var COMPILED = !0, goog = goog || {}; |
goog.global = this; |
goog.DEBUG = !0; |
goog.LOCALE = "en"; |
goog.provide = function(a) { |
if(!COMPILED) { |
if(goog.isProvided_(a)) { |
throw Error('Namespace "' + a + '" already declared.'); |
} |
delete goog.implicitNamespaces_[a]; |
for(var b = a;(b = b.substring(0, b.lastIndexOf("."))) && !goog.getObjectByName(b);) { |
goog.implicitNamespaces_[b] = !0 |
} |
} |
goog.exportPath_(a) |
}; |
goog.setTestOnly = function(a) { |
if(COMPILED && !goog.DEBUG) { |
throw a = a || "", Error("Importing test-only code into non-debug environment" + a ? ": " + a : "."); |
} |
}; |
COMPILED || (goog.isProvided_ = function(a) { |
return!goog.implicitNamespaces_[a] && !!goog.getObjectByName(a) |
}, goog.implicitNamespaces_ = {}); |
goog.exportPath_ = function(a, b, c) { |
a = a.split("."); |
c = c || goog.global; |
!(a[0] in c) && c.execScript && c.execScript("var " + a[0]); |
for(var d;a.length && (d = a.shift());) { |
!a.length && goog.isDef(b) ? c[d] = b : c = c[d] ? c[d] : c[d] = {} |
} |
}; |
goog.getObjectByName = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = a.split("."), d = b || goog.global, e;e = c.shift();) { |
if(goog.isDefAndNotNull(d[e])) { |
d = d[e] |
}else { |
return null |
} |
} |
return d |
}; |
goog.globalize = function(a, b) { |
var c = b || goog.global, d; |
for(d in a) { |
c[d] = a[d] |
} |
}; |
goog.addDependency = function(a, b, c) { |
if(!COMPILED) { |
for(var d, a = a.replace(/\\/g, "/"), e = goog.dependencies_, f = 0;d = b[f];f++) { |
e.nameToPath[d] = a, a in e.pathToNames || (e.pathToNames[a] = {}), e.pathToNames[a][d] = !0 |
} |
for(d = 0;b = c[d];d++) { |
a in e.requires || (e.requires[a] = {}), e.requires[a][b] = !0 |
} |
} |
}; |
goog.require = function(a) { |
if(!COMPILED && !goog.isProvided_(a)) { |
var b = goog.getPathFromDeps_(a); |
if(b) { |
goog.included_[b] = !0; |
goog.writeScripts_(); |
return |
} |
} |
a = "goog.require could not find: " + a; |
goog.global.console && goog.global.console.error(a); |
throw Error(a); |
} |
}; |
goog.basePath = ""; |
goog.nullFunction = function() { |
}; |
goog.identityFunction = function(a) { |
return a |
}; |
goog.abstractMethod = function() { |
throw Error("unimplemented abstract method"); |
}; |
goog.addSingletonGetter = function(a) { |
a.getInstance = function() { |
if(a.instance_) { |
return a.instance_ |
} |
goog.DEBUG && (goog.instantiatedSingletons_[goog.instantiatedSingletons_.length] = a); |
return a.instance_ = new a |
} |
}; |
goog.instantiatedSingletons_ = []; |
!COMPILED && goog.ENABLE_DEBUG_LOADER && (goog.included_ = {}, goog.dependencies_ = {pathToNames:{}, nameToPath:{}, requires:{}, visited:{}, written:{}}, goog.inHtmlDocument_ = function() { |
var a = goog.global.document; |
return"undefined" != typeof a && "write" in a |
}, goog.findBasePath_ = function() { |
if(goog.global.CLOSURE_BASE_PATH) { |
goog.basePath = goog.global.CLOSURE_BASE_PATH |
}else { |
if(goog.inHtmlDocument_()) { |
for(var a = goog.global.document.getElementsByTagName("script"), b = a.length - 1;0 <= b;--b) { |
var c = a[b].src, d = c.lastIndexOf("?"), d = -1 == d ? c.length : d; |
if("base.js" == c.substr(d - 7, 7)) { |
goog.basePath = c.substr(0, d - 7); |
break |
} |
} |
} |
} |
}, goog.importScript_ = function(a) { |
var b = goog.global.CLOSURE_IMPORT_SCRIPT || goog.writeScriptTag_; |
!goog.dependencies_.written[a] && b(a) && (goog.dependencies_.written[a] = !0) |
}, goog.writeScriptTag_ = function(a) { |
return goog.inHtmlDocument_() ? (goog.global.document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + a + '"><\/script>'), !0) : !1 |
}, goog.writeScripts_ = function() { |
function a(e) { |
if(!(e in d.written)) { |
if(!(e in d.visited) && (d.visited[e] = !0, e in d.requires)) { |
for(var g in d.requires[e]) { |
if(!goog.isProvided_(g)) { |
if(g in d.nameToPath) { |
a(d.nameToPath[g]) |
}else { |
throw Error("Undefined nameToPath for " + g); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
e in c || (c[e] = !0, b.push(e)) |
} |
} |
var b = [], c = {}, d = goog.dependencies_, e; |
for(e in goog.included_) { |
d.written[e] || a(e) |
} |
for(e = 0;e < b.length;e++) { |
if(b[e]) { |
goog.importScript_(goog.basePath + b[e]) |
}else { |
throw Error("Undefined script input"); |
} |
} |
}, goog.getPathFromDeps_ = function(a) { |
return a in goog.dependencies_.nameToPath ? goog.dependencies_.nameToPath[a] : null |
}, goog.findBasePath_(), goog.global.CLOSURE_NO_DEPS || goog.importScript_(goog.basePath + "deps.js")); |
goog.typeOf = function(a) { |
var b = typeof a; |
if("object" == b) { |
if(a) { |
if(a instanceof Array) { |
return"array" |
} |
if(a instanceof Object) { |
return b |
} |
var c = Object.prototype.toString.call(a); |
if("[object Window]" == c) { |
return"object" |
} |
if("[object Array]" == c || "number" == typeof a.length && "undefined" != typeof a.splice && "undefined" != typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable && !a.propertyIsEnumerable("splice")) { |
return"array" |
} |
if("[object Function]" == c || "undefined" != typeof a.call && "undefined" != typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable && !a.propertyIsEnumerable("call")) { |
return"function" |
} |
}else { |
return"null" |
} |
}else { |
if("function" == b && "undefined" == typeof a.call) { |
return"object" |
} |
} |
return b |
}; |
goog.isDef = function(a) { |
return void 0 !== a |
}; |
goog.isNull = function(a) { |
return null === a |
}; |
goog.isDefAndNotNull = function(a) { |
return null != a |
}; |
goog.isArray = function(a) { |
return"array" == goog.typeOf(a) |
}; |
goog.isArrayLike = function(a) { |
var b = goog.typeOf(a); |
return"array" == b || "object" == b && "number" == typeof a.length |
}; |
goog.isDateLike = function(a) { |
return goog.isObject(a) && "function" == typeof a.getFullYear |
}; |
goog.isString = function(a) { |
return"string" == typeof a |
}; |
goog.isBoolean = function(a) { |
return"boolean" == typeof a |
}; |
goog.isNumber = function(a) { |
return"number" == typeof a |
}; |
goog.isFunction = function(a) { |
return"function" == goog.typeOf(a) |
}; |
goog.isObject = function(a) { |
var b = typeof a; |
return"object" == b && null != a || "function" == b |
}; |
goog.getUid = function(a) { |
return a[goog.UID_PROPERTY_] || (a[goog.UID_PROPERTY_] = ++goog.uidCounter_) |
}; |
goog.removeUid = function(a) { |
"removeAttribute" in a && a.removeAttribute(goog.UID_PROPERTY_); |
try { |
delete a[goog.UID_PROPERTY_] |
}catch(b) { |
} |
}; |
goog.UID_PROPERTY_ = "closure_uid_" + Math.floor(2147483648 * Math.random()).toString(36); |
goog.uidCounter_ = 0; |
goog.getHashCode = goog.getUid; |
goog.removeHashCode = goog.removeUid; |
goog.cloneObject = function(a) { |
var b = goog.typeOf(a); |
if("object" == b || "array" == b) { |
if(a.clone) { |
return a.clone() |
} |
var b = "array" == b ? [] : {}, c; |
for(c in a) { |
b[c] = goog.cloneObject(a[c]) |
} |
return b |
} |
return a |
}; |
goog.bindNative_ = function(a, b, c) { |
return a.call.apply(a.bind, arguments) |
}; |
goog.bindJs_ = function(a, b, c) { |
if(!a) { |
throw Error(); |
} |
if(2 < arguments.length) { |
var d = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2); |
return function() { |
var c = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); |
Array.prototype.unshift.apply(c, d); |
return a.apply(b, c) |
} |
} |
return function() { |
return a.apply(b, arguments) |
} |
}; |
goog.bind = function(a, b, c) { |
goog.bind = Function.prototype.bind && -1 != Function.prototype.bind.toString().indexOf("native code") ? goog.bindNative_ : goog.bindJs_; |
return goog.bind.apply(null, arguments) |
}; |
goog.partial = function(a, b) { |
var c = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); |
return function() { |
var b = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); |
b.unshift.apply(b, c); |
return a.apply(this, b) |
} |
}; |
goog.mixin = function(a, b) { |
for(var c in b) { |
a[c] = b[c] |
} |
}; |
goog.now = Date.now || function() { |
return+new Date |
}; |
goog.globalEval = function(a) { |
if(goog.global.execScript) { |
goog.global.execScript(a, "JavaScript") |
}else { |
if(goog.global.eval) { |
if(null == goog.evalWorksForGlobals_ && (goog.global.eval("var _et_ = 1;"), "undefined" != typeof goog.global._et_ ? (delete goog.global._et_, goog.evalWorksForGlobals_ = !0) : goog.evalWorksForGlobals_ = !1), goog.evalWorksForGlobals_) { |
goog.global.eval(a) |
}else { |
var b = goog.global.document, c = b.createElement("script"); |
c.type = "text/javascript"; |
c.defer = !1; |
c.appendChild(b.createTextNode(a)); |
b.body.appendChild(c); |
b.body.removeChild(c) |
} |
}else { |
throw Error("goog.globalEval not available"); |
} |
} |
}; |
goog.evalWorksForGlobals_ = null; |
goog.getCssName = function(a, b) { |
var c = function(a) { |
return goog.cssNameMapping_[a] || a |
}, d = function(a) { |
for(var a = a.split("-"), b = [], d = 0;d < a.length;d++) { |
b.push(c(a[d])) |
} |
return b.join("-") |
}, d = goog.cssNameMapping_ ? "BY_WHOLE" == goog.cssNameMappingStyle_ ? c : d : function(a) { |
return a |
}; |
return b ? a + "-" + d(b) : d(a) |
}; |
goog.setCssNameMapping = function(a, b) { |
goog.cssNameMapping_ = a; |
goog.cssNameMappingStyle_ = b |
}; |
!COMPILED && goog.global.CLOSURE_CSS_NAME_MAPPING && (goog.cssNameMapping_ = goog.global.CLOSURE_CSS_NAME_MAPPING); |
goog.getMsg = function(a, b) { |
var c = b || {}, d; |
for(d in c) { |
var e = ("" + c[d]).replace(/\$/g, "$$$$"), a = a.replace(RegExp("\\{\\$" + d + "\\}", "gi"), e) |
} |
return a |
}; |
goog.exportSymbol = function(a, b, c) { |
goog.exportPath_(a, b, c) |
}; |
goog.exportProperty = function(a, b, c) { |
a[b] = c |
}; |
goog.inherits = function(a, b) { |
function c() { |
} |
c.prototype = b.prototype; |
a.superClass_ = b.prototype; |
a.prototype = new c; |
a.prototype.constructor = a |
}; |
goog.base = function(a, b, c) { |
var d = arguments.callee.caller; |
if(d.superClass_) { |
return d.superClass_.constructor.apply(a, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)) |
} |
for(var e = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), f = !1, g = a.constructor;g;g = g.superClass_ && g.superClass_.constructor) { |
if(g.prototype[b] === d) { |
f = !0 |
}else { |
if(f) { |
return g.prototype[b].apply(a, e) |
} |
} |
} |
if(a[b] === d) { |
return a.constructor.prototype[b].apply(a, e) |
} |
throw Error("goog.base called from a method of one name to a method of a different name"); |
}; |
goog.scope = function(a) { |
a.call(goog.global) |
}; |
goog.string = {}; |
goog.string.Unicode = {NBSP:"\u00a0"}; |
goog.string.startsWith = function(a, b) { |
return 0 == a.lastIndexOf(b, 0) |
}; |
goog.string.endsWith = function(a, b) { |
var c = a.length - b.length; |
return 0 <= c && a.indexOf(b, c) == c |
}; |
goog.string.caseInsensitiveStartsWith = function(a, b) { |
return 0 == goog.string.caseInsensitiveCompare(b, a.substr(0, b.length)) |
}; |
goog.string.caseInsensitiveEndsWith = function(a, b) { |
return 0 == goog.string.caseInsensitiveCompare(b, a.substr(a.length - b.length, b.length)) |
}; |
goog.string.subs = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = 1;c < arguments.length;c++) { |
var d = String(arguments[c]).replace(/\$/g, "$$$$"), a = a.replace(/\%s/, d) |
} |
return a |
}; |
goog.string.collapseWhitespace = function(a) { |
return a.replace(/[\s\xa0]+/g, " ").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "") |
}; |
goog.string.isEmpty = function(a) { |
return/^[\s\xa0]*$/.test(a) |
}; |
goog.string.isEmptySafe = function(a) { |
return goog.string.isEmpty(goog.string.makeSafe(a)) |
}; |
goog.string.isBreakingWhitespace = function(a) { |
return!/[^\t\n\r ]/.test(a) |
}; |
goog.string.isAlpha = function(a) { |
return!/[^a-zA-Z]/.test(a) |
}; |
goog.string.isNumeric = function(a) { |
return!/[^0-9]/.test(a) |
}; |
goog.string.isAlphaNumeric = function(a) { |
return!/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/.test(a) |
}; |
goog.string.isSpace = function(a) { |
return" " == a |
}; |
goog.string.isUnicodeChar = function(a) { |
return 1 == a.length && " " <= a && "~" >= a || "\u0080" <= a && "\ufffd" >= a |
}; |
goog.string.stripNewlines = function(a) { |
return a.replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)+/g, " ") |
}; |
goog.string.canonicalizeNewlines = function(a) { |
return a.replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/g, "\n") |
}; |
goog.string.normalizeWhitespace = function(a) { |
return a.replace(/\xa0|\s/g, " ") |
}; |
goog.string.normalizeSpaces = function(a) { |
return a.replace(/\xa0|[ \t]+/g, " ") |
}; |
goog.string.collapseBreakingSpaces = function(a) { |
return a.replace(/[\t\r\n ]+/g, " ").replace(/^[\t\r\n ]+|[\t\r\n ]+$/g, "") |
}; |
goog.string.trim = function(a) { |
return a.replace(/^[\s\xa0]+|[\s\xa0]+$/g, "") |
}; |
goog.string.trimLeft = function(a) { |
return a.replace(/^[\s\xa0]+/, "") |
}; |
goog.string.trimRight = function(a) { |
return a.replace(/[\s\xa0]+$/, "") |
}; |
goog.string.caseInsensitiveCompare = function(a, b) { |
var c = String(a).toLowerCase(), d = String(b).toLowerCase(); |
return c < d ? -1 : c == d ? 0 : 1 |
}; |
goog.string.numerateCompareRegExp_ = /(\.\d+)|(\d+)|(\D+)/g; |
goog.string.numerateCompare = function(a, b) { |
if(a == b) { |
return 0 |
} |
if(!a) { |
return-1 |
} |
if(!b) { |
return 1 |
} |
for(var c = a.toLowerCase().match(goog.string.numerateCompareRegExp_), d = b.toLowerCase().match(goog.string.numerateCompareRegExp_), e = Math.min(c.length, d.length), f = 0;f < e;f++) { |
var g = c[f], h = d[f]; |
if(g != h) { |
return c = parseInt(g, 10), !isNaN(c) && (d = parseInt(h, 10), !isNaN(d) && c - d) ? c - d : g < h ? -1 : 1 |
} |
} |
return c.length != d.length ? c.length - d.length : a < b ? -1 : 1 |
}; |
goog.string.urlEncode = function(a) { |
return encodeURIComponent(String(a)) |
}; |
goog.string.urlDecode = function(a) { |
return decodeURIComponent(a.replace(/\+/g, " ")) |
}; |
goog.string.newLineToBr = function(a, b) { |
return a.replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/g, b ? "<br />" : "<br>") |
}; |
goog.string.htmlEscape = function(a, b) { |
if(b) { |
return a.replace(goog.string.amperRe_, "&").replace(goog.string.ltRe_, "<").replace(goog.string.gtRe_, ">").replace(goog.string.quotRe_, """) |
} |
if(!goog.string.allRe_.test(a)) { |
return a |
} |
-1 != a.indexOf("&") && (a = a.replace(goog.string.amperRe_, "&")); |
-1 != a.indexOf("<") && (a = a.replace(goog.string.ltRe_, "<")); |
-1 != a.indexOf(">") && (a = a.replace(goog.string.gtRe_, ">")); |
-1 != a.indexOf('"') && (a = a.replace(goog.string.quotRe_, """)); |
return a |
}; |
goog.string.amperRe_ = /&/g; |
goog.string.ltRe_ = /</g; |
goog.string.gtRe_ = />/g; |
goog.string.quotRe_ = /\"/g; |
goog.string.allRe_ = /[&<>\"]/; |
goog.string.unescapeEntities = function(a) { |
return goog.string.contains(a, "&") ? "document" in goog.global ? goog.string.unescapeEntitiesUsingDom_(a) : goog.string.unescapePureXmlEntities_(a) : a |
}; |
goog.string.unescapeEntitiesUsingDom_ = function(a) { |
var b = {"&":"&", "<":"<", ">":">", """:'"'}, c = document.createElement("div"); |
return a.replace(goog.string.HTML_ENTITY_PATTERN_, function(a, e) { |
var f = b[a]; |
if(f) { |
return f |
} |
if("#" == e.charAt(0)) { |
var g = Number("0" + e.substr(1)); |
isNaN(g) || (f = String.fromCharCode(g)) |
} |
f || (c.innerHTML = a + " ", f = c.firstChild.nodeValue.slice(0, -1)); |
return b[a] = f |
}) |
}; |
goog.string.unescapePureXmlEntities_ = function(a) { |
return a.replace(/&([^;]+);/g, function(a, c) { |
switch(c) { |
case "amp": |
return"&"; |
case "lt": |
return"<"; |
case "gt": |
return">"; |
case "quot": |
return'"'; |
default: |
if("#" == c.charAt(0)) { |
var d = Number("0" + c.substr(1)); |
if(!isNaN(d)) { |
return String.fromCharCode(d) |
} |
} |
return a |
} |
}) |
}; |
goog.string.HTML_ENTITY_PATTERN_ = /&([^;\s<&]+);?/g; |
goog.string.whitespaceEscape = function(a, b) { |
return goog.string.newLineToBr(a.replace(/ /g, "  "), b) |
}; |
goog.string.stripQuotes = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = b.length, d = 0;d < c;d++) { |
var e = 1 == c ? b : b.charAt(d); |
if(a.charAt(0) == e && a.charAt(a.length - 1) == e) { |
return a.substring(1, a.length - 1) |
} |
} |
return a |
}; |
goog.string.truncate = function(a, b, c) { |
c && (a = goog.string.unescapeEntities(a)); |
a.length > b && (a = a.substring(0, b - 3) + "..."); |
c && (a = goog.string.htmlEscape(a)); |
return a |
}; |
goog.string.truncateMiddle = function(a, b, c, d) { |
c && (a = goog.string.unescapeEntities(a)); |
if(d && a.length > b) { |
d > b && (d = b); |
var e = a.length - d, a = a.substring(0, b - d) + "..." + a.substring(e) |
}else { |
a.length > b && (d = Math.floor(b / 2), e = a.length - d, a = a.substring(0, d + b % 2) + "..." + a.substring(e)) |
} |
c && (a = goog.string.htmlEscape(a)); |
return a |
}; |
goog.string.specialEscapeChars_ = {"\x00":"\\0", "\b":"\\b", "\f":"\\f", "\n":"\\n", "\r":"\\r", "\t":"\\t", "\x0B":"\\x0B", '"':'\\"', "\\":"\\\\"}; |
goog.string.jsEscapeCache_ = {"'":"\\'"}; |
goog.string.quote = function(a) { |
a = String(a); |
if(a.quote) { |
return a.quote() |
} |
for(var b = ['"'], c = 0;c < a.length;c++) { |
var d = a.charAt(c), e = d.charCodeAt(0); |
b[c + 1] = goog.string.specialEscapeChars_[d] || (31 < e && 127 > e ? d : goog.string.escapeChar(d)) |
} |
b.push('"'); |
return b.join("") |
}; |
goog.string.escapeString = function(a) { |
for(var b = [], c = 0;c < a.length;c++) { |
b[c] = goog.string.escapeChar(a.charAt(c)) |
} |
return b.join("") |
}; |
goog.string.escapeChar = function(a) { |
if(a in goog.string.jsEscapeCache_) { |
return goog.string.jsEscapeCache_[a] |
} |
if(a in goog.string.specialEscapeChars_) { |
return goog.string.jsEscapeCache_[a] = goog.string.specialEscapeChars_[a] |
} |
var b = a, c = a.charCodeAt(0); |
if(31 < c && 127 > c) { |
b = a |
}else { |
if(256 > c) { |
if(b = "\\x", 16 > c || 256 < c) { |
b += "0" |
} |
}else { |
b = "\\u", 4096 > c && (b += "0") |
} |
b += c.toString(16).toUpperCase() |
} |
return goog.string.jsEscapeCache_[a] = b |
}; |
goog.string.toMap = function(a) { |
for(var b = {}, c = 0;c < a.length;c++) { |
b[a.charAt(c)] = !0 |
} |
return b |
}; |
goog.string.contains = function(a, b) { |
return-1 != a.indexOf(b) |
}; |
goog.string.countOf = function(a, b) { |
return a && b ? a.split(b).length - 1 : 0 |
}; |
goog.string.removeAt = function(a, b, c) { |
var d = a; |
0 <= b && (b < a.length && 0 < c) && (d = a.substr(0, b) + a.substr(b + c, a.length - b - c)); |
return d |
}; |
goog.string.remove = function(a, b) { |
var c = RegExp(goog.string.regExpEscape(b), ""); |
return a.replace(c, "") |
}; |
goog.string.removeAll = function(a, b) { |
var c = RegExp(goog.string.regExpEscape(b), "g"); |
return a.replace(c, "") |
}; |
goog.string.regExpEscape = function(a) { |
return String(a).replace(/([-()\[\]{}+?*.$\^|,:#<!\\])/g, "\\$1").replace(/\x08/g, "\\x08") |
}; |
goog.string.repeat = function(a, b) { |
return Array(b + 1).join(a) |
}; |
goog.string.padNumber = function(a, b, c) { |
a = goog.isDef(c) ? a.toFixed(c) : String(a); |
c = a.indexOf("."); |
-1 == c && (c = a.length); |
return goog.string.repeat("0", Math.max(0, b - c)) + a |
}; |
goog.string.makeSafe = function(a) { |
return null == a ? "" : String(a) |
}; |
goog.string.buildString = function(a) { |
return Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, "") |
}; |
goog.string.getRandomString = function() { |
return Math.floor(2147483648 * Math.random()).toString(36) + Math.abs(Math.floor(2147483648 * Math.random()) ^ goog.now()).toString(36) |
}; |
goog.string.compareVersions = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = 0, d = goog.string.trim(String(a)).split("."), e = goog.string.trim(String(b)).split("."), f = Math.max(d.length, e.length), g = 0;0 == c && g < f;g++) { |
var h = d[g] || "", i = e[g] || "", j = RegExp("(\\d*)(\\D*)", "g"), l = RegExp("(\\d*)(\\D*)", "g"); |
do { |
var m = j.exec(h) || ["", "", ""], k = l.exec(i) || ["", "", ""]; |
if(0 == m[0].length && 0 == k[0].length) { |
break |
} |
var c = 0 == m[1].length ? 0 : parseInt(m[1], 10), n = 0 == k[1].length ? 0 : parseInt(k[1], 10), c = goog.string.compareElements_(c, n) || goog.string.compareElements_(0 == m[2].length, 0 == k[2].length) || goog.string.compareElements_(m[2], k[2]) |
}while(0 == c) |
} |
return c |
}; |
goog.string.compareElements_ = function(a, b) { |
return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0 |
}; |
goog.string.HASHCODE_MAX_ = 4294967296; |
goog.string.hashCode = function(a) { |
for(var b = 0, c = 0;c < a.length;++c) { |
b = 31 * b + a.charCodeAt(c), b %= goog.string.HASHCODE_MAX_ |
} |
return b |
}; |
goog.string.uniqueStringCounter_ = 2147483648 * Math.random() | 0; |
goog.string.createUniqueString = function() { |
return"goog_" + goog.string.uniqueStringCounter_++ |
}; |
goog.string.toNumber = function(a) { |
var b = Number(a); |
return 0 == b && goog.string.isEmpty(a) ? NaN : b |
}; |
goog.string.toCamelCase = function(a) { |
return String(a).replace(/\-([a-z])/g, function(a, c) { |
return c.toUpperCase() |
}) |
}; |
goog.string.toSelectorCase = function(a) { |
return String(a).replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1").toLowerCase() |
}; |
goog.string.toTitleCase = function(a, b) { |
var c = goog.isString(b) ? goog.string.regExpEscape(b) : "\\s"; |
return a.replace(RegExp("(^" + (c ? "|[" + c + "]+" : "") + ")([a-z])", "g"), function(a, b, c) { |
return b + c.toUpperCase() |
}) |
}; |
goog.string.parseInt = function(a) { |
isFinite(a) && (a = String(a)); |
return goog.isString(a) ? /^\s*-?0x/i.test(a) ? parseInt(a, 16) : parseInt(a, 10) : NaN |
}; |
goog.debug = {}; |
goog.debug.Error = function(a) { |
Error.captureStackTrace ? Error.captureStackTrace(this, goog.debug.Error) : this.stack = Error().stack || ""; |
a && (this.message = String(a)) |
}; |
goog.inherits(goog.debug.Error, Error); |
goog.debug.Error.prototype.name = "CustomError"; |
goog.asserts = {}; |
goog.asserts.ENABLE_ASSERTS = goog.DEBUG; |
goog.asserts.AssertionError = function(a, b) { |
b.unshift(a); |
goog.debug.Error.call(this, goog.string.subs.apply(null, b)); |
b.shift(); |
this.messagePattern = a |
}; |
goog.inherits(goog.asserts.AssertionError, goog.debug.Error); |
goog.asserts.AssertionError.prototype.name = "AssertionError"; |
goog.asserts.doAssertFailure_ = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var e = "Assertion failed"; |
if(c) { |
var e = e + (": " + c), f = d |
}else { |
a && (e += ": " + a, f = b) |
} |
throw new goog.asserts.AssertionError("" + e, f || []); |
}; |
goog.asserts.assert = function(a, b, c) { |
goog.asserts.ENABLE_ASSERTS && !a && goog.asserts.doAssertFailure_("", null, b, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); |
return a |
}; |
goog.asserts.fail = function(a, b) { |
if(goog.asserts.ENABLE_ASSERTS) { |
throw new goog.asserts.AssertionError("Failure" + (a ? ": " + a : ""), Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); |
} |
}; |
goog.asserts.assertNumber = function(a, b, c) { |
goog.asserts.ENABLE_ASSERTS && !goog.isNumber(a) && goog.asserts.doAssertFailure_("Expected number but got %s: %s.", [goog.typeOf(a), a], b, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); |
return a |
}; |
goog.asserts.assertString = function(a, b, c) { |
goog.asserts.ENABLE_ASSERTS && !goog.isString(a) && goog.asserts.doAssertFailure_("Expected string but got %s: %s.", [goog.typeOf(a), a], b, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); |
return a |
}; |
goog.asserts.assertFunction = function(a, b, c) { |
goog.asserts.ENABLE_ASSERTS && !goog.isFunction(a) && goog.asserts.doAssertFailure_("Expected function but got %s: %s.", [goog.typeOf(a), a], b, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); |
return a |
}; |
goog.asserts.assertObject = function(a, b, c) { |
goog.asserts.ENABLE_ASSERTS && !goog.isObject(a) && goog.asserts.doAssertFailure_("Expected object but got %s: %s.", [goog.typeOf(a), a], b, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); |
return a |
}; |
goog.asserts.assertArray = function(a, b, c) { |
goog.asserts.ENABLE_ASSERTS && !goog.isArray(a) && goog.asserts.doAssertFailure_("Expected array but got %s: %s.", [goog.typeOf(a), a], b, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); |
return a |
}; |
goog.asserts.assertBoolean = function(a, b, c) { |
goog.asserts.ENABLE_ASSERTS && !goog.isBoolean(a) && goog.asserts.doAssertFailure_("Expected boolean but got %s: %s.", [goog.typeOf(a), a], b, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); |
return a |
}; |
goog.asserts.assertInstanceof = function(a, b, c, d) { |
goog.asserts.ENABLE_ASSERTS && !(a instanceof b) && goog.asserts.doAssertFailure_("instanceof check failed.", null, c, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3)); |
return a |
}; |
goog.array = {}; |
goog.array.peek = function(a) { |
return a[a.length - 1] |
}; |
goog.array.ARRAY_PROTOTYPE_ = Array.prototype; |
goog.array.indexOf = goog.NATIVE_ARRAY_PROTOTYPES && goog.array.ARRAY_PROTOTYPE_.indexOf ? function(a, b, c) { |
goog.asserts.assert(null != a.length); |
return goog.array.ARRAY_PROTOTYPE_.indexOf.call(a, b, c) |
} : function(a, b, c) { |
c = null == c ? 0 : 0 > c ? Math.max(0, a.length + c) : c; |
if(goog.isString(a)) { |
return!goog.isString(b) || 1 != b.length ? -1 : a.indexOf(b, c) |
} |
for(;c < a.length;c++) { |
if(c in a && a[c] === b) { |
return c |
} |
} |
return-1 |
}; |
goog.array.lastIndexOf = goog.NATIVE_ARRAY_PROTOTYPES && goog.array.ARRAY_PROTOTYPE_.lastIndexOf ? function(a, b, c) { |
goog.asserts.assert(null != a.length); |
return goog.array.ARRAY_PROTOTYPE_.lastIndexOf.call(a, b, null == c ? a.length - 1 : c) |
} : function(a, b, c) { |
c = null == c ? a.length - 1 : c; |
0 > c && (c = Math.max(0, a.length + c)); |
if(goog.isString(a)) { |
return!goog.isString(b) || 1 != b.length ? -1 : a.lastIndexOf(b, c) |
} |
for(;0 <= c;c--) { |
if(c in a && a[c] === b) { |
return c |
} |
} |
return-1 |
}; |
goog.array.forEach = goog.NATIVE_ARRAY_PROTOTYPES && goog.array.ARRAY_PROTOTYPE_.forEach ? function(a, b, c) { |
goog.asserts.assert(null != a.length); |
goog.array.ARRAY_PROTOTYPE_.forEach.call(a, b, c) |
} : function(a, b, c) { |
for(var d = a.length, e = goog.isString(a) ? a.split("") : a, f = 0;f < d;f++) { |
f in e && b.call(c, e[f], f, a) |
} |
}; |
goog.array.forEachRight = function(a, b, c) { |
for(var d = a.length, e = goog.isString(a) ? a.split("") : a, d = d - 1;0 <= d;--d) { |
d in e && b.call(c, e[d], d, a) |
} |
}; |
goog.array.filter = goog.NATIVE_ARRAY_PROTOTYPES && goog.array.ARRAY_PROTOTYPE_.filter ? function(a, b, c) { |
goog.asserts.assert(null != a.length); |
return goog.array.ARRAY_PROTOTYPE_.filter.call(a, b, c) |
} : function(a, b, c) { |
for(var d = a.length, e = [], f = 0, g = goog.isString(a) ? a.split("") : a, h = 0;h < d;h++) { |
if(h in g) { |
var i = g[h]; |
b.call(c, i, h, a) && (e[f++] = i) |
} |
} |
return e |
}; |
goog.array.map = goog.NATIVE_ARRAY_PROTOTYPES && goog.array.ARRAY_PROTOTYPE_.map ? function(a, b, c) { |
goog.asserts.assert(null != a.length); |
return goog.array.ARRAY_PROTOTYPE_.map.call(a, b, c) |
} : function(a, b, c) { |
for(var d = a.length, e = Array(d), f = goog.isString(a) ? a.split("") : a, g = 0;g < d;g++) { |
g in f && (e[g] = b.call(c, f[g], g, a)) |
} |
return e |
}; |
goog.array.reduce = function(a, b, c, d) { |
if(a.reduce) { |
return d ? a.reduce(goog.bind(b, d), c) : a.reduce(b, c) |
} |
var e = c; |
goog.array.forEach(a, function(c, g) { |
e = b.call(d, e, c, g, a) |
}); |
return e |
}; |
goog.array.reduceRight = function(a, b, c, d) { |
if(a.reduceRight) { |
return d ? a.reduceRight(goog.bind(b, d), c) : a.reduceRight(b, c) |
} |
var e = c; |
goog.array.forEachRight(a, function(c, g) { |
e = b.call(d, e, c, g, a) |
}); |
return e |
}; |
goog.array.some = goog.NATIVE_ARRAY_PROTOTYPES && goog.array.ARRAY_PROTOTYPE_.some ? function(a, b, c) { |
goog.asserts.assert(null != a.length); |
return goog.array.ARRAY_PROTOTYPE_.some.call(a, b, c) |
} : function(a, b, c) { |
for(var d = a.length, e = goog.isString(a) ? a.split("") : a, f = 0;f < d;f++) { |
if(f in e && b.call(c, e[f], f, a)) { |
return!0 |
} |
} |
return!1 |
}; |
goog.array.every = goog.NATIVE_ARRAY_PROTOTYPES && goog.array.ARRAY_PROTOTYPE_.every ? function(a, b, c) { |
goog.asserts.assert(null != a.length); |
return goog.array.ARRAY_PROTOTYPE_.every.call(a, b, c) |
} : function(a, b, c) { |
for(var d = a.length, e = goog.isString(a) ? a.split("") : a, f = 0;f < d;f++) { |
if(f in e && !b.call(c, e[f], f, a)) { |
return!1 |
} |
} |
return!0 |
}; |
goog.array.find = function(a, b, c) { |
b = goog.array.findIndex(a, b, c); |
return 0 > b ? null : goog.isString(a) ? a.charAt(b) : a[b] |
}; |
goog.array.findIndex = function(a, b, c) { |
for(var d = a.length, e = goog.isString(a) ? a.split("") : a, f = 0;f < d;f++) { |
if(f in e && b.call(c, e[f], f, a)) { |
return f |
} |
} |
return-1 |
}; |
goog.array.findRight = function(a, b, c) { |
b = goog.array.findIndexRight(a, b, c); |
return 0 > b ? null : goog.isString(a) ? a.charAt(b) : a[b] |
}; |
goog.array.findIndexRight = function(a, b, c) { |
for(var d = a.length, e = goog.isString(a) ? a.split("") : a, d = d - 1;0 <= d;d--) { |
if(d in e && b.call(c, e[d], d, a)) { |
return d |
} |
} |
return-1 |
}; |
goog.array.contains = function(a, b) { |
return 0 <= goog.array.indexOf(a, b) |
}; |
goog.array.isEmpty = function(a) { |
return 0 == a.length |
}; |
goog.array.clear = function(a) { |
if(!goog.isArray(a)) { |
for(var b = a.length - 1;0 <= b;b--) { |
delete a[b] |
} |
} |
a.length = 0 |
}; |
goog.array.insert = function(a, b) { |
goog.array.contains(a, b) || a.push(b) |
}; |
goog.array.insertAt = function(a, b, c) { |
goog.array.splice(a, c, 0, b) |
}; |
goog.array.insertArrayAt = function(a, b, c) { |
goog.partial(goog.array.splice, a, c, 0).apply(null, b) |
}; |
goog.array.insertBefore = function(a, b, c) { |
var d; |
2 == arguments.length || 0 > (d = goog.array.indexOf(a, c)) ? a.push(b) : goog.array.insertAt(a, b, d) |
}; |
goog.array.remove = function(a, b) { |
var c = goog.array.indexOf(a, b), d; |
(d = 0 <= c) && goog.array.removeAt(a, c); |
return d |
}; |
goog.array.removeAt = function(a, b) { |
goog.asserts.assert(null != a.length); |
return 1 == goog.array.ARRAY_PROTOTYPE_.splice.call(a, b, 1).length |
}; |
goog.array.removeIf = function(a, b, c) { |
b = goog.array.findIndex(a, b, c); |
return 0 <= b ? (goog.array.removeAt(a, b), !0) : !1 |
}; |
goog.array.concat = function(a) { |
return goog.array.ARRAY_PROTOTYPE_.concat.apply(goog.array.ARRAY_PROTOTYPE_, arguments) |
}; |
goog.array.toArray = function(a) { |
var b = a.length; |
if(0 < b) { |
for(var c = Array(b), d = 0;d < b;d++) { |
c[d] = a[d] |
} |
return c |
} |
return[] |
}; |
goog.array.clone = goog.array.toArray; |
goog.array.extend = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = 1;c < arguments.length;c++) { |
var d = arguments[c], e; |
if(goog.isArray(d) || (e = goog.isArrayLike(d)) && d.hasOwnProperty("callee")) { |
a.push.apply(a, d) |
}else { |
if(e) { |
for(var f = a.length, g = d.length, h = 0;h < g;h++) { |
a[f + h] = d[h] |
} |
}else { |
a.push(d) |
} |
} |
} |
}; |
goog.array.splice = function(a, b, c, d) { |
goog.asserts.assert(null != a.length); |
return goog.array.ARRAY_PROTOTYPE_.splice.apply(a, goog.array.slice(arguments, 1)) |
}; |
goog.array.slice = function(a, b, c) { |
goog.asserts.assert(null != a.length); |
return 2 >= arguments.length ? goog.array.ARRAY_PROTOTYPE_.slice.call(a, b) : goog.array.ARRAY_PROTOTYPE_.slice.call(a, b, c) |
}; |
goog.array.removeDuplicates = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = b || a, d = {}, e = 0, f = 0;f < a.length;) { |
var g = a[f++], h = goog.isObject(g) ? "o" + goog.getUid(g) : (typeof g).charAt(0) + g; |
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d, h) || (d[h] = !0, c[e++] = g) |
} |
c.length = e |
}; |
goog.array.binarySearch = function(a, b, c) { |
return goog.array.binarySearch_(a, c || goog.array.defaultCompare, !1, b) |
}; |
goog.array.binarySelect = function(a, b, c) { |
return goog.array.binarySearch_(a, b, !0, void 0, c) |
}; |
goog.array.binarySearch_ = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
for(var f = 0, g = a.length, h;f < g;) { |
var i = f + g >> 1, j; |
j = c ? b.call(e, a[i], i, a) : b(d, a[i]); |
0 < j ? f = i + 1 : (g = i, h = !j) |
} |
return h ? f : ~f |
}; |
goog.array.sort = function(a, b) { |
goog.asserts.assert(null != a.length); |
goog.array.ARRAY_PROTOTYPE_.sort.call(a, b || goog.array.defaultCompare) |
}; |
goog.array.stableSort = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = 0;c < a.length;c++) { |
a[c] = {index:c, value:a[c]} |
} |
var d = b || goog.array.defaultCompare; |
goog.array.sort(a, function(a, b) { |
return d(a.value, b.value) || a.index - b.index |
}); |
for(c = 0;c < a.length;c++) { |
a[c] = a[c].value |
} |
}; |
goog.array.sortObjectsByKey = function(a, b, c) { |
var d = c || goog.array.defaultCompare; |
goog.array.sort(a, function(a, c) { |
return d(a[b], c[b]) |
}) |
}; |
goog.array.isSorted = function(a, b, c) { |
for(var b = b || goog.array.defaultCompare, d = 1;d < a.length;d++) { |
var e = b(a[d - 1], a[d]); |
if(0 < e || 0 == e && c) { |
return!1 |
} |
} |
return!0 |
}; |
goog.array.equals = function(a, b, c) { |
if(!goog.isArrayLike(a) || !goog.isArrayLike(b) || a.length != b.length) { |
return!1 |
} |
for(var d = a.length, c = c || goog.array.defaultCompareEquality, e = 0;e < d;e++) { |
if(!c(a[e], b[e])) { |
return!1 |
} |
} |
return!0 |
}; |
goog.array.compare = function(a, b, c) { |
return goog.array.equals(a, b, c) |
}; |
goog.array.compare3 = function(a, b, c) { |
for(var c = c || goog.array.defaultCompare, d = Math.min(a.length, b.length), e = 0;e < d;e++) { |
var f = c(a[e], b[e]); |
if(0 != f) { |
return f |
} |
} |
return goog.array.defaultCompare(a.length, b.length) |
}; |
goog.array.defaultCompare = function(a, b) { |
return a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0 |
}; |
goog.array.defaultCompareEquality = function(a, b) { |
return a === b |
}; |
goog.array.binaryInsert = function(a, b, c) { |
c = goog.array.binarySearch(a, b, c); |
return 0 > c ? (goog.array.insertAt(a, b, -(c + 1)), !0) : !1 |
}; |
goog.array.binaryRemove = function(a, b, c) { |
b = goog.array.binarySearch(a, b, c); |
return 0 <= b ? goog.array.removeAt(a, b) : !1 |
}; |
goog.array.bucket = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = {}, d = 0;d < a.length;d++) { |
var e = a[d], f = b(e, d, a); |
goog.isDef(f) && (c[f] || (c[f] = [])).push(e) |
} |
return c |
}; |
goog.array.repeat = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = [], d = 0;d < b;d++) { |
c[d] = a |
} |
return c |
}; |
goog.array.flatten = function(a) { |
for(var b = [], c = 0;c < arguments.length;c++) { |
var d = arguments[c]; |
goog.isArray(d) ? b.push.apply(b, goog.array.flatten.apply(null, d)) : b.push(d) |
} |
return b |
}; |
goog.array.rotate = function(a, b) { |
goog.asserts.assert(null != a.length); |
a.length && (b %= a.length, 0 < b ? goog.array.ARRAY_PROTOTYPE_.unshift.apply(a, a.splice(-b, b)) : 0 > b && goog.array.ARRAY_PROTOTYPE_.push.apply(a, a.splice(0, -b))); |
return a |
}; |
goog.array.zip = function(a) { |
if(!arguments.length) { |
return[] |
} |
for(var b = [], c = 0;;c++) { |
for(var d = [], e = 0;e < arguments.length;e++) { |
var f = arguments[e]; |
if(c >= f.length) { |
return b |
} |
d.push(f[c]) |
} |
b.push(d) |
} |
}; |
goog.array.shuffle = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = b || Math.random, d = a.length - 1;0 < d;d--) { |
var e = Math.floor(c() * (d + 1)), f = a[d]; |
a[d] = a[e]; |
a[e] = f |
} |
}; |
goog.object = {}; |
goog.object.forEach = function(a, b, c) { |
for(var d in a) { |
b.call(c, a[d], d, a) |
} |
}; |
goog.object.filter = function(a, b, c) { |
var d = {}, e; |
for(e in a) { |
b.call(c, a[e], e, a) && (d[e] = a[e]) |
} |
return d |
}; |
goog.object.map = function(a, b, c) { |
var d = {}, e; |
for(e in a) { |
d[e] = b.call(c, a[e], e, a) |
} |
return d |
}; |
goog.object.some = function(a, b, c) { |
for(var d in a) { |
if(b.call(c, a[d], d, a)) { |
return!0 |
} |
} |
return!1 |
}; |
goog.object.every = function(a, b, c) { |
for(var d in a) { |
if(!b.call(c, a[d], d, a)) { |
return!1 |
} |
} |
return!0 |
}; |
goog.object.getCount = function(a) { |
var b = 0, c; |
for(c in a) { |
b++ |
} |
return b |
}; |
goog.object.getAnyKey = function(a) { |
for(var b in a) { |
return b |
} |
}; |
goog.object.getAnyValue = function(a) { |
for(var b in a) { |
return a[b] |
} |
}; |
goog.object.contains = function(a, b) { |
return goog.object.containsValue(a, b) |
}; |
goog.object.getValues = function(a) { |
var b = [], c = 0, d; |
for(d in a) { |
b[c++] = a[d] |
} |
return b |
}; |
goog.object.getKeys = function(a) { |
var b = [], c = 0, d; |
for(d in a) { |
b[c++] = d |
} |
return b |
}; |
goog.object.getValueByKeys = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = goog.isArrayLike(b), d = c ? b : arguments, c = c ? 0 : 1;c < d.length && !(a = a[d[c]], !goog.isDef(a));c++) { |
} |
return a |
}; |
goog.object.containsKey = function(a, b) { |
return b in a |
}; |
goog.object.containsValue = function(a, b) { |
for(var c in a) { |
if(a[c] == b) { |
return!0 |
} |
} |
return!1 |
}; |
goog.object.findKey = function(a, b, c) { |
for(var d in a) { |
if(b.call(c, a[d], d, a)) { |
return d |
} |
} |
}; |
goog.object.findValue = function(a, b, c) { |
return(b = goog.object.findKey(a, b, c)) && a[b] |
}; |
goog.object.isEmpty = function(a) { |
for(var b in a) { |
return!1 |
} |
return!0 |
}; |
goog.object.clear = function(a) { |
for(var b in a) { |
delete a[b] |
} |
}; |
goog.object.remove = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
(c = b in a) && delete a[b]; |
return c |
}; |
goog.object.add = function(a, b, c) { |
if(b in a) { |
throw Error('The object already contains the key "' + b + '"'); |
} |
goog.object.set(a, b, c) |
}; |
goog.object.get = function(a, b, c) { |
return b in a ? a[b] : c |
}; |
goog.object.set = function(a, b, c) { |
a[b] = c |
}; |
goog.object.setIfUndefined = function(a, b, c) { |
return b in a ? a[b] : a[b] = c |
}; |
goog.object.clone = function(a) { |
var b = {}, c; |
for(c in a) { |
b[c] = a[c] |
} |
return b |
}; |
goog.object.unsafeClone = function(a) { |
var b = goog.typeOf(a); |
if("object" == b || "array" == b) { |
if(a.clone) { |
return a.clone() |
} |
var b = "array" == b ? [] : {}, c; |
for(c in a) { |
b[c] = goog.object.unsafeClone(a[c]) |
} |
return b |
} |
return a |
}; |
goog.object.transpose = function(a) { |
var b = {}, c; |
for(c in a) { |
b[a[c]] = c |
} |
return b |
}; |
goog.object.PROTOTYPE_FIELDS_ = "constructor hasOwnProperty isPrototypeOf propertyIsEnumerable toLocaleString toString valueOf".split(" "); |
goog.object.extend = function(a, b) { |
for(var c, d, e = 1;e < arguments.length;e++) { |
d = arguments[e]; |
for(c in d) { |
a[c] = d[c] |
} |
for(var f = 0;f < goog.object.PROTOTYPE_FIELDS_.length;f++) { |
c = goog.object.PROTOTYPE_FIELDS_[f], Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d, c) && (a[c] = d[c]) |
} |
} |
}; |
goog.object.create = function(a) { |
var b = arguments.length; |
if(1 == b && goog.isArray(arguments[0])) { |
return goog.object.create.apply(null, arguments[0]) |
} |
if(b % 2) { |
throw Error("Uneven number of arguments"); |
} |
for(var c = {}, d = 0;d < b;d += 2) { |
c[arguments[d]] = arguments[d + 1] |
} |
return c |
}; |
goog.object.createSet = function(a) { |
var b = arguments.length; |
if(1 == b && goog.isArray(arguments[0])) { |
return goog.object.createSet.apply(null, arguments[0]) |
} |
for(var c = {}, d = 0;d < b;d++) { |
c[arguments[d]] = !0 |
} |
return c |
}; |
goog.string.format = function(a, b) { |
var c = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), d = c.shift(); |
if("undefined" == typeof d) { |
throw Error("[goog.string.format] Template required"); |
} |
return d.replace(/%([0\-\ \+]*)(\d+)?(\.(\d+))?([%sfdiu])/g, function(a, b, d, h, i, j, l, m) { |
if("%" == j) { |
return"%" |
} |
var k = c.shift(); |
if("undefined" == typeof k) { |
throw Error("[goog.string.format] Not enough arguments"); |
} |
arguments[0] = k; |
return goog.string.format.demuxes_[j].apply(null, arguments) |
}) |
}; |
goog.string.format.demuxes_ = {}; |
goog.string.format.demuxes_.s = function(a, b, c) { |
return isNaN(c) || "" == c || a.length >= c ? a : a = -1 < b.indexOf("-", 0) ? a + goog.string.repeat(" ", c - a.length) : goog.string.repeat(" ", c - a.length) + a |
}; |
goog.string.format.demuxes_.f = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
d = a.toString(); |
isNaN(e) || "" == e || (d = a.toFixed(e)); |
var f; |
f = 0 > a ? "-" : 0 <= b.indexOf("+") ? "+" : 0 <= b.indexOf(" ") ? " " : ""; |
0 <= a && (d = f + d); |
if(isNaN(c) || d.length >= c) { |
return d |
} |
d = isNaN(e) ? Math.abs(a).toString() : Math.abs(a).toFixed(e); |
a = c - d.length - f.length; |
0 <= b.indexOf("-", 0) ? d = f + d + goog.string.repeat(" ", a) : (b = 0 <= b.indexOf("0", 0) ? "0" : " ", d = f + goog.string.repeat(b, a) + d); |
return d |
}; |
goog.string.format.demuxes_.d = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { |
return goog.string.format.demuxes_.f(parseInt(a, 10), b, c, d, 0, f, g, h) |
}; |
goog.string.format.demuxes_.i = goog.string.format.demuxes_.d; |
goog.string.format.demuxes_.u = goog.string.format.demuxes_.d; |
goog.string.StringBuffer = function(a, b) { |
null != a && this.append.apply(this, arguments) |
}; |
goog.string.StringBuffer.prototype.buffer_ = ""; |
goog.string.StringBuffer.prototype.set = function(a) { |
this.buffer_ = "" + a |
}; |
goog.string.StringBuffer.prototype.append = function(a, b, c) { |
this.buffer_ += a; |
if(null != b) { |
for(var d = 1;d < arguments.length;d++) { |
this.buffer_ += arguments[d] |
} |
} |
return this |
}; |
goog.string.StringBuffer.prototype.clear = function() { |
this.buffer_ = "" |
}; |
goog.string.StringBuffer.prototype.getLength = function() { |
return this.buffer_.length |
}; |
goog.string.StringBuffer.prototype.toString = function() { |
return this.buffer_ |
}; |
var cljs = {core:{}}; |
cljs.core._STAR_unchecked_if_STAR_ = !1; |
cljs.core._STAR_print_fn_STAR_ = function() { |
throw Error("No *print-fn* fn set for evaluation environment"); |
}; |
cljs.core.truth_ = function(a) { |
return null != a && !1 !== a |
}; |
cljs.core.identical_QMARK_ = function(a, b) { |
return a === b |
}; |
cljs.core.nil_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
return null == a |
}; |
cljs.core.not = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.truth_(a) ? !1 : !0 |
}; |
cljs.core.type_satisfies_ = function(a, b) { |
return a[goog.typeOf(null == b ? null : b)] ? !0 : a._ ? !0 : !1 |
}; |
cljs.core.is_proto_ = function(a) { |
return a.constructor.prototype === a |
}; |
cljs.core._STAR_main_cli_fn_STAR_ = null; |
cljs.core.missing_protocol = function(a, b) { |
return Error(["No protocol method ", a, " defined for type ", goog.typeOf(b), ": ", b].join("")) |
}; |
cljs.core.aclone = function(a) { |
return a.slice() |
}; |
cljs.core.array = function(a) { |
return Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments) |
}; |
cljs.core.make_array = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b, d) { |
return a.call(null, d) |
}, a = function(a, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return Array(a); |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, d) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return Array(a) |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.aget = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b, c, f) { |
return cljs.core.apply.call(null, a, a.call(null, b, c), f) |
}, c = function(a, c, f) { |
var g = null; |
goog.isDef(f) && (g = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return b.call(this, a, c, g) |
}; |
c.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
c.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var c = cljs.core.first(a), f = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(a)); |
return b(c, f, a) |
}; |
c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = b; |
a = function(a, b, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return a[b]; |
default: |
return c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, b, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 2)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = c.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a[b] |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.aset = function(a, b, c) { |
return a[b] = c |
}; |
cljs.core.alength = function(a) { |
return a.length |
}; |
cljs.core.into_array = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b) { |
return a.call(null, null, b) |
}, c = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(a, b) { |
a.push(b); |
return a |
}, [], b) |
}, a = function(a, e) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, e) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.Fn = {}; |
cljs.core.IFn = {}; |
cljs.core._invoke = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._invoke[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._invoke._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IFn.-invoke", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}, c = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = a ? a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2 : a; |
if(c) { |
return a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(a, b) |
} |
c = cljs.core._invoke[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!c && (c = cljs.core._invoke._, !c)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IFn.-invoke", a); |
} |
return c.call(null, a, b) |
}, d = function(a, b, c) { |
var d; |
d = a ? a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3 : a; |
if(d) { |
return a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3(a, b, c) |
} |
d = cljs.core._invoke[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!d && (d = cljs.core._invoke._, !d)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IFn.-invoke", a); |
} |
return d.call(null, a, b, c) |
}, e = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var e; |
e = a ? a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$4 : a; |
if(e) { |
return a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$4(a, b, c, d) |
} |
e = cljs.core._invoke[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!e && (e = cljs.core._invoke._, !e)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IFn.-invoke", a); |
} |
return e.call(null, a, b, c, d) |
}, f = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
var f; |
f = a ? a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$5 : a; |
if(f) { |
return a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$5(a, b, c, d, e) |
} |
f = cljs.core._invoke[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!f && (f = cljs.core._invoke._, !f)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IFn.-invoke", a); |
} |
return f.call(null, a, b, c, d, e) |
}, g = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { |
var g; |
g = a ? a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$6 : a; |
if(g) { |
return a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$6(a, b, c, d, e, f) |
} |
g = cljs.core._invoke[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!g && (g = cljs.core._invoke._, !g)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IFn.-invoke", a); |
} |
return g.call(null, a, b, c, d, e, f) |
}, h = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { |
var h; |
h = a ? a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$7 : a; |
if(h) { |
return a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$7(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) |
} |
h = cljs.core._invoke[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!h && (h = cljs.core._invoke._, !h)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IFn.-invoke", a); |
} |
return h.call(null, a, b, c, d, e, f, g) |
}, i = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { |
var i; |
i = a ? a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$8 : a; |
if(i) { |
return a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$8(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) |
} |
i = cljs.core._invoke[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!i && (i = cljs.core._invoke._, !i)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IFn.-invoke", a); |
} |
return i.call(null, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) |
}, j = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) { |
var j; |
j = a ? a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$9 : a; |
if(j) { |
return a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$9(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) |
} |
j = cljs.core._invoke[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!j && (j = cljs.core._invoke._, !j)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IFn.-invoke", a); |
} |
return j.call(null, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) |
}, l = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) { |
var l; |
l = a ? a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$10 : a; |
if(l) { |
return a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$10(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) |
} |
l = cljs.core._invoke[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!l && (l = cljs.core._invoke._, !l)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IFn.-invoke", a); |
} |
return l.call(null, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) |
}, m = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l) { |
var m; |
m = a ? a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$11 : a; |
if(m) { |
return a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$11(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l) |
} |
m = cljs.core._invoke[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!m && (m = cljs.core._invoke._, !m)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IFn.-invoke", a); |
} |
return m.call(null, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l) |
}, k = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m) { |
var k; |
k = a ? a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$12 : a; |
if(k) { |
return a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$12(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m) |
} |
k = cljs.core._invoke[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!k && (k = cljs.core._invoke._, !k)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IFn.-invoke", a); |
} |
return k.call(null, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m) |
}, n = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, k) { |
var n; |
n = a ? a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$13 : a; |
if(n) { |
return a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$13(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, k) |
} |
n = cljs.core._invoke[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!n && (n = cljs.core._invoke._, !n)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IFn.-invoke", a); |
} |
return n.call(null, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, k) |
}, p = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, k, n) { |
var q; |
q = a ? a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$14 : a; |
if(q) { |
return a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$14(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, k, n) |
} |
q = cljs.core._invoke[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!q && (q = cljs.core._invoke._, !q)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IFn.-invoke", a); |
} |
return q.call(null, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, k, n) |
}, q = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, q) { |
var p; |
p = a ? a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$15 : a; |
if(p) { |
return a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$15(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, q) |
} |
p = cljs.core._invoke[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!p && (p = cljs.core._invoke._, !p)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IFn.-invoke", a); |
} |
return p.call(null, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, q) |
}, r = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, q, p) { |
var s; |
s = a ? a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$16 : a; |
if(s) { |
return a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$16(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, q, p) |
} |
s = cljs.core._invoke[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!s && (s = cljs.core._invoke._, !s)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IFn.-invoke", a); |
} |
return s.call(null, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, q, p) |
}, s = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, q, p, s) { |
var r; |
r = a ? a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$17 : a; |
if(r) { |
return a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$17(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, q, p, s) |
} |
r = cljs.core._invoke[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!r && (r = cljs.core._invoke._, !r)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IFn.-invoke", a); |
} |
return r.call(null, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, q, p, s) |
}, t = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, q, p, s, r) { |
var t; |
t = a ? a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$18 : a; |
if(t) { |
return a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$18(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, q, p, s, r) |
} |
t = cljs.core._invoke[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!t && (t = cljs.core._invoke._, !t)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IFn.-invoke", a); |
} |
return t.call(null, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, q, p, s, r) |
}, u = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, q, p, s, r, t) { |
var u; |
u = a ? a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$19 : a; |
if(u) { |
return a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$19(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, q, p, s, r, t) |
} |
u = cljs.core._invoke[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!u && (u = cljs.core._invoke._, !u)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IFn.-invoke", a); |
} |
return u.call(null, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, q, p, s, r, t) |
}, x = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, q, p, s, r, t, u) { |
var x; |
x = a ? a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$20 : a; |
if(x) { |
return a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$20(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, q, p, s, r, t, u) |
} |
x = cljs.core._invoke[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!x && (x = cljs.core._invoke._, !x)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IFn.-invoke", a); |
} |
return x.call(null, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, q, p, s, r, t, u) |
}, E = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, q, p, s, r, t, u, x) { |
var E; |
E = a ? a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$21 : a; |
if(E) { |
return a.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$21(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, q, p, s, r, t, u, x) |
} |
E = cljs.core._invoke[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!E && (E = cljs.core._invoke._, !E)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IFn.-invoke", a); |
} |
return E.call(null, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, q, p, s, r, t, u, x) |
}, a = function(a, v, w, y, z, A, B, C, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, v); |
case 3: |
return d.call(this, a, v, w); |
case 4: |
return e.call(this, a, v, w, y); |
case 5: |
return f.call(this, a, v, w, y, z); |
case 6: |
return g.call(this, a, v, w, y, z, A); |
case 7: |
return h.call(this, a, v, w, y, z, A, B); |
case 8: |
return i.call(this, a, v, w, y, z, A, B, C); |
case 9: |
return j.call(this, a, v, w, y, z, A, B, C, D); |
case 10: |
return l.call(this, a, v, w, y, z, A, B, C, D, F); |
case 11: |
return m.call(this, a, v, w, y, z, A, B, C, D, F, G); |
case 12: |
return k.call(this, a, v, w, y, z, A, B, C, D, F, G, H); |
case 13: |
return n.call(this, a, v, w, y, z, A, B, C, D, F, G, H, I); |
case 14: |
return p.call(this, a, v, w, y, z, A, B, C, D, F, G, H, I, J); |
case 15: |
return q.call(this, a, v, w, y, z, A, B, C, D, F, G, H, I, J, K); |
case 16: |
return r.call(this, a, v, w, y, z, A, B, C, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, L); |
case 17: |
return s.call(this, a, v, w, y, z, A, B, C, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M); |
case 18: |
return t.call(this, a, v, w, y, z, A, B, C, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N); |
case 19: |
return u.call(this, a, v, w, y, z, A, B, C, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O); |
case 20: |
return x.call(this, a, v, w, y, z, A, B, C, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P); |
case 21: |
return E.call(this, a, v, w, y, z, A, B, C, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = d; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$4 = e; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$5 = f; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$6 = g; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$7 = h; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$8 = i; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$9 = j; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$10 = l; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$11 = m; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$12 = k; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$13 = n; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$14 = p; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$15 = q; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$16 = r; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$17 = s; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$18 = t; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$19 = u; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$20 = x; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$21 = E; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.ICounted = {}; |
cljs.core._count = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._count[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._count._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "ICounted.-count", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.IEmptyableCollection = {}; |
cljs.core._empty = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._empty[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._empty._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IEmptyableCollection.-empty", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ICollection = {}; |
cljs.core._conj = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = a ? a.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2 : a; |
if(c) { |
return a.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2(a, b) |
} |
c = cljs.core._conj[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!c && (c = cljs.core._conj._, !c)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "ICollection.-conj", a); |
} |
return c.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.IIndexed = {}; |
cljs.core._nth = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = a ? a.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$2 : a; |
if(c) { |
return a.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$2(a, b) |
} |
c = cljs.core._nth[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!c && (c = cljs.core._nth._, !c)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IIndexed.-nth", a); |
} |
return c.call(null, a, b) |
}, c = function(a, b, c) { |
var g; |
g = a ? a.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$3 : a; |
if(g) { |
return a.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$3(a, b, c) |
} |
g = cljs.core._nth[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!g && (g = cljs.core._nth._, !g)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IIndexed.-nth", a); |
} |
return g.call(null, a, b, c) |
}, a = function(a, e, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, e); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, e, f) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.ASeq = {}; |
cljs.core.ISeq = {}; |
cljs.core._first = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$ISeq$_first$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$ISeq$_first$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._first[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._first._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "ISeq.-first", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core._rest = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$ISeq$_rest$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$ISeq$_rest$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._rest[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._rest._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "ISeq.-rest", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.INext = {}; |
cljs.core._next = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$INext$_next$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$INext$_next$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._next[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._next._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "INext.-next", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ILookup = {}; |
cljs.core._lookup = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = a ? a.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2 : a; |
if(c) { |
return a.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2(a, b) |
} |
c = cljs.core._lookup[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!c && (c = cljs.core._lookup._, !c)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "ILookup.-lookup", a); |
} |
return c.call(null, a, b) |
}, c = function(a, b, c) { |
var g; |
g = a ? a.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3 : a; |
if(g) { |
return a.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3(a, b, c) |
} |
g = cljs.core._lookup[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!g && (g = cljs.core._lookup._, !g)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "ILookup.-lookup", a); |
} |
return g.call(null, a, b, c) |
}, a = function(a, e, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, e); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, e, f) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.IAssociative = {}; |
cljs.core._contains_key_QMARK_ = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = a ? a.cljs$core$IAssociative$_contains_key_QMARK_$arity$2 : a; |
if(c) { |
return a.cljs$core$IAssociative$_contains_key_QMARK_$arity$2(a, b) |
} |
c = cljs.core._contains_key_QMARK_[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!c && (c = cljs.core._contains_key_QMARK_._, !c)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IAssociative.-contains-key?", a); |
} |
return c.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core._assoc = function(a, b, c) { |
var d; |
d = a ? a.cljs$core$IAssociative$_assoc$arity$3 : a; |
if(d) { |
return a.cljs$core$IAssociative$_assoc$arity$3(a, b, c) |
} |
d = cljs.core._assoc[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!d && (d = cljs.core._assoc._, !d)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IAssociative.-assoc", a); |
} |
return d.call(null, a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.IMap = {}; |
cljs.core._dissoc = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = a ? a.cljs$core$IMap$_dissoc$arity$2 : a; |
if(c) { |
return a.cljs$core$IMap$_dissoc$arity$2(a, b) |
} |
c = cljs.core._dissoc[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!c && (c = cljs.core._dissoc._, !c)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IMap.-dissoc", a); |
} |
return c.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.IMapEntry = {}; |
cljs.core._key = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$IMapEntry$_key$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IMapEntry$_key$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._key[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._key._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IMapEntry.-key", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core._val = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$IMapEntry$_val$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IMapEntry$_val$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._val[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._val._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IMapEntry.-val", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ISet = {}; |
cljs.core._disjoin = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = a ? a.cljs$core$ISet$_disjoin$arity$2 : a; |
if(c) { |
return a.cljs$core$ISet$_disjoin$arity$2(a, b) |
} |
c = cljs.core._disjoin[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!c && (c = cljs.core._disjoin._, !c)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "ISet.-disjoin", a); |
} |
return c.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.IStack = {}; |
cljs.core._peek = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$IStack$_peek$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IStack$_peek$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._peek[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._peek._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IStack.-peek", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core._pop = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$IStack$_pop$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IStack$_pop$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._pop[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._pop._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IStack.-pop", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.IVector = {}; |
cljs.core._assoc_n = function(a, b, c) { |
var d; |
d = a ? a.cljs$core$IVector$_assoc_n$arity$3 : a; |
if(d) { |
return a.cljs$core$IVector$_assoc_n$arity$3(a, b, c) |
} |
d = cljs.core._assoc_n[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!d && (d = cljs.core._assoc_n._, !d)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IVector.-assoc-n", a); |
} |
return d.call(null, a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.IDeref = {}; |
cljs.core._deref = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$IDeref$_deref$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IDeref$_deref$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._deref[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._deref._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IDeref.-deref", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.IDerefWithTimeout = {}; |
cljs.core._deref_with_timeout = function(a, b, c) { |
var d; |
d = a ? a.cljs$core$IDerefWithTimeout$_deref_with_timeout$arity$3 : a; |
if(d) { |
return a.cljs$core$IDerefWithTimeout$_deref_with_timeout$arity$3(a, b, c) |
} |
d = cljs.core._deref_with_timeout[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!d && (d = cljs.core._deref_with_timeout._, !d)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IDerefWithTimeout.-deref-with-timeout", a); |
} |
return d.call(null, a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.IMeta = {}; |
cljs.core._meta = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._meta[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._meta._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IMeta.-meta", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.IWithMeta = {}; |
cljs.core._with_meta = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = a ? a.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2 : a; |
if(c) { |
return a.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2(a, b) |
} |
c = cljs.core._with_meta[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!c && (c = cljs.core._with_meta._, !c)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IWithMeta.-with-meta", a); |
} |
return c.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.IReduce = {}; |
cljs.core._reduce = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = a ? a.cljs$core$IReduce$_reduce$arity$2 : a; |
if(c) { |
return a.cljs$core$IReduce$_reduce$arity$2(a, b) |
} |
c = cljs.core._reduce[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!c && (c = cljs.core._reduce._, !c)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IReduce.-reduce", a); |
} |
return c.call(null, a, b) |
}, c = function(a, b, c) { |
var g; |
g = a ? a.cljs$core$IReduce$_reduce$arity$3 : a; |
if(g) { |
return a.cljs$core$IReduce$_reduce$arity$3(a, b, c) |
} |
