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Working from home

Azer Taboubi Azer5C74

Working from home
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Azer5C74 / Headphone Jack problem with Ubuntu
Last active August 30, 2022 13:53
Issues like headphone jack not working push people to avoid using Ubuntu. My headphones microphone was detected by the os but not transmitting my voice during the online calls. The following simple steps were enough to solve the issue,
make sure you exit any running programs that are using your microphone. sudo alsa force-reload
open pavucontrol or any volume control tool of yours
change the option "Headphones (unplugged)"
you might have to restart your computer
Azer5C74 / sh
Last active July 4, 2022 14:34
Command for Modifying path with fish shell
set -U fish_user_paths $HOME/.composer/vendor/bin
Azer5C74 / inputdata.json
Last active June 5, 2022 11:02
Recursively manipulate mock json server
"id": 0,
"title": "1",
"sublist": [
"id": 1,
"title": "1.1",
"sublist": [
Azer5C74 / main.ts
Last active June 5, 2022 11:02
Resizable image importation, in ReactJS using material ui components.
height: 233,
width: 350,
maxHeight: { xs: 233, md: 167 },
maxWidth: { xs: 350, md: 250 },
alt="The house from the offer."
Azer5C74 / brightnessDown.txt
Last active May 8, 2022 10:25
Adjusting screen brightness on Linux Mint Mate
B=$(xrandr --verbose | awk '/Brightness/ { print $2; exit }')
C=$(echo "$B - $A" | bc)
M=$(xrandr | grep " connected" | cut -f1 -d " ")
xrandr --output $M --brightness $C
Azer5C74 / redshift configuration for all day night mode
Last active August 30, 2022 13:55
redshift.conf - configuration file for redshift and gtk-redshift (works fine for me with Linux Mint Mate) with Tromsø, Norway Lon and Lat parameter, 3500k date and night screen temperatures. You pick your city's coordinates from
; Global settings for redshift
; Set the day and night screen temperatures
; Disable the smooth fade between temperatures when Redshift starts and stops.
; 0 will cause an immediate change between screen temperatures.
; 1 will gradually apply the new screen temperature over a couple of seconds.