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#!/user/bin/env python
Compressed RTF extractor
Quick script to take an RTF stream (stream.bin) from an OLE2 compound document (.msg) and decompress printing the resulting RTF
from compressed_rtf import compress, decompress
filename = "stream.bin"
dd bs=4M if=./plotfilename | dc3dd of=/path/to/file/plotfilename
du -sb ./plotfilename
dd bs=4M iflag=fullblock if=./plotfilename | pv -s <size like 10G> | dd bs=4M oflag=direct of=/path/to/file/plotfilename
mkfs.ext4 -O ^has_journal -m 0 -L <label> <device>
#Disable journal
tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/sdX
# Cisco Wireless Capture Network Access Script
# version 0.1b - Hodge 27 Feb 2018
# Script selects a random user agent string then sends form data to captive portal host to authenticate workstaion on network.
captivePortal = ""