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Swastik Baranwal Delta456

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OrionReed / dom3d.js
Last active February 17, 2025 22:17
3D DOM viewer, copy-paste this into your console to visualise the DOM topographically.
// 3D Dom viewer, copy-paste this into your console to visualise the DOM as a stack of solid blocks.
// You can also minify and save it as a bookmarklet (
(() => {
const SHOW_SIDES = false; // color sides of DOM nodes?
const COLOR_SURFACE = true; // color tops of DOM nodes?
const COLOR_RANDOM = false; // randomise color?
const COLOR_HUE = 190; // hue in HSL (
const MAX_ROTATION = 180; // set to 360 to rotate all the way round
const THICKNESS = 20; // thickness of layers
const DISTANCE = 10000; // ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