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CarlosSolrac / wells fargo website bulk statement downloader
Created February 13, 2019 05:37 — forked from binary1230/wells fargo website bulk statement downloader
wells fargo ability to download all bank statements
Wells fargo's new statement viewer sucks to use because due to the way they set it up.
Each time you click a statement PDF, you have to re-navigate the entire section including accounts and dates which takes FOREVER.
Doing this for 3-4 accounts for 12 statements is an multi-hour grind of horrible user experience which should instead take 30 seconds.
The following code snippet will make it so you can get every PDF on that page without hassle (y'know.. like every other website in the world)
To use this, do the following each time you have the links on-screen that you want to download:
1) In Chrome browser, navigate to your wells fargo statement viewer and pull up the set of PDFs you want to view
2) Press F12 to open the developer tools and click the tab at the bottom that says 'Console'