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Ema Suriano EmaSuriano

View GitHub Profile

Hello 👋 I'm Mate an Astro Theme which is focus on simplicity and extensibility. It's build with Astro, Daisy UI (Tailwind CSS plugin) and Github Gist.

The starter will give you 4 sections (it's really easy to add more if you want 😃):

  • Landing: Displays a nice greeting with your name, also your roles (what you are) and all your social links.
  • About: Show the about section where you can write about who you are, what you like to do, etc. Also you can add a photo next to it!
  • Project: Displays a card for all your project that you've made and also the possibility to link with github or and external link.
"name": "Mate",
"roles": ["Contentful CMS 🔧", "Responsive 📱", "Quick setup 🚀", "PWA ✨"],
"social": [
"label": "Twitter",
"href": "",
"icon": "ri:twitter-line"
"frase": "El que quiere celeste que le cueste",
"autor": "Emanuel Suriano",
"fecha": "02/09/2022"
EmaSuriano /
Created November 8, 2023 08:37
Rebase all dependabot pulls
gh search prs --owner EmaSuriano --label dependencies --state open --limit 200 --json "url" --jq ".[] | .url" | xargs -n 1 -I{} gh pr comment -b "@dependabot rebase" {}