$ rails g model User
=Navigating= | |
visit('/projects') | |
visit(post_comments_path(post)) | |
=Clicking links and buttons= | |
click_link('id-of-link') | |
click_link('Link Text') | |
click_button('Save') | |
click('Link Text') # Click either a link or a button | |
click('Button Value') |
# RSpec's subject method, both implicitly and explicitly set, is useful for | |
# declaratively setting up the context of the object under test. If you provide a | |
# class for your describe block, subject will implicitly be set to a new instance | |
# of this class (with no arguments passed to the constructor). If you want | |
# something more complex done, such as setting arguments, you can use the | |
# explicit subject setter, which takes a block. | |
describe Person do | |
context "born 19 years ago" do | |
subject { Person.new(:birthdate => 19.years.ago } | |
it { should be_eligible_to_vote } |
#!/bin/bash | |
# This script does the following: | |
# 1/ capture and download the latest backup | |
# 2/ load it to your local database | |
# 3/ run your app and open Safari | |
# Just replace any uppercase string with your own data | |
# |
def get_movie_duration video_file | |
# Run ffmpeg on the video, and do it silently | |
ffmpeg_output = `/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -i "#{video_file}" 2>&1` | |
# Find the duration in the output, and force a return if it's found | |
/duration: ([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{2})/i.match(ffmpeg_output) { |m| return m[1] } | |
# If it didn't get a match, something is wrong. Log the error | |
return "FFMPEG ERROR" |
# (v.respond_to?(:empty?) ? v.empty? : !v) is basically rails' .blank? in plain ruby | |
class Hash | |
def delete_blank | |
delete_if do |k, v| | |
(v.respond_to?(:empty?) ? v.empty? : !v) or v.instance_of?(Hash) && v.delete_blank.empty? | |
end | |
end | |
end |
# app/models/ability.rb | |
# All front end users are authorized using this class | |
class Ability | |
include CanCan::Ability | |
def initialize(user) | |
user ||= User.new | |
can :read, :all |
class ChangeCalculator | |
QUARTER = 0.25 | |
DIME = 0.10 | |
NICKEL = 0.05 | |
PENNY = 0.01 | |
def calculate(x) | |
remaining = x | |
$h = COINS.inject({}) do |hash, coin| |
#Model | |
@user.should have(1).error_on(:username) # Checks whether there is an error in username | |
@user.errors[:username].should include("can't be blank") # check for the error message | |
#Rendering | |
response.should render_template(:index) | |
#Redirecting | |
response.should redirect_to(movies_path) |
Periodically use pgbackups to pull latest production data.
Merge master into staging
git checkout master
git reset --hard origin/master
git pull
git checkout staging
git reset --hard origin/staging