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Created March 16, 2018 19:56
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Script started on Fri Mar 16 19:54:50 2018
command: env TERM=dumb npm test
> [email protected] test /wrkdirs/usr/ports/textproc/node-sass/work/node-sass-4.8.2
> mocha test/{*,**/**}.js
.render(options, callback)
✓ should compile sass to css with file
✓ should compile sass to css with outFile set to absolute url
✓ should compile sass to css with outFile set to relative url
✓ should compile sass to css with outFile and sourceMap set to relative url
✓ should compile generate map with sourceMapRoot pass-through option
✓ should compile sass to css with data
✓ should compile sass to css using indented syntax
✓ should NOT compile empty data string
✓ should NOT compile without any input
✓ should returnn error status 1 for bad input
✓ should compile with include paths
✓ should add cwd to the front on include paths
✓ should check SASS_PATH in the specified order
✓ should prefer include path over SASS_PATH
✓ should render with precision option
✓ should contain all included files in stats when data is passed
✓ should render with indentWidth and indentType options
✓ should render with linefeed option
✓ should respect the order of chained imports when using custom importers and one file is custom imported and the other is not.
✓ should still call the next importer with the resolved prev path when the previous importer returned both a file and contents property - issue #1219
✓ should override imports with "data" as input and fires callback with file and contents
✓ should should resolve imports depth first
✓ should override imports with "file" as input and fires callback with file and contents
✓ should override imports with "data" as input and returns file and contents
✓ should override imports with "file" as input and returns file and contents
✓ should override imports with "data" as input and fires callback with file
✓ should override imports with "file" as input and fires callback with file
✓ should override imports with "data" as input and returns file
✓ should override imports with "file" as input and returns file
✓ should fallback to default import behaviour if importer returns sass.NULL
✓ should fallback to default import behaviour if importer returns null for backwards compatibility
✓ should fallback to default import behaviour if importer returns undefined for backwards compatibility
✓ should fallback to default import behaviour if importer returns false for backwards compatibility
✓ should override imports with "data" as input and fires callback with contents
✓ should override imports with "file" as input and fires callback with contents
✓ should override imports with "data" as input and returns contents
✓ should override imports with "file" as input and returns contents
✓ should accept arrays of importers and return respect the order
✓ should be able to see its options in this.options
✓ should be able to access a persistent options object
✓ should wrap importer options
✓ should reflect user-defined error when returned as callback
✓ should reflect user-defined error with return
✓ should throw exception when importer returns an invalid value
✓ should call custom defined nullary function
✓ should call custom function with multiple args
✓ should work with custom functions that return data asynchronously (54ms)
✓ should let custom functions call setter methods on wrapped sass values (number)
✓ should properly convert strings when calling custom functions
✓ should let custom functions call setter methods on wrapped sass values (string)
✓ should properly convert colors when calling custom functions
✓ should properly convert boolean when calling custom functions
✓ should let custom functions call setter methods on wrapped sass values (boolean)
✓ should properly convert lists when calling custom functions
✓ should properly convert maps when calling custom functions
✓ should properly convert null when calling custom functions
✓ should be possible to carry sass values across different renders
✓ should let us register custom functions without signatures
✓ should fail when returning anything other than a sass value from a custom function
✓ should properly bubble up standard JS errors thrown by custom functions
✓ should properly bubble up unknown errors thrown by custom functions
✓ should call custom functions with correct context
✓ should properly bubble up errors from sass value constructors
✓ should properly bubble up errors from sass value setters
✓ should fail when trying to set a bare number as the List item
✓ should fail when trying to set a bare Object as the List item
✓ should fail when trying to set a bare Object as the Map key
✓ should fail when trying to set a bare Object as the Map value
✓ should always map null, true and false to the same (immutable) object
should properly bubble up errors from sass color constructor
✓ four booleans
✓ two arguments
✓ single string argument
.render({stats: {}})
✓ should provide a start timestamp
✓ should provide an end timestamp
✓ should provide a duration
✓ should contain the given entry file
✓ should contain an array of all included files
✓ should contain array with the entry if there are no import statements
✓ should state `data` as entry file
✓ should contain an empty array as includedFiles
✓ should compile sass to css with file
✓ should compile sass to css with outFile set to absolute url
✓ should compile sass to css with outFile set to relative url
✓ should compile sass to css with outFile and sourceMap set to relative url
✓ should compile generate map with sourceMapRoot pass-through option
✓ should compile sass to css with data
✓ should compile sass to css using indented syntax
✓ should NOT compile empty data string
✓ should NOT compile without any input
✓ should throw error for bad input
✓ should compile with include paths
✓ should add cwd to the front on include paths
✓ should check SASS_PATH in the specified order