g = cljs.core._reduce[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!g && (g = cljs.core._reduce._, !g)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IReduce.-reduce", a); |
} |
return g.call(null, a, b, c) |
}, a = function(a, e, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, e); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, e, f) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.IKVReduce = {}; |
cljs.core._kv_reduce = function(a, b, c) { |
var d; |
d = a ? a.cljs$core$IKVReduce$_kv_reduce$arity$3 : a; |
if(d) { |
return a.cljs$core$IKVReduce$_kv_reduce$arity$3(a, b, c) |
} |
d = cljs.core._kv_reduce[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!d && (d = cljs.core._kv_reduce._, !d)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IKVReduce.-kv-reduce", a); |
} |
return d.call(null, a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.IEquiv = {}; |
cljs.core._equiv = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = a ? a.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 : a; |
if(c) { |
return a.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2(a, b) |
} |
c = cljs.core._equiv[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!c && (c = cljs.core._equiv._, !c)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IEquiv.-equiv", a); |
} |
return c.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.IHash = {}; |
cljs.core._hash = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._hash[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._hash._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IHash.-hash", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ISeqable = {}; |
cljs.core._seq = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._seq[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._seq._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "ISeqable.-seq", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ISequential = {}; |
cljs.core.IList = {}; |
cljs.core.IRecord = {}; |
cljs.core.IReversible = {}; |
cljs.core._rseq = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$IReversible$_rseq$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IReversible$_rseq$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._rseq[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._rseq._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IReversible.-rseq", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ISorted = {}; |
cljs.core._sorted_seq = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = a ? a.cljs$core$ISorted$_sorted_seq$arity$2 : a; |
if(c) { |
return a.cljs$core$ISorted$_sorted_seq$arity$2(a, b) |
} |
c = cljs.core._sorted_seq[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!c && (c = cljs.core._sorted_seq._, !c)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "ISorted.-sorted-seq", a); |
} |
return c.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core._sorted_seq_from = function(a, b, c) { |
var d; |
d = a ? a.cljs$core$ISorted$_sorted_seq_from$arity$3 : a; |
if(d) { |
return a.cljs$core$ISorted$_sorted_seq_from$arity$3(a, b, c) |
} |
d = cljs.core._sorted_seq_from[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!d && (d = cljs.core._sorted_seq_from._, !d)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "ISorted.-sorted-seq-from", a); |
} |
return d.call(null, a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core._entry_key = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = a ? a.cljs$core$ISorted$_entry_key$arity$2 : a; |
if(c) { |
return a.cljs$core$ISorted$_entry_key$arity$2(a, b) |
} |
c = cljs.core._entry_key[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!c && (c = cljs.core._entry_key._, !c)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "ISorted.-entry-key", a); |
} |
return c.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core._comparator = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$ISorted$_comparator$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$ISorted$_comparator$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._comparator[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._comparator._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "ISorted.-comparator", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.IPrintable = {}; |
cljs.core._pr_seq = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = a ? a.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 : a; |
if(c) { |
return a.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2(a, b) |
} |
c = cljs.core._pr_seq[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!c && (c = cljs.core._pr_seq._, !c)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IPrintable.-pr-seq", a); |
} |
return c.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.IWriter = {}; |
cljs.core._write = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = a ? a.cljs$core$IWriter$_write$arity$2 : a; |
if(c) { |
return a.cljs$core$IWriter$_write$arity$2(a, b) |
} |
c = cljs.core._write[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!c && (c = cljs.core._write._, !c)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IWriter.-write", a); |
} |
return c.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core._flush = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$IWriter$_flush$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IWriter$_flush$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._flush[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._flush._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IWriter.-flush", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.IPrintWithWriter = {}; |
cljs.core._pr_writer = function(a, b, c) { |
var d; |
d = a ? a.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 : a; |
if(d) { |
return a.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3(a, b, c) |
} |
d = cljs.core._pr_writer[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!d && (d = cljs.core._pr_writer._, !d)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IPrintWithWriter.-pr-writer", a); |
} |
return d.call(null, a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.IPending = {}; |
cljs.core._realized_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$IPending$_realized_QMARK_$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IPending$_realized_QMARK_$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._realized_QMARK_[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._realized_QMARK_._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IPending.-realized?", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.IWatchable = {}; |
cljs.core._notify_watches = function(a, b, c) { |
var d; |
d = a ? a.cljs$core$IWatchable$_notify_watches$arity$3 : a; |
if(d) { |
return a.cljs$core$IWatchable$_notify_watches$arity$3(a, b, c) |
} |
d = cljs.core._notify_watches[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!d && (d = cljs.core._notify_watches._, !d)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IWatchable.-notify-watches", a); |
} |
return d.call(null, a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core._add_watch = function(a, b, c) { |
var d; |
d = a ? a.cljs$core$IWatchable$_add_watch$arity$3 : a; |
if(d) { |
return a.cljs$core$IWatchable$_add_watch$arity$3(a, b, c) |
} |
d = cljs.core._add_watch[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!d && (d = cljs.core._add_watch._, !d)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IWatchable.-add-watch", a); |
} |
return d.call(null, a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core._remove_watch = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = a ? a.cljs$core$IWatchable$_remove_watch$arity$2 : a; |
if(c) { |
return a.cljs$core$IWatchable$_remove_watch$arity$2(a, b) |
} |
c = cljs.core._remove_watch[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!c && (c = cljs.core._remove_watch._, !c)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IWatchable.-remove-watch", a); |
} |
return c.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.IEditableCollection = {}; |
cljs.core._as_transient = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$IEditableCollection$_as_transient$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IEditableCollection$_as_transient$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._as_transient[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._as_transient._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IEditableCollection.-as-transient", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ITransientCollection = {}; |
cljs.core._conj_BANG_ = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = a ? a.cljs$core$ITransientCollection$_conj_BANG_$arity$2 : a; |
if(c) { |
return a.cljs$core$ITransientCollection$_conj_BANG_$arity$2(a, b) |
} |
c = cljs.core._conj_BANG_[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!c && (c = cljs.core._conj_BANG_._, !c)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "ITransientCollection.-conj!", a); |
} |
return c.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core._persistent_BANG_ = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$ITransientCollection$_persistent_BANG_$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$ITransientCollection$_persistent_BANG_$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._persistent_BANG_[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._persistent_BANG_._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "ITransientCollection.-persistent!", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ITransientAssociative = {}; |
cljs.core._assoc_BANG_ = function(a, b, c) { |
var d; |
d = a ? a.cljs$core$ITransientAssociative$_assoc_BANG_$arity$3 : a; |
if(d) { |
return a.cljs$core$ITransientAssociative$_assoc_BANG_$arity$3(a, b, c) |
} |
d = cljs.core._assoc_BANG_[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!d && (d = cljs.core._assoc_BANG_._, !d)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "ITransientAssociative.-assoc!", a); |
} |
return d.call(null, a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.ITransientMap = {}; |
cljs.core._dissoc_BANG_ = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = a ? a.cljs$core$ITransientMap$_dissoc_BANG_$arity$2 : a; |
if(c) { |
return a.cljs$core$ITransientMap$_dissoc_BANG_$arity$2(a, b) |
} |
c = cljs.core._dissoc_BANG_[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!c && (c = cljs.core._dissoc_BANG_._, !c)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "ITransientMap.-dissoc!", a); |
} |
return c.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.ITransientVector = {}; |
cljs.core._assoc_n_BANG_ = function(a, b, c) { |
var d; |
d = a ? a.cljs$core$ITransientVector$_assoc_n_BANG_$arity$3 : a; |
if(d) { |
return a.cljs$core$ITransientVector$_assoc_n_BANG_$arity$3(a, b, c) |
} |
d = cljs.core._assoc_n_BANG_[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!d && (d = cljs.core._assoc_n_BANG_._, !d)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "ITransientVector.-assoc-n!", a); |
} |
return d.call(null, a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core._pop_BANG_ = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$ITransientVector$_pop_BANG_$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$ITransientVector$_pop_BANG_$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._pop_BANG_[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._pop_BANG_._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "ITransientVector.-pop!", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ITransientSet = {}; |
cljs.core._disjoin_BANG_ = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = a ? a.cljs$core$ITransientSet$_disjoin_BANG_$arity$2 : a; |
if(c) { |
return a.cljs$core$ITransientSet$_disjoin_BANG_$arity$2(a, b) |
} |
c = cljs.core._disjoin_BANG_[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!c && (c = cljs.core._disjoin_BANG_._, !c)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "ITransientSet.-disjoin!", a); |
} |
return c.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.IComparable = {}; |
cljs.core._compare = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = a ? a.cljs$core$IComparable$_compare$arity$2 : a; |
if(c) { |
return a.cljs$core$IComparable$_compare$arity$2(a, b) |
} |
c = cljs.core._compare[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!c && (c = cljs.core._compare._, !c)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IComparable.-compare", a); |
} |
return c.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.IChunk = {}; |
cljs.core._drop_first = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$IChunk$_drop_first$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IChunk$_drop_first$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._drop_first[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._drop_first._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IChunk.-drop-first", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.IChunkedSeq = {}; |
cljs.core._chunked_first = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$IChunkedSeq$_chunked_first$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IChunkedSeq$_chunked_first$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._chunked_first[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._chunked_first._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IChunkedSeq.-chunked-first", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core._chunked_rest = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$IChunkedSeq$_chunked_rest$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IChunkedSeq$_chunked_rest$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._chunked_rest[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._chunked_rest._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IChunkedSeq.-chunked-rest", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.IChunkedNext = {}; |
cljs.core._chunked_next = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$IChunkedNext$_chunked_next$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IChunkedNext$_chunked_next$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._chunked_next[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._chunked_next._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IChunkedNext.-chunked-next", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.seq = function(a) { |
if(null == a) { |
a = null |
}else { |
var b; |
a ? (b = (b = a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 32) ? b : a.cljs$core$ASeq$, b = b ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.ASeq, a)) : b = cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.ASeq, a); |
a = b ? a : cljs.core._seq.call(null, a) |
} |
return a |
}; |
cljs.core.first = function(a) { |
if(null == a) { |
return null |
} |
var b; |
a ? (b = (b = a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 64) ? b : a.cljs$core$ISeq$, b = b ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.ISeq, a)) : b = cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.ISeq, a); |
if(b) { |
return cljs.core._first.call(null, a) |
} |
a = cljs.core.seq.call(null, a); |
return null == a ? null : cljs.core._first.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.rest = function(a) { |
if(null != a) { |
var b; |
a ? (b = (b = a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 64) ? b : a.cljs$core$ISeq$, b = b ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.ISeq, a)) : b = cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.ISeq, a); |
if(b) { |
return cljs.core._rest.call(null, a) |
} |
a = cljs.core.seq.call(null, a); |
return null != a ? cljs.core._rest.call(null, a) : cljs.core.List.EMPTY |
} |
return cljs.core.List.EMPTY |
}; |
cljs.core.next = function(a) { |
if(null == a) { |
a = null |
}else { |
var b; |
a ? (b = (b = a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 128) ? b : a.cljs$core$INext$, b = b ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.INext, a)) : b = cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.INext, a); |
a = b ? cljs.core._next.call(null, a) : cljs.core.seq.call(null, cljs.core.rest.call(null, a)) |
} |
return a |
}; |
cljs.core._EQ_ = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
var c = a === b; |
return c ? c : cljs.core._equiv.call(null, a, b) |
}, c = function(b, c, d) { |
for(;;) { |
if(cljs.core.truth_(a.call(null, b, c))) { |
if(cljs.core.next.call(null, d)) { |
b = c, c = cljs.core.first.call(null, d), d = cljs.core.next.call(null, d) |
}else { |
return a.call(null, c, cljs.core.first.call(null, d)) |
} |
}else { |
return!1 |
} |
} |
}, d = function(a, b, d) { |
var h = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (h = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return c.call(this, a, b, h) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(a)); |
return c(b, d, a) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c; |
a = function(a, c, g) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return!0; |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, c); |
default: |
return d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, c, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 2)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = d.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = function() { |
return!0 |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.type = function(a) { |
return null == a ? null : a.constructor |
}; |
cljs.core.instance_QMARK_ = function(a, b) { |
return b instanceof a |
}; |
cljs.core.IHash["null"] = !0; |
cljs.core._hash["null"] = function() { |
return 0 |
}; |
cljs.core.ILookup["null"] = !0; |
cljs.core._lookup["null"] = function() { |
var a = null; |
return a = function(a, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return null; |
case 3: |
return d |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
cljs.core.IAssociative["null"] = !0; |
cljs.core._assoc["null"] = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.hash_map.call(null, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.INext["null"] = !0; |
cljs.core._next["null"] = function() { |
return null |
}; |
cljs.core.IPrintWithWriter["null"] = !0; |
cljs.core._pr_writer["null"] = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "nil") |
}; |
cljs.core.ICollection["null"] = !0; |
cljs.core._conj["null"] = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.IReduce["null"] = !0; |
cljs.core._reduce["null"] = function() { |
var a = null; |
return a = function(a, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return c.call(null); |
case 3: |
return d |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
cljs.core.IPrintable["null"] = !0; |
cljs.core._pr_seq["null"] = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "nil") |
}; |
cljs.core.ISet["null"] = !0; |
cljs.core._disjoin["null"] = function() { |
return null |
}; |
cljs.core.ICounted["null"] = !0; |
cljs.core._count["null"] = function() { |
return 0 |
}; |
cljs.core.IStack["null"] = !0; |
cljs.core._peek["null"] = function() { |
return null |
}; |
cljs.core._pop["null"] = function() { |
return null |
}; |
cljs.core.ISeq["null"] = !0; |
cljs.core._first["null"] = function() { |
return null |
}; |
cljs.core._rest["null"] = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null) |
}; |
cljs.core.IEquiv["null"] = !0; |
cljs.core._equiv["null"] = function(a, b) { |
return null == b |
}; |
cljs.core.IWithMeta["null"] = !0; |
cljs.core._with_meta["null"] = function() { |
return null |
}; |
cljs.core.IMeta["null"] = !0; |
cljs.core._meta["null"] = function() { |
return null |
}; |
cljs.core.IIndexed["null"] = !0; |
cljs.core._nth["null"] = function() { |
var a = null; |
return a = function(a, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return null; |
case 3: |
return d |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
cljs.core.IEmptyableCollection["null"] = !0; |
cljs.core._empty["null"] = function() { |
return null |
}; |
cljs.core.IMap["null"] = !0; |
cljs.core._dissoc["null"] = function() { |
return null |
}; |
Date.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$ = !0; |
Date.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
var c = cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, Date, b); |
return c ? a.toString() === b.toString() : c |
}; |
cljs.core.IHash.number = !0; |
cljs.core._hash.number = function(a) { |
return a |
}; |
cljs.core.IEquiv.number = !0; |
cljs.core._equiv.number = function(a, b) { |
return a === b |
}; |
cljs.core.IHash["boolean"] = !0; |
cljs.core._hash["boolean"] = function(a) { |
return!0 === a ? 1 : 0 |
}; |
cljs.core.IWithMeta["function"] = !0; |
cljs.core._with_meta["function"] = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.with_meta.call(null, function() { |
if(void 0 === cljs.core.t5261) { |
cljs.core.t5261 = {}; |
cljs.core.t5261 = function(a, b, c) { |
this.meta = a; |
this.f = b; |
this.meta5262 = c; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 0; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 393217 |
}; |
cljs.core.t5261.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.t5261.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/t5261") |
}; |
cljs.core.t5261.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/t5261") |
}; |
var c = cljs.core.t5261.prototype, d = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.apply.call(null, a.f, b) |
}, e = function(a, b) { |
var a = this, c = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (c = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), 0)); |
return d.call(this, a, c) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 1; |
e.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), a = cljs.core.rest(a); |
return d(b, a) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d; |
c.call = e; |
cljs.core.t5261.prototype.apply = function(a, b) { |
a = this; |
return a.call.apply(a, [a].concat(b.slice())) |
}; |
cljs.core.t5261.prototype.cljs$core$Fn$ = !0; |
cljs.core.t5261.prototype.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.meta5262 |
}; |
cljs.core.t5261.prototype.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.t5261(this.meta, this.f, b) |
} |
} |
return new cljs.core.t5261(b, a, null) |
}(), b) |
}; |
cljs.core.IMeta["function"] = !0; |
cljs.core._meta["function"] = function() { |
return null |
}; |
cljs.core.Fn["function"] = !0; |
cljs.core.IHash._ = !0; |
cljs.core._hash._ = function(a) { |
return goog.getUid(a) |
}; |
cljs.core.inc = function(a) { |
return a + 1 |
}; |
cljs.core.Reduced = function(a) { |
this.val = a; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 0; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 32768 |
}; |
cljs.core.Reduced.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.Reduced.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/Reduced") |
}; |
cljs.core.Reduced.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/Reduced") |
}; |
cljs.core.Reduced.prototype.cljs$core$IDeref$_deref$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.val |
}; |
cljs.core.reduced = function(a) { |
return new cljs.core.Reduced(a) |
}; |
cljs.core.reduced_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.Reduced, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ci_reduce = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
var c = cljs.core._count.call(null, a); |
if(0 === c) { |
return b.call(null) |
} |
for(var d = cljs.core._nth.call(null, a, 0), i = 1;;) { |
if(i < c) { |
d = b.call(null, d, cljs.core._nth.call(null, a, i)); |
if(cljs.core.reduced_QMARK_.call(null, d)) { |
return cljs.core.deref.call(null, d) |
} |
i += 1 |
}else { |
return d |
} |
} |
}, c = function(a, b, c) { |
for(var d = cljs.core._count.call(null, a), i = 0;;) { |
if(i < d) { |
c = b.call(null, c, cljs.core._nth.call(null, a, i)); |
if(cljs.core.reduced_QMARK_.call(null, c)) { |
return cljs.core.deref.call(null, c) |
} |
i += 1 |
}else { |
return c |
} |
} |
}, d = function(a, b, c, d) { |
for(var i = cljs.core._count.call(null, a);;) { |
if(d < i) { |
c = b.call(null, c, cljs.core._nth.call(null, a, d)); |
if(cljs.core.reduced_QMARK_.call(null, c)) { |
return cljs.core.deref.call(null, c) |
} |
d += 1 |
}else { |
return c |
} |
} |
}, a = function(a, f, g, h) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, f); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, f, g); |
case 4: |
return d.call(this, a, f, g, h) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$4 = d; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.array_reduce = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
var c = a.length; |
if(0 === a.length) { |
return b.call(null) |
} |
for(var d = a[0], i = 1;;) { |
if(i < c) { |
d = b.call(null, d, a[i]); |
if(cljs.core.reduced_QMARK_.call(null, d)) { |
return cljs.core.deref.call(null, d) |
} |
i += 1 |
}else { |
return d |
} |
} |
}, c = function(a, b, c) { |
for(var d = a.length, i = 0;;) { |
if(i < d) { |
c = b.call(null, c, a[i]); |
if(cljs.core.reduced_QMARK_.call(null, c)) { |
return cljs.core.deref.call(null, c) |
} |
i += 1 |
}else { |
return c |
} |
} |
}, d = function(a, b, c, d) { |
for(var i = a.length;;) { |
if(d < i) { |
c = b.call(null, c, a[d]); |
if(cljs.core.reduced_QMARK_.call(null, c)) { |
return cljs.core.deref.call(null, c) |
} |
d += 1 |
}else { |
return c |
} |
} |
}, a = function(a, f, g, h) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, f); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, f, g); |
case 4: |
return d.call(this, a, f, g, h) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$4 = d; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.counted_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
if(a) { |
var b; |
b = (b = a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 2) ? b : a.cljs$core$ICounted$; |
return b ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.ICounted, a) |
} |
return cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.ICounted, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.indexed_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
if(a) { |
var b; |
b = (b = a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 16) ? b : a.cljs$core$IIndexed$; |
return b ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IIndexed, a) |
} |
return cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IIndexed, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.IndexedSeq = function(a, b) { |
this.a = a; |
this.i = b; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 0; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 166199550 |
}; |
cljs.core.IndexedSeq.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.IndexedSeq.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/IndexedSeq") |
}; |
cljs.core.IndexedSeq.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/IndexedSeq") |
}; |
cljs.core.IndexedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.hash_coll.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.IndexedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$INext$_next$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.i + 1 < this.a.length ? new cljs.core.IndexedSeq(this.a, this.i + 1) : null |
}; |
cljs.core.IndexedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.IndexedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IReversible$_rseq$arity$1 = function(a) { |
var b = a.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1(a); |
return 0 < b ? new cljs.core.RSeq(a, b - 1, null) : cljs.core.List.EMPTY |
}; |
cljs.core.IndexedSeq.prototype.toString = function() { |
return cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, this) |
}; |
cljs.core.IndexedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IReduce$_reduce$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.counted_QMARK_.call(null, this.a) ? cljs.core.ci_reduce.call(null, this.a, b, this.a[this.i], this.i + 1) : cljs.core.ci_reduce.call(null, a, b, this.a[this.i], 0) |
}; |
cljs.core.IndexedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IReduce$_reduce$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.counted_QMARK_.call(null, this.a) ? cljs.core.ci_reduce.call(null, this.a, b, c, this.i) : cljs.core.ci_reduce.call(null, a, b, c, 0) |
}; |
cljs.core.IndexedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return a |
}; |
cljs.core.IndexedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.a.length - this.i |
}; |
cljs.core.IndexedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_first$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.a[this.i] |
}; |
cljs.core.IndexedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_rest$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.i + 1 < this.a.length ? new cljs.core.IndexedSeq(this.a, this.i + 1) : cljs.core.list.call(null) |
}; |
cljs.core.IndexedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.equiv_sequential.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.IndexedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
var c = b + this.i; |
return c < this.a.length ? this.a[c] : null |
}; |
cljs.core.IndexedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
a = b + this.i; |
return a < this.a.length ? this.a[a] : c |
}; |
cljs.core.IndexedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.List.EMPTY |
}; |
cljs.core.prim_seq = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b) { |
return a.call(null, b, 0) |
}, c = function(a, b) { |
return b < a.length ? new cljs.core.IndexedSeq(a, b) : null |
}, a = function(a, e) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, e) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.array_seq = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.prim_seq.call(null, a, 0) |
}, c = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.prim_seq.call(null, a, b) |
}, a = function(a, e) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, e) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.IReduce.array = !0; |
cljs.core._reduce.array = function() { |
var a = null; |
return a = function(a, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return cljs.core.ci_reduce.call(null, a, c); |
case 3: |
return cljs.core.ci_reduce.call(null, a, c, d) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
cljs.core.ILookup.array = !0; |
cljs.core._lookup.array = function() { |
var a = null; |
return a = function(a, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return a[c]; |
case 3: |
return cljs.core._nth.call(null, a, c, d) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
cljs.core.IIndexed.array = !0; |
cljs.core._nth.array = function() { |
var a = null; |
return a = function(a, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
var e; |
e = c < a.length ? a[c] : null; |
return e; |
case 3: |
return e = c < a.length ? a[c] : d, e |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
cljs.core.ICounted.array = !0; |
cljs.core._count.array = function(a) { |
return a.length |
}; |
cljs.core.ISeqable.array = !0; |
cljs.core._seq.array = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.array_seq.call(null, a, 0) |
}; |
cljs.core.RSeq = function(a, b, c) { |
this.ci = a; |
this.i = b; |
this.meta = c; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 0; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 31850574 |
}; |
cljs.core.RSeq.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.RSeq.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/RSeq") |
}; |
cljs.core.RSeq.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/RSeq") |
}; |
cljs.core.RSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.hash_coll.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.RSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.RSeq.prototype.toString = function() { |
return cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, this) |
}; |
cljs.core.RSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return a |
}; |
cljs.core.RSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.i + 1 |
}; |
cljs.core.RSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_first$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core._nth.call(null, this.ci, this.i) |
}; |
cljs.core.RSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_rest$arity$1 = function() { |
return 0 < this.i ? new cljs.core.RSeq(this.ci, this.i - 1, null) : cljs.core.List.EMPTY |
}; |
cljs.core.RSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.equiv_sequential.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.RSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.RSeq(this.ci, this.i, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.RSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.meta |
}; |
cljs.core.RSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.with_meta.call(null, cljs.core.List.EMPTY, this.meta) |
}; |
cljs.core.second = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.first.call(null, cljs.core.next.call(null, a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.ffirst = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.first.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.nfirst = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.next.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.fnext = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.first.call(null, cljs.core.next.call(null, a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.nnext = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.next.call(null, cljs.core.next.call(null, a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.last = function(a) { |
for(;;) { |
var b = cljs.core.next.call(null, a); |
if(null != b) { |
a = b |
}else { |
return cljs.core.first.call(null, a) |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.IEquiv._ = !0; |
cljs.core._equiv._ = function(a, b) { |
return a === b |
}; |
cljs.core.conj = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._conj.call(null, a, b) |
}, c = function(b, c, d) { |
for(;;) { |
if(cljs.core.truth_(d)) { |
b = a.call(null, b, c), c = cljs.core.first.call(null, d), d = cljs.core.next.call(null, d) |
}else { |
return a.call(null, b, c) |
} |
} |
}, d = function(a, b, d) { |
var h = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (h = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return c.call(this, a, b, h) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(a)); |
return c(b, d, a) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c; |
a = function(a, c, g) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, c); |
default: |
return d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, c, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 2)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = d.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.empty = function(a) { |
return cljs.core._empty.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.accumulating_seq_count = function(a) { |
for(var a = cljs.core.seq.call(null, a), b = 0;;) { |
if(cljs.core.counted_QMARK_.call(null, a)) { |
return b + cljs.core._count.call(null, a) |
} |
a = cljs.core.next.call(null, a); |
b += 1 |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.count = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.counted_QMARK_.call(null, a) ? cljs.core._count.call(null, a) : cljs.core.accumulating_seq_count.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.linear_traversal_nth = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
for(;;) { |
if(null == a) { |
throw Error("Index out of bounds"); |
} |
if(0 === b) { |
if(cljs.core.seq.call(null, a)) { |
return cljs.core.first.call(null, a) |
} |
throw Error("Index out of bounds"); |
} |
if(cljs.core.indexed_QMARK_.call(null, a)) { |
return cljs.core._nth.call(null, a, b) |
} |
if(cljs.core.seq.call(null, a)) { |
var c = cljs.core.next.call(null, a), g = b - 1, a = c, b = g |
}else { |
throw Error("Index out of bounds"); |
} |
} |
}, c = function(a, b, c) { |
for(;;) { |
if(null == a) { |
return c |
} |
if(0 === b) { |
return cljs.core.seq.call(null, a) ? cljs.core.first.call(null, a) : c |
} |
if(cljs.core.indexed_QMARK_.call(null, a)) { |
return cljs.core._nth.call(null, a, b, c) |
} |
if(cljs.core.seq.call(null, a)) { |
a = cljs.core.next.call(null, a), b -= 1 |
}else { |
return c |
} |
} |
}, a = function(a, e, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, e); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, e, f) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.nth = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
null == a ? c = null : (a ? (c = (c = a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 16) ? c : a.cljs$core$IIndexed$, c = c ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IIndexed, a)) : c = cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IIndexed, a), c = c ? cljs.core._nth.call(null, a, Math.floor(b)) : cljs.core.linear_traversal_nth.call(null, a, Math.floor(b))); |
return c |
}, c = function(a, b, c) { |
if(null != a) { |
var g; |
a ? (g = (g = a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 16) ? g : a.cljs$core$IIndexed$, g = g ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IIndexed, a)) : g = cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IIndexed, a); |
a = g ? cljs.core._nth.call(null, a, Math.floor(b), c) : cljs.core.linear_traversal_nth.call(null, a, Math.floor(b), c) |
}else { |
a = c |
} |
return a |
}, a = function(a, e, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, e); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, e, f) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.get = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._lookup.call(null, a, b) |
}, c = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core._lookup.call(null, a, b, c) |
}, a = function(a, e, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, e); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, e, f) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.assoc = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core._assoc.call(null, a, b, c) |
}, c = function(b, c, d, h) { |
for(;;) { |
if(b = a.call(null, b, c, d), cljs.core.truth_(h)) { |
c = cljs.core.first.call(null, h), d = cljs.core.second.call(null, h), h = cljs.core.nnext.call(null, h) |
}else { |
return b |
} |
} |
}, d = function(a, b, d, h) { |
var i = null; |
goog.isDef(h) && (i = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3), 0)); |
return c.call(this, a, b, d, i) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), h = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))); |
return c(b, d, h, a) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c; |
a = function(a, c, g, h) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 3: |
return b.call(this, a, c, g); |
default: |
return d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, c, g, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 3)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = d.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.dissoc = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._dissoc.call(null, a, b) |
}, c = function(b, c, d) { |
for(;;) { |
if(b = a.call(null, b, c), cljs.core.truth_(d)) { |
c = cljs.core.first.call(null, d), d = cljs.core.next.call(null, d) |
}else { |
return b |
} |
} |
}, d = function(a, b, d) { |
var h = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (h = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return c.call(this, a, b, h) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(a)); |
return c(b, d, a) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c; |
a = function(a, c, g) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return a; |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, c); |
default: |
return d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, c, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 2)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = d.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return a |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.with_meta = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._with_meta.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.meta = function(a) { |
var b; |
a ? (b = (b = a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 131072) ? b : a.cljs$core$IMeta$, b = b ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IMeta, a)) : b = cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IMeta, a); |
return b ? cljs.core._meta.call(null, a) : null |
}; |
cljs.core.peek = function(a) { |
return cljs.core._peek.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.pop = function(a) { |
return cljs.core._pop.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.disj = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._disjoin.call(null, a, b) |
}, c = function(b, c, d) { |
for(;;) { |
if(b = a.call(null, b, c), cljs.core.truth_(d)) { |
c = cljs.core.first.call(null, d), d = cljs.core.next.call(null, d) |
}else { |
return b |
} |
} |
}, d = function(a, b, d) { |
var h = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (h = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return c.call(this, a, b, h) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(a)); |
return c(b, d, a) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c; |
a = function(a, c, g) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return a; |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, c); |
default: |
return d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, c, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 2)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = d.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return a |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.string_hash_cache = {}; |
cljs.core.string_hash_cache_count = 0; |
cljs.core.add_to_string_hash_cache = function(a) { |
var b = goog.string.hashCode(a); |
cljs.core.string_hash_cache[a] = b; |
cljs.core.string_hash_cache_count += 1; |
return b |
}; |
cljs.core.check_string_hash_cache = function(a) { |
255 < cljs.core.string_hash_cache_count && (cljs.core.string_hash_cache = {}, cljs.core.string_hash_cache_count = 0); |
var b = cljs.core.string_hash_cache[a]; |
return null != b ? b : cljs.core.add_to_string_hash_cache.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.hash = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b) { |
return a.call(null, b, !0) |
}, c = function(a, b) { |
var c = goog.isString(a); |
return(c ? b : c) ? cljs.core.check_string_hash_cache.call(null, a) : cljs.core._hash.call(null, a) |
}, a = function(a, e) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, e) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.empty_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
var b = null == a; |
return b ? b : cljs.core.not.call(null, cljs.core.seq.call(null, a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.coll_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
if(null == a) { |
return!1 |
} |
if(a) { |
var b; |
b = (b = a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 8) ? b : a.cljs$core$ICollection$; |
return b ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.ICollection, a) |
} |
return cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.ICollection, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.set_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
if(null == a) { |
return!1 |
} |
if(a) { |
var b; |
b = (b = a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 4096) ? b : a.cljs$core$ISet$; |
return b ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.ISet, a) |
} |
return cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.ISet, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.associative_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
if(a) { |
var b; |
b = (b = a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 512) ? b : a.cljs$core$IAssociative$; |
return b ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IAssociative, a) |
} |
return cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IAssociative, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.sequential_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
if(a) { |
var b; |
b = (b = a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 16777216) ? b : a.cljs$core$ISequential$; |
return b ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.ISequential, a) |
} |
return cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.ISequential, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.reduceable_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
if(a) { |
var b; |
b = (b = a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 524288) ? b : a.cljs$core$IReduce$; |
return b ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IReduce, a) |
} |
return cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IReduce, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.map_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
if(null == a) { |
return!1 |
} |
if(a) { |
var b; |
b = (b = a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 1024) ? b : a.cljs$core$IMap$; |
return b ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IMap, a) |
} |
return cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IMap, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.vector_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
if(a) { |
var b; |
b = (b = a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 16384) ? b : a.cljs$core$IVector$; |
return b ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IVector, a) |
} |
return cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IVector, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.chunked_seq_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
if(a) { |
var b; |
b = (b = a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ & 512) ? b : a.cljs$core$IChunkedSeq$; |
return b ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IChunkedSeq, a) |
} |
return cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IChunkedSeq, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.js_obj = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.apply.call(null, goog.object.create, a) |
}, c = function(a) { |
var c = null; |
goog.isDef(a) && (c = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return b.call(this, c) |
}; |
c.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
c.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.seq(a); |
return b(a) |
}; |
c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = b; |
a = function(a) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return{}; |
default: |
return c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 0)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = c.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$0 = function() { |
return{} |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.js_keys = function(a) { |
var b = []; |
goog.object.forEach(a, function(a, d) { |
return b.push(d) |
}); |
return b |
}; |
cljs.core.js_delete = function(a, b) { |
return delete a[b] |
}; |
cljs.core.array_copy = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
for(;;) { |
if(0 === e) { |
return c |
} |
c[d] = a[b]; |
d += 1; |
e -= 1; |
b += 1 |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.array_copy_downward = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
b += e - 1; |
for(d += e - 1;;) { |
if(0 === e) { |
return c |
} |
c[d] = a[b]; |
d -= 1; |
e -= 1; |
b -= 1 |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.lookup_sentinel = {}; |
cljs.core.false_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
return!1 === a |
}; |
cljs.core.true_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
return!0 === a |
}; |
cljs.core.undefined_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
return void 0 === a |
}; |
cljs.core.seq_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
if(null == a) { |
return!1 |
} |
if(a) { |
var b; |
b = (b = a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 64) ? b : a.cljs$core$ISeq$; |
return b ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.ISeq, a) |
} |
return cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.ISeq, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.seqable_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
if(a) { |
var b; |
b = (b = a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 8388608) ? b : a.cljs$core$ISeqable$; |
return b ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.ISeqable, a) |
} |
return cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.ISeqable, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.boolean$ = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.truth_(a) ? !0 : !1 |
}; |
cljs.core.string_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
var b = goog.isString(a); |
return b ? (a = (b = "\ufdd0" === a.charAt(0)) ? b : "\ufdd1" === a.charAt(0), !a) : b |
}; |
cljs.core.keyword_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
var b = goog.isString(a); |
return b ? "\ufdd0" === a.charAt(0) : b |
}; |
cljs.core.symbol_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
var b = goog.isString(a); |
return b ? "\ufdd1" === a.charAt(0) : b |
}; |
cljs.core.number_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
return goog.isNumber(a) |
}; |
cljs.core.fn_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
var b = goog.isFunction(a); |
return b ? b : a ? cljs.core.truth_(cljs.core.truth_(null) ? null : a.cljs$core$Fn$) ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.Fn, a) : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.Fn, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ifn_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.fn_QMARK_.call(null, a); |
return b ? b : a ? (b = (b = a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 1) ? b : a.cljs$core$IFn$, b ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IFn, a)) : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IFn, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.integer_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.number_QMARK_.call(null, a); |
return b && (b = !isNaN(a)) ? (b = Infinity !== a) ? parseFloat(a) === parseInt(a, 10) : b : b |
}; |
cljs.core.contains_QMARK_ = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._lookup.call(null, a, b, cljs.core.lookup_sentinel) === cljs.core.lookup_sentinel ? !1 : !0 |
}; |
cljs.core.find = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
if(c = null != a) { |
c = (c = cljs.core.associative_QMARK_.call(null, a)) ? cljs.core.contains_QMARK_.call(null, a, b) : c |
} |
return c ? cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([b, cljs.core._lookup.call(null, a, b)], !0) : null |
}; |
cljs.core.distinct_QMARK_ = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
return!cljs.core._EQ_.call(null, a, b) |
}, c = function(a, b, c) { |
if(cljs.core._EQ_.call(null, a, b)) { |
return!1 |
} |
a = cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.fromArray([b, a]); |
for(b = c;;) { |
var d = cljs.core.first.call(null, b), c = cljs.core.next.call(null, b); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(b)) { |
if(cljs.core.contains_QMARK_.call(null, a, d)) { |
return!1 |
} |
a = cljs.core.conj.call(null, a, d); |
b = c |
}else { |
return!0 |
} |
} |
}, d = function(a, b, d) { |
var h = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (h = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return c.call(this, a, b, h) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(a)); |
return c(b, d, a) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c; |
a = function(a, c, g) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return!0; |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, c); |
default: |
return d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, c, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 2)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = d.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = function() { |
return!0 |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.compare = function(a, b) { |
if(a === b) { |
return 0 |
} |
if(null == a) { |
return-1 |
} |
if(null == b) { |
return 1 |
} |
if(cljs.core.type.call(null, a) === cljs.core.type.call(null, b)) { |
var c; |
a ? (c = (c = a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ & 2048) ? c : a.cljs$core$IComparable$, c = c ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IComparable, a)) : c = cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IComparable, a); |
return c ? cljs.core._compare.call(null, a, b) : goog.array.defaultCompare(a, b) |
} |
throw Error("compare on non-nil objects of different types"); |
}; |
cljs.core.compare_indexed = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b, c) { |
var f = cljs.core.count.call(null, b), g = cljs.core.count.call(null, c); |
return f < g ? -1 : f > g ? 1 : a.call(null, b, c, f, 0) |
}, c = function(a, b, c, g) { |
for(;;) { |
var h = cljs.core.compare.call(null, cljs.core.nth.call(null, a, g), cljs.core.nth.call(null, b, g)), i; |
i = (i = 0 === h) ? g + 1 < c : i; |
if(i) { |
g += 1 |
}else { |
return h |
} |
} |
}, a = function(a, e, f, g) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, e); |
case 4: |
return c.call(this, a, e, f, g) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$4 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.fn__GT_comparator = function(a) { |
return cljs.core._EQ_.call(null, a, cljs.core.compare) ? cljs.core.compare : function(b, c) { |
var d = a.call(null, b, c); |
return cljs.core.number_QMARK_.call(null, d) ? d : cljs.core.truth_(d) ? -1 : cljs.core.truth_(a.call(null, c, b)) ? 1 : 0 |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.sort = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b) { |
return a.call(null, cljs.core.compare, b) |
}, c = function(a, b) { |
if(cljs.core.seq.call(null, b)) { |
var c = cljs.core.to_array.call(null, b); |
goog.array.stableSort(c, cljs.core.fn__GT_comparator.call(null, a)); |
return cljs.core.seq.call(null, c) |
} |
return cljs.core.List.EMPTY |
}, a = function(a, e) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, e) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.sort_by = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b, c) { |
return a.call(null, b, cljs.core.compare, c) |
}, c = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.sort.call(null, function(c, f) { |
return cljs.core.fn__GT_comparator.call(null, b).call(null, a.call(null, c), a.call(null, f)) |
}, c) |
}, a = function(a, e, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, e); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, e, f) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.seq_reduce = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
var c = cljs.core.seq.call(null, b); |
return c ? cljs.core.reduce.call(null, a, cljs.core.first.call(null, c), cljs.core.next.call(null, c)) : a.call(null) |
}, c = function(a, b, c) { |
for(c = cljs.core.seq.call(null, c);;) { |
if(c) { |
b = a.call(null, b, cljs.core.first.call(null, c)); |
if(cljs.core.reduced_QMARK_.call(null, b)) { |
return cljs.core.deref.call(null, b) |
} |
c = cljs.core.next.call(null, c) |
}else { |
return b |
} |
} |
}, a = function(a, e, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, e); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, e, f) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.shuffle = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.to_array.call(null, a); |
goog.array.shuffle(a); |
return cljs.core.vec.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.reduce = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
b ? (c = (c = b.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 524288) ? c : b.cljs$core$IReduce$, c = c ? !0 : b.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IReduce, b)) : c = cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IReduce, b); |
return c ? cljs.core._reduce.call(null, b, a) : cljs.core.seq_reduce.call(null, a, b) |
}, c = function(a, b, c) { |
var g; |
c ? (g = (g = c.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 524288) ? g : c.cljs$core$IReduce$, g = g ? !0 : c.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IReduce, c)) : g = cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IReduce, c); |
return g ? cljs.core._reduce.call(null, c, a, b) : cljs.core.seq_reduce.call(null, a, b, c) |
}, a = function(a, e, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, e); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, e, f) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.reduce_kv = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core._kv_reduce.call(null, c, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core._PLUS_ = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b, c, f) { |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, a, b + c, f) |
}, c = function(a, c, f) { |
var g = null; |
goog.isDef(f) && (g = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return b.call(this, a, c, g) |
}; |
c.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
c.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var c = cljs.core.first(a), f = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(a)); |
return b(c, f, a) |
}; |
c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = b; |
a = function(a, b, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return 0; |
case 1: |
return a; |
case 2: |
return a + b; |
default: |
return c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, b, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 2)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = c.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$0 = function() { |
return 0 |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return a |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a + b |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core._ = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b, c, f) { |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, a, b - c, f) |
}, c = function(a, c, f) { |
var g = null; |
goog.isDef(f) && (g = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return b.call(this, a, c, g) |
}; |
c.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
c.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var c = cljs.core.first(a), f = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(a)); |
return b(c, f, a) |
}; |
c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = b; |
a = function(a, b, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return-a; |
case 2: |
return a - b; |
default: |
return c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, b, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 2)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = c.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return-a |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a - b |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core._STAR_ = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b, c, f) { |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, a, b * c, f) |
}, c = function(a, c, f) { |
var g = null; |
goog.isDef(f) && (g = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return b.call(this, a, c, g) |
}; |
c.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
c.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var c = cljs.core.first(a), f = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(a)); |
return b(c, f, a) |
}; |
c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = b; |
a = function(a, b, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return 1; |
case 1: |
return a; |
case 2: |
return a * b; |
default: |
return c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, b, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 2)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = c.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$0 = function() { |
return 1 |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return a |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a * b |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core._SLASH_ = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b) { |
return a.call(null, 1, b) |
}, c = function(b, c, d) { |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, a, a.call(null, b, c), d) |
}, d = function(a, b, d) { |
var h = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (h = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return c.call(this, a, b, h) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(a)); |
return c(b, d, a) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c; |
a = function(a, c, g) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return a / c; |
default: |
return d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, c, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 2)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = d.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a / b |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core._LT_ = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b, c) { |
for(;;) { |
if(a < b) { |
if(cljs.core.next.call(null, c)) { |
a = b, b = cljs.core.first.call(null, c), c = cljs.core.next.call(null, c) |
}else { |
return b < cljs.core.first.call(null, c) |
} |
}else { |
return!1 |
} |
} |
}, c = function(a, c, f) { |
var g = null; |
goog.isDef(f) && (g = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return b.call(this, a, c, g) |
}; |
c.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
c.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var c = cljs.core.first(a), f = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(a)); |
return b(c, f, a) |
}; |
c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = b; |
a = function(a, b, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return!0; |
case 2: |
return a < b; |
default: |
return c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, b, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 2)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = c.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = function() { |
return!0 |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a < b |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core._LT__EQ_ = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b, c) { |
for(;;) { |
if(a <= b) { |
if(cljs.core.next.call(null, c)) { |
a = b, b = cljs.core.first.call(null, c), c = cljs.core.next.call(null, c) |
}else { |
return b <= cljs.core.first.call(null, c) |
} |
}else { |
return!1 |
} |
} |
}, c = function(a, c, f) { |
var g = null; |
goog.isDef(f) && (g = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return b.call(this, a, c, g) |
}; |
c.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
c.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var c = cljs.core.first(a), f = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(a)); |
return b(c, f, a) |
}; |
c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = b; |
a = function(a, b, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return!0; |
case 2: |
return a <= b; |
default: |
return c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, b, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 2)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = c.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = function() { |
return!0 |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a <= b |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core._GT_ = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b, c) { |
for(;;) { |
if(a > b) { |
if(cljs.core.next.call(null, c)) { |
a = b, b = cljs.core.first.call(null, c), c = cljs.core.next.call(null, c) |
}else { |
return b > cljs.core.first.call(null, c) |
} |
}else { |
return!1 |
} |
} |
}, c = function(a, c, f) { |
var g = null; |
goog.isDef(f) && (g = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return b.call(this, a, c, g) |
}; |
c.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
c.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var c = cljs.core.first(a), f = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(a)); |
return b(c, f, a) |
}; |
c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = b; |
a = function(a, b, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return!0; |
case 2: |
return a > b; |
default: |
return c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, b, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 2)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = c.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = function() { |
return!0 |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a > b |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core._GT__EQ_ = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b, c) { |
for(;;) { |
if(a >= b) { |
if(cljs.core.next.call(null, c)) { |
a = b, b = cljs.core.first.call(null, c), c = cljs.core.next.call(null, c) |
}else { |
return b >= cljs.core.first.call(null, c) |
} |
}else { |
return!1 |
} |
} |
}, c = function(a, c, f) { |
var g = null; |
goog.isDef(f) && (g = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return b.call(this, a, c, g) |
}; |
c.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
c.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var c = cljs.core.first(a), f = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(a)); |
return b(c, f, a) |
}; |
c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = b; |
a = function(a, b, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return!0; |
case 2: |
return a >= b; |
default: |
return c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, b, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 2)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = c.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = function() { |
return!0 |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a >= b |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.dec = function(a) { |
return a - 1 |
}; |
cljs.core.max = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
return a > b ? a : b |
}, c = function(b, c, d) { |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, a, b > c ? b : c, d) |
}, d = function(a, b, d) { |
var h = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (h = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return c.call(this, a, b, h) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(a)); |
return c(b, d, a) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c; |
a = function(a, c, g) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return a; |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, c); |
default: |
return d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, c, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 2)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = d.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return a |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.min = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
return a < b ? a : b |
}, c = function(b, c, d) { |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, a, b < c ? b : c, d) |
}, d = function(a, b, d) { |
var h = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (h = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return c.call(this, a, b, h) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(a)); |
return c(b, d, a) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c; |
a = function(a, c, g) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return a; |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, c); |
default: |
return d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, c, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 2)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = d.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return a |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.fix = function(a) { |
return 0 <= a ? Math.floor.call(null, a) : Math.ceil.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.int$ = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.fix.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.long$ = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.fix.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.js_mod = function(a, b) { |
return a % b |
}; |
cljs.core.mod = function(a, b) { |
return(a % b + b) % b |
}; |
cljs.core.quot = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.fix.call(null, (a - a % b) / b) |
}; |
cljs.core.rem = function(a, b) { |
var c = cljs.core.quot.call(null, a, b); |
return a - b * c |
}; |
cljs.core.rand = function() { |
var a = null, b = function() { |
return Math.random.call(null) |
}, c = function(b) { |
return b * a.call(null) |
}, a = function(a) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return b.call(this); |
case 1: |
return c.call(this, a) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$0 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.rand_int = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.fix.call(null, cljs.core.rand.call(null, a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.bit_xor = function(a, b) { |
return a ^ b |
}; |
