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nov / token_request_sample.rb
Created March 23, 2011 17:29
Rack::OAuth2::Client Sample - Token Request
require 'rubygems'
require 'rack/oauth2'
client =
:identifier => YOUR_CLIENT_ID,
:redirect_uri => YOUR_REDIRECT_URI, # only required for grant_type = :code
:host => ''
danopia / database.yml
Created April 25, 2011 04:19
Default SQLite database.yml
# SQLite version 3.x
# gem install sqlite3-ruby (not necessary on OS X Leopard)
adapter: sqlite3
database: db/development.sqlite3
pool: 5
timeout: 5000
# Warning: The database defined as "test" will be erased and
# re-generated from your development database when you run "rake".
sstephenson / gist:1120938
Created August 2, 2011 19:08
Quick guide to installing rbenv
# Clone rbenv into ~/.rbenv
git clone [email protected]:sstephenson/rbenv.git ~/.rbenv
# Add rbenv to your PATH
# NOTE: rbenv is *NOT* compatible with rvm, so you'll need to
# remove rvm from your profile if it's present. (This is because
# rvm overrides the `gem` command.)
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$HOME/.rbenv/shims:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
exec $SHELL
rtomayko / optparse-template.rb
Last active June 3, 2023 03:16
Ruby optparse template
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
#/ Usage: <progname> [options]...
#/ How does this script make my life easier?
# ** Tip: use #/ lines to define the --help usage message.
$stderr.sync = true
require 'optparse'
# default options
flag = false
option = "default value"
carlosantoniodasilva / worker_example_group.rb
Created February 15, 2012 22:59
RSpec - Register Example Group
module Support
module WorkerExampleGroup
include RSpec::Rails::RailsExampleGroup
def self.included(base)
base.metadata[:type] = :worker
peternixey /
Created March 5, 2012 13:10
How Homakov hacked GitHub and how to protect your application by Peter Nixey

##How Homakov hacked GitHub and the line of code that could have prevented it

Please note: THIS ARTICLE IS NOT WRITTEN BY THE GITHUB TEAM or in any way associated with them. It's simply hosted as a Gist because the markdown formatting is excellent and far clearer than anything I could manage on my personal Tumblr at

If you'd like to follow me on twitter my handle is @peternixey

imathis / task.rb
Created March 27, 2012 18:56
Edit Octopress post
desc "Edit a post (defaults to most recent)"
task :edit_post, :title do |t, args|
args.with_defaults(:title => false)
posts = Dir.glob("#{source_dir}/#{posts_dir}/*.*")
post = (args.title) ? post = posts.keep_if {|post| post =~ /#{args.title}/}.last : posts.last
if post
puts "Opening #{post} with #{editor}..."
system "#{ENV['EDITOR']} #{post} &"
puts "No posts were found with \"#{args.title}\" in the title."
g3d / gist:2709563
Last active January 9, 2025 17:35 — forked from saetia/gist:1623487
Clean Install – OS X 10.11 El Capitan
edubkendo /
Created June 9, 2012 15:11
Ctags, Sublime Text, Coffeescript

Ctags with Sublime Text and Coffeescript

Get Ctags

Step one is to install Exuberant Ctags on your system. For those on an Ubuntu system, this is as simple as:

sudo apt-get install ctags

Get the Sublime Text Plug-in

bjornharrtell / Coffeescript ctags
Created June 9, 2012 17:14 — forked from yury/Coffeescript ctags
ctags definitions for coffeescript. Detects classes, static/class methods, fields, static fields, plain functions, variables.
--regex-coffee=/(^|=[ \t])*class ([A-Za-z]+\.)*([A-Za-z]+)( extends [A-Za-z.]+)?$/\3/c,class/
--regex-coffee=/^[ \t]*(module\.)?(exports\.)?@?([A-Za-z.]+):.*[-=]>.*$/\3/m,method/
--regex-coffee=/^[ \t]*(module\.)?(exports\.)?([A-Za-z.]+)[ \t]+=.*[-=]>.*$/\3/f,function/
--regex-coffee=/^[ \t]*([A-Za-z.]+)[ \t]+=[^->\n]*$/\1/v,variable/
--regex-coffee=/^[ \t]*@([A-Za-z.]+)[ \t]+=[^->\n]*$/\1/f,field/
--regex-coffee=/^[ \t]*@([A-Za-z.]+):[^->\n]*$/\1/f,static field/
--regex-coffee=/^[ \t]*([A-Za-z.]+):[^->\n]*$/\1/f,field/
--regex-coffee=/(constructor: \()@([A-Za-z.]+)/\2/f,field/