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Justin Kulikauskas JustinKuli

  • Red Hat
  • North Carolina
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JustinKuli /
Last active September 6, 2024 18:17
A demo of Openshift GitOps and RHACM OperatorPolicies


This gist demonstrates using Red Hat OpenShift GitOps (read: ArgoCD) with the policy framework in Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes (RHACM, with a community at In particular it shows how the OperatorPolicy kind provides a more gitops-friendly surface for managing OLM operators, compared to managing Subscriptions, ClusterServiceVersions, InstallPlans (and more) directly.

With an ACM mustgather of the hub, navigate into a managedcluster namespace, then run this script to identify possibly affected policies:

for file in *.yaml; do
  ts_ten="$(yq e '.status.details[].history[9].lastTimestamp | select(. != null)' ${file})"
  if [[ -n "${ts_ten}" ]]; then
    echo "${ts_ten} - ${file}"
JustinKuli /
Last active June 20, 2023 18:18
A script to help wrap resources in a policy that can distribute them to managed cluster namespaces.

The idea is to use a Placement and a Policy to distribute a resource to managed cluster namespaces on a hub cluster, not to the actual managed clusters.

This can be accomplished by using two ranges in object-templates-raw in the Policy: one over all the PlacementDecisions, and then one over all the clusters in each decision. For example, the Policy would be:

kind: Policy
  name: jkuli-policy-test-slack
  namespace: open-cluster-management-global-set
JustinKuli /
Last active April 20, 2023 15:01
An example of ordering policies with the policy generator
JustinKuli /
Last active July 5, 2024 12:59
How to use Results in Tekton Tasks and Pipelines, including a full example.

Tekton Task Results

When writing a Tekton Pipeline, it's common to want to pass information from one Task to another. One way to get information into a Task is via parameters. Then, either inside the a step's script, or via environment variables, it is possible to use variable substitution with those params.

Getting information out of a task/step is more complex, since there are multiple methods. It is possible to store information in a file in a workspace, but that generally requires a PersistentVolume, and you must carefully ensure the Tasks run in the correct order. Results, as we will see, are a better way to pass small bits of information out of a Task.

JustinKuli /
Last active November 10, 2021 03:58
Notes on some (non-obvious) Gist behaviors, and how I plan to use them.

How the title works

The title is probably the first thing someone will see of the gist, so it's kind of important. Put simply: the title is the filename (including extension) of the "first" file in the Gist - first after GitHub re-orders them, at least.

So, how does GitHub re-order the files? Well... alphabetically, sort of.

There are a few tricky parts, like where it puts symbols, in relation to each other and in relation to the modern English alphabet. Another tricky part is how it orders capital letters.