cljs.core.bit_and = function(a, b) { |
return a & b |
}; |
cljs.core.bit_or = function(a, b) { |
return a | b |
}; |
cljs.core.bit_and_not = function(a, b) { |
return a & ~b |
}; |
cljs.core.bit_clear = function(a, b) { |
return a & ~(1 << b) |
}; |
cljs.core.bit_flip = function(a, b) { |
return a ^ 1 << b |
}; |
cljs.core.bit_not = function(a) { |
return~a |
}; |
cljs.core.bit_set = function(a, b) { |
return a | 1 << b |
}; |
cljs.core.bit_test = function(a, b) { |
return 0 != (a & 1 << b) |
}; |
cljs.core.bit_shift_left = function(a, b) { |
return a << b |
}; |
cljs.core.bit_shift_right = function(a, b) { |
return a >> b |
}; |
cljs.core.bit_shift_right_zero_fill = function(a, b) { |
return a >>> b |
}; |
cljs.core.bit_count = function(a) { |
a -= a >> 1 & 1431655765; |
a = (a & 858993459) + (a >> 2 & 858993459); |
return 16843009 * (a + (a >> 4) & 252645135) >> 24 |
}; |
cljs.core._EQ__EQ_ = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._equiv.call(null, a, b) |
}, c = function(b, c, d) { |
for(;;) { |
if(cljs.core.truth_(a.call(null, b, c))) { |
if(cljs.core.next.call(null, d)) { |
b = c, c = cljs.core.first.call(null, d), d = cljs.core.next.call(null, d) |
}else { |
return a.call(null, c, cljs.core.first.call(null, d)) |
} |
}else { |
return!1 |
} |
} |
}, d = function(a, b, d) { |
var h = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (h = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return c.call(this, a, b, h) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(a)); |
return c(b, d, a) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c; |
a = function(a, c, g) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return!0; |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, c); |
default: |
return d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, c, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 2)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = d.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = function() { |
return!0 |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.pos_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
return 0 < a |
}; |
cljs.core.zero_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
return 0 === a |
}; |
cljs.core.neg_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
return 0 > a |
}; |
cljs.core.nthnext = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = b, d = cljs.core.seq.call(null, a);;) { |
if(cljs.core.truth_(function() { |
var a = d; |
return a ? 0 < c : a |
}())) { |
var e = c - 1, f = cljs.core.next.call(null, d), c = e, d = f |
}else { |
return d |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.str_STAR_ = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a) { |
return null == a ? "" : a.toString() |
}, c = function(b, c) { |
return function(b, c) { |
for(;;) { |
if(cljs.core.truth_(c)) { |
var d = b.append(a.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, c))), e = cljs.core.next.call(null, c), b = d, c = e |
}else { |
return a.call(null, b) |
} |
} |
}.call(null, new goog.string.StringBuffer(a.call(null, b)), c) |
}, d = function(a, b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), 0)); |
return c.call(this, a, d) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 1; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), a = cljs.core.rest(a); |
return c(b, a) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c; |
a = function(a, c) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return""; |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
default: |
return d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 1)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 1; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = d.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$0 = function() { |
return"" |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.str = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.symbol_QMARK_.call(null, a) ? a.substring(2, a.length) : cljs.core.keyword_QMARK_.call(null, a) ? cljs.core.str_STAR_.call(null, ":", a.substring(2, a.length)) : null == a ? "" : a.toString() |
}, c = function(b, c) { |
return function(b, c) { |
for(;;) { |
if(cljs.core.truth_(c)) { |
var d = b.append(a.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, c))), e = cljs.core.next.call(null, c), b = d, c = e |
}else { |
return cljs.core.str_STAR_.call(null, b) |
} |
} |
}.call(null, new goog.string.StringBuffer(a.call(null, b)), c) |
}, d = function(a, b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), 0)); |
return c.call(this, a, d) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 1; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), a = cljs.core.rest(a); |
return c(b, a) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c; |
a = function(a, c) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return""; |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
default: |
return d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 1)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 1; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = d.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$0 = function() { |
return"" |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.subs = function() { |
var a = null, a = function(a, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return a.substring(c); |
case 3: |
return a.substring(c, d) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = function(a, c) { |
return a.substring(c) |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = function(a, c, d) { |
return a.substring(c, d) |
}; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.format = function() { |
var a = function(a, b) { |
var e = cljs.core.map.call(null, function(a) { |
var b; |
b = (b = cljs.core.keyword_QMARK_.call(null, a)) ? b : cljs.core.symbol_QMARK_.call(null, a); |
return b ? "" + cljs.core.str(a) : a |
}, b); |
return cljs.core.apply.call(null, goog.string.format, a, e) |
}, b = function(b, d) { |
var e = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (e = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), 0)); |
return a.call(this, b, e) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 1; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
var d = cljs.core.first(b), b = cljs.core.rest(b); |
return a(d, b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
cljs.core.symbol = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.symbol_QMARK_.call(null, a) ? a : cljs.core.keyword_QMARK_.call(null, a) ? cljs.core.str_STAR_.call(null, "\ufdd1", "'", cljs.core.subs.call(null, a, 2)) : cljs.core.str_STAR_.call(null, "\ufdd1", "'", a) |
}, c = function(b, c) { |
return a.call(null, cljs.core.str_STAR_.call(null, b, "/", c)) |
}, a = function(a, e) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, e) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.keyword = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.keyword_QMARK_.call(null, a) ? a : cljs.core.symbol_QMARK_.call(null, a) ? cljs.core.str_STAR_.call(null, "\ufdd0", "'", cljs.core.subs.call(null, a, 2)) : cljs.core.str_STAR_.call(null, "\ufdd0", "'", a) |
}, c = function(b, c) { |
return a.call(null, cljs.core.str_STAR_.call(null, b, "/", c)) |
}, a = function(a, e) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, e) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.equiv_sequential = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.boolean$.call(null, cljs.core.sequential_QMARK_.call(null, b) ? function() { |
for(var c = cljs.core.seq.call(null, a), d = cljs.core.seq.call(null, b);;) { |
if(null == c) { |
return null == d |
} |
if(null != d && cljs.core._EQ_.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, c), cljs.core.first.call(null, d))) { |
c = cljs.core.next.call(null, c), d = cljs.core.next.call(null, d) |
}else { |
return!1 |
} |
} |
}() : null) |
}; |
cljs.core.hash_combine = function(a, b) { |
return a ^ b + 2654435769 + (a << 6) + (a >> 2) |
}; |
cljs.core.hash_coll = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(a, c) { |
return cljs.core.hash_combine.call(null, a, cljs.core.hash.call(null, c, !1)) |
}, cljs.core.hash.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, a), !1), cljs.core.next.call(null, a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.hash_imap = function(a) { |
for(var b = 0, a = cljs.core.seq.call(null, a);;) { |
if(a) { |
var c = cljs.core.first.call(null, a), b = (b + (cljs.core.hash.call(null, cljs.core.key.call(null, c)) ^ cljs.core.hash.call(null, cljs.core.val.call(null, c)))) % 4503599627370496, a = cljs.core.next.call(null, a) |
}else { |
return b |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.hash_iset = function(a) { |
for(var b = 0, a = cljs.core.seq.call(null, a);;) { |
if(a) { |
var c = cljs.core.first.call(null, a), b = (b + cljs.core.hash.call(null, c)) % 4503599627370496, a = cljs.core.next.call(null, a) |
}else { |
return b |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.extend_object_BANG_ = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = cljs.core.seq.call(null, b);;) { |
if(c) { |
var d = cljs.core.first.call(null, c), e = cljs.core.nth.call(null, d, 0, null), d = cljs.core.nth.call(null, d, 1, null), e = cljs.core.name.call(null, e); |
a[e] = d; |
c = cljs.core.next.call(null, c) |
}else { |
break |
} |
} |
return a |
}; |
cljs.core.List = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
this.meta = a; |
this.first = b; |
this.rest = c; |
this.count = d; |
this.__hash = e; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 0; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 65413358 |
}; |
cljs.core.List.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.List.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/List") |
}; |
cljs.core.List.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/List") |
}; |
cljs.core.List.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
var b = this.__hash; |
return null != b ? b : this.__hash = a = cljs.core.hash_coll.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.List.prototype.cljs$core$INext$_next$arity$1 = function() { |
return 1 === this.count ? null : this.rest |
}; |
cljs.core.List.prototype.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.List(this.meta, b, a, this.count + 1, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.List.prototype.toString = function() { |
return cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, this) |
}; |
cljs.core.List.prototype.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return a |
}; |
cljs.core.List.prototype.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.count |
}; |
cljs.core.List.prototype.cljs$core$IStack$_peek$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.first |
}; |
cljs.core.List.prototype.cljs$core$IStack$_pop$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return a.cljs$core$ISeq$_rest$arity$1(a) |
}; |
cljs.core.List.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_first$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.first |
}; |
cljs.core.List.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_rest$arity$1 = function() { |
return 1 === this.count ? cljs.core.List.EMPTY : this.rest |
}; |
cljs.core.List.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.equiv_sequential.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.List.prototype.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.List(b, this.first, this.rest, this.count, this.__hash) |
}; |
cljs.core.List.prototype.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.meta |
}; |
cljs.core.List.prototype.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.List.EMPTY |
}; |
cljs.core.EmptyList = function(a) { |
this.meta = a; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 0; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 65413326 |
}; |
cljs.core.EmptyList.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.EmptyList.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/EmptyList") |
}; |
cljs.core.EmptyList.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/EmptyList") |
}; |
cljs.core.EmptyList.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function() { |
return 0 |
}; |
cljs.core.EmptyList.prototype.cljs$core$INext$_next$arity$1 = function() { |
return null |
}; |
cljs.core.EmptyList.prototype.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.List(this.meta, b, null, 1, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.EmptyList.prototype.toString = function() { |
return cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, this) |
}; |
cljs.core.EmptyList.prototype.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1 = function() { |
return null |
}; |
cljs.core.EmptyList.prototype.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1 = function() { |
return 0 |
}; |
cljs.core.EmptyList.prototype.cljs$core$IStack$_peek$arity$1 = function() { |
return null |
}; |
cljs.core.EmptyList.prototype.cljs$core$IStack$_pop$arity$1 = function() { |
throw Error("Can't pop empty list"); |
}; |
cljs.core.EmptyList.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_first$arity$1 = function() { |
return null |
}; |
cljs.core.EmptyList.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_rest$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.List.EMPTY |
}; |
cljs.core.EmptyList.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.equiv_sequential.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.EmptyList.prototype.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.EmptyList(b) |
}; |
cljs.core.EmptyList.prototype.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.meta |
}; |
cljs.core.EmptyList.prototype.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return a |
}; |
cljs.core.List.EMPTY = new cljs.core.EmptyList(null); |
cljs.core.reversible_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
if(a) { |
var b; |
b = (b = a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 134217728) ? b : a.cljs$core$IReversible$; |
return b ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IReversible, a) |
} |
return cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IReversible, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.rseq = function(a) { |
return cljs.core._rseq.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.reverse = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.reversible_QMARK_.call(null, a) ? cljs.core.rseq.call(null, a) : cljs.core.reduce.call(null, cljs.core.conj, cljs.core.List.EMPTY, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.list = function() { |
var a = null, b = function() { |
return cljs.core.List.EMPTY |
}, c = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.conj.call(null, cljs.core.List.EMPTY, a) |
}, d = function(b, c) { |
return cljs.core.conj.call(null, a.call(null, c), b) |
}, e = function(b, c, d) { |
return cljs.core.conj.call(null, a.call(null, c, d), b) |
}, f = function(a, b, c, d) { |
return cljs.core.conj.call(null, cljs.core.conj.call(null, cljs.core.conj.call(null, cljs.core.reduce.call(null, cljs.core.conj, cljs.core.List.EMPTY, cljs.core.reverse.call(null, d)), c), b), a) |
}, g = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var e = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (e = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3), 0)); |
return f.call(this, a, b, c, e) |
}; |
g.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
g.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))); |
return f(b, c, d, a) |
}; |
g.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = f; |
a = function(a, f, j, l) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return b.call(this); |
case 1: |
return c.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return d.call(this, a, f); |
case 3: |
return e.call(this, a, f, j); |
default: |
return g.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, f, j, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 3)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = g.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$0 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = c; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = d; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = e; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = g.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.Cons = function(a, b, c, d) { |
this.meta = a; |
this.first = b; |
this.rest = c; |
this.__hash = d; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 0; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 65405164 |
}; |
cljs.core.Cons.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.Cons.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/Cons") |
}; |
cljs.core.Cons.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/Cons") |
}; |
cljs.core.Cons.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
var b = this.__hash; |
return null != b ? b : this.__hash = a = cljs.core.hash_coll.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.Cons.prototype.cljs$core$INext$_next$arity$1 = function() { |
return null == this.rest ? null : cljs.core._seq.call(null, this.rest) |
}; |
cljs.core.Cons.prototype.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.Cons(null, b, a, this.__hash) |
}; |
cljs.core.Cons.prototype.toString = function() { |
return cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, this) |
}; |
cljs.core.Cons.prototype.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return a |
}; |
cljs.core.Cons.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_first$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.first |
}; |
cljs.core.Cons.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_rest$arity$1 = function() { |
return null == this.rest ? cljs.core.List.EMPTY : this.rest |
}; |
cljs.core.Cons.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.equiv_sequential.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.Cons.prototype.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.Cons(b, this.first, this.rest, this.__hash) |
}; |
cljs.core.Cons.prototype.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.meta |
}; |
cljs.core.Cons.prototype.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.with_meta.call(null, cljs.core.List.EMPTY, this.meta) |
}; |
cljs.core.cons = function(a, b) { |
return function() { |
var a = null == b; |
return a ? a : b ? (a = (a = b.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 64) ? a : b.cljs$core$ISeq$, a ? !0 : b.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.ISeq, b)) : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.ISeq, b) |
}() ? new cljs.core.Cons(null, a, b, null) : new cljs.core.Cons(null, a, cljs.core.seq.call(null, b), null) |
}; |
cljs.core.list_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
if(a) { |
var b; |
b = (b = a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 33554432) ? b : a.cljs$core$IList$; |
return b ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IList, a) |
} |
return cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IList, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.IReduce.string = !0; |
cljs.core._reduce.string = function() { |
var a = null; |
return a = function(a, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return cljs.core.ci_reduce.call(null, a, c); |
case 3: |
return cljs.core.ci_reduce.call(null, a, c, d) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
cljs.core.ILookup.string = !0; |
cljs.core._lookup.string = function() { |
var a = null; |
return a = function(a, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return cljs.core._nth.call(null, a, c); |
case 3: |
return cljs.core._nth.call(null, a, c, d) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
cljs.core.IIndexed.string = !0; |
cljs.core._nth.string = function() { |
var a = null; |
return a = function(a, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
var e; |
e = c < cljs.core._count.call(null, a) ? a.charAt(c) : null; |
return e; |
case 3: |
return e = c < cljs.core._count.call(null, a) ? a.charAt(c) : d, e |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
cljs.core.ICounted.string = !0; |
cljs.core._count.string = function(a) { |
return a.length |
}; |
cljs.core.ISeqable.string = !0; |
cljs.core._seq.string = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.prim_seq.call(null, a, 0) |
}; |
cljs.core.IHash.string = !0; |
cljs.core._hash.string = function(a) { |
return goog.string.hashCode(a) |
}; |
cljs.core.Keyword = function(a) { |
this.k = a; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 0; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 1 |
}; |
cljs.core.Keyword.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.Keyword.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/Keyword") |
}; |
cljs.core.Keyword.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/Keyword") |
}; |
cljs.core.Keyword.prototype.call = function() { |
var a = null; |
return a = function(a, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
var e; |
e = a; |
e = this; |
if(null == c) { |
e = null |
}else { |
var f = c.strobj; |
e = null == f ? cljs.core._lookup.call(null, c, e.k, null) : f[e.k] |
} |
return e; |
case 3: |
return e = null == c ? d : cljs.core._lookup.call(null, c, this.k, d), e |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
cljs.core.Keyword.prototype.apply = function(a, b) { |
a = this; |
return a.call.apply(a, [a].concat(b.slice())) |
}; |
String.prototype.cljs$core$IFn$ = !0; |
String.prototype.call = function() { |
var a = null; |
return a = function(a, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return cljs.core._lookup.call(null, c, this.toString(), null); |
case 3: |
return cljs.core._lookup.call(null, c, this.toString(), d) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
String.prototype.apply = function(a, b) { |
return a.call.apply(a, [a].concat(b.slice())) |
}; |
String.prototype.apply = function(a, b) { |
return 2 > cljs.core.count.call(null, b) ? cljs.core._lookup.call(null, b[0], a, null) : cljs.core._lookup.call(null, b[0], a, b[1]) |
}; |
cljs.core.lazy_seq_value = function(a) { |
var b = a.x; |
if(a.realized) { |
return b |
} |
a.x = b.call(null); |
a.realized = !0; |
return a.x |
}; |
cljs.core.LazySeq = function(a, b, c, d) { |
this.meta = a; |
this.realized = b; |
this.x = c; |
this.__hash = d; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 0; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 31850700 |
}; |
cljs.core.LazySeq.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.LazySeq.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/LazySeq") |
}; |
cljs.core.LazySeq.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/LazySeq") |
}; |
cljs.core.LazySeq.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
var b = this.__hash; |
return null != b ? b : this.__hash = a = cljs.core.hash_coll.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.LazySeq.prototype.cljs$core$INext$_next$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return cljs.core._seq.call(null, a.cljs$core$ISeq$_rest$arity$1(a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.LazySeq.prototype.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.LazySeq.prototype.toString = function() { |
return cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, this) |
}; |
cljs.core.LazySeq.prototype.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.seq.call(null, cljs.core.lazy_seq_value.call(null, a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.LazySeq.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_first$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.first.call(null, cljs.core.lazy_seq_value.call(null, a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.LazySeq.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_rest$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.rest.call(null, cljs.core.lazy_seq_value.call(null, a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.LazySeq.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.equiv_sequential.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.LazySeq.prototype.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(b, this.realized, this.x, this.__hash) |
}; |
cljs.core.LazySeq.prototype.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.meta |
}; |
cljs.core.LazySeq.prototype.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.with_meta.call(null, cljs.core.List.EMPTY, this.meta) |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkBuffer = function(a, b) { |
this.buf = a; |
this.end = b; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 0; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 2 |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkBuffer.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.ChunkBuffer.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/ChunkBuffer") |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkBuffer.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/ChunkBuffer") |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkBuffer.prototype.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.end |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkBuffer.prototype.add = function(a) { |
this.buf[this.end] = a; |
return this.end += 1 |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkBuffer.prototype.chunk = function() { |
var a = new cljs.core.ArrayChunk(this.buf, 0, this.end); |
this.buf = null; |
return a |
}; |
cljs.core.chunk_buffer = function(a) { |
return new cljs.core.ChunkBuffer(cljs.core.make_array.call(null, a), 0) |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayChunk = function(a, b, c) { |
this.arr = a; |
this.off = b; |
this.end = c; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 0; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 524306 |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayChunk.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.ArrayChunk.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/ArrayChunk") |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayChunk.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/ArrayChunk") |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayChunk.prototype.cljs$core$IReduce$_reduce$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.array_reduce.call(null, this.arr, b, this.arr[this.off], this.off + 1) |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayChunk.prototype.cljs$core$IReduce$_reduce$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.array_reduce.call(null, this.arr, b, c, this.off) |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayChunk.prototype.cljs$core$IChunk$ = !0; |
cljs.core.ArrayChunk.prototype.cljs$core$IChunk$_drop_first$arity$1 = function() { |
if(this.off === this.end) { |
throw Error("-drop-first of empty chunk"); |
} |
return new cljs.core.ArrayChunk(this.arr, this.off + 1, this.end) |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayChunk.prototype.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return this.arr[this.off + b] |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayChunk.prototype.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
a = (a = 0 <= b) ? b < this.end - this.off : a; |
return a ? this.arr[this.off + b] : c |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayChunk.prototype.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.end - this.off |
}; |
cljs.core.array_chunk = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b) { |
return a.call(null, b, 0, b.length) |
}, c = function(b, c) { |
return a.call(null, b, c, b.length) |
}, d = function(a, b, c) { |
return new cljs.core.ArrayChunk(a, b, c) |
}, a = function(a, f, g) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, f); |
case 3: |
return d.call(this, a, f, g) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = d; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.ChunkedCons = function(a, b, c, d) { |
this.chunk = a; |
this.more = b; |
this.meta = c; |
this.__hash = d; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 31850604; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 1536 |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedCons.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.ChunkedCons.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/ChunkedCons") |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedCons.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/ChunkedCons") |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedCons.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
var b = this.__hash; |
return null != b ? b : this.__hash = a = cljs.core.hash_coll.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedCons.prototype.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedCons.prototype.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return a |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedCons.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_first$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core._nth.call(null, this.chunk, 0) |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedCons.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_rest$arity$1 = function() { |
return 1 < cljs.core._count.call(null, this.chunk) ? new cljs.core.ChunkedCons(cljs.core._drop_first.call(null, this.chunk), this.more, this.meta, null) : null == this.more ? cljs.core.List.EMPTY : this.more |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedCons.prototype.cljs$core$IChunkedNext$_chunked_next$arity$1 = function() { |
return null == this.more ? null : this.more |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedCons.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.equiv_sequential.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedCons.prototype.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.ChunkedCons(this.chunk, this.more, b, this.__hash) |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedCons.prototype.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.meta |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedCons.prototype.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.with_meta.call(null, cljs.core.List.EMPTY, this.meta) |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedCons.prototype.cljs$core$IChunkedSeq$_chunked_first$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.chunk |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedCons.prototype.cljs$core$IChunkedSeq$_chunked_rest$arity$1 = function() { |
return null == this.more ? cljs.core.List.EMPTY : this.more |
}; |
cljs.core.chunk_cons = function(a, b) { |
return 0 === cljs.core._count.call(null, a) ? b : new cljs.core.ChunkedCons(a, b, null, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.chunk_append = function(a, b) { |
return a.add(b) |
}; |
cljs.core.chunk = function(a) { |
return a.chunk() |
}; |
cljs.core.chunk_first = function(a) { |
return cljs.core._chunked_first.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.chunk_rest = function(a) { |
return cljs.core._chunked_rest.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.chunk_next = function(a) { |
var b; |
a ? (b = (b = a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ & 1024) ? b : a.cljs$core$IChunkedNext$, b = b ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IChunkedNext, a)) : b = cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IChunkedNext, a); |
return b ? cljs.core._chunked_next.call(null, a) : cljs.core.seq.call(null, cljs.core._chunked_rest.call(null, a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.to_array = function(a) { |
for(var b = [];;) { |
if(cljs.core.seq.call(null, a)) { |
b.push(cljs.core.first.call(null, a)), a = cljs.core.next.call(null, a) |
}else { |
return b |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.to_array_2d = function(a) { |
for(var b = cljs.core.make_array.call(null, cljs.core.count.call(null, a)), c = 0, a = cljs.core.seq.call(null, a);;) { |
if(a) { |
b[c] = cljs.core.to_array.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, a)), c += 1, a = cljs.core.next.call(null, a) |
}else { |
break |
} |
} |
return b |
}; |
cljs.core.long_array = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b) { |
if(cljs.core.number_QMARK_.call(null, b)) { |
return a.call(null, b, null) |
} |
if(cljs.core.seq_QMARK_.call(null, b)) { |
return cljs.core.into_array.call(null, b) |
} |
throw Error("long-array called with something other than size or ISeq"); |
}, c = function(a, b) { |
var c = cljs.core.make_array.call(null, a); |
if(cljs.core.seq_QMARK_.call(null, b)) { |
for(var g = 0, h = cljs.core.seq.call(null, b);;) { |
if(cljs.core.truth_(function() { |
var b = h; |
return b ? g < a : b |
}())) { |
c[g] = cljs.core.first.call(null, h); |
var i = g + 1, j = cljs.core.next.call(null, h), g = i, h = j |
}else { |
return c |
} |
} |
}else { |
for(i = 0;;) { |
if(i < a) { |
c[i] = b, i += 1 |
}else { |
break |
} |
} |
return c |
} |
}, a = function(a, e) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, e) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.double_array = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b) { |
if(cljs.core.number_QMARK_.call(null, b)) { |
return a.call(null, b, null) |
} |
if(cljs.core.seq_QMARK_.call(null, b)) { |
return cljs.core.into_array.call(null, b) |
} |
throw Error("double-array called with something other than size or ISeq"); |
}, c = function(a, b) { |
var c = cljs.core.make_array.call(null, a); |
if(cljs.core.seq_QMARK_.call(null, b)) { |
for(var g = 0, h = cljs.core.seq.call(null, b);;) { |
if(cljs.core.truth_(function() { |
var b = h; |
return b ? g < a : b |
}())) { |
c[g] = cljs.core.first.call(null, h); |
var i = g + 1, j = cljs.core.next.call(null, h), g = i, h = j |
}else { |
return c |
} |
} |
}else { |
for(i = 0;;) { |
if(i < a) { |
c[i] = b, i += 1 |
}else { |
break |
} |
} |
return c |
} |
}, a = function(a, e) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, e) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.object_array = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b) { |
if(cljs.core.number_QMARK_.call(null, b)) { |
return a.call(null, b, null) |
} |
if(cljs.core.seq_QMARK_.call(null, b)) { |
return cljs.core.into_array.call(null, b) |
} |
throw Error("object-array called with something other than size or ISeq"); |
}, c = function(a, b) { |
var c = cljs.core.make_array.call(null, a); |
if(cljs.core.seq_QMARK_.call(null, b)) { |
for(var g = 0, h = cljs.core.seq.call(null, b);;) { |
if(cljs.core.truth_(function() { |
var b = h; |
return b ? g < a : b |
}())) { |
c[g] = cljs.core.first.call(null, h); |
var i = g + 1, j = cljs.core.next.call(null, h), g = i, h = j |
}else { |
return c |
} |
} |
}else { |
for(i = 0;;) { |
if(i < a) { |
c[i] = b, i += 1 |
}else { |
break |
} |
} |
return c |
} |
}, a = function(a, e) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, e) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.bounded_count = function(a, b) { |
if(cljs.core.counted_QMARK_.call(null, a)) { |
return cljs.core.count.call(null, a) |
} |
for(var c = a, d = b, e = 0;;) { |
if(cljs.core.truth_(function() { |
var a = 0 < d; |
return a ? cljs.core.seq.call(null, c) : a |
}())) { |
var f = cljs.core.next.call(null, c), g = d - 1, e = e + 1, c = f, d = g |
}else { |
return e |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.spread = function spread(b) { |
return null == b ? null : null == cljs.core.next.call(null, b) ? cljs.core.seq.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, b)) : cljs.core.cons.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, b), spread.call(null, cljs.core.next.call(null, b))) |
}; |
cljs.core.concat = function() { |
var a = null, b = function() { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
return null |
}, null) |
}, c = function(a) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
return a |
}, null) |
}, d = function(b, c) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
var d = cljs.core.seq.call(null, b); |
return d ? cljs.core.chunked_seq_QMARK_.call(null, d) ? cljs.core.chunk_cons.call(null, cljs.core.chunk_first.call(null, d), a.call(null, cljs.core.chunk_rest.call(null, d), c)) : cljs.core.cons.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, d), a.call(null, cljs.core.rest.call(null, d), c)) : c |
}, null) |
}, e = function(b, c, d) { |
return function l(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
var c = cljs.core.seq.call(null, a); |
return c ? cljs.core.chunked_seq_QMARK_.call(null, c) ? cljs.core.chunk_cons.call(null, cljs.core.chunk_first.call(null, c), l.call(null, cljs.core.chunk_rest.call(null, c), b)) : cljs.core.cons.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, c), l.call(null, cljs.core.rest.call(null, c), b)) : cljs.core.truth_(b) ? l.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, b), cljs.core.next.call(null, b)) : null |
}, null) |
}.call(null, a.call(null, b, c), d) |
}, f = function(a, b, c) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(c) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return e.call(this, a, b, d) |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
f.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(a)); |
return e(b, c, a) |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = e; |
a = function(a, e, i) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return b.call(this); |
case 1: |
return c.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return d.call(this, a, e); |
default: |
return f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, e, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 2)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = f.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$0 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = c; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = d; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.list_STAR_ = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.seq.call(null, a) |
}, c = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, a, b) |
}, d = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, a, cljs.core.cons.call(null, b, c)) |
}, e = function(a, b, c, d) { |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, a, cljs.core.cons.call(null, b, cljs.core.cons.call(null, c, d))) |
}, f = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, a, cljs.core.cons.call(null, b, cljs.core.cons.call(null, c, cljs.core.cons.call(null, d, cljs.core.spread.call(null, e))))) |
}, g = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
var g = null; |
goog.isDef(e) && (g = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 4), 0)); |
return f.call(this, a, b, c, d, g) |
}; |
g.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 4; |
g.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), e = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a)))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a)))); |
return f(b, c, d, e, a) |
}; |
g.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = f; |
a = function(a, f, j, l, m) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, f); |
case 3: |
return d.call(this, a, f, j); |
case 4: |
return e.call(this, a, f, j, l); |
default: |
return g.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, f, j, l, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 4)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 4; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = g.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = d; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$4 = e; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = g.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.transient$ = function(a) { |
return cljs.core._as_transient.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.persistent_BANG_ = function(a) { |
return cljs.core._persistent_BANG_.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.conj_BANG_ = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._conj_BANG_.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.assoc_BANG_ = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core._assoc_BANG_.call(null, a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.dissoc_BANG_ = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._dissoc_BANG_.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.pop_BANG_ = function(a) { |
return cljs.core._pop_BANG_.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.disj_BANG_ = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._disjoin_BANG_.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.apply_to = function(a, b, c) { |
var d = cljs.core.seq.call(null, c); |
if(0 === b) { |
return a.call(null) |
} |
var c = cljs.core._first.call(null, d), e = cljs.core._rest.call(null, d); |
if(1 === b) { |
return a.cljs$lang$arity$1 ? a.cljs$lang$arity$1(c) : a.call(null, c) |
} |
var d = cljs.core._first.call(null, e), f = cljs.core._rest.call(null, e); |
if(2 === b) { |
return a.cljs$lang$arity$2 ? a.cljs$lang$arity$2(c, d) : a.call(null, c, d) |
} |
var e = cljs.core._first.call(null, f), g = cljs.core._rest.call(null, f); |
if(3 === b) { |
return a.cljs$lang$arity$3 ? a.cljs$lang$arity$3(c, d, e) : a.call(null, c, d, e) |
} |
var f = cljs.core._first.call(null, g), h = cljs.core._rest.call(null, g); |
if(4 === b) { |
return a.cljs$lang$arity$4 ? a.cljs$lang$arity$4(c, d, e, f) : a.call(null, c, d, e, f) |
} |
g = cljs.core._first.call(null, h); |
h = cljs.core._rest.call(null, h); |
if(5 === b) { |
return a.cljs$lang$arity$5 ? a.cljs$lang$arity$5(c, d, e, f, g) : a.call(null, c, d, e, f, g) |
} |
var a = cljs.core._first.call(null, h), i = cljs.core._rest.call(null, h); |
if(6 === b) { |
return a.cljs$lang$arity$6 ? a.cljs$lang$arity$6(c, d, e, f, g, a) : a.call(null, c, d, e, f, g, a) |
} |
var h = cljs.core._first.call(null, i), j = cljs.core._rest.call(null, i); |
if(7 === b) { |
return a.cljs$lang$arity$7 ? a.cljs$lang$arity$7(c, d, e, f, g, a, h) : a.call(null, c, d, e, f, g, a, h) |
} |
var i = cljs.core._first.call(null, j), l = cljs.core._rest.call(null, j); |
if(8 === b) { |
return a.cljs$lang$arity$8 ? a.cljs$lang$arity$8(c, d, e, f, g, a, h, i) : a.call(null, c, d, e, f, g, a, h, i) |
} |
var j = cljs.core._first.call(null, l), m = cljs.core._rest.call(null, l); |
if(9 === b) { |
return a.cljs$lang$arity$9 ? a.cljs$lang$arity$9(c, d, e, f, g, a, h, i, j) : a.call(null, c, d, e, f, g, a, h, i, j) |
} |
var l = cljs.core._first.call(null, m), k = cljs.core._rest.call(null, m); |
if(10 === b) { |
return a.cljs$lang$arity$10 ? a.cljs$lang$arity$10(c, d, e, f, g, a, h, i, j, l) : a.call(null, c, d, e, f, g, a, h, i, j, l) |
} |
var m = cljs.core._first.call(null, k), n = cljs.core._rest.call(null, k); |
if(11 === b) { |
return a.cljs$lang$arity$11 ? a.cljs$lang$arity$11(c, d, e, f, g, a, h, i, j, l, m) : a.call(null, c, d, e, f, g, a, h, i, j, l, m) |
} |
var k = cljs.core._first.call(null, n), p = cljs.core._rest.call(null, n); |
if(12 === b) { |
return a.cljs$lang$arity$12 ? a.cljs$lang$arity$12(c, d, e, f, g, a, h, i, j, l, m, k) : a.call(null, c, d, e, f, g, a, h, i, j, l, m, k) |
} |
var n = cljs.core._first.call(null, p), q = cljs.core._rest.call(null, p); |
if(13 === b) { |
return a.cljs$lang$arity$13 ? a.cljs$lang$arity$13(c, d, e, f, g, a, h, i, j, l, m, k, n) : a.call(null, c, d, e, f, g, a, h, i, j, l, m, k, n) |
} |
var p = cljs.core._first.call(null, q), r = cljs.core._rest.call(null, q); |
if(14 === b) { |
return a.cljs$lang$arity$14 ? a.cljs$lang$arity$14(c, d, e, f, g, a, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, p) : a.call(null, c, d, e, f, g, a, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, p) |
} |
var q = cljs.core._first.call(null, r), s = cljs.core._rest.call(null, r); |
if(15 === b) { |
return a.cljs$lang$arity$15 ? a.cljs$lang$arity$15(c, d, e, f, g, a, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, p, q) : a.call(null, c, d, e, f, g, a, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, p, q) |
} |
var r = cljs.core._first.call(null, s), t = cljs.core._rest.call(null, s); |
if(16 === b) { |
return a.cljs$lang$arity$16 ? a.cljs$lang$arity$16(c, d, e, f, g, a, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, p, q, r) : a.call(null, c, d, e, f, g, a, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, p, q, r) |
} |
var s = cljs.core._first.call(null, t), u = cljs.core._rest.call(null, t); |
if(17 === b) { |
return a.cljs$lang$arity$17 ? a.cljs$lang$arity$17(c, d, e, f, g, a, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, p, q, r, s) : a.call(null, c, d, e, f, g, a, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, p, q, r, s) |
} |
var t = cljs.core._first.call(null, u), x = cljs.core._rest.call(null, u); |
if(18 === b) { |
return a.cljs$lang$arity$18 ? a.cljs$lang$arity$18(c, d, e, f, g, a, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, p, q, r, s, t) : a.call(null, c, d, e, f, g, a, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, p, q, r, s, t) |
} |
u = cljs.core._first.call(null, x); |
x = cljs.core._rest.call(null, x); |
if(19 === b) { |
return a.cljs$lang$arity$19 ? a.cljs$lang$arity$19(c, d, e, f, g, a, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, p, q, r, s, t, u) : a.call(null, c, d, e, f, g, a, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, p, q, r, s, t, u) |
} |
var E = cljs.core._first.call(null, x); |
cljs.core._rest.call(null, x); |
if(20 === b) { |
return a.cljs$lang$arity$20 ? a.cljs$lang$arity$20(c, d, e, f, g, a, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, p, q, r, s, t, u, E) : a.call(null, c, d, e, f, g, a, h, i, j, l, m, k, n, p, q, r, s, t, u, E) |
} |
throw Error("Only up to 20 arguments supported on functions"); |
}; |
cljs.core.apply = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
var c = a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity; |
if(a.cljs$lang$applyTo) { |
var d = cljs.core.bounded_count.call(null, b, c + 1); |
return d <= c ? cljs.core.apply_to.call(null, a, d, b) : a.cljs$lang$applyTo(b) |
} |
return a.apply(a, cljs.core.to_array.call(null, b)) |
}, c = function(a, b, c) { |
b = cljs.core.list_STAR_.call(null, b, c); |
c = a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity; |
if(a.cljs$lang$applyTo) { |
var d = cljs.core.bounded_count.call(null, b, c + 1); |
return d <= c ? cljs.core.apply_to.call(null, a, d, b) : a.cljs$lang$applyTo(b) |
} |
return a.apply(a, cljs.core.to_array.call(null, b)) |
}, d = function(a, b, c, d) { |
b = cljs.core.list_STAR_.call(null, b, c, d); |
c = a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity; |
return a.cljs$lang$applyTo ? (d = cljs.core.bounded_count.call(null, b, c + 1), d <= c ? cljs.core.apply_to.call(null, a, d, b) : a.cljs$lang$applyTo(b)) : a.apply(a, cljs.core.to_array.call(null, b)) |
}, e = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
b = cljs.core.list_STAR_.call(null, b, c, d, e); |
c = a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity; |
return a.cljs$lang$applyTo ? (d = cljs.core.bounded_count.call(null, b, c + 1), d <= c ? cljs.core.apply_to.call(null, a, d, b) : a.cljs$lang$applyTo(b)) : a.apply(a, cljs.core.to_array.call(null, b)) |
}, f = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { |
b = cljs.core.cons.call(null, b, cljs.core.cons.call(null, c, cljs.core.cons.call(null, d, cljs.core.cons.call(null, e, cljs.core.spread.call(null, f))))); |
c = a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity; |
return a.cljs$lang$applyTo ? (d = cljs.core.bounded_count.call(null, b, c + 1), d <= c ? cljs.core.apply_to.call(null, a, d, b) : a.cljs$lang$applyTo(b)) : a.apply(a, cljs.core.to_array.call(null, b)) |
}, g = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) { |
var n = null; |
goog.isDef(g) && (n = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 5), 0)); |
return f.call(this, a, b, c, d, e, n) |
}; |
g.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 5; |
g.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), e = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a)))), g = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))))); |
return f(b, c, d, e, g, a) |
}; |
g.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = f; |
a = function(a, f, j, l, m, k) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, f); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, f, j); |
case 4: |
return d.call(this, a, f, j, l); |
case 5: |
return e.call(this, a, f, j, l, m); |
default: |
return g.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, f, j, l, m, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 5)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 5; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = g.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$4 = d; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$5 = e; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = g.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.vary_meta = function() { |
var a = function(a, b, e) { |
return cljs.core.with_meta.call(null, a, cljs.core.apply.call(null, b, cljs.core.meta.call(null, a), e)) |
}, b = function(b, d, e) { |
var f = null; |
goog.isDef(e) && (f = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return a.call(this, b, d, f) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
var d = cljs.core.first(b), e = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(b)), b = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(b)); |
return a(d, e, b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
cljs.core.not_EQ_ = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
return!cljs.core._EQ_.call(null, a, b) |
}, c = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.not.call(null, cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core._EQ_, a, b, c)) |
}, d = function(a, b, d) { |
var h = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (h = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return c.call(this, a, b, h) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(a)); |
return c(b, d, a) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c; |
a = function(a, c, g) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return!1; |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, c); |
default: |
return d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, c, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 2)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = d.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = function() { |
return!1 |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.not_empty = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.seq.call(null, a) ? a : null |
}; |
cljs.core.every_QMARK_ = function(a, b) { |
for(;;) { |
if(null == cljs.core.seq.call(null, b)) { |
return!0 |
} |
if(cljs.core.truth_(a.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, b)))) { |
var c = a, d = cljs.core.next.call(null, b), a = c, b = d |
}else { |
return!1 |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.not_every_QMARK_ = function(a, b) { |
return!cljs.core.every_QMARK_.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.some = function(a, b) { |
for(;;) { |
if(cljs.core.seq.call(null, b)) { |
var c = a.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, b)); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(c)) { |
return c |
} |
var c = a, d = cljs.core.next.call(null, b), a = c, b = d |
}else { |
return null |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.not_any_QMARK_ = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.not.call(null, cljs.core.some.call(null, a, b)) |
}; |
cljs.core.even_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
if(cljs.core.integer_QMARK_.call(null, a)) { |
return 0 === (a & 1) |
} |
throw Error([cljs.core.str("Argument must be an integer: "), cljs.core.str(a)].join("")); |
}; |
cljs.core.odd_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
return!cljs.core.even_QMARK_.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.identity = function(a) { |
return a |
}; |
cljs.core.complement = function(a) { |
var b = null, c = function(b, c, d) { |
return cljs.core.not.call(null, cljs.core.apply.call(null, a, b, c, d)) |
}, d = function(a, b, d) { |
var h = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (h = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return c.call(this, a, b, h) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(a)); |
return c(b, d, a) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c; |
b = function(b, c, g) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return cljs.core.not.call(null, a.call(null)); |
case 1: |
return cljs.core.not.call(null, a.call(null, b)); |
case 2: |
return cljs.core.not.call(null, a.call(null, b, c)); |
default: |
return d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(b, c, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 2)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = d.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
return b |
}; |
cljs.core.constantly = function(a) { |
var b = function(b) { |
goog.isDef(b) && cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0); |
return a |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = function() { |
return a |
}; |
return b |
}; |
cljs.core.comp = function() { |
var a = null, b = function() { |
return cljs.core.identity |
}, c = function(a, b) { |
var c = null, d = function(c, d, e, f) { |
return a.call(null, cljs.core.apply.call(null, b, c, d, e, f)) |
}, e = function(a, b, c, e) { |
var f = null; |
goog.isDef(e) && (f = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3), 0)); |
return d.call(this, a, b, c, f) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
e.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), e = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))); |
return d(b, c, e, a) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d; |
c = function(c, d, f, i) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return a.call(null, b.call(null)); |
case 1: |
return a.call(null, b.call(null, c)); |
case 2: |
return a.call(null, b.call(null, c, d)); |
case 3: |
return a.call(null, b.call(null, c, d, f)); |
default: |
return e.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(c, d, f, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 3)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
c.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
c.cljs$lang$applyTo = e.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
return c |
}, d = function(a, b, c) { |
var d = null, e = function(d, e, f, j) { |
return a.call(null, b.call(null, cljs.core.apply.call(null, c, d, e, f, j))) |
}, f = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var f = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (f = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3), 0)); |
return e.call(this, a, b, c, f) |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
f.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))); |
return e(b, c, d, a) |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = e; |
d = function(d, e, j, l) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return a.call(null, b.call(null, c.call(null))); |
case 1: |
return a.call(null, b.call(null, c.call(null, d))); |
case 2: |
return a.call(null, b.call(null, c.call(null, d, e))); |
case 3: |
return a.call(null, b.call(null, c.call(null, d, e, j))); |
default: |
return f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(d, e, j, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 3)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = f.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
return d |
}, e = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var e = cljs.core.reverse.call(null, cljs.core.list_STAR_.call(null, a, b, c, d)), f = function(a) { |
for(var a = cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, e), a), b = cljs.core.next.call(null, e);;) { |
if(b) { |
a = cljs.core.first.call(null, b).call(null, a), b = cljs.core.next.call(null, b) |
}else { |
return a |
} |
} |
}, a = function(a) { |
var b = null; |
goog.isDef(a) && (b = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return f.call(this, b) |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.seq(a); |
return f(a) |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = f; |
return a |
}, f = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var f = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (f = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3), 0)); |
return e.call(this, a, b, c, f) |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
f.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))); |
return e(b, c, d, a) |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = e; |
a = function(a, e, i, j) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return b.call(this); |
case 1: |
return a; |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, e); |
case 3: |
return d.call(this, a, e, i); |
default: |
return f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, e, i, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 3)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = f.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$0 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return a |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = d; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.partial = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
var c = function(c) { |
return cljs.core.apply.call(null, a, b, c) |
}, d = function(a) { |
var b = null; |
goog.isDef(a) && (b = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return c.call(this, b) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.seq(a); |
return c(a) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c; |
return d |
}, c = function(a, b, c) { |
var d = function(d) { |
return cljs.core.apply.call(null, a, b, c, d) |
}, e = function(a) { |
var b = null; |
goog.isDef(a) && (b = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return d.call(this, b) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
e.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.seq(a); |
return d(a) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d; |
return e |
}, d = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var e = function(e) { |
return cljs.core.apply.call(null, a, b, c, d, e) |
}, f = function(a) { |
var b = null; |
goog.isDef(a) && (b = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return e.call(this, b) |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
f.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.seq(a); |
return e(a) |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = e; |
return f |
}, e = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
var f = function(f) { |
return cljs.core.apply.call(null, a, b, c, d, cljs.core.concat.call(null, e, f)) |
}, k = function(a) { |
var b = null; |
goog.isDef(a) && (b = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return f.call(this, b) |
}; |
k.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
k.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.seq(a); |
return f(a) |
}; |
k.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = f; |
return k |
}, f = function(a, b, c, d, f) { |
var m = null; |
goog.isDef(f) && (m = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 4), 0)); |
return e.call(this, a, b, c, d, m) |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 4; |
f.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), f = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a)))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a)))); |
return e(b, c, d, f, a) |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = e; |
a = function(a, e, i, j, l) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, e); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, e, i); |
case 4: |
return d.call(this, a, e, i, j); |
default: |
return f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, e, i, j, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 4)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 4; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = f.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$4 = d; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.fnil = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
var c = null, d = function(c, d, g, h) { |
return cljs.core.apply.call(null, a, null == c ? b : c, d, g, h) |
}, i = function(a, b, c, e) { |
var f = null; |
goog.isDef(e) && (f = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3), 0)); |
return d.call(this, a, b, c, f) |
}; |
i.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
i.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), e = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))); |
return d(b, c, e, a) |
}; |
i.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d; |
c = function(c, d, g, h) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return a.call(null, null == c ? b : c); |
case 2: |
return a.call(null, null == c ? b : c, d); |
case 3: |
return a.call(null, null == c ? b : c, d, g); |
default: |
return i.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(c, d, g, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 3)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
c.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
c.cljs$lang$applyTo = i.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
return c |
}, c = function(a, b, c) { |
var d = null, i = function(d, h, i, j) { |
return cljs.core.apply.call(null, a, null == d ? b : d, null == h ? c : h, i, j) |
}, j = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var e = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (e = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3), 0)); |
return i.call(this, a, b, c, e) |
}; |
j.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
j.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))); |
return i(b, c, d, a) |
}; |
j.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = i; |
d = function(d, h, i, n) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return a.call(null, null == d ? b : d, null == h ? c : h); |
case 3: |
return a.call(null, null == d ? b : d, null == h ? c : h, i); |
default: |
return j.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(d, h, i, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 3)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = j.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
return d |
}, d = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var i = null, j = function(i, j, l, p) { |
return cljs.core.apply.call(null, a, null == i ? b : i, null == j ? c : j, null == l ? d : l, p) |
}, l = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var e = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (e = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3), 0)); |
return j.call(this, a, b, c, e) |
}; |
l.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
l.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))); |
return j(b, c, d, a) |
}; |
l.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = j; |
i = function(i, j, n, p) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return a.call(null, null == i ? b : i, null == j ? c : j); |
case 3: |
return a.call(null, null == i ? b : i, null == j ? c : j, null == n ? d : n); |
default: |
return l.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(i, j, n, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 3)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
i.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
i.cljs$lang$applyTo = l.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
return i |
}, a = function(a, f, g, h) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, f); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, f, g); |
case 4: |
return d.call(this, a, f, g, h) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$4 = d; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.map_indexed = function(a, b) { |
return function d(b, f) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
var g = cljs.core.seq.call(null, f); |
if(g) { |
if(cljs.core.chunked_seq_QMARK_.call(null, g)) { |
for(var h = cljs.core.chunk_first.call(null, g), i = cljs.core.count.call(null, h), j = cljs.core.chunk_buffer.call(null, i), l = 0;;) { |
if(l < i) { |
cljs.core.chunk_append.call(null, j, a.call(null, b + l, cljs.core._nth.call(null, h, l))), l += 1 |
}else { |
break |
} |
} |
return cljs.core.chunk_cons.call(null, cljs.core.chunk.call(null, j), d.call(null, b + i, cljs.core.chunk_rest.call(null, g))) |
} |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, a.call(null, b, cljs.core.first.call(null, g)), d.call(null, b + 1, cljs.core.rest.call(null, g))) |
} |
return null |
}, null) |
}.call(null, 0, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.keep = function keep(b, c) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
var d = cljs.core.seq.call(null, c); |
if(d) { |
if(cljs.core.chunked_seq_QMARK_.call(null, d)) { |
for(var e = cljs.core.chunk_first.call(null, d), f = cljs.core.count.call(null, e), g = cljs.core.chunk_buffer.call(null, f), h = 0;;) { |
if(h < f) { |
var i = b.call(null, cljs.core._nth.call(null, e, h)); |
null != i && cljs.core.chunk_append.call(null, g, i); |
h += 1 |
}else { |
break |
} |
} |
return cljs.core.chunk_cons.call(null, cljs.core.chunk.call(null, g), keep.call(null, b, cljs.core.chunk_rest.call(null, d))) |
} |
e = b.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, d)); |
return null == e ? keep.call(null, b, cljs.core.rest.call(null, d)) : cljs.core.cons.call(null, e, keep.call(null, b, cljs.core.rest.call(null, d))) |
} |
return null |
}, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.keep_indexed = function(a, b) { |
return function d(b, f) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
var g = cljs.core.seq.call(null, f); |
if(g) { |
if(cljs.core.chunked_seq_QMARK_.call(null, g)) { |
for(var h = cljs.core.chunk_first.call(null, g), i = cljs.core.count.call(null, h), j = cljs.core.chunk_buffer.call(null, i), l = 0;;) { |
if(l < i) { |
var m = a.call(null, b + l, cljs.core._nth.call(null, h, l)); |
null != m && cljs.core.chunk_append.call(null, j, m); |
l += 1 |
}else { |
break |
} |
} |
return cljs.core.chunk_cons.call(null, cljs.core.chunk.call(null, j), d.call(null, b + i, cljs.core.chunk_rest.call(null, g))) |
} |
h = a.call(null, b, cljs.core.first.call(null, g)); |
return null == h ? d.call(null, b + 1, cljs.core.rest.call(null, g)) : cljs.core.cons.call(null, h, d.call(null, b + 1, cljs.core.rest.call(null, g))) |
} |
return null |
}, null) |
}.call(null, 0, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.every_pred = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a) { |
var b = null, c = function(b) { |
return cljs.core.boolean$.call(null, a.call(null, b)) |
}, d = function(b, c) { |
return cljs.core.boolean$.call(null, function() { |
var d = a.call(null, b); |
return cljs.core.truth_(d) ? a.call(null, c) : d |
}()) |
}, e = function(b, c, d) { |
return cljs.core.boolean$.call(null, function() { |
var e = a.call(null, b); |
return cljs.core.truth_(e) ? (e = a.call(null, c), cljs.core.truth_(e) ? a.call(null, d) : e) : e |
}()) |
}, f = function(c, d, e, f) { |
return cljs.core.boolean$.call(null, function() { |
var i = b.call(null, c, d, e); |
return cljs.core.truth_(i) ? cljs.core.every_QMARK_.call(null, a, f) : i |
}()) |
}, k = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var e = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (e = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3), 0)); |
return f.call(this, a, b, c, e) |
}; |
k.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
k.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))); |
return f(b, c, d, a) |
}; |
k.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = f; |
b = function(a, b, f, g) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return!0; |
case 1: |
return c.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return d.call(this, a, b); |
case 3: |
return e.call(this, a, b, f); |
default: |
return k.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, b, f, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 3)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = k.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$0 = function() { |
return!0 |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$1 = c; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$2 = d; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$3 = e; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = k.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return b |
}, c = function(a, b) { |
var c = null, d = function(c) { |
return cljs.core.boolean$.call(null, function() { |
var d = a.call(null, c); |
return cljs.core.truth_(d) ? b.call(null, c) : d |
}()) |
}, e = function(c, d) { |
return cljs.core.boolean$.call(null, function() { |
var e = a.call(null, c); |
return cljs.core.truth_(e) && (e = a.call(null, d), cljs.core.truth_(e)) ? (e = b.call(null, c), cljs.core.truth_(e) ? b.call(null, d) : e) : e |
}()) |
}, f = function(c, d, e) { |
return cljs.core.boolean$.call(null, function() { |
