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Daniel dos Santos Dennyfentow

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Dennyfentow / cloudSettings
Last active December 10, 2021 23:04
JavaFX Class to Edit TableView TextFieldCell of type LocalTime and JFXTimePicker
kpirliyev /
Last active August 14, 2024 20:33
PostgreSQL 13 Master-Slave Streaming Replication

PostgreSQL 13 Master-Standby Streaming Replication

PostgreSQL has various types of replication available and it could be a little bit confusing to figure out what has to be done to just configure a simple master-standby replicated database setup. Digging my way through documentation I decided to write my own little guide on how to setup simple replication in PostgreSQL 13.

How it works

Streaming replication works by streaming the contents of WAL (Write-Ahead Logging) file from one server to another. Each transaction is first written into the WAL file, so essentially every change on the primary server will be replicated on the standby server. Standby server could be used for read-only operations, but can't be written to. Ofcourse, transferring data over the network takes time and there is a small lag before data written to one server becomes available on the other. To guarrantee data consistency on both servers at the time of read operation we can enable synchronous replication mode. This way, datab