|Tier 2|Time 335( 273+62 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 483/ 1938|CodeSize 8004|Addr 0x7f1035474410|Src n/a
[engine] opt deopt SomSet>>hasSome: <split-7180e701> |AST 23|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-2fb5fe30> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 86( 82+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 33/ 103|CodeSize 454|Addr 0x7f1035479090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done DictEntry>>init:key:value:next: |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 58( 52+6 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 136/ 284|CodeSize 776|Addr 0x7f103547c510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-73eb8672> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 1247( 716+531 )ms|Inlined 17Y 0N|IR 2103/ 5835|CodeSize 23334|Addr 0x7f1035485890|Src n/a
[engine] opt deopt Vector>>forEach: <split-3c5a54b7> |AST 79|Src n/a
[engine] opt deopt Vector>>forEach: <split-73eb8672> |AST 79|Src n/a
[engine] opt deopt Vector>>hasSome: <split-78c7f9b3> |AST 81|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-417ad4f3> |AST 27|Tier 2|Time 73( 64+9 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 123/ 283|CodeSize 1109|Addr 0x7f103549b690|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomSet>>add: <split-4e2c95ee> |AST 40|Tier 2|Time 455( 356+99 )ms|Inlined 5Y 0N|IR 804/ 2320|CodeSize 9055|Addr 0x7f103549c310|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomSet>>initialize: |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 150( 137+13 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 123/ 756|CodeSize 2445|Addr 0x7f10354a7110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>hasSome: <split-988246e> |AST 81|Tier 2|Time 172( 133+39 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 245/ 1759|CodeSize 6194|Addr 0x7f10354a8d10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomSet>>hasSome: <split-5942ee04> |AST 23|Tier 2|Time 292( 170+123 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 296/ 1831|CodeSize 6419|Addr 0x7f10354ac810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done UnionFindNode class>>new |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 100( 96+4 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 33/ 106|CodeSize 461|Addr 0x7f10354b0c10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-14faa38c> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 87( 83+3 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 33/ 106|CodeSize 461|Addr 0x7f10354b5010|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-381cad29> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 1200( 707+493 )ms|Inlined 18Y 0N|IR 2168/ 5971|CodeSize 27938|Addr 0x7f10354b6910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-7a26928a> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 433( 233+200 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 686/ 2588|CodeSize 10297|Addr 0x7f10354cc310|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. Vector>>forEach: <split-73eb8672> |AST 79|Calls/Thres 7600/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 31203/ 1000|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-73eb8672> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 1252( 676+576 )ms|Inlined 17Y 0N|IR 2173/ 6088|CodeSize 26249|Addr 0x7f10354d2e10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done UnionFindNode>>union: |AST 11|Tier 2|Time 39( 35+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 60/ 167|CodeSize 464|Addr 0x7f10354e8710|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-4cee7fa0> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 963( 685+277 )ms|Inlined 15Y 0N|IR 1642/ 4762|CodeSize 20649|Addr 0x7f10354e9490|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder>>setLoopAttribute:nodePool:loop: |AST 137|Tier 2|Time 955( 545+410 )ms|Inlined 16Y 0N|IR 1946/ 4922|CodeSize 20713|Addr 0x7f10354f8110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder>>stepD:nodePool: |AST 45|Tier 2|Time 1202( 690+511 )ms|Inlined 17Y 0N|IR 1816/ 4438|CodeSize 19382|Addr 0x7f103550a210|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. Vector>>hasSome: <split-78c7f9b3> |AST 81|Calls/Thres 13118/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 15964/ 1000|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>hasSome: <split-78c7f9b3> |AST 81|Tier 2|Time 161( 119+42 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 250/ 1788|CodeSize 6372|Addr 0x7f1035519a10|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. SomSet>>hasSome: <split-7180e701> |AST 23|Calls/Thres 20620/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 20620/ 1000|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomSet>>hasSome: <split-7180e701> |AST 23|Tier 2|Time 179( 128+51 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 301/ 1860|CodeSize 6542|Addr 0x7f103551c690|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. Vector>>forEach: <split-3c5a54b7> |AST 79|Calls/Thres 33493/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 74450/ 1000|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-3c5a54b7> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 2166(1226+940 )ms|Inlined 26Y 0N|IR 3590/11610|CodeSize 58409|Addr 0x7f103551ff90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>removeFirst |AST 53|Tier 2|Time 115( 109+6 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 124/ 187|CodeSize 695|Addr 0x7f1035545610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomSet>>size |AST 20|Tier 2|Time 72( 68+4 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 46/ 142|CodeSize 566|Addr 0x7f1035545f90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder>>MaxNonBackPreds |AST 14|Tier 2|Time 35( 33+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 18/ 57|CodeSize 292|Addr 0x7f1035546610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SimpleLoop>>addNode: |AST 24|Tier 2|Time 501( 374+127 )ms|Inlined 6Y 0N|IR 856/ 2398|CodeSize 9743|Addr 0x7f1035546a90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder>>identifyEdges: |AST 128|Tier 2|Time 1645( 924+721 )ms|Inlined 22Y 0N|IR 2505/ 6507|CodeSize 30093|Addr 0x7f1035550110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomSet>>add: <split-49096b06> |AST 40|Tier 2|Time 490( 391+99 )ms|Inlined 5Y 0N|IR 801/ 2329|CodeSize 9846|Addr 0x7f103556b090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlock>>numPred |AST 20|Tier 2|Time 73( 69+4 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 46/ 142|CodeSize 566|Addr 0x7f1035572b10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>hasSome: <split-aa21042> |AST 81|Tier 2|Time 162( 123+39 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 245/ 1759|CodeSize 6203|Addr 0x7f1035573890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder>>findLoops <split-e8fadb0> |AST 760|Tier 2|Time 3235(1551+1684)ms|Inlined 34Y 16N|IR 7562/32423|CodeSize 122904|Addr 0x7f1035576310|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-469d003c> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 434( 331+103 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 686/ 2588|CodeSize 10309|Addr 0x7f10355a8890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder>>processEdges:w: |AST 57|Tier 2|Time 1234( 779+455 )ms|Inlined 21Y 0N|IR 2233/ 5415|CodeSize 24565|Addr 0x7f10355ae990|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-6d64b553> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 1251( 817+434 )ms|Inlined 23Y 0N|IR 1921/ 5098|CodeSize 22763|Addr 0x7f10355c4510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done DictEntry>>value: |AST 11|Tier 2|Time 41( 38+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 73/ 91|CodeSize 290|Addr 0x7f10355d6790|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder>>stepD:nodePool: |AST 55|Tier 2|Time 779( 605+174 )ms|Inlined 14Y 0N|IR 1455/ 3952|CodeSize 17023|Addr 0x7f10355d7190|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SimpleLoop>>parent: |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 429( 301+128 )ms|Inlined 7Y 0N|IR 913/ 2406|CodeSize 8623|Addr 0x7f10355e2110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomSet>>add: <split-7e97551f> |AST 40|Tier 2|Time 454( 372+82 )ms|Inlined 5Y 0N|IR 793/ 2180|CodeSize 8643|Addr 0x7f10355e9710|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SimpleLoop>>addChildLoop: |AST 24|Tier 2|Time 484( 381+103 )ms|Inlined 6Y 0N|IR 848/ 2249|CodeSize 8792|Addr 0x7f10355ef910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Object>>~= <split-6f8d7714> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 67( 64+2 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 27/ 40|CodeSize 244|Addr 0x7f10355f6290|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder>>stepEProcessNonBackPreds:nodePool:workList:x:|AST 213|Tier 2|Time 1634(1002+632 )ms|Inlined 25Y 0N|IR 3323/10850|CodeSize 51120|Addr 0x7f10355f6790|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomDictionary>>bucketIdx: |AST 40|Tier 2|Time 89( 82+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 91/ 240|CodeSize 849|Addr 0x7f1035613e90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-4d6f623d> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 160( 137+23 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 266/ 1103|CodeSize 3657|Addr 0x7f1035614b10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder>>Unvisited |AST 8|Tier 2|Time 32( 30+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 18/ 57|CodeSize 292|Addr 0x7f1035616a10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done DictIdEntry>>match:key: |AST 30|Tier 2|Time 139( 135+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 75/ 127|CodeSize 471|Addr 0x7f1035619810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector class>>new |AST 20|Tier 2|Time 214( 209+6 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 49/ 228|CodeSize 834|Addr 0x7f1035619e90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>isEmpty |AST 18|Tier 2|Time 48( 45+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 31/ 52|CodeSize 270|Addr 0x7f103561b110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder>>isAncestor:v: |AST 41|Tier 2|Time 104( 72+32 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 103/ 234|CodeSize 838|Addr 0x7f103561b890|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. UnionFindNode>>findSet |AST 156|Calls/Thres 44911/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 53430/ 1000|Src n/a
[engine] opt done UnionFindNode>>findSet |AST 156|Tier 2|Time 625( 508+118 )ms|Inlined 12Y 0N|IR 954/ 2168|CodeSize 9352|Addr 0x7f103561c190|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomDictionary>>at: |AST 86|Tier 2|Time 235( 227+8 )ms|Inlined 5Y 0N|IR 287/ 287|CodeSize 1073|Addr 0x7f1035622910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done UnionFindNode>>initialize |AST 10|Tier 2|Time 42( 39+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 68/ 80|CodeSize 274|Addr 0x7f1035623510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Object>>= |AST 14|Tier 2|Time 45( 41+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 76/ 139|CodeSize 499|Addr 0x7f1035623b90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomSet class>>new |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 177( 158+20 )ms|Inlined 5Y 0N|IR 261/ 595|CodeSize 1879|Addr 0x7f1035624290|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomSet>>contains: |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 189( 158+32 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 318/ 671|CodeSize 2226|Addr 0x7f1035625d10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomIdentitySet>>contains: |AST 14|Tier 2|Time 38( 36+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 25/ 31|CodeSize 199|Addr 0x7f1035627d10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomIdentitySet>>contains: |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 264( 231+33 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 315/ 680|CodeSize 2201|Addr 0x7f1035628b10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder>>initAllNodes |AST 34|Tier 2|Time 171( 168+2 )ms|Inlined 5Y 0N|IR 5/ 5|CodeSize 120|Addr 0x7f103562ab90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder>>processEdges:w: |AST 125|Tier 2|Time 893( 650+244 )ms|Inlined 17Y 0N|IR 1991/ 5064|CodeSize 22685|Addr 0x7f103562b010|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomIdentityDictionary>>newEntry:value:hash: |AST 31|Tier 2|Time 123( 119+4 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 51/ 122|CodeSize 509|Addr 0x7f103563a010|Src n/a
[engine] opt done UnionFindNode>>initNode:dfs: |AST 20|Tier 2|Time 48( 43+6 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 105/ 205|CodeSize 740|Addr 0x7f103563a690|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomDictionary>>insertBucketEntry:value:hash:head: |AST 122|Tier 2|Time 214( 202+12 )ms|Inlined 7Y 0N|IR 317/ 413|CodeSize 1425|Addr 0x7f103563b990|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomDictionary>>at:put: <split-41a6d121> |AST 115|Tier 2|Time 435( 414+21 )ms|Inlined 11Y 0N|IR 508/ 697|CodeSize 2835|Addr 0x7f103563ca10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder>>doDFS:current: |AST 226|Tier 2|Time 2174(1622+552 )ms|Inlined 68Y 1N|IR 3671/ 6514|CodeSize 31687|Addr 0x7f1035641c10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder>>stepEProcessNonBackPreds:nodePool:workList:x:|AST 14|Tier 2|Time 38( 36+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 25/ 31|CodeSize 199|Addr 0x7f1035658b10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Symbol>>= <split-3044e9c7> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 54( 52+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 27/ 37|CodeSize 240|Addr 0x7f1035659390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomSet>>contains: |AST 15|Tier 2|Time 38( 35+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 29/ 35|CodeSize 215|Addr 0x7f1035659e10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SimpleLoop>>counter: |AST 11|Tier 2|Time 39( 36+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 74/ 91|CodeSize 290|Addr 0x7f103565a210|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder>>findLoops |AST 23|Tier 2|Time 361( 212+149 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 527/ 1821|CodeSize 7335|Addr 0x7f103565d110|Src n/a
[engine] opt deopt Vector>>forEach: <split-3c5a54b7> |AST 79|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. HavlakLoopFinder>>findLoops <split-e8fadb0> |AST 760|Calls/Thres 9/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 140769/ 1000|Src n/a|Reason Profiled Argument Types
[engine] opt inv. HavlakLoopFinder>>findLoops |AST 760|Calls/Thres 1501/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 63641/ 1000|Src n/a|Reason Profiled Argument Types
[engine] opt done LoopStructureGraph>>createNewLoop:reducible: |AST 80|Tier 2|Time 1040( 740+300 )ms|Inlined 23Y 0N|IR 1891/ 5413|CodeSize 20014|Addr 0x7f1035673490|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomSet>>forEach: |AST 24|Tier 2|Time 2362(1231+1130)ms|Inlined 27Y 0N|IR 3635/11688|CodeSize 58393|Addr 0x7f1035682810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder>>stepEProcessNonBackPreds:nodePool:workList:x:|AST 58|Tier 2|Time 2702(1256+1445)ms|Inlined 29Y 0N|IR 4000/13309|CodeSize 64312|Addr 0x7f10356b0110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder>>findLoops <split-4303b7f0> |AST 760|Tier 2|Time 3211(1605+1606)ms|Inlined 35Y 15N|IR 7494/29445|CodeSize 109230|Addr 0x7f10356db590|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomDictionary>>transferEntries: |AST 194|Tier 2|Time 465( 282+183 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 814/ 2182|CodeSize 9148|Addr 0x7f1035708390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done LoopTesterApp>>addDummyLoops: |AST 21|Tier 2|Time 4016(1564+2452)ms|Inlined 35Y 22N|IR 7825/29756|CodeSize 111299|Addr 0x7f103570df90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-5c41d037> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 406( 333+73 )ms|Inlined 10Y 0N|IR 616/ 2041|CodeSize 7840|Addr 0x7f1035748310|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-3e6f3bae> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 66( 58+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 93/ 215|CodeSize 816|Addr 0x7f103574cc90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder>>init:lsg: |AST 68|Tier 2|Time 318( 296+22 )ms|Inlined 12Y 0N|IR 238/ 1113|CodeSize 3327|Addr 0x7f103574d790|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomIdentityDictionary class>>new |AST 18|Tier 2|Time 123( 118+5 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 45/ 223|CodeSize 818|Addr 0x7f103574f110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomDictionary class>>new: |AST 29|Tier 2|Time 118( 112+6 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 59/ 252|CodeSize 873|Addr 0x7f1035752090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-34237b90> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 63( 59+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 33/ 103|CodeSize 454|Addr 0x7f1035752910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomDictionary>>initialize: |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 78( 72+6 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 116/ 275|CodeSize 795|Addr 0x7f1035752f10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-1d3e6d34> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 1335( 615+719 )ms|Inlined 23Y 1N|IR 1638/ 3967|CodeSize 14898|Addr 0x7f1035753890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder>>findLoops <split-e8fadb0> |AST 760|Tier 2|Time 3336(1595+1741)ms|Inlined 34Y 16N|IR 7562/32423|CodeSize 122721|Addr 0x7f1035761410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done LoopTesterApp>>buildStraight:n: <split-2e1792e7> |AST 95|Tier 2|Time 2057(1052+1005)ms|Inlined 30Y 0N|IR 3070/ 9185|CodeSize 40107|Addr 0x7f1035795610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done LoopTesterApp>>buildStraight:n: <split-6719a5b8> |AST 95|Tier 2|Time 1958( 948+1010)ms|Inlined 30Y 0N|IR 3070/ 9185|CodeSize 40107|Addr 0x7f10357bd010|Src n/a
[engine] opt done LoopTesterApp>>buildStraight:n: <split-3eb631b8> |AST 95|Tier 2|Time 1899( 920+979 )ms|Inlined 29Y 0N|IR 2843/ 8951|CodeSize 40290|Addr 0x7f10357e4d90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SimpleLoop>>depthLevel: |AST 11|Tier 2|Time 40( 37+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 74/ 91|CodeSize 290|Addr 0x7f103580c690|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-757529a4> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 2117(1076+1041)ms|Inlined 26Y 0N|IR 3590/11610|CodeSize 57168|Addr 0x7f103580cd10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomSet>>forEach: <split-577f9109> |AST 24|Tier 2|Time 1475( 661+814 )ms|Inlined 23Y 1N|IR 1638/ 3883|CodeSize 14476|Addr 0x7f1035832f10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomSet>>forEach: <split-4642b71d> |AST 24|Tier 2|Time 2364(1220+1143)ms|Inlined 27Y 0N|IR 3635/11688|CodeSize 56738|Addr 0x7f1035841510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder>>setLoopAttribute:nodePool:loop: |AST 60|Tier 2|Time 1402( 720+682 )ms|Inlined 19Y 0N|IR 2285/ 5702|CodeSize 23966|Addr 0x7f103586a510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done LoopTesterApp>>buildStraight:n: <split-796d3c9f> |AST 95|Tier 2|Time 2066( 927+1139)ms|Inlined 29Y 0N|IR 2843/ 8951|CodeSize 40290|Addr 0x7f1035883890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-267bbe1a> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 61( 58+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 33/ 103|CodeSize 454|Addr 0x7f10358aa210|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlock>>init: |AST 47|Tier 2|Time 177( 164+13 )ms|Inlined 6Y 0N|IR 151/ 644|CodeSize 1966|Addr 0x7f10358aae10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-3ff57625> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 722( 363+359 )ms|Inlined 9Y 0N|IR 1206/ 3511|CodeSize 13955|Addr 0x7f10358ae890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Integer>>timesRepeat: <split-522b2631> |AST 46|Tier 2|Time 3709(2007+1702)ms|Inlined 41Y 15N|IR 2251/13665|CodeSize 62742|Addr 0x7f10358ba890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-77128dab> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 1085( 742+343 )ms|Inlined 23Y 0N|IR 1921/ 5098|CodeSize 22751|Addr 0x7f10358e6410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder>>findLoops <split-7c8326a4> |AST 760|Tier 2|Time 4295(1747+2547)ms|Inlined 24Y 27N|IR 9010/30493|CodeSize 115149|Addr 0x7f10358f8a10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-585c13de> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 62( 59+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 33/ 103|CodeSize 454|Addr 0x7f103592c910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlockEdge class>>for:from:to: <split-3605c4d3> |AST 37|Tier 2|Time 1788(1043+744 )ms|Inlined 27Y 0N|IR 2685/ 8783|CodeSize 37955|Addr 0x7f103592cf10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-726a6b94> |AST 76|Tier 2|Time 178( 155+22 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 370/ 589|CodeSize 2212|Addr 0x7f103594a490|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-6ad11a56> |AST 94|Tier 2|Time 590( 461+129 )ms|Inlined 13Y 0N|IR 787/ 3214|CodeSize 12362|Addr 0x7f103594c110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlockEdge>>init:from:to: <split-187eb9a8> |AST 96|Tier 2|Time 1425( 820+606 )ms|Inlined 25Y 0N|IR 2659/ 8944|CodeSize 39130|Addr 0x7f1035953990|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-72fb2fa9> |AST 76|Tier 2|Time 180( 157+23 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 370/ 589|CodeSize 2212|Addr 0x7f103596c610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-2be9f460> |AST 115|Tier 2|Time 678( 537+141 )ms|Inlined 14Y 0N|IR 996/ 3463|CodeSize 14225|Addr 0x7f103596e290|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlockEdge>>init:from:to: <split-fcc1247> |AST 96|Tier 2|Time 1496( 929+568 )ms|Inlined 26Y 0N|IR 2888/ 9169|CodeSize 40261|Addr 0x7f1035976e90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-7867ee7e> |AST 76|Tier 2|Time 174( 152+22 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 370/ 589|CodeSize 2212|Addr 0x7f1035990410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Integer>>timesRepeat: <split-1ee29c84> |AST 46|Tier 2|Time 5046(1802+3244)ms|Inlined 35Y 18N|IR 7660/30536|CodeSize 118647|Addr 0x7f1035992490|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-66692ea0> |AST 115|Tier 2|Time 665( 526+139 )ms|Inlined 14Y 0N|IR 996/ 3463|CodeSize 14225|Addr 0x7f10359d5c90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-3ec5eac1> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 61( 58+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 33/ 103|CodeSize 454|Addr 0x7f10359de890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlockEdge>>init:from:to: <split-314a72f9> |AST 96|Tier 2|Time 1460( 896+564 )ms|Inlined 26Y 0N|IR 2888/ 9169|CodeSize 40261|Addr 0x7f10359dee90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-61916903> |AST 76|Tier 2|Time 205( 183+23 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 370/ 589|CodeSize 2212|Addr 0x7f10359f8810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlockEdge class>>for:from:to: <split-74b94bd3> |AST 37|Tier 2|Time 1557( 872+684 )ms|Inlined 27Y 0N|IR 2685/ 8783|CodeSize 37955|Addr 0x7f10359fa890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-3932f036> |AST 94|Tier 2|Time 624( 391+232 )ms|Inlined 13Y 0N|IR 787/ 3214|CodeSize 12362|Addr 0x7f1035a17e10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlockEdge>>init:from:to: <split-6715d893> |AST 96|Tier 2|Time 1400( 866+534 )ms|Inlined 25Y 0N|IR 2659/ 8944|CodeSize 39130|Addr 0x7f1035a1f690|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Object>>~= <split-7cfb9525> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 75( 72+4 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 95/ 126|CodeSize 333|Addr 0x7f1035a38310|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>removeAll |AST 37|Tier 2|Time 92( 84+8 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 154/ 354|CodeSize 1025|Addr 0x7f1035a38e10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>numNodes |AST 20|Tier 2|Time 71( 67+4 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 46/ 142|CodeSize 566|Addr 0x7f1035a39a10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done LoopTesterApp>>buildStraight:n: <split-63429932> |AST 95|Tier 2|Time 2133( 947+1185)ms|Inlined 30Y 0N|IR 3070/ 9185|CodeSize 40004|Addr 0x7f1035a3a090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder class>>new:lsg: |AST 34|Tier 2|Time 274( 256+18 )ms|Inlined 14Y 0N|IR 273/ 881|CodeSize 2883|Addr 0x7f1035a60a10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done LoopTesterApp>>buildStraight:n: <split-69ce2f62> |AST 95|Tier 2|Time 2024( 964+1060)ms|Inlined 29Y 0N|IR 2843/ 8951|CodeSize 40290|Addr 0x7f1035a61c90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomDictionary>>removeAll |AST 33|Tier 2|Time 91( 84+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 129/ 332|CodeSize 994|Addr 0x7f1035a88610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlock>>addOutEdge: |AST 24|Tier 2|Time 318( 258+60 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 524/ 1804|CodeSize 7149|Addr 0x7f1035a89090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlock>>addInEdge: |AST 24|Tier 2|Time 257( 197+60 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 524/ 1804|CodeSize 7149|Addr 0x7f1035a8d510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>addEdge: |AST 24|Tier 2|Time 388( 186+202 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 524/ 1804|CodeSize 7149|Addr 0x7f1035a91990|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlock class>>new: |AST 31|Tier 2|Time 203( 193+10 )ms|Inlined 8Y 0N|IR 76/ 562|CodeSize 1878|Addr 0x7f1035a95e10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done LoopTesterApp>>findLoops: |AST 44|Tier 2|Time 3622(1598+2024)ms|Inlined 34Y 17N|IR 7619/30678|CodeSize 114562|Addr 0x7f1035a96b90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder>>initAllNodes <split-5a101b1c> |AST 34|Tier 2|Time 970( 787+183 )ms|Inlined 22Y 0N|IR 1662/ 3377|CodeSize 14689|Addr 0x7f1035acbe10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Symbol>>= <split-6b410923> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 54( 51+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 27/ 37|CodeSize 240|Addr 0x7f1035ad8210|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Object>>~= <split-385d0d2e> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 65( 62+3 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 27/ 40|CodeSize 244|Addr 0x7f1035ad8690|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Object>>~= <split-57bd2029> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 71( 67+4 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 95/ 126|CodeSize 333|Addr 0x7f1035ad8b90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SimpleLoop>>nestingLevel: |AST 34|Tier 2|Time 169( 163+6 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 158/ 179|CodeSize 457|Addr 0x7f1035ad9390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Magnitude>>max: |AST 21|Tier 2|Time 41( 39+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 29/ 34|CodeSize 206|Addr 0x7f1035ad9e10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done LoopStructureGraph>>calculateNestingLevelRec:depth: |AST 58|Tier 2|Time 920( 532+388 )ms|Inlined 23Y 1N|IR 1482/ 1969|CodeSize 7127|Addr 0x7f1035ada490|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Symbol>>= <split-1450078a> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 52( 50+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 27/ 37|CodeSize 240|Addr 0x7f1035ae7310|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder>>initAllNodes |AST 64|Tier 2|Time 3633(2284+1348)ms|Inlined 74Y 9N|IR 5573/11612|CodeSize 52406|Addr 0x7f1035ae7790|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Object>>~= <split-c68a5f8> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 70( 66+4 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 95/ 126|CodeSize 333|Addr 0x7f1035b17010|Src n/a
[engine] opt done LoopStructureGraph>>calculateNestingLevelRec:depth: |AST 85|Tier 2|Time 1661( 536+1125)ms|Inlined 23Y 1N|IR 1645/ 4894|CodeSize 19052|Addr 0x7f1035b18410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done LoopTesterApp>>constructCFG:p:p: |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 2752(2096+656 )ms|Inlined 40Y 15N|IR 2066/ 6459|CodeSize 28655|Addr 0x7f1035b2f590|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder>>initAllNodes <split-3aefae67> |AST 64|Tier 2|Time 2794(2019+775 )ms|Inlined 80Y 1N|IR 4320/ 7964|CodeSize 37303|Addr 0x7f1035b41890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Symbol>>= <split-4d6f197e> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 59( 56+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 27/ 37|CodeSize 240|Addr 0x7f1035b60110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Object>>~= <split-6ef7623> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 77( 73+4 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 95/ 126|CodeSize 333|Addr 0x7f1035b60590|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>forEach: <split-5eccd3b9> |AST 79|Tier 2|Time 338( 236+102 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 686/ 2588|CodeSize 10309|Addr 0x7f1035b61610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-41477a6d> |AST 76|Tier 2|Time 264( 242+22 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 370/ 589|CodeSize 2212|Addr 0x7f1035b67990|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-2bc12da> |AST 115|Tier 2|Time 548( 409+139 )ms|Inlined 14Y 0N|IR 996/ 3463|CodeSize 14080|Addr 0x7f1035b69610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Integer>>timesRepeat: <split-60baef24> |AST 46|Tier 2|Time 3618(2146+1472)ms|Inlined 42Y 18N|IR 3056/10247|CodeSize 45817|Addr 0x7f1035b72410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlockEdge>>init:from:to: <split-66908383> |AST 96|Tier 2|Time 1434( 874+560 )ms|Inlined 26Y 0N|IR 2888/ 9169|CodeSize 39925|Addr 0x7f1035b94f10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-4b6ac111> |AST 76|Tier 2|Time 176( 154+22 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 370/ 589|CodeSize 2212|Addr 0x7f1035bae290|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-6fe46b62> |AST 115|Tier 2|Time 678( 433+245 )ms|Inlined 14Y 0N|IR 996/ 3463|CodeSize 13706|Addr 0x7f1035baff10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-3068b369> |AST 76|Tier 2|Time 182( 159+23 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 370/ 589|CodeSize 2212|Addr 0x7f1035bb8790|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlockEdge>>init:from:to: <split-29a23c3d> |AST 96|Tier 2|Time 1408( 863+546 )ms|Inlined 26Y 0N|IR 2888/ 9169|CodeSize 39927|Addr 0x7f1035bba410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlockEdge>>init:from:to: <split-7c9b78e3> |AST 96|Tier 2|Time 1424( 862+562 )ms|Inlined 26Y 0N|IR 2888/ 9169|CodeSize 39927|Addr 0x7f1035bd3410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-289aa651> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 68( 64+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 33/ 103|CodeSize 454|Addr 0x7f1035bec810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-45394b31> |AST 76|Tier 2|Time 183( 161+23 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 370/ 589|CodeSize 2212|Addr 0x7f1035bed390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlockEdge>>init:from:to: <split-6ecd665> |AST 96|Tier 2|Time 933( 656+277 )ms|Inlined 16Y 0N|IR 2265/ 6298|CodeSize 26364|Addr 0x7f1035bef410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-2a037324> |AST 76|Tier 2|Time 185( 162+23 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 370/ 589|CodeSize 2212|Addr 0x7f1035bffb90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-69eb86b4> |AST 115|Tier 2|Time 653( 513+140 )ms|Inlined 14Y 0N|IR 996/ 3463|CodeSize 13722|Addr 0x7f1035c02b10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlockEdge class>>for:from:to: <split-32a64b16> |AST 37|Tier 2|Time 1557( 874+683 )ms|Inlined 28Y 0N|IR 2917/ 9018|CodeSize 41256|Addr 0x7f1035c0b390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-5f78de22> |AST 76|Tier 2|Time 176( 154+22 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 370/ 589|CodeSize 2212|Addr 0x7f1035c2a890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlockEdge>>init:from:to: <split-74fef3f7> |AST 96|Tier 2|Time 1405( 844+561 )ms|Inlined 26Y 0N|IR 2888/ 9169|CodeSize 39944|Addr 0x7f1035c2c510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-516ebdf8> |AST 94|Tier 2|Time 622( 387+235 )ms|Inlined 13Y 0N|IR 787/ 3214|CodeSize 12362|Addr 0x7f1035c45510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-30feffc> |AST 76|Tier 2|Time 174( 152+22 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 370/ 589|CodeSize 2212|Addr 0x7f1035c4cd90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlockEdge>>init:from:to: <split-6a933be2> |AST 96|Tier 2|Time 1430( 885+544 )ms|Inlined 25Y 0N|IR 2659/ 8944|CodeSize 39130|Addr 0x7f1035c4ea10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-67207d8a> |AST 94|Tier 2|Time 611( 384+227 )ms|Inlined 13Y 0N|IR 787/ 3214|CodeSize 12362|Addr 0x7f1035c67910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlockEdge>>init:from:to: <split-272a179c> |AST 96|Tier 2|Time 1365( 835+530 )ms|Inlined 25Y 0N|IR 2659/ 8944|CodeSize 39130|Addr 0x7f1035c6f190|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-648ee871> |AST 76|Tier 2|Time 213( 190+22 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 370/ 589|CodeSize 2212|Addr 0x7f1035c87e10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-375b5b7f> |AST 76|Tier 2|Time 213( 191+22 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 370/ 589|CodeSize 2212|Addr 0x7f1035c8a090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-5173200b> |AST 76|Tier 2|Time 175( 152+22 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 370/ 589|CodeSize 2212|Addr 0x7f1035c8c010|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlockEdge>>init:from:to: <split-a619c2> |AST 96|Tier 2|Time 972( 691+281 )ms|Inlined 16Y 0N|IR 2265/ 6298|CodeSize 26364|Addr 0x7f1035c8dc90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-25c5e994> |AST 76|Tier 2|Time 176( 154+22 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 370/ 589|CodeSize 2212|Addr 0x7f1035c9e410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-a10c1b5> |AST 76|Tier 2|Time 249( 226+22 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 370/ 589|CodeSize 2212|Addr 0x7f1035ca0390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-644abb8f> |AST 76|Tier 2|Time 176( 153+22 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 370/ 589|CodeSize 2212|Addr 0x7f1035ca2010|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlockEdge>>init:from:to: <split-56781d96> |AST 96|Tier 2|Time 890( 612+278 )ms|Inlined 16Y 0N|IR 2265/ 6298|CodeSize 26364|Addr 0x7f1035ca3c90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-5f462e3b> |AST 76|Tier 2|Time 175( 153+22 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 370/ 589|CodeSize 2212|Addr 0x7f1035cb4410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlockEdge>>init:from:to: <split-6331250e> |AST 96|Tier 2|Time 1016( 639+377 )ms|Inlined 16Y 0N|IR 2265/ 6298|CodeSize 26364|Addr 0x7f1035cb6090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-3d7fa3ae> |AST 76|Tier 2|Time 272( 249+22 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 370/ 589|CodeSize 2212|Addr 0x7f1035cc6810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SimpleLoop class>>basicBlock:reducible: <split-6f012914> |AST 34|Tier 2|Time 342( 292+50 )ms|Inlined 14Y 0N|IR 523/ 1440|CodeSize 4519|Addr 0x7f1035cc8490|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlockEdge>>init:from:to: <split-4d847d32> |AST 96|Tier 2|Time 910( 633+277 )ms|Inlined 16Y 0N|IR 2265/ 6298|CodeSize 26364|Addr 0x7f1035ccb390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done LoopStructureGraph>>initialize |AST 113|Tier 2|Time 742( 532+210 )ms|Inlined 23Y 0N|IR 1340/ 3786|CodeSize 13027|Addr 0x7f1035cdbe90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-732bb66d> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 68( 64+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 33/ 103|CodeSize 454|Addr 0x7f1035ce3d10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlockEdge class>>for:from:to: <split-61533ae> |AST 37|Tier 2|Time 1139( 643+496 )ms|Inlined 18Y 0N|IR 2296/ 6151|CodeSize 26224|Addr 0x7f1035ce4810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done LoopTesterApp>>buildConnect:end: <split-13efd731> |AST 31|Tier 2|Time 1236( 657+579 )ms|Inlined 19Y 0N|IR 2356/ 6215|CodeSize 26161|Addr 0x7f1035cf9e10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-5d9378ad> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 70( 66+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 33/ 103|CodeSize 454|Addr 0x7f1035d11510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlockEdge>>init:from:to: <split-2c84fa98> |AST 96|Tier 2|Time 1569( 978+591 )ms|Inlined 26Y 0N|IR 2888/ 9169|CodeSize 39856|Addr 0x7f1035d12b90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlockEdge class>>for:from:to: <split-5147944c> |AST 37|Tier 2|Time 1686( 978+708 )ms|Inlined 28Y 0N|IR 2917/ 9018|CodeSize 41206|Addr 0x7f1035d2b710|Src n/a
[engine] opt done LoopTesterApp>>buildConnect:end: <split-2cb8554e> |AST 31|Tier 2|Time 1814( 986+828 )ms|Inlined 29Y 0N|IR 2972/ 8989|CodeSize 39969|Addr 0x7f1035d49e10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-12ab34fb> |AST 76|Tier 2|Time 182( 160+23 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 370/ 589|CodeSize 2212|Addr 0x7f1035d6bd90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-7011a7c> |AST 115|Tier 2|Time 539( 400+139 )ms|Inlined 14Y 0N|IR 996/ 3463|CodeSize 13856|Addr 0x7f1035d6da10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-43b0ade> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 708( 542+166 )ms|Inlined 24Y 0N|IR 925/ 2233|CodeSize 5896|Addr 0x7f1035d77590|Src n/a
[engine] opt done LoopStructureGraph class>>new |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 1208( 985+223 )ms|Inlined 49Y 0N|IR 1668/ 4048|CodeSize 10913|Addr 0x7f1035d7be10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HavlakLoopFinder>>initAllNodes <split-298d317b> |AST 64|Tier 2|Time 3669(2287+1383)ms|Inlined 73Y 9N|IR 5629/12302|CodeSize 54231|Addr 0x7f1035d85990|Src n/a
[engine] opt done LoopTesterApp>>findLoops: <split-1517f633> |AST 44|Tier 2|Time 4662(1827+2834)ms|Inlined 23Y 29N|IR 8653/28987|CodeSize 107618|Addr 0x7f1035db6890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done LoopTesterApp>>main:loop:p:p:p: |AST 31|Tier 2|Time 4865(1784+3081)ms|Inlined 25Y 32N|IR 8401/27887|CodeSize 103692|Addr 0x7f1035deae90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done DictEntry>>next: |AST 11|Tier 2|Time 78( 73+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 61/ 188|CodeSize 534|Addr 0x7f1035e22110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomSet>>add: <split-13ae1ccc> |AST 40|Tier 2|Time 365( 270+95 )ms|Inlined 5Y 0N|IR 804/ 2227|CodeSize 9300|Addr 0x7f1035e22890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Integer>>timesRepeat: <split-4fe01803> |AST 46|Tier 2|Time 5877(2035+3842)ms|Inlined 25Y 33N|IR 8493/28702|CodeSize 109710|Addr 0x7f1035e29390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done UnionFindNode>>findSet |AST 22|Tier 2|Time 74( 69+5 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 103/ 230|CodeSize 559|Addr 0x7f1035e6ad90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Integer>>timesRepeat: <split-4565a70a> |AST 46|Tier 2|Time 4018(1856+2161)ms|Inlined 45Y 21N|IR 3825/13781|CodeSize 62652|Addr 0x7f1035e6c890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-312afbc7> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 78( 75+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 33/ 103|CodeSize 454|Addr 0x7f1035e9ca90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-33723e97> |AST 115|Tier 2|Time 684( 448+237 )ms|Inlined 14Y 0N|IR 982/ 3455|CodeSize 13541|Addr 0x7f1035e9d090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>createNode: <split-7b60c3e> |AST 76|Tier 2|Time 180( 157+23 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 370/ 589|CodeSize 2212|Addr 0x7f1035ea6610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlockEdge>>init:from:to: <split-599f571f> |AST 96|Tier 2|Time 914( 632+282 )ms|Inlined 16Y 0N|IR 2265/ 6298|CodeSize 26364|Addr 0x7f1035ea9c10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlockEdge class>>for:from:to: <split-3af099b5> |AST 37|Tier 2|Time 1039( 679+359 )ms|Inlined 18Y 0N|IR 2296/ 6151|CodeSize 26224|Addr 0x7f1035eba390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-466d49f0> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 68( 64+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 33/ 103|CodeSize 454|Addr 0x7f1035ecf190|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlockEdge>>init:from:to: <split-710d7aff> |AST 96|Tier 2|Time 890( 611+278 )ms|Inlined 16Y 0N|IR 2265/ 6298|CodeSize 26364|Addr 0x7f1035ecf790|Src n/a
[engine] opt done BasicBlockEdge class>>for:from:to: <split-6569dded> |AST 37|Tier 2|Time 1043( 681+362 )ms|Inlined 18Y 0N|IR 2296/ 6151|CodeSize 26224|Addr 0x7f1035edff10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done LoopTesterApp>>buildConnect:end: <split-4c7ee29a> |AST 31|Tier 2|Time 1095( 659+435 )ms|Inlined 19Y 0N|IR 2356/ 6215|CodeSize 26161|Addr 0x7f1035ef4910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String class>>new: |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 249( 232+17 )ms|Inlined 2Y 1N|IR 213/ 509|CodeSize 1801|Addr 0x7f1035f0c010|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SmallInteger>>printString |AST 152|Tier 2|Time 312( 291+21 )ms|Inlined 4Y 1N|IR 312/ 462|CodeSize 1365|Addr 0x7f1035f0dc90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ControlFlowGraph>>initialize |AST 38|Tier 2|Time 196( 184+12 )ms|Inlined 8Y 0N|IR 129/ 632|CodeSize 1880|Addr 0x7f1035f10410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with: |AST 177|Tier 2|Time 291( 244+47 )ms|Inlined 3Y 1N|IR 474/ 1088|CodeSize 5412|Addr 0x7f1035f11410|Src n/a
[engine] Truffle runtime statistics for engine 2
Compilations : 236
Success : 228
Temporary Bailouts : 4
org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.CancellationBailoutException: Compilation cancelled.: 3
org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.RetryableBailoutException: Assumption invalidated while compiling code: Object[Instance<org.graalvm.compiler.truffle.runtime.OptimizedAssumption>]: 1
Permanent Bailouts : 0
Failed : 0
Interrupted : 4
Invalidated : 10
null : 6
Latest layout assumption Layout no longer valid: 2
Queues : 367
Dequeues : 145
Target inlined into only caller : 137
null : 6
Split call node : 2
Splits : 656
Compilation Accuracy : 0.957627
Queue Accuracy : 0.604905
Compilation Utilization : 0.466088
Remaining Compilation Queue : 0
Time to queue : count= 367, sum= 7920707, min= 3, average= 21582.31, max= 423146 (milliseconds), maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with:
Time waiting in queue : count= 234, sum= 2416225, min= 0, average= 10325.75, max= 36283 (milliseconds), maxTarget=SomDictionary>>at:put:
Time for compilation : count= 232, sum= 197880, min= 33, average= 852.94, max= 5877 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Integer>>timesRepeat:
Truffle Tier : count= 228, sum= 112625, min= 30, average= 493.97, max= 2286 (milliseconds), maxTarget=HavlakLoopFinder>>initAllNodes
Graal Tier : count= 228, sum= 59531, min= 1, average= 261.10, max= 3076 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Integer>>timesRepeat:
Code Installation : count= 228, sum= 21546, min= 1, average= 94.50, max= 765 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Integer>>timesRepeat:
Truffle node count : count= 232, sum= 263476, min= 12, average= 1135.67, max= 6862, maxTarget=HavlakLoopFinder>>initAllNodes
Trivial : count= 232, sum= 99693, min= 4, average= 429.71, max= 2517, maxTarget=HavlakLoopFinder>>initAllNodes
Non Trivial : count= 232, sum= 163783, min= 8, average= 705.96, max= 4345, maxTarget=HavlakLoopFinder>>initAllNodes
Monomorphic : count= 232, sum= 161332, min= 8, average= 695.40, max= 4310, maxTarget=HavlakLoopFinder>>initAllNodes
Polymorphic : count= 232, sum= 2451, min= 0, average= 10.56, max= 42, maxTarget=LoopStructureGraph class>>new
Megamorphic : count= 232, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Behavior>>new
Truffle call count : count= 232, sum= 3170, min= 0, average= 13.66, max= 83, maxTarget=HavlakLoopFinder>>initAllNodes
Indirect : count= 232, sum= 1, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 1, maxTarget=Integer>>timesRepeat:
Direct : count= 232, sum= 3169, min= 0, average= 13.66, max= 83, maxTarget=HavlakLoopFinder>>initAllNodes
Dispatched : count= 232, sum= 336, min= 0, average= 1.45, max= 33, maxTarget=Integer>>timesRepeat:
Inlined : count= 232, sum= 2833, min= 0, average= 12.21, max= 80, maxTarget=HavlakLoopFinder>>initAllNodes
---------- :
Cloned : count= 232, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Behavior>>new
Not Cloned : count= 232, sum= 3172, min= 0, average= 13.67, max= 83, maxTarget=HavlakLoopFinder>>initAllNodes
Truffle loops : count= 232, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Behavior>>new
Graal node count :
After Truffle Tier : count= 232, sum= 327012, min= 5, average= 1409.53, max= 9010, maxTarget=HavlakLoopFinder>>findLoops
After Graal Tier : count= 229, sum= 1004534, min= 5, average= 4386.61, max= 32423, maxTarget=HavlakLoopFinder>>findLoops
Graal compilation result :
Code size : count= 228, sum= 4138312, min= 120, average= 18150.49, max= 122904, maxTarget=HavlakLoopFinder>>findLoops
Total frame size : count= 228, sum= 79312, min= 32, average= 347.86, max= 1488, maxTarget=Integer>>timesRepeat:
Exception handlers : count= 228, sum= 421, min= 0, average= 1.85, max= 35, maxTarget=Integer>>timesRepeat:
Infopoints : count= 228, sum= 34357, min= 4, average= 150.69, max= 1109, maxTarget=HavlakLoopFinder>>findLoops
CALL : count= 228, sum= 28896, min= 4, average= 126.74, max= 946, maxTarget=HavlakLoopFinder>>findLoops
IMPLICIT_EXCEPTION : count= 228, sum= 5050, min= 0, average= 22.15, max= 159, maxTarget=HavlakLoopFinder>>findLoops
SAFEPOINT : count= 228, sum= 411, min= 0, average= 1.80, max= 9, maxTarget=Vector>>forEach:
Marks : count= 228, sum= 2464, min= 5, average= 10.81, max= 46, maxTarget=LoopTesterApp>>main:loop:p:p:p:
Data references : count= 228, sum= 22455, min= 0, average= 98.49, max= 658, maxTarget=Integer>>timesRepeat:
# Json (iterations: 250, problem size: 100) on Thu May 27 22:58:24 UTC 2021
# `/home/fniephaus/bin/graalvm-ce-java11-21.1.0/bin/trufflesqueak --experimental-options --smalltalk.disable-startup --smalltalk.disable-interrupts --engine.Mode=default --engine.MultiTier=false --engine.TraceCompilation --engine.CompilationStatistics --log.file="/home/fniephaus/dev/are-we-fast-yet/traces/Json.trace.log" --quiet --code "FileStream startUp: true. Harness new run: #(nil 'Json' 250 100)" /home/fniephaus/dev/are-we-fast-yet/benchmarks/Smalltalk/AWFY64-sista-fbc.image`
[engine] opt done SequenceableCollection>>atAllPut: |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 280( 243+37 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 184/ 414|CodeSize 1599|Addr 0x7f5ebd384710|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String class>>new: |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 285( 263+22 )ms|Inlined 2Y 1N|IR 213/ 509|CodeSize 1867|Addr 0x7f5ebd38c490|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Character>>asString |AST 22|Tier 2|Time 328( 311+18 )ms|Inlined 4Y 1N|IR 191/ 338|CodeSize 889|Addr 0x7f5ebd396e10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-4564e94b> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 180( 168+12 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd3ab110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-27abb83e> |AST 48|Tier 2|Time 129( 125+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 43/ 91|CodeSize 400|Addr 0x7f5ebd3acc90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>append: |AST 163|Tier 2|Time 297( 249+48 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 456/ 1701|CodeSize 7176|Addr 0x7f5ebd3b1190|Src n/a
[engine] opt deopt Vector>>append: |AST 163|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>readStringInternal |AST 111|Tier 2|Time 1496(1323+172 )ms|Inlined 36Y 4N|IR 2128/ 2839|CodeSize 9141|Addr 0x7f5ebd3c6c10|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. Vector>>append: |AST 163|Calls/Thres 6171/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 6471/ 1000|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>append: |AST 163|Tier 2|Time 218( 165+53 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 453/ 1743|CodeSize 7328|Addr 0x7f5ebd3cde90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-73eb8672> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 280( 268+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd3d2b90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith: <split-5942ee04> |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 105( 96+9 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 205/ 290|CodeSize 702|Addr 0x7f5ebd3d4090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith:collated: <split-5e76a2bb> |AST 33|Tier 2|Time 95( 87+8 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 171/ 257|CodeSize 693|Addr 0x7f5ebd3d4c90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compare:with:collated: <split-757194dc> |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 71( 64+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 137/ 226|CodeSize 698|Addr 0x7f5ebd3d5710|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SequenceableCollection>>copyFrom:to: <split-5a865416> |AST 68|Tier 2|Time 220( 183+37 )ms|Inlined 3Y 1N|IR 325/ 811|CodeSize 3219|Addr 0x7f5ebd3d9690|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-1c6e0a08> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 148( 137+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd3def90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith: <split-6dba847b> |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 106( 97+9 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 205/ 290|CodeSize 702|Addr 0x7f5ebd3dfd10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith:collated: <split-1efdcd5> |AST 33|Tier 2|Time 94( 86+8 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 171/ 257|CodeSize 693|Addr 0x7f5ebd3e0b90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compare:with:collated: <split-1623bbe5> |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 71( 65+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 137/ 226|CodeSize 698|Addr 0x7f5ebd3e1610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>read <split-62515a47> |AST 109|Tier 2|Time 404( 379+25 )ms|Inlined 6Y 1N|IR 431/ 780|CodeSize 2245|Addr 0x7f5ebd3e1f10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>readNumber |AST 136|Tier 2|Time 3220(2390+830 )ms|Inlined 93Y 16N|IR 6109/ 8625|CodeSize 25964|Addr 0x7f5ebd3e3810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-3c5a54b7> |AST 48|Tier 2|Time 78( 74+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 43/ 91|CodeSize 400|Addr 0x7f5ebd3fb410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith: <split-2f6bcf87> |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 108( 99+9 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 205/ 290|CodeSize 702|Addr 0x7f5ebd3fbc90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-417ad4f3> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 156( 145+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd3fc890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compare:with:collated: <split-78c7f9b3> |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 74( 67+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 137/ 226|CodeSize 698|Addr 0x7f5ebd3fd610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith:collated: <split-58f174d9> |AST 33|Tier 2|Time 97( 89+8 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 171/ 257|CodeSize 693|Addr 0x7f5ebd3fdf10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compare:with:collated: <split-c3c4c1c> |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 74( 68+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 137/ 226|CodeSize 698|Addr 0x7f5ebd3fef90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith:collated: <split-27e32fe4> |AST 33|Tier 2|Time 102( 94+8 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 171/ 257|CodeSize 693|Addr 0x7f5ebd3ffb10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith: <split-1e6b9a95> |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 209( 100+109 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 205/ 290|CodeSize 702|Addr 0x7f5ebd400590|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-6f8d7714> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 255( 244+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd401490|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compare:with:collated: <split-aa21042> |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 74( 68+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 137/ 226|CodeSize 698|Addr 0x7f5ebd402b90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith:collated: <split-4d6f623d> |AST 33|Tier 2|Time 98( 90+8 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 171/ 257|CodeSize 693|Addr 0x7f5ebd403490|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-e93f3d5> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 168( 157+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd405510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonArray>>add: |AST 33|Tier 2|Time 275( 215+60 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 524/ 1804|CodeSize 7642|Addr 0x7f5ebd407a90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith: <split-4cee7fa0> |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 107( 97+10 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 205/ 290|CodeSize 702|Addr 0x7f5ebd40bf90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compare:with:collated: <split-601cbd8c> |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 75( 68+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 137/ 226|CodeSize 698|Addr 0x7f5ebd40da10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith:collated: <split-7a26928a> |AST 33|Tier 2|Time 98( 90+8 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 171/ 257|CodeSize 693|Addr 0x7f5ebd40e590|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith: <split-4e2c95ee> |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 109( 100+9 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 205/ 290|CodeSize 702|Addr 0x7f5ebd40f390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-7180e701> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 152( 141+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd40ff90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith:collated: <split-d0ec63> |AST 33|Tier 2|Time 152( 144+8 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 171/ 257|CodeSize 693|Addr 0x7f5ebd411010|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compare:with:collated: <split-5a5c128> |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 129( 122+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 137/ 226|CodeSize 698|Addr 0x7f5ebd411a90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>read <split-35e478f> |AST 105|Tier 2|Time 320( 297+23 )ms|Inlined 6Y 1N|IR 400/ 683|CodeSize 1811|Addr 0x7f5ebd413d10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-6d6cb754> |AST 48|Tier 2|Time 74( 71+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 43/ 91|CodeSize 400|Addr 0x7f5ebd415390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-213deac2> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 147( 136+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd416310|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith: <split-23eee4b8> |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 106( 97+9 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 205/ 290|CodeSize 702|Addr 0x7f5ebd417090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>readArrayElement: |AST 58|Tier 2|Time 3245(2274+971 )ms|Inlined 80Y 31N|IR 6170/10666|CodeSize 35823|Addr 0x7f5ebd418d90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith:collated: <split-28952dea> |AST 33|Tier 2|Time 175( 168+8 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 171/ 257|CodeSize 693|Addr 0x7f5ebd436b90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compare:with:collated: <split-5a9800f8> |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 73( 66+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 137/ 226|CodeSize 698|Addr 0x7f5ebd437610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith: <split-aed0151> |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 108( 99+9 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 205/ 290|CodeSize 702|Addr 0x7f5ebd438210|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-67908582> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 153( 142+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd438e10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compare:with:collated: <split-1f12e153> |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 74( 68+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 137/ 226|CodeSize 698|Addr 0x7f5ebd439b90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith:collated: <split-267bbe1a> |AST 33|Tier 2|Time 98( 90+8 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 171/ 257|CodeSize 693|Addr 0x7f5ebd43a490|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith: <split-40226788> |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 110( 101+9 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 205/ 290|CodeSize 702|Addr 0x7f5ebd43af10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-143d9a93> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 154( 143+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd43bf10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith:collated: <split-4159e81b> |AST 33|Tier 2|Time 96( 88+8 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 171/ 257|CodeSize 693|Addr 0x7f5ebd43cc90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compare:with:collated: <split-5b5caf08> |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 72( 66+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 137/ 226|CodeSize 698|Addr 0x7f5ebd43d710|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith: <split-2234078> |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 109( 100+9 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 205/ 290|CodeSize 702|Addr 0x7f5ebd43e310|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-5e669f40> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 152( 141+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd43ef10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith:collated: <split-5ec77191> |AST 33|Tier 2|Time 188( 179+8 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 171/ 257|CodeSize 693|Addr 0x7f5ebd43fc90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-23cd4ff2> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 238( 227+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd440710|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compare:with:collated: <split-4642b71d> |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 73( 66+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 137/ 226|CodeSize 698|Addr 0x7f5ebd441490|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith: <split-70807224> |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 108( 99+9 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 205/ 290|CodeSize 702|Addr 0x7f5ebd441d90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith:collated: <split-7e97551f> |AST 33|Tier 2|Time 96( 88+8 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 171/ 257|CodeSize 693|Addr 0x7f5ebd443090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compare:with:collated: <split-400d912a> |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 73( 67+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 137/ 226|CodeSize 698|Addr 0x7f5ebd443b10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith: <split-d400943> |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 109( 100+9 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 205/ 290|CodeSize 702|Addr 0x7f5ebd444a10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-4a31c2ee> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 153( 142+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd445910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compare:with:collated: <split-31ff1390> |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 74( 67+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 137/ 226|CodeSize 698|Addr 0x7f5ebd446f90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith:collated: <split-22101c80> |AST 33|Tier 2|Time 97( 89+8 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 171/ 257|CodeSize 693|Addr 0x7f5ebd447890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith: <split-7a94b64e> |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 108( 99+9 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 205/ 290|CodeSize 702|Addr 0x7f5ebd448b90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-9f6e406> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 153( 142+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd449790|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith:collated: <split-3e6f3bae> |AST 33|Tier 2|Time 161( 153+8 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 171/ 257|CodeSize 693|Addr 0x7f5ebd44ca90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compare:with:collated: <split-12477988> |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 138( 131+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 137/ 226|CodeSize 698|Addr 0x7f5ebd44da10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith: <split-781a9412> |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 109( 100+9 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 205/ 290|CodeSize 702|Addr 0x7f5ebd44e610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-6e79d1c3> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 152( 141+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd44f210|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith:collated: <split-5a4c638d> |AST 33|Tier 2|Time 96( 88+8 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 171/ 257|CodeSize 693|Addr 0x7f5ebd44ff90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compare:with:collated: <split-13e698c7> |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 73( 66+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 137/ 226|CodeSize 698|Addr 0x7f5ebd450a10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonString class>>new: |AST 31|Tier 2|Time 99( 95+4 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 39/ 105|CodeSize 454|Addr 0x7f5ebd451310|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-34237b90> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 62( 59+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 33/ 103|CodeSize 454|Addr 0x7f5ebd451910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonString>>initializeWith: |AST 11|Tier 2|Time 40( 36+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 60/ 167|CodeSize 464|Addr 0x7f5ebd451f10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-73f3259f> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 151( 139+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd454e90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith: <split-389562d6> |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 176( 168+9 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 205/ 290|CodeSize 702|Addr 0x7f5ebd455f10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith:collated: <split-5a101b1c> |AST 33|Tier 2|Time 94( 87+8 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 171/ 257|CodeSize 693|Addr 0x7f5ebd457610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>readArray |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 3233(2126+1107)ms|Inlined 78Y 40N|IR 6390/11575|CodeSize 42717|Addr 0x7f5ebd458490|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compare:with:collated: <split-2160e52a> |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 71( 65+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 137/ 226|CodeSize 698|Addr 0x7f5ebd47a590|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String class>>with: |AST 64|Tier 2|Time 208( 197+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 1N|IR 156/ 299|CodeSize 874|Addr 0x7f5ebd47c390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>readChar: |AST 39|Tier 2|Time 429( 389+41 )ms|Inlined 11Y 1N|IR 731/ 1069|CodeSize 2834|Addr 0x7f5ebd47e090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>skipWhiteSpace |AST 19|Tier 2|Time 365( 264+101 )ms|Inlined 12Y 0N|IR 650/ 790|CodeSize 2899|Addr 0x7f5ebd480c10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>startCapture |AST 12|Tier 2|Time 45( 42+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 74/ 90|CodeSize 290|Addr 0x7f5ebd482a10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>readString |AST 32|Tier 2|Time 1350(1083+267 )ms|Inlined 40Y 4N|IR 2187/ 3000|CodeSize 9284|Addr 0x7f5ebd483090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>endCapture |AST 64|Tier 2|Time 365( 306+59 )ms|Inlined 8Y 1N|IR 667/ 1191|CodeSize 4216|Addr 0x7f5ebd48a910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector class>>new |AST 20|Tier 2|Time 131( 125+6 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 49/ 228|CodeSize 834|Addr 0x7f5ebd48de90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>readRequiredChar: |AST 22|Tier 2|Time 542( 493+49 )ms|Inlined 12Y 1N|IR 768/ 1128|CodeSize 2691|Addr 0x7f5ebd48ea10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonArray>>initialize |AST 22|Tier 2|Time 140( 133+7 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 95/ 375|CodeSize 1113|Addr 0x7f5ebd491c10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>readDigit |AST 34|Tier 2|Time 1264(1146+117 )ms|Inlined 48Y 1N|IR 2977/ 2831|CodeSize 5285|Addr 0x7f5ebd493390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith: <split-29f0802c> |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 108( 98+10 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 205/ 290|CodeSize 702|Addr 0x7f5ebd499c90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith:collated: <split-3a60c416> |AST 33|Tier 2|Time 101( 91+10 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 171/ 257|CodeSize 693|Addr 0x7f5ebd49a890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compare:with:collated: <split-60f2e0bd> |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 196( 189+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 137/ 226|CodeSize 698|Addr 0x7f5ebd49b810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-722ba1> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 278( 267+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd49cb10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-64b5c89a> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 165( 154+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd4a0510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith: <split-41e1455d> |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 108( 99+9 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 205/ 290|CodeSize 702|Addr 0x7f5ebd4a1290|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-440bc49f> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 152( 141+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd4a1e90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HashIndexTable>>initialize |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 190( 161+29 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 274/ 536|CodeSize 1585|Addr 0x7f5ebd4a2c10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HashIndexTable>>stringHash: |AST 21|Tier 2|Time 57( 54+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 32/ 122|CodeSize 497|Addr 0x7f5ebd4a7590|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HashIndexTable>>hashSlotFor: |AST 52|Tier 2|Time 162( 157+5 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 60/ 201|CodeSize 766|Addr 0x7f5ebd4a7b90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>readValue |AST 531|Tier 2|Time 3141(2298+843 )ms|Inlined 68Y 40N|IR 5922/11159|CodeSize 38684|Addr 0x7f5ebd4a8310|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>isWhiteSpace <split-6b410923> |AST 74|Tier 2|Time 375( 354+21 )ms|Inlined 7Y 0N|IR 418/ 501|CodeSize 1178|Addr 0x7f5ebd4c9510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-57bd2029> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 148( 137+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd4caf90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith: <split-203dd56b> |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 104( 96+9 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 205/ 290|CodeSize 702|Addr 0x7f5ebd4cc310|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>readName |AST 35|Tier 2|Time 1347(1146+201 )ms|Inlined 41Y 4N|IR 2410/ 3093|CodeSize 9619|Addr 0x7f5ebd4ccf10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compare:with:collated: <split-6d64b553> |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 74( 67+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 137/ 226|CodeSize 698|Addr 0x7f5ebd4d5d10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith:collated: <split-e8fadb0> |AST 33|Tier 2|Time 97( 89+8 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 171/ 257|CodeSize 693|Addr 0x7f5ebd4d6610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-53667cbe> |AST 48|Tier 2|Time 82( 78+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 43/ 91|CodeSize 400|Addr 0x7f5ebd4d7d90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-1d3e6d34> |AST 48|Tier 2|Time 78( 75+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 43/ 91|CodeSize 400|Addr 0x7f5ebd4d8310|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-6eafb10e> |AST 48|Tier 2|Time 166( 163+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 43/ 91|CodeSize 400|Addr 0x7f5ebd4d9610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-2873d672> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 151( 140+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd4d9b90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>isWhiteSpace <split-464a4442> |AST 74|Tier 2|Time 336( 315+21 )ms|Inlined 7Y 0N|IR 418/ 501|CodeSize 1178|Addr 0x7f5ebd4dbd90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith: <split-3bc735b3> |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 107( 98+9 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 205/ 290|CodeSize 702|Addr 0x7f5ebd4dd190|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith:collated: <split-577f9109> |AST 33|Tier 2|Time 97( 89+8 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 171/ 257|CodeSize 693|Addr 0x7f5ebd4ddd90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compare:with:collated: <split-4303b7f0> |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 73( 67+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 137/ 226|CodeSize 698|Addr 0x7f5ebd4de810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-757529a4> |AST 48|Tier 2|Time 78( 74+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 43/ 91|CodeSize 400|Addr 0x7f5ebd4df110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-779de014> |AST 48|Tier 2|Time 78( 75+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 43/ 91|CodeSize 400|Addr 0x7f5ebd4e1590|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-5c41d037> |AST 48|Tier 2|Time 78( 75+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 43/ 91|CodeSize 400|Addr 0x7f5ebd4e1b10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>size |AST 18|Tier 2|Time 47( 44+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 32/ 114|CodeSize 466|Addr 0x7f5ebd4e2690|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>readObjectKeyValuePair: |AST 117|Tier 2|Time 2756(2124+632 )ms|Inlined 65Y 8N|IR 4849/ 8789|CodeSize 31773|Addr 0x7f5ebd4e3210|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonObject>>add:with: |AST 98|Tier 2|Time 547( 419+128 )ms|Inlined 6Y 0N|IR 1133/ 3680|CodeSize 15723|Addr 0x7f5ebd4fb990|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>read <split-61e45f87> |AST 105|Tier 2|Time 298( 276+23 )ms|Inlined 6Y 1N|IR 400/ 683|CodeSize 1811|Addr 0x7f5ebd504690|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonLiteral class>>NULL |AST 10|Tier 2|Time 35( 33+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 21/ 27|CodeSize 230|Addr 0x7f5ebd505d10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>read <split-2dc5f4e> |AST 105|Tier 2|Time 399( 376+23 )ms|Inlined 6Y 1N|IR 400/ 683|CodeSize 1811|Addr 0x7f5ebd507810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonArray class>>new |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 211( 203+8 )ms|Inlined 11Y 0N|IR 73/ 353|CodeSize 1218|Addr 0x7f5ebd50d990|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-a1ca7d4> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 148( 137+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd50e390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>readNull |AST 78|Tier 2|Time 1469(1304+166 )ms|Inlined 47Y 4N|IR 2427/ 3079|CodeSize 7610|Addr 0x7f5ebd50fb10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>isWhiteSpace <split-3b0ca5e1> |AST 74|Tier 2|Time 356( 335+21 )ms|Inlined 7Y 0N|IR 418/ 501|CodeSize 1178|Addr 0x7f5ebd517510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>skipWhiteSpace <split-25c5e994> |AST 19|Tier 2|Time 254( 231+23 )ms|Inlined 8Y 0N|IR 462/ 533|CodeSize 1159|Addr 0x7f5ebd518910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>skipWhiteSpace <split-7c2327fa> |AST 19|Tier 2|Time 332( 309+23 )ms|Inlined 8Y 0N|IR 462/ 533|CodeSize 1159|Addr 0x7f5ebd51b490|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>readObject |AST 130|Tier 2|Time 2887(2163+723 )ms|Inlined 73Y 19N|IR 4791/ 7688|CodeSize 26509|Addr 0x7f5ebd51f710|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-69eb86b4> |AST 48|Tier 2|Time 77( 73+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 43/ 91|CodeSize 400|Addr 0x7f5ebd536710|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HashIndexTable class>>new |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 305( 239+66 )ms|Inlined 7Y 0N|IR 529/ 882|CodeSize 2349|Addr 0x7f5ebd537390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compare:with:collated: <split-272a179c> |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 71( 64+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 137/ 226|CodeSize 698|Addr 0x7f5ebd53a790|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compare:with:collated: <split-28cb9120> |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 72( 65+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 137/ 226|CodeSize 698|Addr 0x7f5ebd53b610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonObject>>initialize |AST 54|Tier 2|Time 445( 353+92 )ms|Inlined 16Y 0N|IR 663/ 1569|CodeSize 4608|Addr 0x7f5ebd53bf10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith:collated: <split-7c8326a4> |AST 33|Tier 2|Time 103( 95+8 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 171/ 257|CodeSize 693|Addr 0x7f5ebd541c90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith: <split-1ee29c84> |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 114( 105+9 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 205/ 290|CodeSize 702|Addr 0x7f5ebd542710|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-29b96dbb> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 158( 147+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd543310|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith: <split-63429932> |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 113( 104+9 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 205/ 290|CodeSize 702|Addr 0x7f5ebd544090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-318a7136> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 190( 179+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd545010|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>read <split-d02f8d> |AST 105|Tier 2|Time 305( 283+23 )ms|Inlined 6Y 1N|IR 400/ 683|CodeSize 1811|Addr 0x7f5ebd545d90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-18fdb6cf> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 542( 398+145 )ms|Inlined 17Y 0N|IR 650/ 1508|CodeSize 4195|Addr 0x7f5ebd547410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>skipWhiteSpace <split-61533ae> |AST 19|Tier 2|Time 255( 232+23 )ms|Inlined 8Y 0N|IR 462/ 533|CodeSize 1159|Addr 0x7f5ebd54de10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-371ed22> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 229( 218+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd54fd90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonObject class>>new |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 963( 644+320 )ms|Inlined 35Y 0N|IR 1183/ 2158|CodeSize 5661|Addr 0x7f5ebd550b10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-2adc80cd> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 154( 144+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd55ae90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith:collated: <split-599f571f> |AST 33|Tier 2|Time 101( 93+8 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 171/ 257|CodeSize 693|Addr 0x7f5ebd55bc10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith: <split-312afbc7> |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 112( 103+9 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 205/ 290|CodeSize 702|Addr 0x7f5ebd55c690|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-2ddc1b95> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 159( 148+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd55d290|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>compareWith: <split-3fbfa96> |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 114( 105+9 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 205/ 290|CodeSize 702|Addr 0x7f5ebd55e010|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-308e8cd9> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 158( 147+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd55ec10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-2d7e1102> |AST 48|Tier 2|Time 81( 78+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 43/ 91|CodeSize 400|Addr 0x7f5ebd55f990|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonLiteral class>>TRUE |AST 10|Tier 2|Time 38( 36+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 21/ 27|CodeSize 230|Addr 0x7f5ebd55ff10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String>>= <split-6ba7e0e7> |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 178( 167+11 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 259/ 323|CodeSize 691|Addr 0x7f5ebd560390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>read <split-710d7aff> |AST 105|Tier 2|Time 381( 320+61 )ms|Inlined 6Y 1N|IR 400/ 683|CodeSize 1811|Addr 0x7f5ebd561110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Object>>= |AST 14|Tier 2|Time 44( 40+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 76/ 139|CodeSize 499|Addr 0x7f5ebd562790|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Vector>>at: |AST 39|Tier 2|Time 79( 75+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 69/ 122|CodeSize 517|Addr 0x7f5ebd562e90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>read <split-36bc415e> |AST 105|Tier 2|Time 300( 278+23 )ms|Inlined 6Y 1N|IR 400/ 683|CodeSize 1811|Addr 0x7f5ebd563490|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonLiteral class>>FALSE |AST 10|Tier 2|Time 35( 33+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 21/ 27|CodeSize 230|Addr 0x7f5ebd564b10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonObject>>at: |AST 60|Tier 2|Time 442( 407+35 )ms|Inlined 10Y 0N|IR 543/ 764|CodeSize 1995|Addr 0x7f5ebd565890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>readTrue |AST 78|Tier 2|Time 1443(1277+166 )ms|Inlined 47Y 4N|IR 2428/ 3108|CodeSize 7685|Addr 0x7f5ebd567410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>readFalse |AST 93|Tier 2|Time 1693(1478+215 )ms|Inlined 60Y 5N|IR 3063/ 3874|CodeSize 9620|Addr 0x7f5ebd56f390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Json class>>RapBenchmarkMinified |AST 8|Tier 2|Time 32( 31+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 17/ 18|CodeSize 179|Addr 0x7f5ebd579d90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser class>>with: |AST 31|Tier 2|Time 127( 120+7 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 186/ 299|CodeSize 1064|Addr 0x7f5ebd57ad90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done JsonParser>>parse |AST 82|Tier 2|Time 2960(2124+836 )ms|Inlined 75Y 33N|IR 6408/10962|CodeSize 36594|Addr 0x7f5ebd57fb90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Json>>verifyResult: |AST 126|Tier 2|Time 1033( 948+85 )ms|Inlined 35Y 0N|IR 1534/ 1590|CodeSize 4114|Addr 0x7f5ebd599410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Json>>benchmark |AST 44|Tier 2|Time 4796(2156+2640)ms|Inlined 75Y 34N|IR 5337/26473|CodeSize 103006|Addr 0x7f5ebd59c710|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop: |AST 59|Tier 2|Time 5101(2173+2928)ms|Inlined 81Y 31N|IR 5424/25633|CodeSize 105504|Addr 0x7f5ebd5cf690|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SmallInteger>>printString |AST 152|Tier 2|Time 281( 260+21 )ms|Inlined 4Y 1N|IR 362/ 478|CodeSize 1415|Addr 0x7f5ebd609790|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with: |AST 177|Tier 2|Time 274( 228+47 )ms|Inlined 3Y 1N|IR 474/ 1088|CodeSize 5100|Addr 0x7f5ebd60bc90|Src n/a
[engine] Truffle runtime statistics for engine 2
Compilations : 188
Success : 173
Temporary Bailouts : 3
org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.CancellationBailoutException: Compilation cancelled.: 3
Permanent Bailouts : 0
Failed : 0
Interrupted : 12
Invalidated : 1
null : 1
Queues : 420
Dequeues : 248
Target inlined into only caller : 244
Split call node : 3
null : 1
Splits : 459
Compilation Accuracy : 0.994681
Queue Accuracy : 0.409524
Compilation Utilization : 0.443465
Remaining Compilation Queue : 0
Time to queue : count= 420, sum= 2143517, min= 124, average= 5103.61, max= 155948 (milliseconds), maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with:
Time waiting in queue : count= 188, sum= 890249, min= 0, average= 4735.37, max= 13877 (milliseconds), maxTarget=HashIndexTable class>>new
Time for compilation : count= 176, sum= 69343, min= 33, average= 394.00, max= 5104 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Truffle Tier : count= 173, sum= 53081, min= 30, average= 306.83, max= 2389 (milliseconds), maxTarget=JsonParser>>readNumber
Graal Tier : count= 173, sum= 11003, min= 1, average= 63.60, max= 1941 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Code Installation : count= 173, sum= 4908, min= 1, average= 28.37, max= 989 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Truffle node count : count= 176, sum= 127507, min= 12, average= 724.47, max= 7072, maxTarget=JsonParser>>readArray
Trivial : count= 176, sum= 46775, min= 4, average= 265.77, max= 2567, maxTarget=JsonParser>>readArray
Non Trivial : count= 176, sum= 80732, min= 8, average= 458.70, max= 4532, maxTarget=JsonParser>>readNumber
Monomorphic : count= 176, sum= 80174, min= 8, average= 455.53, max= 4526, maxTarget=JsonParser>>readNumber
Polymorphic : count= 176, sum= 558, min= 0, average= 3.17, max= 45, maxTarget=JsonParser>>readFalse
Megamorphic : count= 176, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>atAllPut:
Truffle call count : count= 176, sum= 1759, min= 0, average= 9.99, max= 118, maxTarget=JsonParser>>readArray
Indirect : count= 176, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>atAllPut:
Direct : count= 176, sum= 1759, min= 0, average= 9.99, max= 118, maxTarget=JsonParser>>readArray
Dispatched : count= 176, sum= 294, min= 0, average= 1.67, max= 40, maxTarget=JsonParser>>readArray
Inlined : count= 176, sum= 1465, min= 0, average= 8.32, max= 93, maxTarget=JsonParser>>readNumber
---------- :
Cloned : count= 176, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>atAllPut:
Not Cloned : count= 176, sum= 1759, min= 0, average= 9.99, max= 118, maxTarget=JsonParser>>readArray
Truffle loops : count= 176, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>atAllPut:
Graal node count :
After Truffle Tier : count= 176, sum= 107859, min= 17, average= 612.84, max= 6408, maxTarget=JsonParser>>parse
After Graal Tier : count= 173, sum= 207122, min= 18, average= 1197.24, max= 26473, maxTarget=Json>>benchmark
Graal compilation result :
Code size : count= 173, sum= 694220, min= 179, average= 4012.83, max= 105504, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Total frame size : count= 173, sum= 14480, min= 32, average= 83.70, max= 816, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Exception handlers : count= 173, sum= 229, min= 0, average= 1.32, max= 38, maxTarget=JsonParser>>readArray
Infopoints : count= 173, sum= 6400, min= 4, average= 36.99, max= 1071, maxTarget=Json>>benchmark
CALL : count= 173, sum= 5297, min= 4, average= 30.62, max= 823, maxTarget=Json>>benchmark
IMPLICIT_EXCEPTION : count= 173, sum= 1067, min= 0, average= 6.17, max= 247, maxTarget=Json>>benchmark
SAFEPOINT : count= 173, sum= 36, min= 0, average= 0.21, max= 4, maxTarget=JsonObject class>>new
Marks : count= 173, sum= 1484, min= 7, average= 8.58, max= 48, maxTarget=JsonParser>>readArray
Data references : count= 173, sum= 6758, min= 2, average= 39.06, max= 760, maxTarget=Json>>benchmark
# List (iterations: 250, problem size: 1500) on Thu May 27 22:37:34 UTC 2021
# `/home/fniephaus/bin/graalvm-ce-java11-21.1.0/bin/trufflesqueak --experimental-options --smalltalk.disable-startup --smalltalk.disable-interrupts --engine.Mode=default --engine.MultiTier=false --engine.TraceCompilation --engine.CompilationStatistics --log.file="/home/fniephaus/dev/are-we-fast-yet/traces/List.trace.log" --quiet --code "FileStream startUp: true. Harness new run: #(nil 'List' 250 1500)" /home/fniephaus/dev/are-we-fast-yet/benchmarks/Smalltalk/AWFY64-sista-fbc.image`
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-3b8ee898> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 242( 198+44 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b1936fe10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-294bdeb4> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 176( 131+44 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b1936ed90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-450b992> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 175( 131+43 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b19371290|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-51745f40> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 130( 96+33 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 135/ 299|CodeSize 1235|Addr 0x7f3b19382910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-712ca57b> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 129( 93+36 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b19383610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-4248ed58> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 137( 123+14 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b19384c10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-381cad29> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 95( 81+13 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b19385f90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-5488b5c5> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 93( 80+13 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b19387010|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-45673f68> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 94( 78+15 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b19388710|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-2fb5fe30> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 88( 78+10 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 135/ 299|CodeSize 1235|Addr 0x7f3b1938ae90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-27abb83e> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 91( 79+12 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 135/ 299|CodeSize 1235|Addr 0x7f3b1938c210|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-54acff7d> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 93( 80+13 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b1938d290|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-667e34b1> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 94( 81+13 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b1938f910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-5a865416> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 89( 77+11 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 135/ 299|CodeSize 1235|Addr 0x7f3b19390990|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-37d00a23> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 96( 81+14 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b19391690|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-62515a47> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 94( 83+11 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 138/ 320|CodeSize 1342|Addr 0x7f3b19393d10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-faa3fed> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 102( 88+14 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b19394b10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-61f2c3f0> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 97( 86+11 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 135/ 299|CodeSize 1235|Addr 0x7f3b19395b90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-aa21042> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 89( 79+10 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 135/ 299|CodeSize 1235|Addr 0x7f3b19398610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-e93f3d5> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 90( 78+11 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 135/ 299|CodeSize 1235|Addr 0x7f3b19399310|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-4cee7fa0> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 89( 79+11 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 135/ 299|CodeSize 1235|Addr 0x7f3b1939a010|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-6b7d1df8> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 89( 78+11 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 138/ 320|CodeSize 1342|Addr 0x7f3b1939c710|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-7180e701> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 88( 78+10 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 135/ 299|CodeSize 1235|Addr 0x7f3b1939d510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-5942ee04> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 94( 80+13 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b1939e210|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-6e92c6ad> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 95( 85+10 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 135/ 299|CodeSize 1235|Addr 0x7f3b193a0310|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-6dc1484> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 100( 87+13 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b193a1610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-2375b321> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 94( 83+11 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 135/ 299|CodeSize 1235|Addr 0x7f3b193a2690|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-5baaae4c> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 89( 79+10 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 135/ 299|CodeSize 1235|Addr 0x7f3b193a5c10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-d400943> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 88( 78+10 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 135/ 299|CodeSize 1235|Addr 0x7f3b193a6910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-7bc9e6ab> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 93( 79+13 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b193a7910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-69e308c6> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 97( 87+10 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 135/ 299|CodeSize 1235|Addr 0x7f3b193a9310|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-1c6e0a08> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 103( 90+13 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b193aac10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-4351171a> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 98( 87+12 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 138/ 320|CodeSize 1342|Addr 0x7f3b193abc90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-3c2772d1> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 92( 79+13 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b193b0690|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-417ad4f3> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 90( 79+10 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 135/ 299|CodeSize 1235|Addr 0x7f3b193b1710|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-2f6bcf87> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 92( 79+13 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b193b2410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-58f174d9> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 92( 78+13 