var f = a.call(null, c); |
return cljs.core.truth_(f) && (f = a.call(null, d), cljs.core.truth_(f) && (f = a.call(null, e), cljs.core.truth_(f) && (f = b.call(null, c), cljs.core.truth_(f)))) ? (f = b.call(null, d), cljs.core.truth_(f) ? b.call(null, e) : f) : f |
}()) |
}, k = function(d, e, f, j) { |
return cljs.core.boolean$.call(null, function() { |
var l = c.call(null, d, e, f); |
return cljs.core.truth_(l) ? cljs.core.every_QMARK_.call(null, function(c) { |
var d = a.call(null, c); |
return cljs.core.truth_(d) ? b.call(null, c) : d |
}, j) : l |
}()) |
}, n = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var e = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (e = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3), 0)); |
return k.call(this, a, b, c, e) |
}; |
n.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
n.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))); |
return k(b, c, d, a) |
}; |
n.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = k; |
c = function(a, b, c, g) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return!0; |
case 1: |
return d.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return e.call(this, a, b); |
case 3: |
return f.call(this, a, b, c); |
default: |
return n.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, b, c, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 3)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
c.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
c.cljs$lang$applyTo = n.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
c.cljs$lang$arity$0 = function() { |
return!0 |
}; |
c.cljs$lang$arity$1 = d; |
c.cljs$lang$arity$2 = e; |
c.cljs$lang$arity$3 = f; |
c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = n.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return c |
}, d = function(a, b, c) { |
var d = null, e = function(d) { |
return cljs.core.boolean$.call(null, function() { |
var e = a.call(null, d); |
return cljs.core.truth_(e) ? (e = b.call(null, d), cljs.core.truth_(e) ? c.call(null, d) : e) : e |
}()) |
}, f = function(d, e) { |
return cljs.core.boolean$.call(null, function() { |
var f = a.call(null, d); |
return cljs.core.truth_(f) && (f = b.call(null, d), cljs.core.truth_(f) && (f = c.call(null, d), cljs.core.truth_(f) && (f = a.call(null, e), cljs.core.truth_(f)))) ? (f = b.call(null, e), cljs.core.truth_(f) ? c.call(null, e) : f) : f |
}()) |
}, k = function(d, e, f) { |
return cljs.core.boolean$.call(null, function() { |
var j = a.call(null, d); |
return cljs.core.truth_(j) && (j = b.call(null, d), cljs.core.truth_(j) && (j = c.call(null, d), cljs.core.truth_(j) && (j = a.call(null, e), cljs.core.truth_(j) && (j = b.call(null, e), cljs.core.truth_(j) && (j = c.call(null, e), cljs.core.truth_(j) && (j = a.call(null, f), cljs.core.truth_(j))))))) ? (j = b.call(null, f), cljs.core.truth_(j) ? c.call(null, f) : j) : j |
}()) |
}, n = function(e, f, l, m) { |
return cljs.core.boolean$.call(null, function() { |
var k = d.call(null, e, f, l); |
return cljs.core.truth_(k) ? cljs.core.every_QMARK_.call(null, function(d) { |
var e = a.call(null, d); |
return cljs.core.truth_(e) ? (e = b.call(null, d), cljs.core.truth_(e) ? c.call(null, d) : e) : e |
}, m) : k |
}()) |
}, p = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var e = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (e = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3), 0)); |
return n.call(this, a, b, c, e) |
}; |
p.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
p.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))); |
return n(b, c, d, a) |
}; |
p.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = n; |
d = function(a, b, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return!0; |
case 1: |
return e.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return f.call(this, a, b); |
case 3: |
return k.call(this, a, b, c); |
default: |
return p.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, b, c, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 3)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = p.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$0 = function() { |
return!0 |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$1 = e; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$2 = f; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$3 = k; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = p.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return d |
}, e = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var e = cljs.core.list_STAR_.call(null, a, b, c, d), f = null, k = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.every_QMARK_.call(null, function(b) { |
return b.call(null, a) |
}, e) |
}, n = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.every_QMARK_.call(null, function(c) { |
var d = c.call(null, a); |
return cljs.core.truth_(d) ? c.call(null, b) : d |
}, e) |
}, p = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.every_QMARK_.call(null, function(d) { |
var e = d.call(null, a); |
return cljs.core.truth_(e) ? (e = d.call(null, b), cljs.core.truth_(e) ? d.call(null, c) : e) : e |
}, e) |
}, q = function(a, b, c, d) { |
return cljs.core.boolean$.call(null, function() { |
var g = f.call(null, a, b, c); |
return cljs.core.truth_(g) ? cljs.core.every_QMARK_.call(null, function(a) { |
return cljs.core.every_QMARK_.call(null, a, d) |
}, e) : g |
}()) |
}, r = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var e = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (e = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3), 0)); |
return q.call(this, a, b, c, e) |
}; |
r.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
r.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))); |
return q(b, c, d, a) |
}; |
r.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = q; |
f = function(a, b, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return!0; |
case 1: |
return k.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return n.call(this, a, b); |
case 3: |
return p.call(this, a, b, c); |
default: |
return r.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, b, c, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 3)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
f.cljs$lang$applyTo = r.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
f.cljs$lang$arity$0 = function() { |
return!0 |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$arity$1 = k; |
f.cljs$lang$arity$2 = n; |
f.cljs$lang$arity$3 = p; |
f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = r.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return f |
}, f = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var f = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (f = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3), 0)); |
return e.call(this, a, b, c, f) |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
f.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))); |
return e(b, c, d, a) |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = e; |
a = function(a, e, i, j) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, e); |
case 3: |
return d.call(this, a, e, i); |
default: |
return f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, e, i, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 3)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = f.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = d; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.some_fn = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a) { |
var b = null, c = function(b) { |
return a.call(null, b) |
}, d = function(b, c) { |
var d = a.call(null, b); |
return cljs.core.truth_(d) ? d : a.call(null, c) |
}, e = function(b, c, d) { |
b = a.call(null, b); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(b)) { |
return b |
} |
c = a.call(null, c); |
return cljs.core.truth_(c) ? c : a.call(null, d) |
}, f = function(c, d, e, f) { |
c = b.call(null, c, d, e); |
return cljs.core.truth_(c) ? c : cljs.core.some.call(null, a, f) |
}, k = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var e = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (e = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3), 0)); |
return f.call(this, a, b, c, e) |
}; |
k.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
k.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))); |
return f(b, c, d, a) |
}; |
k.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = f; |
b = function(a, b, f, g) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return null; |
case 1: |
return c.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return d.call(this, a, b); |
case 3: |
return e.call(this, a, b, f); |
default: |
return k.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, b, f, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 3)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = k.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$0 = function() { |
return null |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$1 = c; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$2 = d; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$3 = e; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = k.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return b |
}, c = function(a, b) { |
var c = null, d = function(c) { |
var d = a.call(null, c); |
return cljs.core.truth_(d) ? d : b.call(null, c) |
}, e = function(c, d) { |
var e = a.call(null, c); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(e)) { |
return e |
} |
e = a.call(null, d); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(e)) { |
return e |
} |
e = b.call(null, c); |
return cljs.core.truth_(e) ? e : b.call(null, d) |
}, f = function(c, d, e) { |
var f = a.call(null, c); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(f)) { |
return f |
} |
f = a.call(null, d); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(f)) { |
return f |
} |
f = a.call(null, e); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(f)) { |
return f |
} |
c = b.call(null, c); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(c)) { |
return c |
} |
d = b.call(null, d); |
return cljs.core.truth_(d) ? d : b.call(null, e) |
}, k = function(d, e, f, j) { |
d = c.call(null, d, e, f); |
return cljs.core.truth_(d) ? d : cljs.core.some.call(null, function(c) { |
var d = a.call(null, c); |
return cljs.core.truth_(d) ? d : b.call(null, c) |
}, j) |
}, n = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var e = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (e = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3), 0)); |
return k.call(this, a, b, c, e) |
}; |
n.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
n.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))); |
return k(b, c, d, a) |
}; |
n.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = k; |
c = function(a, b, c, g) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return null; |
case 1: |
return d.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return e.call(this, a, b); |
case 3: |
return f.call(this, a, b, c); |
default: |
return n.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, b, c, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 3)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
c.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
c.cljs$lang$applyTo = n.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
c.cljs$lang$arity$0 = function() { |
return null |
}; |
c.cljs$lang$arity$1 = d; |
c.cljs$lang$arity$2 = e; |
c.cljs$lang$arity$3 = f; |
c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = n.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return c |
}, d = function(a, b, c) { |
var d = null, e = function(d) { |
var e = a.call(null, d); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(e)) { |
return e |
} |
e = b.call(null, d); |
return cljs.core.truth_(e) ? e : c.call(null, d) |
}, f = function(d, e) { |
var f = a.call(null, d); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(f)) { |
return f |
} |
f = b.call(null, d); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(f)) { |
return f |
} |
f = c.call(null, d); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(f)) { |
return f |
} |
f = a.call(null, e); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(f)) { |
return f |
} |
f = b.call(null, e); |
return cljs.core.truth_(f) ? f : c.call(null, e) |
}, k = function(d, e, f) { |
var j = a.call(null, d); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(j)) { |
return j |
} |
j = b.call(null, d); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(j)) { |
return j |
} |
d = c.call(null, d); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(d)) { |
return d |
} |
d = a.call(null, e); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(d)) { |
return d |
} |
d = b.call(null, e); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(d)) { |
return d |
} |
e = c.call(null, e); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(e)) { |
return e |
} |
e = a.call(null, f); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(e)) { |
return e |
} |
e = b.call(null, f); |
return cljs.core.truth_(e) ? e : c.call(null, f) |
}, n = function(e, f, l, k) { |
e = d.call(null, e, f, l); |
return cljs.core.truth_(e) ? e : cljs.core.some.call(null, function(d) { |
var e = a.call(null, d); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(e)) { |
return e |
} |
e = b.call(null, d); |
return cljs.core.truth_(e) ? e : c.call(null, d) |
}, k) |
}, p = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var e = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (e = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3), 0)); |
return n.call(this, a, b, c, e) |
}; |
p.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
p.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))); |
return n(b, c, d, a) |
}; |
p.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = n; |
d = function(a, b, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return null; |
case 1: |
return e.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return f.call(this, a, b); |
case 3: |
return k.call(this, a, b, c); |
default: |
return p.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, b, c, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 3)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = p.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$0 = function() { |
return null |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$1 = e; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$2 = f; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$3 = k; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = p.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return d |
}, e = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var e = cljs.core.list_STAR_.call(null, a, b, c, d), f = null, k = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.some.call(null, function(b) { |
return b.call(null, a) |
}, e) |
}, n = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.some.call(null, function(c) { |
var d = c.call(null, a); |
return cljs.core.truth_(d) ? d : c.call(null, b) |
}, e) |
}, p = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.some.call(null, function(d) { |
var e = d.call(null, a); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(e)) { |
return e |
} |
e = d.call(null, b); |
return cljs.core.truth_(e) ? e : d.call(null, c) |
}, e) |
}, q = function(a, b, c, d) { |
a = f.call(null, a, b, c); |
return cljs.core.truth_(a) ? a : cljs.core.some.call(null, function(a) { |
return cljs.core.some.call(null, a, d) |
}, e) |
}, r = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var e = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (e = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3), 0)); |
return q.call(this, a, b, c, e) |
}; |
r.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
r.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))); |
return q(b, c, d, a) |
}; |
r.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = q; |
f = function(a, b, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return null; |
case 1: |
return k.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return n.call(this, a, b); |
case 3: |
return p.call(this, a, b, c); |
default: |
return r.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, b, c, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 3)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
f.cljs$lang$applyTo = r.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
f.cljs$lang$arity$0 = function() { |
return null |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$arity$1 = k; |
f.cljs$lang$arity$2 = n; |
f.cljs$lang$arity$3 = p; |
f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = r.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return f |
}, f = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var f = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (f = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3), 0)); |
return e.call(this, a, b, c, f) |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
f.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))); |
return e(b, c, d, a) |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = e; |
a = function(a, e, i, j) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, e); |
case 3: |
return d.call(this, a, e, i); |
default: |
return f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, e, i, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 3)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = f.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = d; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.map = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b, c) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
var d = cljs.core.seq.call(null, c); |
if(d) { |
if(cljs.core.chunked_seq_QMARK_.call(null, d)) { |
for(var e = cljs.core.chunk_first.call(null, d), f = cljs.core.count.call(null, e), m = cljs.core.chunk_buffer.call(null, f), k = 0;;) { |
if(k < f) { |
cljs.core.chunk_append.call(null, m, b.call(null, cljs.core._nth.call(null, e, k))), k += 1 |
}else { |
break |
} |
} |
return cljs.core.chunk_cons.call(null, cljs.core.chunk.call(null, m), a.call(null, b, cljs.core.chunk_rest.call(null, d))) |
} |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, b.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, d)), a.call(null, b, cljs.core.rest.call(null, d))) |
} |
return null |
}, null) |
}, c = function(b, c, d) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
var e = cljs.core.seq.call(null, c), f = cljs.core.seq.call(null, d); |
return(e ? f : e) ? cljs.core.cons.call(null, b.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, e), cljs.core.first.call(null, f)), a.call(null, b, cljs.core.rest.call(null, e), cljs.core.rest.call(null, f))) : null |
}, null) |
}, d = function(b, c, d, e) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
var f = cljs.core.seq.call(null, c), m = cljs.core.seq.call(null, d), k = cljs.core.seq.call(null, e); |
return(f ? m ? k : m : f) ? cljs.core.cons.call(null, b.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, f), cljs.core.first.call(null, m), cljs.core.first.call(null, k)), a.call(null, b, cljs.core.rest.call(null, f), cljs.core.rest.call(null, m), cljs.core.rest.call(null, k))) : null |
}, null) |
}, e = function(b, c, d, e, f) { |
return a.call(null, function(a) { |
return cljs.core.apply.call(null, b, a) |
}, function k(b) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
var c = a.call(null, cljs.core.seq, b); |
return cljs.core.every_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.identity, c) ? cljs.core.cons.call(null, a.call(null, cljs.core.first, c), k.call(null, a.call(null, cljs.core.rest, c))) : null |
}, null) |
}.call(null, cljs.core.conj.call(null, f, e, d, c))) |
}, f = function(a, b, c, d, f) { |
var m = null; |
goog.isDef(f) && (m = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 4), 0)); |
return e.call(this, a, b, c, d, m) |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 4; |
f.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), f = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a)))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a)))); |
return e(b, c, d, f, a) |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = e; |
a = function(a, e, i, j, l) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, e); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, e, i); |
case 4: |
return d.call(this, a, e, i, j); |
default: |
return f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, e, i, j, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 4)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 4; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = f.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$4 = d; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.take = function take(b, c) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
if(0 < b) { |
var d = cljs.core.seq.call(null, c); |
return d ? cljs.core.cons.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, d), take.call(null, b - 1, cljs.core.rest.call(null, d))) : null |
} |
return null |
}, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.drop = function(a, b) { |
var c = function(a, b) { |
for(;;) { |
var c = cljs.core.seq.call(null, b); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(function() { |
var b = 0 < a; |
return b ? c : b |
}())) { |
var g = a - 1, h = cljs.core.rest.call(null, c), a = g, b = h |
}else { |
return c |
} |
} |
}; |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
return c.call(null, a, b) |
}, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.drop_last = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b) { |
return a.call(null, 1, b) |
}, c = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.map.call(null, function(a) { |
return a |
}, b, cljs.core.drop.call(null, a, b)) |
}, a = function(a, e) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, e) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.take_last = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = cljs.core.seq.call(null, b), d = cljs.core.seq.call(null, cljs.core.drop.call(null, a, b));;) { |
if(d) { |
c = cljs.core.next.call(null, c), d = cljs.core.next.call(null, d) |
}else { |
return c |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.drop_while = function(a, b) { |
var c = function(a, b) { |
for(;;) { |
var c = cljs.core.seq.call(null, b); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(function() { |
var b = c; |
return b ? a.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, c)) : b |
}())) { |
var g = a, h = cljs.core.rest.call(null, c), a = g, b = h |
}else { |
return c |
} |
} |
}; |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
return c.call(null, a, b) |
}, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.cycle = function cycle(b) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
var c = cljs.core.seq.call(null, b); |
return c ? cljs.core.concat.call(null, c, cycle.call(null, c)) : null |
}, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.split_at = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([cljs.core.take.call(null, a, b), cljs.core.drop.call(null, a, b)], !0) |
}; |
cljs.core.repeat = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, b, a.call(null, b)) |
}, null) |
}, c = function(b, c) { |
return cljs.core.take.call(null, b, a.call(null, c)) |
}, a = function(a, e) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, e) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.replicate = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.take.call(null, a, cljs.core.repeat.call(null, b)) |
}; |
cljs.core.repeatedly = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, b.call(null), a.call(null, b)) |
}, null) |
}, c = function(b, c) { |
return cljs.core.take.call(null, b, a.call(null, c)) |
}, a = function(a, e) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, e) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.iterate = function iterate(b, c) { |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, c, new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
return iterate.call(null, b, b.call(null, c)) |
}, null)) |
}; |
cljs.core.interleave = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b, c) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
var d = cljs.core.seq.call(null, b), h = cljs.core.seq.call(null, c); |
return(d ? h : d) ? cljs.core.cons.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, d), cljs.core.cons.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, h), a.call(null, cljs.core.rest.call(null, d), cljs.core.rest.call(null, h)))) : null |
}, null) |
}, c = function(b, c, d) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
var h = cljs.core.map.call(null, cljs.core.seq, cljs.core.conj.call(null, d, c, b)); |
return cljs.core.every_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.identity, h) ? cljs.core.concat.call(null, cljs.core.map.call(null, cljs.core.first, h), cljs.core.apply.call(null, a, cljs.core.map.call(null, cljs.core.rest, h))) : null |
}, null) |
}, d = function(a, b, d) { |
var h = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (h = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return c.call(this, a, b, h) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(a)); |
return c(b, d, a) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c; |
a = function(a, c, g) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, c); |
default: |
return d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, c, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 2)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = d.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.interpose = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.drop.call(null, 1, cljs.core.interleave.call(null, cljs.core.repeat.call(null, a), b)) |
}; |
cljs.core.flatten1 = function(a) { |
return function c(a, e) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
var f = cljs.core.seq.call(null, a); |
return f ? cljs.core.cons.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, f), c.call(null, cljs.core.rest.call(null, f), e)) : cljs.core.seq.call(null, e) ? c.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, e), cljs.core.rest.call(null, e)) : null |
}, null) |
}.call(null, null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.mapcat = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.flatten1.call(null, cljs.core.map.call(null, a, b)) |
}, c = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.flatten1.call(null, cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.map, a, b, c)) |
}, d = function(a, b, d) { |
var h = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (h = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return c.call(this, a, b, h) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(a)); |
return c(b, d, a) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c; |
a = function(a, c, g) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, c); |
default: |
return d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, c, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 2)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = d.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.filter = function filter(b, c) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
var d = cljs.core.seq.call(null, c); |
if(d) { |
if(cljs.core.chunked_seq_QMARK_.call(null, d)) { |
for(var e = cljs.core.chunk_first.call(null, d), f = cljs.core.count.call(null, e), g = cljs.core.chunk_buffer.call(null, f), h = 0;;) { |
if(h < f) { |
cljs.core.truth_(b.call(null, cljs.core._nth.call(null, e, h))) && cljs.core.chunk_append.call(null, g, cljs.core._nth.call(null, e, h)), h += 1 |
}else { |
break |
} |
} |
return cljs.core.chunk_cons.call(null, cljs.core.chunk.call(null, g), filter.call(null, b, cljs.core.chunk_rest.call(null, d))) |
} |
e = cljs.core.first.call(null, d); |
d = cljs.core.rest.call(null, d); |
return cljs.core.truth_(b.call(null, e)) ? cljs.core.cons.call(null, e, filter.call(null, b, d)) : filter.call(null, b, d) |
} |
return null |
}, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.remove = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.filter.call(null, cljs.core.complement.call(null, a), b) |
}; |
cljs.core.tree_seq = function(a, b, c) { |
return function e(c) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, c, cljs.core.truth_(a.call(null, c)) ? cljs.core.mapcat.call(null, e, b.call(null, c)) : null) |
}, null) |
}.call(null, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.flatten = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.filter.call(null, function(a) { |
return!cljs.core.sequential_QMARK_.call(null, a) |
}, cljs.core.rest.call(null, cljs.core.tree_seq.call(null, cljs.core.sequential_QMARK_, cljs.core.seq, a))) |
}; |
cljs.core.into = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
a ? (c = (c = a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ & 4) ? c : a.cljs$core$IEditableCollection$, c = c ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IEditableCollection, a)) : c = cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IEditableCollection, a); |
return c ? cljs.core.persistent_BANG_.call(null, cljs.core.reduce.call(null, cljs.core._conj_BANG_, cljs.core.transient$.call(null, a), b)) : cljs.core.reduce.call(null, cljs.core._conj, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.mapv = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.persistent_BANG_.call(null, cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(b, c) { |
return cljs.core.conj_BANG_.call(null, b, a.call(null, c)) |
}, cljs.core.transient$.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY), b)) |
}, c = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.into.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY, cljs.core.map.call(null, a, b, c)) |
}, d = function(a, b, c, d) { |
return cljs.core.into.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY, cljs.core.map.call(null, a, b, c, d)) |
}, e = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
return cljs.core.into.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY, cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.map, a, b, c, d, e)) |
}, f = function(a, b, c, d, f) { |
var m = null; |
goog.isDef(f) && (m = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 4), 0)); |
return e.call(this, a, b, c, d, m) |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 4; |
f.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), f = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a)))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a)))); |
return e(b, c, d, f, a) |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = e; |
a = function(a, e, i, j, l) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, e); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, e, i); |
case 4: |
return d.call(this, a, e, i, j); |
default: |
return f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, e, i, j, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 4)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 4; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = f.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$4 = d; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.filterv = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.persistent_BANG_.call(null, cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(b, d) { |
return cljs.core.truth_(a.call(null, d)) ? cljs.core.conj_BANG_.call(null, b, d) : b |
}, cljs.core.transient$.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY), b)) |
}; |
cljs.core.partition = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b, c) { |
return a.call(null, b, b, c) |
}, c = function(b, c, d) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
var h = cljs.core.seq.call(null, d); |
if(h) { |
var i = cljs.core.take.call(null, b, h); |
return b === cljs.core.count.call(null, i) ? cljs.core.cons.call(null, i, a.call(null, b, c, cljs.core.drop.call(null, c, h))) : null |
} |
return null |
}, null) |
}, d = function(b, c, d, h) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
var i = cljs.core.seq.call(null, h); |
if(i) { |
var j = cljs.core.take.call(null, b, i); |
return b === cljs.core.count.call(null, j) ? cljs.core.cons.call(null, j, a.call(null, b, c, d, cljs.core.drop.call(null, c, i))) : cljs.core.list.call(null, cljs.core.take.call(null, b, cljs.core.concat.call(null, j, d))) |
} |
return null |
}, null) |
}, a = function(a, f, g, h) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, f); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, f, g); |
case 4: |
return d.call(this, a, f, g, h) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$4 = d; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.get_in = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, cljs.core.get, a, b) |
}, c = function(a, b, c) { |
for(var g = cljs.core.lookup_sentinel, b = cljs.core.seq.call(null, b);;) { |
if(b) { |
a = cljs.core._lookup.call(null, a, cljs.core.first.call(null, b), g); |
if(g === a) { |
return c |
} |
b = cljs.core.next.call(null, b) |
}else { |
return a |
} |
} |
}, a = function(a, e, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, e); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, e, f) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.assoc_in = function assoc_in(b, c, d) { |
var e = cljs.core.nth.call(null, c, 0, null), c = cljs.core.nthnext.call(null, c, 1); |
return cljs.core.truth_(c) ? cljs.core.assoc.call(null, b, e, assoc_in.call(null, cljs.core._lookup.call(null, b, e, null), c, d)) : cljs.core.assoc.call(null, b, e, d) |
}; |
cljs.core.update_in = function() { |
var a = function(a, d, e, f) { |
var g = cljs.core.nth.call(null, d, 0, null), d = cljs.core.nthnext.call(null, d, 1); |
return cljs.core.truth_(d) ? cljs.core.assoc.call(null, a, g, cljs.core.apply.call(null, b, cljs.core._lookup.call(null, a, g, null), d, e, f)) : cljs.core.assoc.call(null, a, g, cljs.core.apply.call(null, e, cljs.core._lookup.call(null, a, g, null), f)) |
}, b = function(b, d, e, f) { |
var g = null; |
goog.isDef(f) && (g = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3), 0)); |
return a.call(this, b, d, e, g) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
var d = cljs.core.first(b), e = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(b)), f = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(b))), b = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(b))); |
return a(d, e, f, b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
cljs.core.Vector = function(a, b, c) { |
this.meta = a; |
this.array = b; |
this.__hash = c; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 0; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 32400159 |
}; |
cljs.core.Vector.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.Vector.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/Vector") |
}; |
cljs.core.Vector.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/Vector") |
}; |
cljs.core.Vector.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
var b = this.__hash; |
return null != b ? b : this.__hash = a = cljs.core.hash_coll.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.Vector.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$3(a, b, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.Vector.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return a.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$3(a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.Vector.prototype.cljs$core$IAssociative$_assoc$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
a = this.array.slice(); |
a[b] = c; |
return new cljs.core.Vector(this.meta, a, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.Vector.prototype.call = function() { |
var a = null; |
return a = function(a, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return this.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2(this, c); |
case 3: |
return this.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3(this, c, d) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
cljs.core.Vector.prototype.apply = function(a, b) { |
a = this; |
return a.call.apply(a, [a].concat(b.slice())) |
}; |
cljs.core.Vector.prototype.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
var c = this.array.slice(); |
c.push(b); |
return new cljs.core.Vector(this.meta, c, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.Vector.prototype.toString = function() { |
return cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, this) |
}; |
cljs.core.Vector.prototype.cljs$core$IReduce$_reduce$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.ci_reduce.call(null, this.array, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.Vector.prototype.cljs$core$IReduce$_reduce$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.ci_reduce.call(null, this.array, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.Vector.prototype.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1 = function() { |
var a = this; |
return 0 < a.array.length ? function c(d) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
return d < a.array.length ? cljs.core.cons.call(null, a.array[d], c.call(null, d + 1)) : null |
}, null) |
}.call(null, 0) : null |
}; |
cljs.core.Vector.prototype.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.array.length |
}; |
cljs.core.Vector.prototype.cljs$core$IStack$_peek$arity$1 = function() { |
var a = this.array.length; |
return 0 < a ? this.array[a - 1] : null |
}; |
cljs.core.Vector.prototype.cljs$core$IStack$_pop$arity$1 = function() { |
if(0 < this.array.length) { |
var a = this.array.slice(); |
a.pop(); |
return new cljs.core.Vector(this.meta, a, null) |
} |
throw Error("Can't pop empty vector"); |
}; |
cljs.core.Vector.prototype.cljs$core$IVector$_assoc_n$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return a.cljs$core$IAssociative$_assoc$arity$3(a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.Vector.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.equiv_sequential.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.Vector.prototype.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.Vector(b, this.array, this.__hash) |
}; |
cljs.core.Vector.prototype.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.meta |
}; |
cljs.core.Vector.prototype.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = (c = 0 <= b) ? b < this.array.length : c; |
return c ? this.array[b] : null |
}; |
cljs.core.Vector.prototype.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
a = (a = 0 <= b) ? b < this.array.length : a; |
return a ? this.array[b] : c |
}; |
cljs.core.Vector.prototype.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.with_meta.call(null, cljs.core.Vector.EMPTY, this.meta) |
}; |
cljs.core.Vector.EMPTY = new cljs.core.Vector(null, [], 0); |
cljs.core.Vector.fromArray = function(a) { |
return new cljs.core.Vector(null, a, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.VectorNode = function(a, b) { |
this.edit = a; |
this.arr = b |
}; |
cljs.core.VectorNode.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.VectorNode.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/VectorNode") |
}; |
cljs.core.VectorNode.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/VectorNode") |
}; |
cljs.core.pv_fresh_node = function(a) { |
return new cljs.core.VectorNode(a, cljs.core.make_array.call(null, 32)) |
}; |
cljs.core.pv_aget = function(a, b) { |
return a.arr[b] |
}; |
cljs.core.pv_aset = function(a, b, c) { |
return a.arr[b] = c |
}; |
cljs.core.pv_clone_node = function(a) { |
return new cljs.core.VectorNode(a.edit, a.arr.slice()) |
}; |
cljs.core.tail_off = function(a) { |
a = a.cnt; |
return 32 > a ? 0 : a - 1 >>> 5 << 5 |
}; |
cljs.core.new_path = function(a, b, c) { |
for(;;) { |
if(0 === b) { |
return c |
} |
var d = cljs.core.pv_fresh_node.call(null, a); |
cljs.core.pv_aset.call(null, d, 0, c); |
c = d; |
b -= 5 |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.push_tail = function push_tail(b, c, d, e) { |
var f = cljs.core.pv_clone_node.call(null, d), g = b.cnt - 1 >>> c & 31; |
5 === c ? cljs.core.pv_aset.call(null, f, g, e) : (d = cljs.core.pv_aget.call(null, d, g), b = null != d ? push_tail.call(null, b, c - 5, d, e) : cljs.core.new_path.call(null, null, c - 5, e), cljs.core.pv_aset.call(null, f, g, b)); |
return f |
}; |
cljs.core.array_for = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = (c = 0 <= b) ? b < a.cnt : c; |
if(c) { |
if(b >= cljs.core.tail_off.call(null, a)) { |
return a.tail |
} |
c = a.root; |
for(var d = a.shift;;) { |
if(0 < d) { |
c = cljs.core.pv_aget.call(null, c, b >>> d & 31), d -= 5 |
}else { |
return c.arr |
} |
} |
}else { |
throw Error([cljs.core.str("No item "), cljs.core.str(b), cljs.core.str(" in vector of length "), cljs.core.str(a.cnt)].join("")); |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.do_assoc = function do_assoc(b, c, d, e, f) { |
var g = cljs.core.pv_clone_node.call(null, d); |
if(0 === c) { |
cljs.core.pv_aset.call(null, g, e & 31, f) |
}else { |
var h = e >>> c & 31; |
cljs.core.pv_aset.call(null, g, h, do_assoc.call(null, b, c - 5, cljs.core.pv_aget.call(null, d, h), e, f)) |
} |
return g |
}; |
cljs.core.pop_tail = function pop_tail(b, c, d) { |
var e = b.cnt - 2 >>> c & 31; |
if(5 < c) { |
b = pop_tail.call(null, b, c - 5, cljs.core.pv_aget.call(null, d, e)); |
c = null == b; |
if(c ? 0 === e : c) { |
return null |
} |
d = cljs.core.pv_clone_node.call(null, d); |
cljs.core.pv_aset.call(null, d, e, b); |
return d |
} |
if(0 === e) { |
return null |
} |
d = cljs.core.pv_clone_node.call(null, d); |
cljs.core.pv_aset.call(null, d, e, null); |
return d |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { |
this.meta = a; |
this.cnt = b; |
this.shift = c; |
this.root = d; |
this.tail = e; |
this.__hash = f; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 4; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 167668511 |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/PersistentVector") |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/PersistentVector") |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$IEditableCollection$_as_transient$arity$1 = function() { |
return new cljs.core.TransientVector(this.cnt, this.shift, cljs.core.tv_editable_root.call(null, this.root), cljs.core.tv_editable_tail.call(null, this.tail)) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
var b = this.__hash; |
return null != b ? b : this.__hash = a = cljs.core.hash_coll.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$3(a, b, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return a.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$3(a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$IAssociative$_assoc$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
var d; |
d = (d = 0 <= b) ? b < this.cnt : d; |
if(d) { |
return cljs.core.tail_off.call(null, a) <= b ? (a = this.tail.slice(), a[b & 31] = c, new cljs.core.PersistentVector(this.meta, this.cnt, this.shift, this.root, a, null)) : new cljs.core.PersistentVector(this.meta, this.cnt, this.shift, cljs.core.do_assoc.call(null, a, this.shift, this.root, b, c), this.tail, null) |
} |
if(b === this.cnt) { |
return a.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2(a, c) |
} |
throw Error([cljs.core.str("Index "), cljs.core.str(b), cljs.core.str(" out of bounds [0,"), cljs.core.str(this.cnt), cljs.core.str("]")].join("")); |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.call = function() { |
var a = null; |
return a = function(a, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return this.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2(this, c); |
case 3: |
return this.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3(this, c, d) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.apply = function(a, b) { |
a = this; |
return a.call.apply(a, [a].concat(b.slice())) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$IKVReduce$_kv_reduce$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
for(var c = [0, c], d = 0;;) { |
if(d < this.cnt) { |
var e = cljs.core.array_for.call(null, a, d), f = e.length; |
a: { |
for(var g = 0, h = c[1];;) { |
if(g < f) { |
if(h = b.call(null, h, g + d, e[g]), cljs.core.reduced_QMARK_.call(null, h)) { |
e = h; |
break a |
}else { |
g += 1 |
} |
}else { |
c[0] = f; |
e = c[1] = h; |
break a |
} |
} |
e = void 0 |
} |
if(cljs.core.reduced_QMARK_.call(null, e)) { |
return cljs.core.deref.call(null, e) |
} |
d += c[0] |
}else { |
return c[1] |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
if(32 > this.cnt - cljs.core.tail_off.call(null, a)) { |
var c = this.tail.slice(); |
c.push(b); |
return new cljs.core.PersistentVector(this.meta, this.cnt + 1, this.shift, this.root, c, null) |
} |
var d = this.cnt >>> 5 > 1 << this.shift, c = d ? this.shift + 5 : this.shift; |
d ? (d = cljs.core.pv_fresh_node.call(null, null), cljs.core.pv_aset.call(null, d, 0, this.root), cljs.core.pv_aset.call(null, d, 1, cljs.core.new_path.call(null, null, this.shift, new cljs.core.VectorNode(null, this.tail)))) : d = cljs.core.push_tail.call(null, a, this.shift, this.root, new cljs.core.VectorNode(null, this.tail)); |
return new cljs.core.PersistentVector(this.meta, this.cnt + 1, c, d, [b], null) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$IReversible$_rseq$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return 0 < this.cnt ? new cljs.core.RSeq(a, this.cnt - 1, null) : cljs.core.List.EMPTY |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$IMapEntry$_key$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return a.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$2(a, 0) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$IMapEntry$_val$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return a.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$2(a, 1) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.toString = function() { |
return cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, this) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$IReduce$_reduce$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.ci_reduce.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$IReduce$_reduce$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.ci_reduce.call(null, a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return 0 === this.cnt ? null : cljs.core.chunked_seq.call(null, a, 0, 0) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.cnt |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$IStack$_peek$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return 0 < this.cnt ? a.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$2(a, this.cnt - 1) : null |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$IStack$_pop$arity$1 = function(a) { |
if(0 === this.cnt) { |
throw Error("Can't pop empty vector"); |
} |
if(1 === this.cnt) { |
return cljs.core._with_meta.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY, this.meta) |
} |
if(1 < this.cnt - cljs.core.tail_off.call(null, a)) { |
return new cljs.core.PersistentVector(this.meta, this.cnt - 1, this.shift, this.root, this.tail.slice(0, -1), null) |
} |
var b = cljs.core.array_for.call(null, a, this.cnt - 2), a = cljs.core.pop_tail.call(null, a, this.shift, this.root), a = null == a ? cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE : a, c = this.cnt - 1, d; |
d = (d = 5 < this.shift) ? null == cljs.core.pv_aget.call(null, a, 1) : d; |
return d ? new cljs.core.PersistentVector(this.meta, c, this.shift - 5, cljs.core.pv_aget.call(null, a, 0), b, null) : new cljs.core.PersistentVector(this.meta, c, this.shift, a, b, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$IVector$_assoc_n$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return a.cljs$core$IAssociative$_assoc$arity$3(a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.equiv_sequential.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.PersistentVector(b, this.cnt, this.shift, this.root, this.tail, this.__hash) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.meta |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.array_for.call(null, a, b)[b & 31] |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
var d; |
d = (d = 0 <= b) ? b < this.cnt : d; |
return d ? a.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$2(a, b) : c |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.with_meta.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY, this.meta) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE = cljs.core.pv_fresh_node.call(null, null); |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY = new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 0, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, [], 0); |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray = function(a, b) { |
var c = a.length, d = !0 === b ? a : a.slice(); |
if(32 > c) { |
return new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, c, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, d, null) |
} |
for(var e = d.slice(0, 32), f = new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 32, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, e, null), e = 32, g = cljs.core._as_transient.call(null, f);;) { |
if(e < c) { |
f = e + 1, g = cljs.core.conj_BANG_.call(null, g, d[e]), e = f |
}else { |
return cljs.core.persistent_BANG_.call(null, g) |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.vec = function(a) { |
return cljs.core._persistent_BANG_.call(null, cljs.core.reduce.call(null, cljs.core._conj_BANG_, cljs.core._as_transient.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY), a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.vector = function() { |
var a = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.vec.call(null, a) |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
cljs.core.ChunkedSeq = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { |
this.vec = a; |
this.node = b; |
this.i = c; |
this.off = d; |
this.meta = e; |
this.__hash = f; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 31719660; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 1536 |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedSeq.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.ChunkedSeq.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/ChunkedSeq") |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedSeq.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/ChunkedSeq") |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
var b = this.__hash; |
return null != b ? b : this.__hash = a = cljs.core.hash_coll.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$INext$_next$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return this.off + 1 < this.node.length ? (a = cljs.core.chunked_seq.call(null, this.vec, this.node, this.i, this.off + 1), null == a ? null : a) : a.cljs$core$IChunkedNext$_chunked_next$arity$1(a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return a |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_first$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.node[this.off] |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_rest$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return this.off + 1 < this.node.length ? (a = cljs.core.chunked_seq.call(null, this.vec, this.node, this.i, this.off + 1), null == a ? cljs.core.List.EMPTY : a) : a.cljs$core$IChunkedSeq$_chunked_rest$arity$1(a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IChunkedNext$_chunked_next$arity$1 = function() { |
var a = this.node.length, a = this.i + a < cljs.core._count.call(null, this.vec) ? cljs.core.chunked_seq.call(null, this.vec, this.i + a, 0) : null; |
return null == a ? null : a |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.equiv_sequential.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.chunked_seq.call(null, this.vec, this.node, this.i, this.off, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_meta$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.meta |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.with_meta.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY, this.meta) |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IChunkedSeq$_chunked_first$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.array_chunk.call(null, this.node, this.off) |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IChunkedSeq$_chunked_rest$arity$1 = function() { |
var a = this.node.length, a = this.i + a < cljs.core._count.call(null, this.vec) ? cljs.core.chunked_seq.call(null, this.vec, this.i + a, 0) : null; |
return null == a ? cljs.core.List.EMPTY : a |
}; |
cljs.core.chunked_seq = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b, c, d) { |
return a.call(null, b, cljs.core.array_for.call(null, b, c), c, d, null) |
}, c = function(b, c, d, h) { |
return a.call(null, b, c, d, h, null) |
}, d = function(a, b, c, d, i) { |
return new cljs.core.ChunkedSeq(a, b, c, d, i, null) |
}, a = function(a, f, g, h, i) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 3: |
return b.call(this, a, f, g); |
case 4: |
return c.call(this, a, f, g, h); |
case 5: |
return d.call(this, a, f, g, h, i) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$4 = c; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$5 = d; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.Subvec = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
this.meta = a; |
this.v = b; |
this.start = c; |
this.end = d; |
this.__hash = e; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 0; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 32400159 |
}; |
cljs.core.Subvec.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.Subvec.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/Subvec") |
}; |
cljs.core.Subvec.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/Subvec") |
}; |
cljs.core.Subvec.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
var b = this.__hash; |
return null != b ? b : this.__hash = a = cljs.core.hash_coll.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.Subvec.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$3(a, b, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.Subvec.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return a.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$3(a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.Subvec.prototype.cljs$core$IAssociative$_assoc$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
a = this.start + b; |
return cljs.core.build_subvec.call(null, this.meta, cljs.core._assoc.call(null, this.v, a, c), this.start, this.end > a + 1 ? this.end : a + 1, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.Subvec.prototype.call = function() { |
var a = null; |
return a = function(a, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return this.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2(this, c); |
case 3: |
return this.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3(this, c, d) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
cljs.core.Subvec.prototype.apply = function(a, b) { |
a = this; |
return a.call.apply(a, [a].concat(b.slice())) |
}; |
cljs.core.Subvec.prototype.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.build_subvec.call(null, this.meta, cljs.core._assoc_n.call(null, this.v, this.end, b), this.start, this.end + 1, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.Subvec.prototype.toString = function() { |
return cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, this) |
}; |
cljs.core.Subvec.prototype.cljs$core$IReduce$_reduce$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.ci_reduce.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.Subvec.prototype.cljs$core$IReduce$_reduce$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.ci_reduce.call(null, a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.Subvec.prototype.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1 = function() { |
var a = this; |
return function c(d) { |
return d === a.end ? null : cljs.core.cons.call(null, cljs.core._nth.call(null, a.v, d), new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
return c.call(null, d + 1) |
}, null)) |
}.call(null, a.start) |
}; |
cljs.core.Subvec.prototype.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.end - this.start |
}; |
cljs.core.Subvec.prototype.cljs$core$IStack$_peek$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core._nth.call(null, this.v, this.end - 1) |
}; |
cljs.core.Subvec.prototype.cljs$core$IStack$_pop$arity$1 = function() { |
if(this.start === this.end) { |
throw Error("Can't pop empty vector"); |
} |
return cljs.core.build_subvec.call(null, this.meta, this.v, this.start, this.end - 1, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.Subvec.prototype.cljs$core$IVector$_assoc_n$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return a.cljs$core$IAssociative$_assoc$arity$3(a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.Subvec.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.equiv_sequential.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.Subvec.prototype.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.build_subvec.call(null, b, this.v, this.start, this.end, this.__hash) |
}; |
cljs.core.Subvec.prototype.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.meta |
}; |
cljs.core.Subvec.prototype.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._nth.call(null, this.v, this.start + b) |
}; |
cljs.core.Subvec.prototype.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core._nth.call(null, this.v, this.start + b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.Subvec.prototype.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.with_meta.call(null, cljs.core.Vector.EMPTY, this.meta) |
}; |
cljs.core.build_subvec = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
var f = cljs.core.count.call(null, b); |
if(function() { |
var a = 0 > c; |
return a || (a = 0 > d) ? a : (a = c > f) ? a : d > f |
}()) { |
throw Error("Index out of bounds"); |
} |
return new cljs.core.Subvec(a, b, c, d, e) |
}; |
cljs.core.subvec = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b, c) { |
return a.call(null, b, c, cljs.core.count.call(null, b)) |
}, c = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.build_subvec.call(null, null, a, b, c, null) |
}, a = function(a, e, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, e); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, e, f) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.tv_ensure_editable = function(a, b) { |
return a === b.edit ? b : new cljs.core.VectorNode(a, b.arr.slice()) |
}; |
cljs.core.tv_editable_root = function(a) { |
return new cljs.core.VectorNode({}, a.arr.slice()) |
}; |
cljs.core.tv_editable_tail = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.make_array.call(null, 32); |
cljs.core.array_copy.call(null, a, 0, b, 0, a.length); |
return b |
}; |
cljs.core.tv_push_tail = function tv_push_tail(b, c, d, e) { |
var f = cljs.core.tv_ensure_editable.call(null, b.root.edit, d), g = b.cnt - 1 >>> c & 31; |
cljs.core.pv_aset.call(null, f, g, 5 === c ? e : function() { |
var d = cljs.core.pv_aget.call(null, f, g); |
return null != d ? tv_push_tail.call(null, b, c - 5, d, e) : cljs.core.new_path.call(null, b.root.edit, c - 5, e) |
}()); |
return f |
}; |
cljs.core.tv_pop_tail = function tv_pop_tail(b, c, d) { |
var d = cljs.core.tv_ensure_editable.call(null, b.root.edit, d), e = b.cnt - 2 >>> c & 31; |
if(5 < c) { |
b = tv_pop_tail.call(null, b, c - 5, cljs.core.pv_aget.call(null, d, e)); |
c = null == b; |
if(c ? 0 === e : c) { |
return null |
} |
cljs.core.pv_aset.call(null, d, e, b); |
return d |
} |
if(0 === e) { |
return null |
} |
cljs.core.pv_aset.call(null, d, e, null); |
return d |
}; |
cljs.core.editable_array_for = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = (c = 0 <= b) ? b < a.cnt : c; |
if(c) { |
if(b >= cljs.core.tail_off.call(null, a)) { |
return a.tail |
} |
for(var d = c = a.root, e = a.shift;;) { |
if(0 < e) { |
d = cljs.core.tv_ensure_editable.call(null, c.edit, cljs.core.pv_aget.call(null, d, b >>> e & 31)), e -= 5 |
}else { |
return d.arr |
} |
} |
}else { |
throw Error([cljs.core.str("No item "), cljs.core.str(b), cljs.core.str(" in transient vector of length "), cljs.core.str(a.cnt)].join("")); |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientVector = function(a, b, c, d) { |
this.cnt = a; |
this.shift = b; |
this.root = c; |
this.tail = d; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 275; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 88 |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientVector.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.TransientVector.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/TransientVector") |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientVector.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/TransientVector") |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientVector.prototype.call = function() { |
var a = null; |
return a = function(a, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return this.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2(this, c); |
case 3: |
return this.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3(this, c, d) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
cljs.core.TransientVector.prototype.apply = function(a, b) { |
a = this; |
return a.call.apply(a, [a].concat(b.slice())) |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientVector.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$3(a, b, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientVector.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return a.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$3(a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientVector.prototype.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
if(this.root.edit) { |
return cljs.core.array_for.call(null, a, b)[b & 31] |
} |
throw Error("nth after persistent!"); |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientVector.prototype.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
var d; |
d = (d = 0 <= b) ? b < this.cnt : d; |
return d ? a.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$2(a, b) : c |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientVector.prototype.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1 = function() { |
if(this.root.edit) { |
return this.cnt |
} |
throw Error("count after persistent!"); |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientVector.prototype.cljs$core$ITransientVector$_assoc_n_BANG_$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
var d = this; |
if(d.root.edit) { |
var e; |
e = (e = 0 <= b) ? b < d.cnt : e; |
if(e) { |
return cljs.core.tail_off.call(null, a) <= b ? d.tail[b & 31] = c : (e = function g(a, e) { |
var j = cljs.core.tv_ensure_editable.call(null, d.root.edit, e); |
if(0 === a) { |
cljs.core.pv_aset.call(null, j, b & 31, c) |
}else { |
var l = b >>> a & 31; |
cljs.core.pv_aset.call(null, j, l, g.call(null, a - 5, cljs.core.pv_aget.call(null, j, l))) |
} |
return j |
}.call(null, d.shift, d.root), d.root = e), a |
} |
if(b === d.cnt) { |
return a.cljs$core$ITransientCollection$_conj_BANG_$arity$2(a, c) |
} |
throw Error([cljs.core.str("Index "), cljs.core.str(b), cljs.core.str(" out of bounds for TransientVector of length"), cljs.core.str(d.cnt)].join("")); |
} |
throw Error("assoc! after persistent!"); |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientVector.prototype.cljs$core$ITransientVector$_pop_BANG_$arity$1 = function(a) { |
if(this.root.edit) { |
if(0 === this.cnt) { |
throw Error("Can't pop empty vector"); |
} |
if(1 === this.cnt) { |
this.cnt = 0 |
}else { |
if(0 < (this.cnt - 1 & 31)) { |
this.cnt -= 1 |
}else { |
var b = cljs.core.editable_array_for.call(null, a, this.cnt - 2), c; |
c = cljs.core.tv_pop_tail.call(null, a, this.shift, this.root); |
c = null != c ? c : new cljs.core.VectorNode(this.root.edit, cljs.core.make_array.call(null, 32)); |
var d; |
d = (d = 5 < this.shift) ? null == cljs.core.pv_aget.call(null, c, 1) : d; |
d ? (this.root = cljs.core.tv_ensure_editable.call(null, this.root.edit, cljs.core.pv_aget.call(null, c, 0)), this.shift -= 5) : this.root = c; |
this.cnt -= 1; |
this.tail = b |
} |
} |
return a |
} |
throw Error("pop! after persistent!"); |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientVector.prototype.cljs$core$ITransientAssociative$_assoc_BANG_$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return a.cljs$core$ITransientVector$_assoc_n_BANG_$arity$3(a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientVector.prototype.cljs$core$ITransientCollection$_conj_BANG_$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
if(this.root.edit) { |
if(32 > this.cnt - cljs.core.tail_off.call(null, a)) { |
this.tail[this.cnt & 31] = b |
}else { |
var c = new cljs.core.VectorNode(this.root.edit, this.tail), d = cljs.core.make_array.call(null, 32); |
d[0] = b; |
this.tail = d; |
if(this.cnt >>> 5 > 1 << this.shift) { |
var d = cljs.core.make_array.call(null, 32), e = this.shift + 5; |
d[0] = this.root; |
d[1] = cljs.core.new_path.call(null, this.root.edit, this.shift, c); |
this.root = new cljs.core.VectorNode(this.root.edit, d); |
this.shift = e |
}else { |
this.root = cljs.core.tv_push_tail.call(null, a, this.shift, this.root, c) |
} |
} |
this.cnt += 1; |
return a |
} |
throw Error("conj! after persistent!"); |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientVector.prototype.cljs$core$ITransientCollection$_persistent_BANG_$arity$1 = function(a) { |
if(this.root.edit) { |
this.root.edit = null; |
var a = this.cnt - cljs.core.tail_off.call(null, a), b = cljs.core.make_array.call(null, a); |
cljs.core.array_copy.call(null, this.tail, 0, b, 0, a); |
return new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, this.cnt, this.shift, this.root, b, null) |
} |
throw Error("persistent! called twice"); |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueueSeq = function(a, b, c, d) { |
this.meta = a; |
this.front = b; |
this.rear = c; |
this.__hash = d; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 0; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 31850572 |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueueSeq.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueueSeq.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/PersistentQueueSeq") |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueueSeq.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/PersistentQueueSeq") |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueueSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
var b = this.__hash; |
return null != b ? b : this.__hash = a = cljs.core.hash_coll.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueueSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueueSeq.prototype.toString = function() { |
return cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, this) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueueSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return a |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueueSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_first$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core._first.call(null, this.front) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueueSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_rest$arity$1 = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.next.call(null, this.front); |
return b ? new cljs.core.PersistentQueueSeq(this.meta, b, this.rear, null) : null == this.rear ? a.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1(a) : new cljs.core.PersistentQueueSeq(this.meta, this.rear, null, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueueSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.equiv_sequential.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueueSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.PersistentQueueSeq(b, this.front, this.rear, this.__hash) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueueSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.meta |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueueSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.with_meta.call(null, cljs.core.List.EMPTY, this.meta) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueue = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
this.meta = a; |
this.count = b; |
this.front = c; |
this.rear = d; |
this.__hash = e; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 0; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 31858766 |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueue.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueue.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/PersistentQueue") |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueue.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/PersistentQueue") |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueue.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
var b = this.__hash; |
