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GuimDev / score_ilvl.js
Created June 3, 2018 16:16
Script nodejs pour récupérer le ilvl de l'équipe adverse pendant le BG via un script WoW (lua) #L133
const https = require("https"),
fs = require("fs");
const apikey = "yourapikey";
//var str = "Shakaoh-Archimonde;Ardatlili-Archimonde;Ivresse-CultedelaRivenoire;Crollet-Archimonde;Yxzu-Hyjal;Linahot-Dalaran;Alej-Arakarahm;Brrlingo-Medivh;Keyshu-Hyjal;Pyrhan-Archimonde";
const Players = [],
waitingList = [],
scriptLocale = "en_GB", //"fr_FR";
GuimDev / export.js
Last active July 9, 2019 17:40 — forked from turtlepod/export.js
Export-Import GitHub Labels
* Export Github Labels
* 1. Open the labels manage page e.g
* 2. Open Scratch Pad (SHIFT + F4)
* 3. Paste the code below and run
* 4. Inspect Element > Console ( To read console log)
* 5. Copy it the console.log results
local IGV = InventoryGridView
IGV.util = {}
local util = IGV.util
util.lam = LibStub("LibAddonMenu-2.0")
local function AddColor(control)
if not control.dataEntry then return end
if == nil then = 0 end
TAB = JSON.parse(||{};$('.ak-table.ak-responsivetable tr').each((_, el) => TAB[$(el).find('.ak-linker a').text()] = {
img: $(el).find('.ak-linker img').attr('src'),
id: (($(el).find('.ak-linker a').attr('href')?.match(/monstres\/(\d+)/))||[])[1],
lvl: $(el).find('.item-level').text(),
name: $(el).find('.ak-linker a').text(),
type: $(el).find('.item-type').text(),
url: $(el).find('.ak-linker a').attr('href')
}); = JSON.stringify(TAB);TAB;Object.keys(TAB).length;