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DamnedScholar / npm-debug.log
Last active May 12, 2016 08:38
Atom Installation Error
0 info it worked if it ends with ok
1 verbose cli [ 'C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe',
1 verbose cli 'D:\\github\\atom\\atom\\build\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js',
1 verbose cli '--userconfig=D:\\github\\atom\\atom\\build\\.npmrc',
1 verbose cli 'install',
1 verbose cli '--loglevel',
1 verbose cli 'error' ]
2 info using [email protected]
3 info using [email protected]
4 verbose config Skipping project config: D:\github\atom\atom\build/.npmrc. (matches userconfig)
var gulp = require('gulp');
var watch = require('gulp-watch');
var shell = require('gulp-shell')
var stylus = require('gulp-stylus');
var paths = {
'src':['./models/**/*.js','./routes/**/*.js', 'keystone.js', 'package.json']
DamnedScholar / language-sampleGrammar.cson
Last active July 28, 2024 08:43
Grammar boilerplate with annotations.
# TextMate tutorial:
# Regex to convert keys to unquoted: '(include|match|captures|begin|end|beginCaptures|endCaptures|name|patterns|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|comment|fileTypes|scopeName|repository|contentName|firstLineMatch|foldingStartMarker|foldingStopMarker)':
scopeName: 'source.<scope>' # <scope> should be a short, unique indicator for the language ("js", "php", "c", etc.)
name: '<name>' # The title that will show up in grammar selection and on your status bar.
fileTypes: [ # An array of file extensions.
DamnedScholar / PCHB16C041A660531
Created June 16, 2016 12:11
export class App {
configureRouter(config, router) {
config.title = 'Carries';
config.options.pushState = true;[
route: ['', 'home'],
name: 'home',
moduleId: './pages/home',
nav: true,
export class Menu {
constructor() {
// The constructor() should establish variables for the class. It's the place to inject dependencies or pull in data that you'll use later.
this.intro = "This is the menu for Carrie's.";
this.menuItems = [
slug: "moroccanrolls",
name: "Moroccan Rolls",
img: "",
imgSlice: "",
DamnedScholar / gist:6bcc95a41cea746a5350508137eb165c
Created November 2, 2016 02:54
Atom language-javascript HTML embedding specs
describe 'HTML strings', ->
beforeEach ->
waitsForPromise ->
describe "ES6 tagged HTML string templates", ->
it "tokenizes them as strings", ->
{tokens} = grammar.tokenizeLine('html`hey <b>${name}</b>`')
expect(tokens[0]).toEqual value: 'html', scopes: [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', '' ]
expect(tokens[1]).toEqual value: '`', scopes: [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'punctuation.definition.string.begin.js' ]
DamnedScholar / gist:c55194c14c3fc08abb3a7d8aab3d4a21
Created November 2, 2016 02:59
Javascript spec error message
ES6 tagged HTML string templates
it tokenizes them as strings
Expected { value : 'hey ', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js' ] } to equal { value : 'hey <b>', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js' ] }.
at .<anonymous> (file:///D:/github/atom/language-javascript/spec/
Expected { value : '<', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'meta.tag.inline.any.html', 'punctuation.definition.tag.begin.html' ] } to equal { value : '${', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'source.js.embedded.source', 'punctuation.section.embedded.js' ] }.
at .<anonymous> (file:///D:/github/atom/language-javascript/spec/
Expected { value : 'b', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'meta.tag.inline.any.html', '' ] } to equal { value : 'name', scopes : [ 'source.js', 'string.quoted.template.html.js', 'source.js.embedded.source' ] }.
at .<anonymous> (fi
! special
*.foreground: #ecdeff
*.background: #0f1609
*.cursorColor: #ecdeff
! black
*.color0: #22281f
*.color8: #333c2e
! red
DamnedScholar / process-palette.json
Created October 20, 2017 05:47
A Process Palette configuration file created as a sample for a StackOverflow answer.
"patterns": {
"P1": {
"expression": "(path):(line)"
"P2": {
"expression": "(path)\\s+(line)",
"path": "(?:\\/[\\w\\.\\-]+)+"