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rpherrera /
Created February 24, 2018 05:47 — forked from kojiwell/
This is how to create a bridge between Docker containers and outside and create containers with the IP addresses you want to assign.

Docker - Create a Bridge and Shared Network

Sometimes I want to use Docker containers like regular VMs, creating a bridge on a Docker host, having containers on the same subnet with IP addresses I want to assign, and then logging into them via port 22. (No port forwarding, please.) So here's how to do it.

On this example, I use Vagrant and VirtualBox on my MacBook and create containers with IP addresses shown on the table below. Once you go through these steps, you should be able to extend the idea into your on-premises network.

dideler / bot.rb
Last active December 5, 2024 17:11
Sending a notification message to Telegram using its HTTP API via cURL
# Use this script to test that your Telegram bot works.
# Install the dependency
# $ gem install telegram_bot
# Run the bot
# $ ruby bot.rb