Batch bombs are evil! They overload the computer with commands, which causes it to freeze and shutdown.
View my old how-to video
There are different types of batch bombs. A few examples:
- Simple
- Goto Loops
- For Loops
1 - Simple
- Less thought, time and effort
- More lines and space
This way consists of copy pasting the same line(s) over and over again as many times as you want.
2 - Easy Loop
@echo off
goto loop
This will start cmd over and over again until the computer freezes.
3 - Complex Loop
@echo off
for /l %%X in (1,1,10) do (
The for command can be extremely useful! The "/l" allows you to set the amount of times you want to repeat your command. The "%%X" is just to set the variable X (not important but required).
The 3 n°s in the brackets are what counts: the 1st sets the n° to start with; the 2nd sets the steps (so how many n°s you increase by each time); and the 3rd sets which n° to stop at.
So the command "start" (between the brackets - which could be any command(s) you want) will be repeated 10 times.