Here's the thing,
So I loaded up my project, bumped against some issue and the solutions were hard to find.
I was wondering why Message.mentions
returned an empty list. So I went to scroll through my discord servers list and to my surprise I was not able to find a server called Disnake. Still surprised and all disappointed, I went to https://disnake.dev/ to try and rejoin. It turns out I was banned, leaving me clueless why I deserved that.
Because, believe it or not, I am truly clueless. And I'm not necessarily angry/mad/ or whatever emotion that let's us do the things we later on regret. All it is, is just disappointment.
Are you familiar with how you train dogs? So, to teach a dog to not do something, you have to let the dog have some context in order to learn from it, agreed? We humans like context just as much as these little furry friends do.