A few commands to run to test what triggers PLEG.
When using Docker, all container statuses are compared and it needs to happen within 3 minutes. Else the following log will be shown:
Run on controlplane
node, uses any found hyperkube
docker run --rm --net=host -v $(docker inspect kubelet --format '{{ range .Mounts }}{{ if eq .Destination "/etc/kubernetes" }}{{ .Source }}{{ end }}{{ end }}')/ssl:/etc/kubernetes/ssl:ro --entrypoint bash $(docker inspect $(docker images -q --filter=label=org.label-schema.vcs-url=https://github.com/rancher/hyperkube.git) --format='{{index .RepoTags 0}}' | tail -1) -c 'kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/ssl/kubecfg-kube-node.yaml -n kube-system get configmap full-cluster-state -o json | jq -r .data.\"full-cluster-state\" | jq -r .' > cluster.rkestate
The shorewall documentation explains in http://shorewall.org/Docker.html how to configure shorewall for use with docker. The problem with the configuration is that it only allows connections from the host to the main bridge docker0
. Connections to other networks on dynamically created bridges, with names starting by default with br-
, is blocked. Instead of the recommended contents of /etc/shorewall/interfaces
, use wild-card interface names as follows:
#dock docker0 bridge # disabled default recommendation
dock docker0 physical=docker+,routeback=1
dock br physical=br-+,routeback=1
Registering Rancher managed clusters in Argo CD doesn't work out of the box unless the Authorized Cluster Endpoint is used. Many users will prefer an integration of Argo CD via the central Rancher authentication proxy (which shares the network endpoint of the Rancher API/GUI). So let's find out why registering clusters via Rancher auth proxy fails and how to make it work.
Hint: If you are just looking for the solution scroll to the bottom of this page.