require "odious" local oocairo = require "oocairo" -- {{{ lualock settings background("color", "#000000") --im = image(utils.get_data_dir() .. "/simpleblack/archlinux-official-light.svg") ----im:scale(0.75, 0.75) --im:set_position(utils.screen_width()/2 - 600/2, 0.2) --im:show() im = image(utils.get_data_dir() .. "/simpleblack/panel.png") --im:scale(0.75, 0.75) --im:set_position(utils.screen_width()/2 - 600/2, 0.2) im:set_position(utils.screen_width()/2 - 600/2, utils.screen_height()/2 - 400/2) im:show() sxcenter = utils.screen_width()/2 sycenter = utils.screen_height()/2 input_top = sycenter + 50 --panel = image(utils.get_data_dir() .. "/simpleblack/panel_transp1.png") --panel:set_position(utils.screen_width()/2 - 300/2, input_top-50) --panel:show() style{ color = "black", font = "Sans 24", x = sxcenter - 150/2 - 24, y = input_top + 50, off_x = 10, off_y = 10, width = 199, height = 50, bg_color = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', border_color = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', border_width = 2 } prefs{ timeout = 10 * 60 } user_text = odious.widget.text{ text = os.getenv("USER"), font = "Sans 24", color = "black", x = sxcenter - 92, y = input_top + 10, border_color = "black", border_width = 0 } -- }}} -- define functions for setting and restoring DPMS settings local dpms = { set = function (standby, suspend, off) utils.spawn(string.format("xset dpms %i %i %i", standby, suspend, off)) end, get = function () local xset_out = odious.util.pread("xset q") local standby, suspend, off = string.match(xset_out, "Standby: (%d+).*Suspend: (%d+).*Off: (%d+)") return tonumber(standby) or 0, tonumber(suspend) or 0, tonumber(off) or 0 end } -- {{{ Hooks -- get current DPMS settings local standby, suspend, off = dpms.get() hook.connect("lock", function () dpms.set(60, 120, 300) end) -- restore DPMS settings once we're done hook.connect("unlock", function () dpms.set(standby, suspend, off) end) -- show a dot for each failed login attempt --evildot = utils.get_data_dir() .. "/glowydot.png" --failed_attempts = 0 --hook.connect("auth-failed", function () -- local dot = image(evildot) -- dot:set_position(500 + 20 * failed_attempts, 440) -- dot:show() -- failed_attempts = failed_attempts + 1 --end) -- }}} -- {{{ -- SYSTRAY function update_systray() print("systray " .."*t").min .. ":" .."*t").sec) right = utils.screen_width() -- systray = image(right, 30) -- systray:set_position(0, 0) -- --systray:draw_rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100, true, "#ff0000") -- systray:show() systray = odious.widget.progressbar{ width = right, height = 30, x = 0, y = 0 } systray:set_border_color("black"):set_vertical(false):set_color("#000000") systray:set_value(100) -- CLOCK -- right = right - 175 top = 3 local update_clock = function() local time ="*t") local sec = time.sec local file = assert(io.popen("date +\"%a, %b %e %H:%M\"", 'r')) local output = file:read('*all') file:close() output = string.gsub(output, "\n", "") systray:set_value(100) local clock_text = odious.widget.text{ text = "" .. output, font = "Droid Sans 16", color = "#ffffff", x = utils.screen_width()/2 - 85, y = 5, border_color = "#000000", border_width = 3 } end update_clock() -- BATTERY right = right - 45 batt_box = odious.widget.progressbar{ width = 30, height = 16, x = right+0, y = top+1 } batt_box:set_border_color("#dddddd"):set_vertical(false):set_color("#dddddd") batt_box_pip = odious.widget.progressbar{ width = 3, height = 10, x = right+30, y = top+4 } batt_box_pip:set_border_color("#dddddd"):set_vertical(false):set_color("#dddddd") batt_box_pip:set_value(100) function update_battery () local batt_info = odious.util.get_battery("BAT0") local level = batt_info.charge_now / batt_info.charge_full -- level = math.random() -- level = 100 batt_box:set_value(level) if (level <= 0.15) then batt_box:set_color("#d70000") end if (level == 1) then level = "" else level = math.floor(level*100) .. "%" end local batt_text = odious.widget.text{ text = level .. "", font = "Sans 8", color = "#000000", x = right, y = top, border_color = "#dddddd", border_width = 3 } end update_battery() -- network right = right - 35 local file = assert(io.popen("nm-tool", 'r')) local output = file:read('*all') file:close() string.gsub(output, "\nState: (.-)\n", function(a) print("[network]", a); state = a; end) if (state == "disconnected") then path = "nm-no-connection.svg" else path = "nm-signal-100.svg" end print("[path]", path) network_icon = image(utils.get_data_dir() .. "/simpleblack/" .. path) network_icon:scale(1, 1) network_icon:set_position(right, 0) network_icon:show() end local first_update = function () update_systray() local systray_timer = timer(update_systray, 60) systray_timer:start() end -- align update_systray timer to the start of the minute local once = function () first_update() once_timer:stop() print("once timer stopped") end once_timer = timer(once,"*t").sec) once_timer:start() update_systray() -- }}}