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b193b3490|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-78c7f9b3> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 91( 78+13 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b193b4810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-4d6f623d> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 92( 78+13 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b193b5c10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-7a26928a> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 88( 78+10 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 135/ 299|CodeSize 1235|Addr 0x7f3b193b6c90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-601cbd8c> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 88( 77+10 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 135/ 299|CodeSize 1235|Addr 0x7f3b193b8290|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-456be73c> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 96( 82+14 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b193b8f90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-5a4c638d> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 108( 97+11 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 138/ 320|CodeSize 1342|Addr 0x7f3b193ba010|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-213deac2> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 114( 101+13 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b193bb110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-13e698c7> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 108( 96+12 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 138/ 320|CodeSize 1342|Addr 0x7f3b193bd090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-aed0151> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 89( 78+11 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 138/ 320|CodeSize 1342|Addr 0x7f3b193be290|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-5300f14a> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 95( 81+13 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b193bf090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-54534abf> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 94( 81+13 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b193c0110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-1a1ed4e5> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 92( 79+13 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b193c1490|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-433e536f> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 93( 80+13 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b193c2510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-89c65d5> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 93( 80+13 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b193c3590|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-3c5a54b7> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 87( 77+10 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 135/ 299|CodeSize 1235|Addr 0x7f3b193c4610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-291120f4> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 93( 79+14 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b193c5310|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-6f8d7714> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 89( 78+11 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 138/ 320|CodeSize 1342|Addr 0x7f3b193c6390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-6eafb10e> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 89( 78+11 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 138/ 320|CodeSize 1342|Addr 0x7f3b193c7190|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-26a94fa5> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 89( 78+11 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 138/ 320|CodeSize 1342|Addr 0x7f3b193c7f90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-464a4442> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 89( 78+11 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 138/ 320|CodeSize 1342|Addr 0x7f3b193c8d90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-1e6b9a95> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 99( 89+10 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 135/ 299|CodeSize 1235|Addr 0x7f3b193c9b90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-5e76a2bb> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 106( 93+13 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b193cab90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-757194dc> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 107( 94+14 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b193cbc10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-2873d672> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 103( 93+10 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 135/ 299|CodeSize 1235|Addr 0x7f3b193ccc90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-3bc735b3> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 101( 91+10 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 135/ 299|CodeSize 1235|Addr 0x7f3b193cd990|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-577f9109> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 102( 91+11 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 135/ 299|CodeSize 1235|Addr 0x7f3b193cea90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-7ff2b8d2> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 93( 80+13 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b193cf790|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-3044e9c7> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 94( 81+13 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b193d1810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-267bbe1a> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 89( 78+11 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 138/ 320|CodeSize 1342|Addr 0x7f3b193d2b90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-6d64b553> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 88( 77+11 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 138/ 320|CodeSize 1342|Addr 0x7f3b193d6610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-53667cbe> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 87( 77+10 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 135/ 299|CodeSize 1235|Addr 0x7f3b193d8990|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-1d3e6d34> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 89( 78+11 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 135/ 299|CodeSize 1235|Addr 0x7f3b193d9c10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-1f86099a> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 94( 80+13 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b193dc290|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-77bb0ab5> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 93( 80+13 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b193dd610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-4564e94b> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 91( 79+13 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b193e2390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-1efdcd5> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 2176(1355+821 )ms|Inlined 33Y 24N|IR 4206/ 8201|CodeSize 33866|Addr 0x7f3b193f1e10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-6dba847b> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 2303(1412+891 )ms|Inlined 33Y 28N|IR 4309/ 8696|CodeSize 36196|Addr 0x7f3b19418d10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 3170(1923+1248)ms|Inlined 41Y 44N|IR 6125/12396|CodeSize 52816|Addr 0x7f3b19441290|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-988246e> |AST 75|Tier 2|Time 85( 72+13 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 200/ 378|CodeSize 1544|Addr 0x7f3b1947d990|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-1623bbe5> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 929( 673+255 )ms|Inlined 17Y 8N|IR 1982/ 3684|CodeSize 14520|Addr 0x7f3b1947ea10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>isShorter:than: <split-14faa38c> |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 83( 72+11 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 138/ 320|CodeSize 1342|Addr 0x7f3b1948f010|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-7e97551f> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 102( 88+13 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 172/ 353|CodeSize 1248|Addr 0x7f3b1948fe10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-400d912a> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 101( 88+13 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 172/ 353|CodeSize 1248|Addr 0x7f3b19491110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-70807224> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 4046(2187+1859)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 7013/15604|CodeSize 70702|Addr 0x7f3b1949c090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-9f6e406> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 4020(2177+1842)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 7013/15164|CodeSize 69024|Addr 0x7f3b194e5110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-5b6e8f77> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 4039(2157+1882)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 7013/15604|CodeSize 70705|Addr 0x7f3b1952cf10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-41a6d121> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 3764(2000+1764)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 7013/15164|CodeSize 69024|Addr 0x7f3b1957a390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-4f449e8f> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 3761(2128+1633)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 7013/15164|CodeSize 69019|Addr 0x7f3b195c1f10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-411291e5> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 3729(1973+1757)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 7013/15164|CodeSize 69024|Addr 0x7f3b19609a90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-d0ec63> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 3013(1624+1389)ms|Inlined 33Y 48N|IR 5395/11688|CodeSize 52456|Addr 0x7f3b19653210|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-5a5c128> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 2886(1658+1228)ms|Inlined 33Y 48N|IR 5456/11711|CodeSize 52658|Addr 0x7f3b1968a090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-4e2c95ee> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 3845(1997+1848)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 7001/16242|CodeSize 72612|Addr 0x7f3b196c0990|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-73eb8672> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 1301( 772+529 )ms|Inlined 17Y 16N|IR 2413/ 4874|CodeSize 21207|Addr 0x7f3b1970d810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-19f040ba> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 100( 87+13 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 172/ 353|CodeSize 1248|Addr 0x7f3b19723210|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-72ab05ed> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 100( 87+13 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 172/ 353|CodeSize 1248|Addr 0x7f3b19724510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-27e32fe4> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 99( 86+13 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 172/ 353|CodeSize 1248|Addr 0x7f3b19725c10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-6e28bb87> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 2204(1268+937 )ms|Inlined 25Y 32N|IR 3911/ 9357|CodeSize 40195|Addr 0x7f3b19727b10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-34237b90> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 99( 86+13 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 172/ 353|CodeSize 1248|Addr 0x7f3b19751610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-7af1cd63> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 3006(1752+1254)ms|Inlined 41Y 44N|IR 6082/12793|CodeSize 54843|Addr 0x7f3b19752910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-73d69c0f> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 3796(1950+1847)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 7013/15164|CodeSize 69025|Addr 0x7f3b19790a90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-1d01dfa5> |AST 130|Tier 2|Time 3914(1973+1940)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 6948/15562|CodeSize 70592|Addr 0x7f3b197d8910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-4a31c2ee> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 3923(2180+1743)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 7013/15604|CodeSize 70719|Addr 0x7f3b19820490|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-4a183d02> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 101( 87+13 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 172/ 353|CodeSize 1248|Addr 0x7f3b19869190|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-5d05ef57> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 479( 417+62 )ms|Inlined 9Y 0N|IR 841/ 1364|CodeSize 4541|Addr 0x7f3b1986a490|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-41d7b27f> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 3119(1680+1438)ms|Inlined 33Y 48N|IR 5456/12808|CodeSize 56318|Addr 0x7f3b1986fa90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-49096b06> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 3089(1612+1477)ms|Inlined 33Y 48N|IR 5395/13172|CodeSize 57305|Addr 0x7f3b198aa410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-5a101b1c> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 100( 86+13 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 172/ 353|CodeSize 1248|Addr 0x7f3b198e5e10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-1f12e153> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 3764(1936+1828)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 7013/15604|CodeSize 70719|Addr 0x7f3b198e8410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-389562d6> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 3811(1982+1829)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 7013/15164|CodeSize 69034|Addr 0x7f3b19931890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-2160e52a> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 3858(2040+1818)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 7013/15164|CodeSize 69029|Addr 0x7f3b1997aa90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-4159e81b> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 99( 86+13 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 172/ 353|CodeSize 1248|Addr 0x7f3b199c2610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-143d9a93> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 3947(2184+1763)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 7013/15604|CodeSize 70739|Addr 0x7f3b199c5d10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-40226788> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 3701(1959+1742)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 7013/15164|CodeSize 69034|Addr 0x7f3b19a0ec90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-28952dea> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 99( 86+13 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 172/ 353|CodeSize 1248|Addr 0x7f3b19a56810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-5b5caf08> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 3700(2084+1616)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 7013/15164|CodeSize 69029|Addr 0x7f3b19a57f90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-23eee4b8> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 2842(1474+1368)ms|Inlined 33Y 48N|IR 5395/11688|CodeSize 52503|Addr 0x7f3b19a9fb10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-23cd4ff2> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 1367( 762+605 )ms|Inlined 17Y 16N|IR 2352/ 5877|CodeSize 24208|Addr 0x7f3b19ad6810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-5a9800f8> |AST 130|Tier 2|Time 2918(1591+1326)ms|Inlined 33Y 48N|IR 5391/12766|CodeSize 56139|Addr 0x7f3b19af0210|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-12477988> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 268( 255+13 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 172/ 353|CodeSize 1248|Addr 0x7f3b19b29090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-7a94b64e> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 3830(2010+1821)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 7013/15604|CodeSize 70739|Addr 0x7f3b19b2ab90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-3e6f3bae> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 3798(1997+1800)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 7013/15164|CodeSize 69034|Addr 0x7f3b19b73890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-3a60c416> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 99( 86+13 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 172/ 353|CodeSize 1248|Addr 0x7f3b19bbb410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-60f2e0bd> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 99( 86+13 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 172/ 353|CodeSize 1248|Addr 0x7f3b19bbcb10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-469d003c> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 248( 235+13 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 172/ 353|CodeSize 1248|Addr 0x7f3b19bbde10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-2caf6912> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 3773(1995+1777)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 7013/15164|CodeSize 69029|Addr 0x7f3b19bbf110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-31ff1390> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 100( 87+13 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 172/ 353|CodeSize 1248|Addr 0x7f3b19c06c90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-759d81f3> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 100( 86+13 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 172/ 353|CodeSize 1248|Addr 0x7f3b19c07f90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-781a9412> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 99( 86+13 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 172/ 353|CodeSize 1248|Addr 0x7f3b19c09b90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-29f0802c> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 3856(1967+1889)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 7013/15604|CodeSize 70755|Addr 0x7f3b19c0ba10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-57bd2029> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 225( 212+13 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 172/ 353|CodeSize 1248|Addr 0x7f3b19c57290|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-22101c80> |AST 130|Tier 2|Time 3825(2056+1769)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 6948/15562|CodeSize 70592|Addr 0x7f3b19c5a590|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-6b410923> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 3810(2188+1623)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 7013/15164|CodeSize 69034|Addr 0x7f3b19ca4e10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-203dd56b> |AST 130|Tier 2|Time 3728(1958+1769)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 6948/15562|CodeSize 70592|Addr 0x7f3b19cf2590|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-e8fadb0> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 3777(1964+1813)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 7013/15604|CodeSize 70719|Addr 0x7f3b19d3d090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-43d7b6ca> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 99( 86+13 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 172/ 353|CodeSize 1248|Addr 0x7f3b19d85d90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop: |AST 59|Tier 2|Time 3329(1964+1365)ms|Inlined 76Y 24N|IR 3958/ 9746|CodeSize 39212|Addr 0x7f3b19d87090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-67403374> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 3793(2036+1758)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 7013/15164|CodeSize 69034|Addr 0x7f3b19dc0f10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ListElement class>>new: |AST 31|Tier 2|Time 96( 92+4 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 40/ 112|CodeSize 477|Addr 0x7f3b19e08a90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-3d7cc3cb> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 180( 177+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 33/ 103|CodeSize 454|Addr 0x7f3b19e09110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ListElement>>initialize: |AST 15|Tier 2|Time 43( 38+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 88/ 184|CodeSize 517|Addr 0x7f3b19e09710|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ListElement>>next: |AST 11|Tier 2|Time 36( 32+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 57/ 95|CodeSize 424|Addr 0x7f3b19e0a190|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-1c92296f> |AST 130|Tier 2|Time 3775(2135+1640)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 6948/15562|CodeSize 70592|Addr 0x7f3b19e0a990|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-12fed755> |AST 135|Tier 2|Time 3782(2133+1649)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 7013/15604|CodeSize 70719|Addr 0x7f3b19e52510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>verifyResult: |AST 15|Tier 2|Time 39( 36+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 25/ 32|CodeSize 204|Addr 0x7f3b19e9b610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-5ec77191> |AST 130|Tier 2|Time 1622(1087+535 )ms|Inlined 25Y 20N|IR 2802/ 7119|CodeSize 27083|Addr 0x7f3b19e9ba10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>benchmark |AST 76|Tier 2|Time 2614(1590+1024)ms|Inlined 74Y 24N|IR 3867/ 9556|CodeSize 36071|Addr 0x7f3b19eb7f10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-4642b71d> |AST 130|Tier 2|Time 3106(1576+1530)ms|Inlined 33Y 48N|IR 5208/13662|CodeSize 58625|Addr 0x7f3b19ee7310|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-69c6161d> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 100( 87+13 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 172/ 353|CodeSize 1248|Addr 0x7f3b19f23c90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-1450078a> |AST 130|Tier 2|Time 4048(2275+1773)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 6948/15562|CodeSize 70592|Addr 0x7f3b19f28d10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-c68a5f8> |AST 130|Tier 2|Time 4032(2263+1768)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 6948/15562|CodeSize 70592|Addr 0x7f3b19f70890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-3aefae67> |AST 130|Tier 2|Time 3859(2209+1649)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 6948/15562|CodeSize 70592|Addr 0x7f3b19fb8410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-3eb631b8> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 229( 216+13 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 172/ 353|CodeSize 1248|Addr 0x7f3b19ffff90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-2e1792e7> |AST 130|Tier 2|Time 2105(1117+987 )ms|Inlined 25Y 32N|IR 3765/ 9814|CodeSize 41730|Addr 0x7f3b1a001510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-6bff19ff> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 100( 86+13 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 172/ 353|CodeSize 1248|Addr 0x7f3b1a02c510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-41e1455d> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 210( 197+13 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 172/ 353|CodeSize 1248|Addr 0x7f3b1a02d810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-4e558728> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 99( 86+13 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 172/ 353|CodeSize 1248|Addr 0x7f3b1a02eb10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ListElement>>length <split-5eccd3b9> |AST 38|Tier 2|Time 111( 94+17 )ms|Inlined 2Y 1N|IR 205/ 475|CodeSize 1503|Addr 0x7f3b1a02fe10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ListElement>>length <split-4d6f197e> |AST 38|Tier 2|Time 124( 98+26 )ms|Inlined 2Y 1N|IR 264/ 544|CodeSize 2031|Addr 0x7f3b1a031110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ListElement>>length <split-6ef7623> |AST 38|Tier 2|Time 127( 98+29 )ms|Inlined 2Y 1N|IR 267/ 645|CodeSize 2552|Addr 0x7f3b1a032d90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>makeList: |AST 76|Tier 2|Time 426( 384+42 )ms|Inlined 14Y 1N|IR 378/ 888|CodeSize 3605|Addr 0x7f3b1a034b10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ListElement>>length <split-757529a4> |AST 38|Tier 2|Time 128( 99+29 )ms|Inlined 2Y 1N|IR 267/ 645|CodeSize 2552|Addr 0x7f3b1a038490|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ListElement>>length |AST 43|Tier 2|Time 135( 102+33 )ms|Inlined 2Y 1N|IR 321/ 704|CodeSize 2830|Addr 0x7f3b1a03bd90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ListElement>>length <split-64e1dd11> |AST 38|Tier 2|Time 129( 99+29 )ms|Inlined 2Y 1N|IR 267/ 645|CodeSize 2552|Addr 0x7f3b1a03e390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-6719a5b8> |AST 130|Tier 2|Time 3699(1952+1747)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 6948/15562|CodeSize 70592|Addr 0x7f3b1a040110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ListElement>>length <split-779de014> |AST 43|Tier 2|Time 137( 104+33 )ms|Inlined 2Y 1N|IR 321/ 704|CodeSize 2830|Addr 0x7f3b1a087e90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ: <split-796d3c9f> |AST 130|Tier 2|Time 3566(1910+1656)ms|Inlined 41Y 64N|IR 6948/15562|CodeSize 70592|Addr 0x7f3b1a08a510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String class>>new: |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 160( 142+17 )ms|Inlined 2Y 1N|IR 213/ 509|CodeSize 1801|Addr 0x7f3b1a0d3990|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SmallInteger>>printString |AST 152|Tier 2|Time 294( 273+21 )ms|Inlined 4Y 1N|IR 361/ 481|CodeSize 1405|Addr 0x7f3b1a0d5a10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with: |AST 177|Tier 2|Time 285( 238+47 )ms|Inlined 3Y 1N|IR 474/ 1088|CodeSize 5412|Addr 0x7f3b1a0dc310|Src n/a
