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Dexaran Dexaran

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Dexaran /
Created May 16, 2019 19:39 — forked from web3abhi/
EOS gist card smart contract audit - Callisto network

EOS Gift Card Signup Smart Contract Audit Report.

1. Summary

This document is a security audit report performed by Cryptoabhi as a contributor to Callisto Network where EOS Gift Card has been reviewed. EOS gift card can be found at

Contract desription:

GIFT CARD is a EOSIO based smart-contract which allows users to easily create new EOS accounts.

Dexaran /
Last active September 5, 2019 11:14
Announcement of reddits (EXAMPLE)

HEADER: Audit of PundiX token performed by Callisto Netwrok.

Security audit of PundiX performed by Callisto Network

The NPXSToken.sol contract was audited by 3 auditors. You can find original information on this audit here.

In total, 9 issues were reported including:

  • 5 low severity issues.

UNUS SED LEO audit report.

1. Summary

This document is a security audit report performed by danbogd, where UNUS SED LEO has been reviewed.

2. In scope

Сommit hash .

< This is a template of the Callisto Treasury proposal >

Proposal name

(provide your proposal name that matches the name in contract, case sensetive)

Comparative Analysis and research

{ "version": "eosio::abi/1.0", "types": [], "structs": [ { "name": "kkk", "base": "", "fields": [ { "name": "id",

Mediakit tables for Dynamic Gas Pricing.

Ultimate solution to 51% attacks: amend the Nakamoto consensus


The Nakamoto consensus is a set of rules that is intended to define a trustless peer-to-peer electronical cash system that can solve a double-spending problem without financial institutions involvement. It fails to do so in some circumstances.

The main flaw of the Nakamoto consensus is that it assumes the possibility to rewrite the history of transactions in the past up to a potentially unlimited point of time, while in reality not all off-chain events can be reversed up to any point of time. The flaw is expressed in "The longest chain is always the right chain" paradigm which is the root of all 'stealth mining' attacks. The new paradigm "The longest chain is the right chain IF it does not suggests to reorganize more than X blocks of the already existing chain" must be applied in order to make these attacks impossible.

Another flaw of Nakamoto consensus is that it assumes that a node can trust itself. In reality on

ECIP Presentation Processes


This aims at defining a standardized process for initial presentations relating to change proposals on the ETC network. With a well defined process for allowing presenters to present their ideas without disruption, we can garner more civil and productive discussions that allow all parties involved to participate once an understanding of the idea has been established.

This process only applies to initial presentations where someone with an idea can present their idea for general understanding and consumption. There is no voting or discussion making during these calls.


Currently there is no clear process flow for how individuals or teams can present their ideas to the community. There is an overwhelming amount of "noise" in these discussions and it would be beneficial to all involved if there was a standardized process to allow voices to be heard from the person(s) with the idea.

ClarionOS FAQ

Since it makes no sense to answer the same questions in different channels multiple times - this section will contain the most frequently asked questions that I encountered.

Feel free to ask any unanswered questions in the comment thread.

1. What is Clarion?

Clarion is a communication tool. This tool is designed to enable users to communicate freely with each other without the involvement of third parties between them. This is necessary to prevent the possibility of censorship by these third parties.

VaultSX hack: lessons learned and other thoughts

The main topics of the article are:

  • a brief overview of what happened to VaultSX
  • a process of negotiating with hackers
  • a few tips for how to act if you are a hacker
  • a number of concepts that could prevent such an accident in the future
  • a couple of tips for users to consider