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Gabriel Jacoby-Cooper Gerzer

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omz / Evernote
Created February 27, 2013 15:08
Evernote Demo
# A simple Evernote API demo script that lists all notebooks in the user's
# account and creates a simple test note in the default notebook.
# Before running this sample, you must fill in your Evernote developer token!
# This sample is part of the Evernote SDK and has been modified slightly for
# Pythonista, to take advantage of the clipboard and PIL modules.
# If there is an image in the clipboard when the script is run, it is attached
# to the sample note.
BashedCrab /
Last active March 19, 2023 04:14
Hydrogen - A lightweight GUI framework for Pythonista
# Hydrogen is a lightweight GUI framework for Pythonista
# Hydrogen -
# HydrogenLayouts -
# HydrogenDemo -
omz /
Created December 9, 2013 11:01
# This script adds a "Webclip" shortcut to your homescreen.
# The shortcut can be used to open a web page in full-screen mode,
# or to launch a custom URL (e.g. a third-party app).
# You'll be asked for a title, a URL, and an icon (from your camera roll)
import plistlib
import BaseHTTPServer
import webbrowser
import uuid
from io import BytesIO
omz / Dropbox File
Last active February 20, 2025 09:40
Dropbox File
# 1. Go to (log in if necessary)
# 2. Select "Create App"
# 3. Select the following settings:
# * "Dropbox API app"
# * "Files and datastores"
# * "(No) My app needs access to files already on Dropbox"
# * "All file types"
# * (Choose any app name)
Gerzer /
Created June 20, 2014 20:51
import editor
full_text = editor.get_text()
cursor = editor.get_selection()[1]
while True:
if full_text[cursor - 3] + full_text[cursor - 2] + full_text[cursor - 1] == 'def':
editor.replace_text(cursor, cursor, ' func_name():')
editor.set_selection(cursor + 1, cursor + 10)
if full_text[cursor - 3] + full_text[cursor - 2] + full_text[cursor - 1] == 'ifc':
editor.replace_text(cursor, cursor, ' condition:')
LukasKalbertodt / meta.cpp
Created October 22, 2014 20:33
Template Meta Program to solve the Partial Knapsack Problem (works with clang & gcc)
* --- Template Meta Program to solve the Partial Knapsack Problem ---
* This little piece of code solves the partial knapsack problem at compile
* time. This is not useful in any way. I just wanted to discover the
* possibilities of template meta programming.
* Note that this code is absolutly awful. First of all: It's a "pure" template
* meta program, which is ugly on it's own. Furthermore my code is ugly in
* particular. The motivation to clean up super-ugly code to get a little bit
* less ugly code is... not that high.
yasuoza / LocalProfileInstallServer.swift
Created March 27, 2015 05:21
Install configuration profile through iOS application with CocoaHTTPServer
* Be sure not to close local server at `applicationDidEnterBackground:`.
* This causes file not found error in Safari.
class LocalHTTPConnection: HTTPConnection {
override func httpResponseForMethod(method: String!, URI path: String!) -> NSObject! {
if path == LocalWebViewRouter.Profile.URL.path {
return LocalProfileReponse(filePath: self.filePathForURI(path), forConnection: self)
omz /
Last active November 15, 2023 23:35 — forked from alessaba/
# coding: utf-8
from objc_util import *
import threading
NSBundle = ObjCClass('NSBundle')
LocalAuthentication = NSBundle.bundleWithPath_('/System/Library/Frameworks/LocalAuthentication.framework')
LAContext = ObjCClass('LAContext')
# authenticate() will raise one of these exceptions when authentication
Gerzer / FTP
Last active January 18, 2018 23:42
Pythonista FTP sync
import ui
import console
import keychain
import ftplib
import os
import re
import time
from datetime import datetime
global cur_dir
cur_dir = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())
controversial /
Created September 20, 2015 17:46
import appex, bs4, dialogs, urllib2, webbrowser
if appex.is_running_extension():
starturl = appex.get_url()
#ask for video url
starturl = dialogs.form_dialog(fields=[{'type':'url', 'title':'URL:', 'key':'url'}])['url']
#handle redirects, in case of shortened url
url = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(starturl)).geturl()
#keepvid page url
url = ''+url.split('&feature')[0]