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Bowe Frankema BoweFrankema

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BoweFrankema / Pagination Example
Created January 30, 2012 18:28
Wrap your custom code and turn them into Theme Features
if ( current_theme_supports( 'infinity-pagination' ) )
* Add Pagination
* @package Infinity
* @subpackage base
* @todo write a paginator from scratch, this is mental
function infinity_base_paginate() {
BoweFrankema / Infinity Snippet - Different Menu for Visitors
Created August 1, 2012 13:03
Show different menu for visitors for Infinity
* Infinity Theme: main menu template
* @author Bowe Frankema <[email protected]>
* @link
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Bowe Frankema
* @license GPLv2 or later
* @package Infinity
* @subpackage templates
BoweFrankema /
Created November 9, 2012 15:47
Infinity Option Types
  • Basic
    • text - Text input
    • textarea Text area input
    • select - Select box
    • radio - Radio buttons
    • checkbox - Check boxes
    • css - Custom CSS textarea
  • Dynamic
    • category - Select one category
    • categories - Select multiple categories
BoweFrankema / features-example.ini
Created November 17, 2012 16:54
Creating a Feature in Features.ini for an Infinity Theme
type = "default"
title = "Typography Styles"
description = "The base Typography"
style = "assets/css/typography.css"
BoweFrankema / Options: field selection (select)
Created November 17, 2012 17:00
Create a new theme option with several field options to choose from
section = "sidebar"
title = "Sidebar Size"
description = "Select a sidebar size"
type = "select"
default_value = "eleven"
field_options[] = "fourteen=15 percent"
field_options[] = "thirteen=20 percent"
field_options[] = "twelve=25 percent"
field_options[] = "eleven=30 precent"
BoweFrankema / Options: Add Color Picker
Created November 17, 2012 17:02
Create a color picker Theme Options through options.ini
type = "colorpicker"
title = "Text Color"
description = "Choose a text color"
style_selector = "body"
default_value = "#444"
style_property = "color"
BoweFrankema / Options: Text Area with Default text
Created November 17, 2012 17:03
Create a text area theme option with default value
section = "footer"
title = "Footer Text"
description = "Your footer copyright text"
default_value = "Infinity by <a href=>PressCrew</a> and powered by <a href=>WordPress</a>."
type = "textarea"
BoweFrankema / Options: Custom CSS
Created November 17, 2012 17:07
Create a custom CSS Theme Option
section = "global"
type = "css/custom"
title = "Custom CSS"
description = "Enter custom CSS markup to fine tune the look of your site"
BoweFrankema / Options: jQuery UI Slider in Pixels
Created November 17, 2012 17:09
Create a jQuery UI Slider Theme Option
section = "global"
type = "css/length-px"
title = "Width"
description = "Select the width of the site's content by moving the slider"
min = 900
max = 1250
step = 10
style_selector = "#wrapper"
style_property = "max-width"
BoweFrankema / Infinity.ini Enqueque CSS Style on front-end
Created November 17, 2012 17:16
Enqueue a CSS style through infinity.ini
;name stylesheet and location to path relative to theme folder
my-custom-css = "assets/css/my-custom-css"
;enqueue this style anywhere except the admin
is_not_admin = "my-custom-css"