✓ should prefer include path over SASS_PATH
✓ should render with precision option
✓ should contain all included files in stats when data is passed
✓ should render with indentWidth and indentType options
✓ should render with linefeed option
magic1=bbbbbbbb magic2=bbbbbbbb ptr1=0x2c4050b1 ptr2=0x0 ptr3=0x0 ptr4=0x0 ptr5=0x0 ptr6=0x0 ptr7=0x0 ptr8=0x0
==== JS stack trace =========================================
Security context: 0x2c415fdd <JSObject>#0#
1: renderSync [/wrkdirs/usr/ports/textproc/node-sass/work/node-sass-4.8.2/lib/index.js:425] [bytecode=0x2bed1b1d offset=204](this=0x31ea3401 <Object map = 0x5d63bb51>#1#,opts=0x33f96881 <Object map = 0x5d65154d>#2#)
2: /* anonymous */ [/wrkdirs/usr/ports/textproc/node-sass/work/node-sass-4.8.2/test/api.js:1551] [bytecode=0x2becdd19 offset=32](this=0x31ea4585 <Context map = 0x5d646839>#3#,done=0x33f9685d <JSFunction (sfi = 0x529de921)>#4#)
3: callFnAsync(aka callFnAsync) [/wrkdirs/usr/ports/textproc/node-sass/work/node-sass-4.8.2/node_modules/mocha/lib/runnable.js:371] [bytecode=0x529de995 offset=23](this=0x3a48417d <undefined>,fn=0x31ea9681 <JSFunction (sfi = 0x2becd2f5)>#5#)
4: run [/wrkdirs/usr/ports/textproc/node-sass/work/node-sass-4.8.2/node_modules/mocha/lib/runnable.js:318] [bytecode=0x529dbc3d offset=141](this=0x31ea4f51 <Test map = 0x5d6562d1>#6#,fn=0x33f9649d <JSFunction (sfi = 0x529dd261)>#7#)
5: runTest [/wrkdirs/usr/ports/textproc/node-sass/work/node-sass-4.8.2/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:443] [bytecode=0x529dd599 offset=106](this=0x2d73acf1 <Runner map = 0x5d652c55>#8#,fn=0x33f9649d <JSFunction (sfi = 0x529dd261)>#7#)
6: /* anonymous */(aka /* anonymous */) [/wrkdirs/usr/ports/textproc/node-sass/work/node-sass-4.8.2/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:549] [bytecode=0x529dd2ed offset=128](this=0x3a48417d <undefined>,err=0x3a48417d <undefined>,errSuite=0x3a48417d <undefined>)
7: arguments adaptor frame: 0->2
8: next(aka next) [/wrkdirs/usr/ports/textproc/node-sass/work/node-sass-4.8.2/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:361] [bytecode=0x529db5a9 offset=27](this=0x3a48417d <undefined>,suite=0x3a48417d <undefined>)
9: /* anonymous */(aka /* anonymous */) [/wrkdirs/usr/ports/textproc/node-sass/work/node-sass-4.8.2/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:371] [bytecode=0x529db6d9 offset=55](this=0x3a48417d <undefined>,err=0x3a48417d <undefined>)
10: arguments adaptor frame: 0->1
11: next(aka next) [/wrkdirs/usr/ports/textproc/node-sass/work/node-sass-4.8.2/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:295] [bytecode=0x529d9dc9 offset=32](this=0x3a48417d <undefined>,i=0)
12: _onImmediate [/wrkdirs/usr/ports/textproc/node-sass/work/node-sass-4.8.2/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:339] [bytecode=0x529d9bc1 offset=8](this=0x33f963b5 <Immediate map = 0x5d6626c1>#9#)
13: runCallback(aka runCallback) [timers.js:763] [bytecode=0x529d9a5d offset=49](this=0x3a48417d <undefined>,timer=0x33f963b5 <Immediate map = 0x5d6626c1>#9#)
14: tryOnImmediate(aka tryOnImmediate) [timers.js:734] [bytecode=0x529d980d offset=11](this=0x3a48417d <undefined>,immediate=0x33f963b5 <Immediate map = 0x5d6626c1>#9#,oldTail=0x33f963b5 <Immediate map = 0x5d6626c1>#9#,count=1,refCount=1)
15: processImmediate [timers.js:716] [bytecode=0x529d94e5 offset=139](this=0x43104161 <process map = 0x5d6081a1>#10#)
==== Details ================================================
[1]: renderSync [/wrkdirs/usr/ports/textproc/node-sass/work/node-sass-4.8.2/lib/index.js:425] [bytecode=0x2bed1b1d offset=204](this=0x31ea3401 <Object map = 0x5d63bb51>#1#,opts=0x33f96881 <Object map = 0x5d65154d>#2#) {
// stack-allocated locals
var status = 0x3a48417d <undefined>
var result = 0x3a48417d <undefined>
// heap-allocated locals
var options = 0x33f96911 <Object map = 0x5d6519f1>#11#
var importer = 0x33f96895 <JSFunction importer (sfi = 0x2becdc6d)>#12#
var functions = 0x3a48417d <undefined>
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[12] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[11] : 0x2beb2bf1 <JSFunction renderSync (sfi = 0x2beb2b95)>#13#
[10] : 5
[09] : 0x33f96911 <Object map = 0x5d6519f1>#11#
[08] : 0x3c98ae7d <Object map = 0x5d63b9c5>#14#
[07] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[06] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[05] : 0x33f96911 <Object map = 0x5d6519f1>#11#
[04] : 0x3c98ae7d <Object map = 0x5d63b9c5>#14#
[03] : 0x2beb2bf1 <JSFunction renderSync (sfi = 0x2beb2b95)>#13#
[02] : 0x4da145a5 <FixedArray[24]>#15#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function (opts) {\x0a var options = getOptions(opts);\x0a var importer = options.importer;\x0a\x0a if (importer) {\x0a if (Array.isArray(importer)) {\x0a options.importer = [];\x0a importer.forEach(function(subject, index) {\x0a options.importer[index] = function(file, prev) {\x0a var result = subject.c...
[2]: /* anonymous */ [/wrkdirs/usr/ports/textproc/node-sass/work/node-sass-4.8.2/test/api.js:1551] [bytecode=0x2becdd19 offset=32](this=0x31ea4585 <Context map = 0x5d646839>#3#,done=0x33f9685d <JSFunction (sfi = 0x529de921)>#4#) {
// stack-allocated locals
var result = 0x3a48417d <undefined>
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[07] : 0x33f96881 <Object map = 0x5d65154d>#2#
[06] : 0x31ea3401 <Object map = 0x5d63bb51>#1#
[05] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[04] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[03] : 0x33f96881 <Object map = 0x5d65154d>#2#
[02] : 0x31ea3401 <Object map = 0x5d63bb51>#1#
[01] : 0x2beb7b9d <JSFunction module.exports.renderSync (sfi = 0x3517c219)>#16#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function (done) {\x0a var result = sass.renderSync({\x0a data: src,\x0a importer: function(url, prev) {\x0a return {\x0a file: prev + url,\x0a contents: 'div {color: yellow;}'\x0a };\x0a }\x0a });\x0a\x0a assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\n color: y...
