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M. Önlük Arslan-TR

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Arslan-TR / wiggle expression After effects _Arslan_TR.jsx
Last active June 7, 2024 08:07
After effects wiggle (usage & combinations)
// wiggle expression (usage & combinations) After effects
// usage:
// wiggle(freq, amp, octaves = 1, amp_mult = .5, t = time)
//example 1 single value example:
//example for 2 seperate dimension example:
//example values for natural movement 2 seperate dimension example:
Arslan-TR / After effects Linear expression Arslan_TR.jsx
Last active February 2, 2021 08:45
After effects Linear expression (Value transformation)
linear(t, tMin, tMax, value1, value2)
//example 1 #invert value referance to a source:
source= thisComp.layer("Layer 1").transform.opacity; //link a slider/value for source;
//this is auto fade expression. with this u just have to cut the layer and its gonna fade-in & Out automaticly
//Autofade (linear) Add the experssion to opacity of the layer
transition = 8; // transition time in frames u can adjust it!
if (marker.numKeys<2){
tSecs = transition / ( 1 / thisComp.frameDuration); // convert to seconds
linear(time, inPoint, inPoint + tSecs, 0, 100) - linear(time, outPoint - tSecs, outPoint, 0, 100)
linear(time, inPoint, marker.key(1).time, 0, 100) - linear(time, marker.key(2).time, outPoint, 0, 100)
Arslan-TR / Spin expression after effects -_-Arslan_TR.jsx
Last active February 2, 2021 08:42
Spin expression after effects (rotate at a constant speed without keyframes)
// Spin (rotate at a constant speed without keyframes):
veloc = 360; //speed (degrees per second) u can adjut the velocity value!
r = rotation + (time - inPoint) *veloc;
// Throw (move at a constant speed without keyframes):
Arslan-TR / scale & opacity with referance - AE Expression.jsx
Last active February 2, 2021 08:45
scale & opacity with 2 in-out referance point - AE Expression
//scale & opacity with 2 in-out position referance point - AE Expression
//add expression to objects scale (2 value):
[linear(thisComp.layer("Null 3").transform.xPosition //linear`s source
, thisComp.layer("Null 1").transform.xPosition //min Value of referance
, thisComp.layer("Null 2").transform.xPosition //max Value of referance
, 100, 0) //linear's output values
,value[1]]; //second dimension value
Arslan-TR / AE, show layer name -_- Arslan_TR.js
Last active September 15, 2021 08:55
After effects, show active layer name on screen
// After effects, Auto show layer name on screen:
// *set it to source of text layer.
// I bleave that its usefull when u render a test of editing-montage.
txt = "";
for (i = index+1; i <= thisComp.numLayers; i++){
L = thisComp.layer(i);
if (! (L.hasVideo && && L.opacity > 0)) continue;
txt =;
Arslan-TR / AE, move at a constant speed -_- Arslan_TR.js
Last active September 15, 2021 08:55
AE, Throw (move at a constant speed) expression.
//AE, Throw (move at a constant speed) expression script.
veloc = -10; //horizontal velocity (pixels per second)
x = position[0] + (time - inPoint) *veloc;
y = position[1];
Arslan-TR / AE, Spin (rotate at a constant speed) expression script -_- Arslan_TR.jsx
Last active September 15, 2021 08:54
AE, Spin (rotate at a constant speed without keyframes)
//AE, Spin (rotate at a constant speed without keyframes) expression script.
veloc = 360; //rotational velocity (degrees per second)
r = rotation + (time - inPoint) *veloc;
Arslan-TR / AE, Tsunami sea camera integration -_- Arslan_TR.jsx
Created September 15, 2021 10:06
AE, Tsunami sea camera integration
C = thisComp.activeCamera;
V = C.toWorldVec([0,0,1]);
P = toWorld(anchorPoint);
O = lookAt(P, P + V);
Arslan-TR / NUKEx, Auto Write Node Path optimization -_-
Last active January 3, 2023 12:45
NUKEx, Auto Write Node Path optimization -_- Arslan_TR
#automatic Write Node path Optimized with Pulldown menues and other features that you can use as referance for your need
#put script in to a phytonButton
#basic NUKE v12 & phyton knowledge required!by Arslan-TR (MNS O.)
#n is = this is your WriteNode
n = nuke.thisNode()
#n = nuke.selectedNode()
n['file'].setValue('[lrange [file rootname [value]] 0 end-1] [value Sticky_Settings.pulldown][value Sticky_Settings.string_episode]/[lrange [split [file rootname [filename [topnode]]] "_"] 4 end-2][lrange [split [basename [file rootname [value [topnode].file]]] "_"] 1 end-1][value Sticky_Settings.string_episode].mov')
#refresh. disable and enable nodes that u want to refresh