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Julian Schmidt Dassderdie

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Dassderdie /
Created June 1, 2021 19:08
The term definitions from nikkel and me

To prevent misunderstanding, we agree on using the following terms to describe our problem domain:

Term Description
Poll-Draft A Poll-Draft consists of a title and questions. (Domänenmodell: Hat auch participantsCanSeeResults und Duration -> sollten das nicht eher Eigenschaften der Poll sein?)
Poll A Poll is a Poll-Draft that was started by a Host.
Creator A creator is a person that creates Poll-Drafts.
Host A Host is a person that starts a Poll using a Poll-Draft. There can only be one Host to a Poll, but a Host can run multiple Polls.
Participant A Participant is a person that was given access to a Poll by its Host. A Participant chooses an Answer for each question and submits an Answer-Set.
Choice A Choice is an option for answering a question. Choices are set by the Creator of a Poll-Draft before the Host started the Poll. Participants can choose between Choices when answering a question. Choices c
Dassderdie /
Last active March 27, 2023 11:48
Analysis everviz editor performance

Original Problem

The performance of the chart editor is subpar when using a less performant device (like a laptop) and typing fast in a text field of the OptionsPanelContainer. It is best observed in the preconfigured Stock-chart, as it has a lot of data. To simulate (very fast) typing, delete the prefilled "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" in the title by clicking at the end of the text input and deleting the value letter by letter by keeping the Backspace key pressed. While it seems performant enough for most use cases, I believe this to be the bottleneck for comfortably working with larger data and more computationally expensive charts on less powerful machines.

image The chart editor of
