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import requests
import lxml.html
import re
import sys
import os
import contextlib
import subprocess
class BaseError(Exception):

Install software

Windows refresh env

reopen shell or run refreshenv in powershell

  1. Run powershell with admin priviledge
  2. Run Get-ExecutionPolicy. If it returns Restricted, then run Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned -Force. And then run Get-ExecutionPolicy, it should output AllSigned.
  3. Run the following command: Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
Alex-duzhichao / vimrc.bundles
Last active July 7, 2018 03:38
set nocompatible " Must be first line
set background=dark " Assume a dark background
"for vim-plug
let g:plug_url_format = ""
let g:plugin_go = 1
let g:plugin_python = 1
let g:plugin_js = 1
let g:plugin_html = 1
Alex-duzhichao / vimrc
Last active July 7, 2018 03:36
set nocompatible " Must be first line
"maybe debug option
"set verbose=15
" Identify platform
silent function! OSX()
return has('macunix')
silent function! LINUX()