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Drizzt321 / Adafruit 7 segment i2c hex configuration.txt
Last active October 4, 2017 06:25
Adafruit 1.2" 7-segment LED i2c hex configuration
The Adafruit 1.2" 4 digit 7-segment LED display with backpack ( is connexted via the i2c bus interface. Adafruit has a quite good soldering & setup tutorial at, however they do a terrible job of describing in easy detail the necessary i2c writes to control the display from a language other than their provided libraries for Arduino or Python. So I've assembled a pretty comprehensive address and data to write in order to fully control the display. Please see attached images for some details.
digit segment numbered.jpg - shows an image of the display, along with numbers/letters along with a bitmask to use to control each segment.
seven segment bitmask chart.jpg - shows which bits control which segments for the digits
dots segment bitmask chart.jpg - shows which bits control which segments for the dots
Examples of writing are using the Linux i2c-tools. For example this write:
i2cset 1 0x