[engine] Truffle runtime statistics for engine 2
Compilations : 168
Success : 166
Temporary Bailouts : 0
Permanent Bailouts : 0
Failed : 0
Interrupted : 2
Invalidated : 0
Queues : 251
Dequeues : 85
Target inlined into only caller : 85
Splits : 353
Compilation Accuracy : 1.000000
Queue Accuracy : 0.661355
Compilation Utilization : 0.706963
Remaining Compilation Queue : 0
Time to queue : count= 251, sum= 2724499, min= 49, average= 10854.58, max= 258376 (milliseconds), maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with:
Time waiting in queue : count= 167, sum= 1520609, min= 0, average= 9105.45, max= 59624 (milliseconds), maxTarget=List>>makeList:
Time for compilation : count= 166, sum= 183289, min= 36, average= 1104.16, max= 4048 (milliseconds), maxTarget=List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ:
Truffle Tier : count= 166, sum= 104476, min= 31, average= 629.38, max= 2275 (milliseconds), maxTarget=List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ:
Graal Tier : count= 166, sum= 48258, min= 1, average= 290.71, max= 1319 (milliseconds), maxTarget=List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ:
Code Installation : count= 166, sum= 30554, min= 1, average= 184.06, max= 836 (milliseconds), maxTarget=List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ:
Truffle node count : count= 166, sum= 319250, min= 17, average= 1923.19, max= 6741, maxTarget=List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ:
Trivial : count= 166, sum= 110804, min= 6, average= 667.49, max= 2331, maxTarget=List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ:
Non Trivial : count= 166, sum= 208446, min= 11, average= 1255.70, max= 4410, maxTarget=List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ:
Monomorphic : count= 166, sum= 202549, min= 11, average= 1220.17, max= 4284, maxTarget=List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ:
Polymorphic : count= 166, sum= 5897, min= 0, average= 35.52, max= 126, maxTarget=List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ:
Megamorphic : count= 166, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=List>>isShorter:than:
Truffle call count : count= 166, sum= 4746, min= 0, average= 28.59, max= 105, maxTarget=List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ:
Indirect : count= 166, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=List>>isShorter:than:
Direct : count= 166, sum= 4746, min= 0, average= 28.59, max= 105, maxTarget=List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ:
Dispatched : count= 166, sum= 2707, min= 0, average= 16.31, max= 64, maxTarget=List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ:
Inlined : count= 166, sum= 2039, min= 0, average= 12.28, max= 76, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
---------- :
Cloned : count= 166, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=List>>isShorter:than:
Not Cloned : count= 166, sum= 4746, min= 0, average= 28.59, max= 105, maxTarget=List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ:
Truffle loops : count= 166, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=List>>isShorter:than:
Graal node count :
After Truffle Tier : count= 166, sum= 328271, min= 25, average= 1977.54, max= 7013, maxTarget=List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ:
After Graal Tier : count= 166, sum= 726488, min= 32, average= 4376.43, max= 16242, maxTarget=List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ:
Graal compilation result :
Code size : count= 166, sum= 3219636, min= 204, average= 19395.40, max= 72612, maxTarget=List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ:
Total frame size : count= 166, sum= 110160, min= 32, average= 663.61, max= 2320, maxTarget=List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ:
Exception handlers : count= 166, sum= 2726, min= 0, average= 16.42, max= 64, maxTarget=List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ:
Infopoints : count= 166, sum= 36358, min= 4, average= 219.02, max= 829, maxTarget=List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ:
CALL : count= 166, sum= 29208, min= 4, average= 175.95, max= 665, maxTarget=List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ:
IMPLICIT_EXCEPTION : count= 166, sum= 6087, min= 0, average= 36.67, max= 143, maxTarget=List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ:
SAFEPOINT : count= 166, sum= 1063, min= 0, average= 6.40, max= 21, maxTarget=List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ:
Marks : count= 166, sum= 4951, min= 7, average= 29.83, max= 92, maxTarget=List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ:
Data references : count= 166, sum= 23784, min= 2, average= 143.28, max= 508, maxTarget=List>>talkWithX:withY:withZ:
# Mandelbrot (iterations: 250, problem size: 500) on Thu May 27 22:44:15 UTC 2021
# `/home/fniephaus/bin/graalvm-ce-java11-21.1.0/bin/trufflesqueak --experimental-options --smalltalk.disable-startup --smalltalk.disable-interrupts --engine.Mode=default --engine.MultiTier=false --engine.TraceCompilation --engine.CompilationStatistics --log.file="/home/fniephaus/dev/are-we-fast-yet/traces/Mandelbrot.trace.log" --quiet --code "FileStream startUp: true. Harness new run: #(nil 'Mandelbrot' 250 500)" /home/fniephaus/dev/are-we-fast-yet/benchmarks/Smalltalk/AWFY64-sista-fbc.image`
[engine] opt done Integer>><< |AST 25|Tier 2|Time 131( 114+17 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 76/ 162|CodeSize 548|Addr 0x7f2099368490|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Mandelbrot>>mandelbrot: |AST 500|Tier 2|Time 380( 315+65 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 550/ 1226|CodeSize 8021|Addr 0x7f2099392d90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String class>>new: |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 185( 166+19 )ms|Inlined 2Y 1N|IR 213/ 509|CodeSize 1801|Addr 0x7f20993a6610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SmallInteger>>printString |AST 152|Tier 2|Time 304( 279+25 )ms|Inlined 4Y 1N|IR 361/ 480|CodeSize 1410|Addr 0x7f20993a8d90|Src n/a
[engine] Truffle runtime statistics for engine 2
Compilations : 6
Success : 4
Temporary Bailouts : 0
Permanent Bailouts : 0
Failed : 0
Interrupted : 2
Invalidated : 0
Queues : 6
Dequeues : 0
Splits : 191
Compilation Accuracy : 1.000000
Queue Accuracy : 1.000000
Compilation Utilization : 0.009481
Remaining Compilation Queue : 0
Time to queue : count= 6, sum= 392867, min= 175, average= 65477.96, max= 107146 (milliseconds), maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with:
Time waiting in queue : count= 6, sum= 19, min= 1, average= 3.28, max= 12 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Integer>><<
Time for compilation : count= 4, sum= 1016, min= 140, average= 254.12, max= 383 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Mandelbrot>>mandelbrot:
Truffle Tier : count= 4, sum= 869, min= 109, average= 217.31, max= 314 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Mandelbrot>>mandelbrot:
Graal Tier : count= 4, sum= 86, min= 12, average= 21.63, max= 45 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Mandelbrot>>mandelbrot:
Code Installation : count= 4, sum= 60, min= 8, average= 15.17, max= 23 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Mandelbrot>>mandelbrot:
Truffle node count : count= 4, sum= 1777, min= 40, average= 444.25, max= 892, maxTarget=Mandelbrot>>mandelbrot:
Trivial : count= 4, sum= 687, min= 15, average= 171.75, max= 342, maxTarget=Mandelbrot>>mandelbrot:
Non Trivial : count= 4, sum= 1090, min= 25, average= 272.50, max= 550, maxTarget=Mandelbrot>>mandelbrot:
Monomorphic : count= 4, sum= 1072, min= 25, average= 268.00, max= 550, maxTarget=Mandelbrot>>mandelbrot:
Polymorphic : count= 4, sum= 18, min= 0, average= 4.50, max= 9, maxTarget=String class>>new:
Megamorphic : count= 4, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Integer>><<
Truffle call count : count= 4, sum= 10, min= 0, average= 2.50, max= 5, maxTarget=SmallInteger>>printString
Indirect : count= 4, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Integer>><<
Direct : count= 4, sum= 10, min= 0, average= 2.50, max= 5, maxTarget=SmallInteger>>printString
Dispatched : count= 4, sum= 2, min= 0, average= 0.50, max= 1, maxTarget=String class>>new:
Inlined : count= 4, sum= 8, min= 0, average= 2.00, max= 4, maxTarget=SmallInteger>>printString
---------- :
Cloned : count= 4, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Integer>><<
Not Cloned : count= 4, sum= 10, min= 0, average= 2.50, max= 5, maxTarget=SmallInteger>>printString
Truffle loops : count= 4, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Integer>><<
Graal node count :
After Truffle Tier : count= 4, sum= 1200, min= 76, average= 300.00, max= 550, maxTarget=Mandelbrot>>mandelbrot:
After Graal Tier : count= 4, sum= 2377, min= 162, average= 594.25, max= 1226, maxTarget=Mandelbrot>>mandelbrot:
Graal compilation result :
Code size : count= 4, sum= 11780, min= 548, average= 2945.00, max= 8021, maxTarget=Mandelbrot>>mandelbrot:
Total frame size : count= 4, sum= 752, min= 32, average= 188.00, max= 592, maxTarget=Mandelbrot>>mandelbrot:
Exception handlers : count= 4, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Integer>><<
Infopoints : count= 4, sum= 110, min= 9, average= 27.50, max= 59, maxTarget=Mandelbrot>>mandelbrot:
CALL : count= 4, sum= 86, min= 8, average= 21.50, max= 44, maxTarget=Mandelbrot>>mandelbrot:
IMPLICIT_EXCEPTION : count= 4, sum= 20, min= 1, average= 5.00, max= 12, maxTarget=Mandelbrot>>mandelbrot:
SAFEPOINT : count= 4, sum= 4, min= 0, average= 1.00, max= 3, maxTarget=Mandelbrot>>mandelbrot:
Marks : count= 4, sum= 32, min= 7, average= 8.00, max= 10, maxTarget=Mandelbrot>>mandelbrot:
Data references : count= 4, sum= 104, min= 4, average= 26.00, max= 53, maxTarget=Mandelbrot>>mandelbrot:
# NBody (iterations: 250, problem size: 250000) on Thu May 27 22:42:54 UTC 2021
# `/home/fniephaus/bin/graalvm-ce-java11-21.1.0/bin/trufflesqueak --experimental-options --smalltalk.disable-startup --smalltalk.disable-interrupts --engine.Mode=default --engine.MultiTier=false --engine.TraceCompilation --engine.CompilationStatistics --log.file="/home/fniephaus/dev/are-we-fast-yet/traces/NBody.trace.log" --quiet --code "FileStream startUp: true. Harness new run: #(nil 'NBody' 250 250000)" /home/fniephaus/dev/are-we-fast-yet/benchmarks/Smalltalk/AWFY64-sista-fbc.image`
[engine] opt done Body>>vz: |AST 11|Tier 2|Time 166( 139+26 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 76/ 94|CodeSize 302|Addr 0x7fd5d936e690|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Body>>vy: |AST 11|Tier 2|Time 167( 140+27 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 76/ 94|CodeSize 302|Addr 0x7fd5d936ed10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Body>>vx: |AST 11|Tier 2|Time 166( 140+26 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 76/ 94|CodeSize 302|Addr 0x7fd5d936e010|Src n/a
[engine] opt done NBodySystem>>advance: |AST 187|Tier 2|Time 243( 230+12 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 310/ 308|CodeSize 679|Addr 0x7fd5d938f990|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SequenceableCollection>>do: <split-4351171a> |AST 73|Tier 2|Time 358( 304+54 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 493/ 2162|CodeSize 7168|Addr 0x7fd5d939bf90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done NBodySystem>>advance: |AST 816|Tier 2|Time 1062( 967+95 )ms|Inlined 11Y 0N|IR 1341/ 1876|CodeSize 7600|Addr 0x7fd5d93aa810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done NBody>>innerBenchmarkLoop: |AST 95|Tier 2|Time 3380(2269+1111)ms|Inlined 43Y 16N|IR 3827/10227|CodeSize 42346|Addr 0x7fd5d93c6790|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Body class>>DaysPerYear |AST 8|Tier 2|Time 30( 27+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 18/ 57|CodeSize 297|Addr 0x7fd5d93e7410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done NBodySystem>>energy |AST 559|Tier 2|Time 427( 390+38 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 381/ 982|CodeSize 6050|Addr 0x7fd5d93ebe10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Body class>>SolarMass |AST 10|Tier 2|Time 35( 32+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 23/ 66|CodeSize 348|Addr 0x7fd5d93eed90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Body>>initX:y:z:vx:vy:vz:mass: |AST 133|Tier 2|Time 131( 120+10 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 335/ 360|CodeSize 1129|Addr 0x7fd5d93ef590|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String class>>new: |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 159( 140+19 )ms|Inlined 2Y 1N|IR 213/ 509|CodeSize 1801|Addr 0x7fd5d93f3890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SmallInteger>>printString |AST 152|Tier 2|Time 310( 288+23 )ms|Inlined 4Y 1N|IR 361/ 481|CodeSize 1410|Addr 0x7fd5d93f9090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with: |AST 177|Tier 2|Time 297( 250+48 )ms|Inlined 3Y 1N|IR 474/ 1088|CodeSize 5412|Addr 0x7fd5d93fbc90|Src n/a
[engine] Truffle runtime statistics for engine 2
Compilations : 15
Success : 14
Temporary Bailouts : 0
Permanent Bailouts : 0
Failed : 0
Interrupted : 1
Invalidated : 0
Queues : 18
Dequeues : 3
Target inlined into only caller : 3
Splits : 199
Compilation Accuracy : 1.000000
Queue Accuracy : 0.833333
Compilation Utilization : 0.093027
Remaining Compilation Queue : 0
Time to queue : count= 18, sum= 328460, min= 90, average= 18247.83, max= 75437 (milliseconds), maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with:
Time waiting in queue : count= 15, sum= 318, min= 1, average= 21.25, max= 167 (milliseconds), maxTarget=NBodySystem>>advance:
Time for compilation : count= 14, sum= 7036, min= 31, average= 502.57, max= 3381 (milliseconds), maxTarget=NBody>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Truffle Tier : count= 14, sum= 5440, min= 27, average= 388.64, max= 2268 (milliseconds), maxTarget=NBody>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Graal Tier : count= 14, sum= 934, min= 1, average= 66.73, max= 683 (milliseconds), maxTarget=NBody>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Code Installation : count= 14, sum= 660, min= 2, average= 47.21, max= 429 (milliseconds), maxTarget=NBody>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Truffle node count : count= 14, sum= 10031, min= 12, average= 716.50, max= 4775, maxTarget=NBody>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Trivial : count= 14, sum= 3658, min= 4, average= 261.29, max= 1712, maxTarget=NBody>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Non Trivial : count= 14, sum= 6373, min= 8, average= 455.21, max= 3063, maxTarget=NBody>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Monomorphic : count= 14, sum= 6344, min= 8, average= 453.14, max= 3063, maxTarget=NBody>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Polymorphic : count= 14, sum= 29, min= 0, average= 2.07, max= 11, maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with:
Megamorphic : count= 14, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Body>>vy:
Truffle call count : count= 14, sum= 93, min= 0, average= 6.64, max= 59, maxTarget=NBody>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Indirect : count= 14, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Body>>vy:
Direct : count= 14, sum= 93, min= 0, average= 6.64, max= 59, maxTarget=NBody>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Dispatched : count= 14, sum= 19, min= 0, average= 1.36, max= 16, maxTarget=NBody>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Inlined : count= 14, sum= 74, min= 0, average= 5.29, max= 43, maxTarget=NBody>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
---------- :
Cloned : count= 14, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Body>>vy:
Not Cloned : count= 14, sum= 93, min= 0, average= 6.64, max= 59, maxTarget=NBody>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Truffle loops : count= 14, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Body>>vy:
Graal node count :
After Truffle Tier : count= 14, sum= 8004, min= 18, average= 571.71, max= 3827, maxTarget=NBody>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
After Graal Tier : count= 14, sum= 18398, min= 57, average= 1314.14, max= 10227, maxTarget=NBody>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Graal compilation result :
Code size : count= 14, sum= 75146, min= 297, average= 5367.57, max= 42346, maxTarget=NBody>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Total frame size : count= 14, sum= 2624, min= 32, average= 187.43, max= 1088, maxTarget=NBody>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Exception handlers : count= 14, sum= 16, min= 0, average= 1.14, max= 16, maxTarget=NBody>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Infopoints : count= 14, sum= 737, min= 5, average= 52.64, max= 439, maxTarget=NBody>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
CALL : count= 14, sum= 578, min= 5, average= 41.29, max= 334, maxTarget=NBody>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
IMPLICIT_EXCEPTION : count= 14, sum= 146, min= 0, average= 10.43, max= 99, maxTarget=NBody>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
SAFEPOINT : count= 14, sum= 13, min= 0, average= 0.93, max= 6, maxTarget=NBody>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Marks : count= 14, sum= 127, min= 7, average= 9.07, max= 29, maxTarget=NBody>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Data references : count= 14, sum= 764, min= 2, average= 54.57, max= 470, maxTarget=NBody>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
# Permute (iterations: 250, problem size: 1000) on Thu May 27 22:57:16 UTC 2021
# `/home/fniephaus/bin/graalvm-ce-java11-21.1.0/bin/trufflesqueak --experimental-options --smalltalk.disable-startup --smalltalk.disable-interrupts --engine.Mode=default --engine.MultiTier=false --engine.TraceCompilation --engine.CompilationStatistics --log.file="/home/fniephaus/dev/are-we-fast-yet/traces/Permute.trace.log" --quiet --code "FileStream startUp: true. Harness new run: #(nil 'Permute' 250 1000)" /home/fniephaus/dev/are-we-fast-yet/benchmarks/Smalltalk/AWFY64-sista-fbc.image`
[engine] opt done Permute>>swap:with: |AST 74|Tier 2|Time 234( 207+27 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 173/ 178|CodeSize 538|Addr 0x7ff3a536c890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Permute>>permute: |AST 138|Tier 2|Time 1349(1085+264 )ms|Inlined 20Y 8N|IR 2982/ 3963|CodeSize 20370|Addr 0x7ff3a5392110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SequenceableCollection>>atAllPut: |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 125( 110+15 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 184/ 414|CodeSize 1599|Addr 0x7ff3a53a1290|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Permute>>verifyResult: |AST 15|Tier 2|Time 48( 46+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 25/ 32|CodeSize 207|Addr 0x7ff3a53a5210|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ArrayedCollection class>>new:withAll: |AST 31|Tier 2|Time 260( 243+16 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 237/ 237|CodeSize 828|Addr 0x7ff3a53a9010|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Permute>>benchmark |AST 49|Tier 2|Time 1471(1068+402 )ms|Inlined 23Y 8N|IR 3024/ 3540|CodeSize 13496|Addr 0x7ff3a53b0a90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop: |AST 59|Tier 2|Time 1543(1171+372 )ms|Inlined 25Y 8N|IR 3120/ 3602|CodeSize 14479|Addr 0x7ff3a53bd790|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String class>>new: |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 195( 177+18 )ms|Inlined 2Y 1N|IR 213/ 509|CodeSize 1801|Addr 0x7ff3a53cd890|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SmallInteger>>printString |AST 152|Tier 2|Time 297( 275+22 )ms|Inlined 4Y 1N|IR 361/ 481|CodeSize 1410|Addr 0x7ff3a53d1110|Src n/a
[engine] Truffle runtime statistics for engine 2
Compilations : 11
Success : 9
Temporary Bailouts : 0
Permanent Bailouts : 0
Failed : 0
Interrupted : 2
Invalidated : 0
Queues : 11
Dequeues : 0
Splits : 191
Compilation Accuracy : 1.000000
Queue Accuracy : 1.000000
Compilation Utilization : 0.088110
Remaining Compilation Queue : 0
Time to queue : count= 11, sum= 200803, min= 44, average= 18254.86, max= 62907 (milliseconds), maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with:
Time waiting in queue : count= 11, sum= 40, min= 1, average= 3.64, max= 24 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Permute>>swap:with:
Time for compilation : count= 9, sum= 5560, min= 49, average= 617.89, max= 1544 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Truffle Tier : count= 9, sum= 4379, min= 45, average= 486.58, max= 1170 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Graal Tier : count= 9, sum= 849, min= 1, average= 94.34, max= 327 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Permute>>benchmark
