- Bytes and Blobs by David Flanagan
- Conference Wifi Redux by Malte Ubi
- Sashimi - https://github.com/cramforce/Sashimi
- Run Your JS everywhere with Jellyfish by Adam Christian - http://jelly.io Project
- Fighting Crime and Kicking Apps with Batman.js by Nick Small
- Hello Jo by Dave Balmer - Project - http://joapp.com
- Bespin, Skywriter, Ace - The Past, Present and Future of online Code Editing by Fabian Jakobs - Demo - Demo Code - http://ace.ajax.org
- JavaScript Powered TVs by Jeremy Johnstone
- How quick can we be? Current data visualization techniques for front-end engineers by Avni Khatari
- Everything is Permitted - Extending Natives by Andrew Dupont
- Artificial Intelligence, collision detection and falling in love in Pistol Slut, a 2D platform shooter by Mary Rose Cook - http://pistolslut.com/ Wiimote Hack
- Simple, Powerful Modules for JS.Next by Dave Herman - Zaphod, Narcissus, Tasks.js
- Telephony and Communication Apps with Node.js by Mark Headd
- Building Non-shit APIs with JavaScript by Dan Webb
- Introducing Waterbear by Dethe Elza - Article
- [Nano? Pico? Femto? Atto? Zepto!](Site: http://zeptojs.com/) by Thomas Fuchs - http://microjs.com - Blog Post
- How 2011-era JS engines compile your scripts (and why it matters) by Marijn Haverbeke - Eloquent JavaScript
- CoffeeScript as JavaScript VNext by Jeremy Ashkenas - List of Languages that Compile to JavaScript
- [Brendan Eich](http://twitter.com/@Brendan Eich) - My JS Conf Presentation
- Traceur Compiler - Slides
- The Future Is Modules Not Frameworks by John Hann - RWW Coverage, Blog Post
- EnvJS and Jasmine - Headless Testing by Trevor Lalish-Menagh
- Modules Made Awesome by Reid Burke
- Going Steady with the Chrome Dev Tools by Paul Irish
- Building Node Based Desktop Apps by Tim Caswell
- With: JavaScript’s Most Reviled Keyword by Michael Bolin
- Zeon – Visual Statistical Analysis of Code by Peter van der Zee - http://zeonjs.com/
- Server-Side Canvas with node.js by John Schulz
- Making a JS Meetup Blow Minds by Alan Pike
- Awesomer JS MVC with OOCSS by Brian Cavalier
- Sencha Touch slides by David Kaneda
- Orion – JavaScript in Eclipse by Boris Bokowski
- JavaScript MVC For Bigger and Better Apps by Justin Meyer
- Code is Cool, Products Are Better by Aaron Heckmann - Demo, Express-Mongoose
- Tutti by Toby Ho - Review
- Multi-tiered Node.js Architectures by Tom Hughes-Croucher
- Modern JavaScript by Rebecca Murphey - Blog Post
- Angular.js by Misko Hevery
- Building JavaScript Apps on Riak by Sean Cribbs