[3]: callFnAsync(aka callFnAsync) [/wrkdirs/usr/ports/textproc/node-sass/work/node-sass-4.8.2/node_modules/mocha/lib/runnable.js:371] [bytecode=0x529de995 offset=23](this=0x3a48417d <undefined>,fn=0x31ea9681 <JSFunction (sfi = 0x2becd2f5)>#5#) {
// heap-allocated locals
var result = 0x3a48417d <undefined>
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[06] : 0x33f9685d <JSFunction (sfi = 0x529de921)>#4#
[05] : 0x31ea4585 <Context map = 0x5d646839>#3#
[04] : 0x33f9685d <JSFunction (sfi = 0x529de921)>#4#
[03] : 0x31ea4585 <Context map = 0x5d646839>#3#
[02] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[01] : 0x2c407701 <JSFunction call (sfi = 0x3a49727d)>#17#
[00] : 0x33f9655d <FixedArray[12]>#18#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function callFnAsync(fn) {\x0a var result =, function (err) {\x0a if (err instanceof Error || === '[object Error]') {\x0a return done(err);\x0a }\x0a if (err) {\x0a if ( === '[object Object]') {\x0a return done(new Error('done() invok...
[4]: run [/wrkdirs/usr/ports/textproc/node-sass/work/node-sass-4.8.2/node_modules/mocha/lib/runnable.js:318] [bytecode=0x529dbc3d offset=141](this=0x31ea4f51 <Test map = 0x5d6562d1>#6#,fn=0x33f9649d <JSFunction (sfi = 0x529dd261)>#7#) {
// stack-allocated locals
var callFn = 0x33f965dd <JSFunction callFn (sfi = 0x529dba99)>#19#
var callFnAsync = 0x33f96601 <JSFunction callFnAsync (sfi = 0x529dbafd)>#20#
// heap-allocated locals
var fn = 0x33f9649d <JSFunction (sfi = 0x529dd261)>#7#
var self = 0x31ea4f51 <Test map = 0x5d6562d1>#6#
var start = 0x33f96625 <Date map = 0x5d604d8d>#21#
var ctx = 0x31ea4585 <Context map = 0x5d646839>#3#
var finished = 0x3a48417d <undefined>
var emitted = 0x3a48417d <undefined>
var multiple = 0x33f96595 <JSFunction multiple (sfi = 0x529db9d1)>#22#
var done = 0x33f965b9 <JSFunction done (sfi = 0x529dba35)>#23#
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[10] : 0x31ea9681 <JSFunction (sfi = 0x2becd2f5)>#5#
[09] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[08] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[07] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[06] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[05] : 0x31ea9681 <JSFunction (sfi = 0x2becd2f5)>#5#
[04] : 0x31ea4585 <Context map = 0x5d646839>#3#
[03] : 0x33f9655d <FixedArray[12]>#18#
[02] : 0x44a044bd <FixedArray[13]>#24#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function (fn) {\x0a var self = this;\x0a var start = new Date();\x0a var ctx = this.ctx;\x0a var finished;\x0a var emitted;\x0a\x0a // Sometimes the ctx exists, but it is not runnable\x0a if (ctx && ctx.runnable) {\x0a ctx.runnable(this);\x0a }\x0a\x0a // called multiple times\x0a function multiple (err) {\x0a if (emitted) {\x0a re...
[5]: runTest [/wrkdirs/usr/ports/textproc/node-sass/work/node-sass-4.8.2/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:443] [bytecode=0x529dd599 offset=106](this=0x2d73acf1 <Runner map = 0x5d652c55>#8#,fn=0x33f9649d <JSFunction (sfi = 0x529dd261)>#7#) {
// heap-allocated locals
var self = 0x2d73acf1 <Runner map = 0x5d652c55>#8#
var test = 0x31ea4f51 <Test map = 0x5d6562d1>#6#
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[06] : 0x33f9649d <JSFunction (sfi = 0x529dd261)>#7#
[05] : 0x31ea4f51 <Test map = 0x5d6562d1>#6#
[04] : 0x33f964e1 <JSFunction (sfi = 0x529dd4f1)>#25#
[03] : 0x31ea4f51 <Test map = 0x5d6562d1>#6#
[02] : 0x307daa4d <JSFunction (sfi = 0x307d19bd)>#26#
[01] : 0x33f964c1 <FixedArray[6]>#27#
[00] : 0x44a400dd <FixedArray[24]>#28#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function (fn) {\x0a var self = this;\x0a var test = this.test;\x0a\x0a if (!test) {\x0a return;\x0a }\x0a if (this.asyncOnly) {\x0a test.asyncOnly = true;\x0a }\x0a test.on('error', function (err) {\x0a, err);\x0a });\x0a if (this.allowUncaught) {\x0a test.allowUncaught = true;\x0a return;\x0a }\x0a try {...
