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Guillaume Balaine Igosuki

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PaulKinlan / criticalcss-bookmarklet-devtool-snippet.js
Last active March 12, 2025 01:22
CriticalCSS Bookmarklet and Devtool Snippet.js
(function() {
var CSSCriticalPath = function(w, d, opts) {
var opt = opts || {};
var css = {};
var pushCSS = function(r) {
if(!!css[r.selectorText] === false) css[r.selectorText] = {};
var styles =;(?![A-Za-z0-9])/);
for(var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) {
if(!!styles[i] === false) continue;
var pair = styles[i].split(": ");
debasishg / gist:8172796
Last active March 5, 2025 14:11
A collection of links for streaming algorithms and data structures

General Background and Overview

  1. Probabilistic Data Structures for Web Analytics and Data Mining : A great overview of the space of probabilistic data structures and how they are used in approximation algorithm implementation.
  2. Models and Issues in Data Stream Systems
  3. Philippe Flajolet’s contribution to streaming algorithms : A presentation by Jérémie Lumbroso that visits some of the hostorical perspectives and how it all began with Flajolet
  4. Approximate Frequency Counts over Data Streams by Gurmeet Singh Manku & Rajeev Motwani : One of the early papers on the subject.
  5. [Methods for Finding Frequent Items in Data Streams](;rep=rep1&amp;t
syhw /
Last active October 19, 2024 08:20
A simple deep neural network with or w/o dropout in one file.
A deep neural network with or w/o dropout in one file.
License: Do What The Fuck You Want to Public License
import numpy, theano, sys, math
from theano import tensor as T
from theano import shared
from theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams import RandomStreams
abdullin / ddd-in-golang.markdown
Last active October 10, 2023 00:46
DDD in golang

This is my response to an email asking about Domain-Driven Design in golang project.

Thank you for getting in touch. Below you will find my thoughts on how golang works with DDD, changing it. This is merely a perception of how things worked out for us in a single project.

That project has a relatively well-known domain. My colleagues on this project are very knowledgeable, thoughtful and invested in quality design. The story spelled out below is a result of countless hours spent discussing and refining the approach.

Conclusions could be very different, if there was a different project, team or a story-teller.

Short story

city41 / gist:aab464ae6c112acecfe1
Last active January 19, 2021 12:51
ClojureScript secretary client side navigation without hashes

This is the example that comes with the reagent template converted to use HTML5 based history. This means there are no # in the urls.

I just got this working, so there might be better approaches

The changes are

  • use goog.history.Html5history instead of goog.History
  • listen to clicks on the page, extract the path from them, and push them onto the history
  • listen to history changes, and have secretary do its thing in response
heathermiller /
Last active January 11, 2025 17:16
Scala Cheatsheet

This cheat sheet originated from the forum, credits to Laurent Poulain. We copied it and changed or added a few things.

Evaluation Rules

  • Call by value: evaluates the function arguments before calling the function
  • Call by name: evaluates the function first, and then evaluates the arguments if need be
    def example = 2      // evaluated when called
    val example = 2      // evaluated immediately
yossorion /
Last active March 1, 2025 08:27
What I Wish I'd Known About Equity Before Joining A Unicorn

What I Wish I'd Known About Equity Before Joining A Unicorn

Disclaimer: This piece is written anonymously. The names of a few particular companies are mentioned, but as common examples only.

This is a short write-up on things that I wish I'd known and considered before joining a private company (aka startup, aka unicorn in some cases). I'm not trying to make the case that you should never join a private company, but the power imbalance between founder and employee is extreme, and that potential candidates would

piotr-yuxuan / ClojureScript
Last active May 9, 2017 13:01
ClojureScript tooling with BinaryAge's wonders + flexsurfer's re-frisk + IntelliJ

What is this about?

What it changes

  • Re-frisk Visualize re-frame pattern data or reagent ratom data as a tree structure, watch re-frame events and export state in the debugger
  • Dirac A Chrome DevTools fork for ClojureScript developers
  • BinaryAge custom formatters for ClojureScript

Awesome stuff

sebradloff / Dockerfile-airflow
Created April 17, 2018 21:19
Airflow MesosExecutor dockerized workflow
# -
# -
# -
# Wherever you store your mesos image built from Dockerfile-mesos
FROM slicelife/mesos:1.4.0 as mesos
FROM ubuntu:16.04
# Never prompts the user for choices on installation/configuration of packages
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive