Add the following attribute to the in AndroidManifest.xml:
android:networkSecurityConfig': '@xml/nsc_mitm'
Then set up a MITM Proxy and add the cert (Settings -> Security -> Sth with Certificates)
Add the following attribute to the in AndroidManifest.xml:
android:networkSecurityConfig': '@xml/nsc_mitm'
Then set up a MITM Proxy and add the cert (Settings -> Security -> Sth with Certificates)
\ProvidesClass{blatt} | |
\LoadClass[12pt,a4paper,ngerman]{article} | |
\RequirePackage[utf8]{inputenc} | |
\RequirePackage[margin=2.5cm]{geometry} | |
\RequirePackage{german} | |
\RequirePackage{amssymb} | |
\RequirePackage{amsmath} | |
\RequirePackage{braket} | |
\pagenumbering{gobble} |
# 1. Create a new empty orphan branch called gh-pages: | |
# $ git checkout --orphan gh-pages && git reset --hard && git commit -m "create gh-pages" --allow-empty && git push origin gh-pages && git checkout master | |
# 2. Enable gh pages for the gh-pages /docs directory and you should be good | |
# 3. Alter the gh-pages step to fit your framework of choice | |
name: Push to Github pages | |
on: | |
push: |
Cypress is one of the easiest ways to test your Angular application. But because it is not tied to any Angular API it is hard to look "under the hood" of your tested app. However directly manipulating the internal State of it can make testing even easier. This gist will show you a way to achieve this.
Unfortunately, we need to write a bit of overhead into our Application, this is marginal though.
To write a binding for Cypress we need to create a function that needs to be called in the constructor of each of our Akita Queries. Make sure to pass the query itself to it using this
. Cypress provides a global window.Cypress
variable we can use todetermine whether we are in a Cypress testing environment.
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
Auflösung des Erstellers:
Der erste Schrit war natürlich die Header Analyse. Leider hat die nichts hervorgebracht, was von Nutzen wäre. Keine Cookies, keine Redirects, nichts. Auch der Sourcecode der Seite war clean und Javascript wurde ebenfalls nicht eingebunden.