return null != b ? b : this.__hash = a = cljs.core.hash_coll.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueue.prototype.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
var c = this; |
return cljs.core.truth_(c.front) ? new cljs.core.PersistentQueue(c.meta, c.count + 1, c.front, cljs.core.conj.call(null, function() { |
var a = c.rear; |
return cljs.core.truth_(a) ? a : cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY |
}(), b), null) : new cljs.core.PersistentQueue(c.meta, c.count + 1, cljs.core.conj.call(null, c.front, b), cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueue.prototype.toString = function() { |
return cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, this) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueue.prototype.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1 = function() { |
var a = this, b = cljs.core.seq.call(null, a.rear); |
return cljs.core.truth_(function() { |
var c = a.front; |
return cljs.core.truth_(c) ? c : b |
}()) ? new cljs.core.PersistentQueueSeq(null, a.front, cljs.core.seq.call(null, b), null) : null |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueue.prototype.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.count |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueue.prototype.cljs$core$IStack$_peek$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core._first.call(null, this.front) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueue.prototype.cljs$core$IStack$_pop$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.truth_(this.front) ? (a = cljs.core.next.call(null, this.front)) ? new cljs.core.PersistentQueue(this.meta, this.count - 1, a, this.rear, null) : new cljs.core.PersistentQueue(this.meta, this.count - 1, cljs.core.seq.call(null, this.rear), cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY, null) : a |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueue.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_first$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.first.call(null, this.front) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueue.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_rest$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.rest.call(null, cljs.core.seq.call(null, a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueue.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.equiv_sequential.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueue.prototype.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.PersistentQueue(b, this.count, this.front, this.rear, this.__hash) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueue.prototype.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.meta |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueue.prototype.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.PersistentQueue.EMPTY |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueue.EMPTY = new cljs.core.PersistentQueue(null, 0, null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY, 0); |
cljs.core.NeverEquiv = function() { |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 0; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 2097152 |
}; |
cljs.core.NeverEquiv.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.NeverEquiv.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/NeverEquiv") |
}; |
cljs.core.NeverEquiv.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/NeverEquiv") |
}; |
cljs.core.NeverEquiv.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function() { |
return!1 |
}; |
cljs.core.never_equiv = new cljs.core.NeverEquiv; |
cljs.core.equiv_map = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.boolean$.call(null, cljs.core.map_QMARK_.call(null, b) ? cljs.core.count.call(null, a) === cljs.core.count.call(null, b) ? cljs.core.every_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.identity, cljs.core.map.call(null, function(a) { |
return cljs.core._EQ_.call(null, cljs.core._lookup.call(null, b, cljs.core.first.call(null, a), cljs.core.never_equiv), cljs.core.second.call(null, a)) |
}, a)) : null : null) |
}; |
cljs.core.scan_array = function(a, b, c) { |
for(var d = c.length, e = 0;;) { |
if(e < d) { |
if(b === c[e]) { |
return e |
} |
e += a |
}else { |
return null |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.obj_map_compare_keys = function(a, b) { |
var c = cljs.core.hash.call(null, a), d = cljs.core.hash.call(null, b); |
return c < d ? -1 : c > d ? 1 : 0 |
}; |
cljs.core.obj_map__GT_hash_map = function(a, b, c) { |
for(var d = a.keys, e = d.length, f = a.strobj, g = cljs.core.with_meta.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.EMPTY, cljs.core.meta.call(null, a)), a = 0, g = cljs.core.transient$.call(null, g);;) { |
if(a < e) { |
var h = d[a], a = a + 1, g = cljs.core.assoc_BANG_.call(null, g, h, f[h]) |
}else { |
return cljs.core.persistent_BANG_.call(null, cljs.core.assoc_BANG_.call(null, g, b, c)) |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.obj_clone = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = {}, d = b.length, e = 0;;) { |
if(e < d) { |
var f = b[e]; |
c[f] = a[f]; |
e += 1 |
}else { |
break |
} |
} |
return c |
}; |
cljs.core.ObjMap = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
this.meta = a; |
this.keys = b; |
this.strobj = c; |
this.update_count = d; |
this.__hash = e; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 4; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 16123663 |
}; |
cljs.core.ObjMap.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.ObjMap.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/ObjMap") |
}; |
cljs.core.ObjMap.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/ObjMap") |
}; |
cljs.core.ObjMap.prototype.cljs$core$IEditableCollection$_as_transient$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.transient$.call(null, cljs.core.into.call(null, cljs.core.hash_map.call(null), a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.ObjMap.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
var b = this.__hash; |
return null != b ? b : this.__hash = a = cljs.core.hash_imap.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ObjMap.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3(a, b, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.ObjMap.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
a = (a = goog.isString(b)) ? null != cljs.core.scan_array.call(null, 1, b, this.keys) : a; |
return a ? this.strobj[b] : c |
}; |
cljs.core.ObjMap.prototype.cljs$core$IAssociative$_assoc$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
if(goog.isString(b)) { |
var d; |
d = (d = this.update_count > cljs.core.ObjMap.HASHMAP_THRESHOLD) ? d : this.keys.length >= cljs.core.ObjMap.HASHMAP_THRESHOLD; |
if(d) { |
return cljs.core.obj_map__GT_hash_map.call(null, a, b, c) |
} |
if(null != cljs.core.scan_array.call(null, 1, b, this.keys)) { |
return a = cljs.core.obj_clone.call(null, this.strobj, this.keys), a[b] = c, new cljs.core.ObjMap(this.meta, this.keys, a, this.update_count + 1, null) |
} |
a = cljs.core.obj_clone.call(null, this.strobj, this.keys); |
d = this.keys.slice(); |
a[b] = c; |
d.push(b); |
return new cljs.core.ObjMap(this.meta, d, a, this.update_count + 1, null) |
} |
return cljs.core.obj_map__GT_hash_map.call(null, a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.ObjMap.prototype.cljs$core$IAssociative$_contains_key_QMARK_$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = (c = goog.isString(b)) ? null != cljs.core.scan_array.call(null, 1, b, this.keys) : c; |
return c ? !0 : !1 |
}; |
cljs.core.ObjMap.prototype.call = function() { |
var a = null; |
return a = function(a, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return this.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2(this, c); |
case 3: |
return this.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3(this, c, d) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
cljs.core.ObjMap.prototype.apply = function(a, b) { |
a = this; |
return a.call.apply(a, [a].concat(b.slice())) |
}; |
cljs.core.ObjMap.prototype.cljs$core$IKVReduce$_kv_reduce$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
for(a = this.keys.sort(cljs.core.obj_map_compare_keys);;) { |
if(cljs.core.seq.call(null, a)) { |
var d = cljs.core.first.call(null, a), c = b.call(null, c, d, this.strobj[d]); |
if(cljs.core.reduced_QMARK_.call(null, c)) { |
return cljs.core.deref.call(null, c) |
} |
a = cljs.core.rest.call(null, a) |
}else { |
return c |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.ObjMap.prototype.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.vector_QMARK_.call(null, b) ? a.cljs$core$IAssociative$_assoc$arity$3(a, cljs.core._nth.call(null, b, 0), cljs.core._nth.call(null, b, 1)) : cljs.core.reduce.call(null, cljs.core._conj, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.ObjMap.prototype.toString = function() { |
return cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, this) |
}; |
cljs.core.ObjMap.prototype.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1 = function() { |
var a = this; |
return 0 < a.keys.length ? cljs.core.map.call(null, function(b) { |
return cljs.core.vector.call(null, b, a.strobj[b]) |
}, a.keys.sort(cljs.core.obj_map_compare_keys)) : null |
}; |
cljs.core.ObjMap.prototype.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.keys.length |
}; |
cljs.core.ObjMap.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.equiv_map.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.ObjMap.prototype.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.ObjMap(b, this.keys, this.strobj, this.update_count, this.__hash) |
}; |
cljs.core.ObjMap.prototype.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.meta |
}; |
cljs.core.ObjMap.prototype.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.with_meta.call(null, cljs.core.ObjMap.EMPTY, this.meta) |
}; |
cljs.core.ObjMap.prototype.cljs$core$IMap$_dissoc$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = (c = goog.isString(b)) ? null != cljs.core.scan_array.call(null, 1, b, this.keys) : c; |
if(c) { |
c = this.keys.slice(); |
var d = cljs.core.obj_clone.call(null, this.strobj, this.keys); |
c.splice(cljs.core.scan_array.call(null, 1, b, c), 1); |
cljs.core.js_delete.call(null, d, b); |
return new cljs.core.ObjMap(this.meta, c, d, this.update_count + 1, null) |
} |
return a |
}; |
cljs.core.ObjMap.EMPTY = new cljs.core.ObjMap(null, [], {}, 0, 0); |
cljs.core.ObjMap.HASHMAP_THRESHOLD = 32; |
cljs.core.ObjMap.fromObject = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.ObjMap(null, a, b, 0, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.HashMap = function(a, b, c, d) { |
this.meta = a; |
this.count = b; |
this.hashobj = c; |
this.__hash = d; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 0; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 15075087 |
}; |
cljs.core.HashMap.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.HashMap.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/HashMap") |
}; |
cljs.core.HashMap.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/HashMap") |
}; |
cljs.core.HashMap.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
var b = this.__hash; |
return null != b ? b : this.__hash = a = cljs.core.hash_imap.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.HashMap.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3(a, b, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.HashMap.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
a = this.hashobj[cljs.core.hash.call(null, b)]; |
b = cljs.core.truth_(a) ? cljs.core.scan_array.call(null, 2, b, a) : null; |
return cljs.core.truth_(b) ? a[b + 1] : c |
}; |
cljs.core.HashMap.prototype.cljs$core$IAssociative$_assoc$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
var a = cljs.core.hash.call(null, b), d = this.hashobj[a]; |
if(cljs.core.truth_(d)) { |
var d = d.slice(), e = goog.object.clone(this.hashobj); |
e[a] = d; |
a = cljs.core.scan_array.call(null, 2, b, d); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(a)) { |
return d[a + 1] = c, new cljs.core.HashMap(this.meta, this.count, e, null) |
} |
d.push(b, c); |
return new cljs.core.HashMap(this.meta, this.count + 1, e, null) |
} |
e = goog.object.clone(this.hashobj); |
e[a] = [b, c]; |
return new cljs.core.HashMap(this.meta, this.count + 1, e, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.HashMap.prototype.cljs$core$IAssociative$_contains_key_QMARK_$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
var c = this.hashobj[cljs.core.hash.call(null, b)], c = cljs.core.truth_(c) ? cljs.core.scan_array.call(null, 2, b, c) : null; |
return cljs.core.truth_(c) ? !0 : !1 |
}; |
cljs.core.HashMap.prototype.call = function() { |
var a = null; |
return a = function(a, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return this.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2(this, c); |
case 3: |
return this.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3(this, c, d) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
cljs.core.HashMap.prototype.apply = function(a, b) { |
a = this; |
return a.call.apply(a, [a].concat(b.slice())) |
}; |
cljs.core.HashMap.prototype.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.vector_QMARK_.call(null, b) ? a.cljs$core$IAssociative$_assoc$arity$3(a, cljs.core._nth.call(null, b, 0), cljs.core._nth.call(null, b, 1)) : cljs.core.reduce.call(null, cljs.core._conj, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.HashMap.prototype.toString = function() { |
return cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, this) |
}; |
cljs.core.HashMap.prototype.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1 = function() { |
var a = this; |
if(0 < a.count) { |
var b = cljs.core.js_keys.call(null, a.hashobj).sort(); |
return cljs.core.mapcat.call(null, function(b) { |
return cljs.core.map.call(null, cljs.core.vec, cljs.core.partition.call(null, 2, a.hashobj[b])) |
}, b) |
} |
return null |
}; |
cljs.core.HashMap.prototype.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.count |
}; |
cljs.core.HashMap.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.equiv_map.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.HashMap.prototype.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.HashMap(b, this.count, this.hashobj, this.__hash) |
}; |
cljs.core.HashMap.prototype.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.meta |
}; |
cljs.core.HashMap.prototype.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.with_meta.call(null, cljs.core.HashMap.EMPTY, this.meta) |
}; |
cljs.core.HashMap.prototype.cljs$core$IMap$_dissoc$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
var c = cljs.core.hash.call(null, b), d = this.hashobj[c], e = cljs.core.truth_(d) ? cljs.core.scan_array.call(null, 2, b, d) : null; |
if(cljs.core.not.call(null, e)) { |
return a |
} |
var f = goog.object.clone(this.hashobj); |
3 > d.length ? cljs.core.js_delete.call(null, f, c) : (d = d.slice(), d.splice(e, 2), f[c] = d); |
return new cljs.core.HashMap(this.meta, this.count - 1, f, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.HashMap.EMPTY = new cljs.core.HashMap(null, 0, {}, 0); |
cljs.core.HashMap.fromArrays = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = a.length, d = 0, e = cljs.core.HashMap.EMPTY;;) { |
if(d < c) { |
var f = d + 1, e = cljs.core.assoc.call(null, e, a[d], b[d]), d = f |
}else { |
return e |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.array_map_index_of = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = a.arr, d = c.length, e = 0;;) { |
if(d <= e) { |
return-1 |
} |
if(cljs.core._EQ_.call(null, c[e], b)) { |
return e |
} |
e += 2 |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap = function(a, b, c, d) { |
this.meta = a; |
this.cnt = b; |
this.arr = c; |
this.__hash = d; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 4; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 16123663 |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/PersistentArrayMap") |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/PersistentArrayMap") |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.prototype.cljs$core$IEditableCollection$_as_transient$arity$1 = function() { |
return new cljs.core.TransientArrayMap({}, this.arr.length, this.arr.slice()) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
var b = this.__hash; |
return null != b ? b : this.__hash = a = cljs.core.hash_imap.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3(a, b, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
a = cljs.core.array_map_index_of.call(null, a, b); |
return-1 === a ? c : this.arr[a + 1] |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.prototype.cljs$core$IAssociative$_assoc$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
var d = cljs.core.array_map_index_of.call(null, a, b); |
if(-1 === d) { |
if(this.cnt < cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.HASHMAP_THRESHOLD) { |
var d = cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap, a = this.meta, e = this.cnt + 1, f = this.arr.slice(); |
f.push(b); |
f.push(c); |
return new d(a, e, f, null) |
} |
return cljs.core.persistent_BANG_.call(null, cljs.core.assoc_BANG_.call(null, cljs.core.transient$.call(null, cljs.core.into.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.EMPTY, a)), b, c)) |
} |
if(c === this.arr[d + 1]) { |
return a |
} |
b = cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap; |
a = this.meta; |
e = this.cnt; |
f = this.arr.slice(); |
f[d + 1] = c; |
return new b(a, e, f, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.prototype.cljs$core$IAssociative$_contains_key_QMARK_$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return-1 !== cljs.core.array_map_index_of.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.prototype.call = function() { |
var a = null; |
return a = function(a, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return this.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2(this, c); |
case 3: |
return this.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3(this, c, d) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.prototype.apply = function(a, b) { |
a = this; |
return a.call.apply(a, [a].concat(b.slice())) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.prototype.cljs$core$IKVReduce$_kv_reduce$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
for(var a = this.arr.length, d = 0;;) { |
if(d < a) { |
c = b.call(null, c, this.arr[d], this.arr[d + 1]); |
if(cljs.core.reduced_QMARK_.call(null, c)) { |
return cljs.core.deref.call(null, c) |
} |
d += 2 |
}else { |
return c |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.prototype.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.vector_QMARK_.call(null, b) ? a.cljs$core$IAssociative$_assoc$arity$3(a, cljs.core._nth.call(null, b, 0), cljs.core._nth.call(null, b, 1)) : cljs.core.reduce.call(null, cljs.core._conj, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.prototype.toString = function() { |
return cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, this) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.prototype.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1 = function() { |
var a = this; |
if(0 < a.cnt) { |
var b = a.arr.length; |
return function d(e) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
return e < b ? cljs.core.cons.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([a.arr[e], a.arr[e + 1]], !0), d.call(null, e + 2)) : null |
}, null) |
}.call(null, 0) |
} |
return null |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.prototype.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.cnt |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.equiv_map.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.prototype.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap(b, this.cnt, this.arr, this.__hash) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.prototype.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.meta |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.prototype.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core._with_meta.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.EMPTY, this.meta) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.prototype.cljs$core$IMap$_dissoc$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
if(0 <= cljs.core.array_map_index_of.call(null, a, b)) { |
var c = this.arr.length, d = c - 2; |
if(0 === d) { |
return a.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1(a) |
} |
for(var d = cljs.core.make_array.call(null, d), e = 0, f = 0;;) { |
if(e >= c) { |
return new cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap(this.meta, this.cnt - 1, d, null) |
} |
cljs.core._EQ_.call(null, b, this.arr[e]) || (d[f] = this.arr[e], d[f + 1] = this.arr[e + 1], f += 2); |
e += 2 |
} |
}else { |
return a |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.EMPTY = new cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap(null, 0, [], null); |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.HASHMAP_THRESHOLD = 16; |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.fromArrays = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = cljs.core.count.call(null, a), d = 0, e = cljs.core.transient$.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.EMPTY);;) { |
if(d < c) { |
var f = d + 1, e = cljs.core.assoc_BANG_.call(null, e, a[d], b[d]), d = f |
}else { |
return cljs.core.persistent_BANG_.call(null, e) |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientArrayMap = function(a, b, c) { |
this.editable_QMARK_ = a; |
this.len = b; |
this.arr = c; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 56; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 258 |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientArrayMap.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.TransientArrayMap.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/TransientArrayMap") |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientArrayMap.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/TransientArrayMap") |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientArrayMap.prototype.cljs$core$ITransientMap$_dissoc_BANG_$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
if(cljs.core.truth_(this.editable_QMARK_)) { |
var c = cljs.core.array_map_index_of.call(null, a, b); |
0 <= c && (this.arr[c] = this.arr[this.len - 2], this.arr[c + 1] = this.arr[this.len - 1], c = this.arr, c.pop(), c.pop(), this.len -= 2); |
return a |
} |
throw Error("dissoc! after persistent!"); |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientArrayMap.prototype.cljs$core$ITransientAssociative$_assoc_BANG_$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
if(cljs.core.truth_(this.editable_QMARK_)) { |
var d = cljs.core.array_map_index_of.call(null, a, b); |
if(-1 === d) { |
return this.len + 2 <= 2 * cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.HASHMAP_THRESHOLD ? (this.len += 2, this.arr.push(b), this.arr.push(c), a) : cljs.core.assoc_BANG_.call(null, cljs.core.array__GT_transient_hash_map.call(null, this.len, this.arr), b, c) |
} |
c !== this.arr[d + 1] && (this.arr[d + 1] = c); |
return a |
} |
throw Error("assoc! after persistent!"); |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientArrayMap.prototype.cljs$core$ITransientCollection$_conj_BANG_$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
if(cljs.core.truth_(this.editable_QMARK_)) { |
var c; |
b ? (c = (c = b.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 2048) ? c : b.cljs$core$IMapEntry$, c = c ? !0 : b.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IMapEntry, b)) : c = cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IMapEntry, b); |
if(c) { |
return a.cljs$core$ITransientAssociative$_assoc_BANG_$arity$3(a, cljs.core.key.call(null, b), cljs.core.val.call(null, b)) |
} |
c = cljs.core.seq.call(null, b); |
for(var d = a;;) { |
var e = cljs.core.first.call(null, c); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(e)) { |
c = cljs.core.next.call(null, c), d = d.cljs$core$ITransientAssociative$_assoc_BANG_$arity$3(d, cljs.core.key.call(null, e), cljs.core.val.call(null, e)) |
}else { |
return d |
} |
} |
}else { |
throw Error("conj! after persistent!"); |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientArrayMap.prototype.cljs$core$ITransientCollection$_persistent_BANG_$arity$1 = function() { |
if(cljs.core.truth_(this.editable_QMARK_)) { |
return this.editable_QMARK_ = !1, new cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap(null, cljs.core.quot.call(null, this.len, 2), this.arr, null) |
} |
throw Error("persistent! called twice"); |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientArrayMap.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3(a, b, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientArrayMap.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
if(cljs.core.truth_(this.editable_QMARK_)) { |
return a = cljs.core.array_map_index_of.call(null, a, b), -1 === a ? c : this.arr[a + 1] |
} |
throw Error("lookup after persistent!"); |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientArrayMap.prototype.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1 = function() { |
if(cljs.core.truth_(this.editable_QMARK_)) { |
return cljs.core.quot.call(null, this.len, 2) |
} |
throw Error("count after persistent!"); |
}; |
cljs.core.array__GT_transient_hash_map = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = cljs.core.transient$.call(null, cljs.core.ObjMap.EMPTY), d = 0;;) { |
if(d < a) { |
c = cljs.core.assoc_BANG_.call(null, c, b[d], b[d + 1]), d += 2 |
}else { |
return c |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.Box = function(a) { |
this.val = a |
}; |
cljs.core.Box.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.Box.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/Box") |
}; |
cljs.core.Box.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/Box") |
}; |
cljs.core.key_test = function(a, b) { |
return goog.isString(a) ? a === b : cljs.core._EQ_.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.mask = function(a, b) { |
return a >>> b & 31 |
}; |
cljs.core.clone_and_set = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b, c) { |
a = a.slice(); |
a[b] = c; |
return a |
}, c = function(a, b, c, g, h) { |
a = a.slice(); |
a[b] = c; |
a[g] = h; |
return a |
}, a = function(a, e, f, g, h) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 3: |
return b.call(this, a, e, f); |
case 5: |
return c.call(this, a, e, f, g, h) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$5 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.remove_pair = function(a, b) { |
var c = cljs.core.make_array.call(null, a.length - 2); |
cljs.core.array_copy.call(null, a, 0, c, 0, 2 * b); |
cljs.core.array_copy.call(null, a, 2 * (b + 1), c, 2 * b, c.length - 2 * b); |
return c |
}; |
cljs.core.bitmap_indexed_node_index = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.bit_count.call(null, a & b - 1) |
}; |
cljs.core.bitpos = function(a, b) { |
return 1 << (a >>> b & 31) |
}; |
cljs.core.edit_and_set = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b, c, g) { |
a = a.ensure_editable(b); |
a.arr[c] = g; |
return a |
}, c = function(a, b, c, g, h, i) { |
a = a.ensure_editable(b); |
a.arr[c] = g; |
a.arr[h] = i; |
return a |
}, a = function(a, e, f, g, h, i) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 4: |
return b.call(this, a, e, f, g); |
case 6: |
return c.call(this, a, e, f, g, h, i) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$4 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$6 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.inode_kv_reduce = function(a, b, c) { |
for(var d = a.length, e = 0;;) { |
if(e < d) { |
var f = a[e]; |
null != f ? c = b.call(null, c, f, a[e + 1]) : (f = a[e + 1], c = null != f ? f.kv_reduce(b, c) : c); |
if(cljs.core.reduced_QMARK_.call(null, c)) { |
return cljs.core.deref.call(null, c) |
} |
e += 2 |
}else { |
return c |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode = function(a, b, c) { |
this.edit = a; |
this.bitmap = b; |
this.arr = c |
}; |
cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/BitmapIndexedNode") |
}; |
cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/BitmapIndexedNode") |
}; |
cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode.prototype.edit_and_remove_pair = function(a, b, c) { |
if(this.bitmap === b) { |
return null |
} |
var a = this.ensure_editable(a), d = a.arr, e = d.length; |
a.bitmap ^= b; |
cljs.core.array_copy.call(null, d, 2 * (c + 1), d, 2 * c, e - 2 * (c + 1)); |
d[e - 2] = null; |
d[e - 1] = null; |
return a |
}; |
cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode.prototype.inode_assoc_BANG_ = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { |
var g = 1 << (c >>> b & 31), h = cljs.core.bitmap_indexed_node_index.call(null, this.bitmap, g); |
if(0 === (this.bitmap & g)) { |
var i = cljs.core.bit_count.call(null, this.bitmap); |
if(2 * i < this.arr.length) { |
return a = this.ensure_editable(a), b = a.arr, f.val = !0, cljs.core.array_copy_downward.call(null, b, 2 * h, b, 2 * (h + 1), 2 * (i - h)), b[2 * h] = d, b[2 * h + 1] = e, a.bitmap |= g, a |
} |
if(16 <= i) { |
h = cljs.core.make_array.call(null, 32); |
h[c >>> b & 31] = cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode.EMPTY.inode_assoc_BANG_(a, b + 5, c, d, e, f); |
for(e = d = 0;;) { |
if(32 > d) { |
0 !== (this.bitmap >>> d & 1) && (h[d] = null != this.arr[e] ? cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode.EMPTY.inode_assoc_BANG_(a, b + 5, cljs.core.hash.call(null, this.arr[e]), this.arr[e], this.arr[e + 1], f) : this.arr[e + 1], e += 2), d += 1 |
}else { |
break |
} |
} |
return new cljs.core.ArrayNode(a, i + 1, h) |
} |
b = cljs.core.make_array.call(null, 2 * (i + 4)); |
cljs.core.array_copy.call(null, this.arr, 0, b, 0, 2 * h); |
b[2 * h] = d; |
b[2 * h + 1] = e; |
cljs.core.array_copy.call(null, this.arr, 2 * h, b, 2 * (h + 1), 2 * (i - h)); |
f.val = !0; |
a = this.ensure_editable(a); |
a.arr = b; |
a.bitmap |= g; |
return a |
} |
i = this.arr[2 * h]; |
g = this.arr[2 * h + 1]; |
if(null == i) { |
return i = g.inode_assoc_BANG_(a, b + 5, c, d, e, f), i === g ? this : cljs.core.edit_and_set.call(null, this, a, 2 * h + 1, i) |
} |
if(cljs.core.key_test.call(null, d, i)) { |
return e === g ? this : cljs.core.edit_and_set.call(null, this, a, 2 * h + 1, e) |
} |
f.val = !0; |
return cljs.core.edit_and_set.call(null, this, a, 2 * h, null, 2 * h + 1, cljs.core.create_node.call(null, a, b + 5, i, g, c, d, e)) |
}; |
cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode.prototype.inode_seq = function() { |
return cljs.core.create_inode_seq.call(null, this.arr) |
}; |
cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode.prototype.inode_without_BANG_ = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
var f = 1 << (c >>> b & 31); |
if(0 === (this.bitmap & f)) { |
return this |
} |
var g = cljs.core.bitmap_indexed_node_index.call(null, this.bitmap, f), h = this.arr[2 * g], i = this.arr[2 * g + 1]; |
return null == h ? (b = i.inode_without_BANG_(a, b + 5, c, d, e), b === i ? this : null != b ? cljs.core.edit_and_set.call(null, this, a, 2 * g + 1, b) : this.bitmap === f ? null : this.edit_and_remove_pair(a, f, g)) : cljs.core.key_test.call(null, d, h) ? (e[0] = !0, this.edit_and_remove_pair(a, f, g)) : this |
}; |
cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode.prototype.ensure_editable = function(a) { |
if(a === this.edit) { |
return this |
} |
var b = cljs.core.bit_count.call(null, this.bitmap), c = cljs.core.make_array.call(null, 0 > b ? 4 : 2 * (b + 1)); |
cljs.core.array_copy.call(null, this.arr, 0, c, 0, 2 * b); |
return new cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode(a, this.bitmap, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode.prototype.kv_reduce = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.inode_kv_reduce.call(null, this.arr, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode.prototype.inode_find = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var e = 1 << (b >>> a & 31); |
if(0 === (this.bitmap & e)) { |
return d |
} |
var f = cljs.core.bitmap_indexed_node_index.call(null, this.bitmap, e), e = this.arr[2 * f], f = this.arr[2 * f + 1]; |
return null == e ? f.inode_find(a + 5, b, c, d) : cljs.core.key_test.call(null, c, e) ? cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([e, f], !0) : d |
}; |
cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode.prototype.inode_without = function(a, b, c) { |
var d = 1 << (b >>> a & 31); |
if(0 === (this.bitmap & d)) { |
return this |
} |
var e = cljs.core.bitmap_indexed_node_index.call(null, this.bitmap, d), f = this.arr[2 * e], g = this.arr[2 * e + 1]; |
return null == f ? (a = g.inode_without(a + 5, b, c), a === g ? this : null != a ? new cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode(null, this.bitmap, cljs.core.clone_and_set.call(null, this.arr, 2 * e + 1, a)) : this.bitmap === d ? null : new cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode(null, this.bitmap ^ d, cljs.core.remove_pair.call(null, this.arr, e))) : cljs.core.key_test.call(null, c, f) ? new cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode(null, this.bitmap ^ d, cljs.core.remove_pair.call(null, this.arr, e)) : this |
}; |
cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode.prototype.inode_assoc = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
var f = 1 << (b >>> a & 31), g = cljs.core.bitmap_indexed_node_index.call(null, this.bitmap, f); |
if(0 === (this.bitmap & f)) { |
var h = cljs.core.bit_count.call(null, this.bitmap); |
if(16 <= h) { |
g = cljs.core.make_array.call(null, 32); |
g[b >>> a & 31] = cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode.EMPTY.inode_assoc(a + 5, b, c, d, e); |
for(d = c = 0;;) { |
if(32 > c) { |
0 !== (this.bitmap >>> c & 1) && (g[c] = null != this.arr[d] ? cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode.EMPTY.inode_assoc(a + 5, cljs.core.hash.call(null, this.arr[d]), this.arr[d], this.arr[d + 1], e) : this.arr[d + 1], d += 2), c += 1 |
}else { |
break |
} |
} |
return new cljs.core.ArrayNode(null, h + 1, g) |
} |
a = cljs.core.make_array.call(null, 2 * (h + 1)); |
cljs.core.array_copy.call(null, this.arr, 0, a, 0, 2 * g); |
a[2 * g] = c; |
a[2 * g + 1] = d; |
cljs.core.array_copy.call(null, this.arr, 2 * g, a, 2 * (g + 1), 2 * (h - g)); |
e.val = !0; |
return new cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode(null, this.bitmap | f, a) |
} |
h = this.arr[2 * g]; |
f = this.arr[2 * g + 1]; |
if(null == h) { |
return h = f.inode_assoc(a + 5, b, c, d, e), h === f ? this : new cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode(null, this.bitmap, cljs.core.clone_and_set.call(null, this.arr, 2 * g + 1, h)) |
} |
if(cljs.core.key_test.call(null, c, h)) { |
return d === f ? this : new cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode(null, this.bitmap, cljs.core.clone_and_set.call(null, this.arr, 2 * g + 1, d)) |
} |
e.val = !0; |
return new cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode(null, this.bitmap, cljs.core.clone_and_set.call(null, this.arr, 2 * g, null, 2 * g + 1, cljs.core.create_node.call(null, a + 5, h, f, b, c, d))) |
}; |
cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode.prototype.inode_lookup = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var e = 1 << (b >>> a & 31); |
if(0 === (this.bitmap & e)) { |
return d |
} |
var f = cljs.core.bitmap_indexed_node_index.call(null, this.bitmap, e), e = this.arr[2 * f], f = this.arr[2 * f + 1]; |
return null == e ? f.inode_lookup(a + 5, b, c, d) : cljs.core.key_test.call(null, c, e) ? f : d |
}; |
cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode.EMPTY = new cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode(null, 0, cljs.core.make_array.call(null, 0)); |
cljs.core.pack_array_node = function(a, b, c) { |
for(var d = a.arr, a = 2 * (a.cnt - 1), e = cljs.core.make_array.call(null, a), f = 0, g = 1, h = 0;;) { |
if(f < a) { |
var i; |
i = (i = f !== c) ? null != d[f] : i; |
i && (e[g] = d[f], g += 2, h |= 1 << f); |
f += 1 |
}else { |
return new cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode(b, h, e) |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayNode = function(a, b, c) { |
this.edit = a; |
this.cnt = b; |
this.arr = c |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayNode.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.ArrayNode.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/ArrayNode") |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayNode.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/ArrayNode") |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayNode.prototype.inode_assoc_BANG_ = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { |
var g = c >>> b & 31, h = this.arr[g]; |
if(null == h) { |
return a = cljs.core.edit_and_set.call(null, this, a, g, cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode.EMPTY.inode_assoc_BANG_(a, b + 5, c, d, e, f)), a.cnt += 1, a |
} |
b = h.inode_assoc_BANG_(a, b + 5, c, d, e, f); |
return b === h ? this : cljs.core.edit_and_set.call(null, this, a, g, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayNode.prototype.inode_seq = function() { |
return cljs.core.create_array_node_seq.call(null, this.arr) |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayNode.prototype.inode_without_BANG_ = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
var f = c >>> b & 31, g = this.arr[f]; |
if(null == g) { |
return this |
} |
b = g.inode_without_BANG_(a, b + 5, c, d, e); |
if(b === g) { |
return this |
} |
if(null == b) { |
if(8 >= this.cnt) { |
return cljs.core.pack_array_node.call(null, this, a, f) |
} |
a = cljs.core.edit_and_set.call(null, this, a, f, b); |
a.cnt -= 1; |
return a |
} |
return cljs.core.edit_and_set.call(null, this, a, f, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayNode.prototype.ensure_editable = function(a) { |
return a === this.edit ? this : new cljs.core.ArrayNode(a, this.cnt, this.arr.slice()) |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayNode.prototype.kv_reduce = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = this.arr.length, d = 0, e = b;;) { |
if(d < c) { |
var f = this.arr[d]; |
if(null != f) { |
e = f.kv_reduce(a, e); |
if(cljs.core.reduced_QMARK_.call(null, e)) { |
return cljs.core.deref.call(null, e) |
} |
d += 1 |
}else { |
return null |
} |
}else { |
return e |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayNode.prototype.inode_find = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var e = this.arr[b >>> a & 31]; |
return null != e ? e.inode_find(a + 5, b, c, d) : d |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayNode.prototype.inode_without = function(a, b, c) { |
var d = b >>> a & 31, e = this.arr[d]; |
return null != e ? (a = e.inode_without(a + 5, b, c), a === e ? this : null == a ? 8 >= this.cnt ? cljs.core.pack_array_node.call(null, this, null, d) : new cljs.core.ArrayNode(null, this.cnt - 1, cljs.core.clone_and_set.call(null, this.arr, d, a)) : new cljs.core.ArrayNode(null, this.cnt, cljs.core.clone_and_set.call(null, this.arr, d, a))) : this |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayNode.prototype.inode_assoc = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
var f = b >>> a & 31, g = this.arr[f]; |
if(null == g) { |
return new cljs.core.ArrayNode(null, this.cnt + 1, cljs.core.clone_and_set.call(null, this.arr, f, cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode.EMPTY.inode_assoc(a + 5, b, c, d, e))) |
} |
a = g.inode_assoc(a + 5, b, c, d, e); |
return a === g ? this : new cljs.core.ArrayNode(null, this.cnt, cljs.core.clone_and_set.call(null, this.arr, f, a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayNode.prototype.inode_lookup = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var e = this.arr[b >>> a & 31]; |
return null != e ? e.inode_lookup(a + 5, b, c, d) : d |
}; |
cljs.core.hash_collision_node_find_index = function(a, b, c) { |
for(var b = 2 * b, d = 0;;) { |
if(d < b) { |
if(cljs.core.key_test.call(null, c, a[d])) { |
return d |
} |
d += 2 |
}else { |
return-1 |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.HashCollisionNode = function(a, b, c, d) { |
this.edit = a; |
this.collision_hash = b; |
this.cnt = c; |
this.arr = d |
}; |
cljs.core.HashCollisionNode.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.HashCollisionNode.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/HashCollisionNode") |
}; |
cljs.core.HashCollisionNode.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/HashCollisionNode") |
}; |
cljs.core.HashCollisionNode.prototype.inode_assoc_BANG_ = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { |
if(c === this.collision_hash) { |
b = cljs.core.hash_collision_node_find_index.call(null, this.arr, this.cnt, d); |
if(-1 === b) { |
if(this.arr.length > 2 * this.cnt) { |
return a = cljs.core.edit_and_set.call(null, this, a, 2 * this.cnt, d, 2 * this.cnt + 1, e), f.val = !0, a.cnt += 1, a |
} |
b = this.arr.length; |
c = cljs.core.make_array.call(null, b + 2); |
cljs.core.array_copy.call(null, this.arr, 0, c, 0, b); |
c[b] = d; |
c[b + 1] = e; |
f.val = !0; |
return this.ensure_editable_array(a, this.cnt + 1, c) |
} |
return this.arr[b + 1] === e ? this : cljs.core.edit_and_set.call(null, this, a, b + 1, e) |
} |
return(new cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode(a, 1 << (this.collision_hash >>> b & 31), [null, this, null, null])).inode_assoc_BANG_(a, b, c, d, e, f) |
}; |
cljs.core.HashCollisionNode.prototype.inode_seq = function() { |
return cljs.core.create_inode_seq.call(null, this.arr) |
}; |
cljs.core.HashCollisionNode.prototype.inode_without_BANG_ = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
b = cljs.core.hash_collision_node_find_index.call(null, this.arr, this.cnt, d); |
if(-1 === b) { |
return this |
} |
e[0] = !0; |
if(1 === this.cnt) { |
return null |
} |
a = this.ensure_editable(a); |
e = a.arr; |
e[b] = e[2 * this.cnt - 2]; |
e[b + 1] = e[2 * this.cnt - 1]; |
e[2 * this.cnt - 1] = null; |
e[2 * this.cnt - 2] = null; |
a.cnt -= 1; |
return a |
}; |
cljs.core.HashCollisionNode.prototype.ensure_editable = function(a) { |
if(a === this.edit) { |
return this |
} |
var b = cljs.core.make_array.call(null, 2 * (this.cnt + 1)); |
cljs.core.array_copy.call(null, this.arr, 0, b, 0, 2 * this.cnt); |
return new cljs.core.HashCollisionNode(a, this.collision_hash, this.cnt, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.HashCollisionNode.prototype.kv_reduce = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.inode_kv_reduce.call(null, this.arr, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.HashCollisionNode.prototype.inode_find = function(a, b, c, d) { |
a = cljs.core.hash_collision_node_find_index.call(null, this.arr, this.cnt, c); |
return 0 > a ? d : cljs.core.key_test.call(null, c, this.arr[a]) ? cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([this.arr[a], this.arr[a + 1]], !0) : d |
}; |
cljs.core.HashCollisionNode.prototype.inode_without = function(a, b, c) { |
a = cljs.core.hash_collision_node_find_index.call(null, this.arr, this.cnt, c); |
return-1 === a ? this : 1 === this.cnt ? null : new cljs.core.HashCollisionNode(null, this.collision_hash, this.cnt - 1, cljs.core.remove_pair.call(null, this.arr, cljs.core.quot.call(null, a, 2))) |
}; |
cljs.core.HashCollisionNode.prototype.inode_assoc = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
return b === this.collision_hash ? (a = cljs.core.hash_collision_node_find_index.call(null, this.arr, this.cnt, c), -1 === a ? (a = this.arr.length, b = cljs.core.make_array.call(null, a + 2), cljs.core.array_copy.call(null, this.arr, 0, b, 0, a), b[a] = c, b[a + 1] = d, e.val = !0, new cljs.core.HashCollisionNode(null, this.collision_hash, this.cnt + 1, b)) : cljs.core._EQ_.call(null, this.arr[a], d) ? this : new cljs.core.HashCollisionNode(null, this.collision_hash, this.cnt, cljs.core.clone_and_set.call(null, |
this.arr, a + 1, d))) : (new cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode(null, 1 << (this.collision_hash >>> a & 31), [null, this])).inode_assoc(a, b, c, d, e) |
}; |
cljs.core.HashCollisionNode.prototype.inode_lookup = function(a, b, c, d) { |
a = cljs.core.hash_collision_node_find_index.call(null, this.arr, this.cnt, c); |
return 0 > a ? d : cljs.core.key_test.call(null, c, this.arr[a]) ? this.arr[a + 1] : d |
}; |
cljs.core.HashCollisionNode.prototype.ensure_editable_array = function(a, b, c) { |
return a === this.edit ? (this.arr = c, this.cnt = b, this) : new cljs.core.HashCollisionNode(this.edit, this.collision_hash, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.create_node = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b, c, g, h, i) { |
var j = cljs.core.hash.call(null, b); |
if(j === g) { |
return new cljs.core.HashCollisionNode(null, j, 2, [b, c, h, i]) |
} |
var l = new cljs.core.Box(!1); |
return cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode.EMPTY.inode_assoc(a, j, b, c, l).inode_assoc(a, g, h, i, l) |
}, c = function(a, b, c, g, h, i, j) { |
var l = cljs.core.hash.call(null, c); |
if(l === h) { |
return new cljs.core.HashCollisionNode(null, l, 2, [c, g, i, j]) |
} |
var m = new cljs.core.Box(!1); |
return cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode.EMPTY.inode_assoc_BANG_(a, b, l, c, g, m).inode_assoc_BANG_(a, b, h, i, j, m) |
}, a = function(a, e, f, g, h, i, j) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 6: |
return b.call(this, a, e, f, g, h, i); |
case 7: |
return c.call(this, a, e, f, g, h, i, j) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$6 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$7 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.NodeSeq = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
this.meta = a; |
this.nodes = b; |
this.i = c; |
this.s = d; |
this.__hash = e; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 0; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 31850572 |
}; |
cljs.core.NodeSeq.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.NodeSeq.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/NodeSeq") |
}; |
cljs.core.NodeSeq.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/NodeSeq") |
}; |
cljs.core.NodeSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
var b = this.__hash; |
return null != b ? b : this.__hash = a = cljs.core.hash_coll.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.NodeSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.NodeSeq.prototype.toString = function() { |
return cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, this) |
}; |
cljs.core.NodeSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return a |
}; |
cljs.core.NodeSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_first$arity$1 = function() { |
return null == this.s ? cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([this.nodes[this.i], this.nodes[this.i + 1]], !0) : cljs.core.first.call(null, this.s) |
}; |
cljs.core.NodeSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_rest$arity$1 = function() { |
return null == this.s ? cljs.core.create_inode_seq.call(null, this.nodes, this.i + 2, null) : cljs.core.create_inode_seq.call(null, this.nodes, this.i, cljs.core.next.call(null, this.s)) |
}; |
cljs.core.NodeSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.equiv_sequential.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.NodeSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.NodeSeq(b, this.nodes, this.i, this.s, this.__hash) |
}; |
cljs.core.NodeSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.meta |
}; |
cljs.core.NodeSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.with_meta.call(null, cljs.core.List.EMPTY, this.meta) |
}; |
cljs.core.create_inode_seq = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b) { |
return a.call(null, b, 0, null) |
}, c = function(a, b, c) { |
if(null == c) { |
for(c = a.length;;) { |
if(b < c) { |
if(null != a[b]) { |
return new cljs.core.NodeSeq(null, a, b, null, null) |
} |
var g = a[b + 1]; |
if(cljs.core.truth_(g) && (g = g.inode_seq(), cljs.core.truth_(g))) { |
return new cljs.core.NodeSeq(null, a, b + 2, g, null) |
} |
b += 2 |
}else { |
return null |
} |
} |
}else { |
return new cljs.core.NodeSeq(null, a, b, c, null) |
} |
}, a = function(a, e, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, e, f) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.ArrayNodeSeq = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
this.meta = a; |
this.nodes = b; |
this.i = c; |
this.s = d; |
this.__hash = e; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 0; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 31850572 |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayNodeSeq.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.ArrayNodeSeq.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/ArrayNodeSeq") |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayNodeSeq.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/ArrayNodeSeq") |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayNodeSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
var b = this.__hash; |
return null != b ? b : this.__hash = a = cljs.core.hash_coll.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayNodeSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayNodeSeq.prototype.toString = function() { |
return cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, this) |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayNodeSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return a |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayNodeSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_first$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.first.call(null, this.s) |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayNodeSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_rest$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.create_array_node_seq.call(null, null, this.nodes, this.i, cljs.core.next.call(null, this.s)) |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayNodeSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.equiv_sequential.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayNodeSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.ArrayNodeSeq(b, this.nodes, this.i, this.s, this.__hash) |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayNodeSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.meta |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayNodeSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.with_meta.call(null, cljs.core.List.EMPTY, this.meta) |
}; |
cljs.core.create_array_node_seq = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b) { |
return a.call(null, null, b, 0, null) |
}, c = function(a, b, c, g) { |
if(null == g) { |
for(g = b.length;;) { |
if(c < g) { |
var h = b[c]; |
if(cljs.core.truth_(h) && (h = h.inode_seq(), cljs.core.truth_(h))) { |
return new cljs.core.ArrayNodeSeq(a, b, c + 1, h, null) |
} |
c += 1 |
}else { |
return null |
} |
} |
}else { |
return new cljs.core.ArrayNodeSeq(a, b, c, g, null) |
} |
}, a = function(a, e, f, g) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 4: |
return c.call(this, a, e, f, g) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$4 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { |
this.meta = a; |
this.cnt = b; |
this.root = c; |
this.has_nil_QMARK_ = d; |
this.nil_val = e; |
this.__hash = f; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 4; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 16123663 |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/PersistentHashMap") |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/PersistentHashMap") |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.prototype.cljs$core$IEditableCollection$_as_transient$arity$1 = function() { |
return new cljs.core.TransientHashMap({}, this.root, this.cnt, this.has_nil_QMARK_, this.nil_val) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
var b = this.__hash; |
return null != b ? b : this.__hash = a = cljs.core.hash_imap.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3(a, b, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return null == b ? this.has_nil_QMARK_ ? this.nil_val : c : null == this.root ? c : this.root.inode_lookup(0, cljs.core.hash.call(null, b), b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.prototype.cljs$core$IAssociative$_assoc$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
if(null == b) { |
var d; |
d = (d = this.has_nil_QMARK_) ? c === this.nil_val : d; |
return d ? a : new cljs.core.PersistentHashMap(this.meta, this.has_nil_QMARK_ ? this.cnt : this.cnt + 1, this.root, !0, c, null) |
} |
d = new cljs.core.Box(!1); |
c = (null == this.root ? cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode.EMPTY : this.root).inode_assoc(0, cljs.core.hash.call(null, b), b, c, d); |
return c === this.root ? a : new cljs.core.PersistentHashMap(this.meta, d.val ? this.cnt + 1 : this.cnt, c, this.has_nil_QMARK_, this.nil_val, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.prototype.cljs$core$IAssociative$_contains_key_QMARK_$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return null == b ? this.has_nil_QMARK_ : null == this.root ? !1 : this.root.inode_lookup(0, cljs.core.hash.call(null, b), b, cljs.core.lookup_sentinel) !== cljs.core.lookup_sentinel |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.prototype.call = function() { |
var a = null; |
return a = function(a, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return this.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2(this, c); |
case 3: |
return this.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3(this, c, d) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.prototype.apply = function(a, b) { |
a = this; |
return a.call.apply(a, [a].concat(b.slice())) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.prototype.cljs$core$IKVReduce$_kv_reduce$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
a = this.has_nil_QMARK_ ? b.call(null, c, null, this.nil_val) : c; |
return cljs.core.reduced_QMARK_.call(null, a) ? cljs.core.deref.call(null, a) : null != this.root ? this.root.kv_reduce(b, a) : a |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.prototype.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.vector_QMARK_.call(null, b) ? a.cljs$core$IAssociative$_assoc$arity$3(a, cljs.core._nth.call(null, b, 0), cljs.core._nth.call(null, b, 1)) : cljs.core.reduce.call(null, cljs.core._conj, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.prototype.toString = function() { |
return cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, this) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.prototype.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1 = function() { |
if(0 < this.cnt) { |
var a = null != this.root ? this.root.inode_seq() : null; |
return this.has_nil_QMARK_ ? cljs.core.cons.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([null, this.nil_val], !0), a) : a |
} |
return null |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.prototype.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.cnt |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.equiv_map.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.prototype.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.PersistentHashMap(b, this.cnt, this.root, this.has_nil_QMARK_, this.nil_val, this.__hash) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.prototype.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.meta |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.prototype.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core._with_meta.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.EMPTY, this.meta) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.prototype.cljs$core$IMap$_dissoc$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
if(null == b) { |
return this.has_nil_QMARK_ ? new cljs.core.PersistentHashMap(this.meta, this.cnt - 1, this.root, !1, null, null) : a |
} |
if(null == this.root) { |
return a |
} |
var c = this.root.inode_without(0, cljs.core.hash.call(null, b), b); |
return c === this.root ? a : new cljs.core.PersistentHashMap(this.meta, this.cnt - 1, c, this.has_nil_QMARK_, this.nil_val, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.EMPTY = new cljs.core.PersistentHashMap(null, 0, null, !1, null, 0); |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.fromArrays = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = a.length, d = 0, e = cljs.core.transient$.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.EMPTY);;) { |
if(d < c) { |
var f = d + 1, e = cljs.core.assoc_BANG_.call(null, e, a[d], b[d]), d = f |
}else { |
return cljs.core.persistent_BANG_.call(null, e) |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientHashMap = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
this.edit = a; |
this.root = b; |
this.count = c; |
this.has_nil_QMARK_ = d; |
this.nil_val = e; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 56; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 258 |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientHashMap.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.TransientHashMap.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/TransientHashMap") |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientHashMap.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/TransientHashMap") |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientHashMap.prototype.cljs$core$ITransientMap$_dissoc_BANG_$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a.without_BANG_(b) |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientHashMap.prototype.cljs$core$ITransientAssociative$_assoc_BANG_$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return a.assoc_BANG_(b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientHashMap.prototype.cljs$core$ITransientCollection$_conj_BANG_$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a.conj_BANG_(b) |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientHashMap.prototype.cljs$core$ITransientCollection$_persistent_BANG_$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return a.persistent_BANG_() |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientHashMap.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return null == b ? this.has_nil_QMARK_ ? this.nil_val : null : null == this.root ? null : this.root.inode_lookup(0, cljs.core.hash.call(null, b), b) |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientHashMap.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return null == b ? this.has_nil_QMARK_ ? this.nil_val : c : null == this.root ? c : this.root.inode_lookup(0, cljs.core.hash.call(null, b), b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientHashMap.prototype.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1 = function() { |
if(this.edit) { |
return this.count |
} |
throw Error("count after persistent!"); |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientHashMap.prototype.conj_BANG_ = function(a) { |
if(this.edit) { |
var b; |
a ? (b = (b = a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 2048) ? b : a.cljs$core$IMapEntry$, b = b ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IMapEntry, a)) : b = cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IMapEntry, a); |
if(b) { |
return this.assoc_BANG_(cljs.core.key.call(null, a), cljs.core.val.call(null, a)) |
} |
a = cljs.core.seq.call(null, a); |
for(b = this;;) { |
var c = cljs.core.first.call(null, a); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(c)) { |
a = cljs.core.next.call(null, a), b = b.assoc_BANG_(cljs.core.key.call(null, c), cljs.core.val.call(null, c)) |
}else { |
return b |
} |
} |
}else { |
throw Error("conj! after persistent"); |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientHashMap.prototype.assoc_BANG_ = function(a, b) { |
if(this.edit) { |
if(null == a) { |
this.nil_val !== b && (this.nil_val = b), this.has_nil_QMARK_ || (this.count += 1, this.has_nil_QMARK_ = !0) |
}else { |
var c = new cljs.core.Box(!1), d = (null == this.root ? cljs.core.BitmapIndexedNode.EMPTY : this.root).inode_assoc_BANG_(this.edit, 0, cljs.core.hash.call(null, a), a, b, c); |
d !== this.root && (this.root = d); |
c.val && (this.count += 1) |
} |
return this |
} |
throw Error("assoc! after persistent!"); |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientHashMap.prototype.without_BANG_ = function(a) { |
if(this.edit) { |
if(null == a) { |
this.has_nil_QMARK_ && (this.has_nil_QMARK_ = !1, this.nil_val = null, this.count -= 1) |
}else { |
if(null != this.root) { |
var b = new cljs.core.Box(!1), a = this.root.inode_without_BANG_(this.edit, 0, cljs.core.hash.call(null, a), a, b); |
a !== this.root && (this.root = a); |
cljs.core.truth_(b[0]) && (this.count -= 1) |
} |
} |
return this |
} |
throw Error("dissoc! after persistent!"); |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientHashMap.prototype.persistent_BANG_ = function() { |
if(this.edit) { |
return this.edit = null, new cljs.core.PersistentHashMap(null, this.count, this.root, this.has_nil_QMARK_, this.nil_val, null) |
} |
throw Error("persistent! called twice"); |
}; |
cljs.core.tree_map_seq_push = function(a, b, c) { |
for(var d = b;;) { |
if(null != a) { |
b = c ? a.left : a.right, d = cljs.core.conj.call(null, d, a), a = b |
}else { |
return d |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMapSeq = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
this.meta = a; |
this.stack = b; |
this.ascending_QMARK_ = c; |
this.cnt = d; |
this.__hash = e; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 0; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 31850574 |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMapSeq.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMapSeq.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/PersistentTreeMapSeq") |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMapSeq.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/PersistentTreeMapSeq") |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMapSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
var b = this.__hash; |
return null != b ? b : this.__hash = a = cljs.core.hash_coll.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMapSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMapSeq.prototype.toString = function() { |
return cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, this) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMapSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return a |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMapSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return 0 > this.cnt ? cljs.core.count.call(null, cljs.core.next.call(null, a)) + 1 : this.cnt |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMapSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_first$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.peek.call(null, this.stack) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMapSeq.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_rest$arity$1 = function() { |
var a = cljs.core.first.call(null, this.stack), a = cljs.core.tree_map_seq_push.call(null, this.ascending_QMARK_ ? a.right : a.left, cljs.core.next.call(null, this.stack), this.ascending_QMARK_); |
return null != a ? new cljs.core.PersistentTreeMapSeq(null, a, this.ascending_QMARK_, this.cnt - 1, null) : cljs.core.List.EMPTY |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMapSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.equiv_sequential.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMapSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.PersistentTreeMapSeq(b, this.stack, this.ascending_QMARK_, this.cnt, this.__hash) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMapSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.meta |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMapSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.with_meta.call(null, cljs.core.List.EMPTY, this.meta) |
}; |
cljs.core.create_tree_map_seq = function(a, b, c) { |
return new cljs.core.PersistentTreeMapSeq(null, cljs.core.tree_map_seq_push.call(null, a, null, b), b, c, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.balance_left = function(a, b, c, d) { |
return cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.RedNode, c) ? cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.RedNode, c.left) ? new cljs.core.RedNode(c.key, c.val, c.left.blacken(), new cljs.core.BlackNode(a, b, c.right, d, null), null) : cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.RedNode, c.right) ? new cljs.core.RedNode(c.right.key, c.right.val, new cljs.core.BlackNode(c.key, c.val, c.left, c.right.left, null), new cljs.core.BlackNode(a, b, c.right.right, d, null), null) : new cljs.core.BlackNode(a, |
b, c, d, null) : new cljs.core.BlackNode(a, b, c, d, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.balance_right = function(a, b, c, d) { |
return cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.RedNode, d) ? cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.RedNode, d.right) ? new cljs.core.RedNode(d.key, d.val, new cljs.core.BlackNode(a, b, c, d.left, null), d.right.blacken(), null) : cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.RedNode, d.left) ? new cljs.core.RedNode(d.left.key, d.left.val, new cljs.core.BlackNode(a, b, c, d.left.left, null), new cljs.core.BlackNode(d.key, d.val, d.left.right, d.right, null), null) : new cljs.core.BlackNode(a, |
b, c, d, null) : new cljs.core.BlackNode(a, b, c, d, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.balance_left_del = function(a, b, c, d) { |
if(cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.RedNode, c)) { |
return new cljs.core.RedNode(a, b, c.blacken(), d, null) |
} |
if(cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.BlackNode, d)) { |
return cljs.core.balance_right.call(null, a, b, c, d.redden()) |
} |
var e; |
e = (e = cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.RedNode, d)) ? cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.BlackNode, d.left) : e; |
if(e) { |
return new cljs.core.RedNode(d.left.key, d.left.val, new cljs.core.BlackNode(a, b, c, d.left.left, null), cljs.core.balance_right.call(null, d.key, d.val, d.left.right, d.right.redden()), null) |
} |
throw Error("red-black tree invariant violation"); |
}; |
cljs.core.balance_right_del = function(a, b, c, d) { |
if(cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.RedNode, d)) { |
return new cljs.core.RedNode(a, b, c, d.blacken(), null) |
} |
if(cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.BlackNode, c)) { |
return cljs.core.balance_left.call(null, a, b, c.redden(), d) |
} |
var e; |
e = (e = cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.RedNode, c)) ? cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.BlackNode, c.right) : e; |
if(e) { |
return new cljs.core.RedNode(c.right.key, c.right.val, cljs.core.balance_left.call(null, c.key, c.val, c.left.redden(), c.right.left), new cljs.core.BlackNode(a, b, c.right.right, d, null), null) |
} |
throw Error("red-black tree invariant violation"); |
}; |
cljs.core.tree_map_kv_reduce = function tree_map_kv_reduce(b, c, d) { |
d = c.call(null, d, b.key, b.val); |
if(cljs.core.reduced_QMARK_.call(null, d)) { |
return cljs.core.deref.call(null, d) |
} |
d = null != b.left ? tree_map_kv_reduce.call(null, b.left, c, d) : d; |
if(cljs.core.reduced_QMARK_.call(null, d)) { |
return cljs.core.deref.call(null, d) |
} |
b = null != b.right ? tree_map_kv_reduce.call(null, b.right, c, d) : d; |
return cljs.core.reduced_QMARK_.call(null, b) ? cljs.core.deref.call(null, b) : b |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
this.key = a; |
this.val = b; |
this.left = c; |
this.right = d; |
this.__hash = e; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 0; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 32402207 |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/BlackNode") |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/BlackNode") |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
var b = this.__hash; |
return null != b ? b : this.__hash = a = cljs.core.hash_coll.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$3(a, b, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return a.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$3(a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.cljs$core$IAssociative$_assoc$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.assoc.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([this.key, this.val], !0), b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.call = function() { |
var a = null; |
return a = function(a, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return this.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2(this, c); |
case 3: |
return this.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3(this, c, d) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.apply = function(a, b) { |
a = this; |
