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Busy-ish. Will be slow to respond.

Artem Belevich Artem-B

Busy-ish. Will be slow to respond.
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Artem-B /
Created September 30, 2019 06:35 — forked from nikibobi/
Add LaTeX support to a Colab notebook for SymPy
import sympy
def custom_latex_printer(exp, **options):
from google.colab.output._publish import javascript
url = ""
return sympy.printing.latex(exp, **options)
sympy.init_printing(use_latex="mathjax", latex_printer=custom_latex_printer)
Artem-B / osc52e.el
Created April 8, 2020 18:00 — forked from mecab/osc52e.el
Copy text from emacs into xterm, hterm, trough screen and tmux, with support for graphical displays and multi-byte characters
;;;; This script can be loaded during emacs initialization to automatically
;;;; send `kill-region' and `kill-ring-save' regions to your system clipboard.
;;;; The OSC 52 terminal escape sequence is used to transfer the selection from
;;;; emacs to the host terminal.
;;;; It is based off of the osc52.el copyright the Chromium OS authors, but
;;;; was modified to add support for tmux, graphical displays, and
;;;; multi-byte strings.
;;;; It works in hterm, xterm, and other terminal emulators which support the