[6]: /* anonymous */(aka /* anonymous */) [/wrkdirs/usr/ports/textproc/node-sass/work/node-sass-4.8.2/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:549] [bytecode=0x529dd2ed offset=128](this=0x3a48417d <undefined>,err=0x3a48417d <undefined>,errSuite=0x3a48417d <undefined>) {
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[05] : 0x33f9649d <JSFunction (sfi = 0x529dd261)>#7#
[04] : 0x2d73acf1 <Runner map = 0x5d652c55>#8#
[03] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[02] : 0x33f9649d <JSFunction (sfi = 0x529dd261)>#7#
[01] : 0x2d73acf1 <Runner map = 0x5d652c55>#8#
[00] : 0x307e0259 <JSFunction Runner.runTest (sfi = 0x307df061)>#29#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function (err, errSuite) {\x0a if (test.isPending()) {\x0a self.emit('pending', test);\x0a self.emit('test end', test);\x0a return next();\x0a }\x0a if (err) {\x0a return hookErr(err, errSuite, false);\x0a }\x0a self.currentRunnable = self.test;\x0a self.runTest(function (err) {\x0a ...
[7]: arguments adaptor frame: 0->2 {
[8]: next(aka next) [/wrkdirs/usr/ports/textproc/node-sass/work/node-sass-4.8.2/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:361] [bytecode=0x529db5a9 offset=27](this=0x3a48417d <undefined>,suite=0x3a48417d <undefined>) {
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[04] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[03] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[02] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[01] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[00] : 0x33f95e51 <JSFunction (sfi = 0x529da3bd)>#30#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function next(suite) {\x0a self.suite = suite;\x0a\x0a if (!suite) {\x0a self.suite = orig;\x0a return fn();\x0a }\x0a\x0a self.hook(name, function (err) {\x0a if (err) {\x0a var errSuite = self.suite;\x0a self.suite = orig;\x0a return fn(err, errSuite);\x0a }\x0a\x0a next(suites.pop());\x0a });\x0a }
[9]: /* anonymous */(aka /* anonymous */) [/wrkdirs/usr/ports/textproc/node-sass/work/node-sass-4.8.2/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:371] [bytecode=0x529db6d9 offset=55](this=0x3a48417d <undefined>,err=0x3a48417d <undefined>) {
// stack-allocated locals
var errSuite = 0x3a48417d <undefined>
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[05] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[04] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[03] : 0x33f95efd <JSArray[0]>#31#
[02] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[01] : 0x33f95f51 <JSFunction next (sfi = 0x529db3a5)>#32#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function (err) {\x0a if (err) {\x0a var errSuite = self.suite;\x0a self.suite = orig;\x0a return fn(err, errSuite);\x0a }\x0a\x0a next(suites.pop());\x0a }
[10]: arguments adaptor frame: 0->1 {
[11]: next(aka next) [/wrkdirs/usr/ports/textproc/node-sass/work/node-sass-4.8.2/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:295] [bytecode=0x529d9dc9 offset=32](this=0x3a48417d <undefined>,i=0) {
// heap-allocated locals
var i = 0
var hook = 0x3a48417d <undefined>
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[05] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[04] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[03] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[02] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[01] : 0x33f962e5 <JSFunction (sfi = 0x529db531)>#33#
[00] : 0x33f96309 <FixedArray[10]>#34#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function next(i) {\x0a var hook = hooks[i];\x0a if (!hook) {\x0a return fn();\x0a }\x0a self.currentRunnable = hook;\x0a\x0a hook.ctx.currentTest = self.test;\x0a\x0a self.emit('hook', hook);\x0a\x0a if (!hook.listeners('error').length) {\x0a hook.on('error', function (err) {\x0a self.failHook(hook, err);\x0a }...
[12]: _onImmediate [/wrkdirs/usr/ports/textproc/node-sass/work/node-sass-4.8.2/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:339] [bytecode=0x529d9bc1 offset=8](this=0x33f963b5 <Immediate map = 0x5d6626c1>#9#) {
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[03] : 0
[02] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[01] : 0
[00] : 0x33f96339 <JSFunction next (sfi = 0x3cc79789)>#35#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function () {\x0a next(0);\x0a }
[13]: runCallback(aka runCallback) [timers.js:763] [bytecode=0x529d9a5d offset=49](this=0x3a48417d <undefined>,timer=0x33f963b5 <Immediate map = 0x5d6626c1>#9#) {
// stack-allocated locals
var argv = 0x3a48417d <undefined>
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[06] : 0x33f963b5 <Immediate map = 0x5d6626c1>#9#
[05] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[04] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[03] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[02] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[01] : 0x33f96375 <JSFunction (sfi = 0x3cc797ed)>#36#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function runCallback(timer) {\x0a const argv = timer._argv;\x0a if (typeof timer._onImmediate !== 'function')\x0a return promiseResolve(timer._onImmediate, argv[0]);\x0a if (!argv)\x0a return timer._onImmediate();\x0a Reflect.apply(timer._onImmediate, timer, argv);\x0a}
[14]: tryOnImmediate(aka tryOnImmediate) [timers.js:734] [bytecode=0x529d980d offset=11](this=0x3a48417d <undefined>,immediate=0x33f963b5 <Immediate map = 0x5d6626c1>#9#,oldTail=0x33f963b5 <Immediate map = 0x5d6626c1>#9#,count=1,refCount=1) {
// stack-allocated locals
var threw = 0x3a4841e5 <true>
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[08] : 0x33f963b5 <Immediate map = 0x5d6626c1>#9#
[07] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[06] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[05] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[04] : 0x35145bb9 <JSFunction runCallback (sfi = 0x2c469b29)>#37#
[03] : 0x43154a79 <FixedArray[51]>#38#
[02] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[01] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function tryOnImmediate(immediate, oldTail, count, refCount) {\x0a var threw = true;\x0a try {\x0a // make the actual call outside the try/finally to allow it to be optimized\x0a runCallback(immediate);\x0a threw = false;\x0a } finally {\x0a immediate._onImmediate = null;\x0a\x0a if (async_hook_fields[kDestroy] > 0) {\x0a emitDe...