return a.call.apply(a, [a].concat(b.slice())) |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([this.key, this.val, b], !0) |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.cljs$core$IMapEntry$_key$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.key |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.cljs$core$IMapEntry$_val$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.val |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.add_right = function(a) { |
return a.balance_right(this) |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.redden = function() { |
return new cljs.core.RedNode(this.key, this.val, this.left, this.right, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.remove_right = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.balance_right_del.call(null, this.key, this.val, this.left, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.replace = function(a, b, c, d) { |
return new cljs.core.BlackNode(a, b, c, d, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.kv_reduce = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.tree_map_kv_reduce.call(null, this, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.remove_left = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.balance_left_del.call(null, this.key, this.val, a, this.right) |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.add_left = function(a) { |
return a.balance_left(this) |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.balance_left = function(a) { |
return new cljs.core.BlackNode(a.key, a.val, this, a.right, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.toString = function() { |
return function() { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, this) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.balance_right = function(a) { |
return new cljs.core.BlackNode(a.key, a.val, a.left, this, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.blacken = function() { |
return this |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.cljs$core$IReduce$_reduce$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.ci_reduce.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.cljs$core$IReduce$_reduce$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.ci_reduce.call(null, a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, this.key, this.val) |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1 = function() { |
return 2 |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.cljs$core$IStack$_peek$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.val |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.cljs$core$IStack$_pop$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([this.key], !0) |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.cljs$core$IVector$_assoc_n$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core._assoc_n.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([this.key, this.val], !0), b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.equiv_sequential.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.with_meta.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([this.key, this.val], !0), b) |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1 = function() { |
return null |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return 0 === b ? this.key : 1 === b ? this.val : null |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return 0 === b ? this.key : 1 === b ? this.val : c |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
this.key = a; |
this.val = b; |
this.left = c; |
this.right = d; |
this.__hash = e; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 0; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 32402207 |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.RedNode.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/RedNode") |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/RedNode") |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
var b = this.__hash; |
return null != b ? b : this.__hash = a = cljs.core.hash_coll.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$3(a, b, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return a.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$3(a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.cljs$core$IAssociative$_assoc$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.assoc.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([this.key, this.val], !0), b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.call = function() { |
var a = null; |
return a = function(a, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return this.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2(this, c); |
case 3: |
return this.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3(this, c, d) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.apply = function(a, b) { |
a = this; |
return a.call.apply(a, [a].concat(b.slice())) |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([this.key, this.val, b], !0) |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.cljs$core$IMapEntry$_key$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.key |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.cljs$core$IMapEntry$_val$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.val |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.add_right = function(a) { |
return new cljs.core.RedNode(this.key, this.val, this.left, a, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.redden = function() { |
throw Error("red-black tree invariant violation"); |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.remove_right = function(a) { |
return new cljs.core.RedNode(this.key, this.val, this.left, a, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.replace = function(a, b, c, d) { |
return new cljs.core.RedNode(a, b, c, d, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.kv_reduce = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.tree_map_kv_reduce.call(null, this, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.remove_left = function(a) { |
return new cljs.core.RedNode(this.key, this.val, a, this.right, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.add_left = function(a) { |
return new cljs.core.RedNode(this.key, this.val, a, this.right, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.balance_left = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.RedNode, this.left) ? new cljs.core.RedNode(this.key, this.val, this.left.blacken(), new cljs.core.BlackNode(a.key, a.val, this.right, a.right, null), null) : cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.RedNode, this.right) ? new cljs.core.RedNode(this.right.key, this.right.val, new cljs.core.BlackNode(this.key, this.val, this.left, this.right.left, null), new cljs.core.BlackNode(a.key, a.val, this.right.right, a.right, null), null) : new cljs.core.BlackNode(a.key, |
a.val, this, a.right, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.toString = function() { |
return function() { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, this) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.balance_right = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.RedNode, this.right) ? new cljs.core.RedNode(this.key, this.val, new cljs.core.BlackNode(a.key, a.val, a.left, this.left, null), this.right.blacken(), null) : cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.RedNode, this.left) ? new cljs.core.RedNode(this.left.key, this.left.val, new cljs.core.BlackNode(a.key, a.val, a.left, this.left.left, null), new cljs.core.BlackNode(this.key, this.val, this.left.right, this.right, null), null) : new cljs.core.BlackNode(a.key, |
a.val, a.left, this, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.blacken = function() { |
return new cljs.core.BlackNode(this.key, this.val, this.left, this.right, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.cljs$core$IReduce$_reduce$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.ci_reduce.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.cljs$core$IReduce$_reduce$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.ci_reduce.call(null, a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, this.key, this.val) |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1 = function() { |
return 2 |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.cljs$core$IStack$_peek$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.val |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.cljs$core$IStack$_pop$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([this.key], !0) |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.cljs$core$IVector$_assoc_n$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core._assoc_n.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([this.key, this.val], !0), b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.equiv_sequential.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.with_meta.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([this.key, this.val], !0), b) |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1 = function() { |
return null |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return 0 === b ? this.key : 1 === b ? this.val : null |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return 0 === b ? this.key : 1 === b ? this.val : c |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY |
}; |
cljs.core.tree_map_add = function tree_map_add(b, c, d, e, f) { |
if(null == c) { |
return new cljs.core.RedNode(d, e, null, null, null) |
} |
var g = b.call(null, d, c.key); |
if(0 === g) { |
return f[0] = c, null |
} |
if(0 > g) { |
return b = tree_map_add.call(null, b, c.left, d, e, f), null != b ? c.add_left(b) : null |
} |
b = tree_map_add.call(null, b, c.right, d, e, f); |
return null != b ? c.add_right(b) : null |
}; |
cljs.core.tree_map_append = function tree_map_append(b, c) { |
if(null == b) { |
return c |
} |
if(null == c) { |
return b |
} |
if(cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.RedNode, b)) { |
if(cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.RedNode, c)) { |
var d = tree_map_append.call(null, b.right, c.left); |
return cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.RedNode, d) ? new cljs.core.RedNode(d.key, d.val, new cljs.core.RedNode(b.key, b.val, b.left, d.left, null), new cljs.core.RedNode(c.key, c.val, d.right, c.right, null), null) : new cljs.core.RedNode(b.key, b.val, b.left, new cljs.core.RedNode(c.key, c.val, d, c.right, null), null) |
} |
return new cljs.core.RedNode(b.key, b.val, b.left, tree_map_append.call(null, b.right, c), null) |
} |
if(cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.RedNode, c)) { |
return new cljs.core.RedNode(c.key, c.val, tree_map_append.call(null, b, c.left), c.right, null) |
} |
d = tree_map_append.call(null, b.right, c.left); |
return cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.RedNode, d) ? new cljs.core.RedNode(d.key, d.val, new cljs.core.BlackNode(b.key, b.val, b.left, d.left, null), new cljs.core.BlackNode(c.key, c.val, d.right, c.right, null), null) : cljs.core.balance_left_del.call(null, b.key, b.val, b.left, new cljs.core.BlackNode(c.key, c.val, d, c.right, null)) |
}; |
cljs.core.tree_map_remove = function tree_map_remove(b, c, d, e) { |
if(null != c) { |
var f = b.call(null, d, c.key); |
if(0 === f) { |
return e[0] = c, cljs.core.tree_map_append.call(null, c.left, c.right) |
} |
if(0 > f) { |
return b = tree_map_remove.call(null, b, c.left, d, e), e = (d = null != b) ? d : null != e[0], e ? cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.BlackNode, c.left) ? cljs.core.balance_left_del.call(null, c.key, c.val, b, c.right) : new cljs.core.RedNode(c.key, c.val, b, c.right, null) : null |
} |
b = tree_map_remove.call(null, b, c.right, d, e); |
e = (d = null != b) ? d : null != e[0]; |
return e ? cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.BlackNode, c.right) ? cljs.core.balance_right_del.call(null, c.key, c.val, c.left, b) : new cljs.core.RedNode(c.key, c.val, c.left, b, null) : null |
} |
return null |
}; |
cljs.core.tree_map_replace = function tree_map_replace(b, c, d, e) { |
var f = c.key, g = b.call(null, d, f); |
return 0 === g ? c.replace(f, e, c.left, c.right) : 0 > g ? c.replace(f, c.val, tree_map_replace.call(null, b, c.left, d, e), c.right) : c.replace(f, c.val, c.left, tree_map_replace.call(null, b, c.right, d, e)) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
this.comp = a; |
this.tree = b; |
this.cnt = c; |
this.meta = d; |
this.__hash = e; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 0; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 418776847 |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/PersistentTreeMap") |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/PersistentTreeMap") |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
var b = this.__hash; |
return null != b ? b : this.__hash = a = cljs.core.hash_imap.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3(a, b, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
a = a.entry_at(b); |
return null != a ? a.val : c |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.prototype.cljs$core$IAssociative$_assoc$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
var d = [null], e = cljs.core.tree_map_add.call(null, this.comp, this.tree, b, c, d); |
return null == e ? (d = cljs.core.nth.call(null, d, 0), cljs.core._EQ_.call(null, c, d.val) ? a : new cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap(this.comp, cljs.core.tree_map_replace.call(null, this.comp, this.tree, b, c), this.cnt, this.meta, null)) : new cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap(this.comp, e.blacken(), this.cnt + 1, this.meta, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.prototype.cljs$core$IAssociative$_contains_key_QMARK_$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return null != a.entry_at(b) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.prototype.call = function() { |
var a = null; |
return a = function(a, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return this.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2(this, c); |
case 3: |
return this.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3(this, c, d) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.prototype.apply = function(a, b) { |
a = this; |
return a.call.apply(a, [a].concat(b.slice())) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.prototype.cljs$core$IKVReduce$_kv_reduce$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return null != this.tree ? cljs.core.tree_map_kv_reduce.call(null, this.tree, b, c) : c |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.prototype.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.vector_QMARK_.call(null, b) ? a.cljs$core$IAssociative$_assoc$arity$3(a, cljs.core._nth.call(null, b, 0), cljs.core._nth.call(null, b, 1)) : cljs.core.reduce.call(null, cljs.core._conj, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.prototype.cljs$core$IReversible$_rseq$arity$1 = function() { |
return 0 < this.cnt ? cljs.core.create_tree_map_seq.call(null, this.tree, !1, this.cnt) : null |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.prototype.toString = function() { |
return cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, this) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.prototype.entry_at = function(a) { |
for(var b = this.tree;;) { |
if(null != b) { |
var c = this.comp.call(null, a, b.key); |
if(0 === c) { |
return b |
} |
b = 0 > c ? b.left : b.right |
}else { |
return null |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.prototype.cljs$core$ISorted$_sorted_seq$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return 0 < this.cnt ? cljs.core.create_tree_map_seq.call(null, this.tree, b, this.cnt) : null |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.prototype.cljs$core$ISorted$_sorted_seq_from$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
if(0 < this.cnt) { |
for(var a = null, d = this.tree;;) { |
if(null != d) { |
var e = this.comp.call(null, b, d.key); |
if(0 === e) { |
return new cljs.core.PersistentTreeMapSeq(null, cljs.core.conj.call(null, a, d), c, -1, null) |
} |
cljs.core.truth_(c) ? 0 > e ? (a = cljs.core.conj.call(null, a, d), d = d.left) : d = d.right : 0 < e ? (a = cljs.core.conj.call(null, a, d), d = d.right) : d = d.left |
}else { |
return null == a ? null : new cljs.core.PersistentTreeMapSeq(null, a, c, -1, null) |
} |
} |
}else { |
return null |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.prototype.cljs$core$ISorted$_entry_key$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.key.call(null, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.prototype.cljs$core$ISorted$_comparator$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.comp |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.prototype.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1 = function() { |
return 0 < this.cnt ? cljs.core.create_tree_map_seq.call(null, this.tree, !0, this.cnt) : null |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.prototype.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.cnt |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.equiv_map.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.prototype.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap(this.comp, this.tree, this.cnt, b, this.__hash) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.prototype.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.meta |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.prototype.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.with_meta.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.EMPTY, this.meta) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.prototype.cljs$core$IMap$_dissoc$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
var c = [null], d = cljs.core.tree_map_remove.call(null, this.comp, this.tree, b, c); |
return null == d ? null == cljs.core.nth.call(null, c, 0) ? a : new cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap(this.comp, null, 0, this.meta, null) : new cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap(this.comp, d.blacken(), this.cnt - 1, this.meta, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.EMPTY = new cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap(cljs.core.compare, null, 0, null, 0); |
cljs.core.hash_map = function() { |
var a = function(a) { |
for(var a = cljs.core.seq.call(null, a), b = cljs.core.transient$.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.EMPTY);;) { |
if(a) { |
var e = cljs.core.nnext.call(null, a), b = cljs.core.assoc_BANG_.call(null, b, cljs.core.first.call(null, a), cljs.core.second.call(null, a)), a = e |
}else { |
return cljs.core.persistent_BANG_.call(null, b) |
} |
} |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
cljs.core.array_map = function() { |
var a = function(a) { |
return new cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap(null, cljs.core.quot.call(null, cljs.core.count.call(null, a), 2), cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.array, a), null) |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
cljs.core.obj_map = function() { |
var a = function(a) { |
for(var b = [], e = {}, a = cljs.core.seq.call(null, a);;) { |
if(a) { |
b.push(cljs.core.first.call(null, a)), e[cljs.core.first.call(null, a)] = cljs.core.second.call(null, a), a = cljs.core.nnext.call(null, a) |
}else { |
return cljs.core.ObjMap.fromObject.call(null, b, e) |
} |
} |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
cljs.core.sorted_map = function() { |
var a = function(a) { |
for(var a = cljs.core.seq.call(null, a), b = cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.EMPTY;;) { |
if(a) { |
var e = cljs.core.nnext.call(null, a), b = cljs.core.assoc.call(null, b, cljs.core.first.call(null, a), cljs.core.second.call(null, a)), a = e |
}else { |
return b |
} |
} |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
cljs.core.sorted_map_by = function() { |
var a = function(a, b) { |
for(var e = cljs.core.seq.call(null, b), f = new cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap(cljs.core.fn__GT_comparator.call(null, a), null, 0, null, 0);;) { |
if(e) { |
var g = cljs.core.nnext.call(null, e), f = cljs.core.assoc.call(null, f, cljs.core.first.call(null, e), cljs.core.second.call(null, e)), e = g |
}else { |
return f |
} |
} |
}, b = function(b, d) { |
var e = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (e = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), 0)); |
return a.call(this, b, e) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 1; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
var d = cljs.core.first(b), b = cljs.core.rest(b); |
return a(d, b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
cljs.core.keys = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.seq.call(null, cljs.core.map.call(null, cljs.core.first, a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.key = function(a) { |
return cljs.core._key.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.vals = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.seq.call(null, cljs.core.map.call(null, cljs.core.second, a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.val = function(a) { |
return cljs.core._val.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.merge = function() { |
var a = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.truth_(cljs.core.some.call(null, cljs.core.identity, a)) ? cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.conj.call(null, cljs.core.truth_(a) ? a : cljs.core.ObjMap.EMPTY, b) |
}, a) : null |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
cljs.core.merge_with = function() { |
var a = function(a, b) { |
if(cljs.core.truth_(cljs.core.some.call(null, cljs.core.identity, b))) { |
var e = function(b, d) { |
var e = cljs.core.first.call(null, d), i = cljs.core.second.call(null, d); |
return cljs.core.contains_QMARK_.call(null, b, e) ? cljs.core.assoc.call(null, b, e, a.call(null, cljs.core._lookup.call(null, b, e, null), i)) : cljs.core.assoc.call(null, b, e, i) |
}; |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, e, cljs.core.truth_(a) ? a : cljs.core.ObjMap.EMPTY, cljs.core.seq.call(null, b)) |
}, b) |
} |
return null |
}, b = function(b, d) { |
var e = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (e = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), 0)); |
return a.call(this, b, e) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 1; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
var d = cljs.core.first(b), b = cljs.core.rest(b); |
return a(d, b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
cljs.core.select_keys = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = cljs.core.ObjMap.EMPTY, d = cljs.core.seq.call(null, b);;) { |
if(d) { |
var e = cljs.core.first.call(null, d), f = cljs.core._lookup.call(null, a, e, "\ufdd0'cljs.core/not-found"), c = cljs.core.not_EQ_.call(null, f, "\ufdd0'cljs.core/not-found") ? cljs.core.assoc.call(null, c, e, f) : c, d = cljs.core.next.call(null, d) |
}else { |
return c |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashSet = function(a, b, c) { |
this.meta = a; |
this.hash_map = b; |
this.__hash = c; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 4; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 15077647 |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/PersistentHashSet") |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/PersistentHashSet") |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.prototype.cljs$core$IEditableCollection$_as_transient$arity$1 = function() { |
return new cljs.core.TransientHashSet(cljs.core.transient$.call(null, this.hash_map)) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
var b = this.__hash; |
return null != b ? b : this.__hash = a = cljs.core.hash_iset.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3(a, b, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.truth_(cljs.core._contains_key_QMARK_.call(null, this.hash_map, b)) ? b : c |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.prototype.call = function() { |
var a = null; |
return a = function(a, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return this.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2(this, c); |
case 3: |
return this.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3(this, c, d) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.prototype.apply = function(a, b) { |
a = this; |
return a.call.apply(a, [a].concat(b.slice())) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.prototype.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.PersistentHashSet(this.meta, cljs.core.assoc.call(null, this.hash_map, b, null), null) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.prototype.toString = function() { |
return cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, this) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.prototype.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.keys.call(null, this.hash_map) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.prototype.cljs$core$ISet$_disjoin$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.PersistentHashSet(this.meta, cljs.core.dissoc.call(null, this.hash_map, b), null) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.prototype.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.count.call(null, cljs.core.seq.call(null, a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
var c = cljs.core.set_QMARK_.call(null, b); |
return c ? (c = cljs.core.count.call(null, a) === cljs.core.count.call(null, b)) ? cljs.core.every_QMARK_.call(null, function(b) { |
return cljs.core.contains_QMARK_.call(null, a, b) |
}, b) : c : c |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.prototype.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.PersistentHashSet(b, this.hash_map, this.__hash) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.prototype.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.meta |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.prototype.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.with_meta.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.EMPTY, this.meta) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.EMPTY = new cljs.core.PersistentHashSet(null, cljs.core.hash_map.call(null), 0); |
cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.fromArray = function(a) { |
for(var b = cljs.core.count.call(null, a), c = 0, d = cljs.core.transient$.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.EMPTY);;) { |
if(c < b) { |
var e = c + 1, d = cljs.core.conj_BANG_.call(null, d, a[c]), c = e |
}else { |
return cljs.core.persistent_BANG_.call(null, d) |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientHashSet = function(a) { |
this.transient_map = a; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 259; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 136 |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientHashSet.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.TransientHashSet.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/TransientHashSet") |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientHashSet.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/TransientHashSet") |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientHashSet.prototype.call = function() { |
var a = null; |
return a = function(a, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
var e; |
e = cljs.core._lookup.call(null, this.transient_map, c, cljs.core.lookup_sentinel) === cljs.core.lookup_sentinel ? null : c; |
return e; |
case 3: |
return e = cljs.core._lookup.call(null, this.transient_map, c, cljs.core.lookup_sentinel) === cljs.core.lookup_sentinel ? d : c, e |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
cljs.core.TransientHashSet.prototype.apply = function(a, b) { |
a = this; |
return a.call.apply(a, [a].concat(b.slice())) |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientHashSet.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3(a, b, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientHashSet.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core._lookup.call(null, this.transient_map, b, cljs.core.lookup_sentinel) === cljs.core.lookup_sentinel ? c : b |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientHashSet.prototype.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.count.call(null, this.transient_map) |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientHashSet.prototype.cljs$core$ITransientSet$_disjoin_BANG_$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
this.transient_map = cljs.core.dissoc_BANG_.call(null, this.transient_map, b); |
return a |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientHashSet.prototype.cljs$core$ITransientCollection$_conj_BANG_$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
this.transient_map = cljs.core.assoc_BANG_.call(null, this.transient_map, b, null); |
return a |
}; |
cljs.core.TransientHashSet.prototype.cljs$core$ITransientCollection$_persistent_BANG_$arity$1 = function() { |
return new cljs.core.PersistentHashSet(null, cljs.core.persistent_BANG_.call(null, this.transient_map), null) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet = function(a, b, c) { |
this.meta = a; |
this.tree_map = b; |
this.__hash = c; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 0; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 417730831 |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/PersistentTreeSet") |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/PersistentTreeSet") |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
var b = this.__hash; |
return null != b ? b : this.__hash = a = cljs.core.hash_iset.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3(a, b, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.prototype.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
a = this.tree_map.entry_at(b); |
return null != a ? a.key : c |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.prototype.call = function() { |
var a = null; |
return a = function(a, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return this.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$2(this, c); |
case 3: |
return this.cljs$core$ILookup$_lookup$arity$3(this, c, d) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.prototype.apply = function(a, b) { |
a = this; |
return a.call.apply(a, [a].concat(b.slice())) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.prototype.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet(this.meta, cljs.core.assoc.call(null, this.tree_map, b, null), null) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.prototype.cljs$core$IReversible$_rseq$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.map.call(null, cljs.core.key, cljs.core.rseq.call(null, this.tree_map)) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.prototype.toString = function() { |
return cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, this) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.prototype.cljs$core$ISorted$_sorted_seq$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.map.call(null, cljs.core.key, cljs.core._sorted_seq.call(null, this.tree_map, b)) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.prototype.cljs$core$ISorted$_sorted_seq_from$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.map.call(null, cljs.core.key, cljs.core._sorted_seq_from.call(null, this.tree_map, b, c)) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.prototype.cljs$core$ISorted$_entry_key$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return b |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.prototype.cljs$core$ISorted$_comparator$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core._comparator.call(null, this.tree_map) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.prototype.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.keys.call(null, this.tree_map) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.prototype.cljs$core$ISet$_disjoin$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet(this.meta, cljs.core.dissoc.call(null, this.tree_map, b), null) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.prototype.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.count.call(null, this.tree_map) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
var c = cljs.core.set_QMARK_.call(null, b); |
return c ? (c = cljs.core.count.call(null, a) === cljs.core.count.call(null, b)) ? cljs.core.every_QMARK_.call(null, function(b) { |
return cljs.core.contains_QMARK_.call(null, a, b) |
}, b) : c : c |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.prototype.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet(b, this.tree_map, this.__hash) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.prototype.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.meta |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.prototype.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.with_meta.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.EMPTY, this.meta) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.EMPTY = new cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet(null, cljs.core.sorted_map.call(null), 0); |
cljs.core.hash_set = function() { |
var a = null, b = function() { |
return cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.EMPTY |
}, c = function(a) { |
for(var a = cljs.core.seq.call(null, a), b = cljs.core.transient$.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.EMPTY);;) { |
if(cljs.core.seq.call(null, a)) { |
var c = cljs.core.next.call(null, a), b = cljs.core.conj_BANG_.call(null, b, cljs.core.first.call(null, a)), a = c |
}else { |
return cljs.core.persistent_BANG_.call(null, b) |
} |
} |
}, d = function(a) { |
var b = null; |
goog.isDef(a) && (b = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return c.call(this, b) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.seq(a); |
return c(a) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c; |
a = function(a) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return b.call(this); |
default: |
return d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 0)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = d.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$0 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.set = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.hash_set, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.sorted_set = function() { |
var a = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, cljs.core._conj, cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.EMPTY, a) |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
cljs.core.sorted_set_by = function() { |
var a = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, cljs.core._conj, new cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet(null, cljs.core.sorted_map_by.call(null, a), 0), b) |
}, b = function(b, d) { |
var e = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (e = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), 0)); |
return a.call(this, b, e) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 1; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
var d = cljs.core.first(b), b = cljs.core.rest(b); |
return a(d, b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
cljs.core.replace = function(a, b) { |
if(cljs.core.vector_QMARK_.call(null, b)) { |
var c = cljs.core.count.call(null, b); |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(b, c) { |
var f = cljs.core.find.call(null, a, cljs.core.nth.call(null, b, c)); |
return cljs.core.truth_(f) ? cljs.core.assoc.call(null, b, c, cljs.core.second.call(null, f)) : b |
}, b, cljs.core.take.call(null, c, cljs.core.iterate.call(null, cljs.core.inc, 0))) |
} |
return cljs.core.map.call(null, function(b) { |
var c = cljs.core.find.call(null, a, b); |
return cljs.core.truth_(c) ? cljs.core.second.call(null, c) : b |
}, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.distinct = function(a) { |
return function c(a, e) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
return function(a, d) { |
for(;;) { |
var e = a, i = cljs.core.nth.call(null, e, 0, null); |
if(e = cljs.core.seq.call(null, e)) { |
if(cljs.core.contains_QMARK_.call(null, d, i)) { |
i = cljs.core.rest.call(null, e), e = d, a = i, d = e |
}else { |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, i, c.call(null, cljs.core.rest.call(null, e), cljs.core.conj.call(null, d, i))) |
} |
}else { |
return null |
} |
} |
}.call(null, a, e) |
}, null) |
}.call(null, a, cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.EMPTY) |
}; |
cljs.core.butlast = function(a) { |
for(var b = cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY;;) { |
if(cljs.core.next.call(null, a)) { |
b = cljs.core.conj.call(null, b, cljs.core.first.call(null, a)), a = cljs.core.next.call(null, a) |
}else { |
return cljs.core.seq.call(null, b) |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.name = function(a) { |
if(cljs.core.string_QMARK_.call(null, a)) { |
return a |
} |
var b; |
b = (b = cljs.core.keyword_QMARK_.call(null, a)) ? b : cljs.core.symbol_QMARK_.call(null, a); |
if(b) { |
return b = a.lastIndexOf("/", a.length - 2), 0 > b ? cljs.core.subs.call(null, a, 2) : cljs.core.subs.call(null, a, b + 1) |
} |
throw Error([cljs.core.str("Doesn't support name: "), cljs.core.str(a)].join("")); |
}; |
cljs.core.namespace = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = (b = cljs.core.keyword_QMARK_.call(null, a)) ? b : cljs.core.symbol_QMARK_.call(null, a); |
if(b) { |
return b = a.lastIndexOf("/", a.length - 2), -1 < b ? cljs.core.subs.call(null, a, 2, b) : null |
} |
throw Error([cljs.core.str("Doesn't support namespace: "), cljs.core.str(a)].join("")); |
}; |
cljs.core.zipmap = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = cljs.core.ObjMap.EMPTY, d = cljs.core.seq.call(null, a), e = cljs.core.seq.call(null, b);;) { |
var f; |
f = (f = d) ? e : f; |
if(f) { |
c = cljs.core.assoc.call(null, c, cljs.core.first.call(null, d), cljs.core.first.call(null, e)), d = cljs.core.next.call(null, d), e = cljs.core.next.call(null, e) |
}else { |
return c |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.max_key = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b, c) { |
return a.call(null, b) > a.call(null, c) ? b : c |
}, c = function(b, c, d, h) { |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(c, d) { |
return a.call(null, b, c, d) |
}, a.call(null, b, c, d), h) |
}, d = function(a, b, d, h) { |
var i = null; |
goog.isDef(h) && (i = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3), 0)); |
return c.call(this, a, b, d, i) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), h = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))); |
return c(b, d, h, a) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c; |
a = function(a, c, g, h) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return c; |
case 3: |
return b.call(this, a, c, g); |
default: |
return d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, c, g, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 3)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = d.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return b |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.min_key = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b, c) { |
return a.call(null, b) < a.call(null, c) ? b : c |
}, c = function(b, c, d, h) { |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(c, d) { |
return a.call(null, b, c, d) |
}, a.call(null, b, c, d), h) |
}, d = function(a, b, d, h) { |
var i = null; |
goog.isDef(h) && (i = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3), 0)); |
return c.call(this, a, b, d, i) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), h = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))); |
return c(b, d, h, a) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c; |
a = function(a, c, g, h) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return c; |
case 3: |
return b.call(this, a, c, g); |
default: |
return d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, c, g, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 3)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = d.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return b |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.partition_all = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b, c) { |
return a.call(null, b, b, c) |
}, c = function(b, c, f) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
var g = cljs.core.seq.call(null, f); |
return g ? cljs.core.cons.call(null, cljs.core.take.call(null, b, g), a.call(null, b, c, cljs.core.drop.call(null, c, g))) : null |
}, null) |
}, a = function(a, e, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, e); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, e, f) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.take_while = function take_while(b, c) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
var d = cljs.core.seq.call(null, c); |
return d ? cljs.core.truth_(b.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, d))) ? cljs.core.cons.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, d), take_while.call(null, b, cljs.core.rest.call(null, d))) : null : null |
}, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.mk_bound_fn = function(a, b, c) { |
return function(d) { |
var e = cljs.core._comparator.call(null, a); |
return b.call(null, e.call(null, cljs.core._entry_key.call(null, a, d), c), 0) |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.subseq = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b, c) { |
var g = cljs.core.mk_bound_fn.call(null, a, b, c); |
return cljs.core.truth_(cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.fromArray([cljs.core._GT_, cljs.core._GT__EQ_]).call(null, b)) ? (a = cljs.core._sorted_seq_from.call(null, a, c, !0), cljs.core.truth_(a) ? (b = cljs.core.nth.call(null, a, 0, null), cljs.core.truth_(g.call(null, b)) ? a : cljs.core.next.call(null, a)) : null) : cljs.core.take_while.call(null, g, cljs.core._sorted_seq.call(null, a, !0)) |
}, c = function(a, b, c, g, h) { |
var i = cljs.core._sorted_seq_from.call(null, a, c, !0); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(i)) { |
var j = cljs.core.nth.call(null, i, 0, null); |
return cljs.core.take_while.call(null, cljs.core.mk_bound_fn.call(null, a, g, h), cljs.core.truth_(cljs.core.mk_bound_fn.call(null, a, b, c).call(null, j)) ? i : cljs.core.next.call(null, i)) |
} |
return null |
}, a = function(a, e, f, g, h) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 3: |
return b.call(this, a, e, f); |
case 5: |
return c.call(this, a, e, f, g, h) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$5 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.rsubseq = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b, c) { |
var g = cljs.core.mk_bound_fn.call(null, a, b, c); |
return cljs.core.truth_(cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.fromArray([cljs.core._LT_, cljs.core._LT__EQ_]).call(null, b)) ? (a = cljs.core._sorted_seq_from.call(null, a, c, !1), cljs.core.truth_(a) ? (b = cljs.core.nth.call(null, a, 0, null), cljs.core.truth_(g.call(null, b)) ? a : cljs.core.next.call(null, a)) : null) : cljs.core.take_while.call(null, g, cljs.core._sorted_seq.call(null, a, !1)) |
}, c = function(a, b, c, g, h) { |
var i = cljs.core._sorted_seq_from.call(null, a, h, !1); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(i)) { |
var j = cljs.core.nth.call(null, i, 0, null); |
return cljs.core.take_while.call(null, cljs.core.mk_bound_fn.call(null, a, b, c), cljs.core.truth_(cljs.core.mk_bound_fn.call(null, a, g, h).call(null, j)) ? i : cljs.core.next.call(null, i)) |
} |
return null |
}, a = function(a, e, f, g, h) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 3: |
return b.call(this, a, e, f); |
case 5: |
return c.call(this, a, e, f, g, h) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$5 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.Range = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
this.meta = a; |
this.start = b; |
this.end = c; |
this.step = d; |
this.__hash = e; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 0; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 32375006 |
}; |
cljs.core.Range.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.Range.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/Range") |
}; |
cljs.core.Range.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/Range") |
}; |
cljs.core.Range.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
var b = this.__hash; |
return null != b ? b : this.__hash = a = cljs.core.hash_coll.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.Range.prototype.cljs$core$INext$_next$arity$1 = function() { |
return 0 < this.step ? this.start + this.step < this.end ? new cljs.core.Range(this.meta, this.start + this.step, this.end, this.step, null) : null : this.start + this.step > this.end ? new cljs.core.Range(this.meta, this.start + this.step, this.end, this.step, null) : null |
}; |
cljs.core.Range.prototype.cljs$core$ICollection$_conj$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.Range.prototype.toString = function() { |
return cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, this) |
}; |
cljs.core.Range.prototype.cljs$core$IReduce$_reduce$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.ci_reduce.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.Range.prototype.cljs$core$IReduce$_reduce$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.ci_reduce.call(null, a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.Range.prototype.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return 0 < this.step ? this.start < this.end ? a : null : this.start > this.end ? a : null |
}; |
cljs.core.Range.prototype.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.not.call(null, a.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1(a)) ? 0 : Math.ceil((this.end - this.start) / this.step) |
}; |
cljs.core.Range.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_first$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.start |
}; |
cljs.core.Range.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq$_rest$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return null != a.cljs$core$ISeqable$_seq$arity$1(a) ? new cljs.core.Range(this.meta, this.start + this.step, this.end, this.step, null) : cljs.core.List.EMPTY |
}; |
cljs.core.Range.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.equiv_sequential.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.Range.prototype.cljs$core$IWithMeta$_with_meta$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return new cljs.core.Range(b, this.start, this.end, this.step, this.__hash) |
}; |
cljs.core.Range.prototype.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.meta |
}; |
cljs.core.Range.prototype.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
if(b < a.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1(a)) { |
return this.start + b * this.step |
} |
var c; |
c = (c = this.start > this.end) ? 0 === this.step : c; |
if(c) { |
return this.start |
} |
throw Error("Index out of bounds"); |
}; |
cljs.core.Range.prototype.cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
if(b < a.cljs$core$ICounted$_count$arity$1(a)) { |
return this.start + b * this.step |
} |
a = (a = this.start > this.end) ? 0 === this.step : a; |
return a ? this.start : c |
}; |
cljs.core.Range.prototype.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.with_meta.call(null, cljs.core.List.EMPTY, this.meta) |
}; |
cljs.core.range = function() { |
var a = null, b = function() { |
return a.call(null, 0, Number.MAX_VALUE, 1) |
}, c = function(b) { |
return a.call(null, 0, b, 1) |
}, d = function(b, c) { |
return a.call(null, b, c, 1) |
}, e = function(a, b, c) { |
return new cljs.core.Range(null, a, b, c, null) |
}, a = function(a, g, h) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return b.call(this); |
case 1: |
return c.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return d.call(this, a, g); |
case 3: |
return e.call(this, a, g, h) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$0 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = c; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = d; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = e; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.take_nth = function take_nth(b, c) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
var d = cljs.core.seq.call(null, c); |
return d ? cljs.core.cons.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, d), take_nth.call(null, b, cljs.core.drop.call(null, b, d))) : null |
}, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.split_with = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([cljs.core.take_while.call(null, a, b), cljs.core.drop_while.call(null, a, b)], !0) |
}; |
cljs.core.partition_by = function partition_by(b, c) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
var d = cljs.core.seq.call(null, c); |
if(d) { |
var e = cljs.core.first.call(null, d), f = b.call(null, e), e = cljs.core.cons.call(null, e, cljs.core.take_while.call(null, function(c) { |
return cljs.core._EQ_.call(null, f, b.call(null, c)) |
}, cljs.core.next.call(null, d))); |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, e, partition_by.call(null, b, cljs.core.seq.call(null, cljs.core.drop.call(null, cljs.core.count.call(null, e), d)))) |
} |
return null |
}, null) |
}; |
cljs.core.frequencies = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.persistent_BANG_.call(null, cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(a, c) { |
return cljs.core.assoc_BANG_.call(null, a, c, cljs.core._lookup.call(null, a, c, 0) + 1) |
}, cljs.core.transient$.call(null, cljs.core.ObjMap.EMPTY), a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.reductions = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b, c) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
var f = cljs.core.seq.call(null, c); |
return f ? a.call(null, b, cljs.core.first.call(null, f), cljs.core.rest.call(null, f)) : cljs.core.list.call(null, b.call(null)) |
}, null) |
}, c = function(b, c, f) { |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, c, new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
var g = cljs.core.seq.call(null, f); |
return g ? a.call(null, b, b.call(null, c, cljs.core.first.call(null, g)), cljs.core.rest.call(null, g)) : null |
}, null)) |
}, a = function(a, e, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, e); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, e, f) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.juxt = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a) { |
var b = null, c = function(b, c, d, e) { |
return cljs.core.vector.call(null, cljs.core.apply.call(null, a, b, c, d, e)) |
}, d = function(a, b, d, e) { |
var f = null; |
goog.isDef(e) && (f = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3), 0)); |
return c.call(this, a, b, d, f) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), e = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))); |
return c(b, d, e, a) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c; |
b = function(b, c, e, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return cljs.core.vector.call(null, a.call(null)); |
case 1: |
return cljs.core.vector.call(null, a.call(null, b)); |
case 2: |
return cljs.core.vector.call(null, a.call(null, b, c)); |
case 3: |
return cljs.core.vector.call(null, a.call(null, b, c, e)); |
default: |
return d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(b, c, e, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 3)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = d.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
return b |
}, c = function(a, b) { |
var c = null, d = function(c, d, e, f) { |
return cljs.core.vector.call(null, cljs.core.apply.call(null, a, c, d, e, f), cljs.core.apply.call(null, b, c, d, e, f)) |
}, e = function(a, b, c, e) { |
var f = null; |
goog.isDef(e) && (f = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3), 0)); |
return d.call(this, a, b, c, f) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
e.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), e = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))); |
return d(b, c, e, a) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d; |
c = function(c, d, f, i) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return cljs.core.vector.call(null, a.call(null), b.call(null)); |
case 1: |
return cljs.core.vector.call(null, a.call(null, c), b.call(null, c)); |
case 2: |
return cljs.core.vector.call(null, a.call(null, c, d), b.call(null, c, d)); |
case 3: |
return cljs.core.vector.call(null, a.call(null, c, d, f), b.call(null, c, d, f)); |
default: |
return e.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(c, d, f, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 3)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
c.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
c.cljs$lang$applyTo = e.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
return c |
}, d = function(a, b, c) { |
var d = null, e = function(d, e, f, j) { |
return cljs.core.vector.call(null, cljs.core.apply.call(null, a, d, e, f, j), cljs.core.apply.call(null, b, d, e, f, j), cljs.core.apply.call(null, c, d, e, f, j)) |
}, f = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var f = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (f = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3), 0)); |
return e.call(this, a, b, c, f) |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
f.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))); |
return e(b, c, d, a) |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = e; |
d = function(d, e, j, l) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return cljs.core.vector.call(null, a.call(null), b.call(null), c.call(null)); |
case 1: |
return cljs.core.vector.call(null, a.call(null, d), b.call(null, d), c.call(null, d)); |
case 2: |
return cljs.core.vector.call(null, a.call(null, d, e), b.call(null, d, e), c.call(null, d, e)); |
case 3: |
return cljs.core.vector.call(null, a.call(null, d, e, j), b.call(null, d, e, j), c.call(null, d, e, j)); |
default: |
return f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(d, e, j, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 3)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = f.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
return d |
}, e = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var e = cljs.core.list_STAR_.call(null, a, b, c, d), a = null, f = function(a, b, c, d) { |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(e, f) { |
return cljs.core.conj.call(null, e, cljs.core.apply.call(null, f, a, b, c, d)) |
}, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY, e) |
}, k = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var e = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (e = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3), 0)); |
return f.call(this, a, b, c, e) |
}; |
k.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
k.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))); |
return f(b, c, d, a) |
}; |
k.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = f; |
a = function(a, b, c, d) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.conj.call(null, a, b.call(null)) |
}, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY, e); |
case 1: |
var f = a; |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.conj.call(null, a, b.call(null, f)) |
}, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY, e); |
case 2: |
var g = a, h = b; |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.conj.call(null, a, b.call(null, g, h)) |
}, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY, e); |
case 3: |
var i = a, j = b, m = c; |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.conj.call(null, a, b.call(null, i, j, m)) |
}, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY, e); |
default: |
return k.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, b, c, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 3)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = k.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
return a |
}, f = function(a, b, c, d) { |
var f = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (f = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3), 0)); |
return e.call(this, a, b, c, f) |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
f.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))); |
return e(b, c, d, a) |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = e; |
a = function(a, e, i, j) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, e); |
case 3: |
return d.call(this, a, e, i); |
default: |
return f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, e, i, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 3)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 3; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = f.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = d; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.dorun = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a) { |
for(;;) { |
if(cljs.core.seq.call(null, a)) { |
a = cljs.core.next.call(null, a) |
}else { |
return null |
} |
} |
}, c = function(a, b) { |
for(;;) { |
if(cljs.core.truth_(function() { |
var c = cljs.core.seq.call(null, b); |
return c ? 0 < a : c |
}())) { |
var c = a - 1, g = cljs.core.next.call(null, b), a = c, b = g |
}else { |
return null |
} |
} |
}, a = function(a, e) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, e) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.doall = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a) { |
cljs.core.dorun.call(null, a); |
return a |
}, c = function(a, b) { |
cljs.core.dorun.call(null, a, b); |
return b |
}, a = function(a, e) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, e) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.regexp_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
return a instanceof RegExp |
}; |
cljs.core.re_matches = function(a, b) { |
var c = a.exec(b); |
return cljs.core._EQ_.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, c), b) ? 1 === cljs.core.count.call(null, c) ? cljs.core.first.call(null, c) : cljs.core.vec.call(null, c) : null |
}; |
cljs.core.re_find = function(a, b) { |
var c = a.exec(b); |
return null == c ? null : 1 === cljs.core.count.call(null, c) ? cljs.core.first.call(null, c) : cljs.core.vec.call(null, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.re_seq = function re_seq(b, c) { |
var d = cljs.core.re_find.call(null, b, c), e = c.search(b), f = cljs.core.coll_QMARK_.call(null, d) ? cljs.core.first.call(null, d) : d, g = cljs.core.subs.call(null, c, e + cljs.core.count.call(null, f)); |
return cljs.core.truth_(d) ? new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, d, re_seq.call(null, b, g)) |
}, null) : null |
}; |
cljs.core.re_pattern = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.re_find.call(null, /^(?:\(\?([idmsux]*)\))?(.*)/, a); |
cljs.core.nth.call(null, b, 0, null); |
a = cljs.core.nth.call(null, b, 1, null); |
b = cljs.core.nth.call(null, b, 2, null); |
return RegExp(b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.pr_sequential = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { |
return cljs.core.concat.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([b], !0), cljs.core.flatten1.call(null, cljs.core.interpose.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([c], !0), cljs.core.map.call(null, function(b) { |
return a.call(null, b, e) |
}, f))), cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([d], !0)) |
}; |
cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { |
cljs.core._write.call(null, a, c); |
cljs.core.seq.call(null, g) && b.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, g), a, f); |
for(c = cljs.core.seq.call(null, cljs.core.next.call(null, g));;) { |
if(c) { |
g = cljs.core.first.call(null, c), cljs.core._write.call(null, a, d), b.call(null, g, a, f), c = cljs.core.next.call(null, c) |
}else { |
break |
} |
} |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, a, e) |
}; |
cljs.core.write_all = function() { |
var a = function(a, b) { |
for(var e = cljs.core.seq.call(null, b);;) { |
if(e) { |
var f = cljs.core.first.call(null, e); |
cljs.core._write.call(null, a, f); |
e = cljs.core.next.call(null, e) |
}else { |
return null |
} |
} |
}, b = function(b, d) { |
var e = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (e = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), 0)); |
return a.call(this, b, e) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 1; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
var d = cljs.core.first(b), b = cljs.core.rest(b); |
return a(d, b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
cljs.core.string_print = function(a) { |
cljs.core._STAR_print_fn_STAR_.call(null, a); |
return null |
}; |
cljs.core.flush = function() { |
return null |
}; |
cljs.core.StringBufferWriter = function(a) { |
this.sb = a; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 0; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 1073741824 |
}; |
cljs.core.StringBufferWriter.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.StringBufferWriter.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/StringBufferWriter") |
}; |
cljs.core.StringBufferWriter.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/StringBufferWriter") |
}; |
cljs.core.StringBufferWriter.prototype.cljs$core$IWriter$_write$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return this.sb.append(b) |
}; |
cljs.core.StringBufferWriter.prototype.cljs$core$IWriter$_flush$arity$1 = function() { |
return null |
}; |
cljs.core.pr_seq = function pr_seq(b, c) { |
return null == b ? cljs.core.list.call(null, "nil") : void 0 === b ? cljs.core.list.call(null, "#<undefined>") : cljs.core.concat.call(null, cljs.core.truth_(function() { |
var d = cljs.core._lookup.call(null, c, "\ufdd0'meta", null); |
return cljs.core.truth_(d) ? (b ? (d = (d = b.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 131072) ? d : b.cljs$core$IMeta$, d = d ? !0 : b.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IMeta, b)) : d = cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IMeta, b), cljs.core.truth_(d) ? cljs.core.meta.call(null, b) : d) : d |
}()) ? cljs.core.concat.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray(["^"], !0), pr_seq.call(null, cljs.core.meta.call(null, b), c), cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([" "], !0)) : null, function() { |
var c = null != b; |
return c ? b.cljs$lang$type : c |
}() ? b.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq(b) : function() { |
if(b) { |
var c; |
c = (c = b.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 536870912) ? c : b.cljs$core$IPrintable$; |
return c ? !0 : b.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IPrintable, b) |
} |
return cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IPrintable, b) |
}() ? cljs.core._pr_seq.call(null, b, c) : cljs.core.truth_(cljs.core.regexp_QMARK_.call(null, b)) ? cljs.core.list.call(null, '#"', b.source, '"') : cljs.core.list.call(null, "#<", "" + cljs.core.str(b), ">")) |
}; |
cljs.core.pr_writer = function pr_writer(b, c, d) { |
if(null == b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, c, "nil") |
} |
if(void 0 === b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, c, "#<undefined>") |
} |
cljs.core.truth_(function() { |
var c = cljs.core._lookup.call(null, d, "\ufdd0'meta", null); |
return cljs.core.truth_(c) ? (b ? (c = (c = b.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 131072) ? c : b.cljs$core$IMeta$, c = c ? !0 : b.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IMeta, b)) : c = cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IMeta, b), cljs.core.truth_(c) ? cljs.core.meta.call(null, b) : c) : c |
}()) && (cljs.core._write.call(null, c, "^"), pr_writer.call(null, cljs.core.meta.call(null, b), c, d), cljs.core._write.call(null, c, " ")); |
var e; |
e = (e = null != b) ? b.cljs$lang$type : e; |
e ? c = b.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter(b, c, d) : (b ? (e = (e = b.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 2147483648) ? e : b.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$, e = e ? !0 : b.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IPrintWithWriter, b)) : e = cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IPrintWithWriter, b), e ? c = cljs.core._pr_writer.call(null, b, c, d) : (b ? (e = (e = b.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 536870912) ? e : b.cljs$core$IPrintable$, e = |
e ? !0 : b.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IPrintable, b)) : e = cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IPrintable, b), c = e ? cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.write_all, c, cljs.core._pr_seq.call(null, b, d)) : cljs.core.truth_(cljs.core.regexp_QMARK_.call(null, b)) ? cljs.core.write_all.call(null, c, '#"', b.source, '"') : cljs.core.write_all.call(null, c, "#<", "" + cljs.core.str(b), ">"))); |
return c |
}; |
cljs.core.pr_seq_writer = function(a, b, c) { |
cljs.core.pr_writer.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, a), b, c); |
for(a = cljs.core.seq.call(null, cljs.core.next.call(null, a));;) { |
if(a) { |
var d = cljs.core.first.call(null, a); |
cljs.core._write.call(null, b, " "); |
cljs.core.pr_writer.call(null, d, b, c); |
a = cljs.core.next.call(null, a) |
}else { |
return null |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.pr_sb_with_opts = function(a, b) { |
var c = new goog.string.StringBuffer, d = new cljs.core.StringBufferWriter(c); |
cljs.core.pr_seq_writer.call(null, a, d, b); |
cljs.core._flush.call(null, d); |
return c |
}; |
cljs.core.pr_str_with_opts = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.empty_QMARK_.call(null, a) ? "" : "" + cljs.core.str(cljs.core.pr_sb_with_opts.call(null, a, b)) |
}; |
cljs.core.prn_str_with_opts = function(a, b) { |
if(cljs.core.empty_QMARK_.call(null, a)) { |
return"\n" |
} |
var c = cljs.core.pr_sb_with_opts.call(null, a, b); |
c.append("\n"); |
return"" + cljs.core.str(c) |
}; |
cljs.core.pr_with_opts = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.string_print.call(null, cljs.core.pr_str_with_opts.call(null, a, b)) |
}; |
cljs.core.newline = function(a) { |
cljs.core.string_print.call(null, "\n"); |
return cljs.core.truth_(cljs.core._lookup.call(null, a, "\ufdd0'flush-on-newline", null)) ? cljs.core.flush.call(null) : null |
}; |
cljs.core._STAR_flush_on_newline_STAR_ = !0; |
cljs.core._STAR_print_readably_STAR_ = !0; |
cljs.core._STAR_print_meta_STAR_ = !1; |
cljs.core._STAR_print_dup_STAR_ = !1; |
cljs.core.pr_opts = function() { |
return cljs.core.ObjMap.fromObject(["\ufdd0'flush-on-newline", "\ufdd0'readably", "\ufdd0'meta", "\ufdd0'dup"], {"\ufdd0'flush-on-newline":cljs.core._STAR_flush_on_newline_STAR_, "\ufdd0'readably":cljs.core._STAR_print_readably_STAR_, "\ufdd0'meta":cljs.core._STAR_print_meta_STAR_, "\ufdd0'dup":cljs.core._STAR_print_dup_STAR_}) |
}; |
cljs.core.pr_str = function() { |
var a = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.pr_str_with_opts.call(null, a, cljs.core.pr_opts.call(null)) |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
cljs.core.prn_str = function() { |
var a = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.prn_str_with_opts.call(null, a, cljs.core.pr_opts.call(null)) |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
cljs.core.pr = function() { |
var a = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.pr_with_opts.call(null, a, cljs.core.pr_opts.call(null)) |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
cljs.core.print = function() { |
var a = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.pr_with_opts.call(null, a, cljs.core.assoc.call(null, cljs.core.pr_opts.call(null), "\ufdd0'readably", !1)) |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
cljs.core.print_str = function() { |
var a = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.pr_str_with_opts.call(null, a, cljs.core.assoc.call(null, cljs.core.pr_opts.call(null), "\ufdd0'readably", !1)) |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
cljs.core.println = function() { |
var a = function(a) { |
cljs.core.pr_with_opts.call(null, a, cljs.core.assoc.call(null, cljs.core.pr_opts.call(null), "\ufdd0'readably", !1)); |
return cljs.core.newline.call(null, cljs.core.pr_opts.call(null)) |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
cljs.core.println_str = function() { |
var a = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.prn_str_with_opts.call(null, a, cljs.core.assoc.call(null, cljs.core.pr_opts.call(null), "\ufdd0'readably", !1)) |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
cljs.core.prn = function() { |
var a = function(a) { |
cljs.core.pr_with_opts.call(null, a, cljs.core.pr_opts.call(null)); |
return cljs.core.newline.call(null, cljs.core.pr_opts.call(null)) |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
cljs.core.printf = function() { |
