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Save me, O God,
for the waters have come up to my neck.
I sink in the miry depths,
where there is no foothold.
I have come into the deep waters;
the floods engulf me.
I am worn out calling for help;
Harrison-M / payload.json
Last active June 28, 2017 00:34
test POST payload and permissions
"TableName": "HalTable",
"Item": {
"Name": "Hal Massey",
"Score": 50

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am Harrison-M on github.
  • I am harrisonm ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 2B52 7132 F8B5 0E11 4E7B C962 004F 26E5 FAF7 FBD8

To claim this, I am signing this object:

import Data.Bits (testBit)
import Data.List (any, elem)
import Codec.Picture
import qualified Data.Matrix as Matrix
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector (toList)
bitList :: Int -> [Bool]
bitList num = map (testBit num) [0,1..8]
bitMatrix :: [Bool] -> Matrix.Matrix Bool
gameId: 0cd7046a-b175-4e13-b46f-57631bcce23b
gameVersion: 1.0.0
name: The Recruiters
version: 1.0.0
- name: Operator
type: Basic
count: 50
- name: Recon
client.say('ChanServ', 'invite #channel');
client.addListener('pm', function (from, message) {
if(from === 'ChanServ'){
client.join('#channel ' + message); //Assuming all that's in the message is the password
"use strict";
phantom() = (require) '{phantom}'
{phantom.((create (ph) ->{{{
ph.cre})}atePage ({page}) ->{}(
{{(}{ "ht{})(}tp://www.g()(", }{}}}}(status) ->}
c}onsole.}({)}(log "o{{pened googl}e? ", stat}us
{page.evaluate) (-> document.{}{}{){(title), (re{su}lt) -> /* { */
cons(}){(ole.log 'Page title is ' + r}}esul(t)
Harrison-M /
Created November 28, 2013 08:00
To Sindarina re: why IRC

Okay, this will take way too many Tweets for me to write out properly, so I'll type it out here really quickly.

"IRC," like most other words, is both denotative and connotative. Internet Relay Chat, strictly speaking, is just a protocol, but it comes loaded with an expected methodology and culture.

Ideally, we should take advantage of the former to fix some of the problems with the latter.

##IRC is Modular

The crux of this is that IRC is modular in the sense that, as a protocol, it only requires a compliant client and server. Beyond that, there is no way that it has to be. We can layer client features, server features, and other features like bots on top of it.

[ "San Francisco, CA, US", 1857 ],
[ "Oakland, CA, US", 924 ],
[ "London, ENG, GB", 511 ],
[ "New York City, NY, US", 482 ],
[ "Madison, WI, US", 444 ],
[ "Hangzhou, CN", 439 ],
[ "Sydney, AU", 435 ],
[ "Copenhagen, DK", 305 ],
[ "Melbourne, AU", 254 ],


Patti McLetchie

The project was designed to signify how breast cancer patients feel after they have gone through a mastectomy. The artist has a personal connection to this project as her best friend had breast cancer twice and went through a mastectomy. This project was to symbolize what she experiences on a daily basis. The idea was that as a society we focus on imperfections and tend to stare at what is uneven or what is not “beautiful” by society’s standards. The goal with the wearable media project was to be able to wear something that drew attention to one side like the unevenness of a post-mastectomy patient.

A cream lace bra was used to symbolize Caucasian skin. An “X” was designed out of 5 red leds on the left breast to symbolize where the cancer was and which breast had the mastectomy. The “X” was programed to fade on and off for a minute in a cycle. Women's breasts are often already the subject of gazing and critique. The fading red light was meant to bring additional attention