In linux, normally, it is impossible to "bind()" to the same TCP port twice. If you try to bind to the same port from second proces unix processes you'll see:
socket.error: [Errno 98] Address already in use
{ | |
"url": "", | |
"name": "SmartDeer Test", | |
"iconUrl": "" | |
} |
import sys | |
def calculate(params, tm): | |
ex_stack = [] | |
tmp = [] | |
mutil = [] | |
for p in params: | |
if (not p): | |
continue |
package com.winse.activiti.util; | |
import java.awt.BasicStroke; | |
import java.awt.Color; | |
import java.awt.Graphics2D; | |
import java.awt.Paint; | |
import java.awt.Stroke; | |
import java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D; | |
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; | |
import; |
import sys | |
def print_progress(iteration, total, prefix = '', suffix = '', decimals = 2, barLength = 100): | |
filledLength = int(round(barLength * iteration / float(total))) | |
percents = round(100.00 * (iteration / float(total)), decimals) | |
bar = '#' * filledLength + '-' * (barLength - filledLength) | |
sys.stdout.write('%s [%s] %s%s %s\r' % (prefix, bar, percents, '%', suffix)), | |
sys.stdout.flush() | |
if iteration == total: | |
print("\n") |
import sys | |
from itertools import chain, combinations | |
def find_partition(int_list): | |
A = set() | |
B = set() | |
for n in sorted(int_list, reverse=True): | |
if sum(A) < sum(B): | |
A.add(n) | |
else: |
syntax = "proto3"; | |
package tutorial; | |
message Person { | |
string name = 1; | |
int32 id = 2; | |
string email = 3; | |
enum PhoneType { |
package main | |
import ( | |
"fmt" | |
"net" | |
"os" | |
"time" | |
) | |
func main() { |
#import "AppDelegate.h" | |
#import "gen-cocoa/ares.h" | |
#import "thrift/Thrift.h" | |
#import "thrift/transport/TSSLSocketClient.h" | |
#import "thrift/transport/TTransport.h" | |
#import "thrift/transport/TSocketClient.h" | |
#import "thrift/transport/TFramedTransport.h" | |
#import "thrift/protocol/TBinaryProtocol.h" | |
@implementation AppDelegate |
var c = require('framework.js'); | |
var _step1_url = c.url + '/mine/info/1' | |
var _step2_url = c.url + '/mine/info/2' | |
var _step3_url = c.url + '/mine/info/3' | |
var _step4_url = c.url + '/mine/info/4' | |
var _step5_url = c.url + '/mine/info/5' | |
var check_loaded = function(){ | |
casper.waitForResource(/form_helper\.js$/, function(){ |