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Chandler Abraham Chandler

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Chandler /
Created August 10, 2013 07:51 — forked from huafu/
App = Em.Application.create() ->
@resource 'organizations', path: 'orgs', ->
@resource 'organization', path: ':organization_id', ->
@route 'index', path: '/'
@route 'settings'
# the route for all organizations
App.OrganizationsRoute = Em.Route.extend
Chandler / failures.log
Created January 25, 2016 08:00 — forked from jsanders/failures.log
Servo WebSocket test failures
▶ TIMEOUT [expected OK] /websockets/Create-Secure-extensions-empty.htm
▶ Unexpected subtest result in /websockets/Create-Secure-extensions-empty.htm:
└ NOTRUN [expected PASS] W3C WebSocket API - Create Secure WebSocket - wsocket.extensions should be set to '' after connection is established - Connection should be closed
▶ Unexpected subtest result in /websockets/Create-Secure-extensions-empty.htm:
│ FAIL [expected PASS] W3C WebSocket API - Create Secure WebSocket - wsocket.extensions should be set to '' after connection is established - Connection should be opened
│ → assert_equals: extensions should be empty expected (string) "" but got (undefined) undefined
│ @http://web-platform.test:8000/websockets/Create-Secure-extensions-empty.htm:9:13