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Bob Liu Akagi201

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marcinbunsch / codewall.badges.js
Created March 10, 2012 22:18
Coderwall - display missing badges
// How to use this:
// 1. Go to the desired profile page on coderwall, like
// 2. Paste this gist in the JS console
// You can also probably use this in greasemonkey and dot.js
// Also, it was tested in Chrome, Firefox and Safari, it probably will
// not work in IE, but I just don't care about it ;)
// UPDATE: Coderwall made changes to the site and I cannot retrieve the achievements, so they are hardcoded, taken from a cached version of the achievements page
ninehills /
Last active December 9, 2022 13:37
WR703N OpenWrt 配置流程

WR703N OpenWrt 配置流程




reidransom / gist:2630650
Created May 7, 2012 21:41
Timecode burn with ffmpeg
# Timecode burn with ffmpeg
# ffmpeg must be configured with --enable-libfreetype
# box=1 - tells ffmpeg to draw a box around the text
# boxcolor - format is 0xRRGGBB[AA]
ffmpeg -i -vcodec libx264 -cmp 22 -vf "drawtext=fontfile=DroidSansMono.ttf: timecode='09\:57\:00\:00': r=23.976: x=(w-tw)/2: y=h-(2*lh): fontcolor=white: box=1: boxcolor=0x00000099" -y
Akagi201 /
Last active October 11, 2015 16:58
Akagi201's Makefiles
# @file Makefile
# @author Akagi201
# @date 2014/03/20
# Linux Application Generic Makefile
# History:
# <author> <time> <version> <desc>

#Facebook Hacker Cup 2013





minikomi / editor.html
Last active November 11, 2021 10:16
my editor
<style type="text/css">
#e {
fatih / set.go
Created August 11, 2013 21:05
Concurrent safe SET data structure in Go (Golang)
// A very simple example about how to use concurrent-safe SETs (using string as keys) in GO
package main
import (
type Set struct {
m map[string]bool
justinas / 1_singlehost.go
Last active November 29, 2023 11:41
Go middleware samples for my blog post.
package main
import (
type SingleHost struct {
handler http.Handler
allowedHost string
cr3ative / gist:8340001
Last active January 15, 2025 06:45
Drift HD Ghost - Technical Notes and Root

## Drift HD Ghost - Technical Notes and Root

Note: Please don't attempt anything here unless you are comfortable with the possibility of permanently damaging your camera. I also do not guarantee your camera is the same as mine - this is just for information and fun! It goes without saying that I take no responsibility for what you do with this information, and it will probably invalidate your warranty too.

It is reported that the firmware re-flash does not appear to disable the debug network on a Ghost S.

  • Most of this was found by simply running strings over publically available firmware and software, then searching around for anything interesting.
  • The camera runs on the Ambarella A5S chipset, which appears to run PrKERNEL (implementing uItron):, then boots Linux as a process inside the uItron OS.
  • There's lots of references to BOSS in the firmware, presumably a codename for this chipset from Ambarella.
  • The code on the device-side is a very close im
wen-long / ss-redir 透明代理.md
Last active March 18, 2024 12:13
ss-redir 透明代理.md

##ss-redir 的 iptables 配置(透明代理)


创建 /etc/ss-redir.json 本地监听 7777 运行ss-redir -v -c /etc/ss-redir.json

iptables -t nat -N SHADOWSOCKS
# 在 nat 表中创建新链
iptables -t nat -A SHADOWSOCKS -p tcp --dport 23596 -j RETURN
# 23596 是 ss 代理服务器的端口,即远程 shadowsocks 服务器提供服务的端口,如果你有多个 ip 可用,但端口一致,就设置这个