Code Installation : count= 9, sum= 332, min= 1, average= 36.97, max= 102 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Truffle node count : count= 10, sum= 12334, min= 23, average= 1233.40, max= 3662, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Trivial : count= 10, sum= 4841, min= 8, average= 484.10, max= 1434, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Non Trivial : count= 10, sum= 7493, min= 15, average= 749.30, max= 2228, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Monomorphic : count= 10, sum= 7456, min= 15, average= 745.60, max= 2226, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Polymorphic : count= 10, sum= 37, min= 0, average= 3.70, max= 11, maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with:
Megamorphic : count= 10, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Permute>>swap:with:
Truffle call count : count= 10, sum= 105, min= 0, average= 10.50, max= 33, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Indirect : count= 10, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Permute>>swap:with:
Direct : count= 10, sum= 105, min= 0, average= 10.50, max= 33, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Dispatched : count= 10, sum= 27, min= 0, average= 2.70, max= 8, maxTarget=Permute>>permute:
Inlined : count= 10, sum= 78, min= 0, average= 7.80, max= 25, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
---------- :
Cloned : count= 10, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Permute>>swap:with:
Not Cloned : count= 10, sum= 105, min= 0, average= 10.50, max= 33, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Truffle loops : count= 10, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Permute>>swap:with:
Graal node count :
After Truffle Tier : count= 10, sum= 10793, min= 25, average= 1079.30, max= 3120, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
After Graal Tier : count= 10, sum= 14044, min= 32, average= 1404.40, max= 3963, maxTarget=Permute>>permute:
Graal compilation result :
Code size : count= 9, sum= 54728, min= 207, average= 6080.89, max= 20370, maxTarget=Permute>>permute:
Total frame size : count= 9, sum= 1600, min= 32, average= 177.78, max= 528, maxTarget=Permute>>permute:
Exception handlers : count= 9, sum= 28, min= 0, average= 3.11, max= 10, maxTarget=Permute>>benchmark
Infopoints : count= 9, sum= 432, min= 4, average= 48.00, max= 149, maxTarget=Permute>>permute:
CALL : count= 9, sum= 354, min= 4, average= 39.33, max= 117, maxTarget=Permute>>permute:
IMPLICIT_EXCEPTION : count= 9, sum= 73, min= 0, average= 8.11, max= 29, maxTarget=Permute>>permute:
SAFEPOINT : count= 9, sum= 5, min= 0, average= 0.56, max= 3, maxTarget=Permute>>permute:
Marks : count= 9, sum= 96, min= 7, average= 10.67, max= 18, maxTarget=Permute>>permute:
Data references : count= 9, sum= 376, min= 3, average= 41.78, max= 109, maxTarget=Permute>>permute:
# Queens (iterations: 250, problem size: 1000) on Thu May 27 23:08:16 UTC 2021
# `/home/fniephaus/bin/graalvm-ce-java11-21.1.0/bin/trufflesqueak --experimental-options --smalltalk.disable-startup --smalltalk.disable-interrupts --engine.Mode=default --engine.MultiTier=false --engine.TraceCompilation --engine.CompilationStatistics --log.file="/home/fniephaus/dev/are-we-fast-yet/traces/Queens.trace.log" --quiet --code "FileStream startUp: true. Harness new run: #(nil 'Queens' 250 1000)" /home/fniephaus/dev/are-we-fast-yet/benchmarks/Smalltalk/AWFY64-sista-fbc.image`
[engine] opt done Queens>>row:column:put: |AST 83|Tier 2|Time 152( 141+11 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 188/ 350|CodeSize 1204|Addr 0x7f1b35378a10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Queens>>row:column: |AST 77|Tier 2|Time 234( 205+30 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 216/ 378|CodeSize 1407|Addr 0x7f1b35377490|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SequenceableCollection>>atAllPut: |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 167( 143+24 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 252/ 631|CodeSize 2826|Addr 0x7f1b3538d010|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ArrayedCollection class>>new:withAll: |AST 31|Tier 2|Time 187( 155+32 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 302/ 601|CodeSize 2488|Addr 0x7f1b353a5390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Queens>>placeQueen: |AST 149|Tier 2|Time 909( 740+169 )ms|Inlined 11Y 1N|IR 2084/ 3115|CodeSize 14637|Addr 0x7f1b353a7910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done True>>and: |AST 17|Tier 2|Time 99( 97+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 23/ 28|CodeSize 213|Addr 0x7f1b353b5110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Queens>>verifyResult: |AST 9|Tier 2|Time 29( 27+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 19/ 20|CodeSize 181|Addr 0x7f1b353b8b10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Queens>>queens |AST 100|Tier 2|Time 1276(1011+265 )ms|Inlined 20Y 1N|IR 2848/ 4251|CodeSize 16253|Addr 0x7f1b353c1390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Queens>>benchmark |AST 68|Tier 2|Time 1427(1077+350 )ms|Inlined 22Y 1N|IR 2949/ 4390|CodeSize 18454|Addr 0x7f1b353cee10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop: |AST 59|Tier 2|Time 1640(1205+435 )ms|Inlined 24Y 1N|IR 3044/ 4513|CodeSize 19396|Addr 0x7f1b353e1810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String class>>new: |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 157( 139+18 )ms|Inlined 2Y 1N|IR 213/ 509|CodeSize 1801|Addr 0x7f1b353fb590|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SmallInteger>>printString |AST 152|Tier 2|Time 299( 278+22 )ms|Inlined 4Y 1N|IR 361/ 481|CodeSize 1410|Addr 0x7f1b353fea90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with: |AST 177|Tier 2|Time 319( 238+81 )ms|Inlined 3Y 1N|IR 474/ 1088|CodeSize 5412|Addr 0x7f1b35408010|Src n/a
[engine] Truffle runtime statistics for engine 2
Compilations : 14
Success : 13
Temporary Bailouts : 0
Permanent Bailouts : 0
Failed : 0
Interrupted : 1
Invalidated : 0
Queues : 14
Dequeues : 0
Splits : 191
Compilation Accuracy : 1.000000
Queue Accuracy : 1.000000
Compilation Utilization : 0.105415
Remaining Compilation Queue : 0
Time to queue : count= 14, sum= 207974, min= 40, average= 14855.34, max= 65648 (milliseconds), maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with:
Time waiting in queue : count= 14, sum= 32, min= 1, average= 2.32, max= 10 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Queens>>placeQueen:
Time for compilation : count= 13, sum= 6944, min= 30, average= 534.18, max= 1641 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Truffle Tier : count= 13, sum= 5454, min= 27, average= 419.58, max= 1204 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Graal Tier : count= 13, sum= 1075, min= 1, average= 82.71, max= 321 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Code Installation : count= 13, sum= 414, min= 1, average= 31.89, max= 115 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Truffle node count : count= 13, sum= 12537, min= 13, average= 964.38, max= 2986, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Trivial : count= 13, sum= 4853, min= 4, average= 373.31, max= 1145, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Non Trivial : count= 13, sum= 7684, min= 9, average= 591.08, max= 1841, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Monomorphic : count= 13, sum= 7627, min= 9, average= 586.69, max= 1833, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Polymorphic : count= 13, sum= 57, min= 0, average= 4.38, max= 11, maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with:
Megamorphic : count= 13, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Queens>>row:column:
Truffle call count : count= 13, sum= 94, min= 0, average= 7.23, max= 25, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Indirect : count= 13, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Queens>>row:column:
Direct : count= 13, sum= 94, min= 0, average= 7.23, max= 25, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Dispatched : count= 13, sum= 7, min= 0, average= 0.54, max= 1, maxTarget=Queens>>placeQueen:
Inlined : count= 13, sum= 87, min= 0, average= 6.69, max= 24, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
---------- :
Cloned : count= 13, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Queens>>row:column:
Not Cloned : count= 13, sum= 94, min= 0, average= 7.23, max= 25, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Truffle loops : count= 13, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Queens>>row:column:
Graal node count :
After Truffle Tier : count= 13, sum= 12973, min= 19, average= 997.92, max= 3044, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
After Graal Tier : count= 13, sum= 20355, min= 20, average= 1565.77, max= 4513, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Graal compilation result :
Code size : count= 13, sum= 85682, min= 181, average= 6590.92, max= 19396, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Total frame size : count= 13, sum= 3280, min= 32, average= 252.31, max= 640, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Exception handlers : count= 13, sum= 4, min= 0, average= 0.31, max= 1, maxTarget=Queens>>placeQueen:
Infopoints : count= 13, sum= 591, min= 4, average= 45.46, max= 126, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
CALL : count= 13, sum= 494, min= 4, average= 38.00, max= 103, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
IMPLICIT_EXCEPTION : count= 13, sum= 67, min= 0, average= 5.15, max= 14, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
SAFEPOINT : count= 13, sum= 30, min= 0, average= 2.31, max= 9, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Marks : count= 13, sum= 125, min= 7, average= 9.62, max= 17, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Data references : count= 13, sum= 554, min= 1, average= 42.62, max= 115, maxTarget=Queens>>benchmark
# Richards (iterations: 250, problem size: 100) on Thu May 27 22:52:23 UTC 2021
# `/home/fniephaus/bin/graalvm-ce-java11-21.1.0/bin/trufflesqueak --experimental-options --smalltalk.disable-startup --smalltalk.disable-interrupts --engine.Mode=default --engine.MultiTier=false --engine.TraceCompilation --engine.CompilationStatistics --log.file="/home/fniephaus/dev/are-we-fast-yet/traces/Richards.trace.log" --quiet --code "FileStream startUp: true. Harness new run: #(nil 'Richards' 250 100)" /home/fniephaus/dev/are-we-fast-yet/benchmarks/Smalltalk/AWFY64-sista-fbc.image`
[engine] opt done TaskState>>isTaskHoldingOrWaiting |AST 32|Tier 2|Time 198( 171+27 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 125/ 146|CodeSize 543|Addr 0x7fde182dd990|Src n/a
[engine] opt done TaskState>>isWaitingWithPacket |AST 31|Tier 2|Time 160( 129+31 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 84/ 110|CodeSize 376|Addr 0x7fde182dd390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Packet>>link: |AST 11|Tier 2|Time 51( 45+6 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 61/ 187|CodeSize 534|Addr 0x7fde182e5a90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Scheduler>>findTask: |AST 45|Tier 2|Time 153( 147+6 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 70/ 154|CodeSize 614|Addr 0x7fde182f0610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done TaskControlBlock>>runTask |AST 121|Tier 2|Time 365( 328+37 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 537/ 1182|CodeSize 4077|Addr 0x7fde182f4510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Packet>>identity: |AST 11|Tier 2|Time 48( 45+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 74/ 91|CodeSize 290|Addr 0x7fde18300b10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done TaskState>>taskWaiting: |AST 11|Tier 2|Time 55( 51+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 76/ 90|CodeSize 293|Addr 0x7fde18306f10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Scheduler>>createDevice:priority:work:state: |AST 157|Tier 2|Time 559( 513+46 )ms|Inlined 15Y 0N|IR 1140/ 1405|CodeSize 4271|Addr 0x7fde1831e290|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Scheduler>>wait |AST 27|Tier 2|Time 84( 79+5 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 126/ 150|CodeSize 368|Addr 0x7fde18323e10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Scheduler>>createWorker:priority:work:state: |AST 319|Tier 2|Time 648( 569+79 )ms|Inlined 19Y 0N|IR 1338/ 1712|CodeSize 4828|Addr 0x7fde1832b590|Src n/a
[engine] opt done TaskControlBlock>>addInput:checkPriority: |AST 97|Tier 2|Time 201( 174+26 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 399/ 882|CodeSize 2702|Addr 0x7fde18330110|Src n/a
[engine] opt deopt TaskControlBlock>>runTask |AST 121|Src n/a
[engine] opt inv. TaskControlBlock>>runTask |AST 121|Calls/Thres 6894/ 3|CallsAndLoop/Thres 6894/ 1000|Src n/a|Reason Profiled Return Type
[engine] opt done Packet>>datum: |AST 11|Tier 2|Time 144( 140+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 74/ 91|CodeSize 290|Addr 0x7fde18338c90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Scheduler>>queuePacket: |AST 127|Tier 2|Time 400( 362+38 )ms|Inlined 8Y 0N|IR 651/ 1147|CodeSize 3365|Addr 0x7fde1833fa10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done TaskControlBlock>>runTask |AST 121|Tier 2|Time 201( 166+35 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 625/ 1201|CodeSize 4151|Addr 0x7fde18344190|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Scheduler>>holdSelf |AST 49|Tier 2|Time 100( 94+5 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 170/ 176|CodeSize 481|Addr 0x7fde18349d10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done TaskState>>taskHolding: |AST 11|Tier 2|Time 39( 36+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 76/ 90|CodeSize 293|Addr 0x7fde1834a690|Src n/a
[engine] opt done RBObject>>append:head: |AST 118|Tier 2|Time 130( 116+13 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 216/ 502|CodeSize 1627|Addr 0x7fde1834ad10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Scheduler>>createHandler:priority:work:state: |AST 349|Tier 2|Time 1084( 916+168 )ms|Inlined 34Y 0N|IR 2370/ 4138|CodeSize 15784|Addr 0x7fde1834be10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done DeviceTaskDataRecord>>pending: |AST 11|Tier 2|Time 38( 34+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 61/ 187|CodeSize 534|Addr 0x7fde18357910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done TaskState>>packetPending: |AST 11|Tier 2|Time 44( 41+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 74/ 88|CodeSize 286|Addr 0x7fde18358290|Src n/a
[engine] opt done TaskState>>running |AST 16|Tier 2|Time 57( 50+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 212/ 207|CodeSize 771|Addr 0x7fde18358b90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done IdleTaskDataRecord>>count: |AST 11|Tier 2|Time 47( 43+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 73/ 91|CodeSize 290|Addr 0x7fde1835b590|Src n/a
[engine] opt done IdleTaskDataRecord>>control: |AST 11|Tier 2|Time 47( 44+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 73/ 91|CodeSize 290|Addr 0x7fde1835d390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Scheduler>>release: |AST 93|Tier 2|Time 205( 196+9 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 191/ 294|CodeSize 817|Addr 0x7fde18360510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done WorkerTaskDataRecord>>count: |AST 11|Tier 2|Time 39( 36+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 73/ 91|CodeSize 290|Addr 0x7fde18361390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done RBObject class>>DeviceA |AST 8|Tier 2|Time 27( 25+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 18/ 18|CodeSize 179|Addr 0x7fde18361d10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done RBObject class>>DeviceB |AST 8|Tier 2|Time 27( 25+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 18/ 18|CodeSize 179|Addr 0x7fde18362690|Src n/a
[engine] opt done RBObject class>>HandlerA |AST 8|Tier 2|Time 27( 26+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 18/ 18|CodeSize 179|Addr 0x7fde18363710|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Scheduler>>createIdler:priority:work:state: |AST 236|Tier 2|Time 443( 414+29 )ms|Inlined 13Y 0N|IR 818/ 842|CodeSize 1944|Addr 0x7fde18363e10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Scheduler>>schedule |AST 108|Tier 2|Time 393( 279+114 )ms|Inlined 5Y 0N|IR 987/ 3215|CodeSize 12067|Addr 0x7fde18366110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done TaskState>>packetPending |AST 18|Tier 2|Time 44( 40+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 128/ 126|CodeSize 377|Addr 0x7fde1836ce90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SequenceableCollection>>atAllPut: |AST 72|Tier 2|Time 112( 95+17 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 206/ 456|CodeSize 1934|Addr 0x7fde1836e410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done RBObject class>>HandlerB |AST 8|Tier 2|Time 29( 27+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 18/ 18|CodeSize 179|Addr 0x7fde18371190|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ArrayedCollection class>>new:withAll: |AST 31|Tier 2|Time 184( 147+36 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 258/ 511|CodeSize 1987|Addr 0x7fde18376110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-601cbd8c> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 73( 70+4 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 33/ 103|CodeSize 454|Addr 0x7fde1837c910|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Packet class>>create:identity:kind: |AST 35|Tier 2|Time 291( 274+17 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 310/ 350|CodeSize 1216|Addr 0x7fde1837d190|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Scheduler>>createPacket:identity:kind: |AST 29|Tier 2|Time 305( 287+19 )ms|Inlined 5Y 0N|IR 351/ 352|CodeSize 1229|Addr 0x7fde1837dc10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-5a5c128> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 72( 64+7 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 94/ 292|CodeSize 1048|Addr 0x7fde18382010|Src n/a
[engine] opt done TaskControlBlock class>>link:create:priority:initialWorkQueue:initialState:function:privateData:|AST 47|Tier 2|Time 190( 172+18 )ms|Inlined 5Y 0N|IR 425/ 642|CodeSize 1728|Addr 0x7fde18382c10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Scheduler>>createTask:priority:work:state:function:data: |AST 69|Tier 2|Time 263( 225+37 )ms|Inlined 6Y 0N|IR 578/ 1412|CodeSize 4817|Addr 0x7fde18385290|Src n/a
[engine] opt done TaskState>>waitingWithPacket |AST 17|Tier 2|Time 51( 46+5 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 133/ 155|CodeSize 440|Addr 0x7fde1838c010|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-5e76a2bb> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 76( 72+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 33/ 103|CodeSize 454|Addr 0x7fde1838cc10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done TaskState class>>waitingWithPacket |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 113( 105+7 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 166/ 259|CodeSize 626|Addr 0x7fde1838d210|Src n/a
[engine] opt done HandlerTaskDataRecord class>>create |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 111( 106+4 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 42/ 121|CodeSize 500|Addr 0x7fde1838f290|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Scheduler>>initialize |AST 77|Tier 2|Time 205( 193+13 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 341/ 495|CodeSize 1333|Addr 0x7fde18390810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done TaskState class>>waiting |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 145( 138+8 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 166/ 259|CodeSize 626|Addr 0x7fde18391710|Src n/a
[engine] opt done DeviceTaskDataRecord class>>create |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 103( 99+4 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 42/ 121|CodeSize 500|Addr 0x7fde18393a10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Scheduler>>createHandler:priority:work:state: |AST 55|Tier 2|Time 426( 347+79 )ms|Inlined 10Y 0N|IR 816/ 2823|CodeSize 9769|Addr 0x7fde18394090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Scheduler>>createDevice:priority:work:state: |AST 55|Tier 2|Time 372( 293+79 )ms|Inlined 10Y 0N|IR 816/ 2823|CodeSize 9769|Addr 0x7fde18398e10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-19f040ba> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 220( 210+10 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 226/ 331|CodeSize 1139|Addr 0x7fde1839de10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Scheduler class>>new |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 306( 292+13 )ms|Inlined 7Y 0N|IR 380/ 331|CodeSize 1139|Addr 0x7fde1839e810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Richards>>benchmark |AST 30|Tier 2|Time 3461(1864+1598)ms|Inlined 68Y 21N|IR 5241/21131|CodeSize 75769|Addr 0x7fde183a1410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Scheduler>>start |AST 698|Tier 2|Time 3256(2043+1213)ms|Inlined 75Y 20N|IR 5235/21352|CodeSize 76737|Addr 0x7fde183cfc90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Richards>>verifyResult: |AST 9|Tier 2|Time 180( 178+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 19/ 20|CodeSize 181|Addr 0x7fde183f7f10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done True>>and: |AST 17|Tier 2|Time 201( 199+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 23/ 28|CodeSize 213|Addr 0x7fde183f8310|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-41d7b27f> |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 64( 61+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 33/ 103|CodeSize 454|Addr 0x7fde183f8710|Src n/a
[engine] opt done WorkerTaskDataRecord class>>create |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 113( 109+4 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 43/ 127|CodeSize 515|Addr 0x7fde183f8d10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done WorkerTaskDataRecord>>create |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 72( 69+4 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 104/ 111|CodeSize 349|Addr 0x7fde183f9390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop: |AST 59|Tier 2|Time 4120(2121+1999)ms|Inlined 69Y 22N|IR 5369/21362|CodeSize 79749|Addr 0x7fde183f9b10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String class>>new: |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 151( 134+17 )ms|Inlined 2Y 1N|IR 213/ 509|CodeSize 1801|Addr 0x7fde18431e10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SmallInteger>>printString |AST 152|Tier 2|Time 287( 261+26 )ms|Inlined 4Y 1N|IR 310/ 571|CodeSize 1828|Addr 0x7fde18434a10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with: |AST 177|Tier 2|Time 282( 235+47 )ms|Inlined 3Y 1N|IR 474/ 1088|CodeSize 5412|Addr 0x7fde18439b90|Src n/a
[engine] Truffle runtime statistics for engine 2
Compilations : 67
Success : 62
Temporary Bailouts : 0
Permanent Bailouts : 0
Failed : 0
Interrupted : 5
Invalidated : 1
Profiled Return Type : 1
Queues : 88
Dequeues : 26
Target inlined into only caller : 26
Splits : 201
Compilation Accuracy : 0.985075
Queue Accuracy : 0.704545
Compilation Utilization : 0.076429
Remaining Compilation Queue : 0
Time to queue : count= 88, sum= 1341615, min= 100, average= 15245.63, max= 286701 (milliseconds), maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with:
