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Ido Bar IdoBar

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#! /bin/bash
## See also
## cd to a parent directory for a Nextflow pipeline executation, i.e. contains .nextflow and work directories
## Find work directories essential to the last pipeline run, as absolute paths
nextflow log last > $WORKDIR/preserve_dirs.txt
## Find all work directories, as absolute paths
IdoBar /
Created September 26, 2024 04:27 — forked from tbrittoborges/
Sort and index gtf file for vizualization. Requires htslib.
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <input_gtf_file>"
exit 1
IdoBar /
Created August 18, 2022 23:37 — forked from vncsna/
set -e, -u, -o, -x pipefail explanation

set -e, -u, -o, -x pipefail

The set lines

  • These lines deliberately cause your script to fail. Wait, what? Believe me, this is a good thing.
  • With these settings, certain common errors will cause the script to immediately fail, explicitly and loudly. Otherwise, you can get hidden bugs that are discovered only when they blow up in production.
  • set -euxo pipefail is short for:
set -e
set -u
IdoBar / cn.mops.R
Last active July 5, 2022 23:47 — forked from danielecook/cn.mops.R
Call cnvs using cn.mops #cluster
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
# This script will call copy number variants using cn.mops
# usage: Rscript cn.mops.R --help
option_list = list(
make_option(c("-i", "--input_dir"), type="character", default=NULL,

Bash best practices and style-guide

Just simple methods to keep the code clean.

Inspired by progrium/bashstyle and Kfir Lavi post.

Quick big rules

  • All code goes in a function
  • Always double quote variables
stat_smooth_func <- function(mapping = NULL, data = NULL,
geom = "smooth", position = "identity",
method = "auto",
formula = y ~ x,
# show_formula = TRUE,
se = TRUE,
n = 80,
span = 0.75,
fullrange = FALSE,
IdoBar /
Created July 16, 2017 23:12 — forked from danielecook/
Examine Fastqc reports in aggregate; brings images, statistics, and summaries together. #fastq
# Run this script in a directory containing zip files from fastqc. It aggregates images of each type in individual folders
# So looking across data is quick.
zips=`ls *.zip`
for i in $zips; do
unzip -o $i &>/dev/null;
IdoBar /
Created May 29, 2017 23:01 — forked from sujaikumar/
UniRef90 protein blast database with taxon IDs


  • To create UniRef90 protein databases for NCBI blast and Diamond Blast
  • To create a tab delimited taxid mapping file with two columns : sequenceID\tNCBITaxonID


Download the uniref90 xml file first (warning - this is ~15 GB, will take a while)

IdoBar /
Last active August 31, 2021 11:28 — forked from revmischa/
Set up plenv, install perl, cpanm, carton, set up environment
# installs plenv, perl, carton, cpanminus, sets up environment in .bash_profile or .profile
# from
if [[ -n "$PERL_MB_OPT" ]]; then
echo "You must unset your local::lib environment variables first"
echo "Edit your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc and remove any references"
echo "to local::lib or export PERL*..."
IdoBar / callPrimer3.R
Last active July 26, 2022 16:05 — forked from al2na/callPrimer3.R
calling primer3 from R
#' call primer3 for a given set of DNAstringSet object
#' Forked from
#' TODO: Add support for target amplicon region (Maybe as [] in the fasta input)
#' @param seq: DNA template as a character string (required)
#' @param fw_primer: optional forward (left) primer, if provided Primer3 will assess it and will try to find a suitable reverse primer. Default: NULL
#' @param rv_primer: optional reverse (right) primer (must be reverse-complemented to the template), if provided Primer3 will assess it and will try to find a suitable forward primer. Default: NULL
#' @param size_range: a string with space separated list of desired amplicon size ranges. Default: '151-500'
#' @param Tm: range of melting temprature parameters as a numerical vector containing (min,optimal,max). default: c(55,57,58)
#' @param name: name of the amplicon in 'chr_start_end' format
#' @param sequence_target: a string containing space separated list of target pairs: 'starting_position,target_length starting_p