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import{Entity, EntityAware}
import SelectEntitySyntax._
import com.twitter.scalding.typed.{ TypedPipe, Grouped }
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
trait GroupByEntity[C] {
/* The lag function is an analytic function that lets
* you query more than one event at a time.
* Finds events associated with previous events of the same type.
* For each item in the `events` pipe, find all `events` which occurred `offset` time steps
* in the past
* @param events Input data
* @param offset Time lag
* @return TypedPipe of Tupels (E[t-offset],E[t])
def lag[A: Ordering : Timestamped : EntityAware]
(events: TypedPipe[A],
offset: Int): TypedPipe[(A, A)] = {
.mapValueStream {
events => {
// These are my two event classes...
case class Event1(id: Int, eventStartTime: DateTime, entityRoles: EntityRoles)
object Event1 {
override def toString = "ev1"
implicit val isTimeStamped: Timestamped[Event1] =
implicit val isEntityRoleAware: EntityRoleAware[Event1] =
implicit val hasOrdering: Ordering[Event1] = => (e.eventStartTime, e.entityRoles))
trait LeftFolder[C <: Coproduct, In, F] extends Serializable {
def apply(c: C, in: In): In
object LeftFolder {
def apply[C <: Coproduct, In, F](implicit folder: LeftFolder[C, In, F]) = folder
implicit def hdLeftFolder[H, T <: Coproduct, In, F]
(implicit f: Case2.Aux[F, In, H, In]): LeftFolder[H :+: T, In, F] = new LeftFolder[H :+: T, In, F] {
def apply(c: H :+: T, in: In): In = c match {
import shapeless._
import syntax._
import poly._
object LeftFolderOps {
trait LeftFolder[C <: Coproduct, In, F] extends Serializable {
def apply(c: C, in: In): In
AndreasKostler / 1.scala
Last active September 23, 2015 06:32
Shapeless inference puzzle
import shapeless._
trait Test {
def ex[InL <: HList, H, T <: HList](in : InL)(implicit isHCons: IsHCons1.Aux[InL, List[H], T])
val ii: List[Int]::List[Int]::HNil
trait IsHCons1[L] { type H; type T <: HList}
object IsHCons1 {
object Abc {
import shapeless.{ =:!=, Nat, Succ }
import shapeless.nat.{ _0 => D0, _1 => D1, _2 => D2, _3 => D3 }
import shapeless.ops.nat.{ Diff, GT, LTEq, ToInt }
import shapeless.ops.hlist._
trait Value {
def toShortString = ???
object Value {
object Def {
import shapeless.{ =:!=, HNil, HList, Nat, Poly1, Succ, Witness }
import shapeless.nat.{ _0 => D0, _1 => D1, _2 => D2, _3 => D3 }
import shapeless.ops.nat.{ Diff, GT, LTEq, ToInt }
import shapeless.ops.hlist.{ Mapper, ToTraversable, ZipConst }
trait Value {
def toShortString = ???
object Value {
object Def {
import shapeless.{ =:!=, HNil, HList, Nat, Poly1, Succ, Witness }
import shapeless.nat.{ _0 => D0, _1 => D1, _2 => D2, _3 => D3 }
import shapeless.ops.nat.{ Diff, GT, LTEq, ToInt }
import shapeless.ops.hlist.{ Mapper, ToTraversable, ZipConst }
trait Value {
def toShortString = ???
object Value {