[15]: processImmediate [timers.js:716] [bytecode=0x529d94e5 offset=139](this=0x43104161 <process map = 0x5d6081a1>#10#) {
// stack-allocated locals
var queue = 0x33f9644d <Number 1104>
var immediate = 0x35145b2d <ImmediateList map = 0x5d618b85>#39#
var tail = 0x33f963b5 <Immediate map = 0x5d6626c1>#9#
var count = 0x33f963b5 <Immediate map = 0x5d6626c1>#9#
var refCount = 1
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[15] : 1
[14] : 1
[13] : 0x33f963b5 <Immediate map = 0x5d6626c1>#9#
[12] : 0x33f963b5 <Immediate map = 0x5d6626c1>#9#
[11] : 0x3a48417d <undefined>
[10] : 1
[09] : 1
[08] : 0x33f963b5 <Immediate map = 0x5d6626c1>#9#
[07] : 0x33f963b5 <Immediate map = 0x5d6626c1>#9#
[06] : 0x35145b95 <JSFunction tryOnImmediate (sfi = 0x2c469ac5)>#40#
[05] : 1
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function processImmediate() {\x0a const queue = outstandingQueue.head !== null ?\x0a outstandingQueue : immediateQueue;\x0a var immediate = queue.head;\x0a const tail = queue.tail;\x0a\x0a // Clear the linked list early in case new `setImmediate()` calls occur while\x0a // immediate callbacks are executed\x0a queue.head = queue.tail = nul...
==== Key ============================================
#0# 0x2c415fdd: 0x2c415fdd <JSObject>
#1# 0x31ea3401: 0x31ea3401 <Object map = 0x5d63bb51>
render: 0x2beb7b79 <JSFunction module.exports.render (sfi = 0x3517c1b5)>#41#
renderSync: 0x2beb7b9d <JSFunction module.exports.renderSync (sfi = 0x3517c219)>#16#
info: 0x31ea3431 <String[78]\: node-sass\x094.8.2\x09(Wrapper)\x09[JavaScript]\nlibsass \x093.5.1\x09(Sass Compiler)\x09[C/C++]>
types: 0x3c98b505 <Object map = 0x5d63b915>#42#
TRUE: 0x4da041d5 <SassBoolean map = 0x5d63ae15>#43#
FALSE: 0x4da041c5 <SassBoolean map = 0x5d63ae15>#44#
NULL: 0x4da041e5 <SassNull map = 0x5d63b7b5>#45#
#2# 0x33f96881: 0x33f96881 <Object map = 0x5d65154d>
data: 0x31eaa9ad <String[30]\: @import 'foo';\n@import 'bar';\n>
importer: 0x33f96895 <JSFunction importer (sfi = 0x2becdc6d)>#12#
#3# 0x31ea4585: 0x31ea4585 <Context map = 0x5d646839>
_runnable: 0x31ea4f51 <Test map = 0x5d6562d1>#6#
test: 0x31ea4f51 <Test map = 0x5d6562d1>#6#
#4# 0x33f9685d: 0x33f9685d <JSFunction (sfi = 0x529de921)>
#5# 0x31ea9681: 0x31ea9681 <JSFunction (sfi = 0x2becd2f5)>
#6# 0x31ea4f51: 0x31ea4f51 <Test map = 0x5d6562d1>
title: 0x35178825 <String[74]: should override imports with "data" as input and returns file and contents>
fn: 0x31ea9681 <JSFunction (sfi = 0x2becd2f5)>#5#
body: 0x31ea96a5 <String[369]\: function (done) {\n var result = sass.renderSync({\n data: src,\n importer: function(url, prev) {\n return {\n file: prev + url,\n contents: 'div {color: yellow;}'\n };\n }\n });\n\n assert.equal(result.css.toString().trim(), 'div {\\n color: yellow; }\\n\\ndiv {\\n color: yellow; }');\n done();\n }>
async: 1
sync: 0x3a484225 <false>
_timeout: 2000
_slow: 75
_enableTimeouts: 0x3a4841e5 <true>
timedOut: 0x3a484225 <false>
_trace: 0x31ea96b9 <Error map = 0x5d632eb9>#46#
_retries: -1
_currentRetry: 0
pending: 0x3a484225 <false>
type: 0x3a49e87d <String[4]: test>
file: 0x307ef321 <String[70]: /wrkdirs/usr/ports/textproc/node-sass/work/node-sass-4.8.2/test/api.js>
parent: 0x31ea4419 <Suite map = 0x5d63bdb9>#47#
ctx: 0x31ea4585 <Context map = 0x5d646839>#3#
_events: 0x33f96551 <Object map = 0x5d606361>#48#
_eventsCount: 1
callback: 0x33f965b9 <JSFunction done (sfi = 0x529dba35)>#23#
timer: 0x33f9676d <Timeout map = 0x5d65687d>#49#
skip: 0x5e5fa9cd <JSFunction asyncSkip (sfi = 0x529dbb61)>#50#
#7# 0x33f9649d: 0x33f9649d <JSFunction (sfi = 0x529dd261)>
#8# 0x2d73acf1: 0x2d73acf1 <Runner map = 0x5d652c55>
#9# 0x33f963b5: 0x33f963b5 <Immediate map = 0x5d6626c1>
_idleNext: 0x3a484101 <null>
_idlePrev: 0x3a484101 <null>
_onImmediate: 0x33f96375 <JSFunction (sfi = 0x3cc797ed)>#36#
_argv: 0x3a48417d <undefined>
_destroyed: 0x3a4841e5 <true>
#10# 0x43104161: 0x43104161 <process map = 0x5d6081a1>
#11# 0x33f96911: 0x33f96911 <Object map = 0x5d6519f1>
data: 0x31eaa9ad <String[30]\: @import 'foo';\n@import 'bar';\n>
importer: 0x5e5faa09 <JSFunction options.importer (sfi = 0x2bed19f9)>#51#
sourceComments: 0x3a484225 <false>
outFile: 0x3a484101 <null>
includePaths: 0x33f96bd1 <String[145]: /wrkdirs/usr/ports/textproc/node-sass/work/node-sass-4.8.2:/wrkdirs/usr/ports/textproc/node-sass/work/node-sass-4.8.2/test/fixtures/sass-path/red>
precision: 5
sourceMap: 0x3a484101 <null>
style: 0
indentWidth: 2
indentType: 0
linefeed: 0x2c453c01 <String[1]\: \n>
context: 0x33f96dc9 <Object map = 0x5d65ac09>#52#
result: 0x33f96de5 <Object map = 0x5d63cde1>#53#
#12# 0x33f96895: 0x33f96895 <JSFunction importer (sfi = 0x2becdc6d)>
#13# 0x2beb2bf1: 0x2beb2bf1 <JSFunction renderSync (sfi = 0x2beb2b95)>
#14# 0x3c98ae7d: 0x3c98ae7d <Object map = 0x5d63b9c5>
render: 0x2beb29d5 <JSFunction render (sfi = 0x2beb2979)>#54#
renderSync: 0x2beb2bf1 <JSFunction renderSync (sfi = 0x2beb2b95)>#13#
types: 0x3c98b505 <Object map = 0x5d63b915>#42#
#15# 0x4da145a5: 0x4da145a5 <FixedArray[24]>
0: 0x3c9900f5 <JSFunction (sfi = 0x3517bb7d)>#55#
1: 0x2c4050b1 <FixedArray[282]>#56#
3: 0x2c4050b1 <FixedArray[282]>#56#
4: 0x3c9841a1 <Module map = 0x5d625655>#57#
5: 0x35137bdd <Object map = 0x5d61a915>#58#
6: 0x4da14fd5 <JSFunction cloneDeep (sfi = 0x307fc4ad)>#59#
7: 0x3c98af31 <JSFunction (sfi = 0x2be9ee79)>#60#
8: 0x3c98aef5 <Object map = 0x5d6394d1>#61#
9: 0x3c98ae7d <Object map = 0x5d63b9c5>#14#
#16# 0x2beb7b9d: 0x2beb7b9d <JSFunction module.exports.renderSync (sfi = 0x3517c219)>
#17# 0x2c407701: 0x2c407701 <JSFunction call (sfi = 0x3a49727d)>
#18# 0x33f9655d: 0x33f9655d <FixedArray[12]>
0: 0x307daa4d <JSFunction (sfi = 0x307d19bd)>#26#
1: 0x44a044bd <FixedArray[13]>#24#
3: 0x2c4050b1 <FixedArray[282]>#56#
4: 0x33f9649d <JSFunction (sfi = 0x529dd261)>#7#
5: 0x31ea4f51 <Test map = 0x5d6562d1>#6#
6: 0x33f96625 <Date map = 0x5d604d8d>#21#
7: 0x31ea4585 <Context map = 0x5d646839>#3#
8: 0x3a48417d <undefined>
9: 0x3a48417d <undefined>
#19# 0x33f965dd: 0x33f965dd <JSFunction callFn (sfi = 0x529dba99)>
#20# 0x33f96601: 0x33f96601 <JSFunction callFnAsync (sfi = 0x529dbafd)>
#21# 0x33f96625: 0x33f96625 <Date map = 0x5d604d8d>
#22# 0x33f96595: 0x33f96595 <JSFunction multiple (sfi = 0x529db9d1)>
#23# 0x33f965b9: 0x33f965b9 <JSFunction done (sfi = 0x529dba35)>
#24# 0x44a044bd: 0x44a044bd <FixedArray[13]>
0: 0x33bee775 <JSFunction (sfi = 0x307d13e9)>#62#
1: 0x2c4050b1 <FixedArray[282]>#56#
3: 0x2c4050b1 <FixedArray[282]>#56#
4: 0x307f85b9 <Object map = 0x5d62aae5>#63#
5: 0x33bee799 <JSFunction Pending (sfi = 0x307d2335)>#64#
6: 0x31e84101 <JSFunction debug (sfi = 0x30799cc9)>#65#
7: 0x307908e9 <JSFunction module.exports (sfi = 0x3079069d)>#66#
8: 0x33b8424d <Object map = 0x5d62fbd9>#67#
9: 0x2c40a0d5 <JSFunction Date (sfi = 0x3a49b21d)>#68#
#25# 0x33f964e1: 0x33f964e1 <JSFunction (sfi = 0x529dd4f1)>
#26# 0x307daa4d: 0x307daa4d <JSFunction (sfi = 0x307d19bd)>
#27# 0x33f964c1: 0x33f964c1 <FixedArray[6]>
0: 0x307e0259 <JSFunction Runner.runTest (sfi = 0x307df061)>#29#
1: 0x44a400dd <FixedArray[24]>#28#
3: 0x2c4050b1 <FixedArray[282]>#56#
4: 0x2d73acf1 <Runner map = 0x5d652c55>#8#
5: 0x31ea4f51 <Test map = 0x5d6562d1>#6#
#28# 0x44a400dd: 0x44a400dd <FixedArray[24]>
