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2XXE GeneralTesler

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osy /
Last active January 13, 2025 06:55
TPM provides zero practical security

TPM provides zero practical security

TPM (Trusted Platform Module) is as useful for preventing real attackers as the TSA is at preventing real terrorists. The architecture is fundamentally flawed and most existing implementations are completely broken. I thought this argument was settled decades ago[1] when "trusted computing" was introduced mostly as a way to provide DRM and ownership capabilities to organizations. It has largely failed to impact the consumer market when it was introduced back in the early 2000s. However, recently there seems to be a movement by certain parties to reintroduce this failed product back to the market. Microsoft argues that in order to use Windows 11, you need TPM 2.0 compatible hardware because[2]:

The Trusted Platform Module(TPM) requirement ena

Author: @splinter_code
This is a very ugly POC for a very unreliable UAC bypass through some UI hacks.
The core of this hack is stealing and using a token containing the UIAccess flag set.
A trick described by James Forshaw, so all credits to him -->
From there it uses a task manager "feature" to run a new High IL cmd.exe.
This has been developed only for fun and shouldn't be used due to its high unreliability.
mgraeber-rc / GetAMSIEvent.ps1
Created October 8, 2021 20:53
A simple AMSI event trace parser
# Author: Matt Graeber
# Company: Red Canary
# To start a trace, run the following from an elevated command prompt: logman start AMSITrace -p Microsoft-Antimalware-Scan-Interface Event1 -o AMSITrace.etl -ets
# To stop the trace, run the following: logman stop AMSITrace -ets
# Example usage: Get-AMSIEvent -Path .\AMSITrace.etl
function Get-AMSIEvent {
param (
id: beaconconfig
title: Cobalt Strike Beacon Config
endian: be
doc: |
Cobalt Strike Beacon is a popular offensive security tool. Beacon itself
is a DLL that gets injected into memory and can be staged from C2 servers.
The Beacon DLL (in unencoded form) contains a configuration section that gets
patched by the C2 server. This section is a fixed predictable structure
IanColdwater / twittermute.txt
Last active February 23, 2025 18:09
Here are some terms to mute on Twitter to clean your timeline up a bit.
Mute these words in your settings here:
Lateral movement and shellcode injection via Excel 4.0 macros
Author: Philip Tsukerman (@PhilipTsukerman)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Based on Invoke-Excel4DCOM by Stan Hegt (@StanHacked) / Outflank -
function Invoke-ExShellcode
# Invoke-Excel4DCOM64.ps1
# Inject shellcode into excel.exe via ExecuteExcel4Macro through DCOM, Now with x64 support
# Author: Stan Hegt (@StanHacked) / Outflank, x64 support by Philip Tsukerman (@PhilipTsukerman) / Cybereason
# Date: 2019/04/21
# Version: 1.1
function Invoke-Excel4DCOM