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Busy-ish. Will be slow to respond.

Artem Belevich Artem-B

Busy-ish. Will be slow to respond.
View GitHub Profile
; Reproducer for a bad performance regression triggered by switch to the new PM.
; `barney` ended up with the local variables not being optimized away and that
; had rather dramatic effect on some GPU code. See
; for the gory details.
; NOTE that opt -O3 produces different IR.
; RUN: opt -mtriple=nvptx64-nvidia-cuda -passes='default<O3>' -S %s -o - \
; RUN: | llc -mtriple=nvptx64-nvidia-cuda -mcpu=sm_70 -O3 -o - \
; RUN: | FileCheck %s
Artem-B /
Last active December 11, 2021 07:55
Windows audio/video

Now and then video/sound stutters for about a second or two. I do have Hyper-V enabled and do use WSL2 (and docker, configured to use it), but in my case the issue does seem to happen when none of WSL2 VMs are running, so it's possible that it may be more of a Hyper-V issue than WSL2 itself.

I've managed to capture it with ETW trace. As far as I can tell, during this time, everything stalls for about 50ms, then resumes for 10ms and this cycle continues.


Absolutely no events get captured during the quiet periods. Here's one example: image

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "cuda_runtime.h"
#include "helper_cuda.h" // from cuda_samples
// Copy of texture descriptor from CUDA-11.7, so we can build the sample
// in a way that simulates compilation with an older CUDA version.
// ABI compatibility shims for CUDA-11.7.
// Patch affected libraries with:
// objcopy \
// --redefine-sym cudaCreateTextureObject=cudaCreateTextureObject_v115 \
// --redefine-sym cudaGetTextureObjectTextureDesc=cudaGetTextureObjectTextureDesc_v115 \
// --redefine-sym cublasGetVersion_v2=cublasGetVersion_v2_v115 \
// --redefine-sym cublasLtGetVersion=cublasLtGetVersion_v115 \
// libnvinfer_static.a libcudnn_static.a
Artem-B /
Created February 4, 2023 02:52
glxinfo crash stats collection script.
#! /usr/bin/bash
for ((i=0; i<N; i++)); do
glxinfo -B > /dev/null 2>/dev/null |:
if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} = 0 ]]; then
Artem-B / ConvFwd_Add_Add_eng15_k5=1_k6=0_k7=1_k10=1.log
Created May 11, 2023 17:20
ConvFwd_Add_Add_eng15_k5=1_k6=0_k7=1_k10=1 log
1687-Tag: ConvFwd_Add_Add_
1689-[cudnn_frontend] CUDNN_BACKEND_ENGINE_DESCRIPTOR : ID: 15 Has 4 knobs
1690-[cudnn_frontend] CUDNN_BACKEND_ENGINECFG_DESCRIPTOR : Number of knobs: 4
1691:[cudnn_frontend] CUDNN_BACKEND_EXECUTION_PLAN_DESCRIPTOR : ConvFwd_Add_Add_eng15_k5=1_k6=0_k7=1_k10=1, numeric_notes:[CUDNN_NUMERICAL_NOTE_WINOGRAD,CUDNN_NUMERICAL_NOTE_WINOGRAD_TILE_4x4,] behavior_notes:[] workSpaceSize: 895504
1692-[cudnn_frontend] CUDNN_BACKEND_VARIANT_PACK_DESCRIPTOR : has 5 data pointers
1693-[cudnn_frontend] CUDNN_BACKEND_TENSOR_DESCRIPTOR : Datatype: CUDNN_DATA_HALF Id: 120 Alignment: 32 nDims 4 VectorCount: 1 vectorDimension -1 Dim [ 1,96,44,60 ] Str [ 253440,2640,60,1 ] isVirtual: 0 isByValue: 0 reorder_type: CUDNN_TENSOR_REORDERING_NONE
1694-[cudnn_frontend] CUDNN_BACKEND_TENSOR_DESCRIPTOR : Datatype: CUDNN_DATA_HALF Id: 121 Alignment: 32 nDims 4 VectorCount: 1 vectorDimension -1 Dim [ 1,32,44,60 ] Str [ 84480,2640,60,1 ] isVirtual: 0 isByValue: 0 reorder_type: CUDNN_TENSOR_REORDERING_NONE
Artem-B / ConvFwd_Add_Add_ReluFwd_eng15_k5=1_k6=0_k7=1_k10=1.log
Created May 11, 2023 17:24
Do cudnn execution plan with plan tag: ConvFwd_Add_Add_ReluFwd_eng15_k5=1_k6=0_k7=1_k10=1
Workspace size in bytes: 409856
VariantPack: CUDNN_BACKEND_VARIANT_PACK_DESCRIPTOR : has 5 data pointers
I0509 11:27:06.030540 1504356]
Tensor_x: CUDNN_BACKEND_TENSOR_DESCRIPTOR : Datatype: CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT Id: 120 Alignment: 32 nDims 4 VectorCount: 1 vectorDimension -1 Dim [ 1,64,7,9 ] Str [ 4032,63,9,1 ] isVirtual: 0 isByValue: 0 reorder_type: CUDNN_TENSOR_REORDERING_NONE
Tensor_y: CUDNN_BACKEND_TENSOR_DESCRIPTOR : Datatype: CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT Id: 121 Alignment: 32 nDims 4 VectorCount: 1 vectorDimension -1 Dim [ 1,64,3,4 ] Str [ 768,12,4,1 ] isVirtual: 0 isByValue: 0 reorder_type: CUDNN_TENSOR_REORDERING_NONE
Tensor_z: CUDNN_BACKEND_TENSOR_DESCRIPTOR : Datatype: CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT Id: 122 Alignment: 32 nDims 4 VectorCount: 1 vectorDimension -1 Dim [ 1,64,3,4 ] Str [ 768,12,4,1 ] isVirtual: 0 isByValue: 0 reorder_type: CUDNN_TENSOR_REORDERING_NONE
from itertools import product
from string import Template
from itertools import product, count
from string import Template
from absl import app
from typing import Sequence
types = [
"char", "signed char", "char1", "char2", "char4", "unsigned char", "uchar1",
"uchar2", "uchar4", "short", "short1", "short2", "short4", "ushort",
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
sccache stats: N/A No new compilation requests
+ PRESET=thrust-cpp20
+ test_preset Thrust thrust-cpp20
+ local BUILD_NAME=Thrust
+ local PRESET=thrust-cpp20
+ pushd ..
+ ctest --preset=thrust-cpp20
Test project /usr/local/google/home/tra/work/cccl/build/thrust-cpp20
Start 1: thrust.cpp.cuda.cpp20.test.adjacent_difference
1/362 Test #1: thrust.cpp.cuda.cpp20.test.adjacent_difference ...........................***Failed 0.90 sec