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HauptJ / BoxStarterTest.txt
Last active May 20, 2017 00:58
Test BoxStarter Install Script
# run windows update for critical updates
Install-WindowsUpdate -AcceptEula -SupressReboots
# Windows config settings
Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowProtectedOSFiles -EnableShowFileExtensions -EnableShowFullPathInTitleBar
# Boxstarter Installer
cinst Boxstarter -y
# For HyperV Guests
cinst boxstarter.common -y --force
HauptJ / NetDevDocker
Last active August 2, 2017 23:54
C++ Networking Development Docker Container
# Dockerfile for Networing Dev
# Based on Ubuntu
# Set the base image to Ubuntu Baseimage
FROM phusion/baseimage
# File Author / Maintainer
MAINTAINER [email protected]
HauptJ / BoxStarterWin10
Last active July 15, 2017 19:37
BoxStarter Windows 10
# run windows update for critical updates
Install-WindowsUpdate -AcceptEula -SupressReboots
# Windows config settings
Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowProtectedOSFiles -EnableShowFileExtensions -EnableShowFullPathInTitleBar
# Boxstarter Installer
cinst Boxstarter -y
# For HyperV Guests
# cinst boxstarter.common -y --force
HauptJ / csf.conf
Created July 23, 2017 06:13
relaxed csf config file
# SECTION:Initial Settings
# Testing flag - enables a CRON job that clears iptables incase of
# configuration problems when you start csf. This should be enabled until you
# are sure that the firewall works - i.e. incase you get locked out of your
# server! Then do remember to set it to 0 and restart csf when you're sure
# everything is OK. Stopping csf will remove the line from /etc/crontab
# lfd will not start while this is enabled
# Dockerfile for C++ and Python Dev
# Based on Ubuntu
# Set the base image to Ubuntu Baseimage
FROM phusion/baseimage
# File Author / Maintainer
MAINTAINER [email protected]
HauptJ / Reg Surface Software
Last active August 5, 2017 23:46
Boxstarter script to install software for reg to use on Surface
#Enable Remote Desktop
cinst notepadplusplus -y
cinst putty -y
choco install git -y
cinst python2 -y
cinst python3 -y
HauptJ / rr.cpp
Created October 11, 2017 04:52
Windows C++ Rick Roll
//Opens 15 Rick Roll tabs in the foreground in the users default browser. First experiment with C++ in windows.
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int resp;
HauptJ /
Last active November 5, 2017 11:44
Simple shell script to install Vagrant with Virtualbox development environment on Fedora 26
# Simple shell script to install Vagrant with Virtualbox development environment on Fedora 26
set -e
# Any subsequent(*) commands which fail will cause the shell script to exit immediately
# Initial update
sudo dnf update -y
### Begin optional packages ###
HauptJ /
Last active November 16, 2017 12:20
# Simple shell script to install Vagrant with Virtualbox development environment on Fedora 26 - no optional packages
# Simple shell script to install Vagrant with Virtualbox development environment on Fedora 26
# Minimal version - no optional packages
set -e
# Any subsequent(*) commands which fail will cause the shell script to exit immediately
# Initial update
sudo dnf update -y
HauptJ / DevEnv.ps1
Last active November 8, 2017 04:44
Simple Power-Shell script to download Virtualbox, Vagrant and github desktop or Git
# Powershell script to download installers for DevOps Vagrant Environment
# Downloads Virtualbox 5.2, Vagrant 2.0.1 64 bit, and github desktop OR git 64 bit
# Author: Joshua Haupt [email protected] Date: 7.11.2017
Write-Host 'Making "DevEnv" folder in Downloads'
cd ~\Downloads\
mkdir DevEnv