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# Upgrade node version with choco
choco upgrade nodejs.install --version=21.5.0
Codes-Lab / Docker Desktop In Windows 10 Does Not Launch
Created February 13, 2024 13:27
Docker Desktop In Windows 10 Does Not Launch
Follow these steps to fix it:
Stop Docker
Uninstall it from "Add Programs/Remove"
Remove Docker folder from AppData/Roaming
Remove docker folder from ProgramFiles
Remove docker folder from ProgramData
Restart machine
Installed Docker Desktop again
Codes-Lab / StopAndRemoveminikubefromWindows10
Created November 10, 2023 13:21
Stop and Remove minikube from Windows 10
# powershell elevated privilages
minikube stop
minikube delete
# Delete the .minikube and .kube directories under user
C:\users\{user}\.minikube (rm $HOME/.minikube)
C:\users\{user}\.kube (rm $HOME/.kube)
# If one has installed it via chocolatey
minikube stop
Codes-Lab / nginx.conf
Created May 18, 2023 13:46
nginx.conf with proxy configuration and proxy caching configuration. It also logs the status of cache if there was a cache hit or cache miss in the host.access.log
worker_processes 1;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
include mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;
  • The default location of the Docker Desktop WSL virtual disk is the C drive and bigger containers can lead the C drive to get full quickly. In case we want to move the docker desktop disk to a different drive/location we can follow the steps below:

  • Docker disk default location at (%LOCALAPPDATA%/Docker/wsl/data)

  • Open PowerShell with Admin rights

  • Quit Docker Desktop

  • And run following command to get the docker-desktop-data file name

  • wsl -l -v

  • Shutdown the wsl

  • wsl --shutdown

Codes-Lab /
Last active May 16, 2023 12:38
Expand Docker Storage on WSL2

Identify the path to virtual disk of the docker

  • (default location: %LOCALAPPDATA%/Docker/wsl/data).

Start diskpart from the command line.

  • diskpart

Select disk by using the command

  • select vdisk file=

Grow the image by running expand command

  • expand vdisk maximum=

Shut down WSL2 by executing

  • wsl --shutdown
Codes-Lab / .wslconfig
Created April 27, 2023 20:07
vmmem high RAM and CPU usage fix
#Using docker with WSL2 can slow your system due to a service vmmem
#vmmem is consuming most of the memory [in my case 12GB] and CPU
#To fix it :-
#Go to your user folder C:\Users\<Your_Username>
#create a file (.wslconfig) with following content
Codes-Lab / nginx-restart.ps1
Last active April 27, 2023 19:56
Stop and Start NGINX on Windows
taskkill /f /IM nginx.exe
start nginx