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R Gibim Drowze

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TertiumQuid / paged_scope.rb
Created May 12, 2011 14:09
Quick and Dirty Rails Pagination Extension With Scope
module ActiveSupport
module PagedScope
def self.extended(base)
base.scope :paginated, lambda { |page,per_page|
page ||= 0
per_page ||= 25
base.limit( per_page.to_i ).offset( per_page.to_i * page.to_i )
jcasimir / sessions_and_conversations.markdown
Created September 11, 2011 23:07
Sessions and Conversations in Rails 3

Sessions and Conversations

HTTP is a stateless protocol. Sessions allow us to chain multiple requests together into a conversation between client and server.

Sessions should be an option of last resort. If there's no where else that the data can possibly go to achieve the desired functionality, only then should it be stored in the session. Sessions can be vulnerable to security threats from third parties, malicious users, and can cause scaling problems.

That doesn't mean we can't use sessions, but we should only use them where necessary.

Adding, Accessing, and Removing Data

kaleb / aliases
Created October 15, 2011 15:51
Gmail on Mutt
alias nick Nicholas Levandoski <[email protected]>
alias tim Timothy Pitt <[email protected]>
alias steven Steven Jackson <[email protected]>
alias kaleb Kaleb Hornsby <[email protected]>
alias alug-admin nick, tim, steven
sinisterchipmunk / LICENSE
Last active October 23, 2024 21:10
tar, gzip, and untar files using ruby in memory without tempfiles
Copyright (C) 2011 by Colin MacKenzie IV
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
kconragan /
Last active January 15, 2025 23:02
Enable key repeat in Apple Lion for Sublime Text in Vim mode
# Mac OS X Lion introduced a new, iOS-like context menu when you press and hold a key
# that enables you to choose a character from a menu of options. If you are on Lion
# try it by pressing and holding down 'e' in any app that uses the default NSTextField
# for input.
# It's a nice feature and continues the blending of Mac OS X and iOS features. However,
# it's a nightmare to deal with in Sublime Text if you're running Vintage (Vim) mode,
# as it means you cannot press and hold h/j/k/l to move through your file. You have
# to repeatedly press the keys to navigate.
p1nox /
Last active July 20, 2024 11:55
PostgreSQL configuration without password on Ubuntu for Rails


You could have postgre installed on localhost with password (or without user or password seted after instalation) but if we are developing we really don't need password, so configuring postgre server without password for all your rails project is usefull.

Install Postgre packages

  • postgresql
  • postgresql-client
  • libpq-dev
pascalpoitras /
Last active March 3, 2025 13:44
My WeeChat configuration

This configuration is not maintained anymore. You should think twice before using it, Breaking change and security issue will likely eventually happens as any abandonned project.

lfender6445 / gist:9919357
Last active January 30, 2025 17:22
Pry Cheat Sheet

Pry Cheat Sheet

Command Line

  • pry -r ./config/app_init_file.rb - load your app into a pry session (look at the file loaded by
  • pry -r ./config/environment.rb - load your rails into a pry session


mildmojo /
Created June 18, 2014 06:47
Script to rotate the screen and touch devices on modern Linux desktops. Great for convertible laptops.
# Rotates modern Linux desktop screen and input devices to match. Handy for
# convertible notebooks. Call this script from panel launchers, keyboard
# shortcuts, or touch gesture bindings (xSwipe, touchegg, etc.).
# Using transformation matrix bits taken from:
JunichiIto /
Last active January 30, 2025 19:32
List of alias matchers in RSpec 3

This list is based on aliases_spec.rb.

You can see also Module: RSpec::Matchers API.

matcher aliased to description
a_truthy_value be_truthy a truthy value
a_falsey_value be_falsey a falsey value
be_falsy be_falsey be falsy
a_falsy_value be_falsey a falsy value