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CTO @ Educa

Gavin Foley GFoley83

CTO @ Educa
View GitHub Profile
* JavaScript - loadGoogleMaps( version, apiKey, language, sensor )
* - Load Google Maps API using jQuery Deferred.
* Useful if you want to only load the Google Maps API on-demand.
* - Requires jQuery 1.5
* UPDATES by Gavin Foley
* - Tidied JS & made it JSLint compliant
* - Updated script request to Google Maps API to be protocol relative

Owin Authentication with Web API 2

Using Microsoft.Owin.Security along with .NET Web API 2 for authentication on Single Page Applications.

My example is split up into 2 different projects, API which is WebAPI2 project and MyProj which is a basic MVC that contains primarily only JavaScript/CSS/etc and the startup classes.

API > AccountController.cs

namespace API


private async Task<FacebookUserViewModel> VerifyFacebookAccessToken(string accessToken)
FacebookUserViewModel fbUser = null;
var path = "" + accessToken;
var client = new HttpClient();
var uri = new Uri(path);
var response = await client.GetAsync(uri);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
public ActionResult DiscourseLogin()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["sso"]) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["sig"]))
return Content("Invalid");
string ssoSecret = "YOUR SSO SECRET"; //must match sso_secret in discourse settings
string sso = Request.QueryString["sso"];
string sig = Request.QueryString["sig"];
public class InventoryController : ApiController
private readonly IInventoryManagementService _inventoryManagementService;
private readonly IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;
public InventoryController(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
_unitOfWork = unitOfWork; //access services
_inventoryManagementService = _unitOfWork.Get<IInventoryManagementService>();
GFoley83 / BlobStorageMultipartStreamProvider.cs
Created October 27, 2015 03:18 — forked from JamesRandall/BlobStorageMultipartStreamProvider.cs
Azure Blob Container Web API Image Upload
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Web;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob;
GFoley83 / UploadController.cs
Created December 10, 2015 02:00 — forked from pdcullen/UploadController.cs
ng-flow api2 upload class
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Web;
GFoley83 / AzureStorageApi
Created December 14, 2015 03:35 — forked from trailmax/AzureStorageApi
Uploading large files to Azure Blob Storage via REST API. Code for blog post
public class AzureStorageApi
private const string AzureApiVersion = "2012-02-12";
private const int BlockSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024;
public void UploadFile(string fullFilePath, string blobSasUri, Dictionary<string, string> metadata = null, int timeout = 60)
var blocks = new List<String>();
var tasks = new List<Task>();
GFoley83 / Program.cs
Created January 27, 2016 10:05 — forked from andreasbotsikas/Program.cs
Move Azure blobs from one container to another
using System;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob;
/// <summary>
/// Moves blobs from one container to another
/// Install-Package WindowsAzure.Storage
/// </summary>
namespace MoveBlobs
class Program
GFoley83 / Camel Casing
Created April 9, 2016 02:05 — forked from jayhjkwon/Camel Casing
JSON Media-Type Formatter
var json = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter;
json.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver();