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Brian Hicks BrianHicks

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module Tree exposing (..)
import Html exposing (text)
import Json.Decode exposing (..)
import Json.Decode.Extra exposing (lazy)
type BST
= Branch BST Int BST
| Leaf
package main
import (
package rpc
import (

Some Header

Yeah, this is super! Woohoo!

{ "a":1     }


// ensure that all of a resources dependencies have already run successfully
func checkDeps(graph *Graph, id string, results []*ApplyResult) (failed []string) {
for _, dep := range graph.Depends(id) { // not a huge fan of that name but it's consistent.
for _, result := range results {
if result.Path == dep && !result.Success {
failed = append(failed, result.Path)
"v=\"\\5551115123125782" +
"702118158\x1f4045410150" +
BrianHicks / spec.yml
Last active February 9, 2016 17:14 — forked from TanyaCouture/spec.yml
mantl-collectd package
# collectd
FQDNLookup false
Interval 10
Include "/etc/collectd.d/"
TypesDB "/usr/share/collectd/types.db"
LoadPlugin "cpu"
LoadPlugin "disk"
LoadPlugin "df"
all: public
static/css/asteris.css: scss/*.scss scss/**/*.scss
sass -t compressed --scss scss/asteris.scss static/css/asteris.css
public: config.yaml archetypes/**/* content/**/* layouts/**/* static/**/* static/css/asteris.css
uncss -C public/css -H public $$(find public -name '*.html') | cleancss > public/css/asteris.min.css
mv public/css/asteris.min.css public/css/asteris.css