Time waiting in queue : count= 67, sum= 34876, min= 0, average= 520.55, max= 3563 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Richards>>verifyResult:
Time for compilation : count= 62, sum= 21991, min= 27, average= 354.70, max= 4120 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Truffle Tier : count= 62, sum= 15877, min= 25, average= 256.09, max= 2120 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Graal Tier : count= 62, sum= 4403, min= 1, average= 71.02, max= 1479 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Code Installation : count= 62, sum= 1710, min= 1, average= 27.59, max= 520 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Truffle node count : count= 62, sum= 31436, min= 12, average= 507.03, max= 5054, maxTarget=Scheduler>>start
Trivial : count= 62, sum= 12002, min= 4, average= 193.58, max= 1887, maxTarget=Scheduler>>start
Non Trivial : count= 62, sum= 19434, min= 8, average= 313.45, max= 3167, maxTarget=Scheduler>>start
Monomorphic : count= 62, sum= 19290, min= 8, average= 311.13, max= 3144, maxTarget=Scheduler>>start
Polymorphic : count= 62, sum= 144, min= 0, average= 2.32, max= 25, maxTarget=Richards>>benchmark
Megamorphic : count= 62, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=TaskState>>isWaitingWithPacket
Truffle call count : count= 62, sum= 468, min= 0, average= 7.55, max= 96, maxTarget=Scheduler>>start
Indirect : count= 62, sum= 6, min= 0, average= 0.10, max= 1, maxTarget=TaskControlBlock>>runTask
Direct : count= 62, sum= 462, min= 0, average= 7.45, max= 95, maxTarget=Scheduler>>start
Dispatched : count= 62, sum= 66, min= 0, average= 1.06, max= 22, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Inlined : count= 62, sum= 396, min= 0, average= 6.39, max= 75, maxTarget=Scheduler>>start
---------- :
Cloned : count= 62, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=TaskState>>isWaitingWithPacket
Not Cloned : count= 62, sum= 462, min= 0, average= 7.45, max= 95, maxTarget=Scheduler>>start
Truffle loops : count= 62, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=TaskState>>isWaitingWithPacket
Graal node count :
After Truffle Tier : count= 62, sum= 33454, min= 18, average= 539.58, max= 5369, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
After Graal Tier : count= 62, sum= 97099, min= 18, average= 1566.11, max= 21362, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Graal compilation result :
Code size : count= 62, sum= 346985, min= 179, average= 5596.53, max= 79749, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Total frame size : count= 62, sum= 7488, min= 32, average= 120.77, max= 1168, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Exception handlers : count= 62, sum= 83, min= 0, average= 1.34, max= 26, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Infopoints : count= 62, sum= 3436, min= 4, average= 55.42, max= 763, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
CALL : count= 62, sum= 2891, min= 4, average= 46.63, max= 634, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
IMPLICIT_EXCEPTION : count= 62, sum= 530, min= 0, average= 8.55, max= 128, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
SAFEPOINT : count= 62, sum= 15, min= 0, average= 0.24, max= 4, maxTarget=Scheduler>>createHandler:priority:work:state:
Marks : count= 62, sum= 540, min= 7, average= 8.71, max= 34, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Data references : count= 62, sum= 3231, min= 1, average= 52.11, max= 757, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
# Sieve (iterations: 250, problem size: 3000) on Thu May 27 22:51:22 UTC 2021
# `/home/fniephaus/bin/graalvm-ce-java11-21.1.0/bin/trufflesqueak --experimental-options --smalltalk.disable-startup --smalltalk.disable-interrupts --engine.Mode=default --engine.MultiTier=false --engine.TraceCompilation --engine.CompilationStatistics --log.file="/home/fniephaus/dev/are-we-fast-yet/traces/Sieve.trace.log" --quiet --code "FileStream startUp: true. Harness new run: #(nil 'Sieve' 250 3000)" /home/fniephaus/dev/are-we-fast-yet/benchmarks/Smalltalk/AWFY64-sista-fbc.image`
[engine] opt done Sieve>>sieve:size: |AST 134|Tier 2|Time 265( 230+35 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 223/ 436|CodeSize 1988|Addr 0x7f7909380090|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Magnitude>>min: |AST 21|Tier 2|Time 73( 71+3 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 29/ 34|CodeSize 206|Addr 0x7f7909389210|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SequenceableCollection>>from:to:put: |AST 162|Tier 2|Time 252( 229+23 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 228/ 654|CodeSize 2721|Addr 0x7f7909398d90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SequenceableCollection>>atAllPut: |AST 48|Tier 2|Time 262( 243+18 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 265/ 468|CodeSize 1419|Addr 0x7f79093a6390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done ArrayedCollection class>>new:withAll: |AST 31|Tier 2|Time 335( 309+25 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 335/ 423|CodeSize 1869|Addr 0x7f79093a8610|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Sieve>>verifyResult: |AST 15|Tier 2|Time 46( 43+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 25/ 32|CodeSize 207|Addr 0x7f79093aa410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Sieve>>benchmark |AST 44|Tier 2|Time 420( 379+40 )ms|Inlined 5Y 0N|IR 564/ 777|CodeSize 2752|Addr 0x7f79093aab10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop: |AST 59|Tier 2|Time 403( 351+52 )ms|Inlined 7Y 0N|IR 657/ 809|CodeSize 2997|Addr 0x7f79093b1510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String class>>new: |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 160( 142+18 )ms|Inlined 2Y 1N|IR 213/ 509|CodeSize 1801|Addr 0x7f79093bd310|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SmallInteger>>printString |AST 152|Tier 2|Time 287( 262+25 )ms|Inlined 4Y 1N|IR 310/ 540|CodeSize 1695|Addr 0x7f79093bf990|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with: |AST 177|Tier 2|Time 294( 246+48 )ms|Inlined 3Y 1N|IR 474/ 1088|CodeSize 5412|Addr 0x7f79093c5110|Src n/a
[engine] Truffle runtime statistics for engine 2
Compilations : 12
Success : 11
Temporary Bailouts : 0
Permanent Bailouts : 0
Failed : 0
Interrupted : 1
Invalidated : 0
Queues : 12
Dequeues : 0
Splits : 191
Compilation Accuracy : 1.000000
Queue Accuracy : 1.000000
Compilation Utilization : 0.050818
Remaining Compilation Queue : 0
Time to queue : count= 12, sum= 175214, min= 143, average= 14601.23, max= 55552 (milliseconds), maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with:
Time waiting in queue : count= 12, sum= 451, min= 1, average= 37.65, max= 340 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Sieve>>verifyResult:
Time for compilation : count= 11, sum= 2827, min= 47, average= 257.03, max= 421 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Sieve>>benchmark
Truffle Tier : count= 11, sum= 2505, min= 43, average= 227.76, max= 379 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Sieve>>benchmark
Graal Tier : count= 11, sum= 205, min= 1, average= 18.71, max= 35 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Code Installation : count= 11, sum= 116, min= 1, average= 10.55, max= 21 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Sieve>>sieve:size:
Truffle node count : count= 11, sum= 4228, min= 23, average= 384.36, max= 812, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Trivial : count= 11, sum= 1596, min= 8, average= 145.09, max= 298, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Non Trivial : count= 11, sum= 2632, min= 15, average= 239.27, max= 514, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Monomorphic : count= 11, sum= 2603, min= 15, average= 236.64, max= 514, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Polymorphic : count= 11, sum= 29, min= 0, average= 2.64, max= 11, maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with:
Megamorphic : count= 11, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Sieve>>sieve:size:
Truffle call count : count= 11, sum= 30, min= 0, average= 2.73, max= 7, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Indirect : count= 11, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Sieve>>sieve:size:
Direct : count= 11, sum= 30, min= 0, average= 2.73, max= 7, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Dispatched : count= 11, sum= 3, min= 0, average= 0.27, max= 1, maxTarget=String class>>new:
Inlined : count= 11, sum= 27, min= 0, average= 2.45, max= 7, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
---------- :
Cloned : count= 11, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Sieve>>sieve:size:
Not Cloned : count= 11, sum= 30, min= 0, average= 2.73, max= 7, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Truffle loops : count= 11, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Sieve>>sieve:size:
Graal node count :
After Truffle Tier : count= 11, sum= 3323, min= 25, average= 302.09, max= 657, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
After Graal Tier : count= 11, sum= 5770, min= 32, average= 524.55, max= 1088, maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with:
Graal compilation result :
Code size : count= 11, sum= 23067, min= 206, average= 2097.00, max= 5412, maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with:
Total frame size : count= 11, sum= 1504, min= 32, average= 136.73, max= 256, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Exception handlers : count= 11, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=Sieve>>sieve:size:
Infopoints : count= 11, sum= 239, min= 4, average= 21.73, max= 47, maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with:
CALL : count= 11, sum= 195, min= 4, average= 17.73, max= 37, maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with:
IMPLICIT_EXCEPTION : count= 11, sum= 32, min= 0, average= 2.91, max= 10, maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with:
SAFEPOINT : count= 11, sum= 12, min= 0, average= 1.09, max= 4, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Marks : count= 11, sum= 89, min= 7, average= 8.09, max= 11, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Data references : count= 11, sum= 185, min= 1, average= 16.82, max= 50, maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with:
# Storage (iterations: 250, problem size: 1000) on Thu May 27 22:46:07 UTC 2021
# `/home/fniephaus/bin/graalvm-ce-java11-21.1.0/bin/trufflesqueak --experimental-options --smalltalk.disable-startup --smalltalk.disable-interrupts --engine.Mode=default --engine.MultiTier=false --engine.TraceCompilation --engine.CompilationStatistics --log.file="/home/fniephaus/dev/are-we-fast-yet/traces/Storage.trace.log" --quiet --code "FileStream startUp: true. Harness new run: #(nil 'Storage' 250 1000)" /home/fniephaus/dev/are-we-fast-yet/benchmarks/Smalltalk/AWFY64-sista-fbc.image`
[engine] opt done SomRandom>>next |AST 39|Tier 2|Time 161( 139+23 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 83/ 165|CodeSize 562|Addr 0x7fcea1371810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Storage>>buildTreeDepth:with: |AST 154|Tier 2|Time 763( 549+214 )ms|Inlined 5Y 1N|IR 1059/ 3376|CodeSize 16771|Addr 0x7fcea13a4d10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomRandom>>initialize |AST 10|Tier 2|Time 50( 46+5 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 68/ 80|CodeSize 274|Addr 0x7fcea13b4410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Behavior>>new <split-77bb0ab5> |AST 28|Tier 2|Time 101( 97+4 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 34/ 109|CodeSize 469|Addr 0x7fcea13b5410|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SomRandom class>>new |AST 26|Tier 2|Time 123( 119+5 )ms|Inlined 3Y 0N|IR 34/ 109|CodeSize 469|Addr 0x7fcea13b5d10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Storage>>verifyResult: |AST 15|Tier 2|Time 41( 39+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 25/ 32|CodeSize 207|Addr 0x7fcea13b6390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Storage>>benchmark |AST 49|Tier 2|Time 615( 461+154 )ms|Inlined 10Y 1N|IR 801/ 2476|CodeSize 10843|Addr 0x7fcea13b7510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop: |AST 59|Tier 2|Time 724( 496+227 )ms|Inlined 12Y 1N|IR 898/ 2529|CodeSize 11637|Addr 0x7fcea13c2590|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String class>>new: |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 158( 140+18 )ms|Inlined 2Y 1N|IR 213/ 509|CodeSize 1801|Addr 0x7fcea13d0f90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SmallInteger>>printString |AST 152|Tier 2|Time 350( 326+23 )ms|Inlined 4Y 1N|IR 361/ 481|CodeSize 1410|Addr 0x7fcea13d5690|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with: |AST 177|Tier 2|Time 304( 256+48 )ms|Inlined 3Y 1N|IR 474/ 1088|CodeSize 5412|Addr 0x7fcea13df990|Src n/a
[engine] Truffle runtime statistics for engine 2
Compilations : 12
Success : 11
Temporary Bailouts : 0
Permanent Bailouts : 0
Failed : 0
Interrupted : 1
Invalidated : 0
Queues : 12
Dequeues : 0
Splits : 192
Compilation Accuracy : 1.000000
Queue Accuracy : 1.000000
Compilation Utilization : 0.043123
Remaining Compilation Queue : 0
Time to queue : count= 12, sum= 250913, min= 38, average= 20909.46, max= 79369 (milliseconds), maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with:
Time waiting in queue : count= 12, sum= 132, min= 1, average= 11.01, max= 106 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Storage>>verifyResult:
Time for compilation : count= 11, sum= 3435, min= 42, average= 312.30, max= 765 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Storage>>buildTreeDepth:with:
Truffle Tier : count= 11, sum= 2666, min= 38, average= 242.41, max= 548 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Storage>>buildTreeDepth:with:
Graal Tier : count= 11, sum= 502, min= 1, average= 45.68, max= 168 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Code Installation : count= 11, sum= 266, min= 1, average= 24.22, max= 74 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Storage>>buildTreeDepth:with:
Truffle node count : count= 11, sum= 5029, min= 18, average= 457.18, max= 1260, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Trivial : count= 11, sum= 1951, min= 8, average= 177.36, max= 484, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Non Trivial : count= 11, sum= 3078, min= 10, average= 279.82, max= 776, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Monomorphic : count= 11, sum= 3031, min= 10, average= 275.55, max= 770, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Polymorphic : count= 11, sum= 47, min= 0, average= 4.27, max= 11, maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with:
Megamorphic : count= 11, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=SomRandom>>next
Truffle call count : count= 11, sum= 46, min= 0, average= 4.18, max= 13, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Indirect : count= 11, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=SomRandom>>next
Direct : count= 11, sum= 46, min= 0, average= 4.18, max= 13, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Dispatched : count= 11, sum= 6, min= 0, average= 0.55, max= 1, maxTarget=Storage>>buildTreeDepth:with:
Inlined : count= 11, sum= 40, min= 0, average= 3.64, max= 12, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
---------- :
Cloned : count= 11, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=SomRandom>>next
Not Cloned : count= 11, sum= 46, min= 0, average= 4.18, max= 13, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Truffle loops : count= 11, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=SomRandom>>next
Graal node count :
After Truffle Tier : count= 11, sum= 4050, min= 25, average= 368.18, max= 1059, maxTarget=Storage>>buildTreeDepth:with:
After Graal Tier : count= 11, sum= 10954, min= 32, average= 995.82, max= 3376, maxTarget=Storage>>buildTreeDepth:with:
Graal compilation result :
Code size : count= 11, sum= 49855, min= 207, average= 4532.27, max= 16771, maxTarget=Storage>>buildTreeDepth:with:
Total frame size : count= 11, sum= 1920, min= 32, average= 174.55, max= 560, maxTarget=Storage>>buildTreeDepth:with:
Exception handlers : count= 11, sum= 3, min= 0, average= 0.27, max= 1, maxTarget=Storage>>buildTreeDepth:with:
Infopoints : count= 11, sum= 455, min= 4, average= 41.36, max= 144, maxTarget=Storage>>buildTreeDepth:with:
CALL : count= 11, sum= 375, min= 4, average= 34.09, max= 116, maxTarget=Storage>>buildTreeDepth:with:
IMPLICIT_EXCEPTION : count= 11, sum= 72, min= 0, average= 6.55, max= 26, maxTarget=Storage>>buildTreeDepth:with:
SAFEPOINT : count= 11, sum= 8, min= 0, average= 0.73, max= 3, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Marks : count= 11, sum= 88, min= 7, average= 8.00, max= 11, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Data references : count= 11, sum= 422, min= 2, average= 38.36, max= 126, maxTarget=Storage>>buildTreeDepth:with:
# Towers (iterations: 250, problem size: 600) on Thu May 27 22:47:32 UTC 2021
# `/home/fniephaus/bin/graalvm-ce-java11-21.1.0/bin/trufflesqueak --experimental-options --smalltalk.disable-startup --smalltalk.disable-interrupts --engine.Mode=default --engine.MultiTier=false --engine.TraceCompilation --engine.CompilationStatistics --log.file="/home/fniephaus/dev/are-we-fast-yet/traces/Towers.trace.log" --quiet --code "FileStream startUp: true. Harness new run: #(nil 'Towers' 250 600)" /home/fniephaus/dev/are-we-fast-yet/benchmarks/Smalltalk/AWFY64-sista-fbc.image`
[engine] opt done TowersDisk>>next: |AST 11|Tier 2|Time 157( 133+24 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 61/ 188|CodeSize 534|Addr 0x7f99fd367010|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Towers>>pushDisk:onPile: |AST 99|Tier 2|Time 319( 250+69 )ms|Inlined 1Y 0N|IR 356/ 1217|CodeSize 3881|Addr 0x7f99fd37d510|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Towers>>moveTopDiskFrom:to: |AST 49|Tier 2|Time 319( 267+52 )ms|Inlined 4Y 0N|IR 615/ 1614|CodeSize 5665|Addr 0x7f99fd38fa10|Src n/a
[engine] opt done TowersDisk class>>new: |AST 29|Tier 2|Time 143( 138+5 )ms|Inlined 2Y 0N|IR 37/ 112|CodeSize 477|Addr 0x7f99fd3a3110|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Towers>>buildTowerAt:disks: |AST 67|Tier 2|Time 291( 234+57 )ms|Inlined 5Y 0N|IR 461/ 1346|CodeSize 5765|Addr 0x7f99fd3a5810|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Towers>>move:disksFrom:to: |AST 128|Tier 2|Time 3094(1899+1195)ms|Inlined 61Y 11N|IR 6688/17491|CodeSize 68085|Addr 0x7f99fd3ac310|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Towers>>verifyResult: |AST 15|Tier 2|Time 42( 40+2 )ms|Inlined 0Y 0N|IR 25/ 32|CodeSize 207|Addr 0x7f99fd3e2590|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Towers>>benchmark |AST 65|Tier 2|Time 2363(1729+634 )ms|Inlined 60Y 15N|IR 2714/ 7309|CodeSize 24004|Addr 0x7f99fd3e9a90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop: |AST 59|Tier 2|Time 2506(1736+770 )ms|Inlined 59Y 18N|IR 2812/ 7353|CodeSize 26324|Addr 0x7f99fd3fec90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done String class>>new: |AST 51|Tier 2|Time 160( 143+18 )ms|Inlined 2Y 1N|IR 213/ 509|CodeSize 1801|Addr 0x7f99fd420390|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SmallInteger>>printString |AST 152|Tier 2|Time 293( 272+22 )ms|Inlined 4Y 1N|IR 361/ 481|CodeSize 1410|Addr 0x7f99fd423a90|Src n/a
[engine] opt done SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with: |AST 177|Tier 2|Time 294( 246+48 )ms|Inlined 3Y 1N|IR 474/ 1088|CodeSize 5412|Addr 0x7f99fd42a610|Src n/a
[engine] Truffle runtime statistics for engine 2
Compilations : 14
Success : 12
Temporary Bailouts : 0
Permanent Bailouts : 0
Failed : 0
Interrupted : 2
Invalidated : 0
Queues : 16
Dequeues : 3
Target inlined into only caller : 3
Splits : 192
Compilation Accuracy : 1.000000
Queue Accuracy : 0.812500
Compilation Utilization : 0.099554
Remaining Compilation Queue : 0
Time to queue : count= 16, sum= 323984, min= 45, average= 20249.05, max= 100300 (milliseconds), maxTarget=SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with:
Time waiting in queue : count= 14, sum= 482, min= 1, average= 34.50, max= 323 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Towers>>popDiskFrom:
Time for compilation : count= 12, sum= 10020, min= 43, average= 835.06, max= 3095 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Towers>>move:disksFrom:to:
Truffle Tier : count= 12, sum= 7084, min= 39, average= 590.37, max= 1898 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Towers>>move:disksFrom:to:
Graal Tier : count= 12, sum= 2046, min= 1, average= 170.55, max= 838 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Towers>>move:disksFrom:to:
Code Installation : count= 12, sum= 889, min= 1, average= 74.14, max= 357 (milliseconds), maxTarget=Towers>>move:disksFrom:to:
Truffle node count : count= 12, sum= 20156, min= 19, average= 1679.67, max= 5933, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Trivial : count= 12, sum= 7491, min= 8, average= 624.25, max= 2191, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Non Trivial : count= 12, sum= 12665, min= 11, average= 1055.42, max= 3742, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Monomorphic : count= 12, sum= 12384, min= 11, average= 1032.00, max= 3665, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Polymorphic : count= 12, sum= 281, min= 0, average= 23.42, max= 77, maxTarget=Towers>>move:disksFrom:to:
Megamorphic : count= 12, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=TowersDisk>>next:
Truffle call count : count= 12, sum= 248, min= 0, average= 20.67, max= 77, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Indirect : count= 12, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=TowersDisk>>next:
Direct : count= 12, sum= 248, min= 0, average= 20.67, max= 77, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Dispatched : count= 12, sum= 47, min= 0, average= 3.92, max= 18, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Inlined : count= 12, sum= 201, min= 0, average= 16.75, max= 61, maxTarget=Towers>>move:disksFrom:to:
---------- :
Cloned : count= 12, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=TowersDisk>>next:
Not Cloned : count= 12, sum= 248, min= 0, average= 20.67, max= 77, maxTarget=Benchmark>>innerBenchmarkLoop:
Truffle loops : count= 12, sum= 0, min= 0, average= 0.00, max= 0, maxTarget=TowersDisk>>next:
Graal node count :
After Truffle Tier : count= 12, sum= 14817, min= 25, average= 1234.75, max= 6688, maxTarget=Towers>>move:disksFrom:to:
After Graal Tier : count= 12, sum= 38740, min= 32, average= 3228.33, max= 17491, maxTarget=Towers>>move:disksFrom:to:
Graal compilation result :
Code size : count= 12, sum= 143565, min= 207, average= 11963.75, max= 68085, maxTarget=Towers>>move:disksFrom:to:
Total frame size : count= 12, sum= 2768, min= 32, average= 230.67, max= 768, maxTarget=Towers>>move:disksFrom:to:
Exception handlers : count= 12, sum= 35, min= 0, average= 2.92, max= 12, maxTarget=Towers>>benchmark
Infopoints : count= 12, sum= 1328, min= 4, average= 110.67, max= 573, maxTarget=Towers>>move:disksFrom:to:
CALL : count= 12, sum= 1152, min= 4, average= 96.00, max= 500, maxTarget=Towers>>move:disksFrom:to:
IMPLICIT_EXCEPTION : count= 12, sum= 172, min= 0, average= 14.33, max= 73, maxTarget=Towers>>move:disksFrom:to:
SAFEPOINT : count= 12, sum= 4, min= 0, average= 0.33, max= 1, maxTarget=Towers>>buildTowerAt:disks:
Marks : count= 12, sum= 125, min= 7, average= 10.42, max= 20, maxTarget=Towers>>benchmark
Data references : count= 12, sum= 787, min= 3, average= 65.58, max= 237, maxTarget=Towers>>move:disksFrom:to:
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