var a = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.print.call(null, cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.format, a, b)) |
}, b = function(b, d) { |
var e = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (e = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), 0)); |
return a.call(this, b, e) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 1; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
var d = cljs.core.first(b), b = cljs.core.rest(b); |
return a(d, b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
cljs.core.char_escapes = cljs.core.ObjMap.fromObject('"\\\b\f\n\r\t'.split(""), {'"':'\\"', "\\":"\\\\", "\b":"\\b", "\f":"\\f", "\n":"\\n", "\r":"\\r", "\t":"\\t"}); |
cljs.core.quote_string = function(a) { |
return[cljs.core.str('"'), cljs.core.str(a.replace(RegExp('[\\\\"\b\f\n\r\t]', "g"), function(a) { |
return cljs.core._lookup.call(null, cljs.core.char_escapes, a, null) |
})), cljs.core.str('"')].join("") |
}; |
cljs.core.HashMap.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$ = !0; |
cljs.core.HashMap.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, function(a) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, cljs.core.pr_seq, "", " ", "", b, a) |
}, "{", ", ", "}", b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.IPrintable.number = !0; |
cljs.core._pr_seq.number = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "" + cljs.core.str(a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.IndexedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$ = !0; |
cljs.core.IndexedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, cljs.core.pr_seq, "(", " ", ")", b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.Subvec.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$ = !0; |
cljs.core.Subvec.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, cljs.core.pr_seq, "[", " ", "]", b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedCons.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$ = !0; |
cljs.core.ChunkedCons.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, cljs.core.pr_seq, "(", " ", ")", b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$ = !0; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, function(a) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, cljs.core.pr_seq, "", " ", "", b, a) |
}, "{", ", ", "}", b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$ = !0; |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, function(a) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, cljs.core.pr_seq, "", " ", "", b, a) |
}, "{", ", ", "}", b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueue.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$ = !0; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueue.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, cljs.core.pr_seq, "#queue [", " ", "]", b, cljs.core.seq.call(null, a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.LazySeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$ = !0; |
cljs.core.LazySeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, cljs.core.pr_seq, "(", " ", ")", b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.RSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$ = !0; |
cljs.core.RSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, cljs.core.pr_seq, "(", " ", ")", b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$ = !0; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, cljs.core.pr_seq, "#{", " ", "}", b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.IPrintable["boolean"] = !0; |
cljs.core._pr_seq["boolean"] = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "" + cljs.core.str(a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.IPrintable.string = !0; |
cljs.core._pr_seq.string = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.keyword_QMARK_.call(null, a) ? cljs.core.list.call(null, [cljs.core.str(":"), cljs.core.str(function() { |
var b = cljs.core.namespace.call(null, a); |
return cljs.core.truth_(b) ? [cljs.core.str(b), cljs.core.str("/")].join("") : null |
}()), cljs.core.str(cljs.core.name.call(null, a))].join("")) : cljs.core.symbol_QMARK_.call(null, a) ? cljs.core.list.call(null, [cljs.core.str(function() { |
var b = cljs.core.namespace.call(null, a); |
return cljs.core.truth_(b) ? [cljs.core.str(b), cljs.core.str("/")].join("") : null |
}()), cljs.core.str(cljs.core.name.call(null, a))].join("")) : cljs.core.list.call(null, cljs.core.truth_((new cljs.core.Keyword("\ufdd0'readably")).call(null, b)) ? cljs.core.quote_string.call(null, a) : a) |
}; |
cljs.core.NodeSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$ = !0; |
cljs.core.NodeSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, cljs.core.pr_seq, "(", " ", ")", b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$ = !0; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, cljs.core.pr_seq, "[", " ", "]", b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$ = !0; |
cljs.core.ChunkedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, cljs.core.pr_seq, "(", " ", ")", b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$ = !0; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, function(a) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, cljs.core.pr_seq, "", " ", "", b, a) |
}, "{", ", ", "}", b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.Vector.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$ = !0; |
cljs.core.Vector.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, cljs.core.pr_seq, "[", " ", "]", b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$ = !0; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, cljs.core.pr_seq, "#{", " ", "}", b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$ = !0; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, cljs.core.pr_seq, "[", " ", "]", b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.List.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$ = !0; |
cljs.core.List.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, cljs.core.pr_seq, "(", " ", ")", b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.IPrintable.array = !0; |
cljs.core._pr_seq.array = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, cljs.core.pr_seq, "#<Array [", ", ", "]>", b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.IPrintable["function"] = !0; |
cljs.core._pr_seq["function"] = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "#<", "" + cljs.core.str(a), ">") |
}; |
cljs.core.EmptyList.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$ = !0; |
cljs.core.EmptyList.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "()") |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$ = !0; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, cljs.core.pr_seq, "[", " ", "]", b, a) |
}; |
Date.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$ = !0; |
Date.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function(a) { |
var b = function(a, b) { |
for(var e = "" + cljs.core.str(a);;) { |
if(cljs.core.count.call(null, e) < b) { |
e = [cljs.core.str("0"), cljs.core.str(e)].join("") |
}else { |
return e |
} |
} |
}; |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, [cljs.core.str('#inst "'), cljs.core.str(a.getUTCFullYear()), cljs.core.str("-"), cljs.core.str(b.call(null, a.getUTCMonth() + 1, 2)), cljs.core.str("-"), cljs.core.str(b.call(null, a.getUTCDate(), 2)), cljs.core.str("T"), cljs.core.str(b.call(null, a.getUTCHours(), 2)), cljs.core.str(":"), cljs.core.str(b.call(null, a.getUTCMinutes(), 2)), cljs.core.str(":"), cljs.core.str(b.call(null, a.getUTCSeconds(), 2)), cljs.core.str("."), cljs.core.str(b.call(null, a.getUTCMilliseconds(), |
3)), cljs.core.str("-"), cljs.core.str('00:00"')].join("")) |
}; |
cljs.core.Cons.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$ = !0; |
cljs.core.Cons.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, cljs.core.pr_seq, "(", " ", ")", b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.Range.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$ = !0; |
cljs.core.Range.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, cljs.core.pr_seq, "(", " ", ")", b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayNodeSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$ = !0; |
cljs.core.ArrayNodeSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, cljs.core.pr_seq, "(", " ", ")", b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ObjMap.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$ = !0; |
cljs.core.ObjMap.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, function(a) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, cljs.core.pr_seq, "", " ", "", b, a) |
}, "{", ", ", "}", b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMapSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$ = !0; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMapSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential.call(null, cljs.core.pr_seq, "(", " ", ")", b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.HashMap.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$ = !0; |
cljs.core.HashMap.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, function(a) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, cljs.core.pr_writer, "", " ", "", c, a) |
}, "{", ", ", "}", c, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.IPrintWithWriter.number = !0; |
cljs.core._pr_writer.number = function(a, b) { |
1 / 0; |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "" + cljs.core.str(a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.IndexedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$ = !0; |
cljs.core.IndexedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, cljs.core.pr_writer, "(", " ", ")", c, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.Subvec.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$ = !0; |
cljs.core.Subvec.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, cljs.core.pr_writer, "[", " ", "]", c, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedCons.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$ = !0; |
cljs.core.ChunkedCons.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, cljs.core.pr_writer, "(", " ", ")", c, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$ = !0; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMap.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, function(a) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, cljs.core.pr_writer, "", " ", "", c, a) |
}, "{", ", ", "}", c, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$ = !0; |
cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, function(a) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, cljs.core.pr_writer, "", " ", "", c, a) |
}, "{", ", ", "}", c, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueue.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$ = !0; |
cljs.core.PersistentQueue.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, cljs.core.pr_writer, "#queue [", " ", "]", c, cljs.core.seq.call(null, a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.LazySeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$ = !0; |
cljs.core.LazySeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, cljs.core.pr_writer, "(", " ", ")", c, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.RSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$ = !0; |
cljs.core.RSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, cljs.core.pr_writer, "(", " ", ")", c, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$ = !0; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeSet.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, cljs.core.pr_writer, "#{", " ", "}", c, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.IPrintWithWriter["boolean"] = !0; |
cljs.core._pr_writer["boolean"] = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "" + cljs.core.str(a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.IPrintWithWriter.string = !0; |
cljs.core._pr_writer.string = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.keyword_QMARK_.call(null, a) ? (cljs.core._write.call(null, b, ":"), c = cljs.core.namespace.call(null, a), cljs.core.truth_(c) && cljs.core.write_all.call(null, b, "" + cljs.core.str(c), "/"), cljs.core._write.call(null, b, cljs.core.name.call(null, a))) : cljs.core.symbol_QMARK_.call(null, a) ? (c = cljs.core.namespace.call(null, a), cljs.core.truth_(c) && cljs.core.write_all.call(null, b, "" + cljs.core.str(c), "/"), cljs.core._write.call(null, b, cljs.core.name.call(null, a))) : |
cljs.core.truth_((new cljs.core.Keyword("\ufdd0'readably")).call(null, c)) ? cljs.core._write.call(null, b, cljs.core.quote_string.call(null, a)) : cljs.core._write.call(null, b, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.NodeSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$ = !0; |
cljs.core.NodeSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, cljs.core.pr_writer, "(", " ", ")", c, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$ = !0; |
cljs.core.RedNode.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, cljs.core.pr_writer, "[", " ", "]", c, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ChunkedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$ = !0; |
cljs.core.ChunkedSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, cljs.core.pr_writer, "(", " ", ")", c, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$ = !0; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, function(a) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, cljs.core.pr_writer, "", " ", "", c, a) |
}, "{", ", ", "}", c, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.Vector.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$ = !0; |
cljs.core.Vector.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, cljs.core.pr_writer, "[", " ", "]", c, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$ = !0; |
cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, cljs.core.pr_writer, "#{", " ", "}", c, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$ = !0; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, cljs.core.pr_writer, "[", " ", "]", c, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.List.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$ = !0; |
cljs.core.List.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, cljs.core.pr_writer, "(", " ", ")", c, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.IPrintWithWriter.array = !0; |
cljs.core._pr_writer.array = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, cljs.core.pr_writer, "#<Array [", ", ", "]>", c, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.IPrintWithWriter["function"] = !0; |
cljs.core._pr_writer["function"] = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.write_all.call(null, b, "#<", "" + cljs.core.str(a), ">") |
}; |
cljs.core.EmptyList.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$ = !0; |
cljs.core.EmptyList.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "()") |
}; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$ = !0; |
cljs.core.BlackNode.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, cljs.core.pr_writer, "[", " ", "]", c, a) |
}; |
Date.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$ = !0; |
Date.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b) { |
var c = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = "" + cljs.core.str(a);;) { |
if(cljs.core.count.call(null, c) < b) { |
c = [cljs.core.str("0"), cljs.core.str(c)].join("") |
}else { |
return c |
} |
} |
}; |
return cljs.core.write_all.call(null, b, '#inst "', "" + cljs.core.str(a.getUTCFullYear()), "-", c.call(null, a.getUTCMonth() + 1, 2), "-", c.call(null, a.getUTCDate(), 2), "T", c.call(null, a.getUTCHours(), 2), ":", c.call(null, a.getUTCMinutes(), 2), ":", c.call(null, a.getUTCSeconds(), 2), ".", c.call(null, a.getUTCMilliseconds(), 3), "-", '00:00"') |
}; |
cljs.core.Cons.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$ = !0; |
cljs.core.Cons.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, cljs.core.pr_writer, "(", " ", ")", c, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.Range.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$ = !0; |
cljs.core.Range.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, cljs.core.pr_writer, "(", " ", ")", c, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ArrayNodeSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$ = !0; |
cljs.core.ArrayNodeSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, cljs.core.pr_writer, "(", " ", ")", c, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.ObjMap.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$ = !0; |
cljs.core.ObjMap.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, function(a) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, cljs.core.pr_writer, "", " ", "", c, a) |
}, "{", ", ", "}", c, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMapSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$ = !0; |
cljs.core.PersistentTreeMapSeq.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.pr_sequential_writer.call(null, b, cljs.core.pr_writer, "(", " ", ")", c, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$IComparable$ = !0; |
cljs.core.PersistentVector.prototype.cljs$core$IComparable$_compare$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.compare_indexed.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.Atom = function(a, b, c, d) { |
this.state = a; |
this.meta = b; |
this.validator = c; |
this.watches = d; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 2690809856; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 2 |
}; |
cljs.core.Atom.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.Atom.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/Atom") |
}; |
cljs.core.Atom.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/Atom") |
}; |
cljs.core.Atom.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return goog.getUid(a) |
}; |
cljs.core.Atom.prototype.cljs$core$IWatchable$_notify_watches$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
for(var d = cljs.core.seq.call(null, this.watches);;) { |
if(d) { |
var e = cljs.core.first.call(null, d), f = cljs.core.nth.call(null, e, 0, null); |
cljs.core.nth.call(null, e, 1, null).call(null, f, a, b, c); |
d = cljs.core.next.call(null, d) |
}else { |
return null |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.core.Atom.prototype.cljs$core$IWatchable$_add_watch$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
return a.watches = cljs.core.assoc.call(null, this.watches, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.Atom.prototype.cljs$core$IWatchable$_remove_watch$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a.watches = cljs.core.dissoc.call(null, this.watches, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.Atom.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "#<Atom: "); |
cljs.core._pr_writer.call(null, this.state, b, c); |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, ">") |
}; |
cljs.core.Atom.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.concat.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray(["#<Atom: "], !0), cljs.core._pr_seq.call(null, this.state, b), ">") |
}; |
cljs.core.Atom.prototype.cljs$core$IMeta$_meta$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.meta |
}; |
cljs.core.Atom.prototype.cljs$core$IDeref$_deref$arity$1 = function() { |
return this.state |
}; |
cljs.core.Atom.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return a === b |
}; |
cljs.core.atom = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a) { |
return new cljs.core.Atom(a, null, null, null) |
}, c = function(a, b) { |
var c = cljs.core.seq_QMARK_.call(null, b) ? cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.hash_map, b) : b, d = cljs.core._lookup.call(null, c, "\ufdd0'validator", null), c = cljs.core._lookup.call(null, c, "\ufdd0'meta", null); |
return new cljs.core.Atom(a, c, d, null) |
}, d = function(a, b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), 0)); |
return c.call(this, a, d) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 1; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), a = cljs.core.rest(a); |
return c(b, a) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c; |
a = function(a, c) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
default: |
return d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 1)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 1; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = d.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.reset_BANG_ = function(a, b) { |
var c = a.validator; |
if(cljs.core.truth_(c) && !cljs.core.truth_(c.call(null, b))) { |
throw Error([cljs.core.str("Assert failed: "), cljs.core.str("Validator rejected reference state"), cljs.core.str("\n"), cljs.core.str(cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, cljs.core.with_meta(cljs.core.list("\ufdd1'validate", "\ufdd1'new-value"), cljs.core.hash_map("\ufdd0'line", 6751))))].join("")); |
} |
c = a.state; |
a.state = b; |
cljs.core._notify_watches.call(null, a, c, b); |
return b |
}; |
cljs.core.swap_BANG_ = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.reset_BANG_.call(null, a, b.call(null, a.state)) |
}, c = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core.reset_BANG_.call(null, a, b.call(null, a.state, c)) |
}, d = function(a, b, c, d) { |
return cljs.core.reset_BANG_.call(null, a, b.call(null, a.state, c, d)) |
}, e = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
return cljs.core.reset_BANG_.call(null, a, b.call(null, a.state, c, d, e)) |
}, f = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { |
return cljs.core.reset_BANG_.call(null, a, cljs.core.apply.call(null, b, a.state, c, d, e, f)) |
}, g = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) { |
var n = null; |
goog.isDef(g) && (n = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 5), 0)); |
return f.call(this, a, b, c, d, e, n) |
}; |
g.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 5; |
g.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))), e = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a)))), g = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))))), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(cljs.core.next(a))))); |
return f(b, c, d, e, g, a) |
}; |
g.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = f; |
a = function(a, f, j, l, m, k) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, f); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, f, j); |
case 4: |
return d.call(this, a, f, j, l); |
case 5: |
return e.call(this, a, f, j, l, m); |
default: |
return g.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, f, j, l, m, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 5)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 5; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = g.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$4 = d; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$5 = e; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = g.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.compare_and_set_BANG_ = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core._EQ_.call(null, a.state, b) ? (cljs.core.reset_BANG_.call(null, a, c), !0) : !1 |
}; |
cljs.core.deref = function(a) { |
return cljs.core._deref.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.set_validator_BANG_ = function(a, b) { |
return a.validator = b |
}; |
cljs.core.get_validator = function(a) { |
return a.validator |
}; |
cljs.core.alter_meta_BANG_ = function() { |
var a = function(a, b, e) { |
return a.meta = cljs.core.apply.call(null, b, a.meta, e) |
}, b = function(b, d, e) { |
var f = null; |
goog.isDef(e) && (f = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return a.call(this, b, d, f) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
var d = cljs.core.first(b), e = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(b)), b = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(b)); |
return a(d, e, b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
cljs.core.reset_meta_BANG_ = function(a, b) { |
return a.meta = b |
}; |
cljs.core.add_watch = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core._add_watch.call(null, a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.remove_watch = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._remove_watch.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.gensym_counter = null; |
cljs.core.gensym = function() { |
var a = null, b = function() { |
return a.call(null, "G__") |
}, c = function(a) { |
null == cljs.core.gensym_counter && (cljs.core.gensym_counter = cljs.core.atom.call(null, 0)); |
return cljs.core.symbol.call(null, [cljs.core.str(a), cljs.core.str(cljs.core.swap_BANG_.call(null, cljs.core.gensym_counter, cljs.core.inc))].join("")) |
}, a = function(a) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return b.call(this); |
case 1: |
return c.call(this, a) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$0 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.fixture1 = 1; |
cljs.core.fixture2 = 2; |
cljs.core.Delay = function(a, b) { |
this.state = a; |
this.f = b; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 1; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 32768 |
}; |
cljs.core.Delay.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.Delay.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/Delay") |
}; |
cljs.core.Delay.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/Delay") |
}; |
cljs.core.Delay.prototype.cljs$core$IPending$_realized_QMARK_$arity$1 = function() { |
return(new cljs.core.Keyword("\ufdd0'done")).call(null, cljs.core.deref.call(null, this.state)) |
}; |
cljs.core.Delay.prototype.cljs$core$IDeref$_deref$arity$1 = function() { |
var a = this; |
return(new cljs.core.Keyword("\ufdd0'value")).call(null, cljs.core.swap_BANG_.call(null, a.state, function(b) { |
var b = cljs.core.seq_QMARK_.call(null, b) ? cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.hash_map, b) : b, c = cljs.core._lookup.call(null, b, "\ufdd0'done", null); |
return cljs.core.truth_(c) ? b : cljs.core.ObjMap.fromObject(["\ufdd0'done", "\ufdd0'value"], {"\ufdd0'done":!0, "\ufdd0'value":a.f.call(null)}) |
})) |
}; |
cljs.core.delay_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.Delay, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.force = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.delay_QMARK_.call(null, a) ? cljs.core.deref.call(null, a) : a |
}; |
cljs.core.realized_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
return cljs.core._realized_QMARK_.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.IEncodeJS = {}; |
cljs.core._clj__GT_js = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$IEncodeJS$_clj__GT_js$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IEncodeJS$_clj__GT_js$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._clj__GT_js[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._clj__GT_js._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IEncodeJS.-clj->js", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core._key__GT_js = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$IEncodeJS$_key__GT_js$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IEncodeJS$_key__GT_js$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._key__GT_js[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._key__GT_js._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IEncodeJS.-key->js", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.IEncodeJS["null"] = !0; |
cljs.core._clj__GT_js["null"] = function() { |
return null |
}; |
cljs.core.IEncodeJS._ = !0; |
cljs.core._key__GT_js._ = function(a) { |
return function() { |
var b = cljs.core.string_QMARK_.call(null, a); |
return b || (b = cljs.core.number_QMARK_.call(null, a)) ? b : (b = cljs.core.keyword_QMARK_.call(null, a)) ? b : cljs.core.symbol_QMARK_.call(null, a) |
}() ? cljs.core._clj__GT_js.call(null, a) : cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core._clj__GT_js._ = function(a) { |
if(cljs.core.keyword_QMARK_.call(null, a)) { |
return cljs.core.name.call(null, a) |
} |
if(cljs.core.symbol_QMARK_.call(null, a)) { |
return"" + cljs.core.str(a) |
} |
if(cljs.core.map_QMARK_.call(null, a)) { |
for(var b = {}, a = cljs.core.seq.call(null, a);;) { |
if(a) { |
var c = cljs.core.first.call(null, a), d = cljs.core.nth.call(null, c, 0, null), c = cljs.core.nth.call(null, c, 1, null); |
b[cljs.core._key__GT_js.call(null, d)] = cljs.core._clj__GT_js.call(null, c); |
a = cljs.core.next.call(null, a) |
}else { |
break |
} |
} |
return b |
} |
return cljs.core.coll_QMARK_.call(null, a) ? cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.array, cljs.core.map.call(null, cljs.core._clj__GT_js, a)) : a |
}; |
cljs.core.clj__GT_js = function(a) { |
return cljs.core._clj__GT_js.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.IEncodeClojure = {}; |
cljs.core._js__GT_clj = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$IEncodeClojure$_js__GT_clj$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IEncodeClojure$_js__GT_clj$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._js__GT_clj[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._js__GT_clj._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IEncodeClojure.-js->clj", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}, c = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = a ? a.cljs$core$IEncodeClojure$_js__GT_clj$arity$2 : a; |
if(c) { |
return a.cljs$core$IEncodeClojure$_js__GT_clj$arity$2(a, b) |
} |
c = cljs.core._js__GT_clj[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!c && (c = cljs.core._js__GT_clj._, !c)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IEncodeClojure.-js->clj", a); |
} |
return c.call(null, a, b) |
}, a = function(a, e) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, e) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.IEncodeClojure._ = !0; |
cljs.core._js__GT_clj._ = function() { |
var a = null; |
return a = function(a, c) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return cljs.core._js__GT_clj.call(null, a, cljs.core.ObjMap.fromObject(["\ufdd0'keywordize-keys"], {"\ufdd0'keywordize-keys":!1})); |
case 2: |
var d = cljs.core.seq_QMARK_.call(null, c) ? cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.hash_map, c) : c, d = cljs.core._lookup.call(null, d, "\ufdd0'keywordize-keys", null), e = cljs.core.truth_(d) ? cljs.core.keyword : cljs.core.str; |
return function g(a) { |
return cljs.core.seq_QMARK_.call(null, a) ? cljs.core.doall.call(null, cljs.core.map.call(null, g, a)) : cljs.core.coll_QMARK_.call(null, a) ? cljs.core.into.call(null, cljs.core.empty.call(null, a), cljs.core.map.call(null, g, a)) : cljs.core.truth_(goog.isArray(a)) ? cljs.core.vec.call(null, cljs.core.map.call(null, g, a)) : cljs.core.type.call(null, a) === Object ? cljs.core.into.call(null, cljs.core.ObjMap.EMPTY, function j(b) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
for(;;) { |
if(cljs.core.seq.call(null, b)) { |
var c = cljs.core.first.call(null, b); |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([e.call(null, c), g.call(null, a[c])], !0), j.call(null, cljs.core.rest.call(null, b))) |
} |
return null |
} |
}, null) |
}.call(null, cljs.core.js_keys.call(null, a))) : a |
}.call(null, a) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
} |
}(); |
cljs.core.js__GT_clj = function() { |
var a = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._js__GT_clj.call(null, a, cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.array_map, b)) |
}, b = function(b, d) { |
var e = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (e = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), 0)); |
return a.call(this, b, e) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 1; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
var d = cljs.core.first(b), b = cljs.core.rest(b); |
return a(d, b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
cljs.core.memoize = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.atom.call(null, cljs.core.ObjMap.EMPTY), c = function(c) { |
var d = cljs.core._lookup.call(null, cljs.core.deref.call(null, b), c, null); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(d)) { |
return d |
} |
d = cljs.core.apply.call(null, a, c); |
cljs.core.swap_BANG_.call(null, b, cljs.core.assoc, c, d); |
return d |
}, d = function(a) { |
var b = null; |
goog.isDef(a) && (b = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return c.call(this, b) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.seq(a); |
return c(a) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c; |
return d |
}; |
cljs.core.trampoline = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a) { |
for(;;) { |
if(a = a.call(null), !cljs.core.fn_QMARK_.call(null, a)) { |
return a |
} |
} |
}, c = function(b, c) { |
return a.call(null, function() { |
return cljs.core.apply.call(null, b, c) |
}) |
}, d = function(a, b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), 0)); |
return c.call(this, a, d) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 1; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), a = cljs.core.rest(a); |
return c(b, a) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c; |
a = function(a, c) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
default: |
return d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 1)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 1; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = d.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.rand = function() { |
var a = null, b = function() { |
return a.call(null, 1) |
}, c = function(a) { |
return Math.random.call(null) * a |
}, a = function(a) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return b.call(this); |
case 1: |
return c.call(this, a) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$0 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.rand_int = function(a) { |
return Math.floor.call(null, Math.random.call(null) * a) |
}; |
cljs.core.rand_nth = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.nth.call(null, a, cljs.core.rand_int.call(null, cljs.core.count.call(null, a))) |
}; |
cljs.core.group_by = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(b, d) { |
var e = a.call(null, d); |
return cljs.core.assoc.call(null, b, e, cljs.core.conj.call(null, cljs.core._lookup.call(null, b, e, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY), d)) |
}, cljs.core.ObjMap.EMPTY, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.make_hierarchy = function() { |
return cljs.core.ObjMap.fromObject(["\ufdd0'parents", "\ufdd0'descendants", "\ufdd0'ancestors"], {"\ufdd0'parents":cljs.core.ObjMap.EMPTY, "\ufdd0'descendants":cljs.core.ObjMap.EMPTY, "\ufdd0'ancestors":cljs.core.ObjMap.EMPTY}) |
}; |
cljs.core.global_hierarchy = cljs.core.atom.call(null, cljs.core.make_hierarchy.call(null)); |
cljs.core.isa_QMARK_ = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b, c) { |
return a.call(null, cljs.core.deref.call(null, cljs.core.global_hierarchy), b, c) |
}, c = function(b, c, f) { |
var g = cljs.core._EQ_.call(null, c, f); |
if(!g && !(g = cljs.core.contains_QMARK_.call(null, (new cljs.core.Keyword("\ufdd0'ancestors")).call(null, b).call(null, c), f)) && (g = cljs.core.vector_QMARK_.call(null, f))) { |
if(g = cljs.core.vector_QMARK_.call(null, c)) { |
if(g = cljs.core.count.call(null, f) === cljs.core.count.call(null, c)) { |
for(var g = !0, h = 0;;) { |
var i; |
i = (i = cljs.core.not.call(null, g)) ? i : h === cljs.core.count.call(null, f); |
if(i) { |
return g |
} |
g = a.call(null, b, c.call(null, h), f.call(null, h)); |
h += 1 |
} |
}else { |
return g |
} |
}else { |
return g |
} |
}else { |
return g |
} |
}, a = function(a, e, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, e); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, e, f) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.parents = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b) { |
return a.call(null, cljs.core.deref.call(null, cljs.core.global_hierarchy), b) |
}, c = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.not_empty.call(null, cljs.core._lookup.call(null, (new cljs.core.Keyword("\ufdd0'parents")).call(null, a), b, null)) |
}, a = function(a, e) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, e) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.ancestors = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b) { |
return a.call(null, cljs.core.deref.call(null, cljs.core.global_hierarchy), b) |
}, c = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.not_empty.call(null, cljs.core._lookup.call(null, (new cljs.core.Keyword("\ufdd0'ancestors")).call(null, a), b, null)) |
}, a = function(a, e) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, e) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.descendants = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b) { |
return a.call(null, cljs.core.deref.call(null, cljs.core.global_hierarchy), b) |
}, c = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.not_empty.call(null, cljs.core._lookup.call(null, (new cljs.core.Keyword("\ufdd0'descendants")).call(null, a), b, null)) |
}, a = function(a, e) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, e) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.derive = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b, c) { |
if(!cljs.core.truth_(cljs.core.namespace.call(null, c))) { |
throw Error([cljs.core.str("Assert failed: "), cljs.core.str(cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, cljs.core.with_meta(cljs.core.list("\ufdd1'namespace", "\ufdd1'parent"), cljs.core.hash_map("\ufdd0'line", 7081))))].join("")); |
} |
cljs.core.swap_BANG_.call(null, cljs.core.global_hierarchy, a, b, c); |
return null |
}, c = function(a, b, c) { |
if(!cljs.core.not_EQ_.call(null, b, c)) { |
throw Error([cljs.core.str("Assert failed: "), cljs.core.str(cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, cljs.core.with_meta(cljs.core.list("\ufdd1'not=", "\ufdd1'tag", "\ufdd1'parent"), cljs.core.hash_map("\ufdd0'line", 7085))))].join("")); |
} |
var g = (new cljs.core.Keyword("\ufdd0'parents")).call(null, a), h = (new cljs.core.Keyword("\ufdd0'descendants")).call(null, a), i = (new cljs.core.Keyword("\ufdd0'ancestors")).call(null, a), j = function(a, b, c, d, e) { |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.assoc.call(null, a, b, cljs.core.reduce.call(null, cljs.core.conj, cljs.core._lookup.call(null, e, b, cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.EMPTY), cljs.core.cons.call(null, d, e.call(null, d)))) |
}, a, cljs.core.cons.call(null, b, c.call(null, b))) |
}; |
if(cljs.core.contains_QMARK_.call(null, g.call(null, b), c)) { |
b = null |
}else { |
if(cljs.core.contains_QMARK_.call(null, i.call(null, b), c)) { |
throw Error([cljs.core.str(b), cljs.core.str("already has"), cljs.core.str(c), cljs.core.str("as ancestor")].join("")); |
} |
if(cljs.core.contains_QMARK_.call(null, i.call(null, c), b)) { |
throw Error([cljs.core.str("Cyclic derivation:"), cljs.core.str(c), cljs.core.str("has"), cljs.core.str(b), cljs.core.str("as ancestor")].join("")); |
} |
b = cljs.core.ObjMap.fromObject(["\ufdd0'parents", "\ufdd0'ancestors", "\ufdd0'descendants"], {"\ufdd0'parents":cljs.core.assoc.call(null, (new cljs.core.Keyword("\ufdd0'parents")).call(null, a), b, cljs.core.conj.call(null, cljs.core._lookup.call(null, g, b, cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.EMPTY), c)), "\ufdd0'ancestors":j.call(null, (new cljs.core.Keyword("\ufdd0'ancestors")).call(null, a), b, h, c, i), "\ufdd0'descendants":j.call(null, (new cljs.core.Keyword("\ufdd0'descendants")).call(null, |
a), c, i, b, h)}) |
} |
return cljs.core.truth_(b) ? b : a |
}, a = function(a, e, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, e); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, e, f) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.underive = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(b, c) { |
cljs.core.swap_BANG_.call(null, cljs.core.global_hierarchy, a, b, c); |
return null |
}, c = function(a, b, c) { |
var g = (new cljs.core.Keyword("\ufdd0'parents")).call(null, a), h = cljs.core.truth_(g.call(null, b)) ? cljs.core.disj.call(null, g.call(null, b), c) : cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.EMPTY, h = cljs.core.truth_(cljs.core.not_empty.call(null, h)) ? cljs.core.assoc.call(null, g, b, h) : cljs.core.dissoc.call(null, g, b), h = cljs.core.flatten.call(null, cljs.core.map.call(null, function(a) { |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, a), cljs.core.interpose.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, a), cljs.core.second.call(null, a))) |
}, cljs.core.seq.call(null, h))); |
return cljs.core.contains_QMARK_.call(null, g.call(null, b), c) ? cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.derive, a, b) |
}, cljs.core.make_hierarchy.call(null), cljs.core.partition.call(null, 2, h)) : a |
}, a = function(a, e, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, e); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, e, f) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
cljs.core.reset_cache = function(a, b, c, d) { |
cljs.core.swap_BANG_.call(null, a, function() { |
return cljs.core.deref.call(null, b) |
}); |
return cljs.core.swap_BANG_.call(null, c, function() { |
return cljs.core.deref.call(null, d) |
}) |
}; |
cljs.core.prefers_STAR_ = function prefers_STAR_(b, c, d) { |
var e = cljs.core.deref.call(null, d).call(null, b), e = cljs.core.truth_(cljs.core.truth_(e) ? e.call(null, c) : e) ? !0 : null; |
if(cljs.core.truth_(e)) { |
return e |
} |
a: { |
for(e = cljs.core.parents.call(null, c);;) { |
if(0 < cljs.core.count.call(null, e)) { |
cljs.core.truth_(prefers_STAR_.call(null, b, cljs.core.first.call(null, e), d)), e = cljs.core.rest.call(null, e) |
}else { |
e = null; |
break a |
} |
} |
e = void 0 |
} |
if(cljs.core.truth_(e)) { |
return e |
} |
a: { |
for(b = cljs.core.parents.call(null, b);;) { |
if(0 < cljs.core.count.call(null, b)) { |
cljs.core.truth_(prefers_STAR_.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, b), c, d)), b = cljs.core.rest.call(null, b) |
}else { |
c = null; |
break a |
} |
} |
c = void 0 |
} |
return cljs.core.truth_(c) ? c : !1 |
}; |
cljs.core.dominates = function(a, b, c) { |
c = cljs.core.prefers_STAR_.call(null, a, b, c); |
return cljs.core.truth_(c) ? c : cljs.core.isa_QMARK_.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.find_and_cache_best_method = function find_and_cache_best_method(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { |
var i = cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(d, e) { |
var g = cljs.core.nth.call(null, e, 0, null); |
cljs.core.nth.call(null, e, 1, null); |
if(cljs.core.isa_QMARK_.call(null, c, g)) { |
var h = cljs.core.truth_(function() { |
var b = null == d; |
return b ? b : cljs.core.dominates.call(null, g, cljs.core.first.call(null, d), f) |
}()) ? e : d; |
if(!cljs.core.truth_(cljs.core.dominates.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, h), g, f))) { |
throw Error([cljs.core.str("Multiple methods in multimethod '"), cljs.core.str(b), cljs.core.str("' match dispatch value: "), cljs.core.str(c), cljs.core.str(" -> "), cljs.core.str(g), cljs.core.str(" and "), cljs.core.str(cljs.core.first.call(null, h)), cljs.core.str(", and neither is preferred")].join("")); |
} |
return h |
} |
return d |
}, null, cljs.core.deref.call(null, e)); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(i)) { |
if(cljs.core._EQ_.call(null, cljs.core.deref.call(null, h), cljs.core.deref.call(null, d))) { |
return cljs.core.swap_BANG_.call(null, g, cljs.core.assoc, c, cljs.core.second.call(null, i)), cljs.core.second.call(null, i) |
} |
cljs.core.reset_cache.call(null, g, e, h, d); |
return find_and_cache_best_method.call(null, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) |
} |
return null |
}; |
cljs.core.IMultiFn = {}; |
cljs.core._reset = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$IMultiFn$_reset$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IMultiFn$_reset$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._reset[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._reset._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IMultiFn.-reset", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core._add_method = function(a, b, c) { |
var d; |
d = a ? a.cljs$core$IMultiFn$_add_method$arity$3 : a; |
if(d) { |
return a.cljs$core$IMultiFn$_add_method$arity$3(a, b, c) |
} |
d = cljs.core._add_method[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!d && (d = cljs.core._add_method._, !d)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IMultiFn.-add-method", a); |
} |
return d.call(null, a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core._remove_method = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = a ? a.cljs$core$IMultiFn$_remove_method$arity$2 : a; |
if(c) { |
return a.cljs$core$IMultiFn$_remove_method$arity$2(a, b) |
} |
c = cljs.core._remove_method[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!c && (c = cljs.core._remove_method._, !c)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IMultiFn.-remove-method", a); |
} |
return c.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core._prefer_method = function(a, b, c) { |
var d; |
d = a ? a.cljs$core$IMultiFn$_prefer_method$arity$3 : a; |
if(d) { |
return a.cljs$core$IMultiFn$_prefer_method$arity$3(a, b, c) |
} |
d = cljs.core._prefer_method[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!d && (d = cljs.core._prefer_method._, !d)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IMultiFn.-prefer-method", a); |
} |
return d.call(null, a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core._get_method = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = a ? a.cljs$core$IMultiFn$_get_method$arity$2 : a; |
if(c) { |
return a.cljs$core$IMultiFn$_get_method$arity$2(a, b) |
} |
c = cljs.core._get_method[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!c && (c = cljs.core._get_method._, !c)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IMultiFn.-get-method", a); |
} |
return c.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core._methods = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$IMultiFn$_methods$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IMultiFn$_methods$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._methods[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._methods._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IMultiFn.-methods", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core._prefers = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$core$IMultiFn$_prefers$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$core$IMultiFn$_prefers$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.core._prefers[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.core._prefers._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IMultiFn.-prefers", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core._dispatch = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = a ? a.cljs$core$IMultiFn$_dispatch$arity$2 : a; |
if(c) { |
return a.cljs$core$IMultiFn$_dispatch$arity$2(a, b) |
} |
c = cljs.core._dispatch[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!c && (c = cljs.core._dispatch._, !c)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IMultiFn.-dispatch", a); |
} |
return c.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.do_dispatch = function(a, b, c) { |
b = cljs.core.apply.call(null, b, c); |
a = cljs.core._get_method.call(null, a, b); |
if(!cljs.core.truth_(a)) { |
throw Error([cljs.core.str("No method in multimethod '"), cljs.core.str(cljs.core.name), cljs.core.str("' for dispatch value: "), cljs.core.str(b)].join("")); |
} |
return cljs.core.apply.call(null, a, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.MultiFn = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { |
this.name = a; |
this.dispatch_fn = b; |
this.default_dispatch_val = c; |
this.hierarchy = d; |
this.method_table = e; |
this.prefer_table = f; |
this.method_cache = g; |
this.cached_hierarchy = h; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 4194304; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 256 |
}; |
cljs.core.MultiFn.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.MultiFn.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/MultiFn") |
}; |
cljs.core.MultiFn.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/MultiFn") |
}; |
cljs.core.MultiFn.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return goog.getUid(a) |
}; |
cljs.core.MultiFn.prototype.cljs$core$IMultiFn$_reset$arity$1 = function(a) { |
cljs.core.swap_BANG_.call(null, this.method_table, function() { |
return cljs.core.ObjMap.EMPTY |
}); |
cljs.core.swap_BANG_.call(null, this.method_cache, function() { |
return cljs.core.ObjMap.EMPTY |
}); |
cljs.core.swap_BANG_.call(null, this.prefer_table, function() { |
return cljs.core.ObjMap.EMPTY |
}); |
cljs.core.swap_BANG_.call(null, this.cached_hierarchy, function() { |
return null |
}); |
return a |
}; |
cljs.core.MultiFn.prototype.cljs$core$IMultiFn$_add_method$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
cljs.core.swap_BANG_.call(null, this.method_table, cljs.core.assoc, b, c); |
cljs.core.reset_cache.call(null, this.method_cache, this.method_table, this.cached_hierarchy, this.hierarchy); |
return a |
}; |
cljs.core.MultiFn.prototype.cljs$core$IMultiFn$_remove_method$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
cljs.core.swap_BANG_.call(null, this.method_table, cljs.core.dissoc, b); |
cljs.core.reset_cache.call(null, this.method_cache, this.method_table, this.cached_hierarchy, this.hierarchy); |
return a |
}; |
cljs.core.MultiFn.prototype.cljs$core$IMultiFn$_get_method$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
cljs.core._EQ_.call(null, cljs.core.deref.call(null, this.cached_hierarchy), cljs.core.deref.call(null, this.hierarchy)) || cljs.core.reset_cache.call(null, this.method_cache, this.method_table, this.cached_hierarchy, this.hierarchy); |
var c = cljs.core.deref.call(null, this.method_cache).call(null, b); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(c)) { |
return c |
} |
c = cljs.core.find_and_cache_best_method.call(null, this.name, b, this.hierarchy, this.method_table, this.prefer_table, this.method_cache, this.cached_hierarchy); |
return cljs.core.truth_(c) ? c : cljs.core.deref.call(null, this.method_table).call(null, this.default_dispatch_val) |
}; |
cljs.core.MultiFn.prototype.cljs$core$IMultiFn$_prefer_method$arity$3 = function(a, b, c) { |
if(cljs.core.truth_(cljs.core.prefers_STAR_.call(null, b, c, this.prefer_table))) { |
throw Error([cljs.core.str("Preference conflict in multimethod '"), cljs.core.str(this.name), cljs.core.str("': "), cljs.core.str(c), cljs.core.str(" is already preferred to "), cljs.core.str(b)].join("")); |
} |
cljs.core.swap_BANG_.call(null, this.prefer_table, function(a) { |
return cljs.core.assoc.call(null, a, b, cljs.core.conj.call(null, cljs.core._lookup.call(null, a, b, cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.EMPTY), c)) |
}); |
return cljs.core.reset_cache.call(null, this.method_cache, this.method_table, this.cached_hierarchy, this.hierarchy) |
}; |
cljs.core.MultiFn.prototype.cljs$core$IMultiFn$_methods$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.deref.call(null, this.method_table) |
}; |
cljs.core.MultiFn.prototype.cljs$core$IMultiFn$_prefers$arity$1 = function() { |
return cljs.core.deref.call(null, this.prefer_table) |
}; |
cljs.core.MultiFn.prototype.cljs$core$IMultiFn$_dispatch$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.do_dispatch.call(null, a, this.dispatch_fn, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.MultiFn.prototype.call = function() { |
var a = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._dispatch.call(null, this, b) |
}, b = function(b, d) { |
var e = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (e = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), 0)); |
return a.call(this, b, e) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 1; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
var d = cljs.core.first(b), b = cljs.core.rest(b); |
return a(d, b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
cljs.core.MultiFn.prototype.apply = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._dispatch.call(null, this, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.remove_all_methods = function(a) { |
return cljs.core._reset.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.remove_method = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._remove_method.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.prefer_method = function(a, b, c) { |
return cljs.core._prefer_method.call(null, a, b, c) |
}; |
cljs.core.methods$ = function(a) { |
return cljs.core._methods.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.get_method = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._get_method.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.core.prefers = function(a) { |
return cljs.core._prefers.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.core.UUID = function(a) { |
this.uuid = a; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 0; |
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 2690646016 |
}; |
cljs.core.UUID.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.core.UUID.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.core/UUID") |
}; |
cljs.core.UUID.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.core/UUID") |
}; |
cljs.core.UUID.prototype.cljs$core$IHash$_hash$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return goog.string.hashCode(cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, a)) |
}; |
cljs.core.UUID.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintWithWriter$_pr_writer$arity$3 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, [cljs.core.str('#uuid "'), cljs.core.str(this.uuid), cljs.core.str('"')].join("")) |
}; |
cljs.core.UUID.prototype.cljs$core$IPrintable$_pr_seq$arity$2 = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, [cljs.core.str('#uuid "'), cljs.core.str(this.uuid), cljs.core.str('"')].join("")) |
}; |
cljs.core.UUID.prototype.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
var c = cljs.core.instance_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.UUID, b); |
return c ? this.uuid === b.uuid : c |
}; |
cljs.core.UUID.prototype.toString = function() { |
return cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, this) |
}; |
var clojure = {string:{}}; |
clojure.string.seq_reverse = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, cljs.core.conj, cljs.core.List.EMPTY, a) |
}; |
clojure.string.reverse = function(a) { |
return a.split("").reverse().join("") |
}; |
clojure.string.replace = function(a, b, c) { |
if(cljs.core.string_QMARK_.call(null, b)) { |
return a.replace(RegExp(goog.string.regExpEscape(b), "g"), c) |
} |
if(cljs.core.truth_(b.hasOwnProperty("source"))) { |
return a.replace(RegExp(b.source, "g"), c) |
} |
throw[cljs.core.str("Invalid match arg: "), cljs.core.str(b)].join(""); |
}; |
clojure.string.replace_first = function(a, b, c) { |
return a.replace(b, c) |
}; |
clojure.string.join = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.str, a) |
}, c = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.str, cljs.core.interpose.call(null, a, b)) |
}, a = function(a, e) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return b.call(this, a); |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, e) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
clojure.string.upper_case = function(a) { |
return a.toUpperCase() |
}; |
clojure.string.lower_case = function(a) { |
return a.toLowerCase() |
}; |
clojure.string.capitalize = function(a) { |
return 2 > cljs.core.count.call(null, a) ? clojure.string.upper_case.call(null, a) : [cljs.core.str(clojure.string.upper_case.call(null, cljs.core.subs.call(null, a, 0, 1))), cljs.core.str(clojure.string.lower_case.call(null, cljs.core.subs.call(null, a, 1)))].join("") |
}; |
clojure.string.split = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.vec.call(null, ("" + cljs.core.str(a)).split(b)) |
}, c = function(a, b, c) { |
if(1 > c) { |
return cljs.core.vec.call(null, ("" + cljs.core.str(a)).split(b)) |
} |
for(var g = cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY;;) { |
if(cljs.core._EQ_.call(null, c, 1)) { |
return cljs.core.conj.call(null, g, a) |
} |
var h = cljs.core.re_find.call(null, b, a); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(h)) { |
var i = h, h = a.indexOf(i), i = a.substring(h + cljs.core.count.call(null, i)), c = c - 1, g = cljs.core.conj.call(null, g, a.substring(0, h)), a = i |
}else { |
return cljs.core.conj.call(null, g, a) |
} |
} |
}, a = function(a, e, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, e); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, e, f) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
clojure.string.split_lines = function(a) { |
return clojure.string.split.call(null, a, /\n|\r\n/) |
}; |
clojure.string.trim = function(a) { |
return goog.string.trim(a) |
}; |
clojure.string.triml = function(a) { |
return goog.string.trimLeft(a) |
}; |
clojure.string.trimr = function(a) { |
return goog.string.trimRight(a) |
}; |
clojure.string.trim_newline = function(a) { |
for(var b = a.length;;) { |
if(0 === b) { |
return"" |
} |
var c = cljs.core._lookup.call(null, a, b - 1, null); |
var d = cljs.core._EQ_.call(null, c, "\n"), c = d ? d : cljs.core._EQ_.call(null, c, "\r"); |
if(c) { |
b -= 1 |
}else { |
return a.substring(0, b) |
} |
} |
}; |
clojure.string.blank_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
return goog.string.isEmptySafe(a) |
}; |
clojure.string.escape = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = new goog.string.StringBuffer, d = a.length, e = 0;;) { |
if(cljs.core._EQ_.call(null, d, e)) { |
return c.toString() |
} |
var f = a.charAt(e), g = cljs.core._lookup.call(null, b, f, null); |
cljs.core.truth_(g) ? c.append("" + cljs.core.str(g)) : c.append(f); |
e += 1 |
} |
}; |
cljs.reader = {}; |
cljs.reader.PushbackReader = {}; |
cljs.reader.read_char = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.cljs$reader$PushbackReader$read_char$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.cljs$reader$PushbackReader$read_char$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = cljs.reader.read_char[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = cljs.reader.read_char._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "PushbackReader.read-char", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.reader.unread = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = a ? a.cljs$reader$PushbackReader$unread$arity$2 : a; |
if(c) { |
return a.cljs$reader$PushbackReader$unread$arity$2(a, b) |
} |
c = cljs.reader.unread[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!c && (c = cljs.reader.unread._, !c)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "PushbackReader.unread", a); |
} |
return c.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.reader.StringPushbackReader = function(a, b, c) { |
this.s = a; |
this.index_atom = b; |
this.buffer_atom = c |
}; |
cljs.reader.StringPushbackReader.cljs$lang$type = !0; |
cljs.reader.StringPushbackReader.cljs$lang$ctorPrSeq = function() { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, "cljs.reader/StringPushbackReader") |
}; |
cljs.reader.StringPushbackReader.cljs$lang$ctorPrWriter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core._write.call(null, b, "cljs.reader/StringPushbackReader") |
}; |
cljs.reader.StringPushbackReader.prototype.cljs$reader$PushbackReader$ = !0; |
cljs.reader.StringPushbackReader.prototype.cljs$reader$PushbackReader$read_char$arity$1 = function() { |
if(cljs.core.empty_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.deref.call(null, this.buffer_atom))) { |
var a = cljs.core.deref.call(null, this.index_atom); |
cljs.core.swap_BANG_.call(null, this.index_atom, cljs.core.inc); |
return this.s[a] |
} |
a = cljs.core.deref.call(null, this.buffer_atom); |
cljs.core.swap_BANG_.call(null, this.buffer_atom, cljs.core.rest); |
return cljs.core.first.call(null, a) |
}; |
cljs.reader.StringPushbackReader.prototype.cljs$reader$PushbackReader$unread$arity$2 = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.swap_BANG_.call(null, this.buffer_atom, function(a) { |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, b, a) |
}) |
}; |
cljs.reader.push_back_reader = function(a) { |
return new cljs.reader.StringPushbackReader(a, cljs.core.atom.call(null, 0), cljs.core.atom.call(null, null)) |
}; |
cljs.reader.whitespace_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
var b = goog.string.isBreakingWhitespace(a); |
return cljs.core.truth_(b) ? b : "," === a |
}; |
cljs.reader.numeric_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
return goog.string.isNumeric(a) |
}; |
cljs.reader.comment_prefix_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
return";" === a |
}; |
cljs.reader.number_literal_QMARK_ = function(a, b) { |
var c = cljs.reader.numeric_QMARK_.call(null, b); |
if(c) { |
return c |
} |
c = (c = "+" === b) ? c : "-" === b; |
return cljs.core.truth_(c) ? cljs.reader.numeric_QMARK_.call(null, function() { |
var b = cljs.reader.read_char.call(null, a); |
cljs.reader.unread.call(null, a, b); |
return b |
}()) : c |
}; |
cljs.reader.reader_error = function() { |
var a = function(a, b) { |
throw Error(cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.str, b)); |
}, b = function(b, d) { |
var e = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (e = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), 0)); |
return a.call(this, b, e) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 1; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
var d = cljs.core.first(b), b = cljs.core.rest(b); |
return a(d, b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
cljs.reader.macro_terminating_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
var b = "#" !== a; |
return b && (b = "'" !== a) ? (b = ":" !== a) ? cljs.reader.macros.call(null, a) : b : b |
}; |
cljs.reader.read_token = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = new goog.string.StringBuffer(b), d = cljs.reader.read_char.call(null, a);;) { |
var e; |
e = null == d; |
e || (e = (e = cljs.reader.whitespace_QMARK_.call(null, d)) ? e : cljs.reader.macro_terminating_QMARK_.call(null, d)); |
if(e) { |
return cljs.reader.unread.call(null, a, d), c.toString() |
} |
c.append(d); |
d = cljs.reader.read_char.call(null, a) |
} |
}; |
cljs.reader.skip_line = function(a) { |
for(;;) { |
var b = cljs.reader.read_char.call(null, a); |
var c = "n" === b; |
b = c ? c : (c = "r" === b) ? c : null == b; |
if(b) { |
return a |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.reader.int_pattern = cljs.core.re_pattern.call(null, "([-+]?)(?:(0)|([1-9][0-9]*)|0[xX]([0-9A-Fa-f]+)|0([0-7]+)|([1-9][0-9]?)[rR]([0-9A-Za-z]+)|0[0-9]+)(N)?"); |
cljs.reader.ratio_pattern = cljs.core.re_pattern.call(null, "([-+]?[0-9]+)/([0-9]+)"); |
cljs.reader.float_pattern = cljs.core.re_pattern.call(null, "([-+]?[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]*)?([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)(M)?"); |
cljs.reader.symbol_pattern = cljs.core.re_pattern.call(null, "[:]?([^0-9/].*/)?([^0-9/][^/]*)"); |
cljs.reader.re_find_STAR_ = function(a, b) { |
var c = a.exec(b); |
return null == c ? null : 1 === c.length ? c[0] : c |
}; |
cljs.reader.match_int = function(a) { |
var a = cljs.reader.re_find_STAR_.call(null, cljs.reader.int_pattern, a), b = a[2]; |
var c = null == b, b = c ? c : 1 > b.length; |
return b ? (b = "-" === a[1] ? -1 : 1, c = cljs.core.truth_(a[3]) ? [a[3], 10] : cljs.core.truth_(a[4]) ? [a[4], 16] : cljs.core.truth_(a[5]) ? [a[5], 8] : cljs.core.truth_(a[7]) ? [a[7], parseInt(a[7])] : [null, null], a = c[0], c = c[1], null == a ? null : b * parseInt(a, c)) : 0 |
}; |
cljs.reader.match_ratio = function(a) { |
var a = cljs.reader.re_find_STAR_.call(null, cljs.reader.ratio_pattern, a), b = a[2]; |
return parseInt(a[1]) / parseInt(b) |
}; |
cljs.reader.match_float = function(a) { |
return parseFloat(a) |
}; |
cljs.reader.re_matches_STAR_ = function(a, b) { |
var c = a.exec(b), d; |
d = (d = null != c) ? c[0] === b : d; |
return d ? 1 === c.length ? c[0] : c : null |
}; |
cljs.reader.match_number = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.truth_(cljs.reader.re_matches_STAR_.call(null, cljs.reader.int_pattern, a)) ? cljs.reader.match_int.call(null, a) : cljs.core.truth_(cljs.reader.re_matches_STAR_.call(null, cljs.reader.ratio_pattern, a)) ? cljs.reader.match_ratio.call(null, a) : cljs.core.truth_(cljs.reader.re_matches_STAR_.call(null, cljs.reader.float_pattern, a)) ? cljs.reader.match_float.call(null, a) : null |
}; |
cljs.reader.escape_char_map = function(a) { |
return"t" === a ? "\t" : "r" === a ? "\r" : "n" === a ? "\n" : "\\" === a ? "\\" : '"' === a ? '"' : "b" === a ? "\b" : "f" === a ? "\f" : null |
}; |
cljs.reader.read_2_chars = function(a) { |
return(new goog.string.StringBuffer(cljs.reader.read_char.call(null, a), cljs.reader.read_char.call(null, a))).toString() |
}; |
cljs.reader.read_4_chars = function(a) { |
return(new goog.string.StringBuffer(cljs.reader.read_char.call(null, a), cljs.reader.read_char.call(null, a), cljs.reader.read_char.call(null, a), cljs.reader.read_char.call(null, a))).toString() |
}; |
cljs.reader.unicode_2_pattern = cljs.core.re_pattern.call(null, "[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}"); |
cljs.reader.unicode_4_pattern = cljs.core.re_pattern.call(null, "[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}"); |
cljs.reader.validate_unicode_escape = function(a, b, c, d) { |
return cljs.core.truth_(cljs.core.re_matches.call(null, a, d)) ? d : cljs.reader.reader_error.call(null, b, "Unexpected unicode escape \\", c, d) |
}; |
cljs.reader.make_unicode_char = function(a) { |
a = parseInt(a, 16); |
return String.fromCharCode(a) |
}; |
cljs.reader.escape_char = function(a, b) { |
var c = cljs.reader.read_char.call(null, b), d = cljs.reader.escape_char_map.call(null, c); |
return cljs.core.truth_(d) ? d : "x" === c ? cljs.reader.make_unicode_char.call(null, cljs.reader.validate_unicode_escape.call(null, cljs.reader.unicode_2_pattern, b, c, cljs.reader.read_2_chars.call(null, b))) : "u" === c ? cljs.reader.make_unicode_char.call(null, cljs.reader.validate_unicode_escape.call(null, cljs.reader.unicode_4_pattern, b, c, cljs.reader.read_4_chars.call(null, b))) : cljs.reader.numeric_QMARK_.call(null, c) ? String.fromCharCode(c) : cljs.reader.reader_error.call(null, b, |
"Unexpected unicode escape \\", c) |
}; |
cljs.reader.read_past = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = cljs.reader.read_char.call(null, b);;) { |
if(cljs.core.truth_(a.call(null, c))) { |
c = cljs.reader.read_char.call(null, b) |
}else { |
return c |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.reader.read_delimited_list = function(a, b, c) { |
for(var d = cljs.core.transient$.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY);;) { |
var e = cljs.reader.read_past.call(null, cljs.reader.whitespace_QMARK_, b); |
cljs.core.truth_(e) || cljs.reader.reader_error.call(null, b, "EOF while reading"); |
if(a === e) { |
return cljs.core.persistent_BANG_.call(null, d) |
} |
var f = cljs.reader.macros.call(null, e); |
cljs.core.truth_(f) ? e = f.call(null, b, e) : (cljs.reader.unread.call(null, b, e), e = cljs.reader.read.call(null, b, !0, null, c)); |
d = e === b ? d : cljs.core.conj_BANG_.call(null, d, e) |
} |
}; |
cljs.reader.not_implemented = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.reader.reader_error.call(null, a, "Reader for ", b, " not implemented yet") |
}; |
cljs.reader.read_dispatch = function(a, b) { |
var c = cljs.reader.read_char.call(null, a), d = cljs.reader.dispatch_macros.call(null, c); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(d)) { |
return d.call(null, a, b) |
} |
d = cljs.reader.maybe_read_tagged_type.call(null, a, c); |
return cljs.core.truth_(d) ? d : cljs.reader.reader_error.call(null, a, "No dispatch macro for ", c) |
}; |
cljs.reader.read_unmatched_delimiter = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.reader.reader_error.call(null, a, "Unmached delimiter ", b) |
}; |
cljs.reader.read_list = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.list, cljs.reader.read_delimited_list.call(null, ")", a, !0)) |
}; |
cljs.reader.read_comment = cljs.reader.skip_line; |
cljs.reader.read_vector = function(a) { |
return cljs.reader.read_delimited_list.call(null, "]", a, !0) |
}; |
cljs.reader.read_map = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.reader.read_delimited_list.call(null, "}", a, !0); |
cljs.core.odd_QMARK_.call(null, cljs.core.count.call(null, b)) && cljs.reader.reader_error.call(null, a, "Map literal must contain an even number of forms"); |
return cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.hash_map, b) |
}; |
