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Gabriella439 / gist:be7c8cfc536be91ef4f5
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
Quick annah walkthrough
-- Example Annah programs and their reductions
-- I'll start with simple non-recursive data types so that you can get a feel for the syntax and then work up to recursive data
-- types followed by mutually recursive types
-- Example #1: Bool, the type
$ annah
type Bool
data True
data False
in Bool
import Numeric.AD
assert = print
eval = id
main = do
let a x = 2 * x^2 + 3
let b = eval a 1
assert (b == 5) -- Prints `True`
Gabriella439 / Main.purs
Last active March 31, 2018 14:43
Purescript Flare - Simon example
module Main where
import Data.Array ((..), reverse)
import Data.Int (toNumber)
import Flare (UI, radioGroup)
import Flare.Drawing (runFlareDrawing)
import Graphics.Drawing
import Graphics.Drawing.Font (font, sansSerif, bold)
import Math (cos, sin, pi)
import Prelude
Gabriella439 / fibonacci.hs
Created March 25, 2018 00:52
Efficient fibonacci numbers using infinite precision integer arithmetic
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
import qualified Data.Semigroup
-- | @fibonacci n@ computes the @nth@ fibonacci number efficiently using infinite
-- precision integer arithmetic
-- Try @fibonacci 1000000@
fibonacci :: Natural -> Natural
fibonacci n = x01 (Data.Semigroup.mtimesDefault n m)
Gabriella439 / package.dhall
Created April 7, 2018 02:45
The Cabal file format encoded as a Dhall type
let Version = ∀(Version : Type) → ∀(v : Text → Version) → Version
in let VersionRange =
∀(VersionRange : Type)
→ ∀(anyVersion : VersionRange)
→ ∀(noVersion : VersionRange)
→ ∀(thisVersion : Version → VersionRange)
→ ∀(notThisVersion : Version → VersionRange)
→ ∀(laterVersion : Version → VersionRange)
→ ∀(earlierVersion : Version → VersionRange)
Gabriella439 / tree.dhall
Created December 18, 2018 03:53
Merry Christmas!
let Prelude =
let repeat =
λ(t : Text)
→ λ(n : Natural)
→ Prelude.`Text`.concat (Prelude.`List`.replicate n Text t)
let spaces = repeat " "
Gabriella439 / increment.dhall
Created April 25, 2019 21:39
Example of non-trivial equivalence
{- If I remember correctly, one consequence of Gödel's second incompleteness
theorem is that extensional equivalence is not decidable in general for
any programming language that can encode Peano numerals.
The exact case that a programming language fails on may differ from language
to language (depending on how many tricks they add to try to detect
non-trivial equivalences). However, many of them will typically fail to
detect the equivalence between two ways to encode `increment` for Peano
Gabriella439 / ackermann.dhall
Last active April 26, 2020 00:00
Ackermann function in Dhall
-- Credit to:
let iterate
: (Natural → Natural) → Natural → Natural
= λ(f : Natural → Natural)
→ λ(n : Natural)
→ Natural/fold (n + 1) Natural f 1
let increment : Natural → Natural = λ(n : Natural) → n + 1
Gabriella439 / take.dhall
Created July 1, 2019 02:42
Dhall implementation of `take`
{- This is a bit ugly and inefficient. See this thread for a discussion about
adding a `Natural/subtract` built-in to improve this:
let Natural/predecessor : Natural → Natural
= λ(n : Natural)
→ let result = Natural/fold
(Optional Natural)
Gabriella439 / foreach.dhall
Created August 9, 2019 22:55
Example of how the equivalent of `foreach` in Dhall is ``
let Prelude =
let FN = Natural/even
let a = 2
let b = 3
let c = 5