0: 0x44a4084d <JSFunction (sfi = 0x307de899)>#69#
1: 0x2c4050b1 <FixedArray[282]>#56#
3: 0x2c4050b1 <FixedArray[282]>#56#
4: 0x33bee799 <JSFunction Pending (sfi = 0x307d2335)>#64#
5: 0x33b8424d <Object map = 0x5d62fbd9>#67#
6: 0x44a40871 <JSFunction debug (sfi = 0x30799cc9)>#70#
7: 0x44a044f9 <JSFunction Runnable (sfi = 0x307d14a9)>#71#
8: 0x307c48a5 <JSFunction exports.filter (sfi = 0x307915d9)>#72#
9: 0x307c484d <JSFunction exports.indexOf (sfi = 0x30791511)>#73#
#29# 0x307e0259: 0x307e0259 <JSFunction Runner.runTest (sfi = 0x307df061)>
#30# 0x33f95e51: 0x33f95e51 <JSFunction (sfi = 0x529da3bd)>
#31# 0x33f95efd: 0x33f95efd <JSArray[0]>
#32# 0x33f95f51: 0x33f95f51 <JSFunction next (sfi = 0x529db3a5)>
#33# 0x33f962e5: 0x33f962e5 <JSFunction (sfi = 0x529db531)>
#34# 0x33f96309: 0x33f96309 <FixedArray[10]>
0: 0x307e01a5 <JSFunction Runner.hook (sfi = 0x307dee6d)>#74#
1: 0x44a400dd <FixedArray[24]>#28#
3: 0x2c4050b1 <FixedArray[282]>#56#
4: 0x33f962e5 <JSFunction (sfi = 0x529db531)>#33#
5: 0x29ae90b1 <String[10]: beforeEach>
6: 0x31ea4419 <Suite map = 0x5d63bdb9>#47#
7: 0x31ea45d9 <JSArray[0]>#75#
8: 0x2d73acf1 <Runner map = 0x5d652c55>#8#
9: 0x33f96339 <JSFunction next (sfi = 0x3cc79789)>#35#
#35# 0x33f96339: 0x33f96339 <JSFunction next (sfi = 0x3cc79789)>
#36# 0x33f96375: 0x33f96375 <JSFunction (sfi = 0x3cc797ed)>
#37# 0x35145bb9: 0x35145bb9 <JSFunction runCallback (sfi = 0x2c469b29)>
#38# 0x43154a79: 0x43154a79 <FixedArray[51]>
0: 0x351459ad <JSFunction (sfi = 0x2c469555)>#76#
1: 0x2c4050b1 <FixedArray[282]>#56#
3: 0x2c4050b1 <FixedArray[282]>#56#
4: 0x43104161 <process map = 0x5d6081a1>#10#
5: 0x2c46ba15 <JSFunction Timer (sfi = 0x2c46b9b9)>#77#
6: 0x3513f849 <Object map = 0x5d6167f1>#78#
7: 0x2c43b675 <JSFunction createPromise (sfi = 0x2c43b619)>#79#
8: 0x2c43b781 <JSFunction promiseResolve (sfi = 0x2c43b725)>#80#
9: 0x35131e8d <JSFunction ok (sfi = 0x2c46c101)>#81#
#39# 0x35145b2d: 0x35145b2d <ImmediateList map = 0x5d618b85>
head: 0x3a484101 <null>
tail: 0x3a484101 <null>
#40# 0x35145b95: 0x35145b95 <JSFunction tryOnImmediate (sfi = 0x2c469ac5)>
#41# 0x2beb7b79: 0x2beb7b79 <JSFunction module.exports.render (sfi = 0x3517c1b5)>
#42# 0x3c98b505: 0x3c98b505 <Object map = 0x5d63b915>
#43# 0x4da041d5: 0x4da041d5 <SassBoolean map = 0x5d63ae15>
#44# 0x4da041c5: 0x4da041c5 <SassBoolean map = 0x5d63ae15>
#45# 0x4da041e5: 0x4da041e5 <SassNull map = 0x5d63b7b5>
#46# 0x31ea96b9: 0x31ea96b9 <Error map = 0x5d632eb9>
message: 0x2beba96d <String[28]: done() called multiple times>
#47# 0x31ea4419: 0x31ea4419 <Suite map = 0x5d63bdb9>
title: 0x3517aa65 <String[21]: .renderSync(importer)>
ctx: 0x31ea4585 <Context map = 0x5d646839>#3#
suites: 0x31ea45b9 <JSArray[0]>#82#
tests: 0x31ea45c9 <JSArray[14]>#83#
pending: 0x3a484225 <false>
_beforeEach: 0x31ea45d9 <JSArray[0]>#75#
_beforeAll: 0x31ea45e9 <JSArray[0]>#84#
_afterEach: 0x31ea45f9 <JSArray[0]>#85#
_afterAll: 0x31ea4609 <JSArray[0]>#86#
root: 0x3a484225 <false>
_timeout: 2000
_enableTimeouts: 0x3a4841e5 <true>
_slow: 75
_bail: 0x3a48417d <undefined>
_retries: -1
_onlyTests: 0x31ea4619 <JSArray[0]>#87#
_onlySuites: 0x31ea4629 <JSArray[0]>#88#
delayed: 0x3a484225 <false>
parent: 0x31ea34d9 <Suite map = 0x5d63bdb9>#89#
file: 0x307ef321 <String[70]: /wrkdirs/usr/ports/textproc/node-sass/work/node-sass-4.8.2/test/api.js>
#48# 0x33f96551: 0x33f96551 <Object map = 0x5d606361>
#49# 0x33f9676d: 0x33f9676d <Timeout map = 0x5d65687d>
_called: 0x3a484225 <false>
_idleTimeout: 2000
_idlePrev: 0x33f967ed <TimersList map = 0x5d65b41d>#90#
_idleNext: 0x33f967ed <TimersList map = 0x5d65b41d>#90#
