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Faisal Fehad FaisalFehad

  • Sky UK
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# an empty array to store the grades
grades = []
# variables for the passing grade and the total number of subjects. You can change them from here.
pass_grade = 50
subjects = 7
# loops until reaches the the number of subjects on the subjects variable
while grades.count < subjects
# prints the message
FaisalFehad / calc_method.rb
Created September 8, 2016 15:45
# A method that takes one array of any size as an argument and prints faild when the average total grades is 50 or more and pass when its less than 50
def calculate(grades)
# countes the number of objects in the array and assign it to subjects varible to use it latter for calculating the average
subjects = grades.count
# sums all of the array objects and assign them to the varible sum
sum = grades.inject(:+)
# compares sum with the passing grade and prints the resuts
if sum / subjects >= 50
puts "Faild"
puts "hEllo My DeAr".upcase
puts "hEllo My DeAr".downcase
def upcase_words(words)
puts "#{words}".upcase
def downcase_words(words)
puts "#{words}".downcase
downcase_words("hEllo My DeAr")
FaisalFehad / letter_count.rb
Last active November 8, 2016 21:21
A exercise to overwrite ruby count helper method
def letter_count(words, letter)
if words.include?(letter)
count = words.count(letter)
puts "The letter #{letter} appears #{count} time(s)"
puts "The letter #{letter} did not appear in '#{words}'"
# test
FaisalFehad / UCAS_Calc.irb
Created December 14, 2016 22:26
Simple script to calculate UCAS points
puts 'How many units did you achive?'
total_units = gets.to_i
# validations for the input format
if total_units == 0
puts 'Please enter a number that is greater than 0.'
total_points = 0
submited_counter = 0
FaisalFehad / TimeSheet-Calc.rb
Created December 14, 2016 22:30
Simple script to sum the weekly worked time
class TimeSheet
attr_accessor(:start_time, :finish_time, :launch, :breaks, :meeting)
def input
week = ['Monday', 'Tuesday','Wednesday', 'Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday' ]
week.each do |d|
puts "What time did you start? on " + d
@start_time = gets
puts "What time did you finish working? on " + d
FaisalFehad /
Last active December 25, 2016 16:42
First Python Code. To do list
# Make a todo list
list = []
# print the list
def show_items():
print("Your current list has the times:")
for item in list:
# add new tiems to the list
FaisalFehad /
Last active December 25, 2016 19:54
Second Python code. Guess number game
def game():
# import random
import random
# generate a random number
secrit_num = random.randint(1, 10)
# count the attepts to guess
attempts = 0
FaisalFehad /
Last active December 31, 2016 15:58
Hangman letter guessing game written in Python.
import sys
import random
import os
good_guesses = []
bad_guesses = []
def start():