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FutoRicky /
Created February 27, 2015 19:43
How to publish a node module to NPM Registry (

How to publish a node module to NPM

Push repo to github

Install package-validator (globally)

npm install package-json-validator -g

Fake Names for integration testing

Sometimes I get frustrated when doing Integration tests, so I made the following list to keep myself entertained (feel free to add to the list):

  • Alam Brito
  • Alberto Verijas
  • Antonio Constipado
  • Benedicta Buduska
  • Brenda Maceta
  • Cabrón Figueroa
FutoRicky /
Last active October 30, 2015 03:02
publish ember-cli addon in github pages

// apps: config/environment.js

// addons: tests/dummy/config/environment.js

if (environment === 'production') {
  ENV.baseURL = '/projectname';
FutoRicky / Converting libraries to Ember CLI
Created October 22, 2015 15:24 — forked from kristianmandrup/Converting libraries to Ember CLI
Guide to Developing Addons and Blueprints for Ember CLI

Converting libraries to Ember CLI addons

In this guide we will cover two main cases:

  • Ember specific library
  • vendor library

Ember library

The Ember library will assume that Ember has already ben loaded (higher in the loading order) and thus will assume it has access to the Ember API.

let randomNumber = Math.random();
let randomInteger = Math.floor(Math.random());
// find random integer between 0-10:
// Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)
let randomBoolean = Math.random() >= 0.5;
FutoRicky / git
Last active April 24, 2016 05:25
creating and pushing tags


git tag v1


git push --tag origin v1

This is a reply received after emailing to [email protected], which is the official firebase support email after gogle acquired firebase in late 2014.

From: [email protected]

In order to transfer ownership of a Firebase instance, we need you to do two things: add the new owner as a collaborator; then, fill in the form below and email it to us as written verification. This must be sent from the email address which owns the Firebase instance.

I authorize the Firebase team to make **<new owner’s email>** the owner of https://**<firebase instance>** effective immediately. I have added **<new owner’s email>** as a collaborator to verify the email address is correct and to certify that I am the current owner. I understand that I am effectively granting **<new owner’s email>** full read and write access to all stored data for this instance.
FutoRicky /
Created June 22, 2016 05:10 — forked from chrislopresto/
Deploy Ember App to GitHub Pages
#!/usr/bin/env bash
git checkout master
git pull
rm -rf dist
ember build --environment production
git checkout gh-pages
git pull
FutoRicky / styles.less
Created September 8, 2016 05:11 — forked from brandondurham/styles.less
Using Operator Mono in Atom
* Using Operator Mono in Atom
* 1. Open up Atom Preferences.
* 2. Click the “Open Config Folder” button.
* 3. In the new window’s tree view on the left you should see a file called “styles.less”. Open that up.
* 4. Copy and paste the CSS below into that file. As long as you have Operator Mono SSm installed you should be golden!
* 5. Tweak away.
* Theme from the screenshot (
FutoRicky / gist:0aec9c3220141ba2b9828564cb2e8519
Created October 25, 2016 03:55 — forked from chrissimpkins/gist:5bf5686bae86b8129bee
Atom Editor Cheat Sheet (Sweetmeat)

Use these rapid keyboard shortcuts to control the GitHub Atom text editor on Mac OSX.

Key to the Keys

  • ⌘ : Command key
  • ⌃ : Control key
  • ⌫ : Delete key
  • ← : Left arrow key
  • → : Right arrow key
  • ↑ : Up arrow key