_idleStart: 3634
_onTimeout: 0x33f96729 <JSFunction (sfi = 0x529dd8e5)>#91#
_timerArgs: 0x3a48417d <undefined>
_repeat: 0x3a484101 <null>
_destroyed: 0x3a484225 <false>
#50# 0x5e5fa9cd: 0x5e5fa9cd <JSFunction asyncSkip (sfi = 0x529dbb61)>
#51# 0x5e5faa09: 0x5e5faa09 <JSFunction options.importer (sfi = 0x2bed19f9)>
#52# 0x33f96dc9: 0x33f96dc9 <Object map = 0x5d65ac09>
options: 0x33f96911 <Object map = 0x5d6519f1>#11#
callback: 0x3a48417d <undefined>
#53# 0x33f96de5: 0x33f96de5 <Object map = 0x5d63cde1>
stats: 0x33f96dfd <Object map = 0x5d63ce39>#92#
#54# 0x2beb29d5: 0x2beb29d5 <JSFunction render (sfi = 0x2beb2979)>
#55# 0x3c9900f5: 0x3c9900f5 <JSFunction (sfi = 0x3517bb7d)>
#56# 0x2c4050b1: 0x2c4050b1 <FixedArray[282]>
0: 0x2c405521 <JSFunction (sfi = 0x3a487589)>#93#
1: 0
2: 0x2c415fdd <JSObject>#0#
3: 0x2c4050b1 <FixedArray[282]>#56#
4: 0x43105879 <JSGlobal Object>#94#
5: 0x43105c39 <FixedArray[33]>#95#
6: 0x5d605995 <Map(HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>#96#
7: 0x3a48417d <undefined>
8: 0x2c40867d <JSFunction ArrayBuffer (sfi = 0x3a4a2859)>#97#
9: 0x5d604681 <Map(HOLEY_SMI_ELEMENTS)>#98#
#57# 0x3c9841a1: 0x3c9841a1 <Module map = 0x5d625655>
id: 0x3517b52d <String[71]: /wrkdirs/usr/ports/textproc/node-sass/work/node-sass-4.8.2/lib/index.js>
exports: 0x31ea3401 <Object map = 0x5d63bb51>#1#
parent: 0x31e84229 <Module map = 0x5d625655>#99#
filename: 0x3517b52d <String[71]: /wrkdirs/usr/ports/textproc/node-sass/work/node-sass-4.8.2/lib/index.js>
loaded: 0x3a4841e5 <true>
children: 0x3c98af75 <JSArray[4]>#100#
paths: 0x3c98af85 <JSArray[9]>#101#
#58# 0x35137bdd: 0x35137bdd <Object map = 0x5d61a915>
resolve: 0x35128771 <JSFunction resolve (sfi = 0x29a84f61)>#102#
normalize: 0x3513c135 <JSFunction normalize (sfi = 0x29a84fc5)>#103#
isAbsolute: 0x3513c159 <JSFunction isAbsolute (sfi = 0x29a85029)>#104#
join: 0x3513c17d <JSFunction join (sfi = 0x29a8508d)>#105#
relative: 0x3513c1a1 <JSFunction relative (sfi = 0x29a850f1)>#106#
toNamespacedPath: 0x3513c1c5 <JSFunction toNamespacedPath (sfi = 0x29a85155)>#107#
dirname: 0x3513c1e9 <JSFunction dirname (sfi = 0x29a851b9)>#108#
basename: 0x3513c20d <JSFunction basename (sfi = 0x29a8521d)>#109#
extname: 0x3513425d <JSFunction extname (sfi = 0x29a85281)>#110#
format: 0x3513c231 <JSFunction format (sfi = 0x29a852e5)>#111#
parse: 0x3513c255 <JSFunction parse (sfi = 0x29a85349)>#112#
sep: 0x2c46df51 <String[1]: />
delimiter: 0x2c45689d <String[1]: :>
win32: 0x35137b95 <Object deprecated-map = 0x5d61a8e9>#113#
posix: 0x35137bdd <Object map = 0x5d61a915>#58#
_makeLong: 0x3513c1c5 <JSFunction toNamespacedPath (sfi = 0x29a85155)>#107#
#59# 0x4da14fd5: 0x4da14fd5 <JSFunction cloneDeep (sfi = 0x307fc4ad)>
#60# 0x3c98af31: 0x3c98af31 <JSFunction (sfi = 0x2be9ee79)>
#61# 0x3c98aef5: 0x3c98aef5 <Object map = 0x5d6394d1>
#62# 0x33bee775: 0x33bee775 <JSFunction (sfi = 0x307d13e9)>
#63# 0x307f85b9: 0x307f85b9 <Object map = 0x5d62aae5>
#64# 0x33bee799: 0x33bee799 <JSFunction Pending (sfi = 0x307d2335)>
#65# 0x31e84101: 0x31e84101 <JSFunction debug (sfi = 0x30799cc9)>
namespace: 0x307d1005 <String[14]: mocha:runnable>
enabled: 0x3a484225 <false>
useColors: 0x3a4841e5 <true>
color: 2
inspectOpts: 0x31e84161 <Object map = 0x5d6041dd>#114#
#66# 0x307908e9: 0x307908e9 <JSFunction module.exports (sfi
CodeObjects (0xdeadc0de length=16): 1:0x29a06181 2:0x517870e1 3:0x517870e1 4:0x517870e1...
magic1=deadc0de magic2=deadc0de ptr1=0x2c4050b1 ptr2=0x0 ptr3=0x0 ptr4=0x0 ptr5=0x0 ptr6=0x0 ptr7=0x0 ptr8=0x0
Script done on Fri Mar 16 19:54:54 2018
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