cljs.reader.read_number = function(a, b) { |
for(var c = new goog.string.StringBuffer(b), d = cljs.reader.read_char.call(null, a);;) { |
if(cljs.core.truth_(function() { |
var a = null == d; |
return a ? a : (a = cljs.reader.whitespace_QMARK_.call(null, d)) ? a : cljs.reader.macros.call(null, d) |
}())) { |
cljs.reader.unread.call(null, a, d); |
var e = c.toString(), c = cljs.reader.match_number.call(null, e); |
return cljs.core.truth_(c) ? c : cljs.reader.reader_error.call(null, a, "Invalid number format [", e, "]") |
} |
c.append(d); |
d = e = cljs.reader.read_char.call(null, a) |
} |
}; |
cljs.reader.read_string_STAR_ = function(a) { |
for(var b = new goog.string.StringBuffer, c = cljs.reader.read_char.call(null, a);;) { |
if(null == c) { |
return cljs.reader.reader_error.call(null, a, "EOF while reading") |
} |
if("\\" === c) { |
b.append(cljs.reader.escape_char.call(null, b, a)) |
}else { |
if('"' === c) { |
return b.toString() |
} |
b.append(c) |
} |
c = cljs.reader.read_char.call(null, a) |
} |
}; |
cljs.reader.special_symbols = function(a, b) { |
return"nil" === a ? null : "true" === a ? !0 : "false" === a ? !1 : b |
}; |
cljs.reader.read_symbol = function(a, b) { |
var c = cljs.reader.read_token.call(null, a, b); |
return cljs.core.truth_(goog.string.contains(c, "/")) ? cljs.core.symbol.call(null, cljs.core.subs.call(null, c, 0, c.indexOf("/")), cljs.core.subs.call(null, c, c.indexOf("/") + 1, c.length)) : cljs.reader.special_symbols.call(null, c, cljs.core.symbol.call(null, c)) |
}; |
cljs.reader.read_keyword = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.reader.read_token.call(null, a, cljs.reader.read_char.call(null, a)), b = cljs.reader.re_matches_STAR_.call(null, cljs.reader.symbol_pattern, b), c = b[0], d = b[1], e = b[2]; |
if(cljs.core.truth_(function() { |
var a; |
a = (a = void 0 !== d) ? ":/" === d.substring(d.length - 2, d.length) : a; |
return cljs.core.truth_(a) ? a : (a = ":" === e[e.length - 1]) ? a : -1 !== c.indexOf("::", 1) |
}())) { |
return cljs.reader.reader_error.call(null, a, "Invalid token: ", c) |
} |
a = (a = null != d) ? 0 < d.length : a; |
return a ? cljs.core.keyword.call(null, d.substring(0, d.indexOf("/")), e) : cljs.core.keyword.call(null, c) |
}; |
cljs.reader.desugar_meta = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.symbol_QMARK_.call(null, a) ? cljs.core.ObjMap.fromObject(["\ufdd0'tag"], {"\ufdd0'tag":a}) : cljs.core.string_QMARK_.call(null, a) ? cljs.core.ObjMap.fromObject(["\ufdd0'tag"], {"\ufdd0'tag":a}) : cljs.core.keyword_QMARK_.call(null, a) ? cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.fromArrays([a], [!0]) : a |
}; |
cljs.reader.wrapping_reader = function(a) { |
return function(b) { |
return cljs.core.list.call(null, a, cljs.reader.read.call(null, b, !0, null, !0)) |
} |
}; |
cljs.reader.throwing_reader = function(a) { |
return function(b) { |
return cljs.reader.reader_error.call(null, b, a) |
} |
}; |
cljs.reader.read_meta = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.reader.desugar_meta.call(null, cljs.reader.read.call(null, a, !0, null, !0)); |
cljs.core.map_QMARK_.call(null, b) || cljs.reader.reader_error.call(null, a, "Metadata must be Symbol,Keyword,String or Map"); |
var c = cljs.reader.read.call(null, a, !0, null, !0), d; |
c ? (d = (d = c.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 262144) ? d : c.cljs$core$IWithMeta$, d = d ? !0 : c.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IWithMeta, c)) : d = cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, cljs.core.IWithMeta, c); |
return d ? cljs.core.with_meta.call(null, c, cljs.core.merge.call(null, cljs.core.meta.call(null, c), b)) : cljs.reader.reader_error.call(null, a, "Metadata can only be applied to IWithMetas") |
}; |
cljs.reader.read_set = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.set.call(null, cljs.reader.read_delimited_list.call(null, "}", a, !0)) |
}; |
cljs.reader.read_regex = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.re_pattern.call(null, cljs.reader.read_string_STAR_.call(null, a, b)) |
}; |
cljs.reader.read_discard = function(a) { |
cljs.reader.read.call(null, a, !0, null, !0); |
return a |
}; |
cljs.reader.macros = function(a) { |
return'"' === a ? cljs.reader.read_string_STAR_ : ":" === a ? cljs.reader.read_keyword : ";" === a ? cljs.reader.not_implemented : "'" === a ? cljs.reader.wrapping_reader.call(null, "\ufdd1'quote") : "@" === a ? cljs.reader.wrapping_reader.call(null, "\ufdd1'deref") : "^" === a ? cljs.reader.read_meta : "`" === a ? cljs.reader.not_implemented : "~" === a ? cljs.reader.not_implemented : "(" === a ? cljs.reader.read_list : ")" === a ? cljs.reader.read_unmatched_delimiter : "[" === a ? cljs.reader.read_vector : |
"]" === a ? cljs.reader.read_unmatched_delimiter : "{" === a ? cljs.reader.read_map : "}" === a ? cljs.reader.read_unmatched_delimiter : "\\" === a ? cljs.reader.read_char : "%" === a ? cljs.reader.not_implemented : "#" === a ? cljs.reader.read_dispatch : null |
}; |
cljs.reader.dispatch_macros = function(a) { |
return"{" === a ? cljs.reader.read_set : "<" === a ? cljs.reader.throwing_reader.call(null, "Unreadable form") : '"' === a ? cljs.reader.read_regex : "!" === a ? cljs.reader.read_comment : "_" === a ? cljs.reader.read_discard : null |
}; |
cljs.reader.read = function(a, b, c) { |
for(;;) { |
var d = cljs.reader.read_char.call(null, a); |
if(null == d) { |
return cljs.core.truth_(b) ? cljs.reader.reader_error.call(null, a, "EOF while reading") : c |
} |
if(!cljs.reader.whitespace_QMARK_.call(null, d)) { |
if(cljs.reader.comment_prefix_QMARK_.call(null, d)) { |
a = cljs.reader.read_comment.call(null, a, d) |
}else { |
var e = cljs.reader.macros.call(null, d), d = cljs.core.truth_(e) ? e.call(null, a, d) : cljs.reader.number_literal_QMARK_.call(null, a, d) ? cljs.reader.read_number.call(null, a, d) : cljs.reader.read_symbol.call(null, a, d); |
if(d !== a) { |
return d |
} |
} |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.reader.read_string = function(a) { |
a = cljs.reader.push_back_reader.call(null, a); |
return cljs.reader.read.call(null, a, !0, null, !1) |
}; |
cljs.reader.zero_fill_right = function(a, b) { |
if(cljs.core._EQ_.call(null, b, cljs.core.count.call(null, a))) { |
return a |
} |
if(b < cljs.core.count.call(null, a)) { |
return a.substring(0, b) |
} |
for(var c = new goog.string.StringBuffer(a);;) { |
if(c.getLength() < b) { |
c = c.append("0") |
}else { |
return c.toString() |
} |
} |
}; |
cljs.reader.divisible_QMARK_ = function(a, b) { |
return 0 === cljs.core.mod.call(null, a, b) |
}; |
cljs.reader.indivisible_QMARK_ = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.not.call(null, cljs.reader.divisible_QMARK_.call(null, a, b)) |
}; |
cljs.reader.leap_year_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.reader.divisible_QMARK_.call(null, a, 4); |
return cljs.core.truth_(b) ? (b = cljs.reader.indivisible_QMARK_.call(null, a, 100), cljs.core.truth_(b) ? b : cljs.reader.divisible_QMARK_.call(null, a, 400)) : b |
}; |
cljs.reader.days_in_month = function() { |
var a = cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([null, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31], !0), b = cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([null, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31], !0); |
return function(c, d) { |
return cljs.core._lookup.call(null, cljs.core.truth_(d) ? b : a, c, null) |
} |
}(); |
cljs.reader.parse_and_validate_timestamp = function() { |
var a = /(\d\d\d\d)(?:-(\d\d)(?:-(\d\d)(?:[T](\d\d)(?::(\d\d)(?::(\d\d)(?:[.](\d+))?)?)?)?)?)?(?:[Z]|([-+])(\d\d):(\d\d))?/, b = function(a, b, e, f) { |
var g = a <= b; |
if(!(g ? b <= e : g)) { |
throw Error([cljs.core.str("Assert failed: "), cljs.core.str([cljs.core.str(f), cljs.core.str(" Failed: "), cljs.core.str(a), cljs.core.str("<="), cljs.core.str(b), cljs.core.str("<="), cljs.core.str(e)].join("")), cljs.core.str("\n"), cljs.core.str(cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, cljs.core.with_meta(cljs.core.list("\ufdd1'<=", "\ufdd1'low", "\ufdd1'n", "\ufdd1'high"), cljs.core.hash_map("\ufdd0'line", 474))))].join("")); |
} |
return b |
}; |
return function(c) { |
var d = cljs.core.map.call(null, cljs.core.vec, cljs.core.split_at.call(null, 8, cljs.core.re_matches.call(null, a, c))); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(d)) { |
var e = cljs.core.nth.call(null, d, 0, null); |
cljs.core.nth.call(null, e, 0, null); |
var c = cljs.core.nth.call(null, e, 1, null), f = cljs.core.nth.call(null, e, 2, null), g = cljs.core.nth.call(null, e, 3, null), h = cljs.core.nth.call(null, e, 4, null), i = cljs.core.nth.call(null, e, 5, null), j = cljs.core.nth.call(null, e, 6, null), e = cljs.core.nth.call(null, e, 7, null), l = cljs.core.nth.call(null, d, 1, null); |
cljs.core.nth.call(null, l, 0, null); |
cljs.core.nth.call(null, l, 1, null); |
cljs.core.nth.call(null, l, 2, null); |
var m = cljs.core.map.call(null, function(a) { |
return cljs.core.map.call(null, function(a) { |
return parseInt(a, 10) |
}, a) |
}, cljs.core.map.call(null, function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.update_in.call(null, b, cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([0], !0), a) |
}, cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([cljs.core.constantly.call(null, null), function(a) { |
return cljs.core._EQ_.call(null, a, "-") ? "-1" : "1" |
}], !0), d)), k = cljs.core.nth.call(null, m, 0, null); |
cljs.core.nth.call(null, k, 0, null); |
var d = cljs.core.nth.call(null, k, 1, null), l = cljs.core.nth.call(null, k, 2, null), n = cljs.core.nth.call(null, k, 3, null), p = cljs.core.nth.call(null, k, 4, null), q = cljs.core.nth.call(null, k, 5, null), r = cljs.core.nth.call(null, k, 6, null), k = cljs.core.nth.call(null, k, 7, null), s = cljs.core.nth.call(null, m, 1, null), m = cljs.core.nth.call(null, s, 0, null), t = cljs.core.nth.call(null, s, 1, null), s = cljs.core.nth.call(null, s, 2, null); |
return cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([cljs.core.not.call(null, c) ? 1970 : d, cljs.core.not.call(null, f) ? 1 : b.call(null, 1, l, 12, "timestamp month field must be in range 1..12"), cljs.core.not.call(null, g) ? 1 : b.call(null, 1, n, cljs.reader.days_in_month.call(null, l, cljs.reader.leap_year_QMARK_.call(null, d)), "timestamp day field must be in range 1..last day in month"), cljs.core.not.call(null, h) ? 0 : b.call(null, 0, p, 23, "timestamp hour field must be in range 0..23"), |
cljs.core.not.call(null, i) ? 0 : b.call(null, 0, q, 59, "timestamp minute field must be in range 0..59"), cljs.core.not.call(null, j) ? 0 : b.call(null, 0, r, cljs.core._EQ_.call(null, q, 59) ? 60 : 59, "timestamp second field must be in range 0..60"), cljs.core.not.call(null, e) ? 0 : b.call(null, 0, k, 999, "timestamp millisecond field must be in range 0..999"), m * (60 * t + s)], !0) |
} |
return null |
} |
}(); |
cljs.reader.parse_timestamp = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.reader.parse_and_validate_timestamp.call(null, a); |
if(cljs.core.truth_(b)) { |
var a = cljs.core.nth.call(null, b, 0, null), c = cljs.core.nth.call(null, b, 1, null), d = cljs.core.nth.call(null, b, 2, null), e = cljs.core.nth.call(null, b, 3, null), f = cljs.core.nth.call(null, b, 4, null), g = cljs.core.nth.call(null, b, 5, null), h = cljs.core.nth.call(null, b, 6, null), b = cljs.core.nth.call(null, b, 7, null); |
return new Date(Date.UTC(a, c - 1, d, e, f, g, h) - 6E4 * b) |
} |
return cljs.reader.reader_error.call(null, null, [cljs.core.str("Unrecognized date/time syntax: "), cljs.core.str(a)].join("")) |
}; |
cljs.reader.read_date = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.string_QMARK_.call(null, a) ? cljs.reader.parse_timestamp.call(null, a) : cljs.reader.reader_error.call(null, null, "Instance literal expects a string for its timestamp.") |
}; |
cljs.reader.read_queue = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.vector_QMARK_.call(null, a) ? cljs.core.into.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentQueue.EMPTY, a) : cljs.reader.reader_error.call(null, null, "Queue literal expects a vector for its elements.") |
}; |
cljs.reader.read_uuid = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.string_QMARK_.call(null, a) ? new cljs.core.UUID(a) : cljs.reader.reader_error.call(null, null, "UUID literal expects a string as its representation.") |
}; |
cljs.reader._STAR_tag_table_STAR_ = cljs.core.atom.call(null, cljs.core.ObjMap.fromObject(["inst", "uuid", "queue"], {inst:cljs.reader.read_date, uuid:cljs.reader.read_uuid, queue:cljs.reader.read_queue})); |
cljs.reader.maybe_read_tagged_type = function(a, b) { |
var c = cljs.reader.read_symbol.call(null, a, b), d = cljs.core._lookup.call(null, cljs.core.deref.call(null, cljs.reader._STAR_tag_table_STAR_), cljs.core.name.call(null, c), null); |
return cljs.core.truth_(d) ? d.call(null, cljs.reader.read.call(null, a, !0, null, !1)) : cljs.reader.reader_error.call(null, a, "Could not find tag parser for ", cljs.core.name.call(null, c), " in ", cljs.core.pr_str.call(null, cljs.core.keys.call(null, cljs.core.deref.call(null, cljs.reader._STAR_tag_table_STAR_)))) |
}; |
cljs.reader.register_tag_parser_BANG_ = function(a, b) { |
var c = cljs.core.name.call(null, a), d = cljs.core._lookup.call(null, cljs.core.deref.call(null, cljs.reader._STAR_tag_table_STAR_), c, null); |
cljs.core.swap_BANG_.call(null, cljs.reader._STAR_tag_table_STAR_, cljs.core.assoc, c, b); |
return d |
}; |
cljs.reader.deregister_tag_parser_BANG_ = function(a) { |
var a = cljs.core.name.call(null, a), b = cljs.core._lookup.call(null, cljs.core.deref.call(null, cljs.reader._STAR_tag_table_STAR_), a, null); |
cljs.core.swap_BANG_.call(null, cljs.reader._STAR_tag_table_STAR_, cljs.core.dissoc, a); |
return b |
}; |
var mrhyde = {guts:{}}; |
mrhyde.guts.hyde_proto_array_marker = "$cljs$mrhyde$isarray"; |
mrhyde.guts.hyde_proto_object_marker = "$cljs$mrhyde$isobject"; |
mrhyde.guts.get_store_cur_js_fn = function(a, b) { |
var c = a[b], d = [cljs.core.str("_js_"), cljs.core.str(b)].join(""); |
cljs.core._EQ_.call(null, void 0, a[d]) && (a[d] = c); |
return c |
}; |
mrhyde.guts.restore_original_js_fn = function(a, b) { |
var c = [cljs.core.str("_js_"), cljs.core.str(b)].join(""), c = a[c]; |
cljs.core.not_EQ_.call(null, void 0, c) && (a[b] = c); |
return c |
}; |
mrhyde.mrhyde = {}; |
mrhyde.mrhyde.IHyde = {}; |
mrhyde.mrhyde.has_cache_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.mrhyde$mrhyde$IHyde$has_cache_QMARK_$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.mrhyde$mrhyde$IHyde$has_cache_QMARK_$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = mrhyde.mrhyde.has_cache_QMARK_[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = mrhyde.mrhyde.has_cache_QMARK_._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IHyde.has-cache?", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
mrhyde.mrhyde.from_cache = function(a) { |
var b; |
b = a ? a.mrhyde$mrhyde$IHyde$from_cache$arity$1 : a; |
if(b) { |
return a.mrhyde$mrhyde$IHyde$from_cache$arity$1(a) |
} |
b = mrhyde.mrhyde.from_cache[goog.typeOf(null == a ? null : a)]; |
if(!b && (b = mrhyde.mrhyde.from_cache._, !b)) { |
throw cljs.core.missing_protocol.call(null, "IHyde.from-cache", a); |
} |
return b.call(null, a) |
}; |
mrhyde.mrhyde.hyde_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
return a ? cljs.core.truth_(cljs.core.truth_(null) ? null : a.mrhyde$mrhyde$IHyde$) ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, mrhyde.mrhyde.IHyde, a) : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, mrhyde.mrhyde.IHyde, a) |
}; |
mrhyde.mrhyde.hyde_array_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
var b = a ? cljs.core.truth_(cljs.core.truth_(null) ? null : a.mrhyde$mrhyde$IHyde$) ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, mrhyde.mrhyde.IHyde, a) : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, mrhyde.mrhyde.IHyde, a); |
return cljs.core.truth_(b) ? a[mrhyde.guts.hyde_proto_array_marker] : b |
}; |
mrhyde.mrhyde.hyde_object_QMARK_ = function(a) { |
var b = a ? cljs.core.truth_(cljs.core.truth_(null) ? null : a.mrhyde$mrhyde$IHyde$) ? !0 : a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition$ ? !1 : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, mrhyde.mrhyde.IHyde, a) : cljs.core.type_satisfies_.call(null, mrhyde.mrhyde.IHyde, a); |
return cljs.core.truth_(b) ? a[mrhyde.guts.hyde_proto_object_marker] : b |
}; |
mrhyde.mrhyde.toclj = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.js__GT_clj.call(null, a, "\ufdd0'keywordize-keys", !0) |
}; |
goog.exportSymbol("mrhyde.mrhyde.toclj", mrhyde.mrhyde.toclj); |
mrhyde.mrhyde.tojs = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.clj__GT_js.call(null, a) |
}; |
goog.exportSymbol("mrhyde.mrhyde.tojs", mrhyde.mrhyde.tojs); |
mrhyde.mrhyde.cljread = function(a) { |
return cljs.reader.read_string.call(null, a) |
}; |
goog.exportSymbol("mrhyde.mrhyde.cljread", mrhyde.mrhyde.cljread); |
mrhyde.funpatcher = {}; |
mrhyde.funpatcher.patch_return_value_to_clj = function(a, b) { |
var c = mrhyde.guts.get_store_cur_js_fn.call(null, a, b), d = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.js__GT_clj.call(null, function() { |
return c.apply(this, a) |
}()) |
}, e = function(a) { |
var b = null; |
goog.isDef(a) && (b = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return d.call(this, b) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
e.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.seq(a); |
return d(a) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d; |
return a[b] = e |
}; |
mrhyde.funpatcher.patch_return_value_recurse_from_cache = function(a, b) { |
var c = mrhyde.guts.get_store_cur_js_fn.call(null, a, b), d = function(a) { |
return mrhyde.mrhyde.recurse_from_hyde_cache.call(null, function() { |
return c.apply(this, a) |
}()) |
}, e = function(a) { |
var b = null; |
goog.isDef(a) && (b = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return d.call(this, b) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
e.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.seq(a); |
return d(a) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d; |
return a[b] = e |
}; |
mrhyde.funpatcher.patch_return_value_recurse_from_cache_as_function = function(a, b) { |
var c = mrhyde.guts.get_store_cur_js_fn.call(null, a, b), d = function(a) { |
var b = function() { |
return c.apply(this, a) |
}(), d = function(a) { |
return b.apply(this, a) |
}, e = function(a) { |
var c = null; |
goog.isDef(a) && (c = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return b.apply(this, c) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
e.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.seq(a); |
return d(a) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d; |
return e |
}, e = function(a) { |
var b = null; |
goog.isDef(a) && (b = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return d.call(this, b) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
e.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.seq(a); |
return d(a) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d; |
return a[b] = e |
}; |
mrhyde.funpatcher.recurse_from_hyde_cache_maybe_fn = function(a) { |
if(cljs.core.truth_(goog.isFunction(a))) { |
var b = function(b) { |
return mrhyde.mrhyde.recurse_from_hyde_cache.call(null, function() { |
return a.apply(this, b) |
}()) |
}, c = function(a) { |
var c = null; |
goog.isDef(a) && (c = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return b.call(this, c) |
}; |
c.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
c.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.seq(a); |
return b(a) |
}; |
c.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = b; |
return c |
} |
return mrhyde.mrhyde.recurse_from_hyde_cache.call(null, a) |
}; |
mrhyde.funpatcher.patch_args_recurse_from_cache = function() { |
var a = function(a, b, e) { |
var f = mrhyde.guts.get_store_cur_js_fn.call(null, a, b), g = cljs.core.empty_QMARK_.call(null, e) ? function() { |
return cljs.core.identity.call(null, !0) |
} : cljs.core.set.call(null, e), h = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.map.call(null, function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.truth_(g.call(null, a)) ? mrhyde.funpatcher.recurse_from_hyde_cache_maybe_fn.call(null, b) : b |
}, cljs.core.range.call(null), a); |
return f.apply(this, a) |
}, e = function(a) { |
var b = null; |
goog.isDef(a) && (b = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return h.call(this, b) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
e.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.seq(a); |
return h(a) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = h; |
return a[b] = e |
}, b = function(b, d, e) { |
var f = null; |
goog.isDef(e) && (f = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return a.call(this, b, d, f) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
var d = cljs.core.first(b), e = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(b)), b = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(b)); |
return a(d, e, b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.funpatcher.patch_args_keyword_to_fn = function() { |
var a = function(a, b, e) { |
var f = mrhyde.guts.get_store_cur_js_fn.call(null, a, b), g = cljs.core.empty_QMARK_.call(null, e) ? function() { |
return cljs.core.identity.call(null, !0) |
} : cljs.core.set.call(null, e), h = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.map.call(null, function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.truth_(function() { |
var c = g.call(null, a); |
return cljs.core.truth_(c) ? cljs.core.keyword_QMARK_.call(null, b) : c |
}()) ? function(a) { |
return b.call(null, a) |
} : b |
}, cljs.core.range.call(null), a); |
return f.apply(this, a) |
}, e = function(a) { |
var b = null; |
goog.isDef(a) && (b = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return h.call(this, b) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
e.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.seq(a); |
return h(a) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = h; |
return a[b] = e |
}, b = function(b, d, e) { |
var f = null; |
goog.isDef(e) && (f = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return a.call(this, b, d, f) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
var d = cljs.core.first(b), e = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(b)), b = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(b)); |
return a(d, e, b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.funpatcher.patch_args_map_to_obj = function() { |
var a = function(a, b, e) { |
var f = mrhyde.guts.get_store_cur_js_fn.call(null, a, b), g = cljs.core.empty_QMARK_.call(null, e) ? function() { |
return cljs.core.identity.call(null, !0) |
} : cljs.core.set.call(null, e), h = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.map.call(null, function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.truth_(function() { |
var c = g.call(null, a); |
return cljs.core.truth_(c) ? cljs.core.map_QMARK_.call(null, b) : c |
}()) ? cljs.core.clj__GT_js.call(null, b) : b |
}, cljs.core.range.call(null), a); |
return f.apply(this, a) |
}, e = function(a) { |
var b = null; |
goog.isDef(a) && (b = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return h.call(this, b) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
e.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.seq(a); |
return h(a) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = h; |
return a[b] = e |
}, b = function(b, d, e) { |
var f = null; |
goog.isDef(e) && (f = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return a.call(this, b, d, f) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
var d = cljs.core.first(b), e = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(b)), b = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(b)); |
return a(d, e, b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.funpatcher.patch_args_seq_to_array = function() { |
var a = function(a, b, e) { |
var f = mrhyde.guts.get_store_cur_js_fn.call(null, a, b), g = cljs.core.empty_QMARK_.call(null, e) ? function() { |
return cljs.core.identity.call(null, !0) |
} : cljs.core.set.call(null, e), h = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.map.call(null, function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.truth_(function() { |
var c = g.call(null, a); |
return cljs.core.truth_(c) ? cljs.core.sequential_QMARK_.call(null, b) : c |
}()) ? cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.array, b) : b |
}, cljs.core.range.call(null), a); |
return f.apply(this, a) |
}, e = function(a) { |
var b = null; |
goog.isDef(a) && (b = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return h.call(this, b) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
e.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.seq(a); |
return h(a) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = h; |
return a[b] = e |
}, b = function(b, d, e) { |
var f = null; |
goog.isDef(e) && (f = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return a.call(this, b, d, f) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
var d = cljs.core.first(b), e = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(b)), b = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(b)); |
return a(d, e, b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.funpatcher.patch_args_clj_to_js = function() { |
var a = function(a, b, e) { |
var f = mrhyde.guts.get_store_cur_js_fn.call(null, a, b), g = cljs.core.empty_QMARK_.call(null, e) ? function() { |
return cljs.core.identity.call(null, !0) |
} : cljs.core.set.call(null, e), h = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.map.call(null, function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.truth_(g.call(null, a)) ? cljs.core.clj__GT_js.call(null, b) : b |
}, cljs.core.range.call(null), a); |
return f.apply(this, cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.array, a)) |
}, e = function(a) { |
var b = null; |
goog.isDef(a) && (b = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return h.call(this, b) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
e.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.seq(a); |
return h(a) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = h; |
return a[b] = e |
}, b = function(b, d, e) { |
var f = null; |
goog.isDef(e) && (f = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return a.call(this, b, d, f) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
var d = cljs.core.first(b), e = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(b)), b = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(b)); |
return a(d, e, b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.funpatcher.patch_tostring_sequential_isarray = function(a, b) { |
var c = mrhyde.guts.get_store_cur_js_fn.call(null, a, b), d = function(a) { |
return mrhyde.mrhyde.hyde_array_QMARK_.call(null, this) ? "[object Array]" : c.apply(this, a) |
}, e = function(a) { |
var b = null; |
goog.isDef(a) && (b = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return d.call(this, b) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
e.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.seq(a); |
return d(a) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d; |
return a[b] = e |
}; |
mrhyde.funpatcher.patch_tostring_hydearray_is_array = function() { |
return mrhyde.funpatcher.patch_tostring_sequential_isarray.call(null, Object.prototype, "toString") |
}; |
clojure.set = {}; |
clojure.set.bubble_max_key = function(a, b) { |
var c = cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.max_key, a, b); |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, c, cljs.core.remove.call(null, function(a) { |
return c === a |
}, b)) |
}; |
clojure.set.union = function() { |
var a = null, b = function() { |
return cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.EMPTY |
}, c = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.count.call(null, a) < cljs.core.count.call(null, b) ? cljs.core.reduce.call(null, cljs.core.conj, b, a) : cljs.core.reduce.call(null, cljs.core.conj, a, b) |
}, d = function(a, b, c) { |
a = clojure.set.bubble_max_key.call(null, cljs.core.count, cljs.core.conj.call(null, c, b, a)); |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, cljs.core.into, cljs.core.first.call(null, a), cljs.core.rest.call(null, a)) |
}, e = function(a, b, c) { |
var e = null; |
goog.isDef(c) && (e = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return d.call(this, a, b, e) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
e.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), c = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(a)); |
return d(b, c, a) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d; |
a = function(a, d, h) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 0: |
return b.call(this); |
case 1: |
return a; |
case 2: |
return c.call(this, a, d); |
default: |
return e.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, d, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 2)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = e.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$0 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return a |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = c; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = e.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
clojure.set.intersection = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
for(;;) { |
if(cljs.core.count.call(null, b) < cljs.core.count.call(null, a)) { |
var c = a, a = b, b = c |
}else { |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(a, b) { |
return function(a, c) { |
return cljs.core.contains_QMARK_.call(null, b, c) ? a : cljs.core.disj.call(null, a, c) |
} |
}(a, b), a, a) |
} |
} |
}, c = function(b, c, d) { |
b = clojure.set.bubble_max_key.call(null, function(a) { |
return-cljs.core.count.call(null, a) |
}, cljs.core.conj.call(null, d, c, b)); |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, a, cljs.core.first.call(null, b), cljs.core.rest.call(null, b)) |
}, d = function(a, b, d) { |
var h = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (h = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return c.call(this, a, b, h) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(a)); |
return c(b, d, a) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c; |
a = function(a, c, g) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return a; |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, c); |
default: |
return d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, c, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 2)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = d.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return a |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
clojure.set.difference = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.count.call(null, a) < cljs.core.count.call(null, b) ? cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(a, c) { |
return cljs.core.contains_QMARK_.call(null, b, c) ? cljs.core.disj.call(null, a, c) : a |
}, a, a) : cljs.core.reduce.call(null, cljs.core.disj, a, b) |
}, c = function(b, c, d) { |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, a, b, cljs.core.conj.call(null, d, c)) |
}, d = function(a, b, d) { |
var h = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (h = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), 0)); |
return c.call(this, a, b, h) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
d.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first(a), d = cljs.core.first(cljs.core.next(a)), a = cljs.core.rest(cljs.core.next(a)); |
return c(b, d, a) |
}; |
d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = c; |
a = function(a, c, g) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 1: |
return a; |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, c); |
default: |
return d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic(a, c, cljs.core.array_seq(arguments, 2)) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 2; |
a.cljs$lang$applyTo = d.cljs$lang$applyTo; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return a |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d.cljs$lang$arity$variadic; |
return a |
}(); |
clojure.set.select = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(b, d) { |
return cljs.core.truth_(a.call(null, d)) ? b : cljs.core.disj.call(null, b, d) |
}, b, b) |
}; |
clojure.set.project = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.set.call(null, cljs.core.map.call(null, function(a) { |
return cljs.core.select_keys.call(null, a, b) |
}, a)) |
}; |
clojure.set.rename_keys = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(a, b) { |
var e = cljs.core.nth.call(null, b, 0, null), f = cljs.core.nth.call(null, b, 1, null), g; |
g = (g = cljs.core.not_EQ_.call(null, e, f)) ? cljs.core.contains_QMARK_.call(null, a, e) : g; |
return g ? cljs.core.dissoc.call(null, cljs.core.assoc.call(null, a, f, cljs.core._lookup.call(null, a, e, null)), e) : a |
}, a, b) |
}; |
clojure.set.rename = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.set.call(null, cljs.core.map.call(null, function(a) { |
return clojure.set.rename_keys.call(null, a, b) |
}, a)) |
}; |
clojure.set.index = function(a, b) { |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(a, d) { |
var e = cljs.core.select_keys.call(null, d, b); |
return cljs.core.assoc.call(null, a, e, cljs.core.conj.call(null, cljs.core._lookup.call(null, a, e, cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.EMPTY), d)) |
}, cljs.core.ObjMap.EMPTY, a) |
}; |
clojure.set.map_invert = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(a, c) { |
var d = cljs.core.nth.call(null, c, 0, null), e = cljs.core.nth.call(null, c, 1, null); |
return cljs.core.assoc.call(null, a, e, d) |
}, cljs.core.ObjMap.EMPTY, a) |
}; |
clojure.set.join = function() { |
var a = null, b = function(a, b) { |
var c; |
c = (c = cljs.core.seq.call(null, a)) ? cljs.core.seq.call(null, b) : c; |
if(c) { |
var g = clojure.set.intersection.call(null, cljs.core.set.call(null, cljs.core.keys.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, a))), cljs.core.set.call(null, cljs.core.keys.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, b)))), h = cljs.core.count.call(null, a) <= cljs.core.count.call(null, b) ? cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([a, b], !0) : cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([b, a], !0); |
c = cljs.core.nth.call(null, h, 0, null); |
var h = cljs.core.nth.call(null, h, 1, null), i = clojure.set.index.call(null, c, g); |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(a, b) { |
var c = i.call(null, cljs.core.select_keys.call(null, b, g)); |
return cljs.core.truth_(c) ? cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(a, c) { |
return cljs.core.conj.call(null, a, cljs.core.merge.call(null, c, b)) |
}, a, c) : a |
}, cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.EMPTY, h) |
} |
return cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.EMPTY |
}, c = function(a, b, c) { |
var a = cljs.core.count.call(null, a) <= cljs.core.count.call(null, b) ? cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([a, b, clojure.set.map_invert.call(null, c)], !0) : cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([b, a, c], !0), b = cljs.core.nth.call(null, a, 0, null), c = cljs.core.nth.call(null, a, 1, null), g = cljs.core.nth.call(null, a, 2, null), h = clojure.set.index.call(null, b, cljs.core.vals.call(null, g)); |
return cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(a, b) { |
var c = h.call(null, clojure.set.rename_keys.call(null, cljs.core.select_keys.call(null, b, cljs.core.keys.call(null, g)), g)); |
return cljs.core.truth_(c) ? cljs.core.reduce.call(null, function(a, c) { |
return cljs.core.conj.call(null, a, cljs.core.merge.call(null, c, b)) |
}, a, c) : a |
}, cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.EMPTY, c) |
}, a = function(a, e, f) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return b.call(this, a, e); |
case 3: |
return c.call(this, a, e, f) |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$2 = b; |
a.cljs$lang$arity$3 = c; |
return a |
}(); |
clojure.set.subset_QMARK_ = function(a, b) { |
var c = cljs.core.count.call(null, a) <= cljs.core.count.call(null, b); |
return c ? cljs.core.every_QMARK_.call(null, function(a) { |
return cljs.core.contains_QMARK_.call(null, b, a) |
}, a) : c |
}; |
clojure.set.superset_QMARK_ = function(a, b) { |
var c = cljs.core.count.call(null, a) >= cljs.core.count.call(null, b); |
return c ? cljs.core.every_QMARK_.call(null, function(b) { |
return cljs.core.contains_QMARK_.call(null, a, b) |
}, b) : c |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher = {}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.dp = function() { |
var a = function(a) { |
return console.log(cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.str, a)) |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.install_js_get_prop = function() { |
var a = {configurable:!0, enumerable:!0}; |
return function(b, c, d) { |
a.get = d; |
return Object.defineProperty(b, c, a) |
} |
}.call(null); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.install_js_hidden_get_prop = function() { |
var a = {configurable:!0, enumerable:!1}; |
return function(b, c, d) { |
a.get = d; |
return Object.defineProperty(b, c, a) |
} |
}.call(null); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hide_js_props = function() { |
var a = {enumerable:!1}; |
return function(b, c) { |
for(var d = cljs.core.seq.call(null, c);;) { |
if(d) { |
var e = cljs.core.first.call(null, d); |
Object.defineProperty(b, e, a); |
d = cljs.core.next.call(null, d) |
}else { |
return null |
} |
} |
} |
}.call(null); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.install_js_getset_prop = function() { |
var a = {configurable:!0, enumerable:!0}; |
return function(b, c, d, e) { |
a.get = d; |
a.set = e; |
return Object.defineProperty(b, c, a) |
} |
}.call(null); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.install_js_hidden_getset_prop = function() { |
var a = {configurable:!0, enumerable:!1}; |
return function(b, c, d, e) { |
a.get = d; |
a.set = e; |
return Object.defineProperty(b, c, a) |
} |
}.call(null); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden = function(a, b, c) { |
a[b] = c; |
return mrhyde.typepatcher.hide_js_props.call(null, a, cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([b], !0)) |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_cache_key = "$cljs$mrhyde$cache"; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_access_key = "$cljs$mrhyde$acccess"; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_keylist_key = "$cljs$mrhyde$keylist"; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_keyset_key = "$cljs$mrhyde$keyset"; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.cljs_partition_key = "cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$"; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_parition_key = [cljs.core.str("$cljs$mrhyde$"), cljs.core.str(mrhyde.typepatcher.cljs_partition_key)].join(""); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_ensure_cached = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.not.call(null, goog.object.containsKey(a, mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_cache_key)) ? mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_cache_key, cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.array, a)) : null |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_pop = function() { |
var a = function() { |
return console.log("WARNING: someone has called unsupported hyde-array method pop") |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_push = function() { |
var a = function() { |
return console.log("WARNING: someone has called unsupported hyde-array method push") |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_reverse = function() { |
var a = function() { |
return console.log("WARNING: someone has called unsupported hyde-array method reverse") |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_shift = function() { |
var a = function() { |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_ensure_cached.call(null, this); |
return this[mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_cache_key].shift() |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_sort = function() { |
var a = function() { |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_ensure_cached.call(null, this); |
this[mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_cache_key].sort(); |
return this |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_splice = function() { |
var a = function() { |
return console.log("WARNING: someone has called unsupported hyde-array method splice") |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_unshift = function() { |
var a = function() { |
return console.log("WARNING: someone has called unsupported hyde-array method unshift") |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_concat = function() { |
var a = function() { |
return console.log("WARNING: someone has called unsupported hyde-array method concat") |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_join = function() { |
var a = function() { |
return console.log("WARNING: someone has called unsupported hyde-array method join") |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_concat = function() { |
var a = function() { |
return console.log("WARNING: someone has called unsupported hyde-array method concat") |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_concat = function() { |
var a = function() { |
return console.log("WARNING: someone has called unsupported hyde-array method concat") |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_concat = function() { |
var a = function() { |
return console.log("WARNING: someone has called unsupported hyde-array method concat") |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_concat = function() { |
var a = function() { |
return console.log("WARNING: someone has called unsupported hyde-array method concat") |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_slice = function() { |
var a = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first.call(null, a), a = cljs.core.second.call(null, a); |
return null == a ? cljs.core.drop.call(null, b, this) : cljs.core.take.call(null, a - b, cljs.core.drop.call(null, b, this)) |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_vector_slice = function() { |
var a = function(a) { |
console.log("note: calling untested hyde-array vector-slice"); |
return cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.subvec, this, a) |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_to_source = function() { |
var a = function() { |
return console.log("WARNING: someone has called unsupported hyde-array method toSource") |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_to_string = function() { |
var a = function() { |
return clojure.string.join.call(null, ", ", this) |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_index_of = function() { |
var a = function() { |
return console.log("WARNING: someone has called unsupported hyde-array method indexOf") |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_last_index_of = function() { |
var a = function() { |
return console.log("WARNING: someone has called unsupported hyde-array method lastIndexOf") |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_every = function() { |
var a = function() { |
return console.log("WARNING: someone has called unsupported hyde-array method every") |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_some = function() { |
var a = function() { |
return console.log("WARNING: someone has called unsupported hyde-array method some") |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_filter = function() { |
var a = function() { |
return console.log("WARNING: someone has called unsupported hyde-array method filter") |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_map = function(a) { |
var b = this; |
return cljs.core.doall.call(null, cljs.core.map.call(null, function(c, d) { |
return a.call(void 0, c, d, b) |
}, cljs.core.seq.call(null, b), cljs.core.range.call(null))) |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_for_each = function(a) { |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_map.call(this, a); |
return null |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_reduce = function() { |
var a = function() { |
return console.log("WARNING: someone has called unsupported hyde-array method reduce") |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_reduce_right = function() { |
var a = function() { |
return console.log("WARNING: someone has called unsupported hyde-array method reduce-Right") |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.strkey = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.keyword_QMARK_.call(null, a) ? cljs.core.name.call(null, a) : a |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.gen_map_getter = function(a) { |
return function() { |
return cljs.core._lookup.call(null, this[mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_access_key], a, null) |
} |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.gen_map_setter = function(a) { |
return function(b) { |
if(cljs.core.not.call(null, goog.object.containsKey(this, mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_cache_key))) { |
var c = cljs.core.transient$.call(null, this); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, this, mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_access_key, c); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, this, mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_cache_key, c) |
} |
return cljs.core.assoc_BANG_.call(null, this[mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_cache_key], a, b) |
} |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_map = function(a) { |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_access_key, a); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hide_js_props.call(null, a, Object.keys(a)); |
for(var b = cljs.core.seq.call(null, cljs.core.keys.call(null, a));;) { |
if(b) { |
var c = cljs.core.first.call(null, b), d; |
d = (d = cljs.core.keyword_QMARK_.call(null, c)) ? cljs.core.not.call(null, goog.object.containsKey(a, cljs.core.name.call(null, c))) : d; |
d && mrhyde.typepatcher.install_js_getset_prop.call(null, a, cljs.core.name.call(null, c), mrhyde.typepatcher.gen_map_getter.call(null, c), mrhyde.typepatcher.gen_map_setter.call(null, c)); |
b = cljs.core.next.call(null, b) |
}else { |
break |
} |
} |
cljs.core.truth_(cljs.core.some.call(null, cljs.core.keyword_QMARK_, cljs.core.keys.call(null, a))) && (mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_keylist_key, !1), mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_keyset_key, !1), mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_keylist_key, Object.keys(a))); |
return a |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.have_patched_js_with_key_lookup = cljs.core.atom.call(null, !1); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_js_with_key_lookup = function() { |
if(cljs.core.not.call(null, cljs.core.deref.call(null, mrhyde.typepatcher.have_patched_js_with_key_lookup))) { |
cljs.core.reset_BANG_.call(null, mrhyde.typepatcher.have_patched_js_with_key_lookup, !0); |
cljs.core.ILookup.object = !0; |
var a = cljs.core._lookup, b = null, b = function(a, b, e) { |
switch(arguments.length) { |
case 2: |
return a[mrhyde.typepatcher.strkey.call(null, b)]; |
case 3: |
var f = mrhyde.typepatcher.strkey.call(null, b); |
return cljs.core.truth_(goog.object.containsKey(a, f)) ? a[f] : e |
} |
throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length); |
}; |
return a.object = b |
} |
return null |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.MAXLEN = function() { |
var a = function() { |
return this.mrhyde_maxseqlen |
}(); |
return cljs.core.truth_(a) ? a : 5E3 |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_seq_object = function() { |
return null |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_map_object = function(a) { |
mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_map.call(null, a); |
return null |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_core_seq_type = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core[a], c = Object.keys(b), d = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.array, cljs.core.cons.call(null, null, a)); |
a = new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(b, a)); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_seq_object.call(null, a); |
return a |
}, e = function(a) { |
var b = null; |
goog.isDef(a) && (b = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return d.call(this, b) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
e.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.seq(a); |
return d(a) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d; |
for(c = cljs.core.seq.call(null, c);;) { |
if(c) { |
var f = cljs.core.first.call(null, c); |
e[f] = b[f]; |
c = cljs.core.next.call(null, c) |
}else { |
break |
} |
} |
return cljs.core[a] = e |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_core_map_type = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core[a], c = Object.keys(b), d = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.array, cljs.core.cons.call(null, null, a)); |
a = new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(b, a)); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_map_object.call(null, a); |
return a |
}, e = function(a) { |
var b = null; |
goog.isDef(a) && (b = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return d.call(this, b) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
e.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.seq(a); |
return d(a) |
}; |
e.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = d; |
for(c = cljs.core.seq.call(null, c);;) { |
if(c) { |
var f = cljs.core.first.call(null, c); |
e[f] = b[f]; |
c = cljs.core.next.call(null, c) |
}else { |
break |
} |
} |
return cljs.core[a] = e |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.gen_seq_getter = function(a) { |
return function() { |
var b = cljs.core.truth_(goog.object.containsKey(this, mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_cache_key)) ? this[mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_cache_key] : this; |
return cljs.core.nth.call(null, b, a, void 0) |
} |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.gen_seq_setter = function(a) { |
return function(b) { |
mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_ensure_cached.call(null, this); |
return this[mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_cache_key][a] = b |
} |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_prototype_as_array = function(a, b, c) { |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, mrhyde.guts.hyde_proto_array_marker, !0); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.install_js_hidden_get_prop.call(null, a, "length", function() { |
return cljs.core.count.call(null, cljs.core.take.call(null, mrhyde.typepatcher.MAXLEN, this)) |
}); |
for(var b = mrhyde.typepatcher.MAXLEN, d = 0;;) { |
if(d < b) { |
mrhyde.typepatcher.install_js_hidden_getset_prop.call(null, a, d, mrhyde.typepatcher.gen_seq_getter.call(null, d), mrhyde.typepatcher.gen_seq_setter.call(null, d)), d += 1 |
}else { |
break |
} |
} |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, "__ArrayLike", !0); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, "toCljString", a.toString); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, "pop", mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_pop); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, "push", mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_push); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, "reverse", mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_reverse); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, "shift", mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_shift); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, "sort", mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_sort); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, "splice", mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_splice); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, "unshift", mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_unshift); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, "concat", mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_concat); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, "join", mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_pop); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, "slice", cljs.core.truth_(c) ? mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_vector_slice : mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_slice); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, "toSource", mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_to_source); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, "toString", mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_to_string); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, "indexOf", mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_index_of); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, "lastIndexOf", mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_last_index_of); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, "forEach", mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_for_each); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, "every", mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_every); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, "some", mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_some); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, "filter", mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_filter); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, "map", mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_map); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, "reduce", mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_reduce); |
return mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, "reduceRight", mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_array_reduce_right) |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_prototype_as_map = function(a) { |
return mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, mrhyde.guts.hyde_proto_object_marker, !0) |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.add_hyde_protocol_to_seq = function(a) { |
a.prototype.mrhyde$mrhyde$IHyde$ = !0; |
a.prototype.mrhyde$mrhyde$IHyde$has_cache_QMARK_$arity$1 = function(a) { |
return goog.object.containsKey(a, mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_cache_key) |
}; |
return a.prototype.mrhyde$mrhyde$IHyde$from_cache$arity$1 = function(a) { |
var c = a[mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_cache_key]; |
return cljs.core.truth_(c) ? cljs.core.vec.call(null, c) : a |
} |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.filtered_keylist_set = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.set.call(null, cljs.core.remove.call(null, function(a) { |
return cljs.core.re_find.call(null, /cljs\$/, a) |
}, a)) |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.lazy_init_hyde_setset = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.truth_(function() { |
var b = cljs.core.not.call(null, a[mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_keyset_key]); |
return b ? a[mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_keylist_key] : b |
}()) ? mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_keyset_key, mrhyde.typepatcher.filtered_keylist_set.call(null, a[mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_keylist_key])) : null |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.add_hyde_protocol_to_map = function(a) { |
a.prototype.mrhyde$mrhyde$IHyde$ = !0; |
a.prototype.mrhyde$mrhyde$IHyde$has_cache_QMARK_$arity$1 = function(a) { |
mrhyde.typepatcher.lazy_init_hyde_setset.call(null, a); |
var c = goog.object.containsKey(a, mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_cache_key); |
return cljs.core.truth_(c) ? c : cljs.core.not_EQ_.call(null, a[mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_keyset_key], mrhyde.typepatcher.filtered_keylist_set.call(null, Object.keys(a))) |
}; |
a.prototype.mrhyde$mrhyde$IHyde$from_cache$arity$1 = function(a) { |
mrhyde.typepatcher.lazy_init_hyde_setset.call(null, a); |
var c = clojure.set.difference.call(null, mrhyde.typepatcher.filtered_keylist_set.call(null, Object.keys(a)), cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.fromArray([mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_cache_key])), c = clojure.set.difference.call(null, c, a[mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_keyset_key]), c = cljs.core.into.call(null, cljs.core.ObjMap.EMPTY, function f(c) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
for(;;) { |
if(cljs.core.seq.call(null, c)) { |
var d = cljs.core.first.call(null, c); |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([cljs.core.keyword.call(null, d), a[d]], !0), f.call(null, cljs.core.rest.call(null, c))) |
} |
return null |
} |
}, null) |
}.call(null, c)), d = a[mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_cache_key]; |
return cljs.core.truth_(d) ? (d = cljs.core.persistent_BANG_.call(null, d), mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, a, mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_cache_key, cljs.core.transient$.call(null, d)), cljs.core.merge.call(null, d, c)) : cljs.core.merge.call(null, a, c) |
}; |
a = a.prototype; |
return mrhyde.typepatcher.hide_js_props.call(null, a, Object.keys(a)) |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.from_cache_if_has_cache = function(a) { |
return cljs.core.truth_(function() { |
var b = mrhyde.mrhyde.hyde_QMARK_.call(null, a); |
return b ? mrhyde.mrhyde.has_cache_QMARK_.call(null, a) : b |
}()) ? mrhyde.mrhyde.from_cache.call(null, a) : a |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.recurse_from_hyde_cache = function() { |
var a = function(a, b) { |
var e = cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.array_map, b), e = cljs.core._lookup.call(null, e, "\ufdd0'skip", cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY), e = cljs.core.keyword_QMARK_.call(null, e) ? cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([e], !0) : e, f = cljs.core.set.call(null, e); |
return function h(a) { |
return cljs.core.truth_(goog.isArray(a)) ? cljs.core.vec.call(null, cljs.core.map.call(null, h, a)) : cljs.core.map_QMARK_.call(null, a) ? (a = mrhyde.typepatcher.from_cache_if_has_cache.call(null, a), cljs.core.into.call(null, cljs.core.ObjMap.EMPTY, function l(a) { |
return new cljs.core.LazySeq(null, !1, function() { |
for(;;) { |
if(cljs.core.seq.call(null, a)) { |
var b = cljs.core.first.call(null, a), c = cljs.core.nth.call(null, b, 0, null), b = cljs.core.nth.call(null, b, 1, null); |
return cljs.core.cons.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([h.call(null, c), cljs.core.truth_(f.call(null, c)) ? b : h.call(null, b)], !0), l.call(null, cljs.core.rest.call(null, a))) |
} |
return null |
} |
}, null) |
}.call(null, a))) : cljs.core.coll_QMARK_.call(null, a) ? (a = mrhyde.typepatcher.from_cache_if_has_cache.call(null, a), cljs.core.into.call(null, cljs.core.empty.call(null, a), cljs.core.map.call(null, h, a))) : mrhyde.typepatcher.from_cache_if_has_cache.call(null, a) |
}.call(null, a) |
}, b = function(b, d) { |
var e = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (e = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), 0)); |
return a.call(this, b, e) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 1; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
var d = cljs.core.first(b), b = cljs.core.rest(b); |
return a(d, b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.repersist = function() { |
var a = function(a, d) { |
if(cljs.core.truth_(goog.isFunction(a))) { |
var e = function(e) { |
return cljs.core.apply.call(null, b, function() { |
return a.apply(this, cljs.core.apply.call(null, cljs.core.array, e)) |
}(), d) |
}, f = function(a) { |
var b = null; |
goog.isDef(a) && (b = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return e.call(this, b) |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
f.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(a) { |
a = cljs.core.seq(a); |
return e(a) |
}; |
f.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = e; |
return f |
} |
return cljs.core.apply.call(null, mrhyde.typepatcher.recurse_from_hyde_cache, a, d) |
}, b = function(b, d) { |
var e = null; |
goog.isDef(d) && (e = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), 0)); |
return a.call(this, b, e) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 1; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
var d = cljs.core.first(b), b = cljs.core.rest(b); |
return a(d, b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.have_patched_arrayish_flag = cljs.core.atom.call(null, !1); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.have_patched_mappish_flag = cljs.core.atom.call(null, !1); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_sequential_type = function(a) { |
if(mrhyde.mrhyde.hyde_array_QMARK_.call(null, a.prototype)) { |
return null |
} |
mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_prototype_as_array.call(null, a.prototype, a, !1); |
return mrhyde.typepatcher.add_hyde_protocol_to_seq.call(null, a) |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_vector_type = function(a) { |
if(mrhyde.mrhyde.hyde_array_QMARK_.call(null, a.prototype)) { |
return null |
} |
mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_prototype_as_array.call(null, a.prototype, a, !0); |
return mrhyde.typepatcher.add_hyde_protocol_to_seq.call(null, a) |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_map_type = function(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.nth.call(null, a, 0, null), a = cljs.core.nth.call(null, a, 1, null); |
if(mrhyde.mrhyde.hyde_object_QMARK_.call(null, b.prototype)) { |
return mrhyde.typepatcher.dp.call(null, [cljs.core.str("already a hyde-object: "), cljs.core.str(b)].join("")) |
} |
mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_prototype_as_map.call(null, b.prototype, b); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.add_hyde_protocol_to_map.call(null, b); |
return mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_core_map_type.call(null, a) |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_known_sequential_types = function() { |
for(var a = cljs.core.seq.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([cljs.core.List, cljs.core.LazySeq, cljs.core.IndexedSeq, cljs.core.Cons, cljs.core.Range, cljs.core.ArrayNodeSeq, cljs.core.ChunkedSeq], !0));;) { |
if(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first.call(null, a); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_sequential_type.call(null, b); |
a = cljs.core.next.call(null, a) |
}else { |
return null |
} |
} |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_known_vector_types = function() { |
for(var a = cljs.core.seq.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([cljs.core.PersistentVector, cljs.core.Subvec], !0));;) { |
if(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first.call(null, a); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_vector_type.call(null, b); |
a = cljs.core.next.call(null, a) |
}else { |
return null |
} |
} |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_known_mappish_types = function() { |
mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_sequential_type.call(null, cljs.core.LazySeq); |
for(var a = cljs.core.seq.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([cljs.core.ObjMap, "ObjMap"], !0), cljs.core.PersistentVector.fromArray([cljs.core.PersistentHashMap, "PersistentHashMap"], !0)], !0));;) { |
if(a) { |
var b = cljs.core.first.call(null, a); |
cljs.core._EQ_.call(null, cljs.core.first.call(null, b), cljs.core[cljs.core.second.call(null, b)]) && mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_map_type.call(null, b); |
a = cljs.core.next.call(null, a) |
}else { |
return null |
} |
} |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.get_partition_key = function() { |
return this[mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_parition_key] |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.set_partition_key = function(a) { |
mrhyde.typepatcher.aset_hidden.call(null, this, mrhyde.typepatcher.hyde_parition_key, a); |
window.side = "effect"; |
cljs.core._EQ_.call(null, 16123663, a) && console.log("matches"); |
console.log(a); |
return console.log(this) |
}; |
mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_obj_spy_on_partition = function() { |
console.log(mrhyde.typepatcher.set_partition_key); |
return mrhyde.typepatcher.install_js_hidden_getset_prop.call(null, cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.prototype, mrhyde.typepatcher.cljs_partition_key, mrhyde.typepatcher.get_partition_key, mrhyde.typepatcher.set_partition_key) |
}; |
var strokes = {}; |
strokes.d3 = function() { |
return this.d3 |
}(); |
strokes.edn_parser_callback = function(a) { |
return cljs.reader.read_string.call(null, a.responseText) |
}; |
strokes.fetch_edn = function(a, b) { |
return strokes.d3.xhr(a, "application/octet-stream", b).response(strokes.edn_parser_callback) |
}; |
strokes.bootstrap = function() { |
var a = function() { |
mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_known_vector_types.call(null); |
mrhyde.typepatcher.patch_known_mappish_types.call(null); |
return cljs.core.truth_(strokes.d3) ? (mrhyde.funpatcher.patch_args_keyword_to_fn.call(null, strokes.d3.selection.prototype, "attr", 1), mrhyde.funpatcher.patch_args_keyword_to_fn.call(null, strokes.d3.selection.prototype, "text", 0), mrhyde.funpatcher.patch_args_keyword_to_fn.call(null, strokes.d3.layout.pack.prototype, "value", 0), mrhyde.funpatcher.patch_args_keyword_to_fn.call(null, strokes.d3.layout.pack.prototype, "children", 0)) : null |
}, b = function(b) { |
var d = null; |
goog.isDef(b) && (d = cljs.core.array_seq(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), 0)); |
return a.call(this, d) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$maxFixedArity = 0; |
b.cljs$lang$applyTo = function(b) { |
b = cljs.core.seq(b); |
return a(b) |
}; |
b.cljs$lang$arity$variadic = a; |
return b |
}(); |
goog.exportSymbol("strokes.bootstrap", strokes.bootstrap); |
cljs.core.truth_(strokes.d3) && (strokes.timer = strokes.d3.timer, strokes.arc = strokes.d3.svg.arc, strokes.polygon = strokes.d3.geom.polygon, strokes.voronoi = strokes.d3.geom.voronoi, strokes.category10 = strokes.d3.scale.category10, strokes.category20 = strokes.d3.scale.category20, strokes.category20b = strokes.d3.scale.category20b, strokes.category20c = strokes.d3.scale.category20c); |
var gup3 = {}; |
strokes.bootstrap.call(null); |
gup3.alphabet = cljs.core.vec.call(null, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwvxyz"); |
gup3.width = 960; |
gup3.height = 500; |
gup3.svg = strokes.d3.select("body").append("svg").attr(cljs.core.ObjMap.fromObject(["\ufdd0'width", "\ufdd0'height"], {"\ufdd0'width":gup3.width, "\ufdd0'height":gup3.height})).append("g").attr(cljs.core.ObjMap.fromObject(["\ufdd0'transform"], {"\ufdd0'transform":[cljs.core.str("translate(32,"), cljs.core.str(gup3.height / 2), cljs.core.str(")")].join("")})); |
gup3.update = function(a) { |
a = gup3.svg.selectAll("text").data(a, cljs.core.identity); |
a.attr(cljs.core.ObjMap.fromObject(["\ufdd0'class"], {"\ufdd0'class":"update"})).transition().duration(750).attr(cljs.core.ObjMap.fromObject(["\ufdd0'x"], {"\ufdd0'x":function(a, c) { |
return 32 * c |
}})); |
a.enter().append("text").attr(cljs.core.ObjMap.fromObject(["\ufdd0'class", "\ufdd0'x", "\ufdd0'y", "\ufdd0'dy"], {"\ufdd0'class":"enter", "\ufdd0'x":function(a, c) { |
return 32 * c |
}, "\ufdd0'y":-60, "\ufdd0'dy":".35em"})).style(cljs.core.ObjMap.fromObject(["\ufdd0'fill-opacity"], {"\ufdd0'fill-opacity":1E-6})).text(cljs.core.identity).transition().duration(750).attr(cljs.core.ObjMap.fromObject(["\ufdd0'y"], {"\ufdd0'y":0})).style(cljs.core.ObjMap.fromObject(["\ufdd0'fill-opacity"], {"\ufdd0'fill-opacity":1})); |
return a.exit().attr(cljs.core.ObjMap.fromObject(["\ufdd0'class"], {"\ufdd0'class":"exit"})).transition().duration(750).attr(cljs.core.ObjMap.fromObject(["\ufdd0'y"], {"\ufdd0'y":60})).style(cljs.core.ObjMap.fromObject(["\ufdd0'fill-opacity"], {"\ufdd0'fill-opacity":1E-6})).remove() |
}; |
gup3.update.call(null, gup3.alphabet); |
window.setInterval(function() { |
return gup3.update.call(null, cljs.core.vec.call(null, cljs.core.sort.call(null, cljs.core.subvec.call(null, cljs.core.shuffle.call(null, gup3.alphabet), cljs.core.rand_int.call(null, 26))))) |
}, 2E3); |