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... Busy with the little ones

Florian Rappl FlorianRappl

... Busy with the little ones
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FlorianRappl /
Last active December 10, 2018 14:20
ZEISS - Contributor License Agreement

Contributor License Agreement

We appreciate community contributions to code repositories open sourced by ZEISS. By signing a Contributor License Agreement (CLA), we ensure that the community is free to use your contributions.

Review the CLA document

This Contribution License Agreement ("Agreement") is agreed to by the party signing below ("You"), and conveys certain license rights to the Carl Zeiss AG and its affiliates ("ZEISS") for Your contributions to ZEISS open source projects. This Agreement is effective as of the latest signature date.

FlorianRappl /
Created December 8, 2018 17:09
AngleSharp - Contributor License Agreement

Contributor License Agreement

We appreciate community contributions to code repositories open sourced by AngleSharp. By signing a Contributor License Agreement (CLA), we ensure that the community is free to use your contributions.

Review the CLA document

This Contribution License Agreement ("Agreement") is agreed to by the party signing below ("You"), and conveys certain license rights to the AngleSharp organization on the GitHub platform ("AngleSharp") for Your contributions to open source projects published by AngleSharp. This Agreement is effective as of the

FlorianRappl /
Created February 17, 2019 05:43
smapiot - Contributor License Agreement

Contributor License Agreement

We appreciate community contributions to code repositories open sourced by smapiot. By signing a Contributor License Agreement (CLA), we ensure that the community is free to use your contributions.

Review the CLA document

This Contribution License Agreement ("Agreement") is agreed to by the party signing below ("You"), and conveys certain license rights to the smapiot GmbH and its affiliates ("smapiot") for Your contributions to smapiot open source projects. This Agreement is effective as of the latest signature date.

FlorianRappl / useCarousel.ts
Last active August 16, 2024 06:30
The generic useCarousel hook.
import { useReducer, useEffect } from 'react';
import { useSwipeable, SwipeableHandlers, EventData } from 'react-swipeable';
function previous(length: number, current: number) {
return (current - 1 + length) % length;
function next(length: number, current: